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1. NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase from yeast was potently inhibited by aluminum ion competitively with respect to the substrate isocitrate, and noncompetitively with the other substrate NADP. Ki value was determined to be 0.43 microM. 2. Aluminum ion acted as only a weak allosteric inhibitor of yeast NAD-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase toward isocitrate, and as a noncompetitive inhibitor toward NAD. 3. Inhibition by aluminum ion of NADP- and NAD-isocitrate dehydrogenases can reduce the aerobic energy production in yeast, and may contribute to the biological toxicity of aluminum in ecosystems and human life.  相似文献   

Ridong Chen 《Planta》1998,207(2):280-285
The isoenzyme patterns of NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-IDH; EC have been investigated in 15 species of higher plants using dietylaminoethyl ion-exchange chromatography and immunological techniques. The obtained results unambiguously demonstrate that the cytosolic enzyme is the predominant form in leaf extracts of all the surveyed plant species. The chloroplastic isoenzyme, previously reported in pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves (R.D. Chen et al., 1989, Planta 178; 157–163), is a minor form in ferns and dicotyledonous angiosperms and is undetectable in gymnosperms and monocotyledonous angiosperms. Comparison of immunological relatedness suggests that the proteins of cytosolic isoenzymes have been highly conserved in the course of plant evolution. The data support the previously proposed idea that the cytosol is the major site for α-ketoglutarate production to be used for nitrogen assimilation. Received: 18 June 1998 / Accepted: 6 August 1998  相似文献   

Chronic alcohol administration has been known to increase peroxynitrite hepatotoxicity by enhancing concomitant production of nitric oxide and superoxide. We previously reported that control of the mitochondrial redox balance and the cellular defense against oxidative damage are primary functions of mitochondrial NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDPm) through to supply NADPH for antioxidant systems. In the present study, we demonstrate that modulation of IDPm expression in HepG2 cells regulates ethanol-induced toxicity. We observed the significantly enhanced protection to cell killing, lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, oxidative DNA damage, and decrease in generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species in IDPm-overexpressed cells compared to control cells upon exposure to ethanol. In contrast, transfection of HepG2 cells with IDPm short interfering RNA markedly decreased the expression of IDPm, modulating cellular redox status and subsequently enhancing the susceptibility of ethanol-induced toxicity. These studies support the hypothesis that IDPm plays an important role in regulating the toxicity induced by ethanol presumably through maintaining the cellular redox status.  相似文献   

R S Ehrlich  R F Colman 《Biochemistry》1992,31(49):12524-12531
The coenzyme selectivity of pig heart NAD-dependent and NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase has been investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance through the use of coenzyme analogues. For both isocitrate dehydrogenases, more than 10-fold lower maximal activity is observed with thionicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [sNAD(P)+] than with NAD(P)+ or acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide [acNAD-(P)+] as coenzyme. Nuclear Overhauser effect measurements failed to reveal any differences in the adenine-ribose conformations among the enzyme-bound analogues. The 2'-phosphate resonance of the enzyme-bound NADP+ analogues showed the same change in chemical shift observed for the natural coenzyme and revealed the same lack of pH dependence in the range from pH 5.4 to 8.2. NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase exhibits only small differences in Michaelis constants for the coenzymes with various nicotinamide substituents, reflecting a predominant role for the adenosine moiety in binding. The conformation of the bound nicotinamide-ribose of the natural coenzymes was appreciably different from that of the coenzyme, sNAD(P)+, which shows low catalytic activity. For both isocitrate dehydrogenases, sNAD(P)+ bound to the enzymes exhibits a mixture of syn and anti conformations while only the anti conformation can be detected for NAD(P)+. Chemical shifts of NAD(P)+ enriched with 13C in the carboxamide indicate that interaction of this group with the enzymes may play a role in positioning the nicotinamide ring to participate in catalysis. Our results suggest that, although interaction of the nicotinamide moiety with the enzymes contributes relatively little to the energy of interaction in the binary complex, the enzymes must correctly position this group for the catalytic event.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purification of NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase from ox heart mitochondria is described. The molecular weight from gel filtration, sedimentation equilibrium and gel electrophoresis is 90000+/-4000, and there are two subunits in the molecule each of which binds NADPH with enhancement of the coenzyme fluorescence. The amino-acid composition is reported, and the absorption coefficient, A1/280%, estimated from dry weight measurements is 11.8 cm-1.  相似文献   

Among members of the fish family Cyprinidae , the existence of a diploid-tetraploid relationship is well established. The analysis of individual gene loci, using isoenzyme polymorphism as genetic markers, does not always confirm the expected gene duplication in the tetraploids. Of the markers used in this study, only the M-form of the NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase follows this expectation; the data suggest the existence of a single gene locus for the enzyme in diploids, while the observations on tetraploids were consistent with control by two distinct loci. For two other enzymes, the S-form of the NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase and sorbitol dehydrogenase, no difference seems to exist in the number of gene loci between diploids and tetraploids. A comparison between Cyprinid fish (order Ostariophysi ) and members of the order Isospondyli in which another diploid-tetraploid relationship was established, reveals that gene duplications are more frequently demonstrable within tetraploid Isospondyli than in tetraploid Cyprinidae. From this, it is concluded that polyploidization occurred earlier in evolution of Cyprinidae than of Isospondyli.  相似文献   

The reduction of putidaredoxin reductase by reduced pyridine nucleotides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Putidaredoxin reductase (PdR), an FAD-containing protein, mediates the transfer of electrons from NADH to putidaredoxin in the cytochrome P-450cam-dependent oxidation of camphor. Using stopped-flow spectrophotometry, reduction of putidaredoxin reductase by NADH (70 microM) at 4 degrees C appeared to be a pseudo-first-order process with a rate constant in excess of 600 s-1. The reduction of putidaredoxin reductase by NADPH was much slower with a second-order rate constant of 530 s-1 M-1 at 4 degrees C. The reduction of the enzyme was monitored at several wavelengths: 455 nm to follow flavin reduction; 700 nm to follow the appearance of the long-wavelength charge-transfer complex; and 513 nm to detect the presence of a semiquinone form of the flavoprotein. There was no apparent semiquinone formation observed during reduction. The charge-transfer complex can be formed in the presence of NAD+, whereas, no charge-transfer band could be detected when PdR was reduced with NADPH. The titration of chemically or NADPH-reduced putidaredoxin reductase with either a stoichiometric or an excess amount of NAD+ resulted in the formation of a charge-transfer complex, indicating that the reduced form of PdR has a high affinity for NAD+ regardless of the method of reduction. The data presented indicate that putidaredoxin reductase is reduced without the formation of semiquinone intermediate and, upon reduction, forms a tight complex with NAD+. The Keq for the reduction of PdR by NADPH is 1.1 and the midpoint potential for this reaction is -317 +/- 5 mV.  相似文献   

In the previous research we have demonstrated that rats fed on a rickets-inducing diet show increasing citrate levels in kidney and intestinal mucosa. The study of the enzymes related to citrate metabolism has shown that both NAD+-and NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases decrease in kidney mitochondria of rachitic rat. The inhibitory effect of Ca2+ and citrate on the activity of the two dehydrogenases has been also investigated; these metabolites behave as competitive inhibitors against Mg2+ both in normal and in rachitic rats.  相似文献   

The specific activity of NAD- and NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase and their regulation by thyroxine in the brain and liver of female rats of various ages were studied with the ultimate goal of better understanding the decreased physiological functioning of the brain and liver during old age. Both thyroidectomy and thyroxine treatment have differential age-dependent effects on the activities of these enzymes in both tissues. The activity of NAD-ICDH decreases whereas both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial NADP-ICDH increase simultaneously following thyroidectomy. Thyroxine administration induces NAD-ICDH and depresses NADP-ICDH. The degree of induction and/or repression is lowest in old rats. These effects of thyroxine are actinomycin D sensitive in both the tissues of rats.  相似文献   

The senescence rate of the subtending leaves in deflowered and control plants of pigeon pea ICajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. cv., Prabhat] and chick pea ( Cicer arietinum L. cv. JG 62) were examined during the course of natural and induced senescence, at several stages of pod growth. The leaves from the top 5 nodes on the main axis in pigeon pea and the top 8 nodes on the main axis in chick pea were used throughout the experiments. The natural senescence was characterized in leaves taken directly from the field-growing plants. For the study of induced senescence, the leaves were excised from both control and deflowered plants at various stages of pod growth and placed in test tubes containing water under dark conditions. Senescence was assessed in terms of peroxidase activity and contents of tola] chlorophyll, soluble amino acids and total protein. During natural ageing in the field, the leaves from deflowered plants exhibited delayed senescence in both the species. In contrast, the rate of ageing during induced senescence was higher in the leaves of deflowered plants than in the controls. Although of the same chronological age when excised for induced senescence, the leaves of deflowered plants were evideatly metabolically different from the controls, due to the fact that deflowered plants did not support the development of pods. This difference probably determined the subsequent rate of induced senescence.  相似文献   

The activity and hormonal regulation of NAD- and NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC and, respectively) in the brain and liver of rats of various ages were investigated. The activity of NAD-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase of the brain was greater than cytoplasmic or mitochondrial NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase. In contrast, the cytoplasmic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase of the liver predominates over both NAD- and mitochondrial NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenases at the three ages studied. The activity of NAD-isocitrate dehydrogenase increased in the brain (139%) and liver (17%) of rats upt o 33 weeks of age and decreased (57 and 39%, respectively) in old rats (85-week-old). The activity of cytoplasmic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase was maximum in immature (6-week-old) rat brain and decreased as the age of the rats increased; whereas, in liver, the activity of this enzyme was found to be maximum in adult rats (33-week-old). Brain mitochondrial NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase activity increased (64%) in adult rats, but in liver it decreased (45 and 33% in 33- and 85-week-old rats, respectively). In both tissues, adrenalectomy and hydrocortisone treatment showed differential age-dependent response. Hydrocortisone-mediated induction of the level of enzymes was inhibited by actinomycin D.  相似文献   

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