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Clostridial botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) exert their neuroparalytic action by arresting synaptic exocytosis. Intoxication requires the disulfide-linked, di-chain protein to undergo conformational changes in response to pH and redox gradients across the endosomal membrane with consequent formation of a protein-conducting channel by the heavy chain (HC) that translocates the light chain (LC) protease into the cytosol. Here, we investigate the role of the disulfide bridge in the dynamics of protein translocation. We utilize a single channel/single molecule assay to characterize in real time the BoNT channel and chaperone activities in Neuro 2A cells under conditions that emulate those prevalent across endosomes. We show that the disulfide bridge must remain intact throughout LC translocation; premature reduction of the disulfide bridge after channel formation arrests translocation. The disulfide bridge must be on the trans compartment to achieve productive translocation of LC; disulfide disruption on the cis compartment or within the bilayer during translocation aborts it. We demonstrate that a peptide linkage between LC and HC in place of a disulfide bridge is insufficient for productive LC translocation. The disulfide linkage, therefore, dictates the outcome of translocation: productive passage of cargo or abortive channel occlusion by cargo. Based on these and previous findings we suggest a sequence of events for BoNT LC translocation to be HC insertion, coupled LC unfolding, and protein conduction through the HC channel in an N to C terminus orientation and ultimate release of the LC from the HC by reduction of the disulfide bridge concomitant with LC refolding in the cytosol.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulins of the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana are unusual in that, in all classes, the light chains are not disulfide bonded to heavy chains or to other light chains. Moreover, the light chains contain six, rather than the usual five, residues of half-cystine. As none of these half-cystines is in the sulfhydryl form or is alkylated after mild reduction, we suggested that the light chains probably contain three intrachain disulfide bridges. We have now carried out experiments to confirm the existence of an extra intrachain disulfide bridge in Rana catesbeiana light chains and to determine its location. Disulfide bridge assignments were based on 1) isolation and sequence analysis of S-(carboxymethyl)cysteine-containing peptides and 2) isolation, from unreduced light chains, of peptides containing a disulfide bridge. Half-cystine residues were found at positions 134 and 194, and these were shown to be joined in the conserved intradomain disulfide bridge. In addition, we found that a residue of half-cystine, located at the third position from the carboxy-terminus, forms a disulfide bridge with a half-cystine at position 119, near the amino-terminus of the domain, the latter residue replacing a proline that has been found at this position in all other light chains. An intrachain disulfide bridge has not been found at this location in any other light chain.  相似文献   

Disulfide bridges are common in the antigen-binding site from sharks (new antigen receptor) and camels (single variable heavy-chain domain, VHH), in which they confer both structural diversity and domain stability. In human antibodies, cysteine residues in the third complementarity-determining region of the heavy chain (CDR-H3) are rare but naturally encoded in the IGHD germline genes. Here, by panning a phage display library designed based on human germline genes and synthetic CDR-H3 regions against a human cytokine, we identified an antibody (M3) containing two cysteine residues in the CDR-H3. It binds the cytokine with high affinity (0.4?nM), recognizes a unique epitope on the antigen, and has a distinct neutralization profile as compared with all other antibodies selected from the library. The two cysteine residues form a disulfide bridge as determined by mass spectrometric peptide mapping. Replacing the cysteines with alanines did not change the solubility and stability of the monoclonal antibody, but binding to the antigen was significantly impaired. Three-dimensional modeling and dynamic simulations were employed to explore how the disulfide bridge influences the conformation of CDR-H3 and binding to the antigen. On the basis of these results, we envision that designing human combinatorial antibody libraries to contain intra-CDR or inter-CDR disulfide bridges could lead to identification of human antibodies with unique binding profiles.  相似文献   

The recombination of alkylated H and L chains of a human myeloma protein (Jo) was studied by means of circular dichroism (CD). Marked CD changes were observed at 295 and 235 nm when H and L chains recombined. The change in the CD maximum at 235 nm was followed with time after mixing preparations of H and L chains in the pH range between 4 and 6. The recombination reaction was slow and followed second order kinetics. The observed rate constants were markedly dependent on pH. The pH dependence of the rate constant was analyzed assuming that there are two forms of H chain which are in a pH-dependent equilibrium with each other.  相似文献   

In the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation factor XIa (FXIa) activates factor IX (FIX) by cleaving the zymogen at Arg(145)-Ala(146) and Arg(180)-Val(181) bonds releasing an 11-kDa activation peptide. FXIa and its isolated light chain (FXIa-LC) cleave S-2366 at comparable rates, but FXIa-LC is a very poor activator of FIX, possibly because FIX undergoes allosteric modification on binding to an exosite on the heavy chain of FXIa (FXIa-HC) required for optimal cleavage rates of the two scissile bonds of FIX. However preincubation of FIX with a saturating concentration of isolated FXIa-HC did not result in any potentiation in the rate of FIX cleavage by FXIa-LC. Furthermore, if FIX binding via the heavy chain exosite of FXIa determines the affinity of the enzyme-substrate interaction, then the isolated FXIa-HC should inhibit the rate of FIX activation by depleting the substrate. However, whereas FXIa/S557A inhibited FIX activation of by FXIa, FXIa-HC did not. Therefore, we examined FIX binding to FXIa/S557A, FXIa-HC, FXIa-LC, FXIa/C362S/C482S, and FXIa/S557A/C362S/C482S. The heavy and light chains are disulfide-linked in FXIa/S557A but not in FXIa/C362S/C482S and FXIa/S557A/C362S/C482S. In an ELISA assay only FXI/S557A ligated FIX with high affinity. Partial reduction of FXIa/S557A to produce heavy and light chains resulted in decreased FIX binding, and this function was regained upon reformation of the disulfide linkage between the heavy and the light chains. We therefore conclude that substrate recognition by the FXIa exosite(s) requires disulfide-linked heavy and light chains.  相似文献   

Recombinant immunotoxin for the treatment of cancer was made by connecting toxins to 'carcinoma-specific' antibodies that selectively bind to cancer cells, then kills them without harming the normal cells. The divalent recombinant immunotoxin, [B3(Fab)-ext-PE38]2, is a derivative of B3(Fab)-PE38. B3(Fab)-PE38 was made by fusing the Fab domain of the monoclonal antibody (MAb) B3 to PE38, a truncated mutant form of Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE). In this study, B3(Fab)-ext-PE38 was constructed, which has the hinge region of the B3(Fab)-PE38 extended with the peptide extension, G4C(G4S)2, and connected to the C3 connector. The Cys residue of the extension peptide chain makes the disulfide bond between the two Fab domains. The extension sequence (ext) makes the dimerization of B3(Fab)-ext-PE38 easier to form the divalent immunotoxin, because it decreases the steric hindrance between the two PE38s. The constructed genes were expressed in E. coli as inclusion bodies. Polypeptides that were obtained from the inclusion body were refolded, and the active forms were purified. The ID50 values of the divalent molecule, [B3(Fab)-ext-PE38]2, were about 4 ng/ml on A431 cell lines, about 1 ng/ml on CRL1739 cell lines, and 5 ng/ml on MCF-7 cell lines. The [B3(Fab)-ext-PE38]2 showed about a 12-fold higher cytotoxicity on CRL1739 cell lines than B3(scFv)-PE40 did.  相似文献   

DsbD from Escherichia coli catalyzes the transport of electrons from cytoplasmic thioredoxin to the periplasmic substrate proteins DsbC, DsbG and CcmG. DsbD consists of a periplasmic, N-terminal domain (nDsbD), a central transmembrane domain and a periplasmic, C-terminal domain (cDsbD). Each of these domains contains two essential cysteine residues that are required for intermolecular disulfide exchange between DsbD and substrates, and intramolecular disulfide exchange between the three DsbD domains. In order to determine the rate of intramolecular electron transfer from cDsbD to nDsbD, we constructed a redox-sensitive tryptophan variant of cDsbD (cDsbD(W)) that shows an approximately threefold increase in fluorescence upon reduction and has the same redox potential and reactivity as wild-type cDsbD. cDsbD(W) was then used for the construction of fusion proteins with nDsbD and cDsbD(W), connected via flexible linkers of different length. Using the DsbD substrate DsbC, which can only be reduced by nDsbD and does not react with cDsbD, we could directly measure the intramolecular electron transfer from cDsnD(W) to nDsbB in the fusion proteins. We show that the intramolecular disulfide exchange is significantly faster than the reaction between isolated nDsbD and cDsbD. Nevertheless, the effective concentration of 0.2 mM of the domains in the fusions is comaparably low. The rate of 23 s(-1) for the intramolecular disulfide exchange in the fusions was independent of the linker length and may represent the upper limit for the substrate turnover of full-length DsbD.  相似文献   

In the previous paper (Rejneket al., 1967) we described the fractionation of light chains (L) by Zn ions resulting in an accumulation of antigenic determinants of the heavy chain (H) in the Zn precipitate. Peptide maps of the obtained fractions of the L chains differ considerably from each other. Peptides of the L chains, the position of which corresponds within the experimental error to peptides of the H chain may be detected by comparing them with the peptide map of the H chains. The number of such peptides increases with qualitatively assayed accumulation of the component precipitated with anti-H serum during fractionation. The concentration of N-terminal glutamic acid, characteristic for the H chains increases at the same time.  相似文献   

Studies of isolated polypeptide chains, of reconstituted, and of intact IgG show that the antigens present on the Fab fragment, Gm (3), Gm (4), and Inv (1), depend upon the interaction of heavy and light chains for their full antigenic expression, while the antigens of the Fc portion of the heavy chain, Gm (1), Gm (5), Gm (13), and Gm (14), have the same antigenicity in intact IgG, in isolated heavy chains, and in reconstituted IgG. Hybridization experiments using Bence-Jones protein light chains indicate that different homogeneous populations of light chains differ in their ability to restore Gm (3) and Gm (4) antigenicity and that this ability is independent of light-chain antigenic type.The investigations reported in this paper were supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant GM 07214.Recipient of support from National Institutes of Health Training Grant 2T1 GM 226.  相似文献   

To examine whether the disulfide bridge between residues 65 and 81 can be replaced by a non-native disulfide bridge in the mutant h-lysozyme C77/95A and whether the formation of such a new disulfide bridge affects the folding of the protein, cysteine scanning mutagenesis has been performed within two discontinuous segments (residues 61-67 for the mutant C65/77/95A, and 74-84 for the mutant C77/81/95A). The position of the Cys residue at 65 or 81 was continuously shifted by site-directed mutagenesis. Of the mutants, only substitution of Cys for Trp64 allowed the secretion of mutant h-lysozyme(W64C) into the medium in a sufficient amount for analysis. After the purification, the mutant enzyme was obtained as two components (W64C-A and W64C-B). The only difference between A and B was that A had a peptide bond cleaved between Ala77 and His78. A non-native disulfide bridge between residues 64-81 was found in both components. Little difference was observed in CD spectra among wild-type and mutant enzymes. It is likely that the tertiary structure of the W64C mutant might be distorted at the location, because the directions of amino acid side chains at positions of 64 and 81 are shown to be opposite to each other in wild-type h-lysozyme by X-ray crystallographic analysis.  相似文献   

Structural analyses of fibrinogens from patients with congenital dysfibrinogenemia, designated as fibrinogens Kawaguchi and Osaka, have been performed to identify the difference responsible for the lack of fibrinopeptide A release. For the structural studies, a new strategy was employed. Amino acid sequence analysis of one of the lysyl endopeptidase-peptides isolated from the abnormal fibrinogens indicated that in both fibrinogens, arginine-16 of the A alpha chain had been replaced by cysteine. To characterize the chemical nature of the sulfhydryl group of cysteine-16, a tryptic peptide containing cysteine-16 of the A alpha chain was prepared from intact fibrinogen Kawaguchi. The amino acid composition and the molecular weight determination of this aberrant peptide revealed that it was a dimeric NH2-terminal peptide corresponding to residues 1-19 derived from the abnormal A alpha chain. These results indicate that the half-cystine at position 16 in the abnormal A alpha chain forms an intramolecular disulfide bridge with the same residue in the other abnormal A alpha chain and that fibrinogen Kawaguchi is a homo dimer composed of two identical abnormal halves.  相似文献   

One drawback to the in vitro production of monoclonal antibodies is the loss of productivity exhibited by hybridomas over time, which has been shown to correspond to the appearance of a nonproducing subpopulation. In this study, we monitored the presence of antibody components, both intra- and extracellular, between producing and nonproducing hybridomas. A nonproducing cell population appeared which lacked heavy chain, while all cultures continued to produce light chain, indicating that the loss in antibody production resulted from the absence of heavy chain and occurred before protein assembly or secretion. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

[目的]以糖苷水解酶11家族耐热木聚糖酶EvXyn11TS为研究对象,定点突变其编码基因Syxyn11,揭示EvXyn11TS耐热性与其N端二硫键的相关性.[方法]对不同来源的、与EvXyn11TS一级结构相似度较高的若干11家族木聚糖酶进行多序列同源比对,发现只有耐热的EvXyn11TS在其N端存在一个二硫键(Cys5-Cys32);运用分子动力学模拟预测该N端二硫键存在与否对木聚糖酶热稳定性的影响.以人工合成的Syxyn11为母本,采用PCR技术将其编码Cys5的密码子TGT突变为编码Thr5的ACT,构建去除了N端二硫键的突变酶(EvXyn11M)的编码基因Syxyn11M;分别将Syxyn11和Syxyn11M在毕赤酵母GS115中进行表达,并分析表达产物EvXyn 11 TS和EvXyn11M的温度和pH特性.[结果]酶学性质研究结果表明:EvXyn11M的最适温度Topt由突变前的85℃降至70℃;EvXyn11TS在90℃的半衰期t1/290为32 min,而EvXyn11M在70℃的半衰期t1/270仅为8.0 min.[结论]运用分子动力学模拟预测了N端二硫键对EvXyn11TS耐热性的重要作用,并通过定点突变验证之,为其它与耐热EvXyn11TS一级结构相似的、11家族常温高比活性木聚糖酶的耐热性改造提供了新的技术策略.  相似文献   

The covalent conjugation of a functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) to multiple nucleophilic amine residues results in a heterogeneous mixture of PEG positional isomers. Their physicochemical, biological, and pharmaceutical properties vary with the site of conjugation of PEG. Yields are low because of inefficient conjugation chemistry and production costs high because of complex purification procedures. Our solution to these fundamental problems in PEGylating proteins has been to exploit the latent conjugation selectivity of the two sulfur atoms that are derived from the ubiquitous disulfide bonds of proteins. This approach to PEGylation involves two steps: (1) disulfide reduction to release the two cysteine thiols and (2) re-forming the disulfide by bis-alkylation via a three-carbon bridge to which PEG was covalently attached. During this process, irreversible denaturation of the protein did not occur. Mechanistically, the conjugation is conducted by a sequential, interactive bis-alkylation using alpha,beta-unsaturated beta'-monosulfone functionalized PEG reagents. The combination of (a) maintaining the protein's tertiary structure after disulfide reduction, (b) the mechanism for bis-thiol selectivity of the PEG reagent, and (c) the steric shielding of PEG ensure that only one PEG molecule is conjugated at each disulfide bond. PEG was site-specifically conjugated via a three-carbon bridge to 2 equiv of the tripeptide glutathione, the cyclic peptide hormone somatostatin, the tetrameric protein l-asparaginase, and to the disulfides in interferon alpha-2b (IFN). SDS-PAGE, mass spectral, and NMR analyses were used to confirm conjugation, thiol selectivity, and connectivity. The biological activity of the l-asparaginase did not change after the attachment of four PEG molecules. In the case of IFN, a small reduction in biological activity was seen with the single-bridged IFN (without PEG attached). A significantly larger reduction in biological activity was seen with the three-carbon disulfide single-bridged PEG-IFNs and with the double-bridged IFN (without PEG attached). The reduction of the PEG-IFN's in vitro biological activity was a consequence of the steric shielding caused by PEG, and it was comparable to that seen with all other forms of PEG-IFNs reported. However, when a three-carbon bridge was used to attach PEG, our PEG-IFN's biological activity was found to be independent of the length of the PEG. This property has not previously been described for PEG-IFNs. Our studies therefore suggest that peptides, proteins, enzymes, and antibody fragments can be site-specifically PEGylated across a native disulfide bond using three-carbon bridges without destroying their tertiary structure or abolishing their biological activity. The stoichiometric efficiency of this approach also enables recycling of any unreacted protein. It therefore offers the potential to make PEGylated biopharmaceuticals as cost-effective medicines for global use.  相似文献   

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