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The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is a multi‐protein complex that regulates the activities of cullin‐RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRLs). CRLs ubiquitinate proteins in order to target them for proteasomal degradation. The CSN is required for proper plant development. Here we show that the CSN also has a profound effect on plant defense responses. Silencing of genes for CSN subunits in tomato plants resulted in a mild morphological phenotype and reduced expression of wound‐responsive genes in response to mechanical wounding, attack by Manduca sexta larvae, and Prosystemin over‐expression. In contrast, expression of pathogenesis‐related genes was increased in a stimulus‐independent manner in these plants. The reduced wound response in CSN‐silenced plants corresponded with reduced synthesis of jasmonic acid (JA), but levels of salicylic acid (SA) were unaltered. As a consequence, these plants exhibited reduced resistance against herbivorous M. sexta larvae and the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. In contrast, susceptibility to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was not altered in CSN‐silenced plants. These data demonstrate that the CSN orchestrates not only plant development but also JA‐dependent plant defense responses.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, genes carrying premature termination codons (PTCs) are often associated with decreased mRNA levels compared with their counterparts without PTCs. PTC-harboring mRNA is rapidly degraded through the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway to prevent the accumulation of potentially detrimental truncated proteins. In a native ecotype of Nicotiana attenuata collected from Arizona (AZ), the mRNA levels of a trypsin proteinase inhibitor ( TPI ) gene are substantially lower than in plants collected from Utah (UT). Cloning the AZ TPI gene revealed a 6 bp deletion mutation in exon 2 resulting in a PTC and decreased mRNA levels through NMD. Silencing UPF1 , 2 and 3 in N. attenuata AZ plants by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) enhanced the levels of PTC-harboring TPI mRNA, demonstrating a conserved role for UPF genes in plants. Furthermore, using cell suspension cultures that express variants of the TPI construct, we demonstrate that both intron-containing and intronless genes are subject to NMD in plants; unlike PTCs in mammals, PTCs downstream of introns activate NMD in plants. However, when a PTC is only 4 bp upstream of an intron, the NMD surveillance mechanism is abrogated. We also demonstrate that, in an intronless TPI gene, a PTC located at the beginning or the end of the coding sequence triggers NMD less efficiently than do PTCs located at the middle of the coding sequence. Taken together, these results highlight the complexity of the NMD activation mechanisms in plants.  相似文献   

Plants have evolved complex physical and chemical defense systems that allow them to withstand herbivory infestation. Composed of a complex mixture of very-long-chain fatty acids(VLCFAs) and their derivatives, cuticular wax constitutes the first physical line of defense against herbivores. Here, we report the function of Glossy 8(Zm GL8), which encodes a 3-ketoacyl reductase belonging to the fatty acid elongase complex, in orchestrating wax production and jasmonic acid(JA)-mediated defenses agai...  相似文献   

Cell-surface-localized leucine-rich-repeat receptorlike kinases(LRR-RLKs) are crucial for plant immunity.Most LRR-RLKs that act as receptors directly recognize ligands via a large extracellular domain(ECD),whereas LRR-RLK that serve as regulators are relatively small and contain fewer LRRs.Here,we identified LRR-RLK regulators using high-throughput tobacco rattle virus(TRV)-based gene silencing in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana.We used the cell-death phenotype caused by INF1,an oomycete e...  相似文献   

Nitric oxide-associated protein 1 (NOA1) is involved in various abiotic stress responses and is required for plant resistance to pathogen infections. However, the role of NOA1 in plant-herbivore interactions has not been explored. We created NOA1-silenced Nicotiana attenuata plants (irNaNOA1). Compared with wild-type (WT) plants, irNaNOA1 plants had highly decreased photosynthesis rates. We further examined various traits important for plant defense against its specialist herbivore Manduca sexta by treating WT and irNaNOA1 plants with mechanical wounding and M. sexta oral secretions (OS). NOA1-silenced plants showed elevated levels of herbivory-induced jasmonic acid (JA), but decreased JA-isoleucine conjugate (JA-Ile) levels. The decreased JA-Ile levels did not result from compromised JAR (jasmonic acid resistant) activity in irNOA1 plants. Moreover, nitrogen-rich defensive compounds, nicotine and trypsin proteinase inhibitors, did not differ between WT and irNaNOA1 plants. In contrast, concentrations of most carbon-based defensive compounds were lower in these plants than in WT plants, although the levels of chlorogenic acid were not changed. Therefore, silencing NOA1 alters the allocation of carbon resources within the phenylpropanoid pathway. These data suggest the involvement of NOA1 in N. attenuata's defense against M. sexta attack, and highlight its role in photosynthesis, and biosynthesis of jasmonates and secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitor (PI) accumulation has been described as a plant defense response against insects and pathogens. The induction of PIs is known to be regulated by endogenous chemical factors including phytohormones. We studied the induction of barley chymotrypsin and trypsin inhibitory activities by aphid infestation, mechanical wounding, abscisic acid (ABA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Wounding experiments led to a minimal accumulation of PI activity (16% over controls) compared to that found in barley seedlings infested by aphids, where chymotrypsin inhibitor activity showed a two-fold increment. No systemic induction could be detected in healthy leaves of an infested or mechanically injured plant. Exogenous ABA applied on barley leaves increased the chymotrypsin inhibitory activity, while JA only increased trypsin inhibitory activity locally and systemically when applied exogenously. Our data suggest that two different mechanisms may be regulating the induction of these two types of inhibitors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plants exposed to solar ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280-315 nm) frequently suffer less insect herbivory than do plants that receive attenuated levels of UV-B. This anti-herbivore effect of solar UV-B exposure, which has been documented in several ecosystems, is in part mediated by changes in plant tissue quality. Exposure to UV-B can modify the abundance of a number of secondary metabolites, including phenolic compounds with potential impacts on insect herbivores. The aim of this study is to assess the potential anti-herbivore role of UV-B-induced phenolic compounds by comparing the phenolic profiles induced by UV-B and simulated insect herbivory in two wild species of the genus Nicotiana. METHODS: Plants grown under field and glasshouse conditions were exposed to contrasting levels of UV-B. Half of the plants of the attenuated UV-B treatment were given a simulated herbivory treatment, where leaves were mechanically damaged and immediately treated with oral secretions of Manduca sexta caterpillars. This treatment is known to mimic the impact of real herbivory on the expression of plant defences in Nicotiana. Phenolic profiles induced by UV-B and simulated herbivory were characterized using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). KEY RESULTS: UV-B induced the accumulation of several UV-absorbing phenolic compounds that are known to play a significant role in UV-B screening. Interestingly, there was a significant convergence in the phenolic profiles induced by UV-B and simulated herbivory: chlorogenic acid and dicaffeoylspermidine isomers, in particular, displayed a similar pattern of response to these stimuli. In contrast, rutin, the only flavonoid that accumulated in significant quantities in the experiments, was only induced by UV-B. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the anti-herbivory effect induced by UV-B may be mediated at least in part by the accumulation of phenylpropanoid derivatives that are similar to those induced by the plant in response to insect herbivory.  相似文献   

Triacontanol (TRIA), a long chain aliphatic alcohol (C30H61OH) reverses the effect of jasmonic acid (JA) in inducing proteinase inhibitors (PIs) in tomato leaves. Porcine pancreas trypsin and Spodoptera litura gut proteinases were inhibited in the presence of leaf proteins treated with JA, and TRIA partially reverses this effect. Spodoptera litura larvae fed with tomato leaves treated with JA were reduced in body weight and TRIA is able to partially reverse this JA-induced effect. These results reflect the partial reversal effect of TRIA in down regulating the JA-induced production of proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) is part of a long-distance signal-transduction pathway that effects increases in de-novo nicotine synthesis in the roots of Nicotiana sylvestris Speg et Comes (Solanaceae) after leaf wounding. Elevated nicotine synthesis increases whole-plant nicotine pools and makes plants more resistant to herbivores. Leaf wounding rapidly increases JA pools in damaged leaves, and after a 90-min delay, root JA pools also increase. The systemic response in the roots could result from either: (i) the direct transport of JA from wounded leaves, or (ii) JA synthesis or its release from conjugates in roots in response to a second, systemic signal. We synthesized [2-14C]JA, and applied it to a single leaf in a quantity (189 μg) known to elicit both a whole-plant nicotine and root JA response equivalent to that found in plants subjected to leaf wounding. We quantified radioactive material in JA, and in metabolites both more and less polar than JA, from treated and untreated leaves and roots of plants in eight harvests after JA application. [2-14C]Jasmonic acid was transported from treated leaves to roots at rates and in quantities equivalent to the wound-induced changes in endogenous JA pools. The [2-14C]JA that had been transported to the roots declined at the same rate as endogenous JA pools in the roots of plants after leaf wounding. Most of the labeled material applied to leaves was metabolized or otherwise immobilized at the application site, and the levels of [2-14C]JA in untreated leaves did not increase over time. We measured the free JA pools before and after four different hydrolytic extractions of root and shoot tissues to estimate the size of the potential JA conjugate pools, and found them to be 10% or less of the free JA pool. We conclude that the direct transport of wound-induced JA from leaves to roots can account for the systemic increase in root JA pools after leaf wounding, and that metabolism into less polar structures determines the duration of this systemic increase. However, the conclusive falsification of this hypothesis will require the suppression of all other signalling pathways which could have shoot-to-root transport kinetics similar to that of endogenous JA. Received: 14 April 1997 / Accepted: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(3):233-241
Kinetic and other properties of the interaction between two serine proteinases, bovine trypsin and Costelytra zealandica (grass grub) larval trypsin and a range of proteinaceous serine proteinase inhibitors were investigated. Twenty-six inhibitors or isoinhibitors from 10 different inhibitor families were analysed. A 1700-fold range in equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) values was obtained for bovine trypsin and a 105-fold range for grass grub trypsin. The ratios of Kd (grass grub)/Kd (bovine) also spanned a range of 105-fold. Qualitative observations indicated that the second order association rate constants were high for all except two inhibitors. Two classes of first order dissociation rate constant were determined from the dissociation of trypsin-inhibitor complexes induced by substrate. While most inhibitors were cleaved by grass grub trypsin, they still inhibited larval midgut crude extracts during long incubations. We suggest using the Kd value to assess the potential for any inhibitor to act as a grass grub larval resistance factor in plants, in preference to other parameters.  相似文献   

Costs and benefits of jasmonic acid induced responses in soybean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In response to herbivory, plants have evolved defense strategies to reduce herbivore preference and performance. A strategy whereby defenses are induced only upon herbivory can mitigate costs of defense when herbivores are scarce. Although costs and benefits of induced responses are generally assumed, empirical evidence for many species is lacking. Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) has emerged as a model species with which to address questions about induced responses. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the fitness costs and benefits of jasmonic acid-induced responses by soybean in the absence and presence of soybean loopers (Chrysodeix includens Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In a greenhouse experiment we demonstrated that soybean induction was costly. Induced plants produced 10.1% fewer seeds that were 9.0% lighter, and had 19.2% lower germination rates than noninduced plants. However, induction provided only modest benefits to soybeans. In a choice experiment, soybean loopers significantly preferred leaves from noninduced plants, consuming 62% more tissue than from induced plants. Soybean loopers that fed on plants that were previously subjected to treatment with jasmonic acid matured at the same rate and to the same size as those that fed on control plants. However, at high conspecific density, soybean looper survivorship was reduced by 44% on previously induced relative to control plants. Reduced soybean looper preference and survivorship did not translate into fitness benefits for soybeans. Our findings support theoretical predictions of costly induced defenses and highlight the importance of considering the environmental context in studies of plant defense.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an essential element for many organisms, but excess Se is toxic. To better understand plant Se toxicity and resistance mechanisms, we compared the physiological and molecular responses of two Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) accessions, Columbia (Col)-0 and Wassilewskija (Ws)-2, to selenite treatment. Measurement of root length Se tolerance index demonstrated a clear difference between selenite-resistant Col-0 and selenite-sensitive Ws-2. Macroarray analysis showed more pronounced selenite-induced increases in mRNA levels of ethylene- or jasmonic acid (JA)-biosynthesis and -inducible genes in Col-0 than in Ws-2. Indeed, Col-0 exhibited higher levels of ethylene and JA. The selenite-sensitive phenotype of Ws-2 was attenuated by treatment with ethylene precursor or methyl jasmonate (MeJA). Conversely, the selenite resistance of Col-0 was reduced in mutants impaired in ethylene or JA biosynthesis or signaling. Genes encoding sulfur (S) transporters and S assimilation enzymes were up-regulated by selenite in Col-0 but not Ws-2. Accordingly, Col-0 contained higher levels of total S and Se and of nonprotein thiols than Ws-2. Glutathione redox status was reduced by selenite in Ws-2 but not in Col-0. Furthermore, the generation of reactive oxygen species by selenite was higher in Col-0 than in Ws-2. Together, these results indicate that JA and ethylene play important roles in Se resistance in Arabidopsis. Reactive oxygen species may also have a signaling role, and the resistance mechanism appears to involve enhanced S uptake and reduction.  相似文献   

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