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The DA strain of Theiler's virus, a murine picornavirus, causes a persistent infection of glial cells of the white matter of the spinal cord, associated with chronic inflammation and primary demyelination. The GDVII strain causes an acute fatal grey matter encephalomyelitis. We characterized the target cells of GDVII and DA viruses 4 days following intracerebral inoculation, and we compared the levels of viral RNA within these cells. GDVII virus infected approximately 10 times more cells than DA virus. Whereas GDVII virus infected neurons exclusively, DA virus infected also astrocytes and possible macrophage-microglial cells. The levels of viral RNA in neurons infected with GDVII and DA viruses were of the same order. These results show that DA virus infects glial cells already at the beginning of the disease and that the more efficient spread of GDVII virus is probably not due to a higher level of RNA replication per cell.  相似文献   

The distribution, spread, neuropathology, tropism, and persistence of the neurovirulent GDVII strain of Theiler's virus in the central nervous system (CNS) was investigated in mice susceptible and resistant to chronic demyelinating infection with TO strains. Following intracerebral inoculation, the virus spread rapidly to specific areas of the CNS. There were, however, specific structures in which infection was consistently undetectable. Virus spread both between adjacent cell bodies and along neuronal pathways. The distribution of the infection was dependent on the site of inoculation. The majority of viral RNA-positive cells were neurons. Many astrocytes were also positive. Infection of both of these cell types was lytic. In contrast, viral RNA-positive oligodendrocytes were rare and were observed only in well-established areas of infection. The majority of oligodendrocytes in these areas were viral RNA negative and were often the major cell type remaining; however, occasional destruction of these cells was observed. No differences in any of the above parameters were observed between CBA and BALB/c mice, susceptible and resistant, respectively, to chronic CNS demyelinating infection with TO strains of Theiler's virus. By using Southern blot hybridization to detect reverse-transcribed PCR-amplified viral RNA sequences, no virus persistence could be detected in the CNS of immunized mice surviving infection with GDVII. In conclusion, the GDVII strain of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus cannot persist in the CNS, but this is not consequent upon an inability to infect glial cells, including oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

The highly virulent GDVII strain of Theiler''s murine encephalomyelitis virus causes acute and fatal encephalomyelitis, whereas the DA strain causes mild encephalomyelitis followed by a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease with virus persistence. The differences in the amino acid sequences of the leader protein (L) of the DA and GDVII strains are greater than those for any other viral protein. We examined the subcellular distribution of DA L and GDVII L tagged with the FLAG epitope in BHK-21 cells. Wild-type GDVII L was localized predominantly in the cytoplasm, whereas wild-type DA L showed a nucleocytoplasmic distribution. A series of the L mutant experiments demonstrated that the zinc finger domain, acidic domain, and C-terminal region of L were necessary for the nuclear accumulation of DA L. A GDVII L mutant with a deletion of the serine/threonine (S/T)-rich domain showed a nucleocytoplasmic distribution, in contrast to the predominant cytoplasmic distribution of wild-type GDVII L. A chimeric DA/GDVII L, D/G, which encodes the N region of DA L including the zinc finger domain and acidic domain, followed by the GDVII L sequence including the S/T-rich domain, was distributed exclusively throughout the cytoplasm but not in the nucleus, as observed with wild-type GDVII L. Another chimeric L, G/D (which is the converse of the D/G construct), accumulated in the nucleus as well as the cytoplasm, as was observed for wild-type DA L. The findings suggest that the differential distribution of DA L and GDVII L is determined primarily by the S/T-rich domain. The S/T-rich domain may be important for the viral activity through the regulation of the subcellular distribution of L.Theiler''s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) belongs to the genus Cardiovirus of the family Picornaviridae, and its strains are divided into two subgroups on the basis of their different biological activities. The neurovirulent strains, such as GDVII and FA, produce acute and fatal encephalomyelitis in mice. The persistent strains, such as TO, DA, BeAn, etc., induce mild and nonfatal encephalomyelitis, followed by a chronic demyelinating disease with virus persistence in the spinal cords of mice. This late demyelinating disease is thought to be an excellent experimental model for the human demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis (MS) (5, 17, 20).The TMEV genome is a single-stranded RNA molecule and translated as a long precursor polyprotein to yield 12 viral proteins by autoproteolytic cleavage (23). Two subgroup strains of TMEV have a sequence identity of approximately 95% at the amino acid level. The amino acid sequences of the proteins encoded by the P1, P2, and P3 regions of both strains are highly conserved and show 94, 96, and 98% identity, respectively. The genome has another coding region, designated the leader (L), at the most amino-terminal location of the precursor polyprotein. The L coding region encodes 76 amino acids (aa) and shows a low sequence identity of only 85% to the above-described three regions (16, 19, 22). Therefore, L has the greatest difference in amino acid sequence among any of the viral proteins and may play an important role in subgroup-specific biological activities of TMEV. In this study, we have investigated the subcellular localization of the L proteins of GDVII and DA strains and characterized the functional domains involved in the differential distribution between DA L and GDVII L in BHK-21 cells by a series of deletion mutant and chimeric construct experiments.  相似文献   

Y Lorch  M Kotler    A Friedmann 《Journal of virology》1983,45(3):1150-1154
GDVII and DA picornaviruses, which represent two biologically distinct subgroups of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruses, were analyzed to detect the presence of a RNA-linked protein, VPg. It was found that the single-stranded RNA genomes isolated from the virions of both viruses contain a protein of approximately 7,000 daltons, which is covalently linked to the 5' end of the RNA. Like in other picornaviruses (e.g., poliovirus and encephalomyocarditis virus), the terminal nucleotide adjacent to the protein was found to be pUp. The possibility that differently charged VPg species exist is also mentioned.  相似文献   

Following intracranial inoculation, Theiler's virus causes either an acute encephalitis (strain GDVII) or a chronic demyelinating disease (strain DA). The DA strain sequentially infects the grey matter of the brain, the grey matter of the spinal cord, and, finally, the white matter of the spinal cord, where it persists in glial cells and causes demyelinating lesions. Analysis of the phenotype of recombinant viruses has shown that the viral capsid contains determinants for persistence and demyelination. Our previous studies showed that a Lys at position 141 of the VP2 capsid protein (VP2-141) could render a chimeric virus persistent. We also reported that another recombinant virus, virus R5, migrated from the grey matter of the brain to that of the spinal cord inefficiently and was unable to infect the white matter of the spinal cord. In this article, we report that introducing a Lys at position VP2-141 in virus R5 increases its ability to infect the white matter of the spinal cord. Our results indicate that this amino acid is important for the spread of the virus within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) exists within tissues of infected macaques as a mixture of diverse genotypes. The goal of this study was to investigate the biologic significance of this variation in terms of cellular tropism and pathogenicity. PCR was used to amplify and clone 3'-half genomes from the spleen of an immunodeficiency SIV-infected pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina). Eight infectious clones were generated by ligation of respective 3' clones into a related SIVsm 5' clone, and virus stocks were generated by transient transfection. Four of these viruses were infectious for macaque peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) or monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM). Three viruses with distinct tropism for macaque PBMC or MDM were tested for in vivo infectivity and pathogenicity. The ability of these three viruses to infect PBMC and macrophages correlated with differences in infectivity and pathogenicity. Thus, a virus that was infectious for both PBMC and MDM was highly infectious for macaques and induced AIDS in half of the inoculated animals. In contrast, virus that was less infectious for PBMC and not infectious for MDM induced only transient viremia. Finally, a virus that was not infectious for either primary cell type did not infect macaques. Chimeric clones exchanging portions of the envelope gene of the 62A and smH4 molecular clones and a series of point mutants were used to map the determinant of tropism to a 60-amino-acid region of gp120 encompassing the V3 analog of SIV. Naturally occurring mutations within this region were critical for determining tropism and, as a result, pathogenicity of these SIVsm clones.  相似文献   

Despite the high degree of sequence homology between adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype 1 and 6 capsids (99.2%), these viruses have different liver transduction profiles when tested as vectors. Examination of the six amino acid residues that differ between AAV1 and AAV6 revealed that a lysine-to-glutamate change (K531E) suppresses the heparin binding ability of AAV6. In addition, the same mutation in AAV6 reduces transgene expression to levels similar to those achieved with AAV1 in HepG2 cells in vitro and in mouse liver following portal vein administration. In corollary, the converse E531K mutation in AAV1 imparts heparin binding ability and increases transduction efficiency. Extraction of vector genomes from liver tissue suggests that the lysine 531 residue assists in preferential transduction of parenchymal cells by AAV6 vectors in comparison with AAV1. Lysine 531 is unique to AAV6 among other known AAV serotypes and is located in a basic cluster near the spikes that surround the icosahedral threefold axes of the AAV capsid. Similar to studies with autonomous parvoviruses, this study describes the first example of single amino acid changes that can explain differential phenotypes such as viral titer, receptor binding, and tissue tropism exhibited by closely related AAV serotypes. In particular, a single lysine residue appears to provide the critical minimum charged surface required for interacting with heparin through electrostatic interaction and simultaneously plays an unrelated yet critical role in the liver tropism of AAV6 vectors.  相似文献   

Interaction between viral proteins is necessary for viral replication and viral particle assembly. We used the yeast two-hybrid assay to identify interactions among all the mature proteins of the hepatitis C virus. The interaction between NS3 and NS3 was one of the strongest viral protein-protein interactions detected. The minimal region required for this interaction was mapped to a specific subdomain of 174 amino acids in the N terminus of the helicase region. Random mutations in the minimal region were generated by PCR, and mutants that failed to interact with a wild-type minimal fragment were isolated using the yeast two-hybrid assay as a screen. Three of these mutations resulted in a reduction or a loss of interaction between helicases. Analytical gel filtration showed that in the presence of an oligonucleotide, wild-type helicases form dimers whereas the mutants remain mostly monomeric. All three mutants were partially or almost inactive when assayed for helicase activity in vitro. Mixing a mutant helicase (Y267S) with wild-type helicase did not dramatically affect helicase activity. These data indicate that dimerization of the helicase is important for helicase activity. The mutations that reduce self-association of the helicase may define the key residues involved in NS3-NS3 dimerization.  相似文献   

Meiosis pairs and segregates homologous chromosomes and thereby forms haploid germ cells to compensate the genome doubling at fertilization. Homologue pairing in many eukaryotic species depends on formation of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) during early prophase I when telomeres begin to cluster at the nuclear periphery (bouquet stage). By fluorescence in situ hybridization criteria, we observe that mid-preleptotene and bouquet stage frequencies are altered in male mice deficient for proteins required for recombination, ubiquitin conjugation and telomere length control. The generally low frequencies of mid-preleptotene spermatocytes were significantly increased in male mice lacking recombination proteins SPO11, MEI1, MLH1, KU80, ubiquitin conjugating enzyme HR6B, and in mice with only one copy of the telomere length regulator Terf1. The bouquet stage was significantly enriched in Atm(-/-), Spo11(-/-), Mei1(m1Jcs/m1Jcs), Mlh1(-/-), Terf1(+/-) and Hr6b(-/-) spermatogenesis, but not in mice lacking recombination proteins DMC1 and HOP2, the non-homologous end-joining DNA repair factor KU80 and the ATM downstream effector GADD45a. Mice defective in spermiogenesis (Tnp1(-/-), Gmcl1(-/-), Asm(-/-)) showed wild-type mid-preleptotene and bouquet frequencies. A low frequency of bouquet spermatocytes in Spo11(-/-)Atm(-/-) spermatogenesis suggests that DSBs contribute to the Atm(-/-)-correlated bouquet stage exit defect. Insignificant changes of bouquet frequencies in mice with defects in early stages of DSB repair (Dmc1(-/-), Hop2(-/-)) suggest that there is an ATM-specific influence on bouquet stage duration. Altogether, it appears that several pathways influence telomere dynamics in mammalian meiosis.  相似文献   

X Wu  K Tatchell 《Biochemistry》2001,40(25):7410-7420
Protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1) is a major Ser/Thr protein phosphatase that is involved in many cellular processes. The activity of PP1 is controlled by regulatory subunits, many of which are thought to bind to a hydrophobic groove in PP1 via a short consensus sequence termed the V/IXF motif. To test this hypothesis, 11 variants of yeast PP1 (Glc7) were constructed in which one or more of the residues comprising the groove were changed to alanine. These variants were tested for their biological activity in vivo, for their biochemical activity in vitro, and for their ability to associate with three PP1 binding proteins. Five variants are unable to complement the essential function of PP1 in vivo although they are catalytically active in vitro. Many of the mutants are deficient in binding two V/IXF-containing subunits, Gac1 and Reg1, which regulate glycogen accumulation and glucose repression, respectively, but all retain the ability to associate with Sds22, a regulatory subunit that lacks this motif. The subcellular locations at which PP1 normally accumulates (bud neck, nucleolus, spindle pole body) were not occupied by one PP1 variant. Additionally, we provide evidence that mutations in the hydrophobic groove of PP1 affect substrate specificity. Together, these results demonstrate the importance of the hydrophobic groove for the interaction with regulatory subunits, for the proper subcellular localization of PP1 and for the substrate specificity of PP1.  相似文献   

Protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) is a catalyst of folding of disulfide-bonded proteins and also a multifunctional polypeptide that acts as the beta-subunit in the prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha(2)beta(2)-tetramer (P4H) and the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein alphabeta-dimer. The principal peptide-binding site of PDI is located in the b' domain, but all domains contribute to the binding of misfolded proteins. Mutations in the C-terminal part of the a' domain have significant effects on the assembly of the P4H tetramer and other functions of PDI. In this study we have addressed the question of whether these mutations in the C-terminal part of the a' domain, which affect P4H assembly, also affect peptide binding to PDI. We observed a strong correlation between P4H assembly competence and peptide binding; mutants of PDI that failed to form a functional P4H tetramer were also inactive in peptide binding. However, there was also a correlation between inactivity in these assays and indicators of conformational disruption, such as protease sensitivity. Peptide binding activity could be restored in inactive, protease-sensitive mutants by selective proteolytic removal of the mutated a' domain. Hence we propose that structural changes in the a' domain indirectly affect peptide binding to the b' domain.  相似文献   

Polyomaviruses are nonenveloped viruses with capsids composed primarily of 72 pentamers of the viral VP1 protein, which forms the outer shell of the capsid and binds to cell surface oligosaccharide receptors. Highly conserved VP1 proteins from closely related polyomaviruses recognize different oligosaccharides. To determine whether amino acid changes restricted to the oligosaccharide binding site are sufficient to determine receptor specificity and how changes in receptor usage affect tropism, we studied the primate polyomavirus simian virus 40 (SV40), which uses the ganglioside GM1 as a receptor that mediates cell binding and entry. Here, we used two sequential genetic screens to isolate and characterize viable SV40 mutants with mutations in the VP1 GM1 binding site. Two of these mutants were completely resistant to GM1 neutralization, were no longer stimulated by incorporation of GM1 into cell membranes, and were unable to bind to GM1 on the cell surface. In addition, these mutant viruses displayed an infection defect in monkey cells with high levels of cell surface GM1. Interestingly, one mutant infected cells with low cell surface GM1 more efficiently than wild-type virus, apparently by utilizing a different ganglioside receptor. Our results indicate that a small number of mutations in the GM1 binding site are sufficient to alter ganglioside usage and change tropism, and they suggest that VP1 divergence is driven primarily by a requirement to accommodate specific receptors. In addition, our results suggest that GM1 binding is required for vacuole formation in permissive monkey CV-1 cells. Further study of these mutants will provide new insight into polyomavirus entry, pathogenesis, and evolution.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid (NC) protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is required for packaging of viral RNA and for virion assembly. It contains two clusters of basic amino acids, consisting of five and four amino acid residues, flanking the first of its two zinc fingers. These amino acid residues have been mutagenized to neutral ones individually, as well as in various combinations, by site-directed mutagenesis. Wild-type NCp7 and the mutant proteins were expressed as recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli, with six histidines as tags at their amino termini in order to allow efficient purification. The purified proteins were analyzed for RNA binding in vitro with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 5' leader RNA transcribed in vitro. Assays comprised Northwestern blots at various salt concentrations and filter binding tests which allowed determination of the dissociation constants of the various mutants. The results indicated that mutations of the amino acid R-7 and of R-32 and K-33 were more critical for RNA binding than other mutations. Mutation of the other amino acid residues reduced the binding affinity in proportion to the number of mutations. Mutation of seven of the nine basic amino acid residues reduced the binding of RNA by 50- to 90-fold.  相似文献   

L Zhou  X Lin  T J Green  H L Lipton    M Luo 《Journal of virology》1997,71(12):9701-9712
Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruses (TMEVs) belong to the Picornaviridae family and are divided into two groups, typified by strain GDVII virus and members of the TO (Theiler's original) group. The highly virulent GDVII group causes acute encephalitis in mice, while the TO group is less virulent and causes a chronic demyelinating disease which is associated with viral persistence in mice. This persistent central nervous system infection with demyelination resembles multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans and has thus become an important model for studying MS. It has been shown that some of the determinants associated with viral persistence are located on the capsid proteins of the TO group. Structural comparisons of two persistent strains (BeAn and DA) and a highly virulent strain (GDVII) showed that the most significant structural variations between these two groups of viruses are located on the sites that may influence virus binding to cellular receptors. Most animal viruses attach to specific cellular receptors that, in part, determine host range and tissue tropism. In this study, atomic models of TMEV chimeras were built with the known structures of GDVII, BeAn, and DA viruses. Comparisons among the known GDVII, BeAn, and DA structures as well as the predicted models for the TMEV chimeras suggested that a gap on the capsid surface next to the putative receptor binding site, composed of residues from VP1 and VP2, may be important in determining viral persistence by influencing virus attachment to cellular receptors, such as sialyloligosaccharides. Our results showed that sialyllactose, the first three sugar molecules of common oligosaccharides on the surface of mammalian cells, inhibits virus binding to the host cell and infection with the persistent BeAn virus but not the nonpersistent GDVII and chimera 39 viruses.  相似文献   

The reovirus attachment protein, sigma1, determines numerous aspects of reovirus-induced disease, including viral virulence, pathways of spread, and tropism for certain types of cells in the central nervous system. The sigma1 protein projects from the virion surface and consists of two distinct morphologic domains, a virion-distal globular domain known as the head and an elongated fibrous domain, termed the tail, which is anchored into the virion capsid. To better understand structure-function relationships of sigma1 protein, we conducted experiments to identify sequences in sigma1 important for viral binding to sialic acid, a component of the receptor for type 3 reovirus. Three serotype 3 reovirus strains incapable of binding sialylated receptors were adapted to growth in murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells, in which sialic acid is essential for reovirus infectivity. MEL-adapted (MA) mutant viruses isolated by serial passage in MEL cells acquired the capacity to bind sialic acid-containing receptors and demonstrated a dependence on sialic acid for infection of MEL cells. Analysis of reassortant viruses isolated from crosses of an MA mutant virus and a reovirus strain that does not bind sialic acid indicated that the sigma1 protein is solely responsible for efficient growth of MA mutant viruses in MEL cells. The deduced sigma1 amino acid sequences of the MA mutant viruses revealed that each strain contains a substitution within a short region of sequence in the sigma1 tail predicted to form beta-sheet. These studies identify specific sequences that determine the capacity of reovirus to bind sialylated receptors and suggest a location for a sialic acid-binding domain. Furthermore, the results support a model in which type 3 sigma1 protein contains discrete receptor binding domains, one in the head and another in the tail that binds sialic acid.  相似文献   

Mutations were made at 64 positions on the external surface of the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) capsid in regions expected to bind antibodies. The 127 mutations included 57 single alanine substitutions, 41 single nonalanine substitutions, 27 multiple mutations, and 2 insertions. Mutants were assayed for capsid synthesis, heparin binding, in vitro transduction, and binding and neutralization by murine monoclonal and human polyclonal antibodies. All mutants made capsid proteins within a level about 20-fold of that made by the wild type. All but seven mutants bound heparin as well as the wild type. Forty-two mutants transduced human cells at least as well as the wild type, and 10 mutants increased transducing activity up to ninefold more than the wild type. Eighteen adjacent alanine substitutions diminished transduction from 10- to 100,000-fold but had no effect on heparin binding and define an area (dead zone) required for transduction that is distinct from the previously characterized heparin receptor binding site. Mutations that reduced binding and neutralization by a murine monoclonal antibody (A20) were localized, while mutations that reduced neutralization by individual human sera or by pooled human, intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) were dispersed over a larger area. Mutations that reduced binding by A20 also reduced neutralization. However, a mutation that reduced the binding of IVIG by 90% did not reduce neutralization, and mutations that reduced neutralization by IVIG did not reduce its binding. Combinations of mutations did not significantly increase transduction or resistance to neutralization by IVIG. These mutations define areas on the surface of the AAV-2 capsid that are important determinants of transduction and antibody neutralization.  相似文献   

Modeling a sialic acid binding pocket in the external loops of JC virus VP1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
JC virus (JCV) is a common human polyomavirus that infects over 70% of the population worldwide. JCV has a restricted cell tropism that is caused partly by the initial interaction between the virus and sialic acid-containing host cell receptors. To identify the molecular interactions between the virus and its cellular receptor, we used a combined approach of site-directed mutagenesis and homology-based molecular modeling. A model of the major viral capsid protein VP1 based on sequence alignment with other closely related polyomaviruses allowed us to target specific amino acids in the extracellular loops of VP1 for mutagenesis. An analysis of the growth rates of 17 point mutants led to the identification of VP1 amino acids that are critical in virus-host cell receptor interactions. Molecular dynamics simulations were then used to build and confirm a model of the interaction between VP1 and the sialic acid component of the JCV receptor.  相似文献   

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