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The GroES protein from Escherichia coli is a well-known member of the molecular chaperones. GroES consists of seven identical 10 kDa subunits, and forms a dome-like oligomeric structure. In order to obtain information on the structural stability and unfolding-refolding mechanism of GroES protein, especially at protein concentrations (0.4-1.2 mM GroES monomer) that would mimic heat stress conditions in vivo, we have performed synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. Surprisingly, in spite of the high protein concentration, reversibility in the unfolding-refolding reaction was confirmed by SAXS experiments structurally. Although the unfolding-refolding reaction showed an apparent single transition with a Cm of 1.1 M guanidium hydrochloride, a more detailed analysis of this transition demonstrated that the unfolding mechanism could be best explained by a sequential three-state model, which consists of native heptamer, dissociated monomer, and unfolded monomer. Together with our previous result that GroES unfolded completely via a partially folded monomer according to a three-state model at low protein concentration (5 microM monomer), the unfolding-refolding mechanism of GroES protein could be explained uniformly by the three-state model from low to high protein concentrations. Furthermore, to clarify an ambiguity of the native GroES structure in solution, especially mobile loop structures, we have estimated a solution structure of GroES using SAXS profiles obtained from experiments and simulation analysis. The result suggested that the native structure of GroES in solution was very similar to that seen in GroES-GroEL complex determined by crystallography.  相似文献   

Motojima F  Yoshida M 《The EMBO journal》2010,29(23):4008-4019
The current mechanistic model of chaperonin-assisted protein folding assumes that the substrate protein in the cage, formed by GroEL central cavity capped with GroES, is isolated from outside and exists as a free polypeptide. However, using ATPase-deficient GroEL mutants that keep GroES bound, we found that, in the rate-limiting intermediate of a chaperonin reaction, the unfolded polypeptide in the cage partly protrudes through a narrow space near the GroEL/GroES interface. Then, the entire polypeptide is released either into the cage or to the outside medium. The former adopts a native structure very rapidly and the latter undergoes spontaneous folding. Partition of the in-cage folding and the escape varies among substrate proteins and is affected by hydrophobic interaction between the polypeptide and GroEL cavity wall. The ATPase-active GroEL with decreased in-cage folding produced less of a native model substrate protein in Escherichia coli cells. Thus, the polypeptide in the critical GroEL-GroES complex is neither free nor completely confined in the cage, but it is interacting with GroEL's apical region, partly protruding to outside.  相似文献   

We have studied the ATP-induced allosteric structural transition of GroEL using small angle X-ray scattering and fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with a stopped-flow technique. With X-ray scattering one can clearly distinguish the three allosteric states of GroEL, and the kinetics of the transition of GroEL induced by 85 microM ATP have been observed directly by stopped-flow X-ray scattering for the first time. The rate constant has been found to be 3-5s(-1) at 5 degrees C, indicating that this process corresponds to the second phase of the ATP-induced kinetics of tryptophan-inserted GroEL measured by stopped-flow fluorescence. Based on the ATP concentration dependence of the fluorescence kinetics, we conclude that the first phase represents bimolecular non-cooperative binding of ATP to GroEL with a bimolecular rate constant of 5.8 x 10(5)M(-1)s(-1) at 25 degrees C. Considering the electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged GroEL (-18 of the net charge per monomer at pH 7.5) and ATP, the rate constant is consistent with a diffusion-controlled bimolecular process. The ATP-induced fluorescence kinetics (the first and second phases) at various ATP concentrations (< 400 microM) occur before ATP hydrolysis by GroEL takes place and are well explained by a kinetic allosteric model, which is a combination of the conventional transition state theory and the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model, and we have successfully evaluated the equilibrium and kinetic parameters of the allosteric transition, including the binding constant of ATP in the transition state of GroEL.  相似文献   

The chaperonin GroEL contains two seven-subunit rings, and allosteric signals between them are required to complete the GroEL reaction cycle. For this reason SR1, a mutant of GroEL that forms only single rings, cannot function as a chaperone. Mutations in SR1 that restore chaperone function weaken its interaction with the cochaperonin GroES. We predicted that GroES mutants with reduced affinity for GroEL would also restore function to SR1. To test this, we mutated residues in GroES in and near its contact site with GroEL. Nearly half of the mutants showed partial function with SR1. Two mutants were confirmed to have reduced affinity for GroEL. Intriguingly, some GroES mutants were able to function with active single ring mutants of GroEL.  相似文献   

To monitor the fast compaction process during protein folding, we have used a stopped-flow small-angle X-ray scattering technique combined with a two-dimensional charge-coupled device-based X-ray detector that makes it possible to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of data dramatically, and measured the kinetic refolding reaction of alpha-lactalbumin. The results clearly show that the radius of gyration and the overall shape of the kinetic folding intermediate of alpha-lactalbumin are the same as those of the molten globule state observed at equilibrium. Thus, the identity between the kinetic folding intermediate and the equilibrium molten globule state is firmly established. The present results also suggest that the folding intermediate is more hydrated than the native state and that the hydrated water molecules are dehydrated when specific side-chain packing is formed during the change from the molten globule to the native state.  相似文献   

A key aspect of the reaction mechanism for the molecular chaperone GroEL is the transmission of an allosteric signal between the two rings of the GroEL complex. Thus, the single-ring mutant SR1 is unable to act as a chaperone as it cannot release bound substrate or GroES. We used a simple selection procedure to identify mutants of SR1 that restored chaperone activity in vivo. A large number of single amino acid changes, mapping at diverse positions throughout the protein, enabled SR1 to regain its ability to act as a chaperone while remaining as a single ring. In vivo assays were used to identify the proteins that had regained maximal activity. In some cases, no difference could be detected between strains expressing wild-type GroEL and those expressing the mutated proteins. Three of the most active proteins where the mutations were in distinct parts of the protein were purified to homogeneity and characterised in vitro. All were capable of acting efficiently as chaperones for two different GroES-dependent substrates. All three proteins bound nucleotide as effectively as did GroEL, but the binding of GroES in the presence of ATP or ADP was reduced significantly relative to the wild-type. These active single rings should provide a useful tool for studying the nature of the allosteric changes that occur in the GroEL reaction cycle.  相似文献   

A compact denatured state is often observed under a mild denaturation condition for various proteins. A typical example is the alpha-lactalbumin molten globule. Although the molecular compactness and shape are the essential properties for defining the molten globule, there have been ambiguities of these properties for the molten globule of alpha-lactalbumin. Using solution X-ray scattering, we have examined the structural properties of two types of molten globule of alpha-lactalbumin, the apo-protein at neutral pH and the acid molten globule. The radius of gyration for the native holo-protein was 15.7 A, but the two different molten globules both had a radius of gyration of 17.2 A. The maximum dimension of the molecule was also increased from 50 A for the native state to 60 A for the molten globule. These values clearly indicate that the molten globule is not as compact as the native state. The increment in the radius of gyration was less than 10% for the alpha-lactalbumin molten globule, compared with up to 30% for the molten globules of other globular proteins. Intramolecular disulfide bonds restrict the molecular expansion of the molten globule. The distance distribution function of the alpha-lactalbumin molten globule is composed of a single peak suggesting a globular shape, which is simply swollen from the native state. The scattering profile in the high Q region of the molten globule indicates the presence of a significant amount of tertiary fold. Based on the structural properties obtained by solution X-ray scattering, general and conceptual structural images for the molten globules of various proteins are described and compared with the individual, detailed structural model obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance.  相似文献   

The head protein of T4 bacteriophage requires the GroEL chaperonin for its insertion into a growing T4 head. Hundreds of thousands of copies of this protein must pass through the chaperonin in a limited time later in infection, indicating that the protein must use GroEL very efficiently and may contain sequences that bind tightly to GroEL. We show that green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the N terminus of the head protein can fold at temperatures higher than those at which the GFP protein can fold well by itself. We present evidence that this folding is promoted by the strong binding of N-terminal head protein sequences to GroEL. This binding is so strong that some fusion proteins can apparently deplete the cell of the GroEL needed for other cellular functions, altering the cellular membranes and slowing growth.  相似文献   

昆虫传播的植物病毒种类多、危害大,其传病毒的能力与昆虫体内共生菌产生的GroEL蛋白关系密切,该蛋白是分子伴侣hsp60家族的成员,对病毒进入昆虫血体腔免遭破坏起着保护作用,也与昆虫传病毒的专一性有关。本对昆虫内共生菌及其产生的GroEL进行了综述,并分析了研究内共生菌及其产生的蛋白质的科学意义与发展趋势,为植物病毒病的防治研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The GroEL–GroES is an essential molecular chaperon system that assists protein folding in cell. Binding of various substrate proteins to GroEL is one of the key aspects in GroEL‐assisted protein folding. Small peptides may mimic segments of the substrate proteins in contact with GroEL and allow detailed structural analysis of the interactions. A model peptide SBP has been shown to bind to a region in GroEL that is important for binding of substrate proteins. Here, we investigated whether the observed GroEL–SBP interaction represented those of GroEL–substrate proteins, and whether SBP was able to mimic various aspects of substrate proteins in GroE‐assisted protein folding cycle. We found that SBP competed with substrate proteins, including α‐lactalbumin, rhodanese, and malate dehydrogenase, in binding to GroEL. SBP stimulated GroEL ATP hydrolysis rate in a manner similar to that of α‐lactalbumin. SBP did not prevent GroES from binding to GroEL, and GroES association reduced the ATPase rates of GroEL/SBP and GroEL/α‐lactalbumin to a comparable extent. Binding of both SBP and α‐lactalbumin to apo GroEL was dominated by hydrophobic interaction. Interestingly, association of α‐lactalbumin to GroEL/GroES was thermodynamically distinct from that to GroEL with reduced affinity and decreased contribution from hydrophobic interaction. However, SBP did not display such differential binding behaviors to apo GroEL and GroEL/GroES, likely due to the lack of a contiguous polypeptide chain that links all of the bound peptide fragments. Nevertheless, studies using peptides provide valuable information on the nature of GroEL–substrate protein interaction, which is central to understand the mechanism of GroEL‐assisted protein folding. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cytosolic chaperonin TRiC (TCP-1 Ring Complex), also known as CCT (Cytosolic Chaperonin containing TCP-1), is a hetero-oligomeric complex consisting of two back-to-back rings of eight different subunits each. The general architecture of the complex has been determined, but the arrangement of the subunits within the complex remains an open question. By assuming that the subunits have a defined arrangement within each ring, we constructed a simple model of TRiC that analyzes the possible arrangements of individual subunits in the complex. By applying the model to existing data, we find that there are only four subunit arrangements consistent with previous observations. Our analysis provides a framework for the interpretation and design of experiments to elucidate the quaternary structure of TRiC/CCT. This in turn will aid in the understanding of substrate binding and allosteric properties of this chaperonin.  相似文献   

Human immunoglobulin D (IgD) occurs most abundantly as a membrane-bound antibody on the surface of mature B cells (mIgD). IgD possesses the longest hinge sequence of all the human antibody isotypes, with 64 residues connecting the Fab and Fc fragments. A novel rapid purification scheme of secreted IgD from the serum of an IgD myeloma patient using thiophilic (T-gel) and lectin affinity chromatography gave a stable, homogeneous IgD preparation. Synchrotron X-ray scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation of IgD identified the solution arrangement of its Fab and Fc fragments, and thereby its hinge structure. The Guinier X-ray radius of gyration R(G) of 6.9(+/-0.1)nm showed that IgD is more extended in solution than the immunoglobulin subclass IgA1 (R(G) of 6.1-6.2nm). Its distance distribution function P(r) showed a single peak at 4.7nm and a maximum dimension of 23nm. Velocity experiments gave a sedimentation coefficient of 6.3S, which is similar to that for IgA1 at 6.2S. The complete IgD structure was modelled using molecular dynamics to generate IgD hinge structures, to which homology models for the Fab and Fc fragments were connected. Good scattering curve fits were obtained with 18 semi-extended best fit IgD models that were filtered from 8500 trial models. These best-fit models showed that the IgD hinge does not correspond to an extended polypeptide structure. The averaged solution structure arrangement of the Fab and Fc fragments in IgD is principally T-shaped and flexible, with contribution from Y-shaped and inverted Y-shaped structures. Although the linear sequence of the IgD hinge is much longer, comparison with previous scattering modelling of IgA1 and IgA2(m)1 suggests that the hinge of IgA1 and IgD are more similar than might have been expected, Both possess flexible T-shaped solution structures, probably reflecting the presence of restraining O-linked sugars.  相似文献   

Proteins with predominantly hydrophobic character called amelogenins play a key role in the formation of the highly organized enamel tissue by forming nanospheres that interact with hydroxyapatite crystals. In the present investigation, we have studied the temperature and pH-dependent self-assembly of two recombinant mouse amelogenins, rM179 and rM166, the latter being an engineered version of the protein that lacks a 13 amino acid hydrophilic C-terminus. It has been postulated that this hydrophilic domain plays an important role in controlling the self-assembly behavior of rM179. By small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering, as well as by dynamic light scattering, we observed the onset of an aggregation of the rM179 protein nanospheres at pH 8. This behavior of the full-length recombinant protein is best explained by a core-shell model for the nanospheres, where hydrophilic and negatively charged side chains prevent the agglomeration of hydrophobic cores of the protein nanospheres at lower temperatures, while clusters consisting of several nanospheres start to form at elevated temperatures. In contrast, while capable of forming nanospheres, rM166 shows a very different aggregation behavior resulting in the formation of larger precipitates just above room temperature. These results, together with recent observations that rM179, unlike rM166, can regulate mineral organization in vitro, suggest that the aggregation of nanospheres of the full-length amelogenin rM179 is an important step in the self-assembly of the enamel matrix.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of GroEL on the kinetic refolding of-lactalbumin by stopped-flow fluorescence techniques. We usedwild-type GroEL and its ATPase-defficient mutant D398A, and studied thebinding constants between GroEL and the molten globule foldingintermediate at various concentrations of ADP and ATP. The results arecompared with titration of GroEL with the nucleotides, ADP, ATP-analogs(ATP-S and AMP-PNP) and ATP, which have shown that bothADP and the ATP analogs are bound to GroEL in a non-cooperativemanner but that ATP shows a cooperative effect. Similarly, the bindingconstant between GroEL and the folding intermediate decreased in acooperative manner with an increase in ATP concentration although itshowed non-cooperative decrease with respect to ADP concentration. Itis shown that the allosteric control of GroEL by the nucleotides isresponsible for the above behavior of GroEL and that the observeddifference between the ATP- and ADP-induced transitions of GroEL isbrought about by a small difference in an allosteric parameter (the ratio ofthe nucleotide affinities of GroEL in the high-affinity and the low-affinitystates), i.e., 4.1 for ATP and 2.6 for ADP.  相似文献   

GroEL is a group I chaperonin that facilitates protein folding and prevents protein aggregation in the bacterial cytosol. Mycobacteria are unusual in encoding two or more copies of GroEL in their genome. While GroEL2 is essential for viability and likely functions as the general housekeeping chaperonin, GroEL1 is dispensable, but its structure and function remain unclear.Here, we present the 2.2-Å resolution crystal structure of a 23-kDa fragment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis GroEL1 consisting of an extended apical domain. Our X-ray structure of the GroEL1 apical domain closely resembles those of Escherichia coli GroEL and M. tuberculosis GroEL2, thus highlighting the remarkable structural conservation of bacterial chaperonins. Notably, in our structure, the proposed substrate-binding site of GroEL1 interacts with the N-terminal region of a symmetry-related neighboring GroEL1 molecule. The latter is consistent with the known GroEL apical domain function in substrate binding and is supported by results obtained from using peptide array technology. Taken together, these data show that the apical domains of M. tuberculosis GroEL paralogs are conserved in three-dimensional structure, suggesting that GroEL1, like GroEL2, is a chaperonin.  相似文献   

Wide-angle X-ray solution scattering (WAXS) patterns contain substantial information about the three-dimensional structure of a protein. Although WAXS data have far less information than is required for determination of a full three-dimensional structure, the actual amount of information contained in a WAXS pattern has not been carefully quantified. Here we carry out an analysis of the amount of information that can be extracted from a WAXS pattern and demonstrate that it is adequate to estimate the secondary-structure content of a protein and to strongly limit its possible tertiary structures. WAXS patterns computed from the atomic coordinates of a set of 498 protein domains representing all of known fold space were used as the basis for constructing a multidimensional space of all corresponding WAXS patterns (‘WAXS space’). Within WAXS space, each scattering pattern is represented by a single vector. A principal components analysis was carried out to identify those directions in WAXS space that provide the greatest discrimination among patterns. The number of dimensions that provide significant discrimination among protein folds agrees well with the number of independent parameters estimated from a naïve Shannon sampling theorem approach. Estimates of the relative abundances of secondary structures were made using training/test sets derived from this data set. The average error in the estimate of α-helical content was 11%, and of β-sheet content was 9%. The distribution of proteins that are members of the four structure classes, α, β, α/β and α+β, are well separated in WAXS space when data extending to a spacing of 2.2 Å are used. Quantification of the information embedded within a WAXS pattern indicates that these data can be used as a powerful constraint in homology modeling of protein structures.  相似文献   

Structural changes of barnase during folding were investigated using time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The folding of barnase involves a burst-phase intermediate, sometimes designated as the denatured state under physiological conditions, Dphys, and a second hidden intermediate. Equilibrium SAXS measurements showed that the radius of gyration (Rg) of the guanidine unfolded state (U) is 26.9 ± 0.7 Å, which remains largely constant over a wide denaturant concentration range. Time-resolved SAXS measurements showed that the Rg value extrapolated from kinetic Rg data to time zero, Rg,0, is 24.3 ± 0.1 Å, which is smaller than that of U but which is expanded from that of folding intermediates of other proteins with similar chain lengths (19 Å). After the burst-phase change, a single-exponential reduction in Rg2 was observed, which corresponds to the formation of the native state for the major component containing the native trans proline isomer. We estimated Rg of the minor component of Dphys containing the non-native cis proline isomer (Dphys,cis) to be 25.7 ± 0.6 Å. Moreover, Rg of the major component of Dphys containing the native proline isomer (Dphys,tra) was estimated as 23.9 ± 0.2 Å based on Rg,0. Consequently, both components of the burst-phase intermediate of barnase (Dphys,tra and Dphys,cis) are still largely expanded. It was inferred that Dphys possesses the N-terminal helix and the center of the β-sheet formed independently and that the formation of the remainder of the protein occurs in the slower phase.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic characteristics of heparin fractions in a 0.2 M NaCl solution have been determined. Experimental values varied over the following ranges: the sedimentation coefficient (at 20.0 °C), 1.3<s0×1013<3.2 s; the Gralen coefficient (sedimentation concentration-dependence parameter), 10<ks<70 cm3 g–1; the translational diffusion coefficient, 3.9<D0×107<15.4 cm2 s–1; the intrinsic viscosity, 7.9<[]<40 cm3 g–1. Combination of s0 with D0 using the Svedberg equation yielded molecular weights in the range 3.9<M×10–3<37 g mol–1. The value of the mass per unit length of the heparin molecule, ML, was determined using the theory of hydrodynamic properties of a weakly bending rod, giving ML=570±50 g nm–1 mol–1. The equilibrium rigidity, Kuhn segment length (A=9±2 nm) and hydrodynamic diameter (d=0.9±0.1 nm) of heparin were evaluated on the basis of the worm-like coil theory without the excluded volume effect, using the combination of hydrodynamic data obtained from fractions of different sizes. Small-angle X-ray scattering for three heparin fractions allowed an estimate for the cross-sectional radius of gyration as 0.43 nm; from the evolution with the macromolecule contour length of the radius of gyration, a value for the Kuhn segment length of 9±1 nm was obtained. A good correlation is thus observed for the conformational parameters of heparin from hydrodynamic and X-ray scattering data. These values describe heparin as a semi-rigid polymer, with an equilibrium rigidity that is essentially determined by a structural component, the electrostatic contribution being negligible in 0.2 M NaCl.Presented at the conference for Advances in Analytical Ultracentrifugation and Hydrodynamics, 8–11 June 2002, Grenoble, France  相似文献   

Escherichia coli chaperonins GroEL and GroES are indispensable for survival and growth of the cell since they provide essential assistance to the folding of many newly translated proteins in the cell. Recent studies indicate that a substantial portion of the proteins involved in the host pathways are completely dependent on GroEL–GroES for their folding and hence providing some explanation for why GroEL is essential for cell growth. Many proteins either small-single domain or large multidomains require assistance from GroEL–ES during their lifetime. Proteins of size up to 70 kDa can fold via the cis mechanism during GroEL–ES assisted pathway, but other proteins (>70 kDa) that cannot be pushed inside the cavity of GroEL–ATP complex upon binding of GroES fold by an evolved mechanism called trans. In recent years, much work has been done on revealing facts about the cis mechanism involving the GroEL assisted folding of small proteins whereas the trans mechanism with larger polypeptide substrates still remains under cover. In order to disentangle the role of chaperonin GroEL–GroES in the folding of large E. coli proteins, this review discusses a number of issues like the range of large polypeptide substrates acted on by GroEL. Do all these substrates need the complete chaperonin system along with ATP for their folding? Does GroEL act as foldase or holdase during the process? We conclude with a discussion of the various queries that need to be resolved in the future for an extensive understanding of the mechanism of GroEL mediated folding of large substrate proteins in E. coli cytosol.  相似文献   

双环结构Gro EL及其辅分子伴侣Gro ES是目前研究得最深入的分子伴侣.然而,Gro EL/Gro ES帮助蛋白质折叠的一些关键理化机制,尤其是水解ATP,Gro EL发生构象改变,能否主动调节蛋白质错误折叠中间体的构象,以促进错误折叠中间体的复性,仍然存在争议.结合本研究组近年的工作,作者着力介绍Gro EL促进蛋白质折叠的主动解折叠机制.  相似文献   

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