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Attempts to purify the inhibitor of pectin methylesterase (PMEI) from the soluble extract of ripe apricot (Prunus armeniaca) fruit led to isolation of a protein (Pa-INH) similar to PMEI, but having invertase inhibitory activity against vacuolar invertase from tomato. The molecular charge, the native and SDS-PAGE molecular weights were similar to those of PMEI. Partial amino acid sequence indicated a high level of identity with invertase inhibitors and a significant identity with PMEI. Circular dichroism analysis showed a mainly -helix secondary structure for both the inhibitors and a higher thermostability of Pa-INH. Four Cys residues forming disulfide bridges in PMEI were conserved in Pa-INH. Similarly to PMEI, these residues were linked by disulfide bridges (first to second and third to fourth). The free Cys139 of PMEI is substituted by Ala in Pa-INH. The results reported in this study suggest a common structural arrangement of the two inhibitors.  相似文献   

The molecular model of Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) pectin methylesterase (PME) was built by using the X-ray crystal structure of PME from the phytopathogenic bacterium Erwinia chrysanthemi as a template. The overall structure and the position of catalytically important residues (Asp132, Asp 153, and Arg 221, located at the bottom of the active site cleft) are conserved. Instead, loop regions forming the walls of the catalytic site are much shorter and form a less deep cleft, as already revealed by the carrot PME crystal structure. The protein inhibitor of pectin methylesterase (PMEI) isolated from kiwi fruit binds tomato PME with high affinity. Conversely, no complex formation between the inhibitor and PME from E. chrysanthemi is observed, and the activity of this enzyme is unaffected by the presence of the inhibitor. Fluorescence quenching experiments on tomato PME and on PME-PMEI complex suggest that tryptophanyl residues present in the active site region are involved in the interaction and that the inhibitor interacts with plant PME at the level of the active site. We also suggest that the more open active site cleft of tomato PME allows the interaction with the inhibitor. Conversely, the narrow and deep cleft of the active site of E. chrysanthemi PME hinders this interaction. The pH-dependent changes in fluorescence emission intensity observed in tomato PME could arise as the result of protonation of an Asp residue with unusually high pKa, thus supporting the hypothesis that Asp132 acts as acid/base in the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Kissper is a 39-residue peptide isolated from kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Its primary structure, elucidated by direct protein sequencing, is identical to the N-terminal region of kiwellin, a recently reported kiwi fruit allergenic protein, suggesting that kissper derives from the in vivo processing of kiwellin. The peptide does not show high sequence identity with any other polypeptide of known function. However, it displays a pattern of cysteines similar, but not identical, to those observed in some plant and animal proteins, including toxins involved in defence mechanisms. A number of these proteins are also active on mammalian cells. Functional characterization of kissper showed pH-dependent and voltage-gated pore-forming activity, together with anion selectivity and channeling in model synthetic PLMs, made up of POPC and of DOPS:DOPE:POPC. A 2DNMR analysis indicates that in aqueous solution kissper has only short regions of regular secondary structure, without any evident similarity with other bioactive peptides. Comparative analysis of the structural and functional features suggests that kissper is a member of a new class of pore-forming peptides with potential effects on human health.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of one of the major wheat protein iso-inhibitors of α-amylase was determined. The sequence was deduced from analysis of fragments and peptides derived from the protein by cleavage with cyanogen bromide and by digestion with trypsin, chymotrypsin, thermolysin and the Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. The molecule consists of a single polypeptide chain of 123 residues. Both serine and alanine were found in position 65, and further minor examples of microheterogeneity were observed in four other residues.  相似文献   

We report that unprocessed tobacco pectin methylesterase (PME) contains N-terminal pro-sequence including the transmembrane (TM) domain and spacer segment preceding the mature PME. The mature portion of PME was replaced by green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene and various deletion mutants of pro-sequence fused to GFP were cloned into binary vectors and agroinjected in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. The PME pro-sequence delivered GFP to the cell wall (CW). We showed that a transient binding of PME TM domain to endoplasmic reticulum membranes occurs upon its transport to CW. The CW targeting was abolished by various deletions in the TM domain, i.e., anchor domain was essential for secretion of GFP to CW. By contrast, even entire deletion of the spacer segment had no influence on GFP targeting.  相似文献   

Summary The complete amino acid sequence of the major sialoglycoproteins of horse erythrocyte membranes, glycophorin HA, was determined by manual sequencing methods, using tryptic, chymotryptic, and cyanogen bromide fragments. Glycophorin HA is a polypeptide chain of 120 amino acid residues and contains 10 oligosaccharide units attached to the amino-terminal side of the molecule. Its amino terminus is pyroglutamic acid. All of the oligosaccharides are linked O-glycosidically to threonine or serine residues. The amino acid sequence is consistent with the transmembrane orientation of glycophorins.There is no significant homology between the glycosylated domains of horse, human, and porcine glycophorins, but there is a considerable homology between the hydrophobic domains of the three glycophorins, which interact with the lipid bilayer of the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a cysteine protease ervatamin B, isolated from the medicinal plant Ervatamia coronaria, has been determined at 1.63 A. The unknown primary structure of the enzyme could also be traced from the high-quality electron density map. The final refined model, consisting of 215 amino acid residues, 208 water molecules, and a thiosulfate ligand molecule, has a crystallographic R-factor of 15.9% and a free R-factor of 18.2% for F > 2sigma(F). The protein belongs to the papain superfamily of cysteine proteases and has some unique properties compared to other members of the family. Though the overall fold of the structure, comprising two domains, is similar to the others, a few natural substitutions of conserved amino acid residues at the interdomain cleft of ervatamin B are expected to increase the stability of the protein. The substitution of a lysine residue by an arginine (residue 177) in this region of the protein may be important, because Lys --> Arg substitution is reported to increase the stability of proteins. Another substitution in this cleft region that helps to hold the domains together through hydrogen bonds is Ser36, replacing a conserved glycine residue in the others. There are also some substitutions in and around the active site cleft. Residues Tyr67, Pro68, Val157, and Ser205 in papain are replaced by Trp67, Met68, Gln156, and Leu208, respectively, in ervatamin B, which reduces the volume of the S2 subsite to almost one-fourth that of papain, and this in turn alters the substrate specificity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Incorporation of the amino acid selenocysteine into a growing protein chain involves the interaction between a hairpin in the mRNA termed the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) and the special elongation factor SelB. Here we present the structure of the SECIS from the thermophilic organism Moorella thermoacetica (SECIS-MT) determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The SECIS-MT hairpin structure contains a pentaloop with the first and fourth nucleotides of the loop forming a noncanonical GC base pair; the fifth loop nucleotide is bulged out and unstructured. The G and U in positions two and three are on opposite sides of the loop and solvent exposed. The backbone resonances of the SECIS-binding domain from the M. thermoacetica SelB protein were assigned, and the degree of chemical shift perturbations that occur upon SECIS binding were mapped onto the structure of the complex. We demonstrate that a region in the third winged-helix domain of SelB, not previously implicated in binding, is affected by SECIS binding.  相似文献   

豇豆几丁质酶N端序列测定及与其它植物的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过自动 Edman降解程序 ,测定了经诱导、纯化的豇豆几丁质酶 N端 1 0个氨基酸的序列 ,并将该序列与其它植物几丁质酶 N端相应部分的氨基酸序列进行了比较分析。结果表明 ,该豇豆 ( Vigna sesquipedalis)几丁质酶 N端 1 0个氨基酸的序列为 EQCGSQAGGA,与 类几丁质酶同一部分同感序列同源性高达 1 0 0 % ;而与 、 及 类几丁质酶的相应序列均无同源性。结合考虑此酶的等电点 ( 8.3)及分子量 ( 33k D) ,可推测该豇豆几丁质酶属于 类几丁质酶。其 N端序列的高度保守性提示 ,该段序列可作为 类几丁质酶的一段主要特征序列 ,并可据其合成核酸探针 ,以分离、克隆其它 类几丁质酶编码基因。  相似文献   

Abstract The amino acid composition and sequence of the β-subunit of heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) purified from a porcine (LTp) strain, WT-1, of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was analysed, and the result was compared with that reported by Dallas and Falkow [Nature 288 (1980) 499-501] who deduced the amino acid sequence of LTp from data on the DNA sequence of a porcine strain, EWD299. The purified β-subunit of the LTp of WT-1 was carboxymethylated, succinylated, digested with chymotrypsin and subjected to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The amino acid composition of the peptide peaks from the column were analysed and compared with the data reported by Dallas and Falkow. Only one fraction differed in amino acid composition from that reported, containing lysine instead of methionine. This fraction was found to consist of two peptides with the sequences Lys-Ser-Gly-Glu-Thr-Phe and Arg-Ile-Thr-Tyr. The former peptide is reported to have the sequence Met-Ser-Gly-Glu-Thr-Phe. Thus, the amino acid at position 43 from the N terminus of the β-subunit of LTp is lysine, not methionine as reported. This is the first report which studied the amino acid sequence of LTp analysed by protein toxin itself, not by DNA sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Disintegrins represent a group of cysteine-rich peptides occurring in Crotalidae and Viperidae snake venoms, and are potent antagonists of several integrin receptors. A novel disintegrin, obtustatin, was isolated from the venom of the Vipera lebetina obtusa viper, and represents the first potent and selective inhibitor of the binding of integrin alpha(1)beta(1) to collagen IV. The primary structure of obtustatin contains 41 amino acids and is the shortest disintegrin described to date. Obtustatin shares the pattern of cysteines of other short disintegrins. However, in contrast to known short disintegrins, the integrin-binding loop of obtustatin is two residues shorter and does not express the classical RGD sequence. Using synthetic peptides, a KTS motif was identified as the integrin-binding sequence. A three-dimensional model of obtustatin, built by homology-modeling structure calculations using different templates and alignments, strongly indicates that the novel KTS motif may reside at the tip of a flexible loop.  相似文献   

A new non-protein amino acid, erythro-γ-hydroxyhomo-L-arginine has been isolated from seed of Lonchocarpus costaricensis by exploiting its property of interacting with borate ions. For structural comparisons, threo-γ-hydroxyhomo-L-arginine was isolated from seed of Lathyrus tingitanus and erythro-γ-hydroxyarginine from Vicia unijuga by novel procedures. The reasons for the interaction of borate with the erythro- but not the threo-forms of these amino acids are discussed.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of neuropolypeptide h3 from Homo sapiens brain has been determined. It revealed that h3 is the exact counterpart of the 21-kDa protein from Bos taurus brain and the 23-kDa protein from Rattus norvegicus brain: The three proteins belong to the same 21-23-kDa protein family. Multiple tissue Northern blots showed that the mRNA encoding the 21-23-kDa protein is expressed in different amounts according to tissues and species; it is particularly abundant in Rattus norvegicus testis.Correspondence to: F. Schoentgen  相似文献   

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