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In an attempt to program ovarian function in the early post partum period, 52 lactating Holstein cows were injected with 25 mg prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF) and given a CIDR device containing 1.9 g progesterone for 15 d starting on Day 25 post partum. Ovarian follicles were measured by ultrasound on 0, 5, 10 and 15 d after insertion and on alternate days after CIDR removal until estrus. Not all cows were devoid of corpora lutea (CL) during the CIDR (11, 9 and 8 cows had a CL on Days 5, 10 and 15, respectively). There was a CL by day interaction (P<0.01) for the number of 10- to 15-mm follicles per cow; the average number of large follicles (>15 mm) was twice greater (0.75 vs 0.37) for those cows not having a CL during the period of CIDR exposure. The average size of the largest follicle increased to a maximum of 19.3 +/- 0.7 mm by 15 d after insertion in cows not having a CL. Plasma estradiol increased for 10 d after insertion, then decreased to the end of the CIDR period. After removal of the CIDR, 34 cows ovulated, eight cows developed ovarian follicular cysts, and eight cows did not ovulated by 14 d. Cows becoming cystic or not ovulating had a declining number of follicles during the CIDR compared with those cows ovulating (P<0.07). The diameter of the largest follicle in cystic cows was equivalent to noncystic cows until removal of the CIDR, but then it increased markedly. Interval to estrus was longer in cows having more 6- to 9-mm follicles on Day 15 (day of CIDR removal). These results demonstrate the existence and maintenance of a large dominant follicle after CIDR insertion and PGF injection which was influenced apparently by the presence of a CL. Furthermore, subsequent reproductive responses after the CIDR treatment was a function of follicular populations prior to withdrawal of the CIDR device. This system may be appropriate for the study of factors regulating follicular growth and fertility in domestic cattle.  相似文献   

Fate and turnover rate of ovarian follicular cysts in dairy cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Non-lactating, multiparous dairy cows diagnosed as having cysts by palpation per rectum were used. Cysts were induced with oestradiol-17 beta (15 mg) and progesterone (37.5 mg) dissolved in ethanol and injected s.c. twice daily for 7 days. Following initial diagnosis of cysts, ovaries were exposed by midventral laparotomy, and the perimeter of the base of each cyst was marked with subepithelial injections of charcoal. Ovaries were removed from cows by transvaginal incision at 10 days (Group 1; N = 8), 20 days (Group 2; N = 8), or 40 days (Group 3; N = 7) after marking of cysts. Ovaries were examined for structures present and their relationship to the marked site. Corpora lutea with ovulation papilla were present in 7/23 cows (1/8, 4/8 and 2/7, for Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively). In these 7 cows, corpora lutea were at a site different from the original structure that was marked. Marked structures persisted for the duration of the experimental period in 1 and 2 cows, in Groups 1 and 3, respectively. In the remaining 13 cows, new large follicular structures (cysts) were present at a site other than that marked with charcoal. These structures developed on the ovary contralateral to the one originally marked in 9 of 13 cows. Cysts are therefore dynamic in nature and may persist or may be replaced by others.  相似文献   

In dairy farm management economic losses resulting from cystic ovarian degeneration are well known. In spite of this, neither the definition nor the aetiopathology of ovarian cysts are clear and agreed upon. Also the usual classification in luteal and follicular cysts, requiring ultrasound examination together with assessment of P4 to be accurate, is not very helpful in field conditions. Consequently a single treatment is often provided for both types of cysts, and since the 1970s treatments with GnRH and its analogues have been considered very useful. Nevertheless differences in recovery rates after GnRH treatment in animals with either luteal or follicular cysts are reported. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate recovery rate, recovery time and conception rate after treatment with buserelin (GnRH-analogue) in cows with ovarian luteal or follicular cysts. In a 5 years period, 150 cows with cysts out of a total of 990 animals, were detected and treated intravenously between 45 and 60 days PP with 20μg buserelin. No statistically significant differences were found in recovery rates and in conception rates between the two types of cysts. Comparison of recovery times showed significantly shorter recovery for cows with luteal cysts. The results emphasise the usefulness of GnRH to treat ovarian cysts regardless of their type, in relation to both recovery and conception rates. Intervals from treatment to resumption of ovarian activity were affected by the characteristics of ovarian cysts, with a faster recovery for the luteal type.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine circulating concentrations of progesterone (P4) in cows with ovarian follicular cysts (OFCs) and to relate differing levels of P4 to subsequent follicular events. In experiment 1, peripheral concentrations of P4 were determined in cows diagnosed with OFCs. Nonpregnant, lactating Holstein and Jersey cows (n = 32) were diagnosed as having OFCs by rectal palpation. Ovarian follicular cysts were then examined by transrectal ultrasonography to confirm the presence of OFCs (follicle diameter, >/=17 mm; absence of luteal tissue). At confirmation, a blood sample was collected for quantification of P4. The concentration of P4 at confirmation was classified as low (<0.1 ng/ml), intermediate (0.1-1.0 ng/ml), or high (1.0-2.0 ng/ml). More OFCs were associated with intermediate (66%) than with either low (28%) or high (6%) concentrations of P4. In experiment 2, the fate of follicles (diameter, >/=10 mm) that formed in the presence of an OFC was determined and related to circulating concentrations of P4 during follicular development. Follicles (n = 59) that formed in the presence of an OFC ovulated (n = 19), formed a cyst (n = 30), or underwent normal growth and regression (NGR; n = 10). Endogenous P4 in the 7-day period during follicular development was classified as low (if P4 dropped to <0.1 ng/ml for 1 day or longer), intermediate (if P4 averaged between 0.1 and 1.0 ng/ml and never dropped to <0.1 ng/ml), or high (if P4 averaged >1.0 ng/ml and never dropped to <0.1 ng/ml). In the presence of intermediate P4, 75% of observed follicles formed cysts, compared with 10% that ovulated and 15% that experienced NGR. In the presence of low P4, 53%, 41%, and 6% of follicles ovulated, formed a follicular cyst, or experienced NGR, respectively. Thus, an association between intermediate P4 and the formation of OFCs was established.  相似文献   

Development of follicular cysts is a frequent ovarian dysfunction in cattle. Functional changes that precede cyst formation are unknown, but a role for anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in the development of follicular cysts has been suggested in humans. This study aimed to characterize intrafollicular steroids and AMH during follicular growth in a strain of beef cows exhibiting a high incidence of occurrence of follicular cysts. Normal follicular growth and cyst development were assessed by ovarian ultrasonography scanning during the 8 days before slaughtering. Experimental regression of cysts was followed by rapid growth of follicles that reached the size of cysts within 3-5 days. These young cysts exhibited higher intrafollicular concentrations of testosterone, estradiol-17beta, and progesterone than large early dominant follicles did in normal ovaries, but they exhibited similar concentrations of AMH. Later-stage cysts were characterized by hypertrophy of theca interna cells, high intrafollicular progesterone concentration, and high steroidogenic acute regulatory protein mRNA expression in granulosa cells. Progesterone and AMH concentrations in the largest follicles (> or =10 mm) and cysts were negatively correlated (r = -0.45, P < 0.01). Smaller follicles (<10 mm) exhibited higher intrafollicular testosterone and estradiol-17beta concentrations in ovaries with cysts compared to normal ovaries. During follicular growth, AMH concentration dropped in follicles larger than 5 mm in diameter and in a similar way in ovaries with and without cysts. In conclusion, enhanced growth and steroidogenesis in antral follicles <10 mm preceded cyst formation in cow ovaries. Intrafollicular AMH was not a marker of cystic development in the cow, but low AMH concentrations in cysts were associated with luteinization.  相似文献   

Four unilaterally and one bilaterally ovulating ewes with only one corpus luteum (CL) were used in experiment 1. All the animals were slaughtered at day 140 of pregnancy. The total number of preantral and antral follicles was determined in the CL ovary and non-CL ovary. In addition, the pattern of oocyte growth and granulosa cell development was investigated in both kinds of ovary.The CL ovary contained significantly more (P<0.01) preantral follicles than did the non-CL ovary (168.7 vs 93.7). No differences were found between the two kinds of ovary in the number of antral follicles nor in the diameter of the largest follicles. The CL have no effect on oocyte growth and cellular development of the granulosa.To provide further information on the intraovarian relationships between the CL and follicular development, outside all the endocrine factors related to pregnancy, preantral and antral follicles were counted in four unilaterally ovulating hysterectomized ewes (experiment 2) in which the CL persisted for 30 days (n=2) and 50 days (n=2). In any ewe, the CL ovary contained more preantral follicles than the non-CL ovary.All these data demonstrated that the presence of a CL on the ovary increases the preantral follicle populations.  相似文献   

In cattle, the first postpartum dominant follicle grows slower and produces less oestradiol in animals with high numbers of bacteria contaminating the uterine lumen. However, only bacteria that are uterine pathogens are correlated with severe clinical disease and an increased inflammatory response. It is unknown whether the effect on the ovary in relation to uterine bacterial contamination is associated with the presence of recognised uterine pathogens. Therefore, the present study examined the relationship between pathogenic bacteria in the postpartum uterine lumen, follicle growth and function and the formation of a competent corpus luteum. In addition, peripheral plasma concentrations of immune mediators were quantified. Swabs were collected from the uterine lumen of cattle on day 7 postpartum. Bacteria were cultured and identified and bacterial growth was scored semi-quantitatively. Animals were categorized into high or low recognized uterine pathogen contamination groups based on the number of colonies. Ovarian structures were monitored by daily transrectal ultrasonography and blood samples were collected. In animals with high numbers of uterine pathogens on day 7 postpartum, the diameter of the first postpartum dominant follicle was smaller and plasma oestradiol concentrations were lower. In addition, these animals had smaller corpora lutea, which produced less progesterone. Furthermore, animals with a high day 7 uterine pathogen growth density had higher peripheral concentrations of acute phase proteins. Thus, contamination of the uterus with recognized uterine pathogens is associated with ovarian dysfunction during the postpartum period. Furthermore, infection results in an increase in the production of inflammatory mediators.  相似文献   

The uterine microenvironment during the first 7 days after ovulation accommodates and facilitates sperm transit to the oviduct and constitutes the sole source of nutrients required for the development of preimplantation embryos. Knowledge of the composition of uterine fluid is largely incomplete. Using untargeted mass spectrometry, we characterized the uterine metabolome during the first 7 days of the estrous cycle. Bovine uteri were collected on Days 0 (N = 4), 3 ( N = 4), 5 ( N = 3), and 7 ( N = 4) relative to ovulation and flushed with Dulbecco’s phosphate‐buffered saline. A total of 1,993 molecular features were detected of which 184 peaks with putative identification represent 147 unique metabolites, including amino acids, benzoic acids, lipid molecules, carbohydrates, purines, pyrimidines, vitamins, and other intermediate and secondary metabolites. Results revealed changes in the uterine metabolome as the cow transitions from ovulation to Day 7 of the estrous cycle. The majority of metabolites that changed with day reached maximum intensity on either Day 5 or 7 relative to ovulation. Moreover, several metabolites found in the uterine fluid have signaling capabilities and some have been shown to affect preimplantation embryonic development. In conclusion, the metabolome of the bovine uterus changes during early stages of the estrous cycle and is likely to participate in the regulation of preimplantation embryonic development. Data reported here will serve as the basis for future studies aiming to evaluate maternal regulation of preimplantation embryonic development and optimal conditions for the culture of embryos.  相似文献   

This study compared serum and follicular fluid inhibin and gonadotropin profiles between chronic cystic ovarian diseased (CCOD) and normal cyclic dairy cows. Blood samples and follicular fluid were collected from CCOD cows (n=15) and cyclic cows in the follicular phase of the estrous cycle (control, n=6) and analyzed for inhibin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations. There was a significant increase in inhibin and a decrease in FSH and LH concentrations in the follicular fluid of CCOD cows compared with those of cyclic cows (P < 0.05). Mean serum inhibin, FSH and LH concentrations between CCOD and cyclic cows were not differnt (P > 0.05), however, there was a tendency for serum inhibin to be higher and FSH to be lower in CCOD cows compared to cyclic animals (P < 0.1). The FSH pulse frequency also was lower in CCOD cows than in cyclic cows (P < 0.05). These data suggest that increased production of inhibin from cystic follicles of CCOD cows alters pituitary FSH secretion and subsequently reduces the concentration of FSH in follicular fluid. As a result, decreased FSH stimulation at the ovarian level could ultimately lead to the reduction in follicular LH and FSH receptor concentrations, resulting in abnormal follicular steroidogenesis in CCOD dairy cows.  相似文献   

Parturitions were induced in five cows, 2 weeks before term using prostaglandin (PG) F(2alpha). Two i.m. injections were performed with an interval of 24 h. All cows calved within 5 days (average 2.7 days) after the first injection of PGF(2alpha). Out of five cows, four had retained fetal membranes (RFM). Each animal was sampled for bacteriological examination using uterine biopsies twice a week during 42 days postpartum (PP). Jugular vein blood samples were withdrawn for PGF(2alpha)-metabolite and progesterone analyses five times per day during the first week PP and eight times per 24 h during the 2nd and 3rd weeks PP. From the 4th week, the sampling interval was reduced back to five times per day. From the 5th week PP, the sampling was reduced to two times per day and sampling was terminated after day 46 PP. Only morning samples were used for progesterone analyses. From day 10 PP, ultrasonography (US) was performed every 3rd day until day 39 PP for detection of ovarian activity and follicular dynamics. The highest incidence of bacteriological species was found during the first 3 weeks PP. After the 5th week of collection, all animals were free from bacteria. The species of bacteria found were Arcanobacterium (Actinomyces) pyogenes, Escherichia coli, alpha-hemolytic streptococcae and Pasteurella multocida. Immediately after parturition, very high levels of the PG-metabolite were seen in all animals, with a sharp decrease to line of significance around days 9-12 PP. Small increases above the line of significance were detected up to day 27 PP in cows with RFM, and after that time the levels were considered to be at baseline. Low levels of progesterone were seen in four animals during the whole experimental time. In one animal, an increase was seen on day 43 PP, which was maintained until the end of the experimental period on day 46 PP. Based on US, follicular waves were detected in all animals during the experimental period. In three animals, three non-ovulatory follicular waves were detected and in two animals, four non-ovulatory follicular waves were detected during 39 days of ultrasound sessions. Based on progesterone levels, only one animal was considered to have ovulated around day 40 PP. Results from the present study indicate that reproductive performance of cows after PG-induced parturitions differs from those of spontaneous cases of RFM. Differences regarding the resumption of ovarian activity were also observed between previous studies of dexamethasone-induced parturitions and the present study.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate ovarian changes in cows with follicular ovarian cysts following treatment with either GnRH or saline. The parameters determined were the intervals from treatment to observation of a CL and from treatment to disappearance of the cyst, and the association between serum concentrations of LH, FSH and the LH/FSH ratio, before and after treatment, with the test intervals. Thirty-nine cows were identified as having follicular cysts. The GnRH treatment induced a significant increase in LH and the LH/FSH ratio. The gonadotropin response was not associated with the intervals from treatment to CL detection or to disappearance of the cyst. Survival curves for the intervals from treatment to CL detection and cyst disappearance indicate that treatment with GnRH or saline did not yield significantly different results for either parameter. The results question the efficacy of treating cystic ovarian disease with GnRH.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is one of the most important, recently discovered adipocytokines that acts at various levels to control male and female fertility through central effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis or through peripheral effects on the ovary, uterus, and embryo. We studied simultaneous changes in the gene expression pattern of adiponectin and adiponectin receptors 1 and 2 (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2) in granulosa and theca cells, cumulus-oocyte complex, and in corpus luteum in healthy bovine (Bos tarus) follicles at different stages of development. The expression levels of adiponectin, AdipoR1, and AdipoR2 mRNA were lower (P < 0.05) in granulosa and cumulus cells in comparison with that in theca cells and oocyte. In contrast with the oocyte, AdipoR1 in granulosa, theca, and luteal cells was expressed (P < 0.05) more than AdipoR2. Adiponectin expression increased (P < 0.05) in granulosa cells and in cumulus-oocyte complex during follicular development from small to large follicles. Opposite results were observed in theca cells. Expression of adiponectin was highest in the late stages of corpus luteum (CL) regression, whereas lower expression was recorded in active CL (P < 0.05). AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 expression increased during the terminal follicular growth in granulosa and theca cells (P < 0.05) and during the luteal phase progress in CL. There was positive correlation between adiponectin mRNA level in granulosa cells from large follicles and follicular fluid estradiol concentration (r = 0.48, P < 0.05) and negative correlation between adiponectin mRNA abundance in theca cells and follicular fluid progesterone concentration (r = -0.44, P < 0.05). In conclusion, we found that the physiologic status of the ovary has significant effects on the natural expression patterns of adiponectin and its receptors in follicular and luteal cells of bovine ovary.  相似文献   

Sixty-seven ultrasonograms of ovarian cysts (cysts) from 35 cows were used to evaluate sector scan ultrasonography as a means for differentiating luteal cysts from follicular cysts. Initial diagnosis of cysts was made by ovarian palpation per rectum during weekly herd visits. The ovaries of each cow were then examined by ultrasonography. Ultrasonograms of cysts > 25 mm in diameter were diagnosed as either luteinized or follicular cysts and were recorded on video tape for evaluation by a second clinician. Serum progesterone concentrations at the time of examination were determined by radioimmunoassay and were used to classify luteal (> 0.5 ng/ml) or follicular (相似文献   

Transrectal ultrasonography of ovaries was performed in 11 ewes from Days 10 to 26 and on Day 30 of pregnancy to record the number, size, and position of ovarian follicles > or = 3 mm in diameter and corpora lutea (CL). Transrectal and/or transabdominal ultrasonography of the uterus was performed on Days 10 to 26, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 of gestation to ascertain the number and position of the conceptuses. In a second experiment, ultrasonography was conducted in 15 ewes on Days 10, 25, 30, 45 and 50 of pregnancy and from Days 13 to 29 after parturition. Ovarian data were classified into ovaries without CL (Group 1), ovaries with the CL in 1 ovary (Group 2), and ovaries with the CL in both ovaries during pregnancy (Group 3). In early pregnant ewes, the total number of follicles and the diameter of all follicles > or = 3 mm were smaller (P < 0.05) in the CL-bearing ovaries (both Group 2, n = 7 and Group 3, n = 8) than in the non-CL-bearing ovaries (Group 1, n = 7), while the largest follicle diameter was significantly smaller in Group 3 than in Group 1 or 2 ovaries. The number of 3-mm follicles in Group 2 ovaries was lower (P < 0.05) than in Group 1 or 3 ovaries, but the mean number of follicles > or = 5 mm in diameter was significantly lower in Group 3 than in Group 1. The total luteal volume per ovary was higher (P < 0.001) in Group 2 than in Group 3 ovaries of early pregnant ewes. The total follicle diameter and the number of follicles growing from 3 to > or = 5 mm in diameter was lower (P < 0.05) for Group 2 ovaries of ewes that carried twins (n = 3) compared with Group 2 ovaries from ewes with singletons (n = 4). There were no differences in follicular dynamics between Group 3 ovaries and the ovaries of Group 2 in ewes that carried twins. No follicles > 3 mm were seen in the ovaries of postpartum ewes that contained CL during gestation, until Days 21 and 25 postpartum for Groups 2 (n = 10) and 3 (n = 8), respectively, and follicles reaching > or = 5 mm in diameter were detected in only 2 ovaries (Group 2), on Days 27 and 28 postpartum, respectively. We conclude that during early pregnancy in ewes there is a suppression of antral follicle growth which appears to be exerted primarily by the developing conceptus but remains confined to CL-bearing ovaries. Residual local inhibition of follicular development extends into the postpartum period.  相似文献   

Cow embryos fertilized in vitro (1-8-cell) (n = 113) were transferred surgically to the ligated oviduct of pseudopregnant female rabbits (31 +/- 4 h after 75 i.u. hCG). Rabbits were killed 99 +/- 5 h later and 67 embryos were recovered: 45 (67%) had cleaved at least once, 15 had reached the morula stage and 2 blastocysts were obtained. Transfer of cleaved embryos (2-8-cell) led to a high recovery rate (84%) compared to 39% for one-cell embryos. Of the embryos incubated for more than 99 h in the rabbit oviduct, 41% were at the morula stage. Embryos incubated in vivo (n = 21) (8-cell to blastocyst) were transferred to the uterus of 14 synchronized recipient heifers by a surgical (N = 5) or a non-surgical (N = 9) procedure: 6 pregnancies resulted (4 from the non-surgical procedures). In addition, 27 (2-8-cell) cow embryos developed in vitro were transferred to the oviduct of synchronized heifers by a paralumbar surgical approach on a standing animal, but no pregnancies resulted. It is therefore concluded that (1) the rabbit oviduct can be used to obtain cow eggs at an embryonic stage sufficiently advanced to permit transfer to the uterus of a synchronized recipient; and (2) the pregnancy rate after in-vitro fertilization and incubation in the rabbit oviduct are similar to results with fertilization in vivo.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine whether pretreatment with Opticortenol (OPT), a long-acting corticosteroid, prior to induction of parturition with 25 mg of dexamethasone (DEX) alone or in combination with 500 mug cloprostenol (CLO) would result in a reduced incidence of retained placenta. In Experiment 1, 70% of the cows pretreated with 25 mg OPT on Day 270 of gestation calved before or within 24 hours of the scheduled induction treatment on Day 277. Cows induced to calve with DEX plus CLO without OPT pretreatment had an increased rate of placental retention (P<0.05), whereas, cows that received OPT were not different from the controls. In Experiment 2, cows received either 1 mg/25 kg OPT (high dosage) or 1 mg/50 kg OPT (low dosage) on Day 270 of gestation and were induced with DEX plus CLO on either Day 274 (4 days) or Day 276 (6 days). Cows claved 29.0 to 31.8 hours after induction treatment with 95% beginning to calve between 0700 and 1900 hours. The interval from calving to placental release and the incidence of retained placenta was not different between the high dosage 6-day group (29.4+/-8.2 hours, 29%) and the non-induced control cows (16.1+/-10.7 hours, 5%). When three cows in the high dosage 6-day group that retained their placentas for 30 to 36 hours were considered as not retained, the incidence of placental retention for that group was reduced still further to 17%. First service conception rates and pregnancy rates were lower in cows with retained placentas. Differences were significant (P<0.01) in Experiment 1 but not in Experiment 2. It was concluded that pretreatment with 1 mg/25 kg OPT 6 days prior to induction of parturition with DEX plus CLO in combination results in a predictable calving time, high calf viability, and a low incidence of placental retention.  相似文献   

The present study examined ovarian changes preceding the resumption of the ovarian cycle in postpartum dairy cows with different parities under similar body nutritional conditions. In postpartum primi- (n=6), bi- (n=4), and multiparous (n=6) Holstein dairy cows, ovarian ultrasonographic observations starting at 7 days after calving were performed every other day and then daily after the confirmation of clinical signs of oestrus for the detection of postpartum first ovulation. Blood samples were collected at the same time as ultrasonography and analyzed for oestradiol and progesterone to monitor ovarian activity. To evaluate the nutritional condition of the cows, body weight and body condition score (BCS, 1=emaciated to 5=obese) were measured weekly and blood samples for the analysis of glucose, insulin, and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) were collected at the same time until postpartum second ovulation. Dominant follicles (>8mm in diameter) of the first follicular wave were detected at 7 days after calving in all cows. The first wave follicle ovulated in five of six multiparous cows, whereas no first wave follicle ovulated in any of the primiparous cows. The days to first ovulation after calving in primiparous cows (31.8+/-8.3 days) were significantly greater (p<0.05) than those in multiparous cows (17.3+/-6.3 days), but were not significantly different from biparous cows (28.8+/-8.6 days). There was a significant relationship between parity and days to first ovulation after calving (p<0.05). BCS was maintained at a level of more than 2.5 during the postpartum period in all cows and there was no influence of parity on postpartum changes in BCS, glucose, insulin, or NEFA throughout the experiment. The present study demonstrated a negative relationship between parity and number of days from calving to first ovulation in dairy cows under similar body nutritional conditions. It is possible that the influence of parity on the resumption of ovarian cycle is modulated by the factors different from the nutrition-related changes during the postpartum period in dairy cows.  相似文献   

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