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A.N. Al Yacoub 《Theriogenology》2010,73(8):1018-1023
This investigation addresses the question whether it is possible to apply the open pulled straw (OPS) vitrification method, found to be effective for cryopreserving caprine (Capra aegagrus hircus) blastocysts, to other embryonal stages. Morulae, blastocysts and hatched blastocysts were cryopreserved by way of OPS vitrification and blastocysts and hatched blastocysts by conventional freezing. Morulae were not included with conventional freezing because in our experience the survival rate is very low. To assess the viability of the cryopreserved embryos, they were transferred to synchronized does; in most cases, two embryos per doe. After OPS vitrification, of nine does receiving morulae, not a single one became pregnant; of 11 does receiving blastocysts, nine (82%) became pregnant (all of which kidded and gave birth to, on average, 1.8 kids); and of nine does receiving hatched blastocysts, three (33%) became pregnant (two of which [22%] kidded, giving birth to a single kid each). After conventional freezing, of 10 does receiving blastocysts, five became pregnant (four of which [40%] carried to term and gave birth to a pair of twins each); and of nine does receiving hatched blastocysts, three (33%) became pregnant (and gave birth to a single kid each). Embryo survival (kids born/embryos transferred) after vitrification for morulae, blastocysts, and hatched blastocysts was 0, 70% (16 of 23), and 13% (2 of 16), respectively, and after conventional freezing for blastocysts and hatched blastocysts was 42% (8 of 19) and 19% (3 of 16), respectively. The difference in pregnancy and kidding rate between vitrified and conventionally frozen blastocysts was significant, and so was the difference in pregnancy rate between hatched and nonhatched blastocysts, regardless whether OPS-vitrified or conventionally frozen. The results of the current study indicate that OPS vitrification is a very effective means of cryopreserving caprine blastocysts. Unfortunately, the superiority of OPS vitrification over conventional freezing does not apply to caprine morulae and hatched blastocysts.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of cryopreservation studies vitrifying mouse embryos was undertaken to determine the treatment effect of vitrification. Treatment by vitrification decreased embryo viability compared with controls: the odds ratio was 9.02 (CI: 3.73-21.78; P < 0.001), a 24.90% (CI: 14.88-34.91; P < 0.001) reduction in risk was associated with embryos in the control group, and for every 4.00 (CI: 3.91-4.09) embryos treated by vitrification, one does not survive. A multiple regression analysis evaluated covariates of embryo survival. For each hour increase post-hCG treatment when embryos were cryopreserved, there was a decrease of 0.36% (SEM ± 0.01) in survival (P < 0.001). The number of embryos surviving vitrification decreased 0.25% (SEM ± 0.02) per day increase in age of the female mouse (P < 0.001), whereas there was no significant difference for control group embryos. For each 1 h increase post-hCG treatment after cryopreservation when blastocysts were assessed for viability, there was a decrease of 0.13% (SEM ± 0.01) in survival. The later interval post-hCG treatment when blastocysts were assessed, the less viable they were compared with earlier blastocysts, independent of the vitrification protocol. This effect was not observed for control embryos. A high percentage of variability in the treatment effect for vitrification was likely due to underlying heterogeneity among studies. A portion of the risk associated with vitrification could be attributed to the general effects of cryopreservation. Future research should identify effects in a cryopreservation protocol specific to vitrification that affect viability of mouse embryos.  相似文献   

The first successful cryopreservation of fish embryos was reported in the Japanese flounder by vitrification [Chen and Tian, Theriogenology, 63, 1207-1219, 2005]. Since very high concentrations of cryoprotectants are needed for vitrification and fish embryos have a large volume, Japanese flounder embryos must have low sensitivity to cryoprotectant toxicity and high permeability to water and cryoprotectants. So, we investigated the sensitivity and the permeability of Japanese flounder embryos. In addition, we assessed the survival of flounder embryos after vitrification with solutions containing methanol and propylene glycol, following Chen and Tian's report. The embryos were relatively insensitive to the toxicity of individual cryoprotectants at lower concentrations, especially methanol and propylene glycol as their report. Although their permeability to water and cryoprotectants could not be measured from volume changes in cryoprotectant solutions, the embryos appeared to be permeable to methanol but less permeable to DMSO, ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol. Although vitrification solutions containing methanol and propylene glycol, which were used in Chen and Tian's report, were toxic to embryos, a small proportion of embryos did survived. However, when vitrified with the vitrification solutions, no embryos survived after warming. The embryos became opaque during cooling with liquid nitrogen, indicating the formation of intracellular ice during cooling. When embryos had been kept in vitrification solutions for 60 min after being treated with the vitrification solution, some remained transparent during cooling, but became opaque during warming. This suggests that dehydration and/or permeation by cryoprotectants were insufficient for vitrification of the embryos even after they had been over-treated with the vitrification solutions. Thus, Chen and Tian's cryopreservation method lacks general application to Japanese flounder embryos.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to preserve the ever-decreasing number of different species of fireflies all over the world. We sought to develop a vitrification procedure to cryopreserve the firefly embryos. The late stages of Luciola praeusta Kiesenwetter embryos were collected. Several impermeable and permeable protectants with various concentrations in different mediums (TNM-FH insect medium, Grace's medium, Dulbecco's Modification of Eagle's Medium (DMEM) and Dulbecco's Phosphate-Buffered Saline (DPBS)) were used. Embryos culturing in TNM-FH medium yielded the highest survival rate of 75.3 ± 3.6%. One-step, two-step and three-step methods were used in equilibrium procedure respectively. The highest survival rate (73.7% ±3.2%) occurred in embryos treated by three-step method ((1.5 M ethylene glycol (EG) + 2 M EG plus 8% polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) + 3 M EG, 8% PVP and 15% trehalose). Additionally, embryos exposed to 0.5 M trehalose presented a significantly higher survival rate (71.8 ± 2.7%) than embryos preserved in 0.5 M sucrose.  相似文献   

Previously, we developed a new method by which 2‐cell mouse embryos can be vitrified in liquid nitrogen in a near‐equilibrium state, and then kept at ?80°C for several days. In the present study, we examined whether or not the method was effective for mouse embryos at other developmental stages. Eight‐cell embryos, morulae, and expanded blastocysts of ICR mice were vitrified with ethylene glycol‐based solutions, named EFSc because of their composition of ethylene glycol (30–40%, v/v) and FSc solution. The FSc solution was PB1 medium containing 30% (w/v) Ficoll PM‐70 plus 1.5 M sucrose. The extent of equilibrium was assessed by examining how well vitrified embryos survived after being kept at ?80°C. When 8‐cell embryos and morulae were vitrified with EFS35c or EFS40c and then kept at ?80°C, the survival rate was high even after 4 days in storage and remained high after re‐cooling in liquid nitrogen. On the other hand, the survival of vitrified‐expanded blastocysts kept at ?80°C was low. Therefore, 8‐cell embryos and morulae can be vitrified in a near‐equilibrium state using the same method as for 2‐cell embryos. A high proportion of C57BL/6J embryos at the 2‐cell, 8‐cell, and morula stages vitrified with EFS35c developed to term after transportation on dry ice, re‐cooling in liquid nitrogen, and transfer to recipients. In conclusion, the near‐equilibrium vitrification method, which is effective for 2‐cell mouse embryos, is also effective for embryos at the 8‐cell and morula stages. The method would enable handy transportation of vitrified embryos using dry ice. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 785–794, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of partial removal of yolk and cryoprotectant mixtures on the viability of cryopreserved primordial germ cells (PGCs) and elucidated the differentiation ability of cryopreserved PGCs in zebrafish. First, dechorionated yolk-intact and yolk-depleted (partially yolk removed) embryos, PGCs of which were labeled with green fluorescence protein (GFP), were vitrified after serial exposures to pretreatment solution (PS) and vitrification solution (VS) that contained ethylene glycol (EG), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) or propylene glycol at 3 and 5 M, respectively. Although partial removal of yolk improved the viability of cryopreserved PGCs, numbers of PGCs with pseudopodial movement were limited (0–2.6 cells/embryo). Next, yolk-depleted embryos were cryopreserved using mixtures of two types of cryoprotectants. The maximum survival rate of PGCs (81%; 9.6 cells/embryo) was obtained from the yolk-depleted embryos vitrified using PS containing 2 M EG + 1 M Me2SO and VS containing 3 M EG + 2 M Me2SO and 56% (5.3 cells/embryo) of PGCs showed pseudopodial movement. Finally, PGCs recovered from yolk-depleted embryos (wild-type) that were vitrified under the optimum condition were transplanted individually into 236 sterilized recipient blastulae (recessive light-colored). Seven recipients matured and generated progeny with characteristics inherited from the PGC donor. In conclusion, the authors confirmed the beneficial effects of partial removal of yolk on the viability of cryopreserved PGCs and that the viability of the PGCs was improved by using PS and VS that contained two types of cryoprotectants, especially PS containing 2 M EG + 1 M Me2SO and VS containing 3 M EG + 2 M Me2SO, and that recovered PGCs retained ability to differentiate into functional gametes.  相似文献   

几种因素对牙鲆胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鱼类胚胎冷冻保存技术还远没有成熟, 为了寻找最佳的鱼类胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存条件, 我们以牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus) 胚胎为例, 研究了影响鱼类胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存的几个主要因子: 玻璃化液、麦管直径、胚胎阶段、平衡时间及平衡温度、洗脱浓度和洗脱时间。发现: (1) 含有多种抗冻剂的玻璃化液PMDD(2% PVP), 玻璃化稳定, 脱玻璃化率较低, 适宜进行玻璃化冷冻; (2) 尾芽期胚胎较其他时期耐受力强, 平衡40 min就足以使玻璃化液渗透完全, 时间延长, 成活率显著降低, 各个时期的胚胎对温度都比较敏感, 0°C与4°C下平衡的成活率显著高于15°C; (3) 洗脱浓度和洗脱时间对胚胎成活率影响不大; (4) 根据优化的条件, 对牙鲆两个时期的胚胎进行超低温冷冻保存实验, 共成活4次, 获得成活胚胎8粒, 其中7粒孵化出健康的鱼苗。本文为鱼类胚胎冷冻保存技术的建立提供基础资料, 并显示了牙鲆胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存是可行的。  相似文献   

The seeds of a Japanese terrestrial orchid (Bletilla striata Rchb.f.) were germinated and cultured on solidified new Dogashima (ND) medium for 10 days. These embryos were then precultured on ND medium supplemented with 0.3 m sucrose for 3 days at 25°C in continuous dark. The embryos were then overlaid with a mixture of 2 m glycerol and 0.4 m sucrose for 15 min at 25°C and finally dehydrated with highly concentrated vitrification solution (PVS2) for 3 h at 0°C prior to immersion into liquid nitrogen for 30 min. After rapid warming, the embryos were washed with liquid ND medium supplemented with 1.2 m sucrose for 20 min and then plated on ND medium. Successfully vitrified and warmed embryos developed into normal plantlets. The rate of plant regeneration amounted to about 60%. This vitrification method appears to be a promising technique for cryopreservation of orchids. Received: 19 September 1996 / Revision received: 3 January 1997 / Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

The present study was performed to develop a suitable cryoprotectant solution for cryopreservation of rat two-cell stage embryos. First, we examined the cell permeability of several cryoprotectants; propylene glycol had the fastest permeability compared to dimethyl sulfoxide, ethylene glycol, and glycerol. Embryos were then exposed to a solution containing propylene glycol to evaluate its effects on fetal development. As the development was similar to that of fresh embryos, P10 (10% v/v propylene glycol in PB1) was used as a pretreatment solution. Next, the effects of the vitrification solution components (sucrose, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, and Percoll) were examined by observing the vitrification status; 10% v/v propylene glycol, 30% v/v ethylene glycol, 0.3 mol sucrose, and 20% v/v Percoll in PB1 (PEPeS) was the minimum essential concentration for effective vitrification without the formation of ice crystals or freeze fractures.  相似文献   

Vitrification of rat embryos at various developmental stages   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Han MS  Niwa K  Kasai M 《Theriogenology》2003,59(8):1851-1863
The effect of developmental stage on the survival of cryopreserved rat embryos was examined. Wistar rat embryos at various developmental stages were vitrified by a 1-step method with EFS40, an ethylene glycol-based solution, or by a 2-step method with EFS20 and EFS40. After warming, the survival of the embryos was assessed by their morphology, their ability to develop to blastocysts (or expanded blastocysts for blastocysts) in culture, or their ability to develop to term after transfer. Most (91-100%) of the embryos recovered after vitrification were morphologically normal in all developmental stages. However, the developmental ability of 1-cell embryos was quite low; exposing them to EFS40 for just 0.5 min decreased the in vitro survival rate from 76 to 9%. The survival rates of 2-cell embryos and blastocysts, both in vitro and in vivo, were significantly higher with a 2-step vitrification process than with a 1-step vitrification process. Very high in vitro survival rates (94-100%) were obtained in 4- to 8-cell embryos and morulae in the 1-step method. Although survival rates in vivo of 4-cell (40%) and 8-cell (4%) embryos vitrified by the 1-step method were comparatively low, the values were similar to those obtained in non-vitrified fresh embryos. When morulae vitrified by the 1-step method were transferred to recipients, the in vivo survival rate (61%) was high, and not significantly different from that of fresh embryos (70%). These results show that rat embryos at the 2-cell to blastocyst stages can be vitrified with EFS40, and that the morula stage is the most feasible stage for embryo cryopreservation in this species.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of developmental stage of in vitro produced (IVP) ovine embryos and the type of vitrification procedure used on embryo cryotolerance.The IVP embryos were vitrified at five different developmental stages: 4-, 8- and 16-cell, morula, and blastocyst. For each stage, half of the embryos were vitrified in either 30 μl 3.4 M glycerol + 4.6 M ethylene glycol in straw (method 1) or in <0.1 μl 2.7 M ethylene glycol + 2.1 M Me2SO + 0.5 M sucrose placed on the inner surface of a straw (method 2) of vitrification solution, based on two different procedures. After warming embryo viability was determined by assessing the rates of re-expansion, survival, and blastocyst formation. The quality of surviving embryos was evaluated by their hatching rate and blastocyst cell numbers. In both vitrification methods, embryo survival progressively increased as the developmental stage progressed. In method 1 few of the early cleavage stage embryos (4-, 8- and 16-cell) could reach to the blastocyst stage following warming. There was no significant difference in blastocyst cell numbers (total, ICM, and trophectoderm cells) or hatching rate of blastocysts derived from vitrified embryos at different developmental stages. The number of dead cells in vitrified blastocysts in method 1 was higher than for non-vitrified blastocysts (P < 0.05). The number of apoptotic cells in vitrified blastocysts was higher than for non-vitrified counterparts (P < 0.05). In conclusion, both the developmental stage of IVP ovine embryos and the method of vitrification have a significant effect on the viability and developmental competence of sheep embryos.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate pregnancy and embryo survival rate of vitrified in vivo produced Merino sheep and Criolla goat (morulae and blastocysts) embryos, using the plastic tips of micropipettes, as containers (Cryo-tips). The embryos were exposed, at room temperature, to two successive equilibration solutions for a period of 5 min and then to a vitrification solution (VS) for 30 s. Then embryos were then loaded in 1 μl VS, into a plastic micropipette tip, and plunged into liquid nitrogen. On thawing, the embryos were warmed (37 °C) and placed into cryoprotectant dilutions (three-step-process). In the ovine, the morula and blastocyst pregnancy rates (47.1% vs 50%) and embryo survival rates (41.2% vs 50%) recorded were similar for both embryonic stages. Unlike the sheep, no pregnancies were recorded in goat vitrified/thawed morulae embryos, following transfer. However, in contrast, goats receiving blastocysts recorded high rates of pregnancy and embryo survival (64% and 64%, respectively). This technique allows for easy handling of cryopreserved embryos, is simple and efficient in both ovine embryo stages and also for goat vitrified blastocysts. The technique has definite potential application.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to test the effectiveness of a method of vitrifying rat embryos at different stages of development (from early morula to expanding blastocyst) in a double vitrification procedure. Wistar rat embryos were vitrified and warmed in super-fine open-pulled straws (SOPS). Before being plunged into liquid nitrogen, the embryos were exposed to 40% ethylene glycol+0.75 M sucrose in TCM-199+20% fetal calf serum (FCS) for 20s at 38 degrees C. Subsequent warming and direct rehydration of the embryos was conducted in culture medium (TCM-199+20% FCS) at 38 degrees C. Early morula stage (7-10 blastomeres) embryos (n=358) were vitrified, warmed and cultured in vitro (EM group). Batches of these embryos were then cryopreserved again (revitrified) at the early blastocyst (EB group, n=87), blastocyst (B group, n=93) or expanding blastocyst stage (ExpB group, n=73). After the first (EM group) and repeated (EB, B, and ExpB groups) vitrification procedures, developmental rates of 81, 83, 34 and 76%, respectively were achieved (for EM-EB-ExpB P>0.1; for EM, EB, ExpB-B P<0.005). Our data demonstrate the possibility of using the described identical protocol for the SOPS vitrification of rat early morulae, early blastocysts and expanding blastocysts. The low survival rate of blastocysts subjected to double vitrification requires further investigation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of freezing-thawing procedures on the viability of sheep embryos cryopreserved at various developmental stages. The survival rates of frozen-thawed embryos were compared with non-frozen counterparts. Embryos were recovered from the oviduct and uterus, at different days of the early luteal phase, and were classified at six different developmental stages: 2- to 4-cell (n = 72), 5- to 8-cell (n = 73), 9- to 12-cell (n = 70), early morulae (n = 42), morulae (n = 41), and blastocyst (n = 70). For each early cleavage stage and blastocysts, approximately half of the embryos, were frozen immediately by slow freezing with an ethylene glycol-based solution. The remaining embryos were cultured to the hatched blastocyst stage. All morulae and compact morulae were frozen after recovery with the same protocol. Cryoprotectants were removed using 1M sucrose solution, and then warmed the embryos were cultured to the hatched stage in a standardized in vitro culture. Embryo developmental stage had a significant effect on the ability to hatch following freezing (P<0.0001). The cryotolerance of the embryos fitted a regression (r2 = 0.908), increasing linearly from 2- to 4-cell embryos (17.1%) to morula stage (46.3%) and in a quadratic regression from the morula to the blastocyst stage (83.7%). Frozen early cleavage stage embryos had a significantly lower viability than their fresh counterparts (23.1 vs 83.1%; P<0.0001), with a similar rate of viability between fresh or frozen blastocysts (92.5 vs 83.7%). In conclusion, early sheep embryos are very sensitive to freezing per se and the survival rates following conventional freezing improve as embryo developmental stage progresses.  相似文献   

Porcine embryos, which had been vitrified and stored in liquid nitrogen for up to three yr, were retrospectively analyzed to evaluate the influence of duration of storage on their in vitro viability post-warming. All embryos were vitrified (OPS or SOPS) and warmed (three-step or direct warming) using procedures that resulted in the same in vitro survival, hatching rates, and numbers of cells. Therefore, embryo data obtained using the different procedures were pooled according to their developmental stage as morulae (n = 571) or blastocysts (n = 797) and to the length of their storage in liquid nitrogen: a) 1-9 d; b) 10-30 d; c) 31-90 d; d) 1-3 yr. Non-vitrified embryos of corresponding developmental stages were used as a fresh control group (n = 280). Survival and hatching rates were evaluated after in vitro culture to assess embryo viability. The total number of cells was counted in the resulting viable blastocysts as an indicator of quality. A total of 1,648 fresh and vitrified embryos were analyzed. In vitro survival and hatching rates, but not the number of cells, differed significantly between vitrified morulae and their fresh counterparts irrespective of the duration of cryostorage. Length of storage in liquid nitrogen (LN2) did not influence in vitro viability among different groups of vitrified/warmed morulae nor embryos at the blastocyst stage. In conclusion, duration of storage in LN2 has no effect on the post-warming viability of porcine embryos vitrified at morula or blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

鲈鱼胚胎的玻璃化冷冻保存   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)胚胎进行了玻璃化冷冻保存研究,筛选出了浓度较低、玻璃化程度较稳定的5种玻璃化液,冷冻时形成玻璃化的概率在48.1%~100%,在35~43℃的水浴中解冻时保持玻璃化的概率在44.4%~63.0%;玻璃化液VSD2在解冻时保持玻璃化的概率最高。对鲈鱼神经胚、20对肌节胚、尾芽胚、心跳胚、出膜前胚在玻璃化液VSD2中的适应能力及适合于玻璃化冷冻的胚胎时期进行了比较,结果显示:不同时期胚胎对玻璃化液的耐受能力不同,鲈鱼神经胚耐受能力最低,心跳胚耐受能力最强,出膜前期胚次之,心跳胚和出膜前胚适合于进行玻璃化冷冻。对0.5mol/L蔗糖的洗脱时间进行了选择,结果显示,洗脱10~20min效果较好。利用玻璃化程度较好的VSD2对鲈鱼不同时期胚胎进行超低温(-196℃)冷冻,获得了2.1%~27.9%的透明胚。将鲈鱼心跳胚冷冻解冻后获2粒复活胚,培养至出膜期,成活42~50h;出膜前期胚在冷冻解冻后有1粒胚复活,并且孵化出鱼苗[动物学报49(6):843~850,2003]。  相似文献   

Cultured cells and somatic embryos derived from the mesophyll tissue of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) were cryopreserved by vitrification. The vitrification solution (PVS) contains (w/v) 22% glycerol, 15% ethylene glycol, 15% propylene glycol and 7% DMSO in Murashige-Skoog medium enriched with 0.5M sorbitol. After initial cryoprotection with sorbitol supplemented MS medium containing 12% ethylene glycol, cells or embryos were exposed stepwise to 85% PVS at 0°C. They were loaded into 0.5 ml transparent straws, and were then plunged directly into liquid nitrogen. After rapid warming, PVS was removed and diluted stepwise. The highest survivals of vitrified cells and embryos were about 65 and 50%, respectively. Surviving embryos developed into plantlets.Abbreviations DMSO dimetyl sulfoxide - PVS vitrification solution - LN liquid nitrogen - DSC differential scanning calorimeter - MS Murashige-Skoog salt medium - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - BA 6-benzyladenine  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to find an optimal incubation period in a sucrose solution during dilution of cryoprotectants for obtaining a higher level of survival and development of cat oocytes cryopreserved by vitrification method. In the first experiment, in vitro-matured fresh oocytes were exposed to 0.5M sucrose solution for 1 or 5 min before in vitro fertilization (IVF). The percentage of development to the blastocyst stage significantly decreased in oocytes exposed for 5 min, compared with oocytes exposed for 1 min and control oocytes without exposure to sucrose (P<0.05). In the second experiment, oocytes that had been vitrified in 40% ethylene glycol and 0.3M sucrose were liquefied and then incubated in 0.5M sucrose for 0.5, 1 or 5 min to dilute the cryoprotectant. The percentage of cleavage (>or=2-cell stage) of vitrified-liquefied oocytes incubated for 0.5 min was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of other groups. Development of vitrified-liquefied oocytes to the morula and blastocyst stages after IVF was observed only in oocytes incubated in sucrose for 0.5 min. The present study indicates that the oocytes have sensitivity to the toxic effect of sucrose and that the incubation period during dilution of the cryoprotectant is of critical importance for developmental competence of vitrified-liquefied cat oocytes.  相似文献   

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