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Efforts to suppress an invasive weed are often undertaken with the goal of facilitating the recovery of a diverse native plant community. In some cases, however, reduction in the abundance of the target weed results in an increase in other exotic weeds. Mile‐a‐minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross (Polygonaceae)) is an annual vine from Asia that has invaded the eastern United States, where it can form dense monocultures. The host‐specific Asian weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was first released in the United States in 2004 as part of a classical biological control program. At three sites invaded by mile‐a‐minute weed, biological control was integrated with pre‐emergent herbicide use and two densities of native plantings. After 2 years, native plant cover differed significantly and was greater than 80% in the plots with plantings and pre‐emergent herbicide but less than 30% in the planting treatments without herbicide. Where mile‐a‐minute cover decreased at the two sites with the greatest pressure from exotic plants, plots were dominated by another exotic weed, Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus, Japanese stiltgrass. The combination of biocontrol, pre‐emergent herbicide, and revegetation with native plants suppressed mile‐a‐minute weed, prevented invasion by Japanese stiltgrass, and increased the abundance of native plants. The selection of the management strategies used to control mile‐a‐minute weed determined the extent of recovery of the native plant community.  相似文献   

An invasive weed can occupy a variety of environments and ecological niches and generally no single control method can be used across all areas the weed is found. Biological control agents integrated with other methods can increase and/or improve site-specific weed control, but such combinatorial approaches have not been widely utilized. The successful leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) control program provides examples for future integrated weed programs that utilize biological control agents with traditional methods. Weed control methods can be used separately, such as when the leafy spurge gall midge (Spurgia esulae Gagné) reduced seed production in wooded areas while herbicides prevented further spread outside the tree line. Traditional methods also can be used directly with biological control agents. Incorporation of Aphthona spp. with herbicides has resulted in more rapid and complete leafy spurge control than either method used alone. Also, the insect population often increased rapidly following herbicide treatment, especially in areas where Aphthona spp. were established for several years but had been ineffective. Incorporation of Aphthona spp. with sheep or goat grazing has resulted in a larger decline in leafy spurge production than insects alone and in weed density than grazing alone. Controlled burns can aid establishment of biological control agents in marginally suitable environments, but timing of the fire must be coordinated to the insect’s life-cycle to ensure survival. Integration of biological control agents with revegetation programs required the agent to be the last method introduced because the cultivation and herbicide treatments necessary to establish desirable grasses and forbs were destructive to the insect. In a practical application, herbicides were combined with Aphthona spp. to help the insect establish and control leafy spurge in the habitat of the western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak and Bowles), an endangered species. Several experimental designs can be used to evaluate biological control agents with cultural, mechanical, and chemical control methods or with additional biological agents.  相似文献   

In sugar beet production, weed control is one of the most important and most expensive practices to ensure yield. Since glyphosate-resistant sugar beets are not yet approved for cultivation in the EU, little commercial experience exists with these sugar beets in Europe. Experimental field trials were conducted at five environments (Germany, Poland, 2010, 2011) to compare the effects of glyphosate with the effects of conventional weed control programs on the development of weeds, weed control efficiency and yield. The results show that the glyphosate weed control programs compared to the conventional methods decreased not only the number of herbicide applications but equally in magnitude decreased the dosage of active ingredients. The results also showed effective weed control with glyphosate when the weed covering was greater and sugar beets had a later growth stage of four true leaves. Glyphosate-resistant sugar beets applied with the glyphosate herbicide two or three times had an increase in white sugar yield from 4 to 18 % in comparison to the high dosage conventional herbicide systems. In summary, under glyphosate management sugar beets can positively contribute to the increasingly demanding requirements regarding efficient sugar beet cultivation and to the demands by society and politics to reduce the use of chemical plant protection products in the environment.  相似文献   

Weed biocontrol programs aim to reduce the spread and population growth rate of the target plant while stabilizing or increasing populations of those native species considered under threat by invasive plants. This goal is not unique to weed biocontrol but applies to all other invasive plant management techniques, though such information is rarely collected. Without this information, success of management interventions can be ambiguous, and regulatory agencies, the public, policy makers, funders and land managers cannot be held accountable for chosen treatments. A fundamental reform, including use of demographic studies and long-term assessments, are essential to guide weed biocontrol programs. We propose to add use of plant demography (an assessment of how environmental factors and ecological interactions, for example competition, disease or herbivory, may affect plant populations by altering survival, growth, development and reproductive rates of plant individuals) during host specificity risk assessments of potential biological control agents. Demographic models can refine assessments of potential impacts for those plant species that experience some feeding or larval development during host specificity testing. Our proposed approach to focus on impact on plant demography instead of attack on plant individuals is useful in appropriately gauging threats potential weed biocontrol agents may pose to non-target species after field release.  相似文献   

The 'system management approach' of biological weed control was applied in a small-scale field experiment with celeriac (root celery), intersown with an inbred line of the annual weed Senecio vulgaris L. The naturalized rust fungus Puccinia lagenophorae Cooke (Basidiomycetes: Uredinales), a common and widespread pathogen of S. vulgaris in Europe, was introduced into parts of the plots, and its impact on the competitive balance between the crop and weed in the presence and absence of an additional herbicide treatment was studied. Competition by S. vulgaris (at a realized density of only 50 plants/m2) during the first 10 weeks of growth was substantial, reducing the fresh weight of the celeriac bulbs by 28%. The epidemic spread of the rust fungus was relatively fast, and the time to infection was similar to that in full-area applications. Inoculation with the rust fungus strongly reduced crop losses due to competition with S. vulgaris . The fresh weight of the celeriac bulbs in plots with both S. vulgaris and the fungus was not statistically diVerent from the celeriac yield in plots without S. vulgaris . This eVect was mainly the result of the reduced biomass of S. vulgaris , and not reduced survival. Infected plants may, therefore, still contribute to soil cover and may help to suppress later germinating weed species. Older plant stages were found to be infected earlier than younger stages. No significant interactions were observed between the eVects of the fungal infection and a low-dose application of the herbicide chlorbromuron on weed performance. Basic studies necessary to develop the system management approach further are discussed.  相似文献   

Creeping thistle or Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., is considered one of the world's worst weeds and the third most important weed in Europe. Biological control of this indigenous weed in Europe by use of native agents may provide a low-cost alternative to use of chemical or mechanical control measures and contribute to a more sustainable weed management. We investigated the potential of a shoot-base boring weevil, Apion onopordi Kirby (Coleoptera: Apionidae), for biological weed control, in the presence or absence of plant competition by three grass species. Infestation of thistle shoots by A. onopordi at natural infestation levels reduced above- and belowground plant performance after 2 years. Plant competition at natural levels had an overall greater effect than that of herbivory, significantly reducing both above- and belowground thistle performance in both years, thereby slowing the propagation of the weed. Weevil infestation and grass competition had a synergistic effect on C. arvense growth; the combined effects of the two factors was greater than the sum of both single-factor effects. The experiment revealed that A. onopordi promotes systemic infections of the rust fungus Puccinia punctiformis (Str.) Röhl in the year following weevil infestation. Systemically infected thistle shoots died before the end of the growing season. Although the direct effect of A. onopordi may not be sufficient to control creeping thistle, the synergistic interaction with plant competition and the indirect effect via promotion of systemic rust infections makes A. onopordi a promising agent for the biological control of this weed.  相似文献   

Many studies of plant competition have been directed towards understanding how plants respond to density in monocultures and how the presence of weeds affects yield in crops. In this Botanical Briefing, the development and current understanding of plant competition is reviewed, with particular emphasis being placed on the theory of plant competition and the development and application of mathematical models to crop-weed competition and the dynamics of weeds in crops. By consolidating the results of past research in this manner, it is hoped to offer a context in which researchers can consider the potential directions for future research in competition studies and its application to integrated weed management.  相似文献   

Disturbed natural areas frequently experience invasion by introduced plant species that can reduce native biodiversity. Biological control can suppress these introduced species, but without restoration another introduced species can invade. Integration of biological control with concurrent revegetation can both aid in weed reduction via interspecific plant competition and establish a restored native plant community. This 3‐year study investigated an integrated approach to controlling the introduced annual Mile‐a‐minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata [L.] H. Gross [Polygonaceae]) using the biocontrol weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and restoration planting using a native seed mix. A fully factorial design tested weevils and seeding, separately and together, using insecticide to eliminate weevils. The weevils together with the native seed mix reduced P. perfoliata percent cover in 2009 and 2010, and peak seed cluster production in 2010, compared to the insecticide ? no seed control treatment. Persicaria perfoliata final dry biomass was reduced by 75% in 2010 and by 57% in 2011 in the weevils plus seed treatment compared to the control, with weevils having the greatest effect in 2010 and the seed treatment having the greatest impact in 2011. Results suggest an additive effect of biocontrol and seeding in suppressing P. perfoliata. Seeded treatments also developed the highest native plant species richness and diversity, comprised of spontaneous recolonization in addition to species from the seed mix. Results support the use of integrated management of this invasive weed, with suppression through biological control and native revegetation together helping prevent reinvasion while restoring native plant biodiversity.  相似文献   

Parthenium hysterophorus L. is a weed of global significance that has become a major weed in Australia and many other parts of the world. A combined approach for the management of parthenium weed using biological control and plant suppression, was tested under field conditions over a two-year period in southern central Queensland. The six suppressive plant species, selected for their demonstrably suppressive ability in earlier glasshouse studies, worked synergistically with the biological control agents (Epiblema strenuana Walker, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister, Listronotus setosipennis Hustache and Puccinia abrupta var. partheniicola) present in the field to reduce the growth (above ground biomass) of parthenium weed, by between 60–86% and 47–91%, in Years 1 and 2, respectively. The biomass of the suppressive plants was between 6% and 23% greater when biological control agents were present than when the biological control agents had been excluded. This shows that parthenium weed can be more effectively managed by combining the current biological control management strategy with selected sown suppressive plant species, both in Australia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Invasive aquatic weeds are managed with herbicides to reduce their negative impacts on waterways in many areas, including the California Delta Region. Herbicides create a dynamic environment of living and decomposing plant matter that could affect larval mosquitoes and other invertebrates, such as their predators and competitors. Our objective was to compare the number of larval mosquitoes in water or water hyacinth, before and after an herbicide treatment. We created replicated pond mesocosms with water hyacinth, water hyacinth treated with glyphosate and an oil adjuvant, open water, and water with glyphosate plus adjuvant. We sampled for larval mosquitoes and other aquatic invertebrates. Before herbicide addition, there was a trend for more larval mosquitoes in open water tanks than in tanks with water hyacinth. Herbicide application resulted in an immediate decrease of larval mosquitoes. As decay progressed, larval mosquitoes became most abundant in mesocosms with herbicide‐treated hyacinth and very few larval mosquitoes were found in other habitat treatments. Although the numbers of predatory and competitor insects had some variation between treatments, no clear pattern emerged. This information on how invasive weed management with herbicides affects larval mosquitoes will allow control practices for larval mosquitoes and invasive weeds to be better integrated.  相似文献   

Both weed science and plant invasion science deal with noxious plants. Yet, they have historically developed as two distinct research areas in Europe, with different target species, approaches and management aims, as well as with diverging institutions and researchers involved. We argue that the strengths of these two disciplines can be highly complementary in implementing management strategies and outline how synergies were created in an international, multidisciplinary project to develop efficient and sustainable management of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Because this species has severe impacts on human health and is also a crop weed in large parts of Europe, common ragweed is one of the economically most important plant invaders in Europe. Our multidisciplinary approach combining expertise from weed science and plant invasion science allowed us (i) to develop a comprehensive plant demographic model to evaluate and compare management tools, such as optimal cutting regimes and biological control for different regions and habitat types, and (ii) to assess benefits and risks of biological control. It further (iii) showed ways to reconcile different stakeholder interests and management objectives (health versus crop yield), and (iv) led to an economic model to assess invader impact across actors and domains, and effectiveness of control measures. (v) It also led to design and implement management strategies in collaboration with the various stakeholder groups affected by noxious weeds, created training opportunities for early stage researchers in the sustainable management of noxious plants, and actively promoted improved decision making regarding the use of exotic biocontrol agents at the national and European level. We critically discuss our achievements and limitations, and list and discuss other potential Old World (Afro-Eurasian) target species that could benefit from applying such an integrative approach, as typical invasive alien plants are increasingly reported from crop fields and native crop weeds are invading adjacent non-crop land, thereby forming new source populations for further spread.  相似文献   

The effective control of highly invasive weeds in Australia is an important conservation management action. In this study, we monitored the outcome of herbicide control on high‐threat weeds in the wet forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria. Twenty‐two control (no weed control) and 32 treatment (weed control) plots were surveyed annually over 24 months. Initial results show that weed cover and frequency decreased substantially in response to weed control; however, it is too early to determine the response of native species. We recommend that herbicide control and the associated monitoring programme be continued, and depending on the outcomes, data should be used to develop a more integrated management strategy.  相似文献   

Rice cultivars resistant to broad‐spectrum herbicides have been developed and their commercial release is imminent, especially for imidazolinone and glufosinate resistant varieties in the USA and Latin America. Glyphosate‐resistant rice should follow within a few years. Rice growers throughout the world could benefit from the introduction of herbicide‐resistant rice cultivars that would allow in‐crop, selective control of weedy Oryza species. Other perceived benefits are the possibility to control ‘hard‐to‐kill’ weed species and weed populations that have already evolved resistance to herbicides currently used in rice production, especially those of the Echinochloa species complex. Weed management could also be improved by more efficient post‐emergence control. Introduction of herbicide resistant rice could also bring areas heavily infested with weedy rice that have been abandoned back to rice production, allow longer term crop rotations, reduce consumption of fossil fuels, promote the replacement of traditional chemicals by more environmentally benign products, and provide more rice grain without adding new land to production. There are also concerns, however, about the impact of releasing herbicide‐resistant rice on weed problems. Of most concern is the possibility of rapid transfer of the resistance trait to compatible weedy Oryza species. Development of such herbicide resistant weedy rice populations would substantially limit the chemical weed management options for farmers. Herbicide‐resistant rice volunteers also could become problematic, and added selection pressure to weed populations could aggravate already serious weed resistance problems. Because of the risk of weedy Oryza species becoming resistant to broad‐spectrum herbicides, mitigating measures to prevent gene flow, eventually attainable by both conventional breeding and molecular genetics, have been proposed. With commercialisation of the first herbicide resistant varieties planned for 2001, these mitigating measures will not be available for use with this first generation of herbicide resistant rice products. Release of herbicide resistant rice should depend on a thorough risk assessment especially in areas infested with con‐specific weedy rice or intercrossing weedy Oryza species. Regulators will have to balance risks and benefits based on local needs and conditions before allowing commercialisation of herbicide‐resistant rice varieties. If accepted, these varieties should be considered as components of integrated weed management, and a rational herbicide use and weedy rice control should be promoted to prevent losing this novel tool.  相似文献   

It is clearly seen from data that roots of Convolvulus arvensis L. have more and less intensive regenerative period during growing season. The more intensive period is in autumn, because in that time roots culminate nutrients, carbohydrate as starch and sugar. The less intensive regenerative or shoot-growing period is in spring, called "late spring bud dormancy". Experiments were conducted to get more information and further details about the regenerative capacity of roots close to and far from the collar of Convolvulus arvensis L. Root segments closer to collar have an intensive regenerative capacity than those ones further to collar. By data of Bakke et al. (1939) is well known, roots exhumed from deep soil layers are able to create shoots with low intensity. So finally we can exclaim that regenerative capacity is decreasing further to collar. Using mechanical weed control it is sufficient to till the upper layer of soil, but many times. Chemical treatments are most effective in the integrated weed control. It is clearly seen that auxin-type herbicide such as 2,4-D, fluroxipir, MCPA. dicamba give the best result. They gave 95% weed control effect used them separately or in combination with other herbicides. Combination of Banvel 480 S (dicamba) and Logran 75 WG (triasulfuron) introduced 95% weed control effect. Only one time got absolutely 100% weed control effect, in the case of Glyphosate active substance. Caused total plant destruction. Excellent result was given with the application of Pledge 50WP (flumioxazin). Herbicides mentioned above are absolutely allowed to take an important and significant part in chemical plant protection against Convolvulus arvensis L. Other herbicides like Granstar 75DF (tribenuron-methyl), Basis 75DF (rimsulfuron + tifensulfuron-methyl) and Huszár (jodosulfuron-methyl-sodium + mefenpir-diethyl) are not so effective against Convolvulus arvensis L., as compared to the previous ones.  相似文献   

Restoration of native plant communities through direct seeding often experience low seedling establishment success rates, partly due to competition with invasive weed species. To improve seeding success, herbicides can be applied to control weed competition, however, this can have negative impacts on the seeded species. Activated carbon (AC) can be incorporated into newly developed seed enhancement technologies to adsorb herbicides and increase seedling tolerance. This study expands upon research completed to date, by developing new formulations of extruded pellets containing AC, aiming to provide increased protection to seeded species and increase herbicide selectivity. We tested six extruded pellet formulations, which included two pellet formula variations, and three quantities of AC, to examine the impact on emergence (without herbicide) and mortality (with herbicide) of Lolium rigidum Gaudin (annual ryegrass). Extruded pellet formulations containing a superabsorbent polymer (3%) and AC (10%) did not impede emergence (79%), in the absence of herbicide, similar to the non‐pelleted seeds (81%). This extruded pellet formulation increased seedling tolerance to Simazine (a pre‐emergent, soil applied herbicide) application, with mortality reduced from 96% in non‐pelleted seeds, and 77% in pellets containing no AC, to 22% in pellets containing AC. The results from this study demonstrate that AC extruded pelleting can be used as a restoration seeding technology by protecting seeds from the negative effects of pre‐emergent herbicide applications. Field evaluations with native seeds will mark an important step forward to ensure seed enhancement technology options, such as AC extruded pelleting, are available for restoring natural plant communities in restoration programs.  相似文献   

After biocontrol: Assessing indirect effects of insect releases   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Development of biological control agents for weeds has been motivated by the need to reduce the abundance and distribution of a pest plant where chemical and mechanical control were not cost effective. Primary objectives have been direct reduction in abundance of the target and, secondarily, the increase of desirable species. Recently, wildland weeds have become a focus of biological control projects. Here, desired outcomes include both reduction of the target and indirect effects of increased diversity and abundance of native species and restoration of ecosystem services. However, goals and benefits of biocontrol programs are not always well-articulated and direct and indirect impacts are not easily predicted. We evaluated the extent to which several successful biological control projects for weeds of rangelands and waterways measured indirect impacts on invaded ecosystems. We also examined biocontrol of a wildland pest tree for which the principal objective is restoration of ecosystem services. We found few quantitative assessments of the impacts of pest plant reduction on community composition or ecosystem processes. All examples documented variation in the impacts of agent(s) across the invasive range of the target plant as well as variation in impacts on the invaded ecosystem. However, without appropriate quantitative information, we cannot evaluate site characteristics that may influence vegetation responses. Most successful weed management programs integrated the use of biocontrol agents with other weed management strategies, especially modifications of disturbance and competing vegetation. Discussion and evaluation of responses of nontarget species would improve our understanding of the context-specificity of outcomes.  相似文献   

Plant-mediated indirect interactions among herbivores (arthropods and pathogens) are common and extensively reported in the ecological literature. However, they are not well-documented with respect to weed biological control. Such interactions between biological control agents can have net positive or negative impacts on total weed suppression depending on the strength of the interaction(s), the relative importance of the agent indirectly impacted, and the combined weed suppression that results. A better understanding of plant-mediated interactions may improve decision-making about which agents to introduce in classical biological control programs for greatest impact on invasive weeds. This paper reviews the subject, including examples from the biological control literature; outlines the need for research on indirect effects of herbivores on other herbivores; discusses how such knowledge may strengthen classical biological control programs for invasive weeds; and provides recommendations for the kind of studies that should be done and how information about plant-mediated interactions could be integrated into agent evaluation protocols, to assist in decision-making about agents for importation and release.  相似文献   

Conventionally bred (CHT) and genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) crops have changed weed management practices and made an important contribution to the global production of some commodity crops. However, a concern is that farm management practices associated with the cultivation of herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops further deplete farmland biodiversity and accelerate the evolution of herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds. Diversification in crop systems and weed management practices can enhance farmland biodiversity, and reduce the risk of weeds evolving herbicide resistance. Therefore, HT crops are most effective and sustainable as a component of an integrated weed management (IWM) system. IWM advocates the use of multiple effective strategies or tactics to manage weed populations in a manner that is economically and environmentally sound. In practice, however, the potential benefits of IWM with HT crops are seldom realized because a wide range of technical and socio-economic factors hamper the transition to IWM. Here, we discuss the major factors that limit the integration of HT crops and their associated farm management practices in IWM systems. Based on the experience gained in countries where CHT or GMHT crops are widely grown and the increased familiarity with their management, we propose five actions to facilitate the integration of HT crops in IWM systems within the European Union.  相似文献   

When used alone, only a minority of biological control programs succeed in bringing the target pest population under sufficient control. Biological control is, therefore, usually employed with chemical, cultural, genetic or other methods in an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy. The interactions between different pest management methods, especially conventional pesticides and host plant resistance, is an area of growing research interest but relatively little consideration is given to novel combinations. This paper reviews the interactions between biological control and other forms of pest management, especially induced plant defences and the novel, non-toxic plant protection compounds that may boost these defences; and sterile insect technique. We also cover the cultural methods that offer scope to support synergies between the aforementioned methodological combinations. We conclude that despite the sometimes negative consequences of other pest management techniques for biological control efficacy, there is great scope for new strategies to be developed that exploit synergies between biological control and various other techniques. Ultimately, however, we propose that future use of biological control will involve integration at a greater conceptual scale such that this important form of pest management is promoted as one of a suite of ecosystem services that can be engineered into farming systems and wider landscapes.  相似文献   

Ploidy level is important in biodiversity studies and in developing strategies for isolating important plant genes. Many herbicide-resistant weed species are polyploids, but our understanding of these polyploid weeds is limited. Japanese foxtail, a noxious agricultural grass weed, has evolved herbicide resistance. However, most studies on this weed have ignored the fact that there are multiple copies of target genes. This may complicate the study of resistance mechanisms. Japanese foxtail was found to be a tetraploid by flow cytometer and chromosome counting, two commonly used methods in the determination of ploidy levels. We found that there are two copies of the gene encoding plastidic acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) in Japanese foxtail and all the homologous genes are expressed. Additionally, no difference in ploidy levels or ACCase gene copy numbers was observed between an ACCase-inhibiting herbicide-resistant and a herbicide-sensitive population in this study.  相似文献   

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