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Eggs from seven Noctuid moth species, Eriopyga perfusca (Hampson), Magnagrotis oorti (Koehler), Pseudoleucania brosii (Koehler), Scania simillima (Koehler). Scriptania americana (Blanchard), Scriptania leucofasciata Rodriguez, were collected at La Mina, 925 msnm, (35 degrees 21' S; 71 degrees 41' W) and Paso Internacional Pchucnche (35 degrees 57' S: 70 degrees 23' W), 2560 msnm, Chile. The Scanning Electron Microscope showed that egg morphology allows identification to species level. This is particularly useful in agricultural pest control, and morphological differences are used in this report to present an updated taxonomic key to the Chilean Noctuidae.  相似文献   

New gastropods from East Pacific hydrothermal vents   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The following new prosobranch species are described: Cyuthermia (gen.n.) naticoides, Lucunoidc (gen.n.) exquisitus (Neomphalidae); Peltospira Iamellifera, Pachydermia (gen.n.) laevis, Depressigyra (gen. n.) g1obulus. D. plunispira, Solutigyra (gen. n.) reticulata, Lirapex (gen. n.) humata, L. granularis (Peltospiridae); Bathymargarites (gen.n.) symplector (Trochidae) and Provanna mucleani (Littorinoidea). Shells and soft parts of the species are described and figured. One species each of Sinezona (Scissurellidae), Moel1rriopsis (Seguenzoidea) and Phymorrhynchus (Turridae) is recorded from East Pacific hydrothermal vents, but not identified to species. Information about feeding biology and type of larval development is given for most of these species. The systematic position of the new species of Neomphalidae and Peltospiridae is considered uncertain, but further anatomical investigations are in progress. The gastropod fauna of East Pacific sulphide-rich environments is summarized and composition, endemism, age. dispersal, predation, adaptations and feeding biology are discussed.  相似文献   

The Present paper is a preliminary result of study on three genera, Dubyaea, Syncalathium and Soroseris of the tribe Lactuceae (Compositae) in China. The genus Dubyaea in China so far known consists of 14 species, of which six are described here as new: D. pteroponda Shih, D. lanceolate Shih, D. muliensis Shih, D. panduriformis Shih, D. cymiformis Shih and D. jinyangensis Shih. In addition, one new combination, i.e.D. bhotanica (Hutch.) Shih, is made. There are six species in the genus Syncalathium in Chinese flora, of which one species is described here as new. This is S. orbiculariforme Shih. A new combination, S. pilosum (Hand.-Mazz.) Shih, is made in the paper. The genus Soroseris comprises nine species, of which three are described here as new, S. teres Shih, S. chrysocephala Shih and S. qinghaiensis Shih. Three new combinations, i.e.S. trichocarpa (Franch.) Shih, S. hirsuta (Anth.) Shih, and S.erysimoides (Hand.-Mazz.) Shih are made in the present paper.  相似文献   

记述了中国腺水螨科Lebertiidae腺水螨属Lebertia腺水螨亚属Pilolebertia两新种拟刷毛腺水螨Lebertia(Pilole-bertia)pseudociliata sp.nov.和蓖齿毛腺水螨Lebertia( Pilolebertia)pectinata sp.nov.前者体壁具细致刻纹,E1具2毛状表皮突,P-Ⅱ腹毛长以及EpⅣ侧缘弧形等特征将之与其他种明显区分开;后者体壁具细致刻纹和具缘毛的P-Ⅱ腹毛可以将之与其他种类明显区分.文中对其腺毛和眼毛的体位特征做了详细描述.  相似文献   

毛室茧蜂属LeiophronNees是茧蜂科优茧蜂亚科中1个较大的属,含3个亚属啮虫茧蜂亚属EuphoriellaAshmead,拟优茧蜂亚属EuphorianaGahan和毛室茧蜂亚属Leiophrons.s,寄生于半翅目和啮虫目的若虫。本文对毛室茧蜂属的中国种类进行了研究,共报道7种,其中5种为已知种程氏毛室茧蜂L.(Euphoriana)chengiChen&vanAchterberg,1997、狭翅毛室茧蜂L.(L.)bounluoicaBelokobylskij,1993、黄体毛室茧蜂L.(L.)flavicorpusChen&vanAchterberg,1997、红头毛室茧蜂L.(L.)ruficephalusChen&vanAchterberg,1997和细毛室茧蜂L.(L.)subtilisChen&vanAchterberg;2种为新种大头毛室茧蜂L.(E.)amplicaptis,sp.nov.和伊春毛室茧蜂L.(L.)yichunensis,sp.nov.。研究标本(包括模式标本)保存在浙江大学应用昆虫研究所寄生蜂标本室。 1.大头毛室茧蜂Leiophron(Euphoriana)amplicaptis,新种(图1~5)   本种与程氏毛室茧蜂L.(E.)chengiChen&vanAchterberg,1997相似,但前翅1-SR+M、m-cu、2-Cu1、2-M和2-SR脉缺,基节前沟缺,盾纵沟存在,浅,腹部第1背板具纵刻纹,触角15节,脸宽为高的1.1倍及体较小等特征可与后者相区别。   研究标本正模,♀,吉林通化,1994-Ⅷ-01,娄巨贤,no.976813。 2.伊春毛室茧蜂Leiophron(Leiophron)yichunensis,新种(图6~10)   本种与黄体毛室茧蜂L.(L.)flavicorpusChen&vanAchterberg,1997相似,但本种前翅SR1和2-SR脉出自翅痣同一地点、唇基腹缘明显突出、盾纵沟区域光滑、腹部第1节背板长为端宽的3.1倍等特征可与后者相区别。   研究标本正模,♀,黑龙江伊春,1994-Ⅶ-19~26,娄巨贤,no.952676。副模1♂,采集记录同正模,no.952608。  相似文献   

Lingafelter SW 《ZooKeys》2011,(106):55-75
First records of the tribes Anaglyptini and Tillomorphini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) are documented for Hispaniola. A new genus of a highly myrmecomorphic longhorned beetle (Licracanthagen. n.) is described and illustrated based on one species (Licracantha formicariasp. n.) and provisionally assigned to Tillomorphini. Three other new species of ant mimic longhorned beetles are described and illustrated: Calliclytus macorissp. n. (Tillomorphini), Tilloclytus baorucosp. n., and Tilloclytus neibasp. n. (Anaglyptini). An identification key and distribution map to all known Hispaniolan species of these two tribes are presented.  相似文献   

记述中国直突摇蚊属中直突摇蚊亚属Orthocladius(Mesorthocladius)雄成虫3种,并对1新种O.(M.)tornatilis sp.nov.和中国1新纪录种O.(M.)vaillantiLangton & Cranston做详细描述。模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊学研究室。圆钝中直突摇蚊,新种O.(M.)tornatilis sp.nov.(图1~3)雄成虫与本亚属其它已知种的区别如下:下附器背叶末端圆钝,抱器端节中部最宽,亚端背脊长而低。正模♂,吉林省长白山岳桦林,1994-04-30,扫网,王俊才采。词源:新种种名源自其下附器背叶圆钝。  相似文献   

记述中国直突摇蚊属两个新纪录亚属,寄莼直突摇蚊亚属Orthocladius(Pogonocladius)和钻木直突摇蚊亚属Orthocladius(Symposiocladius),雄成虫共5种,包括1新种O.(S.)futianensis sp.nov.,中国4新纪录种O.(P.)consobrinus(Holmgren),O.(S.)holsatus Goetghebuer,O.(S.)lignicolaKieffer和O.(S.)schnelli Sther,并编制了中国钻木直突摇蚊亚属4种雄虫检索表。新种模式标本均保存于南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊学研究室。  相似文献   

In Vitaceae three new species of Cyphostemma (Planch.) Alston are described: C. boranense Vollesen, C. burgeri Vollesen, C. pannosum Vollesen. The new combinations Cyphostemma betiforme (Chiov.) Vollesen, C. dembianense (Chiov.) Vollesen and C. oxyphyllum (A. Rich.) Vollesen are proposed. Cayratia ruspolii (Gilg) Suesseng. is transferred back to the genus Cissus L.
In Burseraceae the new combination Commiphora kua (R. Br. ex Royle) Vollesen is proposed.  相似文献   

Leioproctus (Anacolletes) is revised to contain only L. (A.) bimaculatus (Smith). A new subgenus, Leioproctus (Odontocolletes) , is erected. Four new species ( Leioproctus (Odontocolletes) asper, L. (O.) cardaleae, L. (O.) erythropyga and L. (O.) xanthozoster) are described and L. callurus (Cockerell), L. nomiaeformis (Cockerell), L. pachyodontus (Cockerell) and L. rudissimus (Cockerell) are transferred.  相似文献   

Two new Stenhelia (Stenhelia) species are described: 5. (S.) diegensis from 1200 m depth in San Diego Trough, California and 5. (S.) asetosa from the intertidal of Nanaimo Estuary, British Columbia. S. (S.) diegensis differs from previously known species in having but one seta on the terminal segment of the P, endopod. 5. (S.) asetosa lacks inner setae on the first segments of the P2–P, exopods. A table listing the salient morphological features of the species of Stenhelia (Stenhelia) is given as is a new key to the subgenus.  相似文献   

Two new species of phlebotomine sand fly from Colombian Andes are described, belonging to the subgenus Pifanomyia of the genus Pintomyia. P. (P.) limafalcaoae sp. nov. for which both sexes are described, is assigned to the series pia while P. (P.) antioquiensis sp. nov., known only from the male, is included in the series verrucarum. The subgenus Pifanomyia is characterized and identification keys presented for the two new species.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new species of Aphis, A, comari spm., is described from shoots and leaves of Potentilla (Comarum) palustris (L.) Scop. in England and Wales. Its biology and relationship to previously described species of Aphis L. from Potentilla species and Sanguisorba minor Scop. are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The fruit fly genus Ceratitis (Diptera: Tephritidae) comprises several important pest species attacking a wide range of unrelated fruits. In this paper the subgenus Ceratitis ( Pardalaspis ) Bezzi is revised. Ten species are recognized of which five are described as new: C.(P.)hamata sp.n., C.(P.)munroi sp.n., C.(P.)serrata sp.n., C.(P.)semipunctata sp.n. and C.(P.)zairensis sp.n. A key to both sexes is provided. All species are restricted to the Afrotropical Region and distributional and known host plant data are given.  相似文献   

Since the 19th century many botanists have studied the Chinese Cirsium and a great number of taxa or names has been reported, of which many still need to be reviewed critically This work is a preliminaxy result of study on Chinese species of Cirsium. As many as 65 taxan or names in the literature are reduced to synonym in this paper. The Cirsium in China so far known comprises 49 species, of which 9 are described as new, 1 is a new combination and 4 are new records in Chinese flora. These new species are: C. subulariforme Shih, S. muliense Shih, C. fanjingshanense Shih, C. periacanthaceum Shih, C. racemiforme Ling et Shih, C. vernonioides Shih, C. chrysolepis Shih, C. tenuifolium Shih and the new combination is C. viridifolium (Hand. -Mazz.) Shih. The new records in China are C. serratuloides (L.) Hill., C. incanum (S. G. Gmel.) Fisch. ex MB., C. lanatum (Roxb. ex Willd.) Spreng and C. alatum (S. G. Gmel) Bobr. The Chinese Cirsium is divided into 8 sections in the present paper, of which 3 are new, namely, Sect. Isolepis Shih, Sect. Tricholepis Shilh and Sect. Hymenolepis Shih, and I is a new combination, namely, Sect. Spanioptilon (Cass.) Shih. In addition, a new species of the genus Alfredia, A. aspera Slih, is described.  相似文献   

Male and female adults of a new species of Alucita L. (Lepidoptera: Alucitidae) are described and illustrated from the Azapa Valley, northern Chile. Immature stages are associated with fruit of "chuve", Tecoma fulva (Cav.) D. Don. (Bignoniaceae). This is the first species of Alucitidae described from Chile.  相似文献   

U. Majumdar 《水生昆虫》2013,35(3):253-272
Three new species, Glyptotendipes (Glyptotendipes) fumilatus, G. (G.) ingenius and G. (G.) validens are described. A short account of habitat, construction of dwellings, food and feeding of the larva and emergence of the adult has also been appended. A new dichotomous key to the Indian species is provided.  相似文献   

周长发  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》2003,46(6):755-760
似动蜉属Cinygmina是我国常见扁蜉科类群,分布广泛。本文对该属我国已知4种(湖南似动蜉C. hunanensis,斜纹似动蜉C. obliquistrita,红斑似动蜉C. rubromaculata,宜兴似动蜉C. yixingensis)和一新种(叉似动蜉Cinygmina furcata sp. Nov.)的鉴别特征作了对比和图示,并确认海南似动蜉C. hainanensis是红斑似动蜉C. rubromaculata的同物异名(新异名)。  相似文献   

西藏林芝真蚋亚属三新种(双翅目:蚋科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述西藏林芝真蚋亚属Eusimulium三种:凸端真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)concavustylumsp.nov.、林芝真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)lingziensesp.nov.、裂缘真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)schizolomunsp.nov 。  相似文献   

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