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This paper suggests a new method for short-time jitter estimation based on a mathematical model that describes the coupling of two periodical phenomena. Specifically, jitter is modeled as the movement of one of the two periodic phenomena with respect to the other. The proposed method measures this movement indirectly by taking into account the spectral properties of the suggested model. Experiments with synthetic jitter signals showed that the suggested method produces accurate local estimates of jitter. Further evaluation was conducted on actual normal and pathological voice signals using two databases and jitter estimations from the Multi-Dimension Voice Program (MDVP) and the Praat system. Compared with the corresponding parameters from these two systems, the proposed method outperformed both in normal vs. pathological voice discrimination accuracy by at least 4%. Furthermore, it was shown that these methods actually rely on low-pass information, while the proposed method takes into account the full spectrum. The study of the short-time statistics of the jitter measurements provided by the suggested method indicates that there is a higher correlation with voice pathology compared to that obtained by the other two systems.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of a high-dimensional discrete vocal fold model for the simulation of voice production under the presence of laryngeal disorders. Specifically, the effect of increases in mass and stiffness, both unilateral and bilateral, has been analysed independently for both magnitudes. The glottal flow waveform and the mass displacement have been studied and the obtained results are coherent with clinical observations that relate mass increments with lowered fundamental frequencies and mass and stiffness increments with reduced vibratory amplitudes of vocal folds. The reported results also indicate that asymmetries in the physical properties of vocal folds result in asymmetries in their vibratory patterns, including phase, amplitude and behaviour on collision. These are also correlated with voice perturbation measures such as jitter, shimmer and normalised noise energy.  相似文献   

Distinct differences in the human voice emerge during adolescence, with males producing deeper and more resonant voices than females by the end of sexual maturation. Using magnetic resonance images of heads and voice recordings obtained in 532 typically developing adolescents, we investigate what might be the drivers of this change in voice, and the subjective judgment of the voice “maleness” and “femaleness”.We show clear sex differences in the morphology of voice-related structures during adolescence, with males displaying strong associations between age (and puberty) and both vocal-fold and vocal-tract length; this was not the case in female adolescents. At the same time, males (compared with females) display stronger associations between age (and puberty) with both fundamental frequency and formant position. In males, vocal morphology was a mediator in the relationship between bioavailable testosterone and acoustic indices.Subjective judgment of the voice sex could be predicted by the morphological and acoustic parameters in males only: the length of vocal folds and its acoustic counterpart, fundamental frequency, is a larger predictor of subjective “maleness” of a voice than vocal-tract length and formant position.  相似文献   

Manipulations of voice pitch have been shown to alter attractiveness ratings, but whether preferences extend to very low or very high voice pitch is unknown. Here, we manipulated voice pitch in averaged men's and women's voices by 2 Hz intervals to create a range of male and female voices speaking monopthong vowel sounds and spanning a range of frequencies from normal to very low and very high pitch. With these voices, we used the method of constant stimuli to measure preferences for voice. Nineteen university students (ages: 20-25) participated in three experiments. On average, men preferred high-pitched women's voices to low-pitched women's voices across all frequencies tested. On average, women preferred men's voices lowered in pitch, but did not prefer very low men's voices. The results of this study may reflect selection pressures for men's and women's voices, and shed light on a perceptual link between voice pitch and vocal attractiveness.  相似文献   

The high quality of a euphonic voice is the result of complex interactions between many organs and systems. Vibrating vocal folds play a crucial role in this process. Their physiological motion is conditioned by the presence of the layered structure of laryngeal mucosa. In this study, we assessed the degree of dysphonia according to the Union of European Phoniatrics (UEP) scale. Videoendoscopy (VLS) and videostroboscopic (VLSS) examination of the larynx was used to visualize the vibration of the vocal folds. Morphological assessment of the inter-membranous part of the vocal fold mucosa was carried out using material collected after surgical treatment (60%) or obtained from autopsy (40%). The samples were examined by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In euphonic voices, 1° of dysphonia (UEP) and the physiological endoscopic (VLS) and stroboscopic (VLSS) findings of vocal folds were registered. No morphological or ultramorphological changes were observed in the cells of the multilayered flat epithelium, basal membrane or in the stroma. Unchanged epithelial cells were situated on the basal membrane with folds. Moreover, numerous pericytes, vessels with multiplication of basal membranes, scanty collagenous fibers, plasmatic cells and lymphocytes were seen. Morphological changes with signs of atrophy and polypoid degeneration of the vocal fold mucosa were found in only 3 (15%) patients.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results concerning validity of jitter measurement in strongly irregular voice signals (sustained vowels) moderately corrupted by noise. The performance of four tools for voice analysis is compared on synthetic signals as far as fundamental period and jitter estimation are concerned. Synthesised vowels offer the advantage of a perfect control of the amount of jitter put in.Though implementing the same formula for jitter estimation, the results obtained with these approaches become quite different for increasing jitter. The reason could be searched in the different methods used for the separation of voiced and unvoiced frames as well as for fundamental period estimation.Results show that all the tools give reliable results up to a jitter level J = 15%, that encompasses the maximum value J = 12% as obtained by expert raters by visual inspection. Hence, up to this limit, the tools presented here for jitter estimation can give a valid support to clinicians also in term of reproducibility of results and time saving.For jitter values larger than 15% all programs tend to underestimate the true jitter value, but with large differences among them. Just two methods succeed in estimating jitter values up to and larger than 20% and could thus be better suited for perturbation measure in strongly irregular voice signals.  相似文献   

Most previous studies of vocal attractiveness have focused on preferences for physical characteristics of voices such as pitch. Here we examine the content of vocalizations in interaction with such physical traits, finding that vocal cues of social interest modulate the strength of men's preferences for raised pitch in women's voices. Men showed stronger preferences for raised pitch when judging the voices of women who appeared interested in the listener than when judging the voices of women who appeared relatively disinterested in the listener. These findings show that voice preferences are not determined solely by physical properties of voices and that men integrate information about voice pitch and the degree of social interest expressed by women when forming voice preferences. Women's preferences for raised pitch in women's voices were not modulated by cues of social interest, suggesting that the integration of cues of social interest and voice pitch when men judge the attractiveness of women's voices may reflect adaptations that promote efficient allocation of men's mating effort.  相似文献   

Objective measurement of the severity of dysphonia typically requires signal processing algorithms applied to acoustic recordings. Since Lieberman (1963) introduced the concept of perturbation analysis in the area of voice, the best-known acoustic parameter in clinical practice is conventional jitter. However, jitter measurements have some critical limitations. According to a widely accepted guideline, in sustained vowels of dysphonic voices, only perturbation measures less than about 5% are reliable: this is related to period extraction methods. This limit of 5% deserves critical analysis, certainly when there are indications that some acoustic analysis programs can be applied to quite irregular voices such as substitution voices. The present experiment demonstrates that – on signals of synthesized deviant voices (sustained vowel) with moderate additive noise – different raters are able to visually identify in a very consistent way the period durations of successive cycles up to values of about 13% jitter. Furthermore, even for higher values – over 30% – the jitter % computed with the period values rated by visual perception is, for some of the raters, very comparable to the real value. This suggests that improved acoustic programs using more reliable algorithms could validly transgress the traditional limit of 5% if they demonstrate the correspondence of their computations with the true jitter values. This is now made possible by synthesizers generating artificial deviant voices that cannot be distinguished from true dysphonia, and in which the jitter put in is exactly known.  相似文献   

To increase our understanding of pathological and healthy voice production, quantitative measurement of the medial surface dynamics of the vocal folds is significant, albeit rarely performed because of the inaccessibility of the vocal folds. Using an excised hemilarynx methodology, a new calibration technique, herein referred to as the linear approximate (LA) method, was introduced to compute the three-dimensional coordinates of fleshpoints along the entire medial surface of the vocal fold. The results were compared with results from the direct linear transform. An associated error estimation was presented, demonstrating the improved accuracy of the new method. A test on real data was reported including computation of quantitative measurements of vocal fold dynamics.  相似文献   

This article presents a non-invasive speech processing method for the assessment and evaluation of voice hoarseness. A technique based on time-scale analysis of the voice signal is used to decompose the signal into a suitable number of high-frequency details and extract the high-frequency bands of the signal. A discriminating measure, which measures the roll-off in power in the high-frequency bands of the signal, with respect to the decomposition index, is developed. The measure reflects the presence and degree of severity of hoarseness in the analyzed voice signals. The discriminating measure is supported by frequency-domain and time-series analyses of the high-frequency bands of normal and hoarse voice signals to provide a visual aid to the clinician or therapist. A database of sustained long vowels of normal and hoarse voices is created and used to assess the presence and degree of severity of hoarseness. The results obtained by the proposed method are compared to results obtained by perturbation analysis.  相似文献   

Research shows that hormonal changes in women across the menstrual cycle affect vocal production. Most work has documented shifts at high fertility times (i.e., ovulation) or during premenstruation. However, hormonal changes at menstruation also affect female physiology and behavior and could affect vocal production. The present studies investigated perceptual differences in voices recorded during menstruation compared with recordings taken at other times of the menstrual cycle. Results show that male raters could reliably identify voices recorded during menstruation with or without the presence of a voice recorded closest to ovulation. In addition, voices recorded at menstruation were identified as being the most unattractive. These findings indicate that voice recordings taken at times of lowest fertility may uniquely impact women’s vocal production and that perceptions of voice based on cycle phase are not specific to the time of heightened fertility. Implications for the evolution of human menstrual cycle cues are discussed.  相似文献   

Voices can convey information about a speaker. When forming an abstract representation of a speaker, it is important to extract relevant features from acoustic signals that are invariant to the modulation of these signals. This study investigated the way in which individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) recognize and memorize vocal identity. The ASD group and control group performed similarly in a task when asked to choose the name of the newly-learned speaker based on his or her voice, and the ASD group outperformed the control group in a subsequent familiarity test when asked to discriminate the previously trained voices and untrained voices. These findings suggest that individuals with ASD recognized and memorized voices as well as the neurotypical individuals did, but they categorized voices in a different way: individuals with ASD categorized voices quantitatively based on the exact acoustic features, while neurotypical individuals categorized voices qualitatively based on the acoustic patterns correlated to the speakers'' physical and mental properties.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to systematically review the literature on the effects of biofeedback therapy in the domain of phonatory disorders and phonatory performance, using studies in peer-reviewed journals. An extensive definition of biofeedback is given and its place in voice treatment is defined. Eighteen group or case studies or reports considering the effects of electromyographic, laryngoscopic and acoustic biofeedback in dysphonic patients (hyperfunctional voice disorders, hypofunctional voice disorders, psychogenic voice disorder, laryngeal trauma, total laryngectomy, vocal cord dysfunction) and participants with normal voices are included and an analysis of procedure as well as research design and results is presented. The usefulness of biofeedback in phonatory disorders and performance was to be interpreted based on tendencies, since there is a lack of randomized controlled efficacy studies. In only 3 of 18 studies (16.7%) did biofeedback therapy fail to improve voice quality or not result in better results than other forms of therapy. Recommendations for improved methodologies are made, which include the use of acoustic voice quality parameters.  相似文献   

It may be adaptive for voters to recognize good leadership qualities among politicians. Men with lower-pitched voices are found to be more dominant and attractive than are men with higher-pitched voices. Candidate attractiveness and vocal quality relate to voting behavior, but no study has tested the influence of voice pitch on voting-related perceptions. We tested whether voice pitch influenced perceptions of politicians and how these perceptions related to voting behavior. In Study 1, we manipulated voice pitch of recordings of US presidents and asked participants to attribute personality traits to the voices and to choose the voice they preferred to vote for. We found that lower-pitched voices were associated with favorable personality traits more often than were higher-pitched voices and that people preferred to vote for politicians with lower-pitched rather than higher-pitched voices. Furthermore, lower voice pitch was more strongly associated with physical prowess than with integrity in a wartime voting scenario. Thus, sensitivity to vocal cues to dominance was heightened during wartime. In Study 2, we found that participants preferred to vote for the candidate with the lower-pitched voice when given the choice between two unfamiliar men's voices speaking a neutral sentence. Taken together, our results suggest that candidates' voice pitch has an important influence on voting behavior and that men with lower-pitched voices may have an advantage in political elections.  相似文献   

The influence of asymmetric vocal fold stiffness on voice production was evaluated using life-sized, self-oscillating vocal fold models with an idealized geometry based on the human vocal folds. The models were fabricated using flexible, materially-linear silicone compounds with Young's modulus values comparable to that of vocal fold tissue. The models included a two-layer design to simulate the vocal fold layered structure. The respective Young's moduli of elasticity of the “left” and “right” vocal fold models were varied to create asymmetric conditions. High-speed videokymography was used to measure maximum vocal fold excursion, vibration frequency, and left–right phase shift, all of which were significantly influenced by asymmetry. Onset pressure, a measure of vocal effort, increased with asymmetry. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) analysis showed significantly greater skewing of the glottal jet in the direction of the stiffer vocal fold model. Potential applications to various clinical conditions are mentioned, and suggestions for future related studies are presented.  相似文献   

Vocal fry is speech that is low pitched and creaky sounding, and is increasingly common among young American females. Some argue that vocal fry enhances speaker labor market perceptions while others argue that vocal fry is perceived negatively and can damage job prospects. In a large national sample of American adults we find that vocal fry is interpreted negatively. Relative to a normal speaking voice, young adult female voices exhibiting vocal fry are perceived as less competent, less educated, less trustworthy, less attractive, and less hirable. The negative perceptions of vocal fry are stronger for female voices relative to male voices. These results suggest that young American females should avoid using vocal fry speech in order to maximize labor market opportunities.  相似文献   

It is well known that non-human animals respond to information encoded in vocal signals, and the same can be said of humans. Specifically, human voice pitch affects how speakers are perceived. As such, does voice pitch affect how we perceive and select our leaders? To answer this question, we recorded men and women saying ‘I urge you to vote for me this November’. Each recording was manipulated digitally to yield a higher- and lower-pitched version of the original. We then asked men and women to vote for either the lower- or higher-pitched version of each voice. Our results show that both men and women select male and female leaders with lower voices. These findings suggest that men and women with lower-pitched voices may be more successful in obtaining positions of leadership. This might also suggest that because women, on average, have higher-pitched voices than men, voice pitch could be a factor that contributes to fewer women holding leadership roles than men. Additionally, while people are free to choose their leaders, these results clearly demonstrate that these choices cannot be understood in isolation from biological influences.  相似文献   

During political elections, voters rely on various cues that signal good social leadership, such as indicators of physical strength and masculinity. In adult men, masculine traits are related to testosterone levels, and one of those traits is low-pitched voice. Hence, lower pitch in a presidential candidate may be related to the election's outcome. This prediction is supported by experimental evidence showing that people prefer to vote for a candidate with a low-pitched voice. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between presidential candidates' vocal characteristics and actual election outcomes in 51 presidential elections held across the world. After analysis of the voices of opposing candidates, results showed that winners had lower-pitched voices with less pitch variability. Moreover, regression analysis revealed an interaction effect of voice pitch and voice pitch variability on the election outcome. Candidates with lower-pitched voices had greater likelihood of winning the election if they had higher pitch variability. This study extends previous findings, shows the importance of assessing vocal characteristics other than voice pitch, and offers external validity for the experimental evidence that candidates' vocal characteristics are related to the election outcome.  相似文献   

Vocal folds play a crucial role in voice production. The physiological vibrations of vocal folds depend on the unchanged multilayered structure of the vocal folds mucosa. Morphological changes of mucosa are the cause of voice quality disorders - dysphonia. The aim of this study was to determine the morphological base of dysphonia in patients with vocal folds atrophy. A group of 24 patients with larynx atrophy confirmed by endoscopic (VLS) and stroboscopic (VLSS) examination of the larynx was included in the study. The morphological assessment of the larynx mucosa was carried out with the use of the transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Ultramorphological examinations revealed changes in the epithelium, basal membrane and lamina propria of the vocal folds mucosa. An increased number of collagenous fibers, fibroblasts with signs of vacuolar degeneration inflammatory cells and a decreased number of blood vessels and pericytes were observed. Morphological changes found in the epithelium, basal membrane and lamina propria of the vocal folds mucosa were the cause of disorders of vocal folds vibrations registered in the stroboscopic examination of the larynx (VLSS).  相似文献   

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