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Summary Although it is well established that coexisting heteromyid rodent species forage in different microhabitats, we do not yet know the basis for divergent microhabitat choice. One possibility is that seed harvest rates differ among microhabitats, and each species forages where it can extract seeds most efficiently. Microhabitats vary in several factors that could affect heteromyid foraging efficiency, including seed density, soil organic content and particle size distribution. We have explored the effect of each of these variables on harvest rates of several species feeding from petri dishes containing known densities of millet seeds embedded in soil of known particle size and density. Results indicate that the number of seeds harvested per second increases uniformly with seed density and soil density and decreases with soil particle size. Body size affects these relationships: larger animals have higher harvest rates for a given set of conditions and experience a greater relative change in harvest rate for a give change in conditions. This implies that heteromyids can be expected to exhibit species-specific microhabitat preferences while foraging in nature.  相似文献   

Summary Several lines of evidence show that soil texture plays an important role in the distribution of desert-dwelling heteromyid rodents. This is not surprising, since texture influences the energetic cost of digging burrows and of scratching at the soil surface to harvest buried seeds. Texture also may influence the efficiency with which seeds can be separated from the soil particles with which they are mixed. To explore mechanisms of particle separation by foraging heteromyids we measured seed harvest rates and size selection in the laboratory for a variety of seed sizes and soil textures. Harvest rate declined with increasing soil coarseness, and the preference for seeds of intermediate size that was apparent in fine soil disappeared when seeds were mixed with soil slightly coarser than the preferred seed size. In addition, there was evidence that particle separation efficiency is sensitive to the relative sizes of seeds and soil. A discontinity in the function relating harvest rate to soil texture occurred at finer soil textures for small seeds than for large seeds, suggesting that harvest techniques change once soil particle diameter equals or exceeds that of seeds. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that heteromyids use a combination of gravity-and rake-sorting mechanisms for particle separation.  相似文献   

Summary Diplacus aurantiacus produces a full canopy of leaves during the rainy winter and spring. As the drought begins in summer, all but the terminal leaves are lost. The leaves present during the growth period have a comparatively low specific weight and a high content of water, protein, and non-structural carbohydrate on a weight basis. Leaves of this type have a high carbon-gain per unit dry matter investment.The larvae of Euphydryas chalcedona utilize Diplacus as their principal food source. Following the first winter rains, the shrub starts to grow and the larvae of Euphydryas break diapause and begin actively feeding. Adults are produced which lay eggs that hatch into prediapause larvae. During the end of the growth period of the shrub, as the quality and quantity of Diplacus leaves decline, the prediapause larvae have a brief period of active feeding and growth and then enter diapause. Diplacus produces a leaf surface resin which inhibits the growth of Euphydryas larvae. It is present in the highest amounts on those few leaves that remain on the shrub during the drought period.The type and pattern of herbivore defense in Diplacus fits the model described for apparent plants.  相似文献   

Summary The water balance of three different sized coexisting species of heteromyid rodents (Dipodomys merriami ca. 39 g;Perognathus fallax ca. 23 g;Perognathus longimembris ca. 9 g) was assessed while consuming two different diets (either wheat or hulled sunflower) at ambient temperatures of 15–30°C. The metabolism of wheat as the sole food source was calculated to provide a greater metabolic water production (MWP) than the consumption of sunflower seed because of their different composition. The state of water balance was assessed by measuring urine concentrations and body weight maintenance on each diet at each temperature. Both measures showed that (i) all species were able to maintain a more positive water on the higher MWP seed, (ii) for all species there was an ambient temperature above which water balance could no longer be maintained, (iii) that this temperature was higher with the higher MWP food source and (iv) water regulatory efficiency was negatively correlated with body mass.Dipodomys showed a reduced digestive efficiency compared toPerognathus. When presented with both seedsDipodomys showed no preference for either seed irrespective of the state of water balance whilst thePerognathus species showed a tendency for an increased preference for the high MWP food source at the higher ambient temperatures. The ecological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Variations in predation risk affect the costs of foraging and may therefore warrant different foraging decisions. One class of models ("higher requisite profit") predicts that foragers should become more selective when predation risk increases, as low-profitability items that do not cover the increased costs are dropped from the diet. An alternative class of models ("reduced finickiness") predicts that foragers should become less selective when predation risk increases, because selectivity requires more extensive assessment and/or search behaviour, prolonging exposure to risk. We assessed the selectivity of foraging heteromyid rodents (Merriam's kangaroo rats, Dipodomys merriami, and pocket mice, Chaetodipus spp.) by comparing differences in "giving up densities" (GUD: the quantity of cryptic food left in a patch by animals for whom the diminishing marginal gains from foraging have dropped below the threshold for continued search) for foods of different value as a measure of selectivity in patches varying in predation risk. Data collected over two field seasons revealed that heteromyids were more selective when predation risk was highest; away from the protective cover of shrubs during the full moon. These findings support the predictions of higher requisite profit models.  相似文献   

Summary An experiment was conducted to determine the microhabitat preferences of two heteromyid rodents, Dipodomys ordi and Perognathus flavus. This experiment used marked seeds and the atomic absorption spectrophotometer in order to study the environment as a mosiac of microhabitats. The results of our analysis indicate that these two heteromyids are microhabitat selectors. The preferences of the rodents are D. ordi: grass habitat 0.0%, near grass habitat 22.5%, open habitat 77.4% and P. flavus: grass habitat 46.2%, near grass habitat 32.2%, open habitat 21.4%. The overlap between the two species is only 0.43.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The temperature regulation and heat production of two heteromyid rodents, Heteromys anomalus and Dipodomys deserti, were studied.
  • 2.2. Heteromys has a high basal rate and a high minimal thermal conductance: D. deserti has a low basal rate and a low conductance. Other heteromyids, all of which, like D. deserti, live in arid environments, also have low basal rates and low thermal conductances. The depression of metabolism and conductance is most pronounced in small pocket-mice (Perognathus).
  • 3.3. Low basal rates are an alternative to the production of a concentrated urine as a means of reducing water turnover in mammals with low water intake. Thus. among kangaroo-rats, species that live in mesic microenvironments and feed upon foods of a high water content, such as D. microps, have higher relative basal rates than other species. Heteromys differs from other heteromyids by inhabiting tropical rainforests, where water conservation is of minimal importance. Low basal rates may also be an adaptation to seasonally variable mast crops.
  • 4.4. In the maintenance of a temperature differential with the environment, low conductances compensate for low rates of metabolism, especially at small body sizes.
  • 5.5. These data are interpreted to mean that phylogeny, independent of ecological relations, has little influence on the energetics of endotherms.

Rodents of the family Heteromyidae are proficient gatherers and hoarders of seeds. A major component of their adaptive specialization for harvesting and transporting seeds is their spacious, fur-lined cheek pouches. Precise measurements of cheek pouch capacities are essential if ecologists are to understand the foraging ecology, possible constraints on locomotion patterns, and competitive relationships of heteromyid rodents. To measure the size of these cheek pouches and the rate at which animals load seeds into their pouches during seed harvest, we attracted 56 individuals representing ten species of heteromyid rodents to bait stations in the field and allowed them to fill their cheek pouches with seeds several times while we observed and timed the events with the aid of night-vision equipment. The largest load taken by each individual was used as an estimate of its cheek pouch capacity. At the end of observations, each subject was captured and its mass and other data gathered. The allometric relationship between cheek pouch capacity and body mass for ten species of heteromyids was significant [pouch capacity (ml) = 0.148 body mass (g)0.992, r 2=0.91, P<0.0001]. The regression coefficient is ≈1.0, which indicates that the volume of the cheek pouches scales in direct proportion to body size. When the data were subdivided into quadrupeds (Perognathus and Chaetodipus) and bipeds (Dipodomys) (n=5 for each), the relationships between pouch capacity and body mass were significant, but the two regressions were not significantly different from each other. When all loads (full and partial) were considered, subjects filled their cheek pouches an average of 93 ± 10% of pouch capacity (n=185). Cheek pouch capacities from published studies of artificially filled pouches of heteromyids in the laboratory averaged about 40% below the field measurements obtained here. The allometric relationship between mean loading rate and body mass was also significant [seeds/s=1.067 bodymass (g)0.830, r 2=0.85,P=0.0011), but when quadrupeds and bipeds were considered separately, the relationships were not significant. Seed densities and bulk densities were used to calculate packing coefficients for seed species, which, when used in conjunction with the allometric relationship between cheek pouch capacity and body size, can be used to estimate the maximum load carried by a heteromyid. Except for the very largest kangaroo rat species, a full pouch load of Indian ricegrass seeds represents less than the daily energy requirements of an active heteromyid. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1997  相似文献   

The rodent family Heteromyidae contains bipedal hoppers and quadrupedal runners. The possibility that bipedalism is associated with forelimb specialization for nonlocomotory functions, such as burrowing and seed-gathering, motivated a static functional-morphometric and interspecific allometric analysis of 18 metric characters of the forelimb skeleton. A principal-components analysis, across 28 species in six genera, showed that lengths of proximal (scapula, humerus) and distal (ulna, radius, metacarpal) elements were negatively allometric, and widths were positively allometric. Quadrupedal and bipedal species groups showed qualitatively similar allometric patterns, except that scapula width anterior to the spine was positively allometric in quadrupeds and negatively allometric in bipeds; scapula width posterior to the spine was positively allometric in bipeds and isometric in quadrupeds; and olecranon length was isometric in bipeds and positively allometric in quadrupeds. Most morphometric characters varied significantly among species within genera, even when effects of size variation were reduced by reconstructing all species to a common general size (as indicated by their score on the first principal component). These shape differences caused species to vary in the mechanical advantage of the forelimb, of possible importance for digging and seed-harvesting performance. Relative to quadrupeds, bipedal species tended to have greater mechanical advantage for proximal forelimb elements and smaller mechanical advantage for distal forelimb elements, but only the distal pattern remained in reconstructed forms, and no functional character was significantly different when tested over variation among genera nested within locomotion type. Cluster analysis confirmed that forelimb characters related to digging or seed-harvest are not coincident with mode of locomotion. Forelimb characters were, however, associated with digging or seed-harvest performance. Mechanical advantage of the proximal forelimb was positively related to an index of the compaction of soils with which 26 desert-dwelling species are associated, and also to relative use of heavy vs. light soils by nine species in the laboratory. Across 10 species, deviations in seed-harvest rate from expected allometric values were negatively correlated with mechanical advantage of the distal forelimb.  相似文献   

The effects of owl predation on the foraging behavior of heteromyid rodents   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary Researchers have documented microhabitat partitioning among the heteromyid rodents of the deserts of North America that may result from microhabitat specific predation rates; large/bipedal species predominate in the open/risky microhabitat and small/quadrupedal species predominate in the bush/safer microhabitat. Here, we provide direct experimental evidence on the role of predatory risk in affecting the foraging behavior of three species of heteromyid rodents: Arizona pocket mouse (Perognathus amplus; small/quadrupedal), Bailey's pocket mouse (P. baileyi; large/quadrupedal), and Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami; large/bipedal). Both kangaroo rats and pocket mice are behaviorally flexible and able to adjust their foraging behavior to nightly changes in predatory risk. Under low levels of perceived predatory risk the kangaroo rat foraged relatively more in the open microhabitat than the two pocket mouse species. In response to the presence of barn owls, however, all three species shifted their habitat use towards the bush microhabitat. In response to direct measures of predatory risk, i.e. the actual presence of owls, all three species reduced foraging and left resource patches at higher giving up densities of seeds. In response to indirect indicators of predatory risk, i.e. illumination, there was a tendency for all three species to reduce foraging. The differences in morphology between pocket mice and kangaroo rats do appear to influence their behavioral responses to predatory risk.  相似文献   

Chen F  Chen J 《动物学研究》2011,32(4):435-441
华山松(Pinus armandii)是广泛分布在中国中西部海拔1000~3300m的山地、种子较大(约300mg)的松属植物。为探究华山松种子大小对啮齿动物贮藏行为的影响,于2006年和2007年在滇西北3个不同地点进行种子标记和追踪实验。结果表明,在所有年份和地点,啮齿动物都倾向于贮藏更多的大种子和取食更多的小种子;啮齿动物贮藏大种子的数量,以及平均距离和最大距离均显著高于小种子。3个地点具有不同的啮齿动物群落结构,从而对种子命运产生显著影响。种子命运在两个年份间也存在显著差异。  相似文献   

种子产量对鼠类扩散栓皮栎坚果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解林木种子产量对鼠类种子扩散行为的影响,于2008 年和2009 年,在国有济源市愚公林场调查了栓皮栎的种子雨;在每年的种子雨结束后,选择次生林生境,研究了鼠类对人工释放栓皮栎坚果的扩散,旨在探讨种子产量与种子扩散间的关系。结果表明:1)取食栓皮栎坚果的鼠类主要有大林姬鼠、社鼠和岩松鼠,2008 年的鼠类捕获率(2% )低于2009 年(10%),其差异并未达到显著性水平;2)栓皮栎的种子雨构成和产量存在年际差异,2008 年以完好种子为主且产量高于2009 年,而2009 年以败育种子为主;3)2008 年人工释放栓皮栎坚果的中位存留时间显著高于2009 年;4)2008 年鼠类对栓皮栎坚果的平均扩散距离显著低于2009 年,且两年的搬运距离几乎都集中在9 m 以内;5)2008 年鼠类对栓皮栎坚果的埋藏比例显著高于2009 年。结果提示,在种子高产年份,可能有较多的种子逃脱动物的取食,从而增加种子萌发和幼苗建成的机会,最终促进植物的更新。  相似文献   

The principal parenchymal elements of the submandibular glands of the heteromyid rodents Dipodomys merriami, Perognathus longimembris, Perognathus fallax, Perognathus penicillatus and Perognathus baileyi consist of acini, granular tubules and striated ducts. Acinar cells of the four species of Perognathus are aniline blue, PAS (magenta) and Alcian blue (pH 2.5) positive and metachromatic with toluidine blue and safranin. The granules of the tubule cells are orthochromatic and react with aniline blue, orange G, the PAS reagent (deep pink) and the tryptophan indicator, xanthydrol. Acinar and tubule cells of D. merriami exhibit similar reactions except for the Alcian blue stain. Acinar cells of D. merriami do not react with Alcian blue. Submandibular glands of D. merriami exhibit a sexual dimorphism of the granular tubules. There is little observable difference between the sexes in the species of Perognathus but the ratio of granular tubules to acinar elements, the degree of hypertrophy of the tubules, and the amount of mucosubstance and protein (granules) contained in their cells are different in the four species studied. Since these desert rodents have similar habitats and habits, the differences observed between the two heteromyid subfamilies studied, as well as among the four members of a single subfamily, suggest that these are inherent species variations rather than variations of adaptation to environment.  相似文献   

Seeds and nuts dispersed by scatter-hoarding animals are relatively large compared to propagules dispersed by other means. Possible selective forces in the evolution of large seed size include the selectivity of foraging animals and the ways that food-storing animals treat seeds and nuts after harvest. Treatment by rodents, primarily yellow pine chipmunks ( Tamias amoenus ), of four species of pine seeds that vary in size was studied in the Carson Range of western Nevada. The pines, lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta , 8.7 mg), ponderosa pine ( P. ponderosa , 55 mg), Jeffrey pine ( P. jeffreyi , 157 mg), and sugar pine ( P. lambertiana , 213 mg), produce winged seeds that are initially wind-dispersed but are gathered by rodents and cached in the soil. Radioactive scandium-46 was used to follow the fates of seeds of all fours species placed around three source trees during autumn 1998 to 2000. Rodents gathered the seeds of all four species, but they took fewer of the lodgepole pine seeds and only six lodgepole seed caches (n=2106 total caches) were found during the three years. Among the other three species, number of seeds per cache decreased with increasing seed mass. However, the product of number of seeds per cache and seed mass was similar for all species. Sugar pine seeds were cached slightly deeper than ponderosa and Jeffrey pine seeds. For the species examined, seed size appeared to have had little effect on several other attributes, including mean dispersal distance, substrate choice, and microhabitat choice. Large size decreases wind dispersibility of pine seeds, but secondary dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents compensates for poor wind dispersal so that total dispersibility of large-seeded pines is not compromised.  相似文献   

研究了楝树籽不同方式的提取物(NI,NⅡ)对普通铁质淋溶土壤,简有水耕人为土壤供N和N肥利用率的影响。NI可在一定程度上抑制两种土壤产生NO3-N,NⅡ在两种土壤上前期均能显著固定NH4^ -N并在后期释放出NH4^ -N。如果NI和NⅡ2种提取物同时与化肥N施入土壤,则可明显改善土壤的供N状况,使这与作物需N过程更吻合。盆栽实验证明,NⅡ可显著提高肥旱耕人为土壤上作物对N肥的利用率。  相似文献   

L-fucose (fucose) is a monosaccharide normally present in mammals and is unique in being the only levorotatory sugar that can be synthesized and utilized by mammals. The metabolism of fucose is incompletely understood, but fucose can be synthesized de novo or salvaged. The utilization of fucose in the salvage pathway begins with phosphorylation by fucokinase. As part of an investigation of fucose metabolism in normal and disease states, we began an investigation of this enzyme. In this report, we present the tissue distribution of the enzyme in rat and mouse. The highest amount of activity was present in brain of both species. Some activity was found in all tissues examined (liver, kidney, heart, lung, spleen, brain, muscle, thymus, white adipose, testes, eye, aorta, small intestine, and submaxillary gland). Very low levels were found in small intestine. Varying levels in the tissues seems most likely to be the result of varying amounts of fucokinase protein as no difference in the Km values of crude enzyme could be shown. Protein-bound fucose levels were determined using the L-cysteine-phenol-sulfuric acid (CPS) assay. There is not a good correlation between fucokinase activity and protein-bound fucose, suggesting some tissues are more active in synthesis of fucose than others.  相似文献   

The clones of fast-growing trees (FGTs) were investigated for phytoextraction of soil contaminated with risk elements (REs), especially Cd, Pb, and Zn. As a main experimental factor, the potential effect of biomass harvesting time was assessed. The field experiment with two Salix clones (S1 – (Salix schwerinii × Salix viminalis) × S. viminalis, S2 – S. × smithiana) and two Populus clones (P1 – Populus maximowiczii × Populus nigra, P2 – P. nigra) was established in April 2009. Shoots of all clones were first harvested in February 2012. After two further growing seasons, the first half of the trees was harvested in September 2013 before leaf fall (summer harvest) and the second half in February 2014 (winter harvest). Remediation factors (RFs) for all clones and all REs (except Pb for clone S1) were higher in the summer harvest. The highest annual RFs for Cd and for Zn (1.34 and 0.67%, respectively) were found for clone S2 and were significantly higher than other clones. Although no increased mortality of trees harvested in the summer was detected in the following season, the effect of summer harvesting on the phytoextraction potential of FGTs clones should be investigated in long-term studies.  相似文献   

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