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Carbonic anhydrase, a zinc enzyme catalyzing the interconversion of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate, is nearly ubiquitous in the tissues of highly evolved eukaryotes. Here we report on the first known plant-type (beta-class) carbonic anhydrase in the archaea. The Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum DeltaH cab gene was hyperexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the heterologously produced protein was purified 13-fold to apparent homogeneity. The enzyme, designated Cab, is thermostable at temperatures up to 75 degrees C. No esterase activity was detected with p-phenylacetate as the substrate. The enzyme is an apparent tetramer containing approximately one zinc per subunit, as determined by plasma emission spectroscopy. Cab has a CO(2) hydration activity with a k(cat) of 1.7 x 10(4) s(-1) and K(m) for CO(2) of 2.9 mM at pH 8.5 and 25 degrees C. Western blot analysis indicates that Cab (beta class) is expressed in M. thermoautotrophicum; moreover, a protein cross-reacting to antiserum raised against the gamma carbonic anhydrase from Methanosarcina thermophila was detected. These results show that beta-class carbonic anhydrases extend not only into the Archaea domain but also into the thermophilic prokaryotes.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by the Nce103 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a beta-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC designated as scCA, has been cloned, purified, characterized kinetically, and investigated for its inhibition with a series simple, inorganic anions such as halogenides, pseudohalogenides, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrate, nitrite, hydrogen sulfide, bisulfite, perchlorate, sulfate, and some of its isosteric species. The enzyme showed high CO(2) hydrase activity, with a k(cat) of 9.4x10(5) s(-1) and k(cat)/K(m) of 9.8x10(7) M(-1) s(-1). scCA was weakly inhibited by metal poisons (cyanide, azide, cyanate, thiocyanate, K(I)s of 16.8-55.6 mM) and strongly inhibited by bromide, iodide, and sulfamide (K(I)s of 8.7-10.8 microM). The other investigated anions showed inhibition constants in the low millimolar range.  相似文献   

Anions represent the second class of inhibitors of the zinc enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, in addition to sulfonamides, which possess clinical applications. The first inhibition study of the zinc and cobalt gamma-class enzyme from the archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila (Cam) with anions is reported here. Inhibition data of the alpha-class human isozymes hCA I and hCA II (cytosolic) as well as the membrane-bound isozyme hCA IV with a large number of anionic species such as halides, pseudohalides, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrate, nitrite, hydrosulfide, bisulfite, and sulfate, etc., are also provided for comparison. The best Zn-Cam anion inhibitors were hydrogen sulfide and cyanate, with inhibition constants in the range of 50-90 microM, whereas thiocyanate, azide, carbonate, nitrite, and bisulfite were weaker inhibitors (K(I)s in the range of 5.8-11.7 mM). Fluoride, chloride, and sulfate do not inhibit this enzyme appreciably up to concentrations of 200 mM, whereas the substrate bicarbonate behaves as a weak inhibitor (K(I)s of 42 mM). The best Co-Cam inhibitor was carbonate, with an inhibition constant of 9 microM, followed by nitrate and bicarbonate (K(I)s in the range of 90-100 microM). The metal poisons were much more ineffective inhibitors of this enzyme, with cyanide possessing an inhibition constant of 51.5mM, whereas cyanate, thiocyanate, azide, iodide, and hydrogen sulfide showed K(I)s in the range of 2.0-6.1mM. As for Zn-Cam, fluoride, chloride, and sulfate are not inhibitors of Co-Cam. These major differences between the two gamma-CAs investigated here can be explained only in part by the different geometries of the metal ions present within their active sites.  相似文献   

Metal complexing anions represent an important class of inhibitors of the metalloenzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC The first inhibition study of the transmembrane isozymes CA XII (tumor-associated) and XIV with anions is reported. These isozymes showed inhibition profiles with physiologic/non-physiologic anions quite distinct from any other cytosolic (CA I and II) or transmembrane isoforms (e.g., CA IX) investigated earlier. hCA XII has a good affinity for fluoride and bicarbonate but is not inhibited by heavier halides, perchlorate, nitrate, and nitrite. The best hCA XII inhibitors were cyanide (K(I) of 1 microM) and azide (K(I) of 80 microM). hCA XIV was on the other hand weakly inhibited by fluoride and not at all inhibited by perchlorate, but showed good affinity for most other anions investigated here. Chloride and bicarbonate showed K(I)s in the range of 0.75-0.77 mM for this isoform. The best hCA XIV anion inhibitors were sulfate, phenylarsonic, and phenylboronic acid (K(I) in the range of 10-92 microM).  相似文献   

The unique secretory isozyme of human carbonic anhydrase (hCA, EC, hCA VI, has been cloned, expressed, and purified. The kinetic parameters for the CO(2) hydration reaction proved hCA VI to possess a k(cat) of 3.4x10(5)s(-1) and k(cat)/K(M) of 4.9x10(7)M(-1)s(-1) (at pH 7.5 and 20 degrees C). hCA VI has a significant catalytic activity for the physiological reaction, of the same order of magnitude as isoforms CA I or CA IX. A series of anions (such as bicarbonate, chloride, nitrate, etc.) were shown to inhibit the activity of the enzyme, with inhibition constants typically in the range of 0.60-0.90mM. The best hCA VI inhibitors were cyanide, azide, sulfamide, and sulfamate, with inhibition constants in the range of 70-90microM.  相似文献   

The inhibition of the newly discovered cytosolic carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC isozyme XIII of murine origin (mCA XIII) has been investigated with a series of anions, such as the physiological ones (bicarbonate, chloride), or the metal complexing anions (cyanate, cyanide, azide, hydrogen sulfide, etc), nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, sulfamate, sulfamide as well as with phenylboronic and phenylarsonic acids. The best mCA XIII inhibitors were cyanate, thiocyanate, cyanide and sulfamide, with K(I)-s in the range of 0.25microM-0.74 mM, whereas fluoride, iodide, azide, carbonate and hydrogen sulfide were less effective (K(I)-s in the range of 3.0-5.5mM). The least effective inhibitors were sulfate, chloride and bicarbonate (K(I)-s in the range of 138-267 mM). The affinity of mCA XIII for anions is very different from that of the other cytosolic isozymes (hCA I and II) or the mitochondrial isozyme hCA V. This resistance to inhibition by the physiological anions bicarbonate and chloride suggests an evolutionary adaptation of CA XIII to the presence of high concentrations of such anions (e.g., in the reproductive tract of both female and male), and the possible participation of this isozyme (similarly to CA II, CA IV and CA V) in metabolons with proteins involved in the anion exchange and transport, such as the anion exchangers (AE1-3) or the sodium bicarbonate co-transporter (NBC1 and NBC3) proteins, which remain to be identified.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity and the inhibition of a new coral carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, from the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata, STPCA-2, has been investigated. STPCA-2 has high catalytic activity for the physiological reaction being less sensitive to anion and sulfonamide inhibitors compared to STPCA, a coral enzyme previously described. The best STPCA-2 anion inhibitors were sulfamide, sulfamic acid, phenylboronic acid, and phenylarsonic acid (KIs of 5.7-67.2 μM) whereas the best sulfonamide inhibitors were acetazolamide and dichlorophenamide (KIs of 74-79 nM). Because this discriminatory effect between these two coral CAs, sulfonamides may be useful to better understand the physiological role of STPCA and STPCA-2 in corals and biomineralization processes.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity and inhibition of the beta-carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC from the pathogenic fungi Candida albicans (Nce103) and Cryptococcus neoformans (Can2) with inorganic anions such as halogenides, pseudohalogenides, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrate, nitrite, hydrogen sulfide, bisulfite, perchlorate, sulfate were investigated. The two enzymes showed appreciable CO(2) hydrase activity (k(cat) in the range of (3.9-8.0)x10(5)s(-1), and k(cat)/K(m) in the range of (4.3-9.7)x10(7)M(-1)s(-1)). Can2 was weakly inhibited by cyanide and sulfamic acid (K(I)s of 8.22-13.56 mM), while all other anions displayed more potent inhibition. Nce103 was strongly inhibited by cyanide and carbonate (K(I)s of 10-11 microM), and weakly inhibited by sulfate, phenylboronic, and phenyl arsonic acid (K(I)s of 14.15-30.85 mM). These data demonstrate that pathogenic, fungal beta-CAs may be targets for the development of antifungals that have a novel mechanism of action.  相似文献   

The inhibition of a coral carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC has been investigated with a series of inorganic anions such as halogenides, pseudohalogenides, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrate, nitrite, hydrogen sulfide, bisulfite, perchlorate, sulfate. The full-length scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata CA, STPCA, has a significant catalytic activity for the physiological reaction of CO2 hydration to bicarbonate, similarly to the ubiquitous human isoforms hCA I (cytosolic) and hCA VI (secreted). The best STPCA anion inhibitors were bromide, iodide, carbonate, and sulfamate, with inhibition constants of 9.0–10.0 μM.  相似文献   

Activation of the archaeal beta-class (Cab) and gamma-class (Cam) carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC with a series of natural and non-natural amino acids and aromatic/heterocyclic amines has been investigated. Cab, Zn-Cam and Co-Cam showed an activation profile with natural, L- and D-amino acids very different of those of the alpha-class enzymes CA I, II and III. Most of these compounds showed medium efficacy as archaeal CA activators, except for D-Phe and L-Tyr which were effective Cab activators (K(A)s of 10.3-10.5 microM), 2-pyridylmethylamine and 1-(2-aminoethyl)-piperazine which effectively activated Zn-Cam (K(A)s of 10.1-11.4 microM) and serotonin, L-adrenaline and 2-pyridylmethylamine which were the best Co-Cam activators (K(A)s of 0.97-8.9 microM). We prove here that the activation mechanisms of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-class CAs are similar, although the activation profiles with various compounds differ dramatically between these diverse enzymes.  相似文献   

The membrane-associated human isozyme of carbonic anhydrase, hCA IV, has been investigated for its interaction with anion inhibitors, for the CO(2) hydration reaction catalyzed by this enzyme. Surprisingly, halides were observed to act as potent hCA IV inhibitors, with inhibition constants in the range of 70-90 microM, although most of these ions, and especially fluoride, the best hCA IV inhibitor among the halides, are weak inhibitors of other isozymes, such as hCA I, II and V. The metal poisons cyanate, cyanide and hydrogen sulfide were weaker hCA IV inhibitors (K(i)'s in the range of 0.6-3.9 mM), whereas thiocyanate, azide, nitrate and nitrite showed even weaker inhibitory properties (K(i)'s in the range of 30.8-65.1 mM). Sulfate was a good hCA IV inhibitor (K(i) of 9 mM), although it is a much weaker inhibitor of isozymes I, II, V and IX. Excellent hCA IV inhibitory properties showed sulfamic acid, sulfamide, phenylboronic acid and phenylarsonic acid, with K(i)'s in the range of 0.87-0.93 microM, whereas their affinities for the other investigated isozymes were in the millimolar range. The interaction of some anions with the mitochondrial isozyme hCA V has also been investigated for the first time here. It has been observed that among all these isozymes, hCA V has the lowest affinity for bicarbonate and carbonate (K(i)'s in the range of 82-95 mM), which may represent an evolutionary adaptation of this isozyme to the rather alkaline environment (pH 8.5) within the mitochondria, where hCA V plays important functions in some biosynthetic reactions involving carboxylating enzymes (pyruvate carboxylase and acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase). There are important differences of affinity for anions between the two membrane-associated isozymes, hCA IV and hCA IX.  相似文献   

An inhibition study of the cytosolic carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC isozyme VII (hCA VII) with anions has been conducted. Cyanate, cyanide, and hydrogensulfite were weak hCA VII inhibitors (K(I)s in the range of 7.3-15.2 mM). Cl- and HCO3- showed good inhibitory activity against hCA VII (K(I)s of 0.16-1.84 mM), suggesting that this enzyme is not involved in metabolons with anion exchangers or sodium bicarbonate cotransporters. The best inhibitors were sulfamate, sulfamide, phenylboronic, and phenylarsonic acid (K(I)s of 6.8-12.5 microM).  相似文献   

A detailed inhibition study of carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC belonging to the beta- and gamma-families from Archaea with sulfonamides has been performed. Compounds included in this study were the clinically used sulfonamide CA inhibitors, such as acetazolamide, methazolamide, ethoxzolamide, topiramate, valdecoxib, celecoxib, dorzolamide, sulfanilamide, dichlorophanamide, as well as sulfanilamide analogs, halogenated sulfanilamides, and some 1,3-benzenedisulfonamide derivatives. The two gamma-CAs from Methanosarcina thermophila (Zn-Cam and Co-Cam) showed very different inhibitory properties with these compounds, as compared to the alpha-CA isozymes hCA I, II, and IX, and the beta-CA from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (Cab). The best Zn-Cam inhibitors were sulfamic acid and acetazolamide, with inhibition constants in the range of 63-96 nM, whereas other investigated aromatic/heterocylic sulfonamides showed a rather levelled behavior, with KIs in the range of 0.12-1.70 microM. The best Co-Cam inhibitors were topiramate and p-aminoethyl-benzenesulfonamide, with KIs in the range of 0.12-0.13 microM, whereas the worst one was homosulfanilamide (KI of 8.50 microM). In the case of Cab, the inhibitory power of these compounds varied to a much larger extent, with sulfamic acid and sulfamide showing millimolar affinities (KIs in the range of 44-103 mM), whereas the best inhibitor was ethoxzolamide, with a KI of 5.35 microM. Most of these sulfonamides showed inhibition constants in the range of 12-100 microM against Cab. Thus, the three CA families investigated up to now possess a very diverse affinity for sulfonamides, the inhibitors with important medicinal, and environmental applications.  相似文献   

T Soderberg  A Chen  C D Poulter 《Biochemistry》2001,40(49):14847-14854
Geranylgeranylglyceryl diphosphate synthase (GGGP synthase) catalyzes alkylation of (S)-glyceryl phosphate [(S)-GP] by geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) to produce (S)-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate [(S)-GGGP]. This reaction is the first committed step in the biosynthesis of ether-linked membrane lipids in Archaea. The gene encoding GGGP synthase from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was cloned using probes designed from the N-terminal sequence determined from the purified enzyme. The open reading frame, which encoded a protein of 245 amino acids, was inserted into a pET expression vector and expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant GGGP synthase was purified to homogeneity. The enzyme is active as a homopentamer, as determined by size exclusion chromatography and equilibrium sedimentation experiments. GGGP synthase has optimal activity at 55 degrees C in pH 8.0 buffer containing 1 mM MgCl(2). V(max) = 4.0 +/- 0.1 micromol min(-1) mg(-1) (k(cat) = 0.34 +/- 0.03 s(-1) for pentameric GGGP synthase assuming all subunits are fully active), K(m)((S)-GP) = 13.5 +/- 1.0 microM, and K(m)(GGPP) = 506 +/- 47 nM. These steady-state catalytic constants were identical to those for enzyme isolated from cell extracts of M. thermoautotrophicum [Chen, A., Zhang, D., and Poulter, C. D. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 21701-21705]. Alignment of seven putative archaeal GGGP synthase sequences revealed a number of highly conserved residues consisting of five aspartate/glutamates, three serine/threonines, two prolines, and five glycines, including a conserved GGG motif.  相似文献   

The cytosolic human carbonic anhydrase (hCA, EC isozyme III (hCA III) has been cloned and purified by the GST-fusion protein method. Recombinant pure hCA III had the following kinetic parameters for the CO(2) hydration reaction at 20 degrees C and pH 7.5: k(cat) of 1.3 x 10(4) s(- 1) and k(cat)/K(M) of 2.5.10(5) M(- 1) s(- 1). The first detailed inhibition study of this enzyme with anions is reported. Inhibition data of the cytosolic isozymes hCA I - hCA III with a large number of anions (halides, pseudohalides, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrate, nitrite, hydrosulfide, sulfate, sulfamic acid, sulfamide, etc.), were determined and these values are comparatively discussed for these three cytosolic isoforms. Fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phenylboronic acid and phenylarsonic acid (as anions) were weak hCA III inhibitors (K(I)s of 21-78.5 mM), whereas bicarbonate, chloride, bromide, sulfate and several other simple anions showed K(I)s around 1 mM. The best hCA III inhibitors were carbonate, cyanide, thiocyanate, azide and hydrogensulfide, which showed K(I)s in the range of 10-90 microM. It is difficult to explain the inhibitory activity of carbonate (K(I) of 10 microM) against hCA III, also considering the fact that this ion has an affinity of 15-73 mM for hCA I and II and is in equilibrium with one of the substrates of this enzyme, i.e., bicarbonate, which is a much weaker inhibitor (K(I) of 0.74 mM against hCA III, of 12 mM against hCA I and of 85 mM against hCA II).  相似文献   

An inhibition study of the human and bovine membrane-associated isozymes of carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, hCA IV and bCA IV, with a series of sulfonamides and sulfamates, some of which are widely clinically used, such as acetazolamide, methazolamide, ethoxzolamide, topiramate, dorzolamide, dichlorophenamide, celecoxib, and valdecoxib among others, is reported. In contrast to bCA IV, which is generally strongly inhibited by most of these derivatives, hCA IV has a rather different inhibition profile. Several of these compounds such as acetazolamide, ethoxzolamide, and bromosulfanilamide are potent hCA IV inhibitors (K(i)'s of 74-93 nM), others, such as celecoxib and some halogenated sulfanilamides are medium potency inhibitors (K(i)'s of 450-880 nM) whereas most of them are weak hCA IV inhibitors (methazolamide: 6.2 microM; dorzolamide 8.5 microM; topiramate 4.9 microM; dichlorophenamide: 15.3 microM). The hCA IV/bCA IV inhibition ratios for all the investigated compounds ranged between 1.05 (for acetazolamide) and 198.37 (for dorzolamide). Based on these results, we doubt that hCA IV is indeed one of the main contributors to the intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering effects of sulfonamide CA inhibitors, in addition to hCA II, as hypothesized earlier by Maren et al. (Mol. Pharmacol.1993, 44, 901-906). Indeed, both the very good hCA IV inhibitors (acetazolamide and ethoxzolamide) as well as the quite weak hCA IV inhibitors (methazolamide, dorzolamide, or dichlorophanamide) are effective in lowering IOP when administered either systemically or topically. The membrane-associated isozyme which probably is critical for aqueous humor secretion is hCA XII and not hCA IV.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the newest isoform of the metalloenzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, CA XV, with a series of phenols was investigated. Murine CA XV showed an inhibition profile by phenols distinct of those of the cytosolic human isoforms CA I and II. Phenol and some of its 2-, 3-, and 4-substituted derivatives incorporating hydroxy, fluoro, carboxy, and acetamido moieties were effective CA XV inhibitors, with inhibition constants in the range of 7.20-11.30 microM, whereas compounds incorporating 4-amino-, 4-cyano, or 3-hydroxy groups were less effective (K(I)s of 335-434 microM). The best phenol inhibitor was clioquinol (K(I) of 2.33 microM). Phenols show a different inhibition mechanism as compared to sulfonamides and their isosteres, and may lead to the design of compounds with selectivity for inhibiting different CA isozymes with medicinal chemistry applications.  相似文献   

In addition to sulfonamides, metal complexing anions represent the second class of inhibitors of the zinc enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC The first inhibition study of the mitochondrial isozyme CA V (of murine and human origin) with anions is reported here. Inhibition data of the cytosolic isozymes CA I and CA II as well as the membrane-bound isozyme CA IV with a large number of anionic species such as halides, pseudohalides, bicarbonate, nitrate, hydrosulfide, arsenate, sulfamate, and sulfamidate and so on, are also provided for comparison. Isozyme V has an inhibition profile by anions completely different to those of CA I and IV, but similar to that of hCA II, which may have interesting physiological consequences. Similarly to hCA II, the mitochondrial isozymes show micro-nanomolar affinity for sulfonamides such as sulfanilamide and acetazolamide.  相似文献   

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