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The effects of cyanobacteria and chemical fertilizer on growths and yields of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Pathum Thani 1 were studied in pot trials. Nine treatments were set up without cyanobacteria and fertilizer (control), inoculated with cyanobacteria Nostoc carneum TUBT04 (T1), inoculated with Nostoc commune TUBT05 (T2), and inoculated with combination of N. carneum TUBT04 and N. commune TUBT05 (T3), full dose of recommended use of fertilizer (T4), half dose of recommended use of the fertilizer (T5), half dose of fertilizer combined with N. carneum TUBT04 (T6), half dose of fertilizer combined with N. commune TUBT05 (T7), and half dose of fertilizer combined with N. carneum TUBT04 plus N. commune TUBT05 (T8). Each treatment divides into five replications. Growth parameters including length and fresh and dry weights of shoot and root were measured in the seedlings. The number of spikes per plant and the amount and weight of rice grains per spike were measured after harvesting. The supplement with cyanobacteria promoted rice seedling growth and yield compared to the control treatment. Inoculation with cyanobacteria showed significant increase in root length (p = 0.41). In addition, the combined biofertilizer with a half of the recommended dose of chemical fertilizer significantly enhanced rice production including total number and weight of grain per spike and a total weight of 100 grains (p < 0.001). Therefore, using a half dose of chemical fertilizer with cyanobacteria is suggested to decrease rice production cost of farmers without any effects on rice quantity and quality.  相似文献   

Cyclically parthenogenetic rotifers are a valuable model for investigating the relationship between reproductive mode and population structure, although advances in this field have been hindered by low allozyme variability in these organisms. A high genotypic diversity is predicted after population establishment, which would be eroded by clonal selection during the parthenogenetic phase. The resting egg bank, produced sexually, is presumed to store high levels of genetic diversity, with subsequent effects on planktonic population structure. Here, we provide the first application of microsatellite markers to a rotifer planktonic population and its associated resting egg bank. Seven polymorphic microsatellite loci were screened in populations of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in a temporary pond to analyse: (i) the genetic structure of the resting egg bank; (ii) the changes in the genetic structure of rotifer populations during the parthenogenetic phase; and (iii) the population structure after its initiation from resting eggs. Microsatellites proved to be a useful tool for clone identification, revealing a surprisingly high clonal diversity in rotifer populations. The last sample in the parthenogenetic phase showed evidence of clonal selection, as indicated by a low observed clonal diversity and the appearance of linkage disequilibria. The resting egg bank, analysed comprehensively for the first time in any zooplankter, is in Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium, and contains a high genotypic diversity. Unexpectedly, the resting egg bank differed from the planktonic population in its allelic composition, suggesting that resting egg hatching is biased.  相似文献   

Despite the recognised importance of colonisation (settlement in empty habitats) and immigration (settlement in an established population) to species persistence and evolution few have investigated these processes in territorial mammals and how they affect species’ traits. We translocated female bank voles (Myodes glareolus) onto an island (2.58 ha) in a two-stage experiment (stage 1: colonisation of empty population space and stage 2: immigration into an established population) to test (1) if colonisers and immigrants differ in probability of settlement and pregnancy, and (2) if settlement is affected by cues of conspecifics, i.e., simulated deserted home ranges (SDHR) and resident presence. Density was kept well below saturation in 8 temporally distinct population replicates over 3 years. SDHR and resident presence neither attracted nor repelled colonisers and immigrants, respectively, and settlement was not different from a random model. Probability of settlement tended to be higher in colonisers than immigrants and the probability of pregnancy was significantly higher in colonisers; immigrants settling within the home range of residents had nearly zero probability of pregnancy. Colonisation of empty habitat patches selected based on physical or resource based habitat features is apparently the optimal settlement strategy of dispersing voles, because cues from conspecifics may provide ambiguous information and social factors may inhibit settlement or delay reproduction in immigrants even at low population density.  相似文献   

Recent work on the diapausing egg banks of zooplankton, such as Daphnia (Crustacea: Anomopoda), indicates that these eggs can remain viable for decades while, theoretically, DNA can remain intact for even longer periods (i.e. centuries or millennia). We isolated diapausing eggs of Daphnia from a 30 m long sediment core taken from a hypereutrophic, northern German lake (Belauer See), with some eggs found in dated core material as old as 4500 years. Using microsatellite markers, we analysed the genetic structure of the resting eggs dated as old as ca. 200 years, and found that, although levels of heterozygosity remained remarkably stable, significant genetic differentiation (Nei's D = 0.36; F(ST) = 0.15) between recent and 'ancient' resting eggs (including allele frequency shifts and private alleles) was detected. These shifts represent either species-level changes in this complex (i.e. species-specific characters of ephippia are not always robust), or intraspecific shifts in genetic variation, or a combination of both. This study demonstrates that the egg banks of aquatic zooplankton can serve as repositories of both genetic (intrapopulational) and ecological (interspecific) information. The use of molecular markers, such as microsatellites, on diapausing egg/seed banks may open new avenues of enquiry related to tracking the long-term genetic (and/or species) shifts that are associated with long-term environmental changes.  相似文献   

Sex,population dynamics and resting egg production in rotifers   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
Terry W. Snell 《Hydrobiologia》1987,144(2):105-111
The interaction between sexual reproduction and population growth in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was examined using exponential and logistic growth models. A computer simulation was used to explore the effects of the frequency of sex and the proportion of a female's daughters reproducing sexually on population growth rate and resting egg production. Within the parameters of the simulation, the proportion of sexual daughters required for maximum resting egg production increased as the frequency of sex decreased. Adding density-dependence to the model also shifted this optimum towards a higher proportion of sexual daughters. When population growth was unconstrained by density, the optimum proportion of sexual daughters varied between 10–50%, depending on the frequency of sex. This compares to 25–64% when the greatest density restraints were applied at K = 500 females. As the population growth rate (r) increases, the optimum proportion of sexual daughters increases nonlinearly and these effects are exaggerated as sex becomes less frequent. A compilation of published data from laboratory populations of four Brachionus plicatilis strains reveals that the average proportion of sexual daughters in 21% and in close agreement with that predicted by simulation. The limitations of the simulation and its generalizability to other rotifers are discussed.  相似文献   

When faced with disturbances such as increased salinity, aquatic communities inhabiting inland coastal systems change and may or may not be resilient after salinity decreases. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential role of the resting egg bank for zooplankton community resilience. We predicted that (1) hatching of resting eggs is inhibited by increased salinities and (2) resting eggs remain viable when exposed to salinity and hatch when returned to freshwater. At the community level, we evaluated the hatching responses and the short-term viability of resting eggs exposed to a salinity gradient. The hatching of resting eggs was inhibited at higher salinities (16.0 and 32.0 g l?1). However, some resting eggs remained viable and hatched when returned to freshwater. Additionally, combining our experimental results to previously published field data, we observed that the pattern of hatching during exposure to salinity matches the temporal succession observed in the zooplankton community at our model system, after increased salinity. The recovery of zooplankton communities after disturbances involving increased salinity is likely facilitated by the presence of an egg bank. This finding has important implications for the recovery of zooplankton communities and the management of aquatic systems vulnerable to salinization worldwide.  相似文献   

A recent experimental study reported that Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia chicks that hatched from large eggs grew their wing feathers more quickly than did small-egg chicks. There is little evidence of this (or any other) egg-size effect on post-hatching development in other birds. Thick-billed Murres are marine birds of the family Alcidae that employ the unique "intermediate" developmental strategy: chicks go to sea after 15-30 days at the nest site, at <30% of adult mass, accompanied by their male parent. Rapid feather growth during the brief nestling period is critical to enable chicks to make the transition from life at the nest site to life at sea quickly and safely. At the Gannet Islands, Labrador, Canada, in 1996 and 1997, I tested whether egg size has the same effect on wing-feather growth in the Razorbill Alca torda , another of the intermediate auks. To control for underlying correlations between egg size and other parental attributes, eggs were switched randomly among pairs. As in other birds, egg size strongly predicted hatchling mass, and to less extent hatchling size (tarsus length), but had no effect on the rate at which nestlings gained mass. However, egg size had the same effect on wing growth in Razorbills as in Thick-billed Murres: the wings of large-egg chicks began rapid, linear growth sooner, indicating that early development of wing feathers was enhanced in large-egg chicks. Differences in wing length established in this manner persisted through the nestling period. Egg-size effects on feather growth have not been detected in experimental studies on other birds, suggesting that effects of the magnitude seen in Razorbills and Thick-billed Murres might reflect evolutionary priorities in the post-hatching development of intermediate auks.  相似文献   

To study whether offspring sex is related to the amount of resources invested in eggs we performed an experiment on zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. By manipulating their food supply, we forced two groups of females either to increase or to decrease investment in subsequent eggs. Since zebra finches are sexually dimorphic and the reproductive value of the sexes may vary with maternal nutritional status, we predicted that females would adjust the sex of their offspring to egg quality. Females that received poor-quality food for 7 weeks before egg laying, then food supplemented with proteins after they laid the first egg, significantly increased the mass of subsequent eggs. An increase of egg mass with laying sequence was less pronounced in females that received high-quality food before laying and experienced food deterioration after starting to lay. The proportion of sons in subsequent eggs tended to increase in the latter group (although this was marginally significant) but was not related to laying sequence in the other group: these patterns differed significantly between the groups. Offspring sex was not related to egg mass, but newly hatched male chicks were heavier than female chicks. Furthermore, the hatching success of male eggs was lower than that of female eggs. We suggest that differential hatching success of the sexes and sex differences in mass at hatching may constitute important factors shaping brood sex ratios. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

A variety of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have already been experimentally used, in an effort to promote wound healing. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of short duration PEMF on secondary healing of full thickness skin wounds in a rat model. Full thickness skin wounds, 2 by 2 cm, were surgically inflicted in two groups of male Wistar rats, 24 animals each. In the first group (experimental group - EG), the animals were placed and immobilized in a special constructed cage. Then the animals were exposed to a short duration PEMF for 20 min daily. In the second group (control group - CG), the animals were also placed and immobilized in the same cage for the same time, but not exposed to PEMF. On days 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 22, following the infliction of skin wounds, the size and healing progress of each wound were recorded and evaluated by means of planimetry and histological examination. According to our findings with the planimetry, there was a statistically significant acceleration of the healing rate for the first 9 days in EG, whereas a qualitative improvement of healing progress was identified by histological examination at all time points, compared to the control group.  相似文献   

This study, carried out in a paddy fields area in eastern Japan, investigated the timing and patterns of fish movement and assemblage in an artificial wetland and canal. The number of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and Lefua echigonia immigrating and emigrating between the wetland and the canal accounted for 80–90 % of all the sampled fish. M. anguillicaudatus, L. echigonia, Pseudorasbora parva and Rhynchocypris lagowskii were dominant in the wetland. Immigration of mature M. anguillicaudatus and L. echigonia was detected between late winter and spring. The standard length of the two loach species in the wetland was smaller than that in the canal. These results confirm that wetlands play a role in spawning and nursery for the two species of loaches. The standard length of P. parva in the wetland was smaller than in the canal. This suggests that the wetland was a more suitable spawning and nursery area for this fish species than the canal. L. echigonia used the wetland as a spawning and nursery area, but previous studies reported that the loach did not use paddy fields near the wetland. This could be because the paddy fields were irrigated between June and September and this period did not largely overlap with the fish spawning season. Therefore, we conclude that the conservation and restoration of wetlands, where water is present throughout the year, will contribute toward the preservation of the fish population in a paddy fields area.  相似文献   

皖江湿地及其开垦为稻田后土壤种子库结构比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用镜检法对皖江2处天然湿地(十八索和升金湖)及其开垦的稻田表层土壤(0~10cm)种子库物种进行了鉴定,分析天然湿地开垦为稻田后土壤种子库群落结构及多样性的变化.结果表明:天然湿地种子库密度为83499~109141粒·m2,而开垦为稻田30~50年后种子库密度为9140~47452粒·m2;天然湿地的土壤种子库物种数为16~30种,以蓼科-莎草科或莎草科-蓼科为优势种,开垦为稻田后物种数下降为7~16种,且趋向于以禾本科为单一优势种;此外,与十八索湿地相比,升金湖湿地有较高的土壤种子库物种数、丰富度和多样性,而开垦年限为30年的十八索稻田土壤种子库物种数和丰富度显著高于开垦年限为50年的升金湖稻田.湿地开垦为稻田后,土壤种子库密度和物种数的急剧减少,人为管理生态系统生物多样性受到强烈干扰.因此,湿地保护对于维持长江流域的生物多样性及其流域生态功能具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Synopsis This study deals with the daily activity rhythm and its change in a loath,Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, by season and age. We set traps in an irrigation creek and ditches around the paddy fields near Nara city every month for 2 years. The fish appeared in spring, declined in early summer, and increased in mid-summer again, and disappeared in late autumn. The number of fish captured at night was greater than that during the daytime in summer. There were some differences in the daily rhythms by sex and age. Nocturnal activities of males and immatures were more prominent than those of females. Younger generation were more nocturnally active than elders in summer. Changes in the daily activity rhythms of the loath are possibly adaptive to unstable environments around paddy fields.  相似文献   

Pallisentis rexus Wongkham & Whitfield, 1999 (Eoacanthocephala: Quadrigyridae) infects the freshwater snakehead fish, Channa striata, in the Chiang Mai Basin, Thailand. All stages of egg development within the body cavity of the female parasite were observed, using transmission electron microscopy. Changes in mature eggs after contact with water were also investigated. The mature egg has five egg envelopes separated from each other by four gaps. The fertilization membrane, which is formed first, is pushed centrifugally by other, subsequently formed, envelopes and gaps, which produces a final total shell thickness of 8-36 microm around the acanthor. The disappearance of the outermost layer and the unpleating of an adjacent inner layer causes the expansion of eggs on contact with water. The volume of an expanded egg is approximately 27 times that of an unexpanded one, but the density of eggs is reduced from a value greater than water to one almost equal to water. This is believed to aid the dispersion of eggs.  相似文献   

The species and uses of trees located in paddy fields were investigated in three villages in Champasak Province, Lao PDR. The villages were different in their distance from Pakse City, the capital of the province, and age since foundation. A total of 71 species were recorded, and most were used by local people. The most frequent use was for fruit, firewood, and medicine, though most trees also offered shade for cattle and people. Species composition differed among villages. The youngest paddy supported more trees, remnants of the original forest, for timber. Older paddies supported fewer trees for timber but more for fruit and firewood. The introduced species increased according to the age of the paddy. Products other than timber obtained from the trees were common among villages. The significance of trees in rice cultivation in Laos was compared with that in the Satoyama landscape of Japan.  相似文献   

白耀宇  庞帅  殷禄燕  宋艾妮  祝增荣 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8630-8651
为了掌握休耕季节不同生境冬水田节肢动物群落多样性及生物量特征,于2017年2—4月在重庆市璧山区通过陷阱法对3类冬水田耕作区及期9个小区生境进行了定点调查,分别为水稻和蔬菜及荒地耕作区、水稻和蔬菜耕作区及水稻和林地耕作区。共捕获节肢动物108367只,隶属于3纲119科(种)。Berger-Parker优势度指数表明,冬水田节肢动物群落以罕见或稀少种(类群)数量最多以及优势类群数量稀少且突出为最基本特征,圆科和长角科是最主要的优势类群。节肢动物密度和生物量的百分比分析表明,腐食者和捕食者是节肢动物群落的主要功能团;弹尾虫以及不同种类蜘蛛和天敌昆虫类群分别构成了腐食者和捕食者中的主要类群(种)。3类冬水田及其小区节肢动物群落主要功能团密度和生物量以及群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Margalef丰富度指数(D)、Pielou均匀度指数(J)和Simpson优势集中性指数(C)均有明显的规律变化,且出现了显著性差异(P0.05);节肢动物群落及其主要功能团腐食者和植食者分别在密度和生物量间,以及捕食者与其猎物腐食者和植食者在生物量上都具显著的相关性(P0.05)。群落相似性及相关性分析显示,3类冬水田及其小区节肢动物群落组成总体上差异明显,显然受到了稻田生境及耕作/管理等非生物因素的影响;其中生境类型(FH)作用最大,其次是蓄水量(EWQ)、稻桩生物(BR)、种植模式(PP)和收割方式(HM);它们与节肢动物群落密度及参数H′、D和C,以及腐食者密度和生物量、捕食者密度等显著正相关或负相关(P0.05)。主成分及聚类分析结果进一步指出,3类冬水田的生境异质性差异较大,这与它们小区在节肢动物群落密度(AI)、腐食者密度(DI)及FH等生物和非生物因素上的较大不同有关。总之,3类冬水田主要营养链“水稻秸秆-腐食者-捕食者”中存在不同程度的级联效应;弹尾虫作为该效应中腐食者的代表承担着冬水田“关键或中心”节肢动物类群具有的双重生态功能;不同冬水田及其小区节肢动物群落多样性及生物量特征差异明显,这与FH、EWQ、BR、PP和HM等非生物因素密切相关。  相似文献   

The semi‐aquatic grasshopper Cornops aquaticum (Bruner, 1906) is native to South America, with a distribution from the Argentinian pampas to the Gulf of Mexico, and is currently being proposed as a biological control agent for the invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in South Africa. This study reports results of a neutral molecular marker (microsatellites) study on C. aquaticum within its native range. The data were analysed for levels of diversity and structure within/between South American populations, and correlations between host plant, geography and environmental/climatic variables were investigated. We found no evidence to support associations between host plant use and microsatellite genotypes (hypothesis 1). High levels of gene flow and weak genetic clustering of populations indicate a lack of differentiation, therefore an interaction between climate and local genotype (hypothesis 2) seems unlikely. Our results suggest that C. aquaticum may not have “tightly” coevolved with its host Eichhornia spp. (Pontederiaceae) as originally thought, and that instar variation might be due to the effect of local climate on phenotype (hypothesis 3) or possibly a locally adaptive trait.  相似文献   

  • 1 Taxonomic issues in many Daphnia species complexes are often confused by a high degree of phenotypic plasticity and by interspecific hybridisation. Here, we employ molecular genetic tools to confirm the species composition and incidence of hybridisation in extant and resting egg populations of Daphnia from Windermere and Esthwaite Water in the English Lake District.
  • 2 A combination of species‐diagnostic allozymes and mtDNA, confirms that contemporary populations are dominated by a single species, D. galeata.
  • 3 We present the first account of genetic characterisation of dated ‘resting’ eggs using microsatellites and mtDNA, employing PCR‐based DNA recovery, thus providing a temporal dimension to taxonomic patterns. Thirty years ago, two species were present in Esthwaite, D. galeata and D. hyalina, but Windermere populations were dominated by D. galeata only.
  • 4 The use of PCR‐based mtDNA RFLP analysis as a species‐diagnostic tool, and microsatellites to monitor clonal diversity, provide a valuable approach for long‐term studies, especially in populations free from the complicating effect of frequent hybridisation. The detailed limnological records available for many large lakes, and associated changes in land‐use, pollutants and climate, combined with long‐term ephippial molecular genetic data, provide opportunities for exploring natural and anthropogenic impacts on genetic and community structure.

对中国安徽芜湖稻田中的小蜂总科进行了分类研究,共发现9科12属,编制了分科检索表,提供了各科主要的分类特征图。  相似文献   

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