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Intracellular accumulation of sucrose in response to lowered water activity seems to occur only in photosynthetic organisms. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, the potent ability of this common sugar, supplied exogenously, to reduce growth inhibition of Sinorhizobium meliloti cells in media of inhibitory osmolarity. Independently of the nature of the growth substrates and the osmotic agent, sucrose appears particularly efficient in promoting the recovery of cytoplasmic volume after plasmolysis. Surprisingly, sucrose is not accumulated by the bacteria at an osmotically efficient level. Instead, it strongly stimulates the accumulation of the main endogenous osmolytes glutamate and N-acetylglutaminylglutamine amide (NAGGN). Examining cell volume changes during the hyperosmotic treatment, we found a close correlation between the enhancement of the osmotically active solute pool and the increase in cell volume. Sucrose shares several features with ectoine, another nonaccumulated osmoprotectant for S. meliloti. Overall, osmoregulation in S. meliloti appears to be strongly divergent from that in most bacteria.  相似文献   

Cytokinin is required for the initiation of leguminous nitrogen fixation nodules elicited by rhizobia and the delay of the leaf senescence induced by drought stress. A few free-living rhizobia have been found to produce cytokinin. However, the effects of engineered rhizobia capable of synthesizing cytokinin on host tolerance to abiotic stresses have not yet been described. In this study, two engineered Sinorhizobium strains overproducing cytokinin were constructed. The tolerance of inoculated alfalfa plants to severe drought stress was assessed. The engineered strains, which expressed the Agrobacterium ipt gene under the control of different promoters, synthesized more zeatins than the control strain under free-living conditions, but their own growth was not affected. After a 4-week inoculation period, the effects of engineered strains on alfalfa growth and nitrogen fixation were similar to those of the control strain under nondrought conditions. After being subjected to severe drought stress, most of the alfalfa plants inoculated with engineered strains survived, and the nitrogenase activity in their root nodules showed no apparent change. A small elevation in zeatin concentration was observed in the leaves of these plants. The expression of antioxidant enzymes increased, and the level of reactive oxygen species decreased correspondingly. Although the ipt gene was transcribed in the bacteroids of engineered strains, the level of cytokinin in alfalfa nodules was identical to that of the control. These findings suggest that engineered Sinorhizobium strains synthesizing more cytokinin could improve the tolerance of alfalfa to severe drought stress without affecting alfalfa nodulation or nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Redox homeostasis determines cell fate for both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.In bacteria,redox state depends on aerobic respira-tion and antioxidant protection.Su...  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms that govern chemotaxis and motility in the nitrogen-fixing soil bacterium, Sinorhizobium meliloti, are distinguished from the well-studied taxis systems of enterobacteria by new features. (i) In addition to six transmembrane chemotaxis receptors, S. meliloti has two cytoplasmic receptor proteins, McpY (methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein) and IcpA (internal chemotaxis protein). (ii) The tactic response is mediated by two response regulators, CheY1 and CheY2, but no phosphatase, CheZ. Phosphorylated CheY2 (CheY2-P) is the main regulator of motor function, whereas CheY1 assumes the role of a 'sink' for phosphate that is shuttled from CheY2-P back to CheA. This phospho-transfer from surplus CheY2-P to CheA to CheY1 replaces CheZ phosphatase. (iii) S. meliloti flagella have a complex structure with three helical ribbons that render the filaments rigid and unable to undergo polymorphic transitions from right- to left-handedness. Flagella rotate only clockwise and their motors can increase and decrease rotary speed. Hence, directional changes of a swimming cell occur during slow-down, when several flagella rotate at different speed. Two novel motility proteins, the periplasmic MotC and the cytoplasmic MotD, are essential for motility and rotary speed variation. A model consistent with these data postulates a MotC-mediated gating of the energizing MotA-MotB proton channels leading to variations in flagellar rotary speed.  相似文献   

Sinorhizobium meliloti growing on soft agar can exhibit an unusual surface spreading behaviour that differs from other bacterial surface motilities. Bacteria in the colony secrete an exopolysaccharide-rich mucoid fluid that expands outward on the surface, carrying within it a suspension of actively dividing cells. The moving slime disperses the cells in complex and dynamic patterns indicative of simultaneous bacterial growth, swimming and aggregation. We find that while flagellar swimming is required to maintain the cells in suspension, the spreading and the associated pattern formation are primarily driven by the secreted exopolysaccharide EPS II, which creates two entropy-increasing effects: an osmotic flow of water from the agar to the mucoid fluid and a crowding or depletion attraction between the cells. Activation of these physical/chemical phenomena may be a useful function for the high molecular weight EPS II, a galactoglucan whose biosynthesis is tightly regulated by the ExpR/SinI/SinR quorum-sensing system: unlike bacterial colonies that spread via bacterium-generated, physical propulsive forces, S. meliloti under quorum conditions may use EPS II to activate purely entropic forces within its environment, so that it can disperse by passively ‘surfing’ on those forces.  相似文献   

Watson RJ  Heys R 《Plasmid》2006,55(2):87-98
The replication (rep) regions of small plasmids from three Sinorhizobium meliloti strains were cloned by marker rescue. Two unique replication regions were identified, one of which was common to two different strains. Plasmid pBB83 carried a 7.2 kbp rep region from a 42 kbp plasmid, and pBB84 carried a 4.5 kbp rep region from a 36 kbp plasmid. The cloned rep regions were of different compatibility types, and were capable of displacing their parent plasmids from S. meliloti. Neither could function in a PolA- strain of Escherichia coli. The cloned replication regions were less stable in S. meliloti than their parent plasmids. The rep genes for each plasmid were localized to less than 2.5 kbp segments. Sequencing data revealed that the pBB83 Rep protein is uncommon, with partial identity to a protein encoded by a plasmid from S. meliloti GR4 [Mercado-Blanco, J., Olivares, J., 1994. The large nonsymbiotic plasmid pRmeGR4a of Rhizobium meliloti GR4 encodes a protein involved in replication that has homology with the RepC protein of Agrobacterium plasmids. Plasmid 32, 75-79]. However, the cloned DNA fragment also contains a truncated segment of the common repABC genes, suggesting that the parent plasmid contained two sets of replication genes. Other genes and an IS-element within the insert are most closely related to sequences derived from the Rhizobiaceae family, suggesting that the plasmid has a limited host range. In contrast, the pBB84 rep region contained genes similar to those associated with several broad host-range plasmids, and its Rep protein is related to that of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa broad host-range plasmid, pVS1 [Heeb, S., Itoh, Y., Nishijyo, T., Schnider, U., Keel, C., Wade, J., Walsh, U., O'Gara, F., Haas, D., 2000. Small, stable shuttle vectors based on the minimal pVS1 replicon for use in gram-negative, plant-associated bacteria. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 13, 232-237]. The pBB84 rep region also includes a probable origin of replication, consisting of DNA boxes flanking a series of direct repeats and an AT-rich sequence.  相似文献   

Djordjevic MA 《Proteomics》2004,4(7):1859-1872
The proteome of the model symbiotic bacterium, Sinorhizobium meliloti was examined to determine the enzymatic reactions and cell processes that occur when S. meliloti occupies the root nodules of Medicago truncatula and Melilotus alba. The proteomes of the nodule bacteria were compared to that of S. meliloti grown under laboratory cultured conditions as an additional control. All the detectable protein spots on the two-dimensional (2-D) gels between pH 4-7 were analyzed. In total, the identity of proteins in 1545 spots from 2-D gels was determined using peptide mass fingerprinting. There were clear differences in the proteome of nodule bacteria and cultured bacteria and putative nodule-specific and nodule suppressed proteins were identified. The data were analyzed using metabolic pathway prediction programs and used to review the biochemical and genetic studies that had been done previously on S. meliloti over several decades. There was a broad congruency between the proteomic and biochemical data when the overall pathways of central carbon and nitrogen metabolism were considered. A selective suite of ABC-type transporters was present in nodule bacteria that were biased towards the transport of amino acids and inorganic ions (P and Fe) suggesting that a highly specialized nutrient exchange was occurring between the nodule bacteria and the host. Proteins prominent in nodule bacteria were those involved in the pathways for vitamin synthesis and stress-related processes (chaperoning, heat shock, detoxification of reactive oxygen species, regulation of stress and osmo-regulation). Some of these proteins were found only in nodule bacteria. These results show the extent of the shift in metabolism that occurs when S. meliloti invades legume plants and establishes a nitrogen fixing symbiosis.  相似文献   

Rhizobium meliloti, like many other bacteria, accumulates high levels of glutamic acid when osmotically stressed. The effect was found to be proportional to the osmolarity of the growth medium. NaCl, KCI, sucrose, and polyethylene glycol elicited this response. The intracellular levels of glutamate and K+ began to increase immediately when cells were shifted to high-osmolarity medium. Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis did not affect this increase in glutamate production. Cells growing in conventional media at any stage in the growth cycle could be suspended in medium causing osmotic stress and excess glutamate accumulated. The excess glutamate did not appear to be excreted, and the intracellular level eventually returned to normal when osmotically stressed cells were suspended in low-osmolarity medium. A glt mutant lacking glutamate synthase and auxotrophic for glutamate accumulated excess glutamate in response to osmotic stress. Addition of isoleucine, glutamine, proline, or arginine stimulated glutamate accumulation to wild-type levels when the mutant cells were suspended in minimal medium with NaCl to cause osmotic stress. In both wild-type and mutant cells, inhibitors of transaminase activity, including azaserine and aminooxyacetate, reduced glutamate levels. The results suggest that the excess glutamate made in response to osmotic stress is derived from degradation of amino acids and transamination of 2-ketoglutarate.  相似文献   

The Sin/ExpR quorum-sensing system of Sinorhizobium meliloti plays an important role in the symbiotic association with its host plant, Medicago sativa. The LuxR-type response regulators of the Sin system include the synthase (SinI)-associated SinR and the orphan regulator ExpR. Interestingly, the S. meliloti Rm1021 genome codes for four additional putative orphan LuxR homologs whose regulatory roles remain to be identified. These response regulators contain the characteristic domains of the LuxR family of proteins, which include an N-terminal autoinducer/response regulatory domain and a C-terminal helix-turn-helix domain. This study elucidates the regulatory role of one of the orphan LuxR-type response regulators, NesR. Through expression and phenotypic analyses, nesR was determined to affect the active methyl cycle of S. meliloti. Moreover, nesR was shown to influence nutritional and stress response activities in S. meliloti. Finally, the nesR mutant was deficient in competing with the wild-type strain for plant nodulation. Taken together, these results suggest that NesR potentially contributes to the adaptability of S. meliloti when it encounters challenges such as high osmolarity, nutrient starvation, and/or competition for nodulation, thus increasing its chances for survival in the stressful rhizosphere.  相似文献   

The regulation of the nutrient-deprivation-induced Sinorhizobium meliloti homogentisate dioxygenase (hmgA) gene, involved in tyrosine degradation, was examined. hmgA expression was found to be independent of the canonical nitrogen regulation (ntr) system. To identify regulators of hmgA, secondary mutagenesis of an S. meliloti strain harboring a hmgA-luxAB reporter gene fusion (N4) was carried out using transposon Tn1721. Two independent Tn1721 insertions were found to be located in a positive regulatory gene (nitR), encoding a protein sharing amino acid sequence similarity with proteins of the ArsR family of regulators. NitR was found to be a regulator of S. meliloti hmgA expression under nitrogen deprivation conditions, suggesting the presence of a ntr-independent nitrogen deprivation regulatory system. nitR insertion mutations were shown not to affect bacterial growth, nodulation of Medicago sativa (alfalfa) plants, or symbiotic nitrogen fixation under the physiological conditions examined. Further analysis of the nitR locus revealed the presence of open reading frames encoding proteins sharing amino acid sequence similarities with an ATP-binding phosphonate transport protein (PhnN), as well as transmembrane efflux proteins.  相似文献   

The Sinorhizobium meliloti megaplasmid pSymA has previously been implicated in gluconate utilization. We report a locus on pSymA encoding a putative tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporter that is required for gluconate utilization. The expression of this locus is negatively regulated by a GntR family regulator encoded adjacent to the transporter operon.  相似文献   

Amongst prokaryotic genomes, those of nitrogen-fixing members of the Rhizobiaceae family are relatively large (6-9 Mb), often include mega-plasmids of 1.5-2 Mb, and contain numerous families of repeated DNA sequences. Although most essential nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes are well characterized, these represent only a small fraction of the DNA content. Little is known about the detailed structure of rhizobial genomes. With the development of sequencing techniques and new bio-informatic tools such studies become possible, however. Using the 2275 shotgun sequences of ANU265 (a derivative of NGR234 cured of pNGR234a), we have identified numerous families of repeats. Amongst these, the 58-bp-long NGRREP-4 represents the third most abundant DNA sequence after the RIME1 and RIME2 repeats, all of which are also found in Sinorhizobium meliloti. Surprisingly, studies on the distribution of these elements showed that in proportion to its size, the chromosome of NGR234 carries many more RIME modules than pNGR234a or pNGR234b. Together with the presence in NGR234 and S. meliloti 1021 of an insertion sequence (IS) element more conserved than essential nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes, these results give new insights into the origin and evolution of rhizobial genomes.  相似文献   

Receiver domains control intracellular responses triggered by signal transduction in bacterial two-component systems. Here, we report the solution nuclear magnetic resonance structure and dynamics of Sma0114 from the bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti, the first such characterization of a receiver domain from the HWE-kinase family of two-component systems. The structure of Sma0114 adopts a prototypical α(5)/β(5) Rossman fold but has features that set it apart from other receiver domains. The fourth β-strand of Sma0114 houses a PFxFATGY sequence motif, common to many HWE-kinase-associated receiver domains. This sequence motif in Sma0114 may substitute for the conserved Y-T coupling mechanism, which propagates conformational transitions in the 455 (α4-β5-α5) faces of receiver domains, to prime them for binding downstream effectors once they become activated by phosphorylation. In addition, the fourth α-helix of the consensus 455 face in Sma0114 is replaced with a segment that shows high flexibility on the pico- to nanosecond time scale by (15)N relaxation data. Secondary structure prediction analysis suggests that the absence of helix α4 may be a conserved property of the HWE-kinase-associated family of receiver domains to which Sma0114 belongs. In spite of these differences, Sma0114 has a conserved active site, binds divalent metal ions such as Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) that are required for phosphorylation, and exhibits micro- to millisecond active-site dynamics similar to those of other receiver domains. Taken together, our results suggest that Sma0114 has a conserved active site but differs from typical receiver domains in the structure of the 455 face that is used to effect signal transduction following activation.  相似文献   

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