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The CD300 family of myeloid immunoglobulin receptors includes activating (CD300b, CD300e) and inhibitory members (CD300a, CD300f), as well as molecules of uncertain function presenting a negative charge within their transmembrane domain (CD300c, CD300d). In this paper, we establish that CD300c is a functional immune receptor able to deliver activating signals upon ligation in RBL-2H3 mast cells. CD300c signaling is partially mediated by a direct association with the immune receptor tyrosine-based activation motif-bearing adaptor FcεRγ. The existence of complementary transmembrane-charged residues in certain CD300 receptors suggested the formation of heterodimers within this family. Indeed, we proved the interaction between CD300b and CD300c in transfected COS-7 cells and demonstrated that it has important functional consequences. Unexpectedly, dimmer formation was dependent on the immunoglobulin domains rather than the charged transmembrane residues. Concordantly, all CD300 members were found to interact with each other, even with themselves, forming both homo- and heterodimers. We found that the combination of CD300 receptors in a complex differentially modulates the signaling outcome, strongly suggesting a new mechanism by which CD300 complexes could regulate the activation of myeloid cells upon interaction with their natural ligands.  相似文献   

Integrin transmembrane (TM) and/or cytoplasmic domains play a critical role in integrin bidirectional signaling. Although it has been shown that TM and/or cytoplasmic α and β domains associate in the resting state and separation of these domains is required for both inside-out and outside-in signaling, the role of TM homomeric association remains elusive. Formation of TM homo-oligomers was observed in micelles and bacterial membranes previously, and it has been proposed that homomeric association is important for integrin activation and clustering. This study addresses whether integrin TM domains form homo-oligomers in mammalian cell membranes using cysteine scanning mutagenesis. Our results show that TM homomeric interaction does not occur before or after soluble ligand binding or during inside-out activation. In addition, even though the cysteine mutants and the heterodimeric disulfide-bounded mutant could form clusters after adhering to immobilized ligand, the integrin TM domains do not form homo-oligomers, suggesting that integrin TM homomeric association is not critical for integrin clustering or outside-in signaling. Therefore, integrin TM homo-oligomerization is not required for integrin activation, ligand binding, or signaling.  相似文献   

The EGF receptor is a classical receptor-tyrosine kinase. In the absence of ligand, the receptor adopts a closed conformation in which the dimerization arm of subdomain II interacts with the tethering arm in subdomain IV. Following the binding of EGF, the receptor opens to form a symmetric, back-to-back dimer. Although it is clear that the dimerization arm of subdomain II is central to the formation of receptor dimers, the role of the tethering arm of subdomain IV (residues 561-585) in this configuration is not known. Here we use (125)I-EGF binding studies to assess the functional role of the tethering arm in the EGF receptor dimer. Mutation of the three major residues that contribute to tethering (D563A,H566A,K585A-EGF receptor) did not significantly alter either the ligand binding properties or the signaling properties of the EGF receptor. By contrast, breaking the Cys(558)-Cys(567) disulfide bond through double alanine replacements or deleting the loop entirely led to a decrease in the negative cooperativity in EGF binding and was associated with small changes in downstream signaling. Deletion of the Cys(571)-Cys(593) disulfide bond abrogated cooperativity, resulting in a high affinity receptor and increased sensitivity of downstream signaling pathways to EGF. Releasing the Cys(571)-Cys(593) disulfide bond resulted in extreme negative cooperativity, ligand-independent kinase activity, and impaired downstream signaling. These data demonstrate that the tethering arm plays an important role in supporting cooperativity in ligand binding. Because cooperativity implies subunit-subunit interactions, these results also suggest that the tethering arm contributes to intersubunit interactions within the EGF receptor dimer.  相似文献   

Triggering of the T cell receptor initiates a signaling cascade resulting in the activation of the T cell. These signals are integrated alongside those resulting from the triggering of other receptors whose function is to modulate the overall response. CD5 is an immunotyrosine-based inhibition motif-bearing receptor that antagonizes the overt T cell receptor activation response by recruiting inhibitory intracellular mediators such as SHP-1, RasGAP, or Cbl. We now propose that the inhibitory effects of CD5 are also mediated by a parallel pathway that functions at the level of inhibition of Fyn, a kinase generally associated with T cell receptor-mediated activation. After CD5 ligation, phosphorylation of the negative regulatory tyrosine (Tyr(531)) of Fyn increases, and this correlates with a substantial reduction in the kinase activity of Fyn and a profound inhibition of ZAP-70 activation. The effect requires the last 23 amino acids of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor, strongly implying the involvement of a new CD5-interacting signaling or adaptor protein. Furthermore, we show that upon CD5 ligation there is a profound shift in its distribution from the bulk fluid phase to the lipid raft environment, where it associates with Fyn, Lck, and PAG. We suggest that the relocation of CD5, which we also show is capable of forming homodimers, to the proximity of raft-resident molecules enables CD5 to inhibit membrane proximal signaling by controlling the phosphorylation and activity of Fyn, possibly by interfering with the disassembly of C-terminal Src kinase (Csk)-PAG-Fyn complexes during T cell activation.  相似文献   

Human lung fibroblasts utilize integrins to attach and proliferate on type I collagen. β1 integrin is the major integrin subunit for this attachment. Integrins coordinate cellular responses to cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions that regulate a variety of biological processes. Although β1 integrin-mediated signaling pathways in lung fibroblasts have been studied, a detailed molecular mechanism regulating translational control of gene expression by 4EBP-1 is not understood. 4EBP-1 inhibits cap-dependent translation by binding to the eIF4E translation initiation factor. We found that when lung fibroblasts attach to collagen via β1 integrin, high Src activity suppresses 4EBP-1 expression via PP2A, and the decrease of 4EBP-1 is due to protein degradation. The inhibition of Src activity dramatically increases PP2A and 4EBP-1 expression. Furthermore ectopic expression of PP2A, or PP2A silencing using PP2A siRNA confirmed that 4EBP-1 is regulated by PP2A. In addition, we found that 4EBP-1 inhibition by fibroblast attachment to collagen increases cap-dependent translation. Our study showed that when lung fibroblasts are attached to collagen matrix, the β1 integrin/Src/PP2A-mediated 4EBP-1 regulatory pathway is activated. We suggest that β1 integrin-mediated signaling pathway may be a crucial event in regulating fibroblast translational control machinery on collagen matrix.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that the receptor for the complement component C1q (gC1qR) is a lipid raft protein that is indispensable for adipogenesis and insulin signaling. Here, we provide the first report that gC1qR is an essential component of lamellipodia in human lung carcinoma A549 cells. Cell-surface gC1qR was concentrated in the lamellipodia along with CD44, monosialoganglioside, actin, and phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase in cells stimulated with insulin, IGF-1, EGF, or serum. The growth factor-induced lamellipodia formation and cell migration were significantly decreased in gC1qR-depleted cells, with a concomitant blunt activation of the focal adhesion kinase and the respective receptor tyrosine kinases. Moreover, the gC1qR-depleted cells exhibited a reduced proliferation rate in culture as well as diminished tumorigenic and metastatic activities in grafted mice. We therefore conclude that cell-surface gC1qR regulates lamellipodia formation and metastasis via receptor tyrosine kinase activation.  相似文献   

CD148 is a receptor-like protein-tyrosine phosphatase known to inhibit transduction of mitogenic signals in non-hematopoietic cells. Similarly, in the hematopoietic lineage, CD148 inhibited signal transduction downstream of T cell receptor. However, it also augmented immunoreceptor signaling in B cells and macrophages via dephosphorylating C-terminal tyrosine of Src family kinases (SFK). Accordingly, endogenous CD148 compensated for the loss of the main SFK activator CD45 in murine B cells and macrophages but not in T cells. Hypothetical explanations for the difference between T cells and other leukocyte lineages include the inability of CD148 to dephosphorylate a specific set of SFKs involved in T cell activation or the lack of CD148 expression during critical stages of T cell development. Here we describe striking differences in CD148 expression between human and murine thymocyte subsets, the only unifying feature being the absence of CD148 during the positive selection when the major developmental block occurs under CD45 deficiency. Moreover, we demonstrate that similar to CD45, CD148 has both activating and inhibitory effects on the SFKs involved in TCR signaling. However, in the absence of CD45, activating effects prevail, resulting in functional complementation of CD45 deficiency in human T cell lines. Importantly, this is independent of the tyrosines in the CD148 C-terminal tail, contradicting the recently proposed phosphotyrosine displacement model as a mechanism of SFK activation by CD148. Collectively, our data suggest that differential effects of CD148 in T cells and other leukocyte subsets cannot be explained by the CD148 inability to activate T cell SFKs but rather by its dual inhibitory/activatory function and specific expression pattern.  相似文献   

Versican is a hyaluronan-binding, extracellular chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan produced by several tumor types, including malignant melanoma, which exists as four different splice variants. The short V3 isoform contains the G1 and G3 terminal domains of versican that may potentially interact directly or indirectly with the hyaluronan receptor CD44 and the EGFR, respectively. We have previously described that overexpression of V3 in MeWo human melanoma cells markedly reduces tumor cell growth in vitro and in vivo. In this study we have investigated the signaling mechanism of V3 by silencing the expression of CD44 in control and V3-expressing melanoma cells. Suppression of CD44 had the same effects on cell proliferation and cell migration than those provoked by V3 expression, suggesting that V3 acts through a CD44-mediated mechanism. Furthermore, CD44-dependent hyaluronan internalization was blocked by V3 expression and CD44 silencing, leading to an accumulation of this glycosaminoglycan in the pericellular matrix and to changes in cell migration on hyaluronan. Furthermore, ERK1/2 and p38 activation after EGF treatment were decreased in V3-expressing cells suggesting that V3 may also interact with the EGFR through its G3 domain. The existence of a EGFR/ErbB2 receptor complex able to interact with CD44 was identified in MeWo melanoma cells. V3 overexpression resulted in a reduced interaction between EGFR/ErbB2 and CD44 in response to EGF treatment. Our results indicate that the V3 isoform of versican interferes with CD44 and the CD44-EGFR/ErbB2 interaction, altering the signaling pathways, such as ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK, that regulate cell proliferation and migration.  相似文献   

Vaccinia H1-related phosphatase (VHR) is classified as a dual specificity phosphatase. Unlike typical dual specificity phosphatases, VHR lacks the MAPK-binding domain and shows poor activity against MAPKs. We found that EGF receptor (EGFR) was a direct substrate of VHR and that overexpression of VHR down-regulated EGFR phosphorylation, particularly at Tyr-992 residue. Expression of VHR inhibited the activation of phospholipase Cγ and protein kinase C, both downstream effectors of Tyr-992 phosphorylation of EGFR. Decreasing VHR expression by RNA interference caused higher EGFR phosphorylation at Tyr-992. In addition to EGFR, VHR also directly dephosphorylated ErbB2. Consistent with these results, suppression of VHR augmented the foci formation ability of H1299 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells, whereas overexpression of VHR suppressed cell growth in both two- and three-dimensional cultures. Expression of VHR also suppressed tumor formation in a mouse xenograft model. Furthermore, VHR expression was significantly lower in NSCLC tissues in comparison to that in normal lung tissues. Collectively, this study shows that down-regulation of VHR expression enhances the signaling of ErbB receptors and may be involved in NSCLC pathogenesis.  相似文献   

T cell activity is controlled in large part by the T cell receptor (TCR). The TCR detects the presence of foreign pathogens and activates the T cell-mediated immune reaction. Numerous intracellular signaling pathways downstream of the TCR are involved in the process of T cell activation. Negative regulation of these pathways helps prevent excessive and deleterious T cell responses. Two homologous proteins, Sts-1 and Sts-2, have been shown to function as critical negative regulators of TCR signaling. The phosphoglycerate mutase-like domain of Sts-1 (Sts-1(PGM)) has a potent phosphatase activity that contributes to the suppression of TCR signaling. The function of Sts-2(PGM) as a phosphatase has been less clear, principally because its intrinsic enzyme activity has been difficult to detect. Here, we demonstrate that Sts-2 regulates the level of tyrosine phosphorylation on targets within T cells, among them the critical T cell tyrosine kinase Zap-70. Utilizing new phosphorylated substrates, we demonstrate that Sts-2(PGM) has clear, albeit weak, phosphatase activity. We further pinpoint Sts-2 residues Glu-481, Ser-552, and Ser-582 as specificity determinants, in that an Sts-2(PGM) triple mutant in which these three amino acids are altered to their counterparts in Sts-1(PGM) has substantially increased activity. Our results suggest that the phosphatase activities of both suppressor of TCR signaling homologues cooperate in a similar but independent fashion to help set the threshold for TCR-induced T cell activation.  相似文献   

Colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1)-stimulated CSF-1 receptor (CSF-1R) tyrosine phosphorylation initiates survival, proliferation, and differentiation signaling pathways in macrophages. Either activation loop Y807F or juxtamembrane domain (JMD) Y559F mutations severely compromise CSF-1-regulated proliferation and differentiation. YEF, a CSF-1R in which all eight tyrosines phosphorylated in the activated receptor were mutated to phenylalanine, lacks in vitro kinase activity and in vivo CSF-1-regulated tyrosine phosphorylation. The addition of Tyr-807 alone to the YEF backbone (Y807AB) led to CSF-1-independent but receptor kinase-dependent proliferation, without detectable activation loop Tyr-807 phosphorylation. The addition of Tyr-559 alone (Y559AB) supported a low level of CSF-1-independent proliferation that was slightly enhanced by CSF-1, indicating that Tyr-559 has a positive Tyr-807-independent effect. Consistent with the postulated autoinhibitory role of the JMD Tyr-559 and its relief by ligand-induced Tyr-559 phosphorylation, the addition of Tyr-559 to the Y807AB background suppressed proliferation in the absence of CSF-1, but restored most of the CSF-1-stimulated proliferation. Full restoration of kinase activation and proliferation required the additional add back of JMD Tyr-544. Inhibitor experiments indicate that the constitutive proliferation of Y807AB macrophages is mediated by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and ERK1/2 pathways, whereas proliferation of WT and Y559,807AB macrophages is, in addition, contributed to by Src family kinase (SFK)-dependent pathways. Thus Tyr-807 confers sufficient kinase activity for strong CSF-1-independent proliferation, whereas Tyr-559 maintains the receptor in an inactive state. Tyr-559 phosphorylation releases this restraint and may also contribute to the CSF-1-regulated proliferative response by activating Src family kinase.  相似文献   

The Mig-10/RIAM/lamellipodin (MRL) family member Rap1-GTP-interacting adaptor molecule (RIAM) interacts with active Rap1, a small GTPase that is frequently activated in tumors such as melanoma and prostate cancer. We show here that RIAM is expressed in metastatic human melanoma cells and that both RIAM and Rap1 are required for BLM melanoma cell invasion. RIAM silencing in melanoma cells led to inhibition of tumor growth and to delayed metastasis in a severe combined immunodeficiency xenograft model. Defective invasion of RIAM-silenced melanoma cells arose from impairment in persistent cell migration directionality, which was associated with deficient activation of a Vav2-RhoA-ROCK-myosin light chain pathway. Expression of constitutively active Vav2 and RhoA in cells depleted for RIAM partially rescued their invasion, indicating that Vav2 and RhoA mediate RIAM function. These results suggest that inhibition of cell invasion in RIAM-silenced melanoma cells is likely based on altered cell contractility and cell polarization. Furthermore, we show that RIAM depletion reduces β1 integrin-dependent melanoma cell adhesion, which correlates with decreased activation of both Erk1/2 MAPK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, two central molecules controlling cell growth and cell survival. In addition to causing inhibition of cell proliferation, RIAM silencing led to higher susceptibility to cell apoptosis. Together, these data suggest that defective activation of these kinases in RIAM-silenced cells could account for inhibition of melanoma cell growth and that RIAM might contribute to the dissemination of melanoma cells.  相似文献   

The acquisition of an invasive phenotype is a critical turning point for malignant tumor cells. CMTM8, a potential tumor suppressor, is frequently down-regulated in solid tumors, and its overexpression induces tumor cell apoptosis. Here, we identify a new role for CMTM8 in regulating tumor cell migration. Reducing CMTM8 expression in HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells results in the acquisition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) features, including a morphological change from organized epithelial sheets to scattered fibroblast-like shapes, reduction of the epithelial marker E-cadherin, and an increased invasive and migratory ability. These phenotypic changes are mediated in large part by the ERK-MAPK pathway, as the MEK inhibitor U0126 and shRNA-mediated knockdown of ERK2 significantly reversed these phenotypes. Hepatocyte growth factor binding to the c-MET receptor is known to induce EMT in HepG2 cells. We found that CMTM8 knockdown in HepG2 cells induced c-MET signaling and ERK activation. Inhibition of c-MET signaling with the small molecule inhibitor SU11274 or c-MET RNAi blocked the EMT-like changes following CMTM8 knockdown. CMTM8 overexpression in HepG2 cells inhibited hepatocyte growth factor-induced EMT-like morphological changes and cell motility. Down-regulation of CMTM8 also promoted an EMT-like change in MCF-10A cells, indicating a broader role for CMTM8 in regulating cellular transformation.  相似文献   

Prolidase, also known as Xaa-Pro dipeptidase or peptidase D (PEPD), is a ubiquitously expressed cytosolic enzyme that hydrolyzes dipeptides with proline or hydroxyproline at the carboxyl terminus. In this article, however, we demonstrate that PEPD directly binds to and activates epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), leading to stimulation of signaling proteins downstream of EGFR, and that such activity is neither cell-specific nor dependent on the enzymatic activity of PEPD. In line with the pro-survival and pro-proliferation activities of EGFR, PEPD stimulates DNA synthesis. We further show that PEPD activates EGFR only when it is present in the extracellular space, but that PEPD is released from injured cells and tissues and that such release appears to result in EGFR activation. PEPD differs from all known EGFR ligands in that it does not possess an epidermal growth factor (EGF) motif and is not synthesized as a transmembrane precursor, but PEPD binding to EGFR can be blocked by EGF. In conclusion, PEPD is a ligand of EGFR and presents a novel mechanism of EGFR activation.  相似文献   

Microvilli are found on the surface of many cell types, including the mammalian oocyte, where they are thought to act in initial contact of sperm and oocyte plasma membranes. CD9 is currently the only oocyte protein known to be required for sperm-oocyte fusion. We found CD9 is localized to the oocyte microvillar membrane using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that CD9 null oocytes, which are unable to fuse with sperm, have an altered length, thickness and density of their microvilli. One aspect of this change in morphology was quantified using TEM by measuring the radius of curvature at the microvillar tips. A small radius of curvature is thought to promote fusibility and the radius of curvature of microvillar tips on CD9 wild-type oocytes was found to be half that of the CD9 null oocytes. We found that oocyte CD9 co-immunoprecipitates with two Ig superfamily cis partners, EWI-2 and EWI-F, which could have a role in linking CD9 to the oocyte microvillar actin core. We also examined latrunculin B-treated oocytes, which are known to have reduced fusion ability, and found altered microvillar morphology by SEM and TEM. Our data suggest that microvilli may participate in sperm-oocyte fusion. Microvilli could act as a platform to concentrate adhesion/fusion proteins and/or provide a membrane protrusion with a low radius of curvature. They may also have a dynamic interaction with the sperm that serves to capture the sperm cell and bring it into close contact with the oocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Integrins are postulated to undergo structural rearrangement from a low affinity bent conformer to a high affinity extended conformer upon activation. However, some reports have shown that a bent conformer is capable of binding a ligand, whereas another report has shown that integrin extension does not absolutely lead to activation. To clarify whether integrin affinity is indeed regulated by the so-called switchblade-like movement, we have engineered a series of mutant αIIbβ3 integrins that are constrained specifically in either a bent or an extended conformation. These mutant αIIbβ3 integrins were expressed in mammalian cells, and fibrinogen binding to these cells was examined. The bent integrins were created through the introduction of artificial disulfide bridges in the β-head/β-tail interface. Cells expressing bent integrins all failed to bind fibrinogen unless pretreated with DTT to disrupt the disulfide bridges. The extended integrins were created by introducing N-glycosylation sites in amino acid residues located close to the α-genu, where the integrin legs fold backward. Among these mutants, activation was maximized in one integrin with an N-glycosylation site located behind the α-genu. This extension-induced activation was completely blocked when the swing-out of the hybrid domain was prevented. These results suggest that the bent and extended conformers represent low affinity and high affinity conformers, respectively, and that extension-induced activation depends on the swing-out of the hybrid domain. Taken together, these results are consistent with the current hypothesis that integrin affinity is regulated by the switchblade-like movement of the integrin legs.  相似文献   

Neuropilin-1 (NRP-1) is present on the cell surface of endothelial cells, or as a soluble truncated variant. Membrane NRP-1 is proposed to enhance angiogenesis by promoting the formation of a signaling complex between vascular endothelial growth factor-A(165) (VEGF-A(165)), VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) and heparan sulfate, whereas the soluble NRP-1 is thought to act as an antagonist of signaling complex formation. We have analyzed the angiogenic potential of a chimera comprising the entire extracellular NRP-1 region dimerized through an Fc IgG domain and a monomeric truncated NRP-1 variant. Both NRP-1 proteins stimulated tubular morphogenesis and cell migration in HDMECs and HUVECs. Fc rNRP-1 was able to induce VEGFR-2 phosphorylation and expression of the VEGFR-2 specific target, regulator of calcineurin-1 (RCAN1.4). siRNA mediated gene silencing of VEGFR-2 revealed that VEGFR-2 was required for Fc rNRP-1 mediated activation of the intracellular signaling proteins PLC-γ, AKT, and MAPK and tubular morphogenesis. The stimulatory activity was independent of VEGF-A(165). This was evidenced by depleting the cell culture of exogenous VEGF-A(165), and using instead for routine culture VEGF-A(121), which does not interact with NRP-1, and by the inability of VEGF-A sequestering antibodies to inhibit the angiogenic activity of the NRP proteins. Analysis of angiogenesis over a period of 6 days in an in vitro fibroblast/endothelial co-culture model revealed that Fc rNRP-1 could induce endothelial cell tubular morphogenesis. Thus, we conclude that soluble Fc rNRP-1 is a VEGF-A(165)-independent agonist of VEGFR-2 and stimulates angiogenesis in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The C-type lectin-like receptor CLEC-2 signals via phosphorylation of a single cytoplasmic YXXL sequence known as a hem-immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (hemITAM). In this study, we show that phosphorylation of CLEC-2 by the snake toxin rhodocytin is abolished in the absence of the tyrosine kinase Syk but is not altered in the absence of the major platelet Src family kinases, Fyn, Lyn, and Src, or the tyrosine phosphatase CD148, which regulates the basal activity of Src family kinases. Further, phosphorylation of CLEC-2 by rhodocytin is not altered in the presence of the Src family kinase inhibitor PP2, even though PLCγ2 phosphorylation and platelet activation are abolished. A similar dependence of phosphorylation of CLEC-2 on Syk is also seen in response to stimulation by an IgG mAb to CLEC-2, although interestingly CLEC-2 phosphorylation is also reduced in the absence of Lyn. These results provide the first definitive evidence that Syk mediates phosphorylation of the CLEC-2 hemITAM receptor with Src family kinases playing a critical role further downstream through the regulation of Syk and other effector proteins, providing a new paradigm in signaling by YXXL-containing receptors.  相似文献   

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