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Parapsilotarsusgen. n. with type species Prionus potaninei Lameere, 1912 is described. The new genus is intermediate between Mesoprionus Jakovlev, 1887 and Psilotarsus Motschulsky, 1860. A new combination Parapsilotarsus potaninei (Lameere, 1912), comb. n. is made.  相似文献   

本文报道球虎天牛属Calloides1新种——云南球虎天牛Calloidesyunnanensissp.nov.,模式标本保存在西南大学昆虫标本馆。该新种与黄带刺虎天牛C.magnificus(Pic)近似,主要区别特征是第3、4节触角之比为3∶2而非1∶1;鞘翅黄色,具3对黑斑而非黑色具3对黄带。正模:♀,云南省威信县,1980-Ⅵ-24,陶正武采。  相似文献   

中国星斑天牛属一新种记述(鞘翅目:天牛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述星斑天牛属 1新种 :黑星斑天牛 Psacothea nigrostigma,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于天津自然博物馆动物研究室。黑星斑天牛 Psacothea nigrostigma,新种 (图 1~ 4)正模♂ ,云南西双版纳勐啊勐康 ,1 0 0 0 m,1 958- -1 9,朱志彬。本新种与黄星斑天牛 Psacothea hilaris ( Pascoe,1 857)的主要区别为鞘翅具许多不规则的黑色星斑而非蜡黄色圆斑 ,头顶中央淡色带有 1黑色纵脊 ,雄性外生殖器阳基侧突端刚毛仅限于端部 1 /4而非几达 1 /2 ,交配孔腹缘狭圆而非略宽圆 ,以及内囊中部具粗密微刺而非内囊具均匀一致细微刺等  相似文献   

记述了中国异胸天牛属1新记录种,即艾略特异胸天牛Anomophysis ellioti(Waterhouse,1884),标本采自云南省玉溪市。检视标本保存于长江大学农学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

纳天牛属 Nedine Thom son, 1864 隶属于棒角天牛族 Rhodopini,全球已知3种,分布于东南亚,我国尚无记录。该属的主要特征是触角显较体长,下沿有较密的缨毛,第2节与第4节近等长;体背相当拱隆略呈纺锤形;足较长,腿节呈棒状,后足腿节甚长,几伸达鞘翅末端,后足第1跗节近等长于第2、3节之和。新种模式标本保存于西南农业大学植物保护系昆虫标本馆。1. 刺翅纳天牛 Nedine subspinosa, 新种 (图1~4)新种与 Nedine longipes Thom son, 1864 较接近,主要区别为体红褐色而非灰褐色,鞘翅基部中央具1角状瘤突,鞘翅隐现3条灰白色绒毛横带而非被一色绒毛等。正模♂,云南付宁剥隘,1979- Ⅴ- 2,尹耀宜采;副模1♂,采集记录同正模。2. 麻斑纳天牛 Nedine sparatis, 新种 (图5~8)本新种与刺翅纳天牛 N. subspinosa sp. nov. 的主要区别为体被均匀一致的绒毛,鞘翅无基瘤及淡色横带,触角下沿具更密而长的缨毛;雄性外生殖器的阳基侧突较短,中茎侧面中部具横凹陷等。正模♂,云南墨江,1980- Ⅵ- 5,刘芬采。  相似文献   

记述中国花天牛亚科1新种--裂跗脊花天牛Stenoconus schizotarsus, sp. nov., 模式标本存西南农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

报道了中国文字衣科地衣一新记录属——裂衣属(Chapsa A.Massal.)及其2新记录种,即印度裂衣(C.indica A.Massal.)和斑果裂衣[C.leprocarpa(Nyl.)A.Frisch],标本来自海南和广西。该属主要特征是:地衣体壳状、树皮生;具子囊盘类或色盘衣类的子囊果,固有果壳融合或不明显,具侧生侧丝;具横隔或砖壁型胞室的子囊孢子。  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川的右野蝇属Dexagria Rohdendorf(双翅目,麻蝇科,野蝇亚科,野蝇族,右野蝇亚族)1新种,即康定右野蝇Dexagria kangdingica Feng et Deng,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

There are species of Macromitrium in Guizhou province China. Among them, 2 species are endemic species, M.cavalerier Card &; Ther. and M.fortu natii Card &; Ther. During a recent re-examination of some Macromitrium specime ns from this region. A taxon closely related to species of the M. ferriei Card &; Ther. was found to be different from any known species of Macromitrium and is described here as a new species.......  相似文献   

中国地衣新记录属——包被鳞核衣属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国地衣-新记录属——包被鳞核衣属。该属主要特征:地衣体小鳞片状,子囊器为子囊壳,着生于地衣体小鳞片之间,由一特化的外壁所包裹,子囊孢子较大。  相似文献   

记述我国天牛科1新记录属:长胸筒天牛属Pardaloberea Pic,1926及1新记录种:长胸筒天牛Pardaloberea curvaticeps Pic,1926,给出了成虫整体照片并绘制了雄性外生殖器图和触角的特征图。  相似文献   

Rain forests are expected to be amongst the ecosystem types most affected by fragmentation due to their high species diversity, high endemism, complexity of interactions, and contrast with surrounding altered matrix. Due to their shorter life cycles and dependence on canopy cover, rain forest understory herbs are expected to indicate the effects of recent fragmentation more rapidly than canopy trees. This study investigated all four known species of the genus Romnalda , all of which are rare rain forest herbaceous species, to investigate the possible effects of habitat fragmentation and isolation on genetic diversity and gene flow. Allozymes were used as genetic markers and regional remnant vegetation maps were used to compare landscape fragmentation. We found that R. strobilacea populations in a highly fragmented landscape were genetically depauperate compared with those of its congeneric species that are found within continuous rain forest habitats and that allelic diversity decreased with decreasing population size but not geographic distance in R. strobilacea . Given the similarity among the species, our results indicate that all Romnalda species are potentially susceptible to loss of genetic diversity due to habitat fragmentation within relatively short timeframes. The results indicate that populations are not highly genetically differentiated and there is little evidence of genetic provenance where the species have restricted geographic ranges. Thus, species recovery programs would be better to focus on maintaining population size and genetic diversity rather than population differentiation.  相似文献   

Trichiurus australis, a new trichiurid fish, is described on the basis of four specimens collected off Burnett River mouth, Pialba and Thursday Island, Queensland, Australia. The new species strongly resembles Trichiurus brevis Wang and You, 1992 (distributed in the South China Sea), T. russelli Dutt and Thankam, 1967 (the northwestern Bay of Bengal and the northern Gulf of Thailand), and T. nickolensis Burhanuddin and Iwatsuki, 2003 (northwestern Australia) in having the highest point of the supraoccipital crest situated directly above the posterior margin of the eye and being relatively small in size (less than ca. 700mm in total length: TL). It differs from those three species in having spinescent gill rakers almost with 2 equally long cusps [vs. (1, rarely 2 but 1 of them clearly shorter than another)], posterior caudal peduncle vertebrae bearing neural spines (vs. neural spines absent), longer caudal peduncle length (mean 16% TL vs. 6% in T. brevis, 8% in T. nickolensis, and 8% in T. russelli), and shorter precaudal length (83% vs. 93%, 91%, and 91%), preanal length (26% vs. 33%, 31%, and 35%), and head length (9% vs. 12%, 11%, and 13%). We have tentatively classified this new species under the Trichiurus russelli complex because the foregoing diagnostic characters are identical to this species complex except for the presence of neural spines in the posterior caudal vertebrae.  相似文献   

Five species of Cerambycidae, Acmaeops discoideus (Haldeman), Anelaphus villosus (Fabricius), Phymatodes species (CNC sp. n. #1), Sarosesthes fulminans (Fabricius), and Urgleptus signatus (LeConte) are newly recorded for New Brunswick, Canada. All but Acmaeops villosus are new to the Maritime provinces. Phymatodes testaceus (Linnaeus) is removed from the faunal list of the province as a result of mislabeled specimens, records of Phymatodes maculicollis LeConte are presented confirming the presence of this species in New Brunswick, and the first recent records ofNeospondylis upiformis (Mannerheim) are presented. Additional records are given for the recently recorded Phymatodes aereus (Newman), indicating a wider distribution in the province. Collection data, habitat data, and distribution maps are presented for each species.  相似文献   

朱华 《云南植物研究》2000,22(4):395-398
1 LasianthuslarseniiH .Zhu ,sp .nov .Fig .1ProximaL .chevalieriPitard ,sedfoliisminoribus ;floribusminoribus ;calycibus 3~ 4mmlog nis ,lobis 2mmlongisdiffert.AL .kerriiCraibfoliislanceolatisapiceacuminatisbasicuneatis ,nervislateralibusutrinsecus 9~ 1 0 ;bracteisinconspi…  相似文献   

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