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Central venous pressure, esophageal pressure, and left atrial diameter were measured in individuals during each stage of parabolic flight, with emphasis on weightlessness. Results indicated that short periods of weightlessness lead to an increase in transmural central venous pressure and left atrial diameter, although there is a decrease in central venous pressure.  相似文献   

The volume of extracellular fluid (the bromine space) was determined in 18 cosmonauts 30 days before the start of a space flight and on the first day after landing. The duration of space flights on the Mir orbital station was from 126 to 438 days. Moreover, the volume of extracellular fluid was determined in seven cosmonauts directly during long-term space flights approximately two weeks before landing. After long-term space flights, the volume of extracellular fluid was decreased in all cosmonauts studied. The bromine space volume was significantly decreased compared to its initial preflight value. A decrease in the volume of extracellular fluid was caused not only by the reduction in the dense mass of the body but also by its dehydration. These processes developed independently of the duration of weightlessness but are mainly determined by the individual features of human beings.  相似文献   

This review presents both literature data and results of our own studies aimed at finding out if lower vertebrates are susceptible to motion sickness. In our experiments, fish and amphibians were submitted to motion for 2 h and longer on a centrifuge (f = 0.25 Hz, a centrifugal = 0.144 g) and on a parallel swing (f = 0.2 Hz, a horizontal = 0.059 g). The performed studies did not revealed in 4 fish species and in toads any single feature characteristic of motion sickness (sopite syndrome, pre-vomiting behavior or emesis). At the same time, in toads, the characteristic stress reaction appeared (escape reaction, increase of urination frequency, worsening of appetite) as well as some other responses not associated with motion sickness (synchronized head swinging, eye retraction). In trout fry, the used stimulation promoted division of individuals into groups differing by locomotor reaction to stress as well as individuals with a well-pronounced compensatory response that we called the otolithotropic reaction. Our conclusions are confirmed by analysis of results obtained by other authors. Therefore, the lower vertebrates, unlike mammals, are not susceptible to motion sickness either under terrestrial conditions or under conditions of weightlessness. Based on available experimental data and theoretical concepts of mechanism of development of the motion sickness, which have been formulated in several hypotheses (the hypothesis of discoordination, Treisman’s hypothesis, resonance hypotheses), there is put forward the synthetic hypothesis of sopite that is of conceptual values. According to this hypothesis, the unusual stimulation producing sensory-motor or sensory-sensory discoordinations or action of vestibular and visual stimuli of frequency of about 0.2 Hz is perceived by the CNS as poisoning and causes the corresponding reactions. The sopiting is, in fact, a side effect of technological evolution. It is suggested that in the lower vertebrates, unlike mammals, there is absent a hypothetic vomiting center, therefore, they are not submitted to motion sickness.  相似文献   

Results from our laboratory have indicated that, compared with those of the 1-G supine (Sup) position, left atrial diameter (LAD) and transmural central venous pressure increase in humans during weightlessness (0 G) induced by parabolic flights (R. Videbaek and P. Norsk. J. Appl. Physiol. 83: 1862-1866, 1997). Therefore, because cardiopulmonary low-pressure receptors are stimulated during 0 G, the hypothesis was tested that mean arterial pressure (MAP) in humans decreases during 0 G to values below those of the 1-G Sup condition. When the subjects were Sup, 0 G induced a decrease in MAP from 93 +/- 4 to 88 +/- 4 mmHg (P < 0.001), and LAD increased from 30 +/- 1 to 33 +/- 1 mm (P < 0.001). In the seated position, MAP also decreased from 93 +/- 6 to 87 +/- 5 mmHg (P < 0.01) and LAD increased from 28 +/- 1 to 32 +/- 1 mm (P < 0.001). During 1-G conditions with subjects in the horizontal left lateral position, LAD increased compared with that of Sup (P < 0.001) with no further effects of 0 G. In conclusion, MAP decreases during short-term weightlessness to below that of 1-G Sup simultaneously with an increase in LAD. Therefore, distension of the heart and associated central vessels during 0 G might induce the hypotensive effects through peripheral vasodilatation. Furthermore, the left lateral position in humans could constitute a simulation model of weightlessness.  相似文献   

Hydration status of humans was assessed by means of bioimpedancemetry on board the space station or under the conditions of antiorthostatic hypokinesia (AOSH). Water compartments of the body were decreased in a cosmonaut at the seventh day of a ten-day-long flight to the same degree as in a group of six testers by the seventh day of AOSH (?8°): the amount of total body fluids and intracellular and extracellular volumes were decreased by 5.6–6.5% as compared to the baseline level. The changes in body composition of a cosmonaut during flight were similar to the changes observed in testers during AOSH: lean body weight, which was determined by bioimpedancemetry, was insignificantly decreased, whereas the adipose component of body weight was, on the contrary, increased. It was concluded that the hydration level of the human body was decreased and the amount of body fat was increased during a short-term space flight. It was also shown that the hydration status and composition of the human body were changed in a similar way under the conditions of both AOSH and space flight, which indicates that this ground-based model is adequate for simulation of hydration changes caused by microgravity.  相似文献   

A cell culture of Paramecium with a precise negative gravitaxis was exposed to 4 x l0(-6) g during a parabolic flight of a sounding rocket for 6 min. Computer image analysis revealed that without gravity stimulus the individual swimming paths remained straight. In addition, three reactions could be distinguished. For about 30 s, paramecia maintained the swimming direction they had before onset of low gravity. During the next 20 s, an approximate reversal of the swimming direction occurred. This period was followed by the expected random swimming pattern. Similar behavior was observed under the condition of simulated weightlessness on a fast-rotating clinostat. Control experiments on the ground under hyper-gravity on a low-speed centrifuge microscope and on a vibration test facility proved that the observed effects were caused exclusively by the reduction of gravity.  相似文献   

Sleep, circadian rhythm, and neurobehavioral performance measures were obtained in five astronauts before, during, and after 16-day or 10-day space missions. In space, scheduled rest-activity cycles were 20-35 min shorter than 24 h. Light-dark cycles were highly variable on the flight deck, and daytime illuminances in other compartments of the spacecraft were very low (5.0-79.4 lx). In space, the amplitude of the body temperature rhythm was reduced and the circadian rhythm of urinary cortisol appeared misaligned relative to the imposed non-24-h sleep-wake schedule. Neurobehavioral performance decrements were observed. Sleep duration, assessed by questionnaires and actigraphy, was only approximately 6.5 h/day. Subjective sleep quality diminished. Polysomnography revealed more wakefulness and less slow-wave sleep during the final third of sleep episodes. Administration of melatonin (0.3 mg) on alternate nights did not improve sleep. After return to earth, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was markedly increased. Crewmembers on these flights experienced circadian rhythm disturbances, sleep loss, decrements in neurobehavioral performance, and postflight changes in REM sleep.  相似文献   

The explanation of the mechanism of the response to gravity changes is of great importance for the determination of the capacity of human subjects to adapt to the load of gravitational stress. Therefore several studies were performed to investigate the activity of endocrine system, since the hormones are involved in the regulation of physiological functions and metabolic processes. However the studies of endocrine system activity during altered gravity conditions, especially during the weightlessness are influenced by the several interventions in biomedical observations due to operational program of astronauts, wide variability in individual response and tolerance, use of extensive countermeasures, differences in the type of space missions and in the studies after landing also a hypergravity effect at landing and variability in postflight readaptation process. The significant changes of plasma insulin and glucose levels were observed in astronauts during space flights and in the first days of recovery period. In the first inflight period plasma insulin levels were increased, unchanged or decreased however after 4-5 weeks of exposure to weightlessness a decrease of insulin plasma levels were noted. After space flights an increase of plasma insulin levels were demonstrated in experimental animals and in human subjects. Since plasma insulin level is considered as most important factor involved in the regulation for insulin receptors in target tissues, an investigation of insulin receptors in various tissues was performed in rats exposed to space flight or to hypokinesia (model used for simulation of some effects of microgravity).  相似文献   

During the 6 min-lasting "free-fall conditions" (4 x 10(-6) g) of the parabolic flight of a sounding rocket Paramecium aurelia cells showed an increase of 7.5 % in their mean swimming velocity. A detailed analysis revealed that the kinetic response was transient: after 3 min the velocity decreased to the speed of the former horizontal swimming at 1 g. Control experiments simulating the influence of vibration and hypergravity during launch of the rocket lead to the conclusion that the increase of the velocity during the parabolic flight was exclusively induced by the transition to 0 g. An increased velocity was also observed under the condition of simulated weightlessness on a fast-rotating clinostat microscope.  相似文献   

Sensory interaction and sensory adaptation in short- and long-lasting space flights (SF) and the dynamics of stability of adaptive shifts were studied by the phenomenology of spontaneous and visually induced illusory reactions. It was shown that perceptive impairment developed during the initial adaptation to microgravity should be considered regular reactions of sensory systems under given environmental conditions rather than special features of the individuals examined. The classification of spontaneous illusory reactions (SIR) under conditions of microgravity and the results of investigation of the vertical vection (vection is a visual illusion evoked by the optokinetic stimulation) are presented. The following previously unknown phenomena were registered for the first time: inversion of the vertical vection illusion (VVI) evoked by vertical and sinusoidal optokinetic stimulation, impairment of perception of the body schema during VVI, change in the character of VVI, and development of VVI asymmetry. During long-lasting existence under conditions of weightlessness the anomalous perceptive reactions continued to be registered episodically (the period of adaptation was replaced by that of deadaptation). A hypothesis was suggested for the possible mechanisms of the phenomena found. [Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, vol. 21, no. 4, p. 50-62, July-August, 1995]  相似文献   

The oxidation of benzene under sulfate-reducing conditions was examined in column and batch experiments under close to in situ conditions. Mass balances and degradation rates for benzene oxidation were determined in four sand and four lava granules filled columns percolated with groundwater from an anoxic benzene-contaminated aquifer. The stoichiometry of oxidized benzene, produced hydrogen carbonate and reduced sulfate correlated well with the theoretical equation for mineralization of benzene with sulfate as electron acceptor. Mean retention times of water in four columns were determined using radon (222Rn) as tracer. The retention times were used to calculate average benzene oxidation rates of 8–36 μM benzene day−1. Benzene-degrading, sulfide-producing microcosms were successfully established from sand material of all sand filled columns, strongly indicating that the columns were colonized by anoxic benzene-degrading microorganisms. In general, these data indicate a high potential for Natural Attenuation of benzene under sulfate-reducing conditions at the field site Zeitz. In spite of this existing potential to degrade benzene with sulfate as electron acceptor, the benzene plume at the field site is much longer than expected if benzene would be degraded at the rates observed in the column experiment, indicating that benzene oxidation under sulfate-reducing conditions is limited in situ.  相似文献   

In prolonged manned space flights, the cardiovascular function was examined at rest and during provocative tests. As compared to the preflight data the following changes were seen: higher heart rate at rest and during LBNP tests, decrease of stroke volume at rest and during LBNP test and a less marked increase (or decrease) during exercise tests, symptoms of a greater heart load which transformed to the syndrome of myocardial hypodynamics (preload) during LBNP tests or to the syndrome of myocardial hyperdynamics (afterload) during exercise tests (with other than preflight ratios of systolic and diastolic time intervals). The above cardiovascular changes did not, as a rule, aggravate with flight time and can be viewed as adaptive reactions to microgravity. The above cardiovascular changes were primarily produced by fluid redistribution in the cranial direction, diminished participation of the muscle system in circulation, and involvement of unloading reflexes from the cardiopulmonary receptor zones.  相似文献   

Kiefer J 《Mutation research》1999,430(2):265-313
This paper addresses some of the pertinent questions relating to the assessment of radiation risk for humans in space; the paper is not intended as a comprehensive review. The radiation field is briefly summarised and doses to be expected are given based on recent on-board measurements. The problems in adapting terrestrial epidemiological data to the space situation are outlined. Apart from the intrinsic uncertainties in deriving risk factors the specific difficulties are mainly concerned with the effects of energetic charged particles for which no human data exist. The necessity for continuing ground-based research is stressed. Also discussed is whether the principles of radiation protection successfully applied on Earth are really suitable for the space situation or whether they should be replaced by a different approach.  相似文献   

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