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Molecular motions within the pore of voltage-dependent sodium channels.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The pores of ion channel proteins are often modeled as static structures. In this view, selectivity reflects rigidly constrained backbone orientations. Such a picture is at variance with the generalization that biological proteins are flexible, capable of major internal motions on biologically relevant time scales. We tested for motions in the sodium channel pore by systematically introducing pairs of cysteine residues throughout the pore-lining segments. Two distinct pairs of residues spontaneously formed disulfide bonds bridging domains I and II. Nine other permutations, involving all four domains, were capable of disulfide bonding in the presence of a redox catalyst. The results are inconsistent with a single fixed backbone structure for the pore; instead, the segments that line the permeation pathway appear capable of sizable motions.  相似文献   

Many local anesthetics promote reduction in sodium current during repetitive stimulation of excitable membranes. Use-, frequency-, and voltage-dependent responses describe patterns of peak INa when pulse width, pulse frequency, and pulse amplitude are varied. Such responses can be viewed as reflecting voltage-sensitive shifts in equilibrium between conducting, unblocked channels and nonconducting, blocked channels. The modulated-receptor hypothesis postulates shifts in equilibrium as the result of a variable-affinity receptor and modified inactivation gate kinetics in drug-complexed channels. An alternative view considers drug blocking in the absence of these two features. We propose that drug binds to a constant-affinity channel receptor where receptor access is regulated by the channel gates. Specifically, we view channel binding sites as guarded by the channel gate conformation, so that unlike receptors where ligands have continuous access, blocking agent access is variable during the course of an action potential. During the course of an action potential, the m and h gates change conformation in response to transmembrane potential. Conducting channels with both gates open leave the binding site unguarded and thus accessible to drug, whereas nonconducting channels, with gates in the closed conformation, act to restrict drug access to unbound receptors and possibly to trap drug in drug-complexed channels. We develop analytical expressions characterizing guarded receptors as "apparently" variable-affinity binding sites and predicting shifts in "apparent" channel inactivation in the hyperpolarizing direction. These results were confirmed with computer simulations. Furthermore, these results are in quantitative agreement with recent investigations of lidocaine binding in cardiac sodium channels.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the mechanism of impulse blockade by local anesthetics has evolved over the past four decades, from the realization that Na+ channels were inhibited to affect the impulse blockade to an identification of the amino acid residues within the Na+ channel that bind the local anesthetic molecule. Within this period appreciation has grown of the state-dependent nature of channel inhibition, with rapid binding and unbinding at relatively high affinity to the open state, and weaker binding to the closed resting state. Slow binding of high affinity for the inactivated state accounts for the salutary therapeutic as well as the toxic actions of diverse class I anti-arrhythmic agents, but may have little importance for impulse blockade, which requires concentrations high enough to block the resting state. At the molecular level, residues on the S6 transmembrane segments in three of the homologous domains of the channel appear to contribute to the binding of local anesthetics, with some contribution also from parts of the selectivity filter. Binding to the inactivated state, and perhaps the open state, involves some residues that are not identical to those that bind these drugs in the resting state, suggesting spatial flexibility in the “binding site”. Questions remaining include the mechanism that links local anesthetic binding with the inhibition of gating charge movements, and the molecular nature of the theoretical “hydrophobic pathway” that may be critical for determining the recovery rates from blockade of closed channels, and thus account for both therapeutic and cardiotoxic actions.  相似文献   

Tikhonov DB  Bruhova I  Zhorov BS 《FEBS letters》2006,580(26):6027-6032
Molecular modeling predicts that a local anesthetic (LA) lidocaine binds to the resting and open Na(v)1.5 in different modes, interacting with LA-sensing residues known from experiments. Besides the major pathway via the open activation gate, LAs can reach the inner pore via a "sidewalk" between D3S6, D4S6, and D3P. The ammonium group of a cationic LA binds in the focus of the pore-helices macrodipoles, which also stabilize a Na(+) ion chelated by two benzocaine molecules. The LA's cationic group and a Na(+) ion in the selectivity filter repel each other suggesting that the Na(+) depletion upon slow inactivation would stabilize a LA, while a LA would stabilize slow-inactivated states.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanism of scorpion neurotoxins acting on sodium channels   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Scorpion toxins that affect sodium channel gating traditionally are divided into alpha- and beta-classes. They show vast diversity in their selectivity for phyletic- or isoform-specific sodium channels. This article discusses the molecular mechanism of the selectivity. Moreover, a phylogenetic tree of scorpion toxins has been constructed, which, together with the worldwide distribution of toxins and the zoogeographic dispersion of the studied genera, offers an insight into the evolution of diverse scorpion toxins.  相似文献   

The review considers the basic stages in the study of rhythm transformation in the nerve fibers by local anesthetics and underlying use-dependent block of sodium channels. A potency of use-dependent local anesthetics to produce the rhythm transformation in nociceptive nerve fibers sufficient to attain local anesthesia without complete block of conduction was examined. A hypothesis was tested on attaining the conditions of local anesthesia by a decrease in discharge frequency of C-fiber nociceptors below the critical level separating the firing frequency in these sensors corresponding to their excitation with subnociceptive and nociceptive chemical stimuli. This critical level (about 2 Hz) was determined by comparison of the discharges in feline cutaneous C-fiber nociceptors during injection of chemical nociceptive and non-nociceptive stimuli. The discharge frequency in C-fiber nociceptors can be decreased in a use-dependent manner below the critical level by subcutaneous injection of lidocaine or N-propyl-ajmaline. The importance of use-dependent local anesthesia for preservation of trophic influences of the nervous system in the damaged tissue is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of procaine, trimecaine, and a new carbanilate local anesthetic, carbizocaine, on early sodium inward current and fast and slow components of potassium outward current in the membrane of the rat dorsal root ganglion neuron were studied using the internal dialysis and potential clamp techniques. All the currents studied were depressed in the presence of the drugs tested. However, for inhibition of the inward current concentrations lower by approximately one to more than two orders were sufficient compared to those required for similar inhibition of the outward currents. Carbizocaine was the most effective, procaine the least effective drug. Almost identical ratios of the negative logarithms of mean effective concentrations for blocking the inward and the outward current respectively, were found for each of the drugs tested. None of the drugs could be characterized as a specific blocker of sodium or potassium channels. It is concluded that the mechanisms of action of these three local anesthetics in all the three types of ion channels studied in the neuronal membrane are very similar regardless of both the type of the chemical bond in the intermediary chain of the molecules (ester, anilide, carbanilate) and the structure of the aromatic moiety, or the absolute potency of the drug.  相似文献   

Isaeva GA  Dmitriev AV  Isaev PP 《Biofizika》2002,47(3):506-511
A theoretical study of intermolecular interactions between local anesthetics of the acetanilide series and model ionic channels was performed. A dimer of gramicidine A and melittin were used as models of ionic channels. The geometry of molecules was determined by the method of molecular mechanics. Statistically significant correlation equations were derived, which relate the indices of local anesthetizing activity to the characteristics of intermolecular interactions in the anesthetic-peptide system. A comparative analysis of intermolecular interactions in anesthetic-gramicidine A and anesthetic-melittin systems was carried out.  相似文献   

A. J. Carter 《Amino acids》1998,14(1-3):159-169
Summary Strategies for the treatment of thromboembolic stroke are based on restoring the blood flow as soon as possible and protecting the neurons from the deleterious consequences of cerebral ischaemia. Interest has focused on blockers of voltage-dependent Na+ channels as potential neuroprotective agents because they prevent neuronal death in various experimental models of cerebral ischaemia and act cytoprotectively in models of white matter damage. Although several Na+ blockers are currently being tested in various phases of clinical development, most of these agents are relatively weak and unspecific. I therefore consider it worthwhile to search for molecules which specifically block voltage-dependent Na+ channels for the treatment of cerebral ischaemia.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent sodium channels control the transient inward current responsible for the action potential in most excitable cells. Members of this multigene family have been cloned, sequenced, and functionally expressed from various tissues and species, and common features of their structure have clearly emerged. Site-directed mutagenesis coupled with in vitro expression has provided additional insight into the relationship between structure and function. Subtle differences between sodium channel isoforms are also important, and aspects of the regulation of sodium channel gene expression and the modulation of channel function are becoming topics of increasing importance. Finally, sodium channel mutations have been directly linked to human disease, yielding insight into both disease pathophysiology and normal channel function. After a brief discussion of previous work, this review will focus on recent advances in each of these areas.  相似文献   

Molecular aspects of neuronal voltage-dependent K+ channels.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The kinetic mechanism of phosphofructokinase has been determined at pH 8 for native enzyme and pH 6.8 for an enzyme desensitized to allosteric modulation by diethylpyrocarbonate modification. In both cases, the mechanism is predominantly steady state ordered with MgATP binding first in the direction of fructose 6-phosphate (F6P) phosphorylation and rapid equilibrium random in the direction of MgADP phosphorylation. This is a unique kinetic mechanism for a phosphofructokinase. Product inhibition by MgADP is competitive versus MgATP and noncompetitive versus F6P while fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) is competitive versus fructose 6-phosphate and uncompetitive versus MgATP. The uncompetitive pattern obtained versus F6P is indicative of a dead-end E.MgATP.FBP complex. Fructose 6-phosphate is noncompetitive versus either FBP or MgADP. Dead-end inhibition by arabinose 5-phosphate or 2,5-anhydro-D-mannitol 6-phosphate is uncompetitive versus MgATP corroborating the ordered addition of MgATP prior to F6P. In the direction of MgADP phosphorylation, inhibition by anhydromannitol 1,6-bisphosphate is noncompetitive versus MgADP, while Mg-adenosine 5'(beta, gamma-methylene)triphosphate is noncompetitive versus FBP. Anhydromannitol 6-phosphate is a slow substrate, while anhydroglucitol 6-phosphate is not. This suggests that the enzyme exhibits beta-anomeric specificity.  相似文献   

1. Several cloned sodium channels were expressed in oocytes and compared with respect to their sensitivity to internal Mg2+ concerning the open-channel block and to external Ca2+ concerning open-channel block and shifts in steady-state activation. 2. A quantitative comparison between wild-type II channels and a mutant with a positive charge in the S4 segment of repeat I neutralized (K226Q) revealed no significant differences in the Mg2+ block. 3. The blocking effect of extracellular Ca2+ ions on single-channel inward currents was studied for type II, mutant K226Q and type III. A quantitative comparison showed that all three channel types differ significantly in their Ca+ sensitivity. 4. The influence of extracellular Ca2+ on the voltage dependence of steady-state activation of macroscopic currents was compared for type II and K226Q channels. Extracellular Ca+ increases the voltage of half-maximal activation, V1/2, more for K226Q than for wild-type II channels; a plot of V 1/2 against [Ca] o , is twice as steep for the mutant K226Q as for the wild-type on a logarithmic concentration scale. 5. The differential effects of extracellular Ca+ and intracellular Mg2+ on wild-type II and K226Q channels are discussed in terms of structural models of the Na+ channel protein.Abbreviations [Na] i intracellular Na+ concentration - [Mg] intracellular Mg2+ concentration - [Ca] o extracellular Ca2+ concentration  相似文献   

Reserpine inhibited batrachotoxin-elicited sodium influx in guinea pig brain synaptoneurosomes with an IC50 of about 1 M. In the presence of brevetoxin the IC50 increased to about 80 M. Reserpine inhibited binding of batrachotoxinin-A [3H]benzoate ([3H]BTX-B) binding in a complex manner causing a partial inhibition from 0.001 to 0.08 M, then a rebound stimulation from 0.1 to 0.8 M, followed by complete inhibition by 80 M. The stimulation was prevented by the presence of brevetoxin; reserpine then smoothly inhibited binding with an IC50 of about 1 M. Reserpine at 1 M slightly reduced the off-rate of [3H]BTX-B binding measured in the presence of veratridine, while at a concentration of 50 M it enhanced the off-rate, presumably by an allosteric mechanism. Reserpine at 0.3–10 M elicited a partial inhibition of the binding of [3H]brevetoxin-3. The local anesthetic dibucaine had effects similar to reserpine: It partially inhibited binding of [3H]brevetoxin. The presence of brevetoxin reduced the potency of dibucaine as an inhibitor of batrachotoxin-elicited sodium influx from an IC50 of about 2 M to an IC50 of about 50 M. The results suggest that reserpine binds at both a local anesthetic site to cause allosteric inhibition of batrachotoxin-binding and action, but that it also binds to another site causing, like brevetoxin, an enhancement of batrachotoxin-binding and action. Local anesthetics also may bind to the brevetoxin site.  相似文献   

Although general anesthetics are clinically important and widely used, their molecular mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. Volatile anesthetics such as isoflurane (ISO) are thought to alter neuronal function by depressing excitatory and facilitating inhibitory neurotransmission through direct interactions with specific protein targets, including voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav). Many anesthetics alter lipid bilayer properties, suggesting that ion channel function might also be altered indirectly through effects on the lipid bilayer. We compared the effects of ISO and of a series of fluorobenzene (FB) model volatile anesthetics on Nav function and lipid bilayer properties. We examined the effects of these agents on Nav in neuronal cells using whole-cell electrophysiology, and on lipid bilayer properties using a gramicidin-based fluorescence assay, which is a functional assay for detecting changes in lipid bilayer properties sensed by a bilayer-spanning ion channel. At clinically relevant concentrations (defined by the minimum alveolar concentration), both the FBs and ISO produced prepulse-dependent inhibition of Nav and shifted the voltage dependence of inactivation toward more hyperpolarized potentials without affecting lipid bilayer properties, as sensed by gramicidin channels. Only at supra-anesthetic (toxic) concentrations did ISO alter lipid bilayer properties. These results suggest that clinically relevant concentrations of volatile anesthetics alter Nav function through direct interactions with the channel protein with little, if any, contribution from changes in bulk lipid bilayer properties. Our findings further suggest that changes in lipid bilayer properties are not involved in clinical anesthesia.  相似文献   

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