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The primary electron donor of photosystem I, P700, is a chlorophyll species that in its excited state has a potential of approximately -1.2 V. The precise chemical composition and electronic structure of P700 is still unknown. Recent evidence indicates that P700 is a dimer of one chlorophyll (Chl) a and one Chl a'. The Chl a' and Chl a are axially coordinated by His residues provided by protein subunits PsaA and PsaB, respectively. The Chl a', but not the Chl a, is also H-bonded to the protein. The H-bonding is likely responsible for selective insertion of Chl a' into the reaction center. EPR studies of P700(+*) in frozen solution and single crystals indicate a large asymmetry in the electron spin and charge distribution towards one Chl of the dimer. Molecular orbital calculations indicate that H-bonding will specifically stabilize the Chl a'-side of the dimer, suggesting that the unpaired electron would predominantly reside on the Chl a. This is supported by results of specific mutagenesis of the PsaA and PsaB axial His residues, which show that only mutations of the PsaB subunit significantly alter the hyperfine coupling constants associated with a single Chl molecule. The PsaB mutants also alter the microwave induced triplet-minus-singlet spectrum indicating that the triplet state is localized on the same Chl. Excitonic coupling between the two Chl a of P700 is weak due to the distance and overlap of the porphyrin planes. Evidence of excitonic coupling is found in PsaB mutants which show a new bleaching band at 665 nm that likely represents an increased intensity of the upper exciton band of P700. Additional properties of P700 that may give rise to its unusually low potential are discussed. 相似文献
A new photosystem I core has been isolated that is devoid of the bound iron-sulfur clusters but preserves electron flow from P700 to the intermediate electron acceptor A1. The particle is prepared by incubation of a Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 photosystem I core protein (which contains electron acceptors A0, A1, and FX) with 3 M urea and 5 mM K3Fe(CN)6 to oxidatively denature the FX iron-sulfur cluster to the level of zero-valence sulfur. In this apo-FX preparation, over 90% of the flash-induced absorption change at 820 nm decays with a 10-microseconds half-time characteristic of the decay of the P700 triplet state formed from the backreaction of P700+ with an acceptor earlier than FX. Chemical reduction at high pH values with aminoiminomethanesulfinic acid results in kinetics identical with those seen in the P700 chlorophyll a protein prepared with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-CP1, which contains only electron acceptor A0); the flash-induced absorption change decays primarily with a 25-ns half-time characteristic of the backreaction between P700+ and A0-, and the magnitude of the total absorption change is larger than can be accounted for by the P700 content alone. Addition of oxygen results in a reversion to the 10-microseconds kinetic decay component attributed to the decay of the P700 triplet state. At 77 K, the optical transient in the apo-FX preparation decays with a 200-microseconds half-time characteristic of the backreaction between P700+ and A1-.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
The decay of the light-induced spin-correlated radical pair [P700+ A1-] and the associated electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) have been studied in either thylakoid membranes, cellular membranes, or purified photosystem I prepared from the wild-type strains of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Spinaceae oleracea. The decay of the spin-correlated radical pair is described in the wild-type membrane by two exponential components with lifetimes of 2-4 and 16-25 micros. The proportions of the two components can be altered by preillumination of the membranes in the presence of reductant at temperatures lower than 220 K, which leads to the complete reduction of the iron-sulfur electron acceptors F(A), F(B), and F(X) and partial photoaccumulation of the reduced quinone electron acceptor A1A-. The "out-of-phase" (OOP) ESEEM attributed to the [P700+ A1-] radical pair has been investigated in the three species as a function of the preillumination treatment. Values of the dipolar (D) and the exchange (J) interactions were extracted by time-domain fitting of the OOP-ESEEM. The results obtained in the wild-type systems are compared with two site-directed mutants of C. reinhardtii [Santabarbara et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 2119-2128], in which the spin-polarized signal on either the PsaA- or PsaB-bound electron transfer pathway is suppressed so that the radical pair formed on each electron transfer branch could be monitored selectively. This comparison indicates that when all of the iron-sulfur centers are oxidized, only the echo modulation associated with the A branch [P700+ A1A-] radical pair is observed. The reduction of the iron-sulfur clusters and the quinone A1 by preillumination treatment induces a shift in the ESEEM frequency. In all of the systems investigated this observation can be interpreted in terms of different proportions of the signal associated with the [P700+ A1A-] and [P700+ A1B-] radical pairs, suggesting that bidirectionality of electron transfer in photosystem I is a common feature of all species rather than being confined to green algae. 相似文献
Kinetic analysis using pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of photosynthetic electron transfer in the photosystem I reaction centres of Synechocystis 6803, in wild-type Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and in site directed mutants of the phylloquinone binding sites in C. reinhardtii, indicates that electron transfer from the reaction centre primary electron donor, P700, to the iron-sulphur centres, Fe-S(X/A/B), can occur through either the PsaA or PsaB side phylloquinone. At low temperature reaction centres are frozen in states which allow electron transfer on one side of the reaction centre only. A fraction always donates electrons to the PsaA side quinone, the remainder to the PsaB side. 相似文献
A high-field EPR study of P700+ in wild-type and mutant photosystem I from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Petrenko A Maniero AL van Tol J MacMillan F Li Y Brunel LC Redding K 《Biochemistry》2004,43(7):1781-1786
High-frequency, high-field EPR at 330 GHz was used to study the photo-oxidized primary donor of photosystem I (P(700)(+)(*)) in wild-type and mutant forms of photosystem I in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The main focus was the substitution of the axial ligand of the chlorophyll a and chlorophyll a' molecules that form the P(700) heterodimer. Specifically, we examined PsaA-H676Q, in which the histidine axial ligand of the A-side chlorophyll a' (P(A)) is replaced with glutamine, and PsaB-H656Q, with a similar replacement of the axial ligand of the B-side chlorophyll a (P(B)), as well as the double mutant (PsaA-H676Q/PsaB-H656Q), in which both axial ligands were replaced. We also examined the PsaA-T739A mutant, which replaces a threonine residue hydrogen-bonded to the 13(1)-keto group of P(A) with an alanine residue. The principal g-tensor components of the P(700)(+)(*) radical determined in these mutants and in wild-type photosystem I were compared with each other, with the monomeric chlorophyll cation radical (Chl(z)(+)(*)) in photosystem II, and with recent theoretical calculations for different model structures of the chlorophyll a(+) cation radical. In mutants with a modified P(B) axial ligand, the g(zz) component of P(700)(+)(*) was shifted down by up to 2 x 10(-4), while mutations near P(A) had no significant effect. We discuss the shift of the g(zz) component in terms of a model with a highly asymmetric distribution of unpaired electron spin in the P(700)(+)(*) radical cation, mostly localized on P(B), and a deviation of the P(B) chlorophyll structure from planarity due to the axial ligand. 相似文献
Electrogenic reduction of the primary electron donor P700 by plastocyanin in photosystem I complexes
Mahir D. Mamedov Aygun A. Mamedova Sergey K. Chamorovsky Alexey Yu. Semenov 《FEBS letters》2001,500(3):172-176
An electrometric technique was used to investigate electron transfer between spinach plastocyanin (Pc) and photooxidized primary electron donor P700 in photosystem I (PS I) complexes from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In the presence of Pc, the fast unresolvable kinetic phase of membrane potential generation related to electron transfer between P700 and the terminal iron–sulfur acceptor FB was followed by additional electrogenic phases in the microsecond and millisecond time scales, which contribute approximately 20% to the overall electrogenicity. These phases are attributed to the vectorial electron transfer from Pc to the protein-embedded chlorophyll dimer P700+ within the PsaA/PsaB heterodimer. The observed rate constant of the millisecond kinetic phase exhibited a saturation profile at increasing Pc concentration, suggesting the formation of a transient complex between Pc and PS I with the dissociation constant Kd of about 80 μM. A small but detectable fast electrogenic phase was observed at high Pc concentration. The rate constant of this phase was independent of Pc concentration, indicating that it is related to a first-order process. 相似文献
Bidirectional electron transfer in photosystem I: accumulation of A0- in A-side or B-side mutants of the axial ligand to chlorophyll A0 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Photosystem I contains two potential electron transfer pathways between P(700) and F(X). These branches are made up of the electron transfer chain components A, A(0), and A(1). The primary electron acceptor A(0) is a chlorophyll a monomer that could be one or both of the two chlorophyll molecules, eC-A(3)/eC-B(3), identified in the 2.5 A resolution structure. The eC-A(3)/eC-B(3) chlorophylls are both coordinated by the sulfur atom of a methionine. This coordination is highly unusual, as interactions between the acid Mg(2+) and the soft base sulfur are weak. The eC-A(3)/eC-B(3) chlorophylls also are located close to one of the connecting chlorophylls that may link the antenna and the electron transfer chain chlorophylls. Due to their location in the structure, the eC-A(3)/eC-B(3) chlorophylls may play a role in both excitation energy transfer and electron transfer. To test the role of the eC-A(3)/eC-B(3) chlorophylls in electron transfer, Met-684 of PsaA and Met-664 of PsaB have been changed to His, Ser, and Leu. Replacement of either M(A684) or M(B664) results in a significant alteration in growth phenotype. The His and Leu mutants are very light sensitive in the presence of oxygen. Growth is impaired to a greater extent in the B-side mutants. However, all of the mutants are able to grow anaerobically at comparable rates. The His and Ser mutants all accumulate PSI at a level similar to that of wild type, whereas the Leu mutants have reduced amounts of PSI. Ultrafast transient absorbance measurements show that the (A(0)(-) - A(0)) difference signal accumulates in the MH(A684) and MH(B664) mutants under neutral conditions, demonstrating that electron transfer between A(0)(-) and A(1) is blocked or significantly slowed. The results show that both the A-branch and the B-branch of the ETC are active in PSI from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. 相似文献
The charge separation P700*A(0) --> P700(+)A(0)(-) and the subsequent electron transfer from the primary to secondary electron acceptor have been studied by subtracting absorption difference profiles for cyanobacterial photosystem I (PS I) complexes with open and closed reaction centers. Samples were excited at 660 nm, which lies toward the blue edge of the core antenna absorption spectrum. The resulting PS I kinetics were analyzed in terms of the relevant P700, P700(+), A(0), and A(0)(-) absorption spectra. In our kinetic model, the radical pair P700(+)A(0)(-) forms with 1.3 ps rise kinetics after creation of electronically excited P700*. The formation of A(1)(-) via electron transfer from A(0)(-) requires approximately 13 ps. The kinetics of the latter step are appreciably faster than previously estimated by other groups (20--50 ps). 相似文献
We describe a method of reductive titration of photosystem I (PSI) density in leaves by generating a known amount of electrons (e-) in photosystem II (PSII) and measuring the resulting change in optical signal as these electrons arrive at pre-oxidized PSI. The method complements a recently published method of oxidative titration of PSI donor side e- carriers P700, plastocyanin (PC) and cytochrome f by illuminating a darkened leaf with far-red light (FRL) [V. Oja, H. Eichelmann, R.B. Peterson, B. Rasulov, A. Laisk, Decyphering the 820 nm signal: redox state of donor side and quantum yield of photosystem I in leaves, Photosynth. Res. 78 (2003) 1-15], presenting a nondestructive way for the determination of PSI density in intact leaves. Experiments were carried out on leaves of birch (Betula pendula Roth) and several other species grown outdoors. Single-turnover flashes of different quantum dose were applied to leaves illuminated with FRL, and the FRL was shuttered off immediately after the flash. The number of e- generated in PSII by the flash was measured as four times O2 evolution following the flash. Reduction of the pre-oxidized P700 and PC was followed as a change in leaf transmittance using a dual-wavelength detector ED P700DW (810 minus 950 nm, H. Walz, Effeltrich, Germany). The ED P700DW signal was deconvoluted into P700+ and PC+ components using the abovementioned oxidative titration method. The P700+ component was related to the absolute number of e- that reduced the P700+ to calculate the extinction coefficient. The effective differential extinction coefficient of P700+ at 810-950 nm was 0.40+/-0.06 (S.D.)% of transmittance change per micromol P700+ m(-2) or 17.6+/-2.4 mM(-1) cm(-1). The result shows that the scattering medium of the leaf effectively increases the extinction coefficient by about two times and its variation (+/-14% S.D.) is mainly caused by light-scattering properties of the leaf. 相似文献
FTIR difference spectroscopy in combination with isotope labeling for identification of the carbonyl modes of P700 and P700+ in photosystem I

Room temperature, light induced (P700(+)-P700) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectra have been obtained using photosystem I (PS I) particles from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that are unlabeled, uniformly (2)H labeled, and uniformly (15)N labeled. Spectra were also obtained for PS I particles that had been extensively washed and incubated in D(2)O. Previously, we have found that extensive washing and incubation of PS I samples in D(2)O does not alter the (P700(+)-P700) FTIR difference spectrum, even with approximately 50% proton exchange. This indicates that the P700 binding site is inaccessible to solvent water. Upon uniform (2)H labeling of PS I, however, the (P700(+)-P700) FTIR difference spectra are considerably altered. From spectra obtained using PS I particles grown in D(2)O and H(2)O, a ((1)H-(2)H) isotope edited double difference spectrum was constructed, and it is shown that all difference bands associated with ester/keto carbonyl modes of the chlorophylls of P700 and P700(+) downshift 4-5/1-3 cm(-1) upon (2)H labeling, respectively. It is also shown that the ester and keto carbonyl modes of the chlorophylls of P700 need not be heterogeneously distributed in frequency. Finally, we find no evidence for the presence of a cysteine mode in our difference spectra. The spectrum obtained using (2)H labeled PS I particles indicates that a negative difference band at 1698 cm(-1) is associated with at least two species. The observed (15)N and (2)H induced band shifts strongly support the idea that the two species are the 13(1) keto carbonyl modes of both chlorophylls of P700. We also show that a negative difference band at approximately 1639 cm(-1) is somewhat modified in intensity, but unaltered in frequency, upon (2)H labeling. This indicates that this band is not associated with a strongly hydrogen bonded keto carbonyl mode of one of the chlorophylls of P700. 相似文献
Redox transients of chlorophyll P700, monitored as absorbance changes ΔA810, were measured during and after exclusive PSI excitation with far-red (FR) light in pea (Pisum sativum, cv. Premium) leaves under various pre-excitation conditions. Prolonged adaptation in the dark terminated by a short PSII + PSI− exciting light pulse guarantees pre-conditions in which the initial photochemical events in PSI RCs are carried out by cyclic electron transfer (CET). Pre-excitation with one or more 10 s FR pulses creates conditions for induction of linear electron transport (LET). These converse conditions give rise to totally different, but reproducible responses of P700− oxidation. System analyses of these responses were made based on quantitative solutions of the rate equations dictated by the associated reaction scheme for each of the relevant conditions. These provide the mathematical elements of the P700 induction algorithm (PIA) with which the distinguishable components of the P700+ response can be resolved and interpreted. It enables amongst others the interpretation and understanding of the characteristic kinetic profile of the P700+ response in intact leaves upon 10 s illumination with far-red light under the promotive condition for CET. The system analysis provides evidence that this unique kinetic pattern with a non-responsive delay followed by a steep S-shaped signal increase is caused by a photoelectrochemically controlled suppression of the electron transport from Fd to the PQ-reducing Qr site of the cytb6f complex in the cyclic pathway. The photoelectrochemical control is exerted by the PSI-powered proton pump associated with CET. It shows strong similarities with the photoelectrochemical control of LET at the acceptor side of PSII which is reflected by release of photoelectrochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence. 相似文献
Light-induced Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy has been used to study the photo-oxidation of the primary electron donor (P700) in PS I particles from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. To aid in the interpretation of the spectra, PS I particles from a site-directed mutant of C. reinhardtii, in which the axial histidine ligand (HisA676) was changed to serine, were also studied. A high-frequency (3300-2600 cm(-1)) electronic transition is observed for all PS I particles, demonstrating that P700 is dimeric. The electronic band is, however, species-dependent, indicating some differences in the electronic structure of P700 and/or P700(+) in C. reinhardtii and Synechocystis sp. 6803. For PS I particles from C. reinhardtii, substitution of HisA676 with serine has little effect on the ester carbonyl modes of the chlorophylls of P700. However, the keto carbonyl modes are considerably altered. Comparison of (P700(+) - P700) FTIR difference spectra obtained using PS I particles from the wild type (WT) and the HS(A676) mutant of C. reinhardtii indicates that the mutation primarily exerts its influence on the P700 ground state. The 13(1) keto carbonyls of the chlorophylls of P700 of the wild type absorb at similar frequencies, which has previously made these transitions difficult to resolve. However, for the HS(A676) mutant, the 13(1) keto carbonyl of chlorophyll a or chlorophyll a' of P700 on PsaB or PsaA absorbs at 1703.4 or 1694.2 cm(-1), respectively, allowing their unambiguous resolution. Upon P700(+) formation, in both PS I particles from C. reinhardtii, the higher-frequency carbonyl band upshifts by approximately 14 cm(-1) while the lower frequency carbonyl downshifts by approximately 10 cm(-1). The similarity in the spectra for WT PS I particles from C. reinhardtii and Synechocystis sp. 6803 indicates that a similar interpretation is probably valid for PS I particles from both species. The mutant results allow for an interpretation of the behavior of the 13(1) keto carbonyls of P700 that is different from previous work [Breton, J., Nabedryk, E., and Leibl, W. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 11585-11592], in which it was suggested that 13(1) keto carbonyls of P700 absorb at 1697 and 1639 cm(-1), and upshift by 21 cm(-1) upon cation formation. The interpretation of the spectra reported here is more in line with recent results from ENDOR spectroscopy and high-resolution crystallography. 相似文献
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to study light-induced electron transfer in Photosystem I-flavodoxin complexes. Deuteration of flavodoxin enables the signals of the reduced flavin acceptor and oxidized primary donor, P(700)(+), to be well-resolved at X- and D-band EPR. In dark-adapted samples, photoinitiated interprotein electron transfer does not occur at 5 K. However, for samples prepared in dim light, significant interprotein electron transfer occurs at 5 K and a concomitant loss of the spin-correlated radical pair P(+)A(1A)(-) signal is observed. These results indicate a light-induced reorientation of flavodoxin in the PSI docking site that allows a high quantum yield efficiency for the interprotein electron transfer reaction. 相似文献
Chemical platinization and its effect on excitation transfer dynamics and P700 photooxidation kinetics in isolated photosystem I.

Isolated photosystem I (PSI) reaction center/core antenna complexes (PSI-40) were platinized by reduction of [PtCl6]2- at 20 degrees C and neutral pH. PSI particles were visualized directly on a gold surface by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) before and after platinization. STM results showed that PSI particles were monomeric and roughly ellipsoidal with major and minor axes of 6 and 5 nm, respectively. Platinization deposited approximately 1000 platinum atoms on each PSI particle and made the average size significantly larger (9 x 7 nm). In addition to direct STM visualization, the presence of metallic platinum on the PSI complexes was detected by its effect of actinic shading and electrostatic shielding on P700 photooxidation and P700+ reduction. The reaction centers (P700) in both platinized and nonplatinized PSI-40 were photooxidized by light and reduced by ascorbate repeatedly, although at somewhat slower rates in platinized PSI because of the presence of platinum. The effect of platinization on excitation transfer and trapping dynamics was examined by measuring picosecond fluorescence decay kinetics in PSI-40. The fluorescence decay kinetics in both platinized and control samples can be described as a sum of three exponential components. The dominant (amplitude 0.98) and photochemically limited excitation lifetime remained the same (16 ps) before and after platinization. The excitation transfer and trapping in platinized PSI-40 was essentially as efficient as that in the control (without platinization) PSI. The platinization also did not affect the intermediate-lifetime (400-600 ps) and long-lifetime (> 2500 ps) components, which likely are related to intrinsic electron transport and to functionally uncoupled chlorophylls, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
A model for the photochemical apparatus of photosynthesis is presented which accounts for the fluorescence properties of Photosystem II and Photosystem I as well as energy transfer between the two photosystems. The model was tested by measuring at - 196 degrees C fluorescence induction curves at 690 and 730 nm in the absence and presence of 5mMMgCl2 which presumably changes the distrubution of excitation energy between the two photosystems. The equations describing the fluorescence properties involve terms for the distribution of absorbed quanta, alpha, being the fraction distributed to Photosystem I, and beta, the fraction to Photosystem II to Photosystem I, KT(II yields I). The data, analyzed within the context of the model, permit a direct comparison of alpha and kt(II yields I) in the absence (minus) and presence (+) of Mg-2+ :alpha minus/alpha-+ equals 1.2 and k-minus t)II yields I)/K-+T(II yields I) equal to 1.9. If the criterion that alpha + beta equal to 1 is applied absolute values can be calculated: in the presence of Mg-2+, alpha-+ equal to 0.27 and the yield of energy transfer, phi-+ t(II yields I) varied the presence of Mg-2+, alpha-+ equal to 0.27 and the yield of energy transfer, phi-+ t(II yields I) varied from 0.065 when the Photosystem II reaction centers were all open to 0.23 when they were closed. In the absence of Mg-2+, alpha-minus equal to 0.32 and phi t(II yields I) varied from 0.12 to 0.28. The data were also analyzed assuming that two types of energy transfer could be distinguished; a transfer from the light-harvesting chlorophyll of Photosystem II to Photosystem I, kt(II yields I), and a transfer from the reaction centers of Photosystem II to Photosystem I, kt(II yields I). In that case alpha-minus/alpha+ equal to 1.3, k-minus t(II yields I)/k+ t(II yields I)equal to 1.3 and k-minus t(II yields I) equal to 3.0. It was concluded, however, that both of these types of energy transfer are different manifestations of a single energy transfer process. 相似文献
The effect of global (15)N or (2)H labeling on the light-induced P700(+)/P700 FTIR difference spectra has been investigated in photosystem I samples from Synechocystis at 90 K. The small isotope-induced frequency shifts of the carbonyl modes observed in the P700(+)/P700 spectra are compared to those of isolated chlorophyll a. This comparison shows that bands at 1749 and 1733 cm(-)(1) and at 1697 and 1637 cm(-)(1), which upshift upon formation of P700(+), are candidates for the 10a-ester and 9-keto C=O groups of P700, respectively. A broad and relatively weak band peaking at 3300 cm(-)(1), which does not shift upon global labeling or (1)H-(2)H exchange, is ascribed to an electronic transition of P700(+), indicating that at least two chlorophyll a molecules (denoted P(1) and P(2)) participate in P700(+). Comparisons of the (3)P700/P700 FTIR difference spectrum at 90 K with spectra of triplet formation in isolated chlorophyll a or in RCs from photosystem II or purple bacteria identify the bands at 1733 and 1637 cm(-)(1), which downshift upon formation of (3)P700, as the 10a-ester and 9-keto C=O modes, respectively, of the half of P700 that bears the triplet (P(1)). Thus, while the P(2) carbonyls are free from interaction, both the 10a-ester and the 9-keto C=O of P(1) are hydrogen bonded and the latter group is drastically perturbed compared to chlorophyll a in solution. The Mg atoms of P(1) and P(2) appear to be five-coordinated. No localization of the triplet on the P(2) half of P700 is observed in the temperature range of 90-200 K. Upon P700 photooxidation, the 9-keto C=O bands of P(1) and P(2) upshift by almost the same amount, giving rise to the 1656(+)/1637(-) and 1717(+)/1697(-) cm(-)(1) differential signals, respectively. The relative amplitudes of these differential signals, as well as of those of the 10a-ester C=O modes, appear to be slightly dependent on sample orientation and temperature and on the organism used to generate the P700(+)/P700 spectrum. If it is assumed that the charge density on ring V of chlorophyll a, as measured by the perturbation of the 10a-ester or 9-keto C=O IR vibrations, mainly reflects the spin density on the two halves of the oxidized P700 special pair, a charge distribution ranging from 1:1 to 2:1 (in favor of P(2)) is deduced from the measurements presented here. The extreme downshift of the 9-keto C=O group of P(1), indicative of an unusually strong hydrogen bond, is discussed in relation with the models previously proposed for the PSI special pair. 相似文献
The states induced by illumination at 7 K in the oxygen-evolving enzyme (PSII) from Thermosynechococcus elongatus were studied by EPR. In the S(0) and S(1) redox states, two g approximately 2 EPR signals, a split signal and a g = 2.03 signal, respectively, were generated by illumination with visible light. These signals were comparable to those already reported in plant PSII in terms of their g value, shape, and stability at low temperatures. We report that the formation and decay of these signals correlate with EPR signals from the semiquinone of the first quinone electron acceptor, Q(A)(-). The light-induced EPR signals from oxidized side-path electron donors (Cyt b(559), Car, and Chl(Z)) were also measured, and from these and the signals from Q(A)(-), estimates were made of the proportion of centers involved in the formation of the g approximately 2 signals (approximately 50% in S(0) and 40% in S(1)). Comparisons with the signals generated in plant PSII indicated approximately similar yields for the S(0) split signal. A single laser flash at 7 K induced more than 75% of the maximum split and g = 2.03 EPR signal observed by continuous illumination, with no detectable oxidation of side-path donors. The matching electron acceptor side reactions, the high quantum yield, and the relatively large proportion of centers involved support earlier suggestions that the state being monitored is Tyr(Z)(*)Q(A)(-), with the g approximately 2 EPR signals arising from Tyr(Z)(*) interacting magnetically with the Mn complex. The current picture of the photochemical reactions occurring in PSII at low temperatures is reassessed. 相似文献
Ali K Santabarbara S Heathcote P Evans MC Purton S 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2006,1757(12):1623-1633
A conserved tryptophan residue located between the A(1B) and F(X) redox centres on the PsaB side of the Photosystem I reaction centre has been mutated to a glycine in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, thereby matching the conserved residue found in the equivalent position on the PsaA side. This mutant (PsaB:W669G) was studied using EPR spectroscopy with a view to understanding the molecular basis of the reported kinetic differences in forward electron transfer from the A(1A) and the A(1B) phyllo(semi)quinones. The kinetics of A(1)(-) reoxidation due to forward electron transfer or charge recombination were measured by electron spin echo spectroscopy at 265 K and 100 K, respectively. At 265 K, the reoxidation kinetics are considerably lengthened in the mutant in comparison to the wild-type. Under conditions in which F(X) is initially oxidised the kinetics of charge recombination at 100 K are found to be biphasic in the mutant while they are substantially monophasic in the wild-type. Pre-reduction of F(X) leads to biphasic kinetics in the wild-type, but does not alter the already biphasic kinetic properties of the PsaB:W669G mutant. Reduction of the [4Fe-4S] clusters F(A) and F(B) by illumination at 15 K is suppressed in the mutant. The results provide further support for the bi-directional model of electron transfer in Photosystem I of C. reinhardtii, and indicate that the replacement of the tryptophan residue with glycine mainly affects the redox properties of the PsaB bound phylloquinone A(1B). 相似文献