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Many studies use a reference task of an isometric maximum voluntary power grip task in a mid-pronated forearm posture to normalize their forearm electromyographic (EMG) signal amplitude. Currently there are no recommended protocols to do this. In order to provide guidance on the topic, we examined the EMG amplitude of six forearm muscles (three flexors and three extensors) during twenty different maximal voluntary efforts that included various gripping postures, force and moment exertions and compared them to a frequently used normalization task of exerting a maximum grip force, termed the reference task. 16 participants (8 male and 8 female, aged 18–26) were recruited for this study. Overall, maximal muscle activity was produced during the resisted moment tasks. When contrasted with the reference task, the resisted moment tasks produced EMG activity that was up to 2.8 times higher (p < 0.05). Although there was no one task that produced greater EMG values than the reference task for all forearm muscles, the resisted flexor and extensor moment tasks produced similar, if not higher EMG activity than the reference task for the three flexors and three extensor muscles, respectively. This suggests that researchers wishing to normalize forearm EMG activity during power gripping prehensile tasks should use resisted flexor and extensor moment tasks to obtain better estimates of the forearm muscles’ maximum electrical activation magnitudes.  相似文献   

Objective:This paper presents the analyses of the fatigue effect on the cross-talk in mechanomyography (MMG) signals of extensor and flexor forearm muscles during pre- and post-fatigue maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC).Methods:Twenty male participants performed repetitive submaximal (60% MVIC) grip muscle contractions to induce muscle fatigue and the results were analyzed during the pre- and post-fatigue MVIC. MMG signals were recorded on the extensor digitorum (ED), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR) muscles. The cross-correlation coefficient was used to quantify the cross-talk values in forearm muscle pairs (MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MP5 and MP6). In addition, the MMG RMS and MMG MPF were calculated to determine force production and muscle fatigue level, respectively.Results:The fatigue effect significantly increased the cross-talk values in forearm muscle pairs except for MP2 and MP6. While the MMG RMS and MMG MPF significantly decreased (p<0.05) based on the examination of the mean differences from pre- and post-fatigue MVIC.Conclusion:The presented results can be used as a reference for further investigation of cross-talk on the fatigue assessment of extensor and flexor muscles’ mechanic.  相似文献   

We measured the medial joint distance (MJD), activity of muscles involved in medial elbow-joint support, and grip strength, aiming to examine the supportfunction of muscles.MJD was measured in supinated and pronated positions of the forearm of 10 participants under three conditions: at rest (R), under valgus load on the elbow joint (L), and under valgus load on the elbow joint during the grip task (L-grip). Under the L-grip condition, electromyography was performed on flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), pronator teres (PT), flexor carpi radialis (FCR), and flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU); subsequently, normalized integrated electromyograms (NIEMG) were calculated. Under the L-grip condition, MJD was shorter in the pronated position than in the supinated position (p < 0.001); however, grip strength was lower in the pronated position. NIEMG of FDS was 90% in both positions, and those of FCR and FCU were low at 10%. However, that of PT was 3.6% in the supinated position and 40.9% in the pronated position, showing higher NIEMG in the pronated position (p < 0.001). Medial support during grip tasks was higher in the pronated position probably because PT activity compensates for the decreased FDS activity.  相似文献   

Objectives: Muscle stiffness increases during muscle contraction. The purpose of this study was to determine the strength of the correlation between myotonometric measurements of muscle stiffness and surface electromyography (sEMG) measurements during various levels of voluntary isometric contractions of the biceps brachii muscle. Subjects: Eight subjects (four female; four male), with mean age of 30.6±8.23 years, volunteered to participate in this study. Methods: Myotonometer and sEMG measurements were taken simultaneously from the right biceps brachii muscle. Data were obtained: (1) at rest, (2) while the subject held a 15 lb (6.8 kg) weight isometrically and, (3) during a maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Myotonometer force–displacement curves (amount of tissue displacement to a given unit of force applied perpendicular to the muscle) were compared with sEMG measurements using Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficients. Results: Myotonometer and sEMG measurement correlations ranged from −0.70 to −0.90. The strongest correlations to sEMG were from Myotonometer force measurements between 1.00 and 2.00 kg. Conclusions: Myotonometer and sEMG measurements were highly correlated. Tissue stiffness, as measured by the Myotonometer, appears capable of assessing changes in muscle activation levels.  相似文献   

Electromyography computed tomography (EMG-CT) method is proposed for visualizing the individual muscle activities in the human forearm. An EMG conduction model was formulated for reverse-estimation of muscle activities using EMG signals obtained with multi surface electrodes. The optimization process was calculated using sequential quadratic programming by comparing the estimated EMG values from the model with the measured values. The individual muscle activities in the deep region were estimated and used to produce an EMG tomographic image. For validation of the method, isometric contractions of finger muscles were examined for three subjects, applying a flexion load (4.9, 7.4 and 9.8 N) to the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger. EMG signals in the forearm were recorded during the tasks using multiple surface electrodes, which were bound around the subject’s forearm. The EMG-CT method illustrates the distribution of muscle activities within the forearm. The change in amplitude and area of activated muscles can be observed. The normalized muscle activities of all three subjects appear to increase monotonically with increases in the load. Kinesiologically, this method was able to estimate individual muscle activation values and could provide a novel tool for studying hand function and development of an examination for evaluating rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Constant-force isometric muscle training is useful for increasing the maximal strength , rehabilitation and work-fatigue assessment. Earlier studies have shown that muscle fatigue characteristics can be used for evaluating muscle endurance limit. Study Objective: To predict muscle endurance time during isometric task using frequency spectrum characteristics of surface electromyography signals along with analysis of frequency spectrum shape and scale during fatigue accumulation. Method: Thirteen subjects performed isometric lateral raise at 60% MVC of deltoid (lateral) till endurance limit. Time windowed sEMG frequency spectrum was modelled using 2-parameter distributions namely Gamma and Weibull for spectrum analysis and endurance prediction. Results: Gamma distribution provided better spectrum fitting (P < 0.001) than Weibull distribution. Spectrum Distribution demonstrated no change in shape but shifted towards lower frequency with increase of magnitude at characteristic mode frequency. Support Vector Regression based algorithm was developed for endurance time estimation using features derived from fitted frequency spectrum. Time taken till endurance limit for acquired dataset 38.53 ± 17.33 s (Mean ± Standard Deviation) was predicted with error of 0.029 ± 4.19 s . R-square: 0.956, training and test sets RMSE was calculated as 3.96 and 4.29 s respectively. The application of the algorithm suggested that model required 70% of sEMG signal from maximum time of endurance for high prediction accuracy. Conclusion: Endurance Limit prediction algorithm was developed for quantification of endurance time for optimizing isometric training and rehabilitation. Our method could help personalize and change conventional training method of same weight and duration for all subjects with optimized training parameters, based upon individual sEMG activity.  相似文献   

The electromyographic (EMG) activity pattern across the upper trapezius of 22 healthy subjects was investigated during maximal isometric contractions. Eight bipolar surface electrodes with 10 mm distance between adjacent electrode pairs were placed on a line from the clavicle to the scapula. At the region near the clavicle the highest EMG amplitudes were recorded during 90 ° arm abduction. At the more posterior parts the highest amplitudes were found both during arm abduction and shoulder elevation. A double differential recording technique which reduced the EMG cross-talk contribution supported the finding that the upper trapezius was differently activated when the arm posture was changed. The normalized EMG amplitude-force relationship during the shoulder elevation showed a curvilinear relationship on the anterior part of the upper trapezius with a slower increase in EMG amplitude than force at low force. The slope of the curve, at low force, increased gradually in the posterior direction on the upper trapezius. The EMG activity patterns across the upper trapezius indicate a flexibility in motor activation which maybe reflects a functional optimization of the contractions performed by this muscle.  相似文献   



To examine the relationship between the biceps brachii muscle innervation zone (IZ) width and the mean muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) during a sustained isometric contraction.


Fifteen healthy men performed a sustained isometric elbow flexion exercise at their 60% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) until they could not maintain the target force. Mean MFCV was estimated through multichannel surface electromyographic recordings from a linear electrode array. Before exercise, IZ width was quantified. Separate non-parametric one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to examine whether there was a difference in each mean MFCV variable among groups with different IZ width. In addition, separate bivariate correlations were also performed to examine the relationships between the IZ width and the mean MFCV variables during the fatiguing exercise.


There was a significant difference in the percent decline of mean MFCV (%ΔMFCV) among groups with different IZ width (χ2 (3)=11.571, p=0.009). In addition, there was also a significant positive relationship between the IZ width and the %ΔMFCV (Kendall’s tau= 0.807; p<0.001).


We believe that such relationship is likely influenced by both muscle fiber size and the muscle fiber type composition.  相似文献   

The instant at which a muscle increases its level of activity from baseline represents the onset of muscle activity. Accurate identification of muscle onset allows determination of temporal and amplitude characteristics of the surface electromyography (sEMG) signal. This investigation determined the intra- and inter-tester reliability for determining the onset of medial gastrocnemius (MG) activity using visual and automated methods. One hundred hop cycles, performed at 2.2 Hz, were selected from sEMG recordings (bandpass filtered 50–500 Hz and full wave rectified) of ten participants who performed three trials of single-leg hopping. The onset of MG muscle activity was identified by 3 separate investigators on two separate occasions and an automated method (10% of the peak activation amplitude). The duration of the anticipatory period, from muscle onset to initial ground contact, was then determined. Intra-tester (ICC from 0.72 to 0.95) and inter-tester reliability (ICC from 0.70 to 0.88) were high as was comparison to the automated method (ICC = 0.90). These findings indicate that visual onset detection was highly reproducible between testing sessions, independent investigators and comparable to an automated method. These methods may be used reliably to determine the onset of MG muscle activity during a stretch-shorten-cycle muscle action.  相似文献   

Objective:This study examined motor unit (MU) firing rates during a prolonged isometric contraction of the vastus lateralis (VL) for females and males.Methods:Surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals were recorded from the VL for eleven females and twelve males during a 45-second isometric trapezoid muscle actions at 40% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). For each MU, mean firing rate (MFR) was calculated for the initial and final 10-second epochs of the steady torque segment and regressed against recruitment threshold (RT, expressed as %MVC), as well as time at recruitment (TREC, seconds). MFR was also averaged for each subject.Results:Significant differences existed across epochs for the y-intercepts (P=0.009) of the MFR vs. TREC relationship, as well as the grouped MFR analysis (P<0.001); no differences were observed between epochs for the MFR vs. RT relationship. Significant differences existed between sexes for the grouped MFR analysis (P=0.049), but no differences were observed for the MFR vs. TREC or MFR vs. RT relationships.Conclusion:Analysis method may impact interpretation of firing rate behavior; increases in MU firing rates across a prolonged isometric contraction were observed in the MFR vs. TREC relationship and the grouped MFR analysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if differences exist between the control strategies of two antagonist thigh muscles during knee flexion and extension muscular coactivation. Surface myoelectric signal (MES) of the quadriceps (rectus femoris) and the hamstrings (semitendinosus) were obtained from both muscles while performing step-wise increasing contractions during flexion and extension with the knee at 1.57 rad of flexion (90 degrees). The median frequency of the power density spectrum, which is related to the average muscle fiber action potential conduction velocity and therefore to motor unit recruitment, was calculated from each MES. The results suggest that, in all the subjects tested, when the muscle acts as antagonist most motor units are recruited up to 50% of the maximal voluntary force, whereas when the muscle acts as antagonist motor units are recruited up to 40% of the maximal voluntary force. The force range past 40–50% of the maximal force is also characterized by differences between the agonist/antagonist.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe objective of this work was to study modifications in motor control through surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity during a very short all-out cycling exercise.MethodsTwelve male cyclists (age 23 ± 4 years) participated in this study. After a warm-up period, each subject performed three all-out cycling exercises of 6 s separated by 2 min of complete rest. This protocol was repeated three times with a minimum of 2 days between each session. The braking torque imposed on cycling motion was 19 N m. The sEMG of the vastus lateralis was recorded during the first seven contractions of the sprint. Time–frequency analysis of sEMG was performed using continuous wavelet transform. The mean power frequency (MPF, qualitative modifications in the recruitment of motor units) and signal energy (a quantitative indicator of modifications in the motor units recruitment) were computed for the frequency range 10–500 Hz.ResultssEMG energy increased (P ? 0.05) between contraction number 1 and 2, decreased (P ? 0.05) between contraction number 2 and 3 then stabilized between contraction number 3 and 7 during the all-out test. MPF increased (P ? 0.05) during the all-out test. This increase was more marked during the first two contractions.ConclusionsThe decrease in energy and the increase in the sEMG MPF suggest a large spatial recruitment of motor units (MUs) at the beginning of the sprint followed by a preferential recruitment of faster MUs at the end of the sprint, respectively.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) amplitude and mechanical tension are directly related during isometric contraction. Maximal voluntary isometric contractions are typically elicited through two different procedures; resisting a load, which is eccentric in nature, and contracting against an immovable object, which is concentric in nature. A wealth of literature exists indicating that EMG amplitude during concentric contractions is greater than that of eccentric contractions of the same magnitude. However, the effects of different methods to elicit isometric contraction on EMG amplitude have yet to be investigated. The purpose of this study was to compare EMG amplitudes under different loading configurations designed to elicit isometric muscle contraction. Twenty healthy volunteers (10 males and 10 females, age = 23 ± 2 yrs, height = 1.7 ± 0.09 m, mass = 69.9 + 16.8 kg) performed a maximal voluntary plantarflexion effort for which the vertical ground reaction force (GRFv) sampled from a force plate and surface EMG of the soleus were recorded. Participants then performed isometric plantarflexion at 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% GRFvmax in a seated position, from a neutral ankle position, under two different counterbalanced isometric loading conditions (concentric and eccentric). For concentric loading conditions, the subject contracted against an immovable resistance to the specified %GRFv identified via visual and auditory feedback. For eccentric loading conditions, subjects contracted against an applied load placed on the distal anterior thigh that produced the specified %GRFv. This applied load had the tendency to force the ankle into dorsiflexion. Therefore, plantarflexion force, in an attempt to maintain the ankle in a neutral position, resisted lengthening of the plantarflexor musculature, thus representing eccentric loading during an isometric contraction. Mean EMG amplitude was compared across loading levels and types using a 2 (loading type: concentric, eccentric) × 4 (loading level: 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% GRFv) repeated-measures ANOVA. The main effect for loading level was significant (p = 0.007). However, the main effect for loading type, and the loading type × loading level interaction were non-significant (p > 0.05). The present findings provide evidence that isometric muscle contractions loaded in either concentric or eccentric manners elicit similar EMG amplitudes, and are therefore comparable in research settings.  相似文献   

This study compares muscle fiber conduction velocities estimated using surface electromyography during isometric maximal voluntary contraction in different stages of diabetic neuropathy. Eighty-five adults were studied: 16 non-diabetic individuals and 69 diabetic patients classified into four neuropathy stages, defined by a fuzzy expert system: absent (n = 26), mild (n = 21), moderate (n = 11) and severe (n = 11). Average muscle fiber conduction velocities of gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, vastus lateralis and biceps femoris were assessed using linear array electrodes, and were compared by ANOVA. Conduction velocities were significantly decreased in the moderate neuropathy group for the vastus lateralis compared to other groups (from 18% to 21% decrease), and were also decreased in all diabetic groups for the tibialis anterior (from 15% to 20% from control group). Not only the distal anatomical localization of the muscle affects the conduction velocity, but also the proportion of muscle fiber type, where the tibialis anterior with greater type I fiber proportion is affected earlier while the vastus lateralis with greater type II fiber proportion is affected in later stages of the disease. Generally, the muscles of the lower limb have different responsiveness to the effects of diabetes mellitus and show a reduction in the conduction velocity as neuropathy progresses.  相似文献   

Objective:This study examined the time course of changes in torque and electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG) responses during a sustained isometric task anchored to a constant perception of exertion (RPE).Methods:Twelve college-aged men performed an isometric forearm flexion task to failure anchored to RPE=7 (OMNI-RES scale). The amplitude (AMP) and frequency (MPF) of the EMG and MMG signals from the biceps brachii were recorded. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to examine differences for the normalized (%MVIC) torque and neuromuscular parameters.Results:The time to task failure (TTF) was 678.0±468.1s. Torque decreased significantly (p<0.001, ηp2=0.774) across time and all subjects reduced torque to zero. Post-hoc comparisons indicated that the torque values from 20–100% TTF were less than the value at 10% TTF. There were no significant (p>0.05) changes from 10–100% TTF for the EMG and MMG parameters.Conclusion:We hypothesize that RPE was maintained by various mechanisms throughout the task: group III/IV afferent neurons, adequate blood flow, and a combination of reduced contractile efficiency, collective afferent feedback (group III/IV afferents) from muscles involved with forearm flexion, and motivation that resulted in an initial decrease, plateau, and final decline in torque to zero, respectively.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that fatigue at different locations impacts joint angles, angular variability, and coordination variability differently. However, the neuromuscular control aspects underlying these kinematic changes have never been demonstrated. Seventeen young adults (8 males) were recruited. Electromyographic electrodes were placed on: upper trapezius, pectoralis major, anterior and middle deltoid, biceps and triceps brachii, and left and right erector spinae. Subjects performed the repetitive pointing task (RPT) at 1 Hz for 30 s before and after localized fatigue tasks, which consisted of one shoulder, one elbow and one lower back isometric fatiguing protocols until exhaustion in randomized order. Electromyographic amplitude (RMS), variability (SD) and mean power frequency (MnPF) were calculated for each of the pre-fatigue and post-fatigue RPT trials. There were sex × fatigue location interaction effects on upper trapezius RMS (p = 0.038) with males’ values increasing the most after shoulder fatigue. Females’ triceps brachii RMS was greater compared to males after shoulder, elbow, and trunk fatigue (p = 0.003, p = 0.001 and p = 0.007 respectively). There were sex × fatigue location effects on left erector spinae MnPF (p = 0.011) with males and females’ values decreasing the most after trunk fatigue, but more so in males. Results demonstrate that males and females compensate differently during a repetitive pointing task when their elbows, shoulders and trunks are locally fatigued, which could have implications on sex-specific workplace injury risks. See Table 1 for acronyms.  相似文献   

Mechanical assistance on joint movement is generally beneficial; however, its effects on cooperative performance and muscle activity needs to be further explored. This study examined how motor performance and muscle activity are altered when mechanical assistance is provided during isometric force control of ramp-down and hold phases. Thirteen right-handed participants (age: 24.7 ± 1.8 years) performed trajectory tracking tasks. Participants were asked to maintain the reference magnitude of 47 N (REF) during isometric elbow flexion. The force was released to a step-down magnitude of either 75% REF or 50% REF and maintained, with and without mechanical assistance. The ramp-down durations of force release were set to 0.5, 2.5, or 5.0 s. Throughout the experiment, we measured the following: (1) the force output using load cells to compute force variability and overshoot ratio; (2) peak perturbation on the elbow movement using an accelerometer; (3) the surface electromyography (sEMG) from biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles; and (4) EMG oscillation from the biceps brachii muscle in the bandwidth of 15–45 Hz. Our results indicated that mechanical assistance, which involved greater peak perturbation, demonstrated lower force variability than non-assistance (p < 0.01), while EMG oscillation in the biceps brachii muscle from 15 to 45 Hz was increased (p < 0.05). These findings imply that if assistive force is provided during isometric force control, the central nervous system actively tries to stabilize motor performance by controlling specific motor unit activity in the agonist muscle.  相似文献   

Summary We quantified midline kinematics with synchronized electromyograms (emgs) from the red and white muscles on both sides of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) during escape behaviors which were elicited from fish both at a standstill and during steady speed swimming. Analyses of variance determined whether or not kinematic and emg variables differed significantly between muscle fiber types, among longitudinal positions, and between swimming versus standstill trials.At a given longitudinal location, both the red and white muscle were usually activated synchronously during both stages of the escape behavior. Stage 1 emg onsets were synchronous; however, the mean durations of stage 1 emgs showed a significant increase posteriorly from about 11 to 15 ms. Stage 2 emgs had significant posterior propagation, but the duration of the stage 2 emgs was constant (17 ms). Posterior emgs from both stages occurred during lengthening of the contractile tissue (as indicated by lateral bending). Steady swimming activity was confined to red muscle bursts which were propagated posteriorly and had significant posterior decrease in duration from about 50% to 37% of a cycle. Fish performed escape responses during all phases of the steady swimming motor pattern. All kinematic events were propagated posteriorly. Furthermore, no distinct kinematic event corresponded to the time intervals of the stage 1 and 2 emgs. The rate of propagation of kinematic events was always slower than that of the muscle activity. The phase relationship between lateral displacement and lateral bending also changed along the length of the fish. Escape responses performed during swimming averaged smaller amplitudes of stage 2 posterior lateral displacement; however, most other kinematic and emg variables did not vary significantly between these two treatments.Abbreviations A angle of lateral flexion (bending) of midline at a single point in time - A1, A2 change in A from T0 to T1 and from T1 to T2 - AMX maximal lateral flexion concave towards the side of the stage 1 emg - AMXR equals AMX minus A at T0 - AT1, AT2 lateral flexion at T1 and T2 - DUR1, DUR2 durations of stage 1 and stage 2 emgs - emg electromyogram - ON2 onset time of stage 2 emg - RELDUR relative duration of steady swimming emg - T0, T1, T2 times of stage 1 emg onset, latest stage 1 emg offset and latest stage 2 emg offset standardized such that T0 = 0 - TAMX, TAMN, TYMX times of maximal lateral flexion, no lateral flexion and maximum lateral displacement - Y1, Y2 amounts of lateral displacement from T0 to T1 and from T1 to T2 - YMXR relative amount of lateral displacement from T0 to TYMX  相似文献   

Neural, mechanical and muscle factors influence muscle force production. This study was, therefore, designed to compare possible differences in the function of the neuromuscular system among differently adapted subjects. A group of 11 power-trained athletes and 10 endurance-trained athletes volunteered as subjects for this study. Maximal voluntary isometric force and the rate of force production of the knee extensor and the plantar flexor muscles were measured. In addition, basic reflex function was measured in the two experimental conditions. The power athletes produced higher voluntary forces (P<0.01-0.001) with higher rates for force production (P<0.001) by both muscle groups measured. Unexpectedly, however, no differences were noticed in the electromyogram time curves between the groups. During reflex activity, the endurance group demonstrated higher sensitivity to the mechanical stimuli, i.e. the higher reflex amplitude caused a higher rate of reflex force development, and the reflex amplitude correlated with the averaged angular velocity. The differences in the isometric conditions could be explained by obviously different muscle fibre distribution, by different amounts of muscle mass, by possible differences in the force transmission from individual myofibrils to the skeletal muscle and by specificity of training. In addition, differences in nervous system structure and muscle spindle properties could explain the observed differences in reflex activity between the two groups.  相似文献   

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