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Summary Previous studies have shown that the secretory products of Paneth cells contain antibacterial agents (lysozyme, IgA) that are affected by the bacterial milieu in the intestine. To investigate whether Paneth-cell secretion is controlled via cholinergic mechanisms, the ultrastructure of Paneth cells was studied in four animal groups: (1) germfree (GF) control mice (Jcl: ICR [GN], male, 13 weeks old), (2) GF mice injected subcutaneously with atropine sulfate (200 mg/kg body weight, dissolved in physiological saline 20 mg/ml), (3) ex-GF mice inoculated with feces from specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice, and (4) ex-GF mice injected with atropine and inoculated with feces from SPF mice. In ex-GF mice inoculated with feces, 70–90% of the Paneth cells showed fewer secretory granules than those from GF mice (p<0.01). Approximately 30% of the Paneth cells had a large vacuole (3–10 m diameter) in the apical cytoplasm. Exocytosed electron-dense material from secretory granules was observed in a few crypt lumens. In ex-GF mice inoculated with feces and given atropine, about 90% of the Paneth cells contained numerous secretory granules, like those in GF control mice, but vacuolated Paneth cells and exocytotic figures were rare; thus the secretion of Paneth cells was blocked by atropine. It is therefore possible that the bacterial milieu in the intestine affects the secretory activity of Paneth cells via cholinergic mechanisms.  相似文献   

The reported work is the first direct ultrastructural comparison of resident peritoneal macrophages from germ-free and conventional animals. Three groups of mice were studied: germ-free (GF), conventionally-reared under isolation conditions (IC), and conventionally-reared in an open environment (OC). The macrophages from the three groups of animals are closely similar morphologically. Particularly noteworthy are the electron-dense, lysosome-like granules which are numerous in the macrophages of germ-free mice and which provide a structural foundation for the presumed microbicidal capability of the phagocytes. Morphometric estimates showed that the "average macrophage" from GF mice is smaller and possesses a smaller, rounder nucleus, a smaller volume fraction of mitochondria and more lysosome-like granules per unit of cytoplasmic volume than the "average macrophage" from conventional mice. Moreover, granules and mitochondria are smaller, on average in the GF phagocytes than in macrophages from conventional mice. The results suggest that peritoneal macrophages from the germ-free mouse represent, more truly than those from the conventional mouse, the nature of the fully differentiated but as yet unstimulated mononuclear phagocyte.  相似文献   

Summary Paneth cells located at the bottom of intestinal crypts may play a role in controlling the bacterial milieu of the intestine. Using morphometry to clarify the secretory mechanism of the Paneth cells, we studied the ultrastructural changes in mouse Paneth cells produced following intra-arterial perfusion with Hanks' balanced salt solution containing a cholinergic muscarinic secretagogue (bethanechol), a neuroblocking agent (tetrodotoxin), or a G-protein activator (NAF/AlCl3). Bethanechol (2×10-4 mol/l) induced Paneth-cell secretion. Many Paneth cells massively exocytosed their secretory material into the crypt lumen; the enhanced secretion caused degranulation and vacuole formation. However, tetrodotoxin (2×10-6 mol/l) did not prevent the bethanechol-enhanced secretion by the Paneth cells. NaF (1×10-2 mol/l) and AlCl3 (1×10-5 mol/l) induced massive exocytosis of the Paneth cells; the exocytotic figures were similar to those observed in mice stimulated by bethanechol. G-protein activation was followed by a sequence of intracellular events, resulting in exocytosis.  相似文献   

目的 考察阿莫西林干预对婴儿优势菌双歧杆菌及乳杆菌在无菌小鼠体内定植的影响。方法 1日龄Balb/c无菌乳鼠接种婴儿粪便悬液。饲养至7~21日龄灌胃阿莫西林(100 mg/kg),对照组在同日龄给予等体积的生理盐水。利用qRT-PCR检测小鼠粪便中双歧杆菌、乳杆菌的含量。结果 阿莫西林处理可显著降低乳杆菌(P0.05)。结论 哺乳期阿莫西林干预会导致乳杆菌、双歧杆菌在小鼠体内定植量下降,但停药后小鼠饲养至成年二者可达到正常定植量,婴儿菌群定植小鼠模型可以模拟与现有动物模型一致的阿莫西林对双歧杆菌、乳杆菌定植的影响规律。  相似文献   

Peritoneal macrophage ultrastructure was analysed stereologically in germ-free mice given a single intraperitoneal injection of sterile, pyrogen-free saline. Thus the stimulant was non-particulate, non-antigenic and inorganic, and effects of immune reactions were minimal. Macrophages were recovered 1, 6, 24 and 72 h after stimulation. A sequence of structural alterations is reported which may be fundamental to macrophage activation. The plasma membrane and nuclear envelope increased in area within only 1 h of saline injection. During the next 5 h loss of plasma membrane, probably by pinocytosis, caused cellular "rounding" and clear-cut alteration in surface configuration. At the same time lysosome-like granules enlarged but decreased in number. By 24 h most cellular structures and compartments (including the plasma membrane) were enlarged. Morphological evidence of nuclear activation accompanied a rather modest enlargement of the nucleus at this stage. The RER hypertrophied last and must, therefore, be judged sufficient in resident macrophages to support the initial growth response which results after stimulation. Thus hypertrophy was observed eventually in every structure examined. Even the minimally activated macrophages resident in the peritoneum of germ-free mice respond readily to stimulation.  相似文献   

Carrageenans (CGNs) are widely used in foods and pharmaceuticals although their safety remains controversial. To investigate the effects of CGNs and CGN-degrading bacteria in the human colon, we screened for CGN degradation by human fecal microbiota, and for inflammatory response to CGNs and/or CGN-degrading bacteria in germ free mice. Thin-layer chromatography indicated that high molecular weight (MW) CGNs (!100 kDa) remained undegraded in the presence of human fecal microbiota, whereas low MW CGNs, i.e., k-carrageenan oligosaccharides (KCO,~4.5 kDa) were degraded when exposed to seven of eight human fecal samples, although sulfate groups were not removed during degradation.Bacteroides xylanisolvens and Escherichia coli isolates from fecal samples apparently degraded KCO synergistically, with B. xylanisolvens serving as the primary degrader. Combined treatment of KCO with KCO-degrading bacteria led to greater pro-inflammatory effects in the colon and rectum of germ-free mice than either KCO or bacteria alone. Similarly, p-p38-, CD3-, and CD79a-positive immune cells were more abundant in combined treatment group mice than in either single treatment group. Our study shows that KCO-degrading bacteria and the low MW products of KCO can promote proinflammatory effects in mice,and represent two key markers for evaluating CGN safety in foods or medicines.  相似文献   

Summary Paneth cells containing zinc-rich granules were found in the small intestine of 6-day-old rats. These cells were more numerous in older animals and were consistently most common in the distal ileum. The zinc content of granules from 10-day-old rats was similar to that found in adults (ca 300 mg atoms/kg dry weight) but no calcium could be detected. An injection of cortisone acetate at 5 days resulted in a premature increase in the numbers of Paneth cells in 10-day-old rats. The cell granules contained normal, adult levels of zinc, a calcium concentration of ca 400 mg atoms/kg dry weight and also an increased concentration of phosphorus.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that Hes1 is expressed both in putative epithelial stem cells just above Paneth cells and in the crypt base columnar cells between Paneth cells, while Hes1 is completely absent in Paneth cells. This study was undertaken to clarify the role of Hes1 in Paneth cell differentiation, using Hes1-knockout (KO) newborn (P0) mice. Electron microscopy revealed premature appearance of distinct cells containing cytoplasmic granules in the intervillous region in Hes1-KO P0 mice, whereas those cells were absent in wild-type (WT) P0 mice. In Hes1-KO P0 mice, the gene expressions of cryptdins, exclusively present in Paneth cells, were all enhanced compared with WT P0 mice. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated increased number of both lysozyme-positive and cryptdin-4-positive cells in the small intestinal epithelium of Hes1-KO P0 mice as compared to WT P0 mice. Thus, Hes1 appears to have an inhibitory role in Paneth cell differentiation in the small intestine.  相似文献   

肠道是最复杂的器官之一,负责营养的吸收和消化。肠道具有多层结构保护整个肠道免受病原体的侵害。肠道上皮是由单层柱状上皮细胞组成,是抵抗病原体的第一道屏障。因此,肠上皮必须保持完整性以保护肠免受感染和毒性剂的侵害。上皮细胞分为两个谱系(吸收型与分泌型),并且每隔3~4天脱落至肠腔中。细胞的快速更替是由于肠道干细胞的存在,肠道干细胞排列在隐窝底部终极分化的潘氏细胞之间并沿隐窝绒毛轴分化成不同的上皮细胞。一旦肠道干细胞受到损伤,潘氏细胞将通过提供WNT配体和Notch刺激来补充肠道干细胞。因此,潘氏细胞充当辅助细胞以维持干细胞微环境,即生态位。该综述探讨了干细胞和潘氏细胞之间的相互作用,进一步探讨了维持肠道稳态的信号通路。  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein (LBP) is an acute-phase protein involved in the host’s response to endotoxin and mainly synthesized and secreted to the blood by the liver. But in addition, LBP is also made by extrahepatic cells, including the enterocyte-like cell line Caco-2. To study in closer detail the synthesis and storage of LBP in the intestinal mucosal epithelium, we performed an immunolocalization of LBP in mouse small intestine. By immunofluorescence microscopy, an antibody recognizing the 58–60 kDa protein of LBP distinctly labeled a small population of cells located deep into the crypts. This cell population was also positive for lysozyme and α-defensin 4, identifying Paneth cells as the main intestinal LBP-producing cells. By immunogold electron microscopy, intense labeling was observed in the secretory granules of these cells. We conclude that Paneth cells express LBP together with other proteins acting in the innate immune response of the gut, such as lysozyme, defensins and intelectin.  相似文献   

Wnt/β-catenin signalling plays a key role in the homeostasis of the intestinal epithelium. Whereas its role in the maintenance of the stem cell compartment has been clearly demonstrated, its role in the Paneth cell fate remains unclear. We performed genetic studies to elucidate the functions of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in Paneth cell differentiation. We analysed mice with inducible gain-of-function mutations in the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and mice with a hypomorphic β-catenin allele that have not been previously described. We demonstrated that acute activation of Wnt/β-catenin signalling induces de novo specification of Paneth cells in both the small intestine and colon and that colon cancers resulting from Apc mutations expressed many genes involved in Paneth cell differentiation. This suggests a key role for the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in Paneth cell differentiation. We also showed that a slight decrease in β-catenin gene dosage induced a major defect in Paneth cell differentiation, but only a modest effect on crypt morphogenesis. Overall, our findings show that a high level of β-catenin activation is required to determine Paneth cell fate and that fine tuning of β-catenin signalling is critical for correct Paneth cell lineage.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of vitamin A-deficiency on jejunal Paneth cells in rats was investigated. Crystalloid particles were observed in secretion granules of Paneth cells from 6 out of 8 rats with vitamin A-deficiency. The particles were similar to those found in Paneth cells under other experimental conditions. Using an immuno-electron-microscopic technique we demonstrated a clear lysozyme immunoreactivity of these particles. In 2 vitamin A-deficient rats tubular structures have been detected in addition to the crystalloid particles. Crystalloid particles or tubular structures were not detectable in a control group of 8 vitamin A-supplemented rats. The morphological alterations of Paneth cells may be correlated to an impaired local immunity of the intestine during vitamin A-deficiency.This work represents a portion of a doctoral thesis presented by M.J. Koch in partial fullfillment for the degree of medical doctor  相似文献   

目的探讨不同剂量大豆异黄酮(SI)对前列腺增生大鼠组织形态学和超微结构的影响。方法应用丙酸睾酮诱导雄性SD大鼠前列腺增生,随机分为五组:正常对照组、模型组和3个大豆异黄酮剂量组,分别灌胃SI 60、120、240 mg/(kg.d),28 d后,光镜观察前列腺组织形态,同时结合图像分析系统检测前列腺腺体、间质的形态计量学改变,透射电镜观察前列腺细胞超微结构的变化。结果各剂量大豆异黄酮均可降低前列腺增生大鼠前列腺湿重、指数及体积,降低上皮细胞高度、腺体面积、腺体相对总体积、单位体积内腺体平均直径、平均体积、平均表面积和间质相对总体积,提高腺体数目、腺体数密度、腺体表面积/腺体体积和腺体平均曲率。结论大豆异黄酮具有抑制大鼠前列腺增生的作用。  相似文献   

Summary The localization of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) in Paneth cells was immunohistochemically studied in germ-free (Gf) and ex-Gf rats that had been injected with feces obtained from specific-pathogen-free (SPF) rats. In Gf as well as SPF rats, the secretory granules of Paneth cells and the brush borders of crypt cells exhibited IgA immunoreactivity. At 12 and 24 h after inoculation, it was found that, concomitant with the occurrence of considerable degranulation, the IgA immunoreactivity in Paneth cells disappeared, except of the margin of supranuclear vacuoles. In contrast, the IgA immunoreactivity of the crypt-cell brush borders was unchanged. Four days after inoculation, secretory granules exhibiting IgA immunoreactivity reaccumulated in Paneth cells. The present study suggests that Paneth cells regulate the bacterial milieu in the intestine by releasing secretory granules containing IgA into the crypt lumen.  相似文献   

The localization of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) in Paneth cells was immunohistochemically studied in germ-free (Gf) and ex-Gf rats that had been injected with feces obtained from specific-pathogen-free (SPF) rats. In Gf as well as SPF rats, the secretory granules of Paneth cells and the brush borders of crypt cells exhibited IgA immunoreactivity. At 12 and 24 h after inoculation, it was found that, concomitant with the occurrence of considerable degranulation, the IgA immunoreactivity in Paneth cells disappeared, except of the margin of supranuclear vacuoles. In contrast, the IgA immunoreactivity of the crypt-cell brush borders was unchanged. Four days after inoculation, secretory granules exhibiting IgA immunoreactivity reaccumulated in Paneth cells. The present study suggests that Paneth cells regulate the bacterial milieu in the intestine by releasing secretory granules containing IgA into the crypt lumen.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the lutein cells in the mink throughout pregnancy and the regression periodpost partum is described. To correlate the fine structure with the changes in the peripheral plasma progesterone levels, the concentrations of progesterone were measured by a rapid competitive protein-binding assay.Even during the delay period (e.g. as long the plasma progesterone levels remain at the basal level, <8ng/ml), the lutein cells in the mink exhibit structural criteria of functional activity. However, the increase in progesterone secretion is accompanied by some morphological transformations, characterized by the presence of more and more small dense homogenous bodies in the cytoplasm, which become irregular and scalloped during the stage with maximum release of progesterone. At this stage the agranular endoplasmic reticulum is often cisternal or vesicular.During the decline of the progesterone levels, typical and moderate electron-dense lipid droplets are found increasingly more within the lutein cells. The expanded agranular ER is now more sparse, while the granular ER becomes more pronounced, often forming parallel arrays. During this phase the mitochondria become elongated, dumb-bell, or cup shaped. After parturition the corpora lutea consist of cells in various stages of degeneration. At day 14post partum only a few lutein cells are still identifiable.Evidently the observed morphological changes take place in the lutein cells during the life span of corpora lutea. This feature lends further support to the concept that the mink lutein cells are steroid-producing cells and furthermore, that the corpora lutea may be the main sites of gestagen production during pregnancy.  相似文献   

浓香型白酒窖泥中兼性厌氧细菌的分离鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨浓香型白酒窖泥中微生物区系的构成,采用传统微生物分类鉴定法,对泸州老窖不同窖龄窖底和窖壁泥样的可培养兼性厌氧细菌进行了分类计数,并初步鉴定到属。平板涂布法计数得出,老窖底样的菌落总数最多,达3.98×103cfu/g泥,新窖壁样菌落数最少,只有0.24×103cfu/g泥;经生理生化鉴定,参照伯杰氏细菌鉴定手册等将划线单离后的菌株归为8个属,其大部分属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和芽孢乳杆菌属(Sporolac-tobacillus),也存在假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、梭菌属(Clostridium)等。  相似文献   

Massive resection of the small intestine in infants is imposed to the regulation of several intestinal pathological situations, as intestinal adaptation cannot be relied upon. Many nutritional disturbances are occurring following surgery procedure. In this vein, long-term parenteral feeding is adopt to improve prognosis not always successfully. Clostridia and more specifically Clostridium perfringens, are suspected to participate in the physiopathology of the rising situation. In order to investigate the effect of lactose and human milk neutral oligosaccharides (HMNOs) on Clostridia, germfree mice were inoculated either with enterotoxigenic C.perfringens strain isolated from a patient with NEC, or with a human microbiota harboring C.clostridioforme group(HF). In this vein, different doses of lactose were administrated during 2 weeks in adult mice on an attempt to evaluate the lactase activity. Intake of lactose (70 g/L) and HMNOs (7 g/L) in C.perfringens monoassociated mice induced mortality within a week. In HF mice, no mortality was observed. An increase in Clostridia occurrence was observed in the median ileum after intake of 7 g lactose (p = 0.017). Higher clostridial numbers occurred in caecum following intake of 70 g lactose (p < 0.05) and HMNOs (p < 0.025). Bifidobacteria were found increased from distal ileum to colon following 70 g of lactose intake, whereas they decreased in the caecum of mice drinking lower lactose concentrations. Finally, bacteremia was more frequent in 70 g lactose/L mice (p < 0.02), whereas at lower doses of lactose bifidobacterial translocation was observed.As a result, human milk oligosaccharides could favor clostridial population when reaching the lower intestine. The shortness of the small intestine in infants underwent massive intestinal resection seems to be associated to an incomplete breakdown of lactose. Enteral feeds formulas deprived in lactose would be more suitable in enteral feeding of infants.  相似文献   

Summary Callus-derived suspension cultures of oats dramatically increase the viscosity of the culture media after one month in culture. Colorimetric assays for sugars and protein, as well as measurements of viscosity, suggest that the released material is a long-chain polysaccharide, probably a pectinaceous substance. These cells grow slowly in liquid culture, yet despite their low cell density, they are able to increase the viscosity of the media several fold within seven days after media transfer. Ultrastructural observations show that oat cells have features common to actively-secreting cells; especially evident are numerous dictyosomes with hypertrophied cisternae. Using a combination of filtering and centrifugation techniques we were able to recover large numbers of intact secretory vesicles. The interior of the vesicles stain with periodic acid-silver hexamine, and colormetric analysis of the vesicle pellet for total sugars confirms the presence of polysaccharides in this vesicle fraction. Because of the uniformity of these cells, the high rate of secretion, and the accessability of a large vesicle population, this culture system is'a useful model for studying the secretory process in plant cells.Scientific Article No. A-3128, Contribution No. 6196 of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park, MD.  相似文献   

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