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Because of an increased number of Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) along with associated disease burdens, medical professionals have become more aware of this pathogen in recent years. In this study, by analyzing both the nuclear 18S small subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) and mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene loci, 27 clinical Acanthamoeba strains that caused AK in Japan were classified into 3 genotypes, T3 (3 strains), T4 (23 strains), and T5 (one strain). Most haplotypes were identical to the reference haplotypes reported from all over the world, and thus no specificity of the haplotype distribution in Japan was found. The T4 sub-genotype analysis using the 16S rRNA gene locus also revealed a clear sub-conformation within the T4 cluster, and lead to the recognition of a new sub-genotype T4i, in addition to the previously reported sub-genotypes T4a-T4h. Furthermore, 9 out of 23 strains in the T4 genotype were identified to a specific haplotype (AF479533), which seems to be a causal haplotype of AK. While heterozygous nuclear haplotypes were observed from 2 strains, the mitochondrial haplotypes were homozygous as T4 genotype in the both strains, and suggested a possibility of nuclear hybridization (mating reproduction) between different strains in Acanthamoeba. The nuclear 18S rRNA gene and mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene loci of Acanthamoeba spp. possess different unique characteristics usable for the genotyping analyses, and those specific features could contribute to the establishment of molecular taxonomy for the species complex of Acanthamoeba.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii is an opportunistic agent found in the lung of various mammals which often causes severe pneumonia in immunocompromised humans, especially in AIDS patients. In the past several years significant additions have been made to the collection of knowledge we have concerning the genetic diversity of P. carinii. These additions provide new understanding of Pneumocystis transmission and the effect of possible reservoirs of Pneumocystis in the various species. In this study, a 400-bp fragment of the thymidylate synthase (TS) gene of P. carinii has been amplified by PCR from 43 parasite isolates obtained from 4 mammalian host species: rat, mouse, rabbit and human. A probe selected from the TS gene sequence of rat-derived P. carinii was hybridized with the amplified products from rat- and mouse-derived P. carinii, but not with rabbit or human P. carinii DNA. Restriction profiles were performed on amplified fragments from all isolates, and the 4 nucleotide sequences of the TS gene fragment amplifed from rat, mouse, rabbit and human P. carinii were determined. Differences were detected in the gene fragment in P. carinii isolates from the 4 host species; however no difference was revealed in P. carinii isolates within a single host species, whatever the host strain or its geographic origin. Thus, the sequence differences of the P. carinii TS gene appeared as host-species specific. A specific probe which recognized all human P. carinii isolates was defined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the coding region of the small subunit rRNA gene of the hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes aediculatus. It is 1882 nucleotides long and contains several inserts not present in the small subunit rRNA genes of the hypotrichs Oxytricha nova and Stylonychia pustulata. A comparison of the sequences suggests that E. aediculatus is much less closely related to these other two hypotrichs than they are to each other. Although the gene sequence of E. aediculatus is drifting more rapidly than those of these other two species, its faster evolutionary clock is not enough to account for the degree of difference between them.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Air blower prefilters servicing HEPA-filtered Biobubble housing Pneumocystis carinii -infected rats were stored for up to five months at -80°C to room temperature. After storage, 76% of immunosuppressed rats exposed to these prefilters developed P. carinii infections. In contrast, only 4% of control immunosuppressed rats exposed to autoclaved filters had P. carinii infections. These observations indicate that the organism has a dormant form that remains infective for at least several months outside the mammalian host.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The DNA sequences of a portion of the 5-enolpyruvyl shikimate phosphate synthase domain of the arom gene, encoding the pentafunctional AROM protein, were determined from isolates of Pneumocystis carinii from five mammalian host species (rat, human, ferret, rabbit and mouse). High levels of genetic divergence were found among P. carinii derived from different hosts species, 7–22% at the DNA sequence level, and 7–26% at the derived amino acid sequence level. Two separate and distinct sequences were isolated from infected ferret lungs. Low levels of divergence were seen in human-derived organisms.  相似文献   

We carried out a comprehensive survey of small subunit ribosomal RNA sequences from archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryotic lineages in order to understand the general patterns of thermal adaptation in the rRNA genes. Within each lineage, we compared sequences from mesophilic, moderately thermophilic, and hyperthermophilic species. We carried out a more detailed study of the archaea, because of the wide range of growth temperatures within this group. Our results confirmed that there is a clear correlation between the GC content of the paired stem regions of the 16S rRNA genes and the optimal growth temperature, and we show that this correlation cannot be explained simply by phylogenetic relatedness among the thermophilic archaeal species. In addition, we found a significant, positive relationship between rRNA stem length and growth temperature. These correlations are found in both bacterial and archaeal rRNA genes. Finally, we compared rRNA sequences from warm-blooded and cold-blooded vertebrates. We found that, while rRNA sequences from the warm-blooded vertebrates have a higher overall GC content than those from the cold-blooded vertebrates, this difference is not concentrated in the paired regions of the molecule, suggesting that thermal adaptation is not the cause of the nucleotide differences between the vertebrate lineages. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Nicolas Galtier]  相似文献   

L. Vawter  W. M. Brown 《Genetics》1993,134(2):597-608
The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (srDNA) has been used extensively for phylogenetic analyses. One common assumption in these analyses is that substitution rates are biased toward transitions. We have developed a simple method for estimating relative rates of base change that does not assume rate constancy and takes into account base composition biases in different structures and taxa. We have applied this method to srDNA sequences from taxa with a noncontroversial phylogeny to measure relative rates of evolution in various structural regions of srRNA and relative rates of the different transitions and transversions. We find that: (1) the long single-stranded regions of the RNA molecule evolve slowest, (2) biases in base composition associated with structure and phylogenetic position exist, and (3) the srDNAs studied lack a consistent transition/transversion bias. We have made suggestions based on these findings for refinement of phylogenetic analyses using srDNA data.  相似文献   

We describe the construction of polymerase chain reaction primers designed to amplify a portion of the mitochondrial (mt) small subunit ribosomal (SSU) RNA-encoding genes in scleractinian corals. Combinations of cloning and sequencing show that the amplified fragments are between 694 and 896 bp in length. Alignment of the amplified DNA sequences to the published mt SSU rRNA genes of Metridium senile and Sarcophyton glaucum indicates several conserved regions among actiniarian, corallimorpharian, octocorallian, and scleractinians, suggesting this primer set can successfully amplify over 80% of the mt SSU rDNA region of scleractinian corals. Surveys of sequence variation and estimation of the rate of evolution show an extremely slow divergence of the SSU rRNA gene in the family Acroporidae. Received June 11, 1999; accepted October 4, 1999.  相似文献   

Toward understanding the genetic diversity and distribution of copepod-associated symbiotic ciliates and the evolutionary relationships with their hosts in the marine environment, we developed a small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA)-based molecular method and investigated the genetic diversity and genotype distribution of the symbiotic ciliates on copepods. Of the 10 copepod species representing six families collected from six locations of Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, 9 were found to harbor ciliate symbionts. Phylogenetic analysis of the 391 ciliate 18S rDNA sequences obtained revealed seven groups (ribogroups), six (containing 99% of all the sequences) belonging to subclass Apostomatida, the other clustered with peritrich ciliate Vorticella gracilis. Among the Apostomatida groups, Group III were essentially identical to Vampyrophrya pelagica, and the other five groups represented the undocumented ciliates that were close to Vampyrophrya/Gymnodinioides/Hyalophysa. Group VI ciliates were found in all copepod species but one (Calanus sinicus), and were most abundant among all ciliate sequences obtained, indicating that they are the dominant symbiotic ciliates universally associated with copepods. In contrast, some ciliate sequences were found only in some of the copepods examined, suggesting the host selectivity and geographic differentiation of ciliates, which requires further verification by more extensive sampling. Our results reveal the wide occurrence and high genetic diversity of symbiotic ciliates on marine copepods and highlight the need to systematically investigate the host- and geography-based genetic differentiation and ecological roles of these ciliates globally.  相似文献   

The systematic position of the genus Cryothecomonas has been determined from an analysis of the nuclear-encoded small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of Cryothecomonas longipes and two strains of Cryothecomonas aestivalis. Our phylogenetic trees inferred from maximum likelihood, distance and maximum parsimony methods robustly show that the genus Cryothecomonas clusters within the phylum Cercozoa, and is related to the sarcomonad flagellate Heteromita globosa. Morphological data supporting the taxonomic placement of Cryothecomonas near the sarcomonad flagellates has been compiled from the literature. The high number of nucleotide substitutions found between two morphologically indistinguishable strains of Cryothecomonas aestivalis suggests the possibility of cryptic species within Cryothecomonas aestivalis.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis and riboprinting of the small subunit ribosomal RNA genes were used to characterize two morphologically different Perkinsus species isolates from the gill (G117) and the hemolymph (H49) of the softshell clam, Mya arenaria. Sequence data of the polymerase chain reaction amplified ribosomal RNA loci of G117 and H49 indicated that these genes are 1803 and 1806 base-pair long, respectively. A sequence similarity of > 98.9% was calculated among ribosomal RNA sequences of the two isolates of this study and the published sequences of Perkinsus marinus from the American eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, and Perkinsus sp. from the blood cockle of the Australian mollusc, Anadara trapezia. From a phylogenetic tree obtained from Jukes-Cantor distances of the aligned ribosomal RNA gene sequences of 13 eukaryotic taxa using the Neighbor-Joining method, we showed that G117 and H49 clustered within the genus Perkinsus. Guided by the sequence data of Perkinsus marinus (accession # X75762) and Perkinsus sp. (accession # L07375), restriction endonucleases were selected for restriction fragment analysis of polymerase chain reaction products of the small subunit ribosomal RNA genes (riboprinting). Riboprinting was used to distinguish the four members of the genus Perkinsus from each other.  相似文献   

蜂猴线粒体细胞色素b基因变异特点及系统发育分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
测定了蜂猴属(Nycticebus)1个蜂猴(N.coucang)和2个矮蜂猴(N,pygmaseus)个体的线粒体细胞色素b(cyt-b)基因全序列,比较现有的司猴科其他种序列,分析了核苷酸序列差异和碱基替换特点,以指猴为外群重建了系统发育树,结果表明,在所研究的个体中,2个蜂猴物种碱基组成具有哺乳动物的共同特点,它们之间转换比(特别是密码子第3位)是颠换比的6倍多,大于其他种间比较;低的Ka/Ks值(<0.1),说明懒猴科cyt-b基因的异义突位点受到强的选择压力作用。由cyt-b基因构建的系统发育树符合懒猴科化石记录和形态学分类观点,根据化石记录和与分化时间有一定线性关系的第3位颠换和同义突变速率,估算蜂猴与倭蜂猴种间,蜂猴与蜂属间可能的分化时间分别为300和600万年。  相似文献   

Parasites identified as Perkinsus atlanticus have been reported infecting carpet shell clams in Galicia (northwest Spain). We have sequenced the 18S ribosomal RNA gene of in vitro cultured Perkinsus atlanticus-like or hypnospores from diseased clams, and compared it with the same genomic region from P. marinus and Perkinsus sp. We have also compared the sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1, ITS 2, and 5.8S rRNA from our isolate with the P. atlanticus GenBank sequence. The phylogenetic analysis of our cultured parasite based on the 18S gene led us to conclude that this isolate is not related to the genus Perkinsus but to the protists Anurofeca, Ichthyophonus, and Psorospermium, located near the animal-fungal divergence. These last two genera have been included, together with Dermocystidium, in the newly described DRIPs (Dermocystidium, rossete agent, Ichthyophonus, and Psorospermium) clade, recently named Mesomycetozoa. Received October 25, 1999; accepted February 11, 2000.  相似文献   

Nanoplanktonic protists are comprised of a diverse assemblage of species which are responsible for a variety of trophic processes in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Current methods for identifying small protists by electron microscopy do not readily permit both identification and enumeration of nanoplanktonic protists in field samples. Thus, one major goal in the application of molecular approaches in protistan ecology has been the detection and quantification of individual species in natural water samples. Sequences of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes have proven to be useful towards achieving this goal. Comparison of sequences from clone libraries of protistan SSU rRNA genes amplified from natural assemblages of protists by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to examine protistan diversity. Furthermore, oligonucleotide probes complementary to short sequence regions unique to species of small protists can be designed by comparative analysis of rRNA gene sequences. These probes may be used to either detect the RNA of particular species of protists in total nucleic acid extracts immobilized on membranes, or the presence of target species in water samples via in situ hybridization of whole cells. Oligonucleotide probes may also serve as primers for the selective amplification of target sequences from total population DNA by PCR. Thus, molecular sequence information is becoming increasingly useful for identifying and enumerating protists, and for studying their spatial and temporal distribution in nature. Knowledge of protistan species composition, abundance and variability in an environment can ultimately be used to relate community structure to various aspects of community function and biogeochemical activity.  相似文献   

The complete sequences and secondary structures of the mitochondrial small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNAs of both mostly cultivated mushrooms Agaricus bisporus (1930 nt) and Lentinula edodes (2164 nt) were achieved. These secondary structures and that of Schizophyllum commune (1872 nt) were compared to that previously established for Agrocybe aegerita. The four structures are near the model established for Archae, Bacteria, plastids, and mitochondria; particularly the helices 23 and 37, described as specific to bacteria, are present. Within the four Agaricales (Homobasidiomycota), the SSU-rRNA core is conserved in size (966 to 1009 nt) with the exception of an unusual extension of 40 nt in the H17 helix of S. commune. The four core sequences possess 76% of conserved positions and a cluster of C in their 3 end, which could constitute a signal involved in the RNA maturation process. Among the nine putative variable domains, three (V3, V5, V7) do not show significant length variations and possess similar percentages of conserved positions (69%) than the core. The other six variable domains show important length variations, due to independent large size inserted/deleted sequences, and higher rates of nucleotide substitutions than the core (only 31% of conserved positions between the four species). Interestingly, the inserted/deleted sequences are located in few preferential sites (hot spots for insertion/deletion) where they seem to arise or disappear haphazardly during evolution. These sites are located on the surface of the tertiary structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit, at the beginning of hairpin loops; the insertions lead to a lengthening of existing hairpins or to branching loops bearing up to five additional helices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Naegleria spp. are widely distributed free-living amebas, but one species in the genus, N. fowleri , causes acute fulminant primary amebic meningoencephalitis in humans and other animals. Thus, it is important to differentiate N. fowleri from the rest in the genus of Naegleria , and to develop tools for the detection of intra-specific genetic variations. In this study, one isolate each of N. australiensis, N. gruberi, N. jadini , and N. lovaniensis and 22 isolates of N. fowleri were characterized at the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and mitochondrial small subunit rRNA (mtSSU rRNA) gene. The mtSSU rRNA primers designed amplified DNA of all isolates, with distinct sequences obtained from all species examined. In contrast, the ITS primers only amplified DNA from N. lovaniensis and N. fowleri , with minor sequence differences between the two. Three genotypes of N. fowleri were found among the isolates analyzed in both the mtSSU rRNA gene and ITS. The extent of sequence variation was greater in the mtSSU rRNA gene, but the ITS had the advantage of length polymorphism. These data should be useful in the development of molecular tools for rapid species differentiation and genotyping of Naegleria spp.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (SD) from seven coral species ( Fungia scutaria, Fungia paumotensis, Lep-tastrea transversa, Pavona cactus, Pocillopora verrucosa, Montastrea curia , and Acropora fonnosa ) was studied in a restricted geographical area, the Lagoon of Arue on the island of Tahiti. Their diversity was explored by small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). After a nested amplification with SD specific primers, RFLP analyses were performed directly and after a cloning step. The diversity of these different SSU rDNA was estimated in respect to possible technical artifacts. In an axenic culture of SD from the coral Galaxea fascicularis , both heterogeneous SSU rDNAs and artifact molecules were observed as in our SD samples. According to the number of patterns observed, corals Fungia paumotensis, Leptastrea transversa. Pavona cactus, Montastrea curia, and Acropora fonnosa contained one class of SD SSU rDNAs. whereas Fungia scutaria and Pocillopora verrucosa contained three and two classes of SD SSU rDNAs respectively. In the limited geographic area studied. SD from different coral species shared the same pattern, except SD from Montastrea curta , which showed a unique pattern. In addition to the possibility of SD flux among different coral species, specific mechanisms could also be involved in the establishment of a symbiosis.  相似文献   

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