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<正>沉香是瑞香科沉香属植物在受到伤害后产生的含有树脂的木材,中国自然分布的沉香属植物有土沉香和云南沉香。沉香树生长到一定年限后才有可能结香,结香是一个过程,树脂需要多年沉积才能形成沉香。研究表明,不同的沉香属植物所产沉香的化学成分大同小异,但沉香和没有结香的沉香木材所含化学成分差别极大。由于沉香较高的价值以及国际市场需求量大,并且沉香属植物结香周期长,诱导结香对植物伤害大,长期以来沉香属植物资源遭到严重破坏。  相似文献   

正瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae)瑞香属(Daphne Linn.)植物具有重要的经济和药用价值,为我国民间常用中药,如最具代表性的祖师麻(瑞香属植物的根皮和茎皮)为民间治疗风湿和止痛的常用中药。瑞香属植物开花量大,树形美观,花香浓郁,深受人们的喜爱,具有重要的观赏和利用价值,如甘青瑞香被作为绿化树种开发利用,金边瑞香作为名贵的盆栽花卉进入千家万户。照片示:部分瑞香属植物。1,2.金边瑞香,花开早期为外面淡紫红色,内面肉红色(2),花开后期变为  相似文献   

瑞香属和荛花属(瑞香科)植物叶表皮特征及其分类学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取瑞香科瑞香属(Daphne)植物56种(变种)、荛花属(Wikstroemia)植物45种(变种),及12种外类群植物,进行叶表皮微形态解剖学研究。结果表明,瑞香属和荛花属植物叶表皮细胞大多为多边形和不规则形,垂周壁大多为平直、弯曲和浅波状,大小为30~40μm×10~20μm,部分具毛。气孔呈随机分布,大小为20~36μm×17~25μm,宽椭圆形或窄椭圆形,气孔密度为100~250 S/mm2,气孔主要类型为无规则型(anomocytic)。瑞香属与荛花属的叶表皮性状整体具有一致性,两属间没有典型区别特征,很多性状在两个属中呈交叉分布,不反映瑞香属和荛花属分别是自然(单系)类群。毛管花属(Eriosolena)植物特有的乳突(papillae)特征在瑞香属和荛花属植物中均不存在,不支持将其并入瑞香属的分类处理。通过气孔器类型比较分析认为,瑞香属和荛花属与瑞香亚科中的其他属,如鼠皮树属(Rhamnoneuron)、毛管花属、假狼毒属(Stelleropsis)、Daphnopsis、结香属(Edgeworthia)相比具衍生性状,是衍生类群。  相似文献   

沉香是一种木材或中药材,是沉香树身上的一部分,为双子叶植物药瑞香科植物,是我国、日本、印度以及其他东南亚国家的传统名贵药材和天然香料。中国主产区主要分布于海南、广东、广西、福建和云南等地,同时,海南沉香为结香排名之首。近年来,随着沉香市场的持续升温,对于沉香的研究,已然成了遍地开花的状况,涉及内容包括化学成分、药理、结香机理与结香方法、种植技术和产品研发等。本文将对海南沉香(野生和人工)种植现状和生长现状调查研究,为进一步对野生沉香和人工沉香的挥发油提取和含量比对做前期比对调查。调查中遇到的几个科学问题,有些已有定论,有些尚需深入研究。  相似文献   

为探讨瑞香科沉香亚科的分类学地位,结合其他亚科植物的化学成分类型,对从沉香属植物分离到的各类化学成分进行了综述。从二萜和黄酮(烷)的成分类型判断,沉香亚科的进化地位低于瑞香亚科;从三萜成分类型来看,其地位又比Gonystyloideae亚科稍高;同时2-(2-苯乙基)色酮类和二苯基甲酮类成分为沉香属甚至沉香亚科的特征性成分。因此,沉香亚科是瑞香科中进化程度相对较低的类群,处于瑞香亚科和Gonystyloideae亚科之间。  相似文献   

了哥王茎皮化学成分研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从瑞香科荛花属植物了哥王(Wikstroemia indica)的茎皮中分离鉴定出5种化合物,其结构分别为西瑞香素(1)、芫花素(2)、槲皮素(3)、杨梅素(4)、山奈酚(5)。化合物3、4、5为首次从该植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

在群落水平上重建植物系统发育关系是当前植物系统学研究的一项重要内容;DNA条形码技术的出现为这一工作的开展提供了便利。本文选取国际通用的植物DNA条形码(rbcL,matK和psbA trnH),对鼎湖山大样地的183个物种(隶属于24目51科110属)进行测序;分别利用两位点和三位点DNA条形码组合构建该样地植物群落的系统发育关系,并比较不同位点组合构建出的群落系统发育关系的拓扑结构和节点支持率;最后选出一个具有最好拓扑结构和最高节点支持率的鼎湖山大样地群落系统发育关系。在目、科和属这三个水平上,三位点条形码片段组合构建的群落系统发育关系与APG系统获得较好匹配;有些进化分支在相应的APG系统位置解决得不好,却在条形码序列构建的系统发育关系中得到了较好解决。表明综合使用不同进化速率的DNA条形码片段并采取三位点超级矩阵的组合策略,在未采用APG系统大框架的情况下,也能快速而又相对准确地构建出鼎湖山南亚热带森林植物群落的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

在群落水平上重建植物系统发育关系是当前植物系统学研究的一项重要内容;DNA条形码技术的出现为这一工作的开展提供了便利。本文选取国际通用的植物DNA条形码(rbcL,matK和psbA trnH),对鼎湖山大样地的183个物种(隶属于24目51科110属)进行测序;分别利用两位点和三位点DNA条形码组合构建该样地植物群落的系统发育关系,并比较不同位点组合构建出的群落系统发育关系的拓扑结构和节点支持率;最后选出一个具有最好拓扑结构和最高节点支持率的鼎湖山大样地群落系统发育关系。在目、科和属这三个水平上,三位点条形码片段组合构建的群落系统发育关系与APG系统获得较好匹配;有些进化分支在相应的APG系统位置解决得不好,却在条形码序列构建的系统发育关系中得到了较好解决。表明综合使用不同进化速率的DNA条形码片段并采取三位点超级矩阵的组合策略,在未采用APG系统大框架的情况下,也能快速而又相对准确地构建出鼎湖山南亚热带森林植物群落的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

报道枝孢菌属CladosporiumLink二新种:马兜铃枝孢C.aristolochiaeH.ZhangetZ.Y.Zhangsp.nov.寄生在马兜铃科Aristolochiaceae的南川马兜铃AristolochiakwargsiensisChunetHowexC.F.Liang叶上,结香枝孢CladosporiumedgeworthiaeH.Zhang,etZ.Y.Zhangsp.nov.寄生在瑞香科Thymelaeaceae的结香EdgeworthiachrysanthaLindl.叶上。枝孢菌属真菌在马兜铃科是首次报道,瑞香科上的荛花异孢Heterosporiumwik stroemiaeSawada(裸名),其分生孢子圆柱形,0-3个隔膜,表面粗糙,14~44×5~6μm,比本种大而宽,易于区别。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介并附图。模式标本保藏于云南农业大学真菌标本室(MHYAU)。  相似文献   

串珠藻目植物的系统发育-基于rbcL序列的证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
世界范围内报道的全部串珠藻目种类均生活于淡水中,而在淡水红藻中,70%约有130种属于串珠藻目。研究以目前获取的来自世界各大洲串珠藻目植物43种的rbcL基因序列,结合其形态和生物地理特征,构建了该目的系统发育关系,以期探讨整个串珠藻目植物的系统发育关系及发生途径,进而为研究该目以至淡水红藻的起源提供基本资料。运用PAUP*4.0b10和MrBayes 3.0b4等软件对43种串珠藻目植物的叶绿体DNA rbcL基因序列进行系统发育分析,探讨了其主要分类群的系统演化关系。用最大简约法、邻接法和贝叶斯分析方法构建的系统树基本一致,结果显示:(1)基于分子数据分析结果显示,红索藻目植物均独立于串珠藻目植物,构成一个单独的分支,支持红索藻目的建立。(2)鱼子菜科属于串珠藻目植物中较为进化的类群。(3)串珠藻属扭曲组与杂生组的差异度较小,结合其形态特点,倾向于将杂生组并入扭曲组。(4)串珠藻科属于串珠藻目中最大的科,包括较多的种类,其系统关系也较为复杂。因此,串珠藻科系统发育关系的明确有待于进一步结合更多的分子数据和形态学特征加以分析研究。    相似文献   

The genera Aquilaria and Gyrinops (Thymelaeaceae, Malvales) are well known for the production of agarwood which is a highly wanted forest product of substantial economic value. The taxonomic status of Aquilaria and Gyrinops as separate genera is doubted as they are only distinguished by the number of stamens. We investigated their status by conducting phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from the plastid trnL-trnF spacer. Control of international trade of agarwood is currently hampered by the failure of traditional methods such as microscopy to identify samples to species level. We therefore evaluated the potential of molecular identification of agarwood by searching for species- and region-specific plastid DNA polymorphisms. DNA sequences were obtained from 31 Thymelaeaceae accessions encompassing 20 different species in six genera. Aquilaria and Gyrinops appear to be paraphyletic. Success in sequencing wood samples demonstrates that molecular markers provide new perspectives for agarwood identification.  相似文献   

Agarwood is a valuable oleoresin obtained from wounded tree of various genus of Thymelaeaceae family especially from Aquilaria species. Agarwood is regarded as most treasured non-timber forest product used in fragrances as well as medicines. Quality of agarwood plays an important role to define its commercial value. Different countries use different grading pattern to define the quality of agarwood. More than 250 compounds have been identified so far, mostly sesquiterpenoids, chromones and volatile aromatic compounds. GC–MS is the considered as a best method for the identification of chemical profile of the agarwood by various authors. Present review discusses the various methods used to determine quality of agarwood and chemical constituents of infected agarwood tree.  相似文献   

Aquilaria malaccensis is a fast-growing, tropical tree belonging to the family Thymelaeaceae and is locally known as Agar. Agarwood formation takes place in the stem or main branches of the tree where an injury has occurred. It is believed that the tree is first attacked by a pathogenic fungus, which causes it to weaken. Most fungal diversity studies have previously been based on morphological examination and cultivation methods. In this study, we used both culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches (metagenomic) to study the endophytic fungi on wood chips of A. malaccensis. The culture-based approach revealed Alternaria, Cladosporium, Curvularia, Fusarium, Phaeoacremonium and Trichoderma as members of the agarwood community. Also analysis of ITS sequencing of these culture isolates provided further verification of the identity of the cultured groups. Analysis of community DNA (metagenome) extracted from both infected and healthy wood samples revealed that the majority of fungi present had highest sequence similarity to members of Dothideomycetes, followed by Sordariomycetes and Saccharomycetes. Thus, morphological and genetic characteristics showed that most isolates from agarwood belong to phylum Ascomycota. A neighbour-joining tree showed the relationships between the isolates sequence data and the closest identified relatives from GenBank.  相似文献   

Pollen of the genus Passerina L. differs markedly from that of other southern African members of the Thymelaeaceae. Grains of most members of the Thymelaeaceae are characterised by a typical croton pattern, comprising rings of more or less trihedral sexine units mounted on an underlying reticulum of circular muri. In Passerina, however, the supratectal subunits are fused completely to form a continuous reticulum, which replaces the underlying reticulum. The reticulum in Passerina is therefore secondary in origin and not homologous with the basal reticulum of typical crotonoid grains in the family. The croton pattern has often been used as indication of a possible relationship between the Euphorbiaceae and Thymelaeaceae. Pollen of Passerina is adapted to anemophily. Grain sculpturing clearly demonstrates secondary derivation of a reticulate pattern from the typical croton pattern, through reduction, aggregation and fusion. Pollen of Passerina represents a climax of a continuum of variation in the exine of pollen in the Thymelaeaceae. As Passerina is considered phylogenetically advanced in the subfamily Thymelaeoideae, the subtribe Passerininae is raised to tribal rank, namely tribe Passerineae.  相似文献   

刘培卫  张玉秀  杨云  陈波 《广西植物》2017,37(5):565-571
为比较沉香属不同种植物间的叶片形态解剖特征,将不同来源的六种沉香属植物在海南省兴隆南药园种植,运用石蜡切片法和撕片法对其成熟叶片的解剖特征进行观察,并对叶片的上下表皮,叶脉和叶横切面等12项数量性状进行统计分析。结果表明:六种沉香属植物叶片解剖结构基本一致,均为典型的异面叶,由表皮、叶肉和叶脉组成,表现出典型的旱生形态特点。表皮细胞单层,气孔微下陷,仅分布在下表皮,上下表皮上零星分布着表皮毛。叶肉组织发达,栅栏组织由1~2层排列紧密地圆柱状细胞组成,其间分布着大量的长方晶体,海绵组织内有一层排列较整齐,染色较深的异细胞组成的下皮层。主脉维管束双韧型,呈圆环状,内含大量异细胞。方差分析表明,除栅海比外,叶片厚度、叶脉条数、主脉厚度等其余11项数量指标在六种植物间差异均达到显著水平。聚类分析将这六种植物聚成3类,Aquilaria sinensis(白木香),A.crassna和A.banaensis聚为一类,A.baillonii和A.malaccensis聚为一类;A.yunnanensis(云南沉香)单独为一类。该研究结果为沉香属植物的物种鉴定提供了解剖学依据,同时对沉香属植物合理开发利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The resinous part called agarwood of genus Aquilaria Lam has been exploited as a source of incense by mankind since time immemorial besides its medicinal properties. In global market purest oud/agarwood oil enjoys an exorbitant price tag owing to its mystical fragrance. This has led to over-exploitation of Aquilaria sp. at worldwide level. All the Aquilaria sp. are protected under CITES since 2002. Agarwood production is considered to have a pathological relation, secreted actively in response to foreign body infection as a means of defense mechanism in Aquilaria sp. In order to fulfill the demand for sustainable production of agarwood, chemical, physical and biological methods of inducing artificial infection for agarwood enhancement/production have been formulated. In addition, artificial inoculation of fungi has been used to induce agarwood in Aquilaria trees. In this review, we have discussed the success and limitations of various methods employed for agarwood stimulation and provided the analysis of investigation conducted by various researchers to ascertain the contributory role of fungi (endophytic–pathogenic–epiphytic) on agar formation and chemical composition of oil from artificially infected agarwood. Based on available literature, Xylaria sp., Lasiodiplodia sp., Colletotrichum sp. and Botryosphaeria sp. are promising fungal isolates which deserved to be further studied and scaled up to a commercial level for production of agarwood oil.  相似文献   

Sesquiterpenoids of an agarwood originating from Aquilaria agallocha and of the other kind of agarwood (Aquilaria sp.; probably Aquilaria malaccensis) were investigated by a combination of GLC and GC/MS. The differences in sesquiterpene composition between the two kinds of agarwood are discussed.  相似文献   

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