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Photosynthesis is a key target to improve crop production in many species including soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. A challenge is that phenotyping photosynthetic traits by traditional approaches is slow and destructive. There is proof-of-concept for leaf hyperspectral reflectance as a rapid method to model photosynthetic traits. However, the crucial step of demonstrating that hyperspectral approaches can be used to advance understanding of the genetic architecture of photosynthetic traits is untested. To address this challenge, we used full-range (500–2,400 nm) leaf reflectance spectroscopy to build partial least squares regression models to estimate leaf traits, including the rate-limiting processes of photosynthesis, maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate, and maximum electron transport. In total, 11 models were produced from a diverse population of soybean sampled over multiple field seasons to estimate photosynthetic parameters, chlorophyll content, leaf carbon and leaf nitrogen percentage, and specific leaf area (with R2 from 0.56 to 0.96 and root mean square error approximately <10% of the range of calibration data). We explore the utility of these models by applying them to the soybean nested association mapping population, which showed variability in photosynthetic and leaf traits. Genetic mapping provided insights into the underlying genetic architecture of photosynthetic traits and potential improvement in soybean. Notably, the maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate mapped to a region of chromosome 19 containing genes encoding multiple small subunits of Rubisco. We also mapped the maximum electron transport rate to a region of chromosome 10 containing a fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase gene, encoding an important enzyme in the regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate and the sucrose biosynthetic pathway. The estimated rate-limiting steps of photosynthesis were low or negatively correlated with yield suggesting that these traits are not influenced by the same genetic mechanisms and are not limiting yield in the soybean NAM population. Leaf carbon percentage, leaf nitrogen percentage, and specific leaf area showed strong correlations with yield and may be of interest in breeding programs as a proxy for yield. This work is among the first to use hyperspectral reflectance to model and map the genetic architecture of the rate-limiting steps of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Brown, C. S. and Huber, S. C. 1988. Reserve mobilization and starch formation in soybean ( Glycine max ) cotyledons in relation to seedling growth. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 518–524.
In germinating soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seedlings, starch accumulated in the cotyledons during the first 5 days of seedling growth. Among 10 genotypes, the amount of starch accumulated after 5 days was relatively independent of light and appeared to be primarily related to the amount of sucrose depleted from the cotyledons during the same time period. Depletion of other reserves (e.g. protein and lipid) were not closely correlated with starch formation. In addition, the differences in starch formation were not related to differences in activities of certain enzymes that may be involved in the conversion of sucrose to starch, namely starch synthase (EC, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (EC, sucrose synthase (EC, neutral invertase (EC, and PPi-linked phosphofructokinase (PFP) (EC Starch synthesis did not compete with seedling growth, because among 10 genotypes, transient starch formation was correlated positively with seedling growth and cotyledonary photosynthetic rates. We postulate that starch is derived primarily from stored sucrose in the cotyledons and is not merely a result of 'overflow' carbon from other reserves. Starch formation also appeared to have a positive relationship with both early (0 to 5 days) and later (5 to 13 days) seedling growth, the latter perhaps due to enhanced cotyledon photosynthetic rates.  相似文献   

The response of photosynthesis to irradiance and temperature during growth was investigated in two soybean genotypes. Soybean is a species that can modify its structure and metabolism so as to adapt to differing light conditions; its responses to rapid changes in irradiance are characterized by their flexibility. However, the temperature during growth can change the response to irradiance: moreover, there may be a marked interaction with genotype.The response of photosynthesis to irradiance consists of changes in leaf thickness, which bring about variations in the mesophyll resistance to CO2 transfer. The increase in net photosynthesis per unit of leaf area is due to the increase in the amount of assimilating material beneath unit of area, as corroborated by the stability of the net photosynthesis per unit volume. Moreover, the response of photosynthesis to temperature is due to the mesophyll diffusion constant which decreases with the growth temperature.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of mitomycin C induced somatic crossing over in variety L65-1237 of Glycine max is shown to be dependent upon the (physiological) age of the seed during post germination period. Effect of mitomycin C during the first four hr of germination is significantly lower than during later periods. This increase in the frequency of somatic crossing over is observed up to about 20–24 hr and is then followed by a decrease. These changes did not appear to be related to the onset and pattern of synthesis of DNA or/and proteins in the embryonic tissues. However, mitomycin C is effective even when no DNA synthesis is going on.  相似文献   

Leaf photosynthetic rates were measured on field-grown soybeans during the 1980 season. Comparisons were made between different cultivars and isolines representative of maturity groups I–IV. Mature, fully expanded leaves at different nodes on the plant were measured in high light to determine which had the highest potential photosynthetic rates at any one time. Successive leaves during the growing season had maximum rates which increased from about 22 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 on 25 June to a peak of 30–44 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 in early August.The persistency and eventual decline in the maximum rate was associated with the maturity group and related dates of flowering, pod fill and onset of senescence. Early maturing cultivars (groups I and II) had higher peak rates (38–44 mol CO2 m-2 s-1) than later maturing cultivars (30–35 mol CO2 m-2 s-1, groups III and IV). However, the photosynthetic rates of early maturing cultivars declined rapidly after attaining their peak, whereas the leaves of later maturing cultivars maintained their photosynthetic activity for much longer.  相似文献   

Heterotic hybrids of sorghum produced more dry matter than their respective parents. Therefore, an analysis of leaf are development, rate of photosynthesis and activities of RuBP carboxylase and PEP carboxylase was made to determine whether the superior dry matter production in the hybrids could be attributed to any of these characteristics. Heterosis in leaf area was maintained at all stages in plant growth. Heterosis in photosynthesis was observed only during grain development in certain hybrids. At all other stages, the photosynthesis rate in hybrids were either intermediate or similar to one of the parents. No heterotic effect was observed in enzyme activity at any stage of growth. It is suggested that a multiplicative interaction between the heterotic leaf area and photosynthesis rate could possibly explain heterosis in dry matter production in heterotic hybrids.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions to investigate the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation (280 to 320 nm) on height, fresh and dry weights, leaf chlorophyll and carotenoids, CO2 uptake rates, and Hill activity in soybean ( Glycine max L. cv. Bragg). Plants were exposed for 6 h continuously from midmorning to midafternoon each day to UV-B radiation which was provided by Westinghouse FS-40 sun lamps filtered with 0.127-mm cellulose acetate film (UV-B enhanced) or 0.127-mm Mylar S film (UV-B Mylar control). Three different UV-B enhanced radiation levels were tested: 1.09 (treatment T1), 1.36 (treatment T2), and 1.83 (treatment T3) UV-B sun equivalent units (UV-Bsec) where 1 UV-Bsec= 15.98 mW·m−2 of solar UV-B obtained by applying EXP -[(α-265)/21]2, a weighting function that simulates the DNA absorption spectrum, to the UV-B lamp systems. These UV-B levels correspond to a calculated decrease in stratospheric ozone content of 6%, 21%, and 36% for treatment T1, T2, and T3, respectively.
Daily exposure of soybean plants to UV-B radiation significantly decreased height, fresh and dry weights, leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, and CO2 uptake rates. Leaf pigment extracted in 80% acetone from UV-B-treated soybean plants showed considerable increase in absorption in the wavelength region of 330 to 400 nm with increased UV-B radiation levels. Chloroplast preparations from leaves of T2 and T3 plants showed significant reductions in Hill reaction measurements.  相似文献   

Summary The photosynthetic cell suspension culture of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Corsoy] (SB-M) was successfully cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen using a preculture and controlled freezing to −40° C (two-step) freezing method. The effective method included a preculture treatment with gradually increasing levels of sorbitol added to the 3% sucrose already present in the medium. The cells were then placed in a cryoprotectant solution [10% DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) and 9.1% sorbitol, or 10% DMSO and 8% sucrose], incubated for 30 min at 0° C, cooled at a rate of 1° C/min to −40° C, held at −40° C for 1 h, and then immersed directly into liquid nitrogen. The cells were thawed at 40° C and then immediately placed in liquid culture medium. The cell viabilities immediately after thawing were 75% or higher in all cases where cell growth resumed. The original growth rate and chlorophyll level of the cells was recovered within 40 to 47 d. If the sorbitol level was not high enough or the preculture period too short, growing cultures could not be recovered. Likewise, survival was not attained with cryoprotectant mixtures consisting of 15% DMSO, 15% glycerol, and 9.1% sucrose or 15% glycerol and 8% sucrose. The successful method was reproducible, thus allowing long-term storage of this and certain other unique photosynthetic suspension cultures in liquid nitrogen.  相似文献   

The observation of acclimation in leaf photosynthetic capacity to differences in growth irradiance has been widely used as support for a hypothesis that enables a simplification of some soil‐vegetation‐atmosphere transfer (SVAT) photosynthesis models. The acclimation hypothesis requires that relative leaf nitrogen concentration declines with relative irradiance from the top of a canopy to the bottom, in 1 : 1 proportion. In combination with a light transmission model it enables a simple estimate of the vertical profile in leaf nitrogen concentration (which is assumed to determine maximum carboxylation capacity), and in combination with estimates of the fraction of absorbed radiation it also leads to simple ‘big‐leaf’ analytical solutions for canopy photosynthesis. We tested how forests deviate from this condition in five tree canopies, including four broadleaf stands, and one needle‐leaf stand: a mixed‐species tropical rain forest, oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl), birch (Betula pendula Roth), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr). Each canopy was studied when fully developed (mid‐to‐late summer for temperate stands). Irradiance (Q, µmol m?2 s?1) was measured for 20 d using quantum sensors placed throughout the vertical canopy profile. Measurements were made to obtain parameters from leaves adjacent to the radiation sensors: maximum carboxylation and electron transfer capacity (Va, Ja, µmol m?2 s?1), day respiration (Rda, µmol m?2 s?1), leaf nitrogen concentration (Nm, mg g?1) and leaf mass per unit area (La, g m?2). Relative to upper‐canopy values, Va declined linearly in 1 : 1 proportion with Na. Relative Va also declined linearly with relative Q, but with a significant intercept at zero irradiance (P < 0·01). This intercept was strongly related to La of the lowest leaves in each canopy (P < 0·01, r2 = 0·98, n= 5). For each canopy, daily lnQ was also linearly related with lnVa(P < 0·05), and the intercept was correlated with the value for photosynthetic capacity per unit nitrogen (PUN: Va/Na, µmol g?1 s?1) of the lowest leaves in each canopy (P < 0·05). Va was linearly related with La and Na(P < 0·01), but the slope of the Va : Na relationship varied widely among sites. Hence, whilst there was a unique Va : Na ratio in each stand, acclimation in Va to Q varied predictably with La of the lowest leaves in each canopy. The specific leaf area, Lm(cm2 g?1), of the canopy‐bottom foliage was also found to predict carboxylation capacity (expressed on a mass basis; Vm, µmol g?1 s?1) at all sites (P < 0·01). These results invalidate the hypothesis of full acclimation to irradiance, but suggest that La and Lm of the most light‐limited leaves in a canopy are widely applicable indicators of the distribution of photosynthetic capacity with height in forests.  相似文献   

The effect of leaf aging on photosynthetic capacities was examined for upper canopy leaves of five tropical tree species in a seasonally dry forest in Panama. These species varied in mean leaf longevity between 174 and 315 d, and in maximum leaf life span between 304 and 679 d. The light-saturated CO2 exchange rates of leaves produced during the primary annual leaf flush measured at 7-8 mo of age were 33-65% of the rates measured at 1-2 mo of age for species with leaf life span of < 1 yr. The negative regression slopes of photosynthetic capacity against leaf age were steeper for species with shorter maximum leaf longevity. In all species, regression slopes were less steep than the slopes predicted by assuming a linear decline toward the maximum leaf age (20-80% of the predicted decline rate). Maximum oxygen evolution rates and leaf nitrogen content declined faster with age for species with shorter leaf life spans. Statistical significance of regression slopes of oxygen evolution rates against leaf age was strongest on a leaf mass basis (r = 0.49-0.87), followed by leaf nitrogen basis (r = 0.48-0.77), and weakest on a leaf area basis (r = 0.35-0.70).  相似文献   

Changes in the nuclei of meristematic root cells of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Acme) in response to severe salinity were studied. Root growth was inhibited by 200 mM NaCl, when 1 mM CaCl_2 was present in the culture media. Increasing CaCl_2 up to 5 mM partially prevented this inhibition. However, inhibition also occurred with 100~mM NaCl without CaCl_2. We examined the meristematic cells under a series of NaCl treatments. Nuclear deformation of the cells occurred with 24 h of 150 mM or higher NaCl, and was followed by degradation of nuclei in the apical region of the root. TEM observation and agarose gel electrophoretic analysis confirmed that root tip nuclear DNA deformed or degraded with 150 mM or higher NaCl concentrations.  相似文献   

The initial (in vivo) and total (activity present after preincubation with CO2 and Mg2+) activities of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase were both assayed in extracts of leaves of soybean (Glycine max) plants which had been grown under 4 different irradiance levels. The total carboxylase activity per unit leaf area decreased with decreased irradiance during growth but was not different on a dry weight basis. The initial activity as a percentage of the total activity was unchanged (approximately 95%) except in leaves of plants grown at the lowest irradiance (74%). When the plants grown at the lowest irradiance were exposed to high irradiance, the initial activity was increased to 93% of the total. Light saturated rates of photosynthesis per unit leaf area were lower and saturated at lower irradiance for plants grown at lower irradiances. Initial carboxylase activity was correlated closely (r2=0.84) with leaf photosynthesis rate on a dry weight basis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Rapid, tropic leaf movements and photo-synthetic responses of the heliotropic plant, soybean, Glycine max cv. Cumberland, grown under two different nitrogen, three different light and two different water treatments were examined. Measurements of leaf orientation during midday periods outdoors, and tropic reorientation of leaflets in response to vertical illumination indoors, revealed a positive, linear relationship between leaf water potential and the cosine of the angle of incidence between the leaf and the direct beam of the excitation light. This relationship was altered by nitrogen availability, such that a lower cosine of incidence (lower leaf irradiance) for a given leaf water potential was measured for plants grown under low nitrogen compared to those grown under high nitrogen. Additionally, plants grown under low nitrogen and low water availability showed more rapid rates of leaf movement compared to plants receiving high levels of these resources. Light regime during growth had no effect on the relationship between the cosine of incidence and leaf water potential. Reduced water and nitrogen availabilities during growth resulted in lower photosaturated rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, as well as alterations in the relationship between these parameters. Thus, higher values for the ratio of intercellular CO2/ambient CO2 were measured for low-N grown plants (higher nitrogen use efficiencies) and lower values of this ratio for water stressed plants (higher water use efficiencies). The results show that environmental growth conditions other than water availability have the potential to modify leaf orientation responses to vectorial light in heliotropic legumes such as soybean. This has implications for the potential of heliotropic movements to minimize environmental stress-induced damage to the photosynthetic apparatus, and to modulate leaf-level resource use efficiencies.  相似文献   

Selection for ability of soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, to reproduce on soybeans with different sources of resistance divides some SCN race 4 field populations into two distinct subpopulations. These subpopulations reproduce well on ''Bedford'' and plant introduction (PI) 88788 or PI 89772 and PI 90763 but not on both pairs of soybean lines. The ability of these subpopulations to reproduce on the four soybean lines was reversed by changing the soybean line used as a host during a second cycle of selection. When SCN populations previously selected for reproduction on Bedford and PI 88788 were selected for their ability to reproduce on D72-8927 and J74-88, the ability of these populations to reproduce on Bedford and PI 88788 decreased significantly and their ability to reproduce on PI 89772 and PI 90763 increased significantly. Conversely, when SCN populations, previously selected for reproduction on P189772 and P190763, were selected for their ability to reproduce on Bedford, the reproduction of these populations on Bedford increased significantly and reproduction on PI 89772 and PI 90763 decreased significantly. Selection for ability of a SCN race 4 field population to reproduce on soybean lines derived from SCN race 4 resistant PIs resulted in the same division of the field population into two distinct subpopulations. These data substantiate earlier proposals to rotate cultivars with different genes for SCN resistance as a means of managing SCN populations.  相似文献   

磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白(PEBP,phosphatidyl ethanolamine-binding protein)基因家族在动物、植物和微生物中广泛存在,在控制植物开花和种子休眠中起重要作用。本研究对大豆PEBP基因家族进行了分析,发现了27个大豆PEBP基因的候选序列,其中16个具有完整PEBP结构域的全长序列被认为是大豆Gm PEBP家族基因。Gm PEBP基因分布在9条染色体上,基因结构高度保守。通过系统发生分析,可将大豆Gm PEBP基因家族成员分为FT-like、TFL1-like和MFT-like 3个亚族,并且发现Gm PEBP家族成员数目按照大豆物种特异性的方式进行了扩张。对重复基因的Ks分析表明,绝大多数重复基因主要由5900万年前和1300万年前的大豆基因组复制所致。  相似文献   

Heat waves already have a large impact on crops and are predicted to become more intense and more frequent in the future. In this study, heat waves were imposed on soybean using infrared heating technology in a fully open‐air field experiment. Five separate heat waves were applied to field‐grown soybean (Glycine max) in central Illinois, three in 2010 and two in 2011. Thirty years of historical weather data from Illinois were analyzed to determine the length and intensity of a regionally realistic heat wave resulting in experimental heat wave treatments during which day and night canopy temperatures were elevated 6 °C above ambient for 3 days. Heat waves were applied during early or late reproductive stages to determine whether and when heat waves had an impact on carbon metabolism and seed yield. By the third day of each heat wave, net photosynthesis (A), specific leaf weight (SLW), and leaf total nonstructural carbohydrate concentration (TNC) were decreased, while leaf oxidative stress was increased. However, A, SLW, TNC, and measures of oxidative stress were no different than the control ca. 12 h after the heat waves ended, indicating rapid physiological recovery from the high‐temperature stress. That end of season seed yield was reduced (~10%) only when heat waves were applied during early pod developmental stages indicates the yield loss had more to do with direct impacts of the heat waves on reproductive process than on photosynthesis. Soybean was unable to mitigate yield loss after heat waves given during late reproductive stages. This study shows that short high‐temperature stress events that reduce photosynthesis and increase oxidative stress resulted in significant losses to soybean production in the Midwest, U.S. The study also suggests that to mitigate heat wave‐induced yield loss, soybean needs improved reproductive and photosynthetic tolerance to high but increasingly common temperatures.  相似文献   

Changes in the response to abiotic stress during the isolation of leaf protoplasts were compared between a recalcitrant species of Brassica napus and regenerating species of Petunia hybrida . Initially, levels of soluble free putrescine (put), spermidine (spd) and spermine (spm) in leaves and protoplasts were determined. The sum of these three polyamines increased in petunia and B. napus leaf protoplasts by 1.6-fold and 1.1-fold, respectively. The soluble free fraction of spd and spm decreased in B. napus but not in petunia protoplasts. During the isolation of leaf protoplasts from B. napus , the ratio of soluble free put to the total PAs almost doubled, but that of spd and spm declined significantly. Petunia leaf protoplasts treated with cyclohexylamine (CHA), an inhibitor of spermidine synthase, accumulated ammonia and soluble putrescine, but lost the soluble spermidine. The soluble polyamine levels of CHA-treated petunia leaf protoplasts corresponded with those in B. napus . Leaves were subjected to abiotic stress during the isolation of protoplasts, namely wounding and osmotic stress which changed soluble free polyamine levels in B. napus and petunia, respectively. Both B. napus and petunia leaf protoplasts showed an increase in ammonia, but total free amino acid content and activation of proteases were only enhanced in B. napus leaf protoplasts. These results suggest that in B. napus wounding initiated senescence of leaf protoplasts during their isolation, leading to a constant production of ethylene early in the culture.  相似文献   

Abstract. Glycine max (L.) Merr. was grown under several light conditions to determine the role of red and far-red radiation in plant adaptation to vegetation shade. Neutral density,‘neutral’ density with elevated far-red radiation, and green shade treatments were used in a greenhouse, producing calculated phytochrome photostationary state (Pfr/Pr+Pfr) values of 0.68, 0.63 and 0.51, respectively. Cool-white fluorescent lamps either alone or in conjunction with far-red fluorescent lamps were used in a growth chamber, providing Pfr/Pr+Pfr of 0.79 and 0.61, respectively. Daily photo-synthetically active radiation was about 25% of daylight and was approximately equal for both greenhouse (2.15MJ m?2) and growth chamber (2.57MJ m?2). Developmental stage 4 weeks after sowing was similar for all treatments, but axillary growth and rates of leaf area and dry matter accretion differed between plants from greenhouse and growth chamber. Light conditions simulating vegetation shade (i.e. a low ratio of red to far-red radiation) significantly promoted petiole elongation and retarded the rate of stem elongation in both greenhouse and growth chamber experiments. Other aspects of growth either were not significantly altered by spectral quality or were not modified consistently in both greenhouse and growth chamber environments. Net photosynthetic rates measured under growth conditions for unifoliate and first trifoliolate (TF1) leaves of growth chamber plants between 9 and 21 d after sowing were generally unaffected by spectral quality, but supplemental FR enhanced TF1 leaf area expansion. The latter effect was not correlated with increased dry matter accumulation. The significance of spectral quality for adaptation of soybeans to canopy closure and intercropping is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Soybean somatic embryos were induced from cultured immature embryos in the presence of a highlevel concentration of Naphthalenacetic acid (NAA) or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Embryogenetic capacity was strongly influenced by genotypes of explants. Induced somatic embryos could be sorted into normal or abnormal types according to the morphological shapes of cotyledons and hypocotyls. Somatic embryos were transferred sequentially to three different media until germination. Germination capacity from the somatic embryos was also influenced by the genotype. Following germination, these regenerated plantlets were transferred to soil in the greenhouse and were stably matured to set seeds.  相似文献   

In intact leaves, mitochondrial populations are highly heterogeneous among contrasting cell types; how such contrasting populations respond to sustained changes in the environment remains, however, unclear. Here, we examined respiratory rates, mitochondrial protein composition and response to growth temperature in photosynthetic (mesophyll) and non‐photosynthetic (epidermal) cells from fully expanded leaves of warm‐developed (WD) and cold‐developed (CD) broad bean (Vicia faba L.). Rates of respiration were significantly higher in mesophyll cell protoplasts (MCPs) than epidermal cell protoplasts (ECPs), with both protoplast types exhibiting capacity for cytochrome and alternative oxidase activity. Compared with ECPs, MCPs contained greater relative quantities of porin, suggesting higher mitochondrial surface area in mesophyll cells. Nevertheless, the relative quantities of respiratory proteins (normalized to porin) were similar in MCPs and ECPs, suggesting that ECPs have lower numbers of mitochondria yet similar protein complement to MCP mitochondria (albeit with lower abundance serine hydroxymethyltransferase). Several mitochondrial proteins (both non‐photorespiratory and photorespiratory) exhibited an increased abundance in response to cold in both protoplast types. Based on estimates of individual protoplast respiration rates, combined with leaf cell abundance data, epidermal cells make a small but significant (2%) contribution to overall leaf respiration which increases twofold in the cold. Taken together, our data highlight the heterogeneous nature of mitochondrial populations in leaves, both among contrasting cell types and in how those populations respond to growth temperature.  相似文献   

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