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Summary Knowledge of the spatial structure of benthic algal vegetations in salt marshes, consisting of about 100 species of blue-green, green, brown and red algae, formed the basis of a detailed study into the dynamics of the algal mat.The temporal changes in algal vegetations and concomitant processes in their environment were studied in 27 permanent quadrats (PQs), plotted in tidal salt marshes and along brackish inland waters in the SW Netherlands. Once a month vegetation and environment of the PQs were examined over the period March 1968-February 1971. From the Spearman rank-correlation between vegetational and environmental parameters it appeared that in semiterrestrial and terrestrial environments the average number of algal species in a relevé and the average similarity between the species composition of successive relevés obtained from one PQ have a significant positive correlation with the stability of the substrate, and hardly any correlation with fluetuations in soil-moisture content and salinity of the soil moisture and with the maximum cover percentage of the phanerogams.Stable substrates tend to bear stable algal mats, as appeared from quantitative data. Small and moderate fluctuations in soil-moisture content and salinity of the soil moisture have no limiting influence on the algal cover degree. During periods of extremely high salinity and concomitant extremely low soil-moisture contents that coincide with evaporation surpluses, the green algal mat bleaches and decreases in cover in semi-terrestrial and terrestrial environments. Below 20% the soil-moisture content is limiting for the expansion of a mat of green algae (Rhizoclonium riparium, Percursaria percursa, Enteromorpha torta, E. prolifera) and Vaucheria species. The mat desiceates and bleaches but recovers after increase of the soil-moisture content above 20% within one month. Two weeks of severe frost (temperature down to – 10°C) do not influence the cover degree of the algal mat in aquatic branckish PQs, but the cover degree in semi-terrestrial PQs decreases. Short lasting soil-moisture salinities of 130–190 Cl have no limiting effect on the expansion of the algal mat.Nomenclature authorities are given in Table 3.Contribution to the Symposium of the Working Group for Succession Research on Permanent Plots, held at Yerseke, The Netherlands, October 1975.Communication No. 163 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke.  相似文献   

Summary In April 1976,Vaucheria lii Rieth was found within a cultivated algal sample which was collected from a lowland brook near the village of Milsbeek, Prov. Limburg (The Netherlands) on February 10th of the same year.V. lii occurred, intermingled in aVaucheria-mat withV. aversa Hass.,V. prona Christ.,V. geminata (Vauch.) DC andV. racemosa (Vauch.) DC.  相似文献   

The relationship between the diversity of higher plant macrofossils in surface sediments of lakes and the surrounding vegetation is examined in two mountain regions; Grødalen in central Norway and the south-east Cairngorms in Scotland. Two lake sediment cores from each area were also analysed to examine vegetation history and to estimate changes in biodiversity through the Holocene. The diversity of present day vegetation in each region was estimated using both quadrat data and classified satellite images of the study areas. The mean surface sample macrofossil representation of species recorded in quadrats collected within 250 m of the lakes was c. 17%. This figure drops to only c. 2% when the satellite imagery of the same area is used to provide a maximal species list. The macrofossil data from the Norwegian cores show that deglaciation in this region occurred earlier on the mountain summit than in the valley and that the maximum tree line elevation was during the interval 9100–4400 14C yr BP . In the Cairngorms the maximum tree line elevation was prior to c. 4500 14C yr BP . The changes in higher plant diversity recorded at these sites through the Holocene show that c. 4000 14C yr BP the reduction in the tree line resulted in decreased β-diversity at higher altitudes but an increase at the lower altitude as the forest cover opened up. Under conditions of climatic warming it is likely areas that come to lie below the tree line will experience reduced diversity and that a permanent loss of biodiversity would result from a severe reduction in the area above the tree line.  相似文献   

Abstract. In an experiment in a limestone grassland on the Baltic island of Öland, SE Sweden, nutrient and water supply, light intensity and grazing regime were altered in 10 combinations during four years in 10 plots of 0.25 m2 with subplots of 0.01 m2 and 0.0004 m2. Only the combined application of fertilizer and shade led to a strong decrease in average species richness (S1) at all scales. When comparing species numbers summed up over all 10 replicates of each treatment (Sn) at the three quadrat sizes, differences in effect of these treatments were much smaller, and were so already at the finest scale. α-diversity, measured as (Sn - S1 was quite constant over different scales for most treatments, i.e. diversity did not increase with an increase in scale. The ‘richness ratio’Sn/S1 decreased with increasing scale, indicating an increasing degree of homogeneity at larger scales. Treatments which only included fertilizer or shade, maintained high species richness; this high richness was also maintained in combination with grazing and could then be explained by the denser packing of vegetation. Patterns of species richness were correlated at the large scale, but not at the finer scales, indicating a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity at the finer scales. With increasing quadrat size species persistence increased which explains the small effect of certain treatments. Clearly, a range of scales has to be sampled in this type of vegetation to be able to measure different patterns, which may occur under different experimental treatments. The finest scale in this study can become too small, when certain treatments result in a coarse-grained vegetation pattern. The quadrat size of 10 cm x 10 cm should be included in the range of scales. It combines accuracy in sampling with efficiency in time effort, a reasonably large number of species sampled, and a strong differentiation in the effects of the various treatments.  相似文献   

2008和2009年3—6月,在黄河三角洲自然保护区采用定点观察、GPS定位、样方调查和逐步判别分析等方法对东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)繁殖期觅食地的利用进行了研究。共测定了75个觅食利用样方和74个对照样方的14个生态因子。结果表明,东方白鹳繁殖期倾向于在明水面、芦苇沼泽和滩地中觅食,对草地和农田利用极少。偏向于食物丰富度较高的觅食点;对隐蔽级高低没有明显的偏好。对利用样方和对照样方进行比较,发现利用样方具有植被高度和植被盖度较低,觅食地水深相对较浅,距明水面、芦苇沼泽、树林等距离较近,距重度干扰源较远等特征。逐步判别分析表明,距芦苇沼泽距离、样方内水深、距重度干扰源距离、食物丰富度和明水面距离具有重要作用,由这5个变量构成的方程在对繁殖季节东方白鹳觅食地利用样方和对照样方进行区分时,正确判别率可以达到95.5%。东方白鹳繁殖期觅食地的利用主要与水源、人为干扰和食物条件有关。  相似文献   

Counting the number of individuals emerging from burrows is the most practical method for estimating the apparent abundance of Australian Uca species living in mangrove habitats. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect on counts of quadrat design, distance of observer, quadrat size, recovery time and observational technique. Significant differences in the apparent abundance of one species were found when the subjects were within 2 m of the observer, and when a conspicuous quadrat was used. The largest quadrat tested provided the least variability in counts but an intermediate size (0.56 m2) was more practical. Most Uca active within a 30-min period emerged during the first 10 min regardless of site, species, sex or season. There was a linear correlation between scanning and continuous observation indicating that the former method could be useful when sampling time was limited. Temporal changes in the apparent abundance of Uca suggest that long-term sampling and more detailed studies will be worthwhile.  相似文献   

The Grevelingen estuary was cut off from the North Sea and from the influences of the river Rhine by a dam in 1971, and became a stagnant salt-water lake. Production and ecology ofZostera marina L. were studied in 1968 and in 1973–1975, both through standing stock estimations, biomass increases in permanent quadrats, and correlation of distribution patterns with ecological factors. After the closure of the estuary the intertidal eelgrass population extended downwards to 5 m below lake level, probably owing to the increased transparency of the water; the area occupied, and the density of the eelgrass beds increased strongly. Eelgrass annual overground production, based on doubled maximum standing crop values in July–August, was estimated at 50 g C/m2 in 1968, 121 g C/m2 in 1973 and 91 g C/m2 in 1975 inZostera beds, and 4 g C/m2 in 1968, 18 g C/m2 in 1973 and 23 g C/m2 in 1975 for the entire Grevelingen area. A minimum estimate of net production inZostera beds at a depth of 0.50–0.75 m, based on short term changes in biomass in 2 permanent quadrats in 1974 and 1975, was 40.5 g C/m2/yr for overground parts and 12.7 g C/m2/yr for underground parts. Horizontal distribution of celgrass is not primarily limited by grainsize distribution, but more by exposure to wave action and currents. On account of irradiance reduction light is a limiting factor in the vertical distribution of the eelgrass population in Lake Grevelingen. Communication no. 146 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

F. Runge 《Plant Ecology》1971,23(1-2):71-76
Summary The vegetation of a permanent quadrat situated in a Calluno-Genistetum typicum community has been analysed every year from 1955–1964 (cf. Vegetatio Vol. X, Fasc. 1, 1961 and Vol. XIII, Fasc. 4, 1966) and again from 1965 to 1969. Calluna vulgaris, which from 1955 to 1959 still covered 85–95% of the area, decreased to 30–55%. This was due to disease or perhaps was a result of sheep grazing. On the other hand,Betula pendula, which had appeared first in 1961, has increased continually in the permanent quadrat. This increase is probably due to the sheep, who avoid the young trees ofBetula pendula. The number and cover of the other palnts fluctuated due to variations in climate or the sheep grazing.   相似文献   

F. Runge 《Plant Ecology》1971,23(3-4):71-76
Summary The vegetation of a permanent quadrat situated in a Calluno-Genistetum typicum community has been analysed every year from 1955–1964 (cf. Vegetatio Vol. X, Fasc. 1, 1961 and Vol. XIII, Fasc. 4, 1966) and again from 1965 to 1969. Calluna vulgaris, which from 1955 to 1959 still covered 85–95 % of the area, decreased to 30–55 %. This was due to disease or perhaps was a result of sheep grazing. On the other hand,Betula pendula, which had appeared first in 1961, has increased continually in the permanent quadrat. This increase is probably due to the sheep, who avoid the young trees ofBetula pendula. The number and cover of the other plants fluctuated due to variations in climate or the sheep grazing.   相似文献   

A review is presented on the occurrence of macroalgae in dune pools, ditches and moorland pools in The Netherlands, which were studied in the period 1980–1987. There are clear effects of eutrophication on biomass as well as on species composition. A general trend is that under mesotrophic or moderately eutrophic conditions, the filamentous macroalgae form a diversified component of the primary producers in shallow water bodies. Especially spore forming genera asSpirogyra andOedogonium can be represented with up to about 20 species per site. In hardwater ditches alsoVaucheria is an important component, especially the sediment dwellingVaucheria dichotoma. Under distinctly eutrophic conditions dense floating algal masses contain only one or a few species asCladophora glomerata, Enteromorpha intestinalis, Hydrodictyon reticulatum. Under hypertrophic conditions the water surface is covered by dense blanketing mats of duckweeds in summer and autumn. Besides trophic factors, other factors as alkalinity and chloride concentration play a role in species composition. The results are discussed in the framework of water quality assessment of polder waters and possible applications for water purification or use as manuring substance. The need for experimental ecophysiological studies is underlined.  相似文献   

Numerous initiatives are underway throughout New England and elsewhere to quantify salt marsh vegetation change, mostly in response to habitat restoration, sea level rise, and nutrient enrichment. To detect temporal changes in vegetation at a marsh or to compare vegetation among different marshes with a degree of statistical certainty an adequate sample size is required. Based on sampling 1 m2 vegetation plots from 11 New England salt marsh data sets, we conducted a power analysis to determine the minimum number of samples that were necessary to detect change between vegetation communities. Statistical power was determined for sample sizes of 5, 10, 15, and 20 vegetation plots at an alpha level of 0.05. Detection of subtle differences between vegetation data sets (e.g., comparing vegetation in the same marsh over two consecutive years) can be accomplished using a sample size of 20 plots with a reasonable probability of detecting a difference when one truly exists. With a lower sample size, and thus lower power, there is an increased probability of not detecting a difference when one exists (e.g., Type II error). However, if investigators expect to detect major changes in vegetation (e.g., such as those between an un-impacted and a highly impacted marsh) then a sample size of 5, 10, or 15 plots may be appropriate while still maintaining adequate power. Due to the relative ease of collecting vegetation data, we suggest a minimum sample size of 20 randomly located 1 m2 plots when developing monitoring designs to detect vegetation community change of salt marshes. The sample size of 20 plots per New England salt marsh is appropriate regardless of marsh size or permanency (permanent or non-permanent) of the plots.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to acquire insight in the initial vegetation development on active drifting sands in relation to geomorphological processes. For this purpose the algal vegetation and surface dynamics were monitored on a sand hill with active drifting sand, and on a bare slope within a terrain covered with Polytrichum piliferum located in the Laarder Wasmeer (The Netherlands).There is a successional development from an algal community dominated by the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria spp., through the crust in which initially the green alga Klebsormidium and later the cyanobacterium Synechococcus predominates, eventually succeeded by the green alga Zygogonium ericetorum. In this phase the sand is stabilized. The areal extent of algal crusts on the active drifting sand area is greatest during the winter, contrastingly highest biomass values are found during the summer and autumn in mature Zygogonium crusts.Substrate instability due to the action of wind clearly limits algal growth and vegetational development on the sand hill. The algal crust seldom reaches the stage of maturity. Near-flat ground is more easily stabilized. Unlike the algae found in coastal dune area and the initial pioneers in the Laarder Wasmeer area, the Zygogonium crust is water repellent when dry. Consequently increasing surface stability by algal crust development is accompanied by higher surface runoff on sloping areas.  相似文献   

Taylor 's power law, s2=amb, provides a precise summary of the relationship between sample variance (s2) and sample mean (m) for many organisms. The coefficient b has been interpreted as an index of aggregation, with a characteristic value for a given species in a particular environment, and has been thought to be independent of the sample unit. Simulation studies were conducted that demonstrate that the value of b may vary with the size of the sample unit in quadrat sampling, and this relationship, in turn, depends on the underlying spatial distribution of the population. For example, simulated populations with hierarchical aggregation on a large scale produced values of b that increased with the size of the sample unit. In contrast, for a simulated population with randomly distributed clusters of individuals, the value of b eventually decreased with increasing quadrat size, as sample counts became more uniform. A single value ofTaylor 's b, determined with a particular sample unit, provides neither a fixed index of aggregation nor a complete picture of a species' spatial distribution. Rather, it describes a consistent relationship between sample variance and sample mean over a range of densities, on a spatial scale related to the size of the sample unit. This relationship may reflect, but not uniquely define, density-dependent population and behavioral processes governing the spatial distribution of the organism. Interpretation ofTaylor 'sb for a particular organism should be qualified by reference to the sample unit, and comparisons should not be made between cases in which different sample units were used. Whenever possible, a range of sample units should be used to provide information about the pattern of distribution of a population on various spatial scales.  相似文献   

W. Vader 《Hydrobiologia》1977,52(1):23-28
The amphibious land-molluse,Perforatella rubiginosa, is a common, wide-spread and characteristic inhabitant of the freshwater tidal region of the river Scheldt and its tributaries in NW Belgium. The species occupies a rather narrow zone in the uppermost intertidal area, which is characterized by large amounts of tidal drift covering the bottom, and usually by a luxuriant vegetation of tall, nitrophilous herbs, often withUrtica dioica dominant. Other characteristic molluscs of this zone areCarychium minimum, Oxyloma pfeifferi, O. sarsi, Deroceras laeve, Vitrea crystallina andZonitoides nitidus, locally alsoNesovitrea hammonis. Communication nr. 143 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands  相似文献   

Summary Part of a salt-marsh (32 ha), ungrazed from 1958 until 1971, was grazed again from 1972 onwards with young cattle (1.3–1.7 per ha, May–October). In five vegetation types management experiments, including doing nothing (control). June mowing, August mowing, June and August mowing, all in combination or not in combination with grazing have been started with the objective to compare annually their effects on the vegetational structure and composition by means of permanent plots (2×2 m).Thirteen years (1958–1971) after the grazing had ceased the vegetation types of Festuca rubra/Armeria maritima, Artemisia maritima, Juncus maritimus and Elytrigia pungens hardly changed anymore. The vegetation type of Festuca rubra/Limonium vulgare, changed considerably. The experiments showed rather specific effects during the period 1971–1975 for each type of vegetation. Changes in the Festuca rubra/Armeria maritima vegetation were small and gradually under all treatments. Changes in The Artemisia maritima, Festuca rubra/Limonium vulgare and Juncus maritimus vegetation types were rather great under the different grazing treatments, the changes being abrupt and especially taking place in the third and fourth year of the experiments. The Elytrigia pungens vegetation showed large changes under all treatments, except the control plot, whereas these changes were abrupt, particularly occurring in the first and second year of the experiments. The study is continued.Nomenclature of taxa follows Heukels & van Ooststroom (1970), that of syntaxa Westhoff & den Held (1969).Contribution to the Symposium of the Working Group for Succession research on permanent plots of the International Society for Vegetation Science, held at Yerseke, the Netherlands, October 1975.Thanks are due to Prof. Dr. D. Bakker for his interest in the present study and his critical reading of the text, and to Drs D.C.P. Thalen for critical reading and correction of the English text. Thanks are also due to the students who analyzed the permanent plots: M. van der Duim and F. Prins (1971), M. van der Duim (1972), R. Schwab and T. Schwab-Vos (1973), and G. Allersma (1974, 1975).  相似文献   


Cicada emergence skins in a subalpine shrub grassland have been sampled during 1969–75 to determine the abundance and spatial distributions of nymphs feeding on plant roots. A guild of six cicada species is primarily associated with two forms of vegetation: shrubs (Dracophyllum and Cassinia) and tall tussock (Chionochloa). Skin locations were mapped relative to dominant vegetation species, litter zones, and soil and rock pavements over a range of aspects, altitudes, and vegetation types, and sampling methods were scaled at four levels: the locality, plot, quadrat, and individual plant. There were significant differences in skin counts over four years, and different measures of mean skin densities are given for the four sampling scales. The two primary vegetation types had cumulative 1969–72 mean densities of 5.2 ± 4.0 and 12.9 ± 10.0 skins/quadrat (2.3 m2) , and the 1969–72 mean productivities of the upper 25% of quadrats (adjusted for percent ground cover) were, respectively, 5.5 and 35.5 skins/m2. These productivities are believed to be conservative estimates of the maturing nymph numbers per individual host plant over the span of one cicada generation. Over a 17-year span, such productivities lie within the upper range of mean densities recorded for 17-year periodical cicadas in the United States. As the dominant subalpine vegetation species are very slow-growing,it is suggested that high densities of nymphs feeding on root sap may affect plant vitality, although 1971/1987 comparisons of vitality in 52 Chionochloa tussocks could not positively demonstrate a correlation across all data. Skin dispersion analyses indicated significant levels of patchiness, in agreement with other nymphal studies and with known cicada oviposition behaviour. No single dispersion model fitted the data comprehensively, and it is suggested that a gradual shifting of the centres of cicada aggregation may occur over a cumulative period of several generations.  相似文献   

种群分布格局测定的样方尺度效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以粤西黑石顶自然保护区西部船底窝的永久样地为研究对象,在一个面积为1600m2的人工次生裸地样地上,借助地理信息系统(GIS)技术,对各个种群分别用3种不同的样方面积(10m×10m,8m×8m,5m×5m)和不同的测定方法来研究演替初期优势种群的分布格局,从而研究不同的样方面积对测定南亚热带森林群落内种群分布格局的影响。结果表明,在南亚热带森林群落演替初期以8m×8m的样方面积来测定种群分布格局较为有效。同时运用GIS技术作数据处理及图形输出,大大简化了分析过程,提高了分析水平。  相似文献   

Habitat preferences of fifteen species of ungulate were studied between July and September 1975 in dry savanna woodland of Mwabvi Game Reserve, Southern Malawi, Central Africa. Thirteen vegetation types were recognized using vegetation transects and plotless sampling techniques (but three of these are omitted from further analysis here either because of the difficulty of sampling in a representative manner or because of their infrequency). A combination of six methods was used to study habitat preferences since each had particular advantages or disadvantages, although quadrat sampling of fresh pellets/spoor counts was the most satisfactory and so used predominantly. The most common and widely distributed species was the Greater kudu, although abundance estimates in different habitats varied according to the method used. Pellet/spoor counts showed heavy use of open grassland by kudu which was not detected by daytime drives. Temporal patterns of activity indicated that the species was moving into more closed woodland during the day and only coming out into open grassland at night. Relative abundance estimates of a species may also be affected by changing group size. The mean group size of kudu increased in more open vegetation, although group size in warthog did not show this relationship. Some species, e.g. impala, reedbuck, and klipspringer showed narrow habitat preferences, occurring in only one or a few vegetation types, whilst others, e.g. kudu, sable, duiker, suni, and grysbok showed much broader preferences. Mixed Colophospermum mopane /Acacia woodland had the highest species diversity but rather low abundance. Open grassland and Acacia/Albizia woodland had high species diversity together with the greatest abundance of ungulates. Open Julbernardia/Diplorynchus, Brachystegia/Julber-nardia woodland, and particularly Pterocarpus/Diplorynchus/Combretum hill woodland had the lowest species diversity and abundance of ungulates. Ready access to cover and availability of suitable food plants probably account for the preferences of certain vegetation types over others, whilst the different behavioural ecology and food preferences of each species account for individual species differences. Access to water probably also determines habitat preferences in particular species, and studies during the wet season may show different distributions.  相似文献   

Question: Are there hot spots of algal mat deposition in space and time at the marsh scale and, if so, how does this affect the coexistence of a dominant (Spartina anglica) and gap dependent (Salicornia europaea) species? Location: The Rattekaai salt marsh in the Scheldt estuary in the southwestern Netherlands (NW Europe). Methods: Mat cover and the abundance of the gap dependent species Salicornia europaea were monitored at the scale of a marsh. The effects of mat cover on the vegetation structure were studied by applying three mat removal treatments over three growing seasons. Results: The low marsh border was found to be a hot spot of algal mat deposition during the growing season, which had a correlated spatial pattern between two successive years at a 20 m X 20 m scale. The combination of duration, timing and repetition of mat cover determined growth inhibition of the competitive dominant Spartina anglica, and thereby the abundance of subordinates such as Salicornia europaea. Mat cover reduced the storage of carbon reserves in Spartina and our results imply that repetition of non‐lethal mat cover can lead to ‘gap creation’. Gaps gave only temporary habitat to less dominant species since Spartina quickly re‐invaded them. The gap dependent annual Salicornia was most abundant at intermediate levels of disturbance measured as a function of both space and time. Conclusions In addition to disturbance level, the spatial and temporal distribution of disturbance are important in creating and maintaining habitat for gap dependent species. Relatively small disturbances will have a large effect on diversity if the spatial and temporal distribution of the disturbances leads to ‘disturbance hot spots’.  相似文献   

Abstract In October 1999, patches of dead and dying trees were identified in rainforest vegetation throughout the Tully Falls area in north Queensland, Australia. Previous incidents of patch death in the region had been attributed to Phytophthora cinnamomi. The distribution of P. cinnamomi was assessed by testing for its presence in seven sites displaying signs of dieback and seven sites that appeared healthy. Each site was a circular quadrat, 20‐m radius (total area = 1256.6 m2). Within each quadrat, two perpendicular line transects were constructed. A single soil sample (250 g) was taken at the centre point and at 1‐m intervals along each transect. All soil samples were tested for the presence of P. cinnamomi using a combination of lupin baiting, subsequent culturing and microscopic identification. Of the 1134 samples, 783 recorded positive responses. The mean number of positive responses was not significantly greater in patch death sites than in control sites, suggesting that at this scale of resolution the distribution of P. cinnamomi was uniform. However, at spatial scales of 1‐m intervals across transects the distribution of P. cinnamomi was random.  相似文献   

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