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Although generalist physicians appear to be more likely than specialists to provide care for poor adult patients, they may still perceive financial and nonfinancial barriers to caring for these patients. We studied generalist physicians'' attitudes toward caring for poor patients using focus groups and used the results to design a survey that tested the generalizability of the focus group findings. The focus groups included a total of 24 physicians in 4 California communities; the survey was administered to a random sample of 177 California general internists, family physicians, and general practitioners. The response rate was 70%. Of respondents, 77% accepted new patients with private insurance; 31% accepted new Medicaid patients, and 43% accepted new uninsured patients. Nonwhite physicians were more likely to care for uninsured and Medicaid patients than were white physicians. In addition to reimbursement, nonfinancial factors played an important role in physicians'' decisions not to care for Medicaid or uninsured patients. The perception of an increased risk of being sued was cited by 57% of physicians as important in the decision not to care for Medicaid patients and by 49% for uninsured patients. Patient characteristics such as psychosocial problems, being ungrateful for care, and noncompliance were also important. Poor reimbursement was cited by 88% of physicians as an important reason not to care for Medicaid patients and by 77% for uninsured patients. Policy changes such as universal health insurance coverage and increasing the supply of generalist physicians may not adequately improve access to care unless accompanied by changes that address generalist physicians'' financial and nonfinancial concerns about providing care for poor patients.  相似文献   

When Pavlov was first nominated for the Nobel Prize, he was well recognized by physiologists, especially those concerned with digestion. It appears unlikely that psychological interpretations of his conditional reflex findings had begun to penetrate deeply into the discipline of psychology. The selection in 1904 of Pavlov for the award in physiology or medicine attracted the attention of a broader range of scientists. American psychologists, in particular, probably became more aware of the advantages of incorporating his "objective" conditional reflex method into their investigations. General biographical aspects relating to the award and the effect of the award upon the acceptance of the conditional reflex method by American psychologists are developed in this presentation.  相似文献   

基因相关研究与诺贝尔奖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭俊明  肖丙秀 《遗传》2005,27(1):101-109
基因是能够表达和产生基因产物(蛋白质或RNA)的DNA序列。到2003年为止,因为研究基因而获得诺贝尔奖的共有51人,其中获生理学或医学奖44人(占生理学或医学总获奖人数178的24.72%)、化学奖7人(占化学总获奖人数123的5.69 %)。文章从6个方面对此作了评述:果蝇是基因研究的良好材料;DNA双螺旋模型的提出为基因研究提供了坚实基础;基因调控研究阐明了基因的许多功能;遗传学中心法则造就了11位获奖者;基因工程技术使人们有可能改造和利用基因;基因特性的深入研究使人们更加容易理解许多生命现象。Abstract: Gene is a DNA sequence which can be expressed and produces gene products (protein or RNA). By 2003, there are 51 Nobel Prize owners related to gene studies. Among them, 44 persons are in physiology or medicine (account for 24.72% of total 178), 7 persons are in chemistry (account for 5.69% of total 123). The paper reviews them in following 6 aspects: Drosophlie melanogaster is a good material for gene study; the double helix model of DNA structure provides a hard foundation in gene study; the studies on gene regulation illuminate many functions of gene; genetic central dogma researches created 11 Noble Prize laureates; gene engineering technologies make possible to modify and use genes; and the thorough studies of gene characteristic made us easier to understand many life phenomena.  相似文献   

2012年10月10日,2012年诺贝尔化学奖(The Nobel Prize in Chemistry)在瑞典皇家科学院揭晓,由于在G蛋白偶联受体研究领域("for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors")中的重要贡献,诺贝尔奖委员会宣布将诺贝尔化学奖授予两位美国生物化学家:霍华德.休斯医学研究所、杜克大学医学中心的罗伯特.莱夫科维茨(Robert J.Lefkowitz)  相似文献   

1 .三位美日科学家摘桂瑞典皇家科学院在 2 0 0 1年 1 0月 1 0日宣布 ,将 2 0 0 1年度诺贝尔化学奖授予不对称催化合成的 3位先驱化学家 :美国孟山都生物技术公司 (Monsanto)的威廉·S·诺尔斯(WilliamS .Knowles)博士 ,美国TheScripps研究所 (TSRI)的K·巴里·夏普莱斯 (K .BarrySharpless)教授 ,日本名古屋大学的野伊良治(RyojiNoyori)教授 ,以表彰他们在手性催化氢化反应和手性催化氧化反应研究领域所作出的重大贡献。新世纪的第一个诺贝尔化学奖获奖成果虽然是非常基…  相似文献   

向华 《微生物学通报》2020,47(11):3491-3493
CRISPR-Cas系统是在原核微生物中广泛存在的抵抗病毒(或质粒)入侵的防御系统。基于CRISPR-Cas9系统发展的基因组编辑工具可以方便快捷地实现对生物体内基因组的精确编辑,如突变基因的修复、有益基因的强化和有害基因的删除等,已在生命科学基础研究、经济物种遗传改良和人类医药健康等领域获得广泛应用,其主要发明人Emmanuelle Charpentier和Jennifer A. Doudna教授于2020年荣获诺贝尔化学奖。CRISPR-Cas9基因组编辑技术在深刻改变生命科学与医学领域研究范式的同时,也提示丰富多彩的微生物资源依然是颠覆性生物技术创新的源泉,微生物前沿基础研究具有极其重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Portrait of Sir Paul Nurse  相似文献   

Symmetry, selectivity, and the 2003 Nobel Prize   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clapham DE 《Cell》2003,115(6):641-646

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