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土壤盐分及水分含量对落羽杉幼苗生长的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
汪贵斌  曹福亮 《应用生态学报》2004,15(12):2396-2400
One year old Taxodium distichum seedlings were grown in pots with varied soil water and salt (NaC1) levels (alone and in combination) under greenhouse conditions to determine their effects on the growth and biomass allocation of the seedlings. The results showed that there were significant effects of soft salt and water contents on the relative height growth, relative stem diameter growth, biaomass increment and allocation, shoot/root ratio, seedling survival, ratio of branch to stem area, ratio of leaf mass to stem area, and ratio of leaf mass to branch area. According to the biomass increment, relative height growth and relative stem diameter growth, 20 treatments were classified into 3 groups by means of systematic cluster analysis. The first one was the treatments waterlogging, flooding, waterlogging 0.15% NaC1, flooding 0.15% NaC1, and waterlogging 0.3% NaC1, which had a high growth, the second one was the treatments flooding 0.45% NaC1, flooding 0.3% NaCl, 75% of field capacity, and 75% of field capacity 0.15% NaCl, which had a medium growth, and the last onewas the treatments 50% of field capacity, 50% of field capacity 0.15% Nat1, waterlogging 0.45% Nat1,25% of field capacity, 25% of field capacity 0.15% NaC1, 75% of field capacity 0.3% NaC1, 75% of field capacity 0.45% NaC1, 25% of field capacity 0.3% NaC1, 50% of field capacity 0.3% NaC1, 50% of field capacity 0.45% NaC1, and 25% of field capacity 0.45% NaC1, which had a poor growth.  相似文献   

池杉叶的二萜成分研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杉科落羽杉属植物池杉 ( Taxodium ascendens Brongn.)原产于美国东南部 ,耐水湿 ,主要分布于沼泽地区及水湿地。我国江苏南京、南通和浙江杭州、河南鸡公山、湖北武汉等地有栽培 ,生长良好 ,作为低湿地的造林树种或用于庭院绿化 [1 ] 。迄今为止有关其化学成分的研究未见报道。在对杉科植物特征化学成分及其活性的系统研究中 ,我们从池杉叶的乙醇提取物中初步分离得到 3个二萜类化合物 ,通过理化性质及波谱分析 ,分别鉴定为1 8-oxoferruginol( 1 ) ,右松脂酸 ( 2 ) ,trans-communic acid( 3 )。化合物 1的质谱显示其分子离子峰为 3 0 0 ,1…  相似文献   

不同基质材料对油茶容器苗生长生物量及养分含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究不同基质材料对油茶容器苗的影响,寻找可以部分替代泥炭土的本土基质材料。在不同处理育苗条件下,测定1年生油茶容器苗的成活率、生长量、生物量、叶绿素含量和地上部分营养元素含量,并分析基质与地上部分营养元素含量的相关性。试验结果发现:成活率、苗高、地径、高径比、主根长、主根/侧根鲜重、地上/地下生物量、茎根比/FW、茎根比/DW、叶绿素含量等指标以处理Ⅰ(50%泥炭土+50%其余相同成分)与处理Ⅴ(5%食用菌下脚料+5%鸡粪+5%牛粪+35%泥炭土+50%其余相同成分)表现最优,且两者均与其他3个处理差异显著;各处理间氮、磷、钾、钙、硫、铁、锰、铜、锌元素含量差异显著,但镁、硼元素含量差异不明显。相关性分析表明,镁元素与速效钾、有机质呈显著的正相关,而其他元素为负相关。综上所得,处理Ⅴ在用本土基质来替代部分泥炭土的结果最好。本研究为降低油茶基质育苗成本和维持基质的可持续利用提供一条新的途径。  相似文献   

Responses of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) and pondcypress (Taxodium ascendens) seedlings in leaf gas exchange and root metabolism to a wide range of hydrological regimes were studied. Four water treatments included control (C), mild drought (MD), wet soil (WS) and flooding (FL). Both species showed no significant change in net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in response to flooding in contrast to significant reduction in Pn under mild drought conditions. In baldcypress, Pn was also maintained at control level compared to significant increase of Pn in pondcypress when subjected to the wet soil treatment. In flooding, both species showed significant increase in contents of malate and shikimate in their lateral roots and further in total roots, as compared to control. However, different adaptation to flooding was demonstrated in their taproots in contents of malate and shikimate. Furthermore, baldcypress seedlings showed significant reductions in lateral and total root biomass, in contrast with no significant change in that of pondcypress seedlings in response to flooding. In wet soil, no significant effects were revealed in contents of malate and shikimate in roots (including different root portions) of baldcypress seedlings in contrast to significant increase of their contents in lateral roots of pondcypress seedlings. No significant effects on root biomass were detected in either baldcypress or pondcypress seedlings in response to wet soil. When subjected to mild drought, baldcypress seedlings displayed no significant change in contents of malate and shikimate in roots, whereas pondcypress seedlings exhibited significant reduction in content of shikimate in lateral roots and total roots. In addition, root biomass of baldcypress seedlings showed no significant change, while lateral and total root biomass of pondcypress seedlings demonstrated significant increase when mild drought was imposed. These findings indicate that baldcypress and pondcypress appear to be promising candidates for reforestation in the Three Gorges Reservoir region due to their characteristics of water-tolerance and mild drought endurance. However, pondcypress is more resilient than baldcypress to the continuum of water availability conditions expected in the Three Gorges Reservoir region.  相似文献   

Elcan  J.M.  Pezeshki  S.R. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(2):177-182
Responses of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) seedlings to soil moisture were studied to test the hypothesis that flooding may lead to seedling's higher susceptibility to drought. Treatments included a well-watered but drained control (C), continuously flooded (CF), control followed by drought (CD), and flooded followed by drought (FD). Gas exchange values revealed no significant effects on net photosynthetic rate (P N) in response to flooding. In contrast, after the onset of drought, P N was significantly reduced in CD and FD plants. Significant growth reductions under mild drought conditions indicated that baldcypress seedlings were drought sensitive. However, comparison of gas exchange rates and growth responses between CD and FD plants indicated that prior flooding had no detectable effect on subsequent sensitivity of baldcypress to drought. These findings explain baldcypress persistence in wetland habitats characterized by periodic flooding and mild drought.  相似文献   

模拟淹水对池杉和栓皮栎光合生理生态过程的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
衣英华  樊大勇  谢宗强  陈芳清 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6025-6033
池杉(Taxodium ascendens)和栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)是我国亚热带河岸带和库塘消落区常见的植物,对于河岸带和库塘消落区的水土保持和水源涵养具有十分重要的作用。研究通过测定二者的最大净光合速率、光饱和曲线、二氧化碳饱和曲线、根/茎/叶的可溶性糖含量、叶片的比叶重(Ieaf mass per unit area,LMA)和根系活力等指标研究了模拟淹水(50d)对两年生栓皮栎和池杉树苗生理生态过程的影响。在淹水过程中,栓皮栎的最大净光合速率不断下降,到试验结束时淹水处理的最大净光合速率降低为对照的9%,而且处理与对照差异极显著;而在整个淹水过程中池杉则在处理和对照间没有显著差异。淹水胁迫下:(1)淹水导致栓皮栎表观量子效率(φ)不断下降,淹水第6天降为对照的59.9%左右(P〈0.001),第26天降为对照的40.9%左右(P〈0.001),而26d的淹水对池杉的光饱和曲线却影响不大;(2)淹水导致栓皮栎羧化效率(CE)的不断下降,在正常生长条件下栓皮栎的CE为(0.331±0.075)μmolm^-2s^-1Pa^-1。淹水第10天栓皮栎的CE下降到对照的22.1%,淹水第30天降到对照的16.8%,且差异均显著(P〈0.001)。淹水对池杉的二氧化碳饱和曲线没有造成显著影响;(3)淹水导致两个种的根/茎/叶可溶性糖含量呈现动态变化。50d的淹水导致栓皮栎叶片可溶性糖含量相比于对照略有上升,茎和根可溶性糖含量显著上升。而池杉根/茎/叶可溶性糖含量对照和处理之间差异不显著;(4)淹水导致栓皮栎的比叶重持续升高,池杉的与对照没有显著差异;(5)淹水导致栓皮栎的根系活力持续下降,池杉则开始时下降后又升高,这可能与池杉在淹水过程中产生了有利于吸收氧气的不定根,而栓皮栎没有产生不定根有关。以上实验结果说明相对池杉,栓皮栎应属于对淹水较敏感的树种。短期淹水(1~10d)导致栓皮栎光合速率下降的生理生态原因应该至少包括表观量子效率和羧化效率下降两个原因。而长期淹水条件下,叶片碳水化合物的积累(LMA升高)导致的负反馈效应也可能是光合速率下降的原因之一。  相似文献   

不同程度的水分胁迫对沙棘幼苗生理生态特征的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为探讨未来降水减少对内蒙古皇甫川流域沙棘幼苗生理生态特征的影响,特设计平均降雨水平、偏旱、干旱和极端干旱4种不同的水分梯度处理,开展人工水分梯度实验。方差分析表明,不同的水分梯度显著影响土壤的含水量、土壤温度等微生境因子,并显著影响净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率等气体交换特征、资源利用效率和叶片水势特征。适度的水分胁迫(干旱环境)能够提高沙棘的水分利用效率,同时却降低净光合速率和蒸腾速率。各种生理生态指标表明,4种水分处理的沙棘幼苗都受到不同程度的水分胁迫的影响,极端干旱环境中沙棘幼苗的内在生理调节机制出现紊乱,皇甫川流域沙棘不适宜在极端干旱环境中生长。  相似文献   

为探讨未来降水减少对内蒙古皇甫川流域沙棘幼苗生理生态特征的影响,特设计平均降雨水平、偏旱、干旱和极端干旱4种不同的水分梯度处理,开展人工水分梯度实验.方差分析表明,不同的水分梯度显著影响土壤的含水量、土壤温度等微生境因子,并显著影响净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率等气体交换特征、资源利用效率和叶片水势特征.适度的水分胁迫(干旱环境)能够提高沙棘的水分利用效率,同时却降低净光合速率和蒸腾速率.各种生理生态指标表明,4种水分处理的沙棘幼苗都受到不同程度的水分胁迫的影响,极端干旱环境中沙棘幼苗的内在生理调节机制出现紊乱,皇甫川流域沙棘不适宜在极端干旱环境中生长.  相似文献   

Mechanically-induced stress (MIS) applied by brushing the shootsof lettuce and cauliflower seedings with paper for 90 s eachday retarded the growth of water deficient and nutrient deficientseedlings as effectively as it did the growth of those wateredregularly or fed regularly with nutrient. The results are discussedboth in relation to how MIS might effect plant growth in thefield and to the possible use of stress treatments applied duringthe raising of transplants. Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, Brassica oleracea var, botrytis DC, cauliflower, mechanically-induced stress (MIS), water deficiency, nutrient deficiency, water potential  相似文献   

采用牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基培养,从大莲湖池杉林土壤中共分离得到20个菌落形态不同的菌株。通过对这些菌株的形态、培养特征、生理生化特征的研究以及16S rDNA序列分析,初步确定这些菌株分别属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)、红球菌属(Rhodococcus)、北里孢菌属(Kitasatosporia)、金黄杆菌属(Chryseobacterium)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)、鞘氨醇杆菌属(Sphingobacte-rium)和丛毛单胞菌属(Comamonas)等9个属细菌。其中芽胞杆菌属和不动杆菌属细菌是优势菌,分离到的红球菌属、北里孢菌属、鞘氨醇杆菌属和丛毛单胞菌属细菌在国内湿地土壤中报道较少。  相似文献   

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