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The crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) invaded Bird island, Seychelles, in the 1980s. In 1997, its range expanded and population densities increased. The impacts of this change were studied in 2001 using a combination of arthropod collecting methods. The ant population excluded larger invertebrates (principally the large ant Odontomachus simillimus and the crabs, principally Ocypode spp.). Cockroaches, however, remained abundant in ant-infested areas and tree-nesting birds (Lesser Noddy Anous tenuirostris) appear to be able to breed successfully in the presence of the crazy ant. The ants are only abundant in areas of deep shade which provide cool nesting areas, yet enabling them to forage in the open when ground temperatures fall. The expansion of the ants was correlated with the regeneration of woodland on the island. Recommendations are made for the management of the woodland which may reduce the impacts of the crazy ant.  相似文献   

Ant invasions exert a range of effects on recipient communities, from displacement of particular species to more complex community disruption. While species loss has been recorded for a number of invasion events, a little examined aspect of these invasions is the mechanisms for coexistence with resident ant species.The yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes (Smith), is considered one of the world’s worst ant invaders and has recently undergone rapid population growth in Tokelau. We surveyed the ground-dwelling ant fauna in two plots on each of five invaded and three uninvaded islands across two atolls in Tokelau to examine community characteristics of the ant fauna in areas with and without yellow crazy ants. We also used three types of food bait (tuna, jam and peanut butter) to experimentally test if species are able to coexist by consuming different food resources. Anoplolepis gracilipes was found to coexist with two to six other ant species at any one site, and coexisted with a total of 11 ant species. Four species never co-occurred with A. gracilipes. Non-metric multidimensional scaling showed significant differences in community composition and the relative abundance of species between areas that had, and had not, been invaded by A. gracilipes. The number of other ant species was significantly lower in communities invaded by the yellow crazy ant, but did not decline with increasing A. gracilipes abundance, indicating that impacts were independent of population density. The yellow crazy ant dominated all tuna and jam baits, but had a low attendance on peanut butter, allowing four other ant species to access this resource. Our results demonstrate community level impacts of an ant invader on a tropical oceanic atoll and suggest that differing use of food resources can facilitate coexistence in ant communities. Received 11 September 2006; revised 15 January 2007; accepted 22 February 2007.  相似文献   

Key to the management of invasive species is an understanding of the scope of an invasion, the rate of proliferation and the rate at which invaded habitats become degraded. This study examines the spatial dynamics of high-density supercolonies of the invasive yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes , on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, and the associated impacts at their boundaries. Since the early 1990s, A. gracilipes supercolonies have occupied over 30% of the 10,000 ha of rainforest on Christmas Island. Thirty-four discrete high-density supercolonies formed between 1989 and 2003, ranging in size across nearly three orders of magnitude from 0.9 to 787 ha. Supercolonies boundaries are diffuse, and ants were observed in low densities in some cases up to 200 m from the main high-density supercolony. The 13 boundaries examined were all dynamic over a 10–20 observation month period: nine boundaries expanded, and the maximum rate of spread was 0.5 m day−1. Across boundary transition zones, between high-density supercolonies and intact rainforest, yellow crazy ants reduced other ant species richness, occupied red crab burrows and killed resident red crabs, which was the trigger for 'invasional meltdown' on Christmas Island. The highly variable and unpredictable nature of A. gracilipes boundaries poses a challenge for incorporation into a predictive framework, as well as for their management.  相似文献   

Predator–prey interactions play a key role in the success and impacts of invasive species. However, the effects of invasive preys on native predators have been poorly studied. Here, we first reviewed hypotheses describing potential relationships between native predators and invasive preys. Second, we examined how an invasive prey, the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile), affected a native terrestrial amphibian community. In the field, we looked at the structure of the amphibian community in invaded versus uninvaded areas and characterized amphibian trophic ecology. The amphibian community sampled seemed to show a species-dependent response in abundance to invasion: adults of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita), the species demonstrating the highest degree of ant specialization, were less abundant in invaded areas. Although available ant biomass was significantly greater in invaded than in uninvaded areas (only Argentine ants occurred in the former), amphibians consumed relatively fewer ants in invaded areas. In the lab, we quantified amphibian consumption of Argentine ants versus native ants and assessed whether consumption patterns could have been influenced by prior exposure to the invader. The lab experiments corroborated the field results: amphibians preferred native ants over Argentine ants, and prior exposure did not influence consumption. Differences in preference explained why amphibians consumed fewer Argentine ants in spite of their greater relative availability; they might also explain why the most ant-specialized amphibians seemed to avoid invaded areas. Our results suggest the importance to account for predator feeding capacities and dietary ranges to understand the effects of invasive species at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

The abundance of many invasive species can vary substantially over time, with dramatic population declines and local extinctions frequently observed in a wide range of taxa. We highlight population crashes of invasive ants, which are some of the most widespread and damaging invasive animals. Population collapse or substantial declines have been observed in nearly all of the major invasive ant species including the yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes), Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), big-headed or coastal brown ant (Pheidole megacephala), the tropical fire ant (Solenopsis geminata), red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta), and the little fire ant or electric ant (Wasmannia auropunctata). These declines frequently attract little attention, especially compared with their initial invasion phase. Suggested mechanisms for population collapse include pathogens or parasites, changes in the food availability, or even long-term effects of the reproductive biology of invasive ants. A critical component of the collapses may be a reduction in the densities of the invasive ant species, which are often competitively weak in low abundance. We propose that mechanisms causing a reduction in invasive ant abundance may initiate a local extinction vortex. Declines in abundance likely reduce the invasive ant’s competitive ability, resource acquisition and defense capability. These reductions could further reduce the abundance of an invasive ant species, and so on. Management of invasive ants through the use of pesticides is expensive, potentially ecologically harmful, and can be ineffective. We argue that pesticide use may even have the potential to forestall natural population declines and collapses. We propose that in order to better manage these invasive ants, we need to understand and capitalize on features of their population dynamics that promote population collapse.  相似文献   

Invasional 'meltdown' on an oceanic island   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Islands can serve as model systems for understanding how biological invasions affect community structure and ecosystem function. Here we show invasion by the alien crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes causes a rapid, catastrophic shift in the rain forest ecosystem of a tropical oceanic island, affecting at least three trophic levels. In invaded areas, crazy ants extirpate the red land crab, the dominant endemic consumer on the forest floor. In doing so, crazy ants indirectly release seedling recruitment, enhance species richness of seedlings, and slow litter breakdown. In the forest canopy, new associations between this invasive ant and honeydew‐secreting scale insects accelerate and diversify impacts. Sustained high densities of foraging ants on canopy trees result in high population densities of host‐generalist scale insects and growth of sooty moulds, leading to canopy dieback and even deaths of canopy trees. The indirect fallout from the displacement of a native ‘keystone’ species by an ant invader, itself abetted by introduced/cryptogenic mutualists, produces synergism in impacts to precipitate invasional ‘meltdown’ in this system.  相似文献   

Invasive ants are a significant conservation concern and can have far-reaching effects in ecosystems they invade. We used the experimental control of ant numbers on two pairs of small (<5 ha) offshore islets dominated by either the big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala or the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata to investigate the influence of these species on seabird hatching success, fledging success and weight. Limited unpublished observations of both ant species attacking nesting seabirds exist, but the frequency of attacks or how they affect seabird growth and survival are unknown. Island-wide treatments with hydramethylnon resulted in the eradication of P. megacephala and the temporary reduction of S. geminata densities. No difference in hatching success, growth, or fledging success of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus), a common colonial nesting seabird in the Hawaiian Islands was observed on the pair of islets dominated by P. megacephala. On islets dominated by S. geminata, ant control resulted in a temporary increase in fledging success. Injury frequency increased dramatically on the untreated islet (8.3–100%) while remaining the same on the treated islet (27–38%). Severely injured chicks (i.e., chicks that lost >20% of tissue on their feet) weighed significantly less than uninjured chicks and did not fledge. It is unclear if the chicks were being preyed upon or stung in defense of nearby ant colonies. Radical changes in invasive ant populations have been noted, and booming ant populations could cause short-term, but widespread damage to seabird colonies. The negative effects of invasive ants on seabirds may be difficult to detect, and therefore unknown or underestimated throughout the world where the two groups overlap.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a global problem but most studies have focused on their direct rather than indirect ecological effects. We studied litter and soil‐inhabiting invertebrate communities on 18 islands off northern New Zealand, to better understand the indirect ecological consequences of rat (Rattus) invasion. Nine islands host high densities of burrowing procellariid seabirds that transport large amounts of nutrients from the ocean to the land. The other nine have been invaded over the past 50–150 years by rat species that have severely reduced the density of seabirds by preying on eggs and chicks. Invaded islands had lower densities of seabird burrows but deeper forest litter than did the uninvaded islands, indicative of rats reducing disturbance effects of seabirds. However, despite deeper litter on the invaded islands, eight of the 19 orders of invertebrates that we measured were significantly less abundant on invaded islands. Furthermore, three soil‐inhabiting micro‐invertebrate groups that we measured were significantly less abundant on invaded islands. These differences probably result from rats thwarting transfer of resources by seabirds from the ocean to the land. We also investigated community‐level properties of each of three test groups of invertebrates (minute land snails, spiders and soil nematodes) to illustrate this process. Spiders were equally abundant on both groups of islands, but showed lower species richness on the invaded islands. The other two groups showed no difference in species richness with island invasion status, but were more abundant on uninvaded islands. Reduced abundance of soil nematodes on invaded islands provides strong evidence of indirect consequences of seabird reduction by rats, because nematodes are unavailable to rats as prey. We predict that if rats are eradicated from islands, components of below‐ground invertebrate dependent on seabird‐mediated soil conditions may take considerable time to recover because they require subsequent seabird recolonisation.  相似文献   

Myrmecochorous plants produce seeds with lipid-rich appendages (elaiosomes) which act as a reward for seed-dispersing ants. Seed dispersal is important for exotic species, which often need to establish new mutualistic interactions in order to colonize new non-native habitats. However, little is known about the importance of elaiosomes for seed removal in many of their non-native ranges. We studied ant–seed interactions of elaiosome-bearing and elaiosome-removed seeds of the Australian trees Acacia dealbata and Acacia longifolia in order to assess the relative importance of elaiosomes for seed removal between their native (Australia) and non-native (Portugal) ranges. In Portugal, we also studied the co-occurring native plant species with myrmecochorous seeds, Pterospartum tridentatum and Ulex europaeus, across three contiguous levels of acacia invasion: control (i.e. no acacia), low, and high acacia tree density. Acacia seeds were successfully removed by ants in their non-native region by a diversified assemblage of ant species, even in sites where native plants interacted with only one specialized ant species. In the invaded range, diminishing relative importance of elaiosomes was associated with changes in the ant community due to acacia invasion, and for A. dealbata, ant species richness decreased with increasing acacia tree density. Although seed removal was high for both acacia species, the importance of elaiosomes was proportionally lower for A. dealbata in the non-native region. Native plant species experienced significant reductions in seed removal in areas highly invaded by acacia, identifying another mechanism of displacement of native plants by acacias.  相似文献   

Invasive plants may establish strong interactions with species in their new range which could limit or enhance their establishment and spread. These interactions depend upon traits of the invader and the recipient community, and may alter interactions among native species. In the Patagonian steppe we studied interactions of native ant assemblages with seeds of native and exotic plants, and asked whether ant–seed interactions differ with seed types and disturbance levels and whether the amount and type of ant–seed interactions can be predicted if both ant and seed traits are known. To characterize and quantify ant–seed interactions, we offered baits with large seeds of Pappostipa speciosa (native) and medium-sized elaiosome-bearing seeds of Carduus thoermeri (exotic), near and far from a road (high vs. low disturbed areas), and compared ant abundance and composition between areas. Interaction frequency was the highest for C. thoermeri seeds far from the road. Composition of ants interacting with C. thoermeri in these areas differed from that near the road and from that interacting with native seeds. Ant composition and abundance were similar between areas, but some species interacted more with exotic seeds in low disturbed areas. Ant foraging type predicted ant–seed interactions since the abundance of seed harvesters was positively correlated to interactions with P. speciosa, and that of generalists and predators, with interactions with C. thoermeri. The high interaction of ants with exotic seeds in low invaded areas suggests that ant activity could influence plant invasion, either by predating or dispersing seeds of invasive plants.  相似文献   

Many plants have mutualistic relationships with ants, whereby plants provide food and/or nesting sites for the symbiotic ants, and in turn the ants protect the host plants by excluding herbivores. While the ants are useful as guards, they may negatively affect host reproduction by excluding pollinators. Here we studied this potential conflict in the myrmecophytic Macaranga winkleri pollinated by the thrips Dolichothrips fialae. Behavioural responses of ant guards to pollinator thrips and their chemicals, and related chemical analyses, provide evidence that thrips deter ant-guards by secreting droplets containing ant-repelling n-decanoic acid from their anuses. This is the first report of insect pollinators repelling their host’s symbiotic guard ants to perform pollination. This is a novel strategy by which a plant host avoids interference with pollination by ant-guards in an ant–plant mutualism. The acquisition of a pollination system that is resistant to ant attacks may have facilitated the evolution of myrmecophytes in the genus Macaranga.  相似文献   

The longhorn crazy ant (Paratrechina longicornis) is a globally distributed ant species with a high invasion risk, suggesting the need to use species distribution modeling to evaluate its potential distribution. Therefore, this study aimed to predict the potential distribution of longhorn crazy ants in response to climate change by using CLIMEX and Maxent and identifying the climatic factors that influence their habitat. Then, the model outcomes were used to construct an ensemble map to evaluate invasion risk in South Korea. The results indicated that temperature-related variables mainly affect the distribution of the longhorn crazy ant, and the two models showed consensus regions in South America, Africa, Australia, and Southeast Asia. Due to climate change, it was expected that the northern limit would somewhat rise. In South Korea, high-risk areas were predicted to be located along the coasts, but they would expand as a consequence of climate change. Since the invasion of longhorn crazy ants has occurred via commercial trades, a relatively high risk in coastal areas demands a high level of attention. We expect that this study will provide initial insight into selecting areas for longhorn crazy ant quarantine with ensemble species distribution modeling.  相似文献   

Yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes (F. Smith); “YCA”) is known for its aggressive predatory ability and ability to exert exploitation competition on both native and other invasive ants via floral nectar. We argue that YCA invasion can exert both interference and exploitation competition on legitimate pollinators. In pumpkin fields (Cucurbita maxima L.) of south India, YCA infested the flowers, particularly the pistillate flowers, for nectar foraging. Pumpkin is a honey bee-mediated cross-pollinated monoecious plant that produces disproportionately very few pistillate flowers. We hypothesize that YCA presence in the flowers can affect the visitation rate and foraging time of honey bees in the flowers, the fruit set in pumpkins, and can exert predatory pressure on the honey bees if the bees linger in ant-colonized flowers. Both YCA and honey bees preferred to forage on the limited pistillate flowers in the plants. After colonizing the flowers, YCA did not retreat for hours, even upon disturbance by competitors, such as honey bees. Both the visitation frequency and the foraging time of honey bees were drastically reduced in ant-colonized flowers, and none of the ant-colonized flowers developed into fruits, suggesting that the YCA exert both an ecological and evolutionary pressure on pumpkin. The ants preyed upon about 17% of the honey bees that lingered in ant-colonized flowers, and the time the bees spent foraging predicted the fate of the bees. Exploitation competition exerted by the YCA on pumpkin may have far-reaching consequences for the pollination and productivity of this cash crop.  相似文献   

The introduced yellow crazy ant or long-legged ant Anoplolepis gracilipes was first reported in Seychelles in 1969 and now occurs on at least nine islands in the Central Seychelles. We describe the yellow crazy ant's effects on vegetation and invertebrate communities on one of these, Bird Island; in 2000, Anoplolepis (first reported in 1991) occurred there at densities at least 80 times higher than on other islands in the Central Seychelles. They were associated with high densities of coccid scale insects on foliage, especially of the native tree Pisonia grandis, in some instances causing tree death. Yellow crazy ants on Bird Island also significantly affected invertebrate communities on foliage and on the ground, both in terms of taxonomic composition and the density of specific taxa, apparently causing the local exclusion of some invertebrates.  相似文献   

Introduced species can cause major disruptions to ecosystems, particularly on islands. On Christmas Island, the invasive yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) has detrimental impacts on many animals ranging from the iconic red crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis) to the Christmas Island Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus). However, the full extent of its effects on the island's fauna is not yet known. In this study, we investigated the impact of the yellow crazy ants on the island's last native mammal: the Christmas Island flying‐fox (Pteropus natalis). This species has been described as a keystone species, but has recently experienced substantial population decline to the extent that it is now listed as Critically Endangered. We examined the impacts of the yellow crazy ants on the roosting behavior of the Christmas Island flying‐fox, and on its local and island‐wide distribution patterns. We showed that the crazy ants increased behaviors in the flying‐foxes that were associated with avoidance of noxious stimuli and decreased behaviors associated with resting. Roost tree selection and roost site location were not related to variation in the abundance of crazy ants on the island. Our results indicate that the crazy ants interfere with the activity budgets of the flying‐foxes. However, the flying‐foxes failed to relocate to ant‐free roost trees or roost sites when confronted with the noxious ant, suggesting that the flying‐foxes are either not sufficiently disturbed to override strong cultural attachment to roosts, or, are behaving maladaptively due to ecological naïveté.  相似文献   

Biological invasions can have severe and widespread impacts on ecological communities. A few species of ants have become particularly damaging invaders but quantitative data of their impacts on many taxa is still lacking. We provide experimental evidence using artificial nests baited with quail eggs that the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) can be a significant avian nest predator – Argentine ants recruited to more nests and in higher abundance than the native ant species they displace. However, at a site invaded by Argentine ants, we monitored over 400 nests of a ground-nesting species, the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis), and found that less than 2% of nests failed as a result of Argentine ant predation/infestation. A review of the literature also suggests that Argentine ants may not be a serious threat to bird nests relative to other predators or parasites. However, invasive ants with the capability of overwhelming prey though stinging (specifically the red-imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta), may have a higher impact on avian nesting success. Received 14 January 2005; revised 28 April 2005; accepted 12 May 2005.  相似文献   

Macaranga is a tree genus that includes many species of myrmecophytes, which are plants that harbor ant colonies within hollow structures known as domatia. The symbiotic ants (plant–ants) protect their host plants against herbivores; this defense mechanism is called ‘ant defense’. A Bornean phasmid species Orthomeria cuprinus feeds on two myrmecophytic Macaranga species, Macaranga beccariana and Macaranga hypoleuca, which are obligately associated with Crematogaster ant species. The phasmids elude the ant defense using specialized behavior. However, the mechanisms used by the phasmid to overcome ant defenses have been insufficiently elucidated. We hypothesized that O. cuprinus only feeds on individual plants with weakened ant defenses. To test the hypothesis, we compared the ant defense intensity in phasmid-infested and non-infested M. beccariana trees. The number of plant–ants on the plant surface, the ratio of plant–ant biomass to tree biomass, and the aggressiveness of plant–ants towards experimentally introduced herbivores were significantly lower on the phasmid-infested trees than on the non-infested trees. The phasmid nymphs experimentally introduced into non-infested trees, compared with those experimentally introduced into phasmid-infested trees, were more active on the plant surface, avoiding the plant–ants. These results support the hypothesis and suggest that ant defenses on non-infested trees effectively prevent the phasmids from remaining on the plants. Thus, we suggest that O. cuprinus feeds only on the individual M. beccariana trees having decreased ant defenses, although the factors that reduce the intensity of the ant defenses remain unclear.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal mutualisms are essential to ensure the survival of diverse plant species and communities worldwide. Here, we investigated whether the invasive Argentine ant can replace native ants by fulfilling their functional role in the seed dispersal of the rare and threatened endemic myrmecochorous plant, Anchusa crispa, in Corsica (France). Our study addressed the potential of Linepithema humile to disperse elaiosome-bearing seeds of A. crispa, examining L. humile’s effects on (1) the composition of communities of ants removing seeds, (2) the number of seed removals, (3) seed preference, (4) the distance of seed dispersion, and (5) seed germination. We caught seven native species at the control site, but only the Argentine ant at invaded sites. L humile removed A. crispa seeds in greater numbers than did native ants, respectively 66 and 23%, probably due to their higher worker density. The invader was similar to native ants with respect to distance of seed transport. Finally, rates of seed germination were not significantly different between seeds previously in contact with either Argentine ants or not. Taken all together, these results suggest that the Argentine ant is unlikely to pose a threat to A. crispa population. These results have important implications for the management of this rare and threatened endemic plant and provide an example of non-negative interactions between invasive and native species.  相似文献   

Many organisms use chemicals to deter enemies. Some spiders can modify the composition of their silk to deter predators from climbing onto their webs. The Malaysian golden orb-weaver Nephila antipodiana (Walckenaer) produces silk containing an alkaloid (2-pyrrolidinone) that functions as a defense against ant invasion—ants avoid silk containing this chemical. In the present study, we test the generality of ants’ silk avoidance behavior in the field. We introduced three ant species to the orb webs of Nephila clavipes (Linnaeus) in the tropical rainforest of La Selva, Costa Rica. We found that predatory army ants (Eciton burchellii Westwood) as well as non-predatory leaf-cutting ants (Atta cephalotes Linnaeus and Acromyrmex volcanus Wheeler) avoided adult N. clavipes silk, suggesting that an additional species within genus Nephila may possess ant-deterring silk. Our field assay also suggests that silk avoidance behavior is found in multiple ant species.  相似文献   

Mainly through trampling and manuring, ground-nesting seabirds induced significant habitat changes both on vegetation cover and soil in one of the largest French colonies of European Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus, Habitat deterioration led to a high level of erosion and the collapse of many former Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus burrows previously occupied by breeding Storm Petrels. The loss of burrows accelerated in recent years since Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo bred on the islet with growing numbers. The main consequence of this disturbance was at first shifting of breeding Storm Petrels from burrows to rocky sites, reflecting some behavioral plasticity to buffer environmental variability. But over 18 years, a significant decrease in breeding numbers of Storm Petrels was recorded and attributed to continuous nest site destruction. Thus, other behavioral responses were also suspected, such as temporary non-breeding or emigration of birds that have to find a new nest site. Such a problem of heavy erosion and loss of nesting habitat could induce serious detrimental effects on burrowing seabirds breeding in a limited number of colonies.  相似文献   

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