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There exist two small heat shock proteins (sHsps) in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe (S. pombe), whose expressions are highly induced by heat stress. We have previously expressed, purified, and characterized one of the sHsps, SpHsp16.0. In this study, we examined the other sHsp, SpHsp15.8. It suppressed the thermal aggregation of citrate synthase (CS) from porcine heart and dithiothreitol-induced aggregation of insulin from bovine pancreas with very high efficiency. Almost one SpHsp15.8 subunit was sufficient to protect one protein molecule from aggregation. Like SpHsp16.0, SpHsp15.8 dissociated into small oligomers and then interacted with denatured substrate proteins. SpHsp16.0 exhibited a clear enthalpy change for denaturation occurring over 60 degrees C in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). However, we could not observe any significant enthalpy change in the DSC of SpHsp15.8. The difference is likely to be caused by the adhesive characteristics of SpHsp15.8. The oligomer dissociation of SpHsp15.8 and SpHsp16.0 and their interactions with denatured substrate proteins were studied by fluorescence polarization analysis (FPA). Both sHsps exhibited a temperature-dependent decrease of fluorescence polarization, which correlates with the dissociation of large oligomers to small oligomers. The dissociation of the SpHsp15.8 oligomer began at about 35 degrees C and proceeded gradually. On the contrary, the SpHsp16.0 oligomer was stable up to approximately 45 degrees C, but then dissociated into small oligomers abruptly at this temperature. Interestingly, SpHsp16.0 is likely to interact with denatured CS in the dissociated state, while SpHsp15.8 is likely to interact with CS in a large complex. These results suggest that S. pombe utilizes two sHsps that function in different manners, probably to cope with a wide range of temperatures and various denatured proteins.  相似文献   

Hsp90 molecular chaperones are required for the stability and activity of a diverse range of client proteins that have critical roles in signal transduction, cellular trafficking, chromatin remodeling, cell growth, differentiation, and reproduction. Mammalian cells contain three types of Hsp90s: cytosolic Hsp90, mitochondrial Trap‐1, and Grp94 of the endoplasmic reticulum. Each of the Hsp90s, as well as the bacterial homolog, HtpG, hydrolyze ATP and undergo similar conformational changes. Unlike the other forms of Hsp90, cytosolic Hsp90 function is dependent on a battery of co‐chaperone proteins that regulate the ATPase activity of Hsp90 or direct Hsp90 to interact with specific client proteins. This review will summarize what is known about Hsp90's ability to mediate the folding and activation of diverse client proteins that contribute to human diseases, such as cancer and fungal and viral infections. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 211–217, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

The folding and assembly of Rubisco large and small subunits into L8S8 holoenzyme in chloroplasts involves many auxiliary factors, including the chaperone BSD2. Here we identify apparent intermediary Rubisco‐BSD2 assembly complexes in the model C3 plant tobacco. We show BSD2 and Rubisco content decrease in tandem with leaf age with approximately half of the BSD2 in young leaves (~70 nmol BSD2 protomer.m2) stably integrated in putative intermediary Rubisco complexes that account for <0.2% of the L8S8 pool. RNAisilencing BSD2 production in transplastomic tobacco producing bacterial L2 Rubisco had no effect on leaf photosynthesis, cell ultrastructure, or plant growth. Genetic crossing the same RNAi‐bsd2 alleles into wild‐type tobacco however impaired L8S8 Rubisco production and plant growth, indicating the only critical function of BSD2 is in Rubisco biogenesis. Agrobacterium mediated transient expression of tobacco, Arabidopsis, or maize BSD2 reinstated Rubisco biogenesis in BSD2‐silenced tobacco. Overexpressing BSD2 in tobacco chloroplasts however did not alter Rubisco content, activation status, leaf photosynthesis rate, or plant growth in the field or in the glasshouse at 20°C or 35°C. Our findings indicate BSD2 functions exclusively in Rubisco biogenesis, can efficiently facilitate heterologous plant Rubisco assembly, and is produced in amounts nonlimiting to tobacco growth.  相似文献   

Get3 in yeast or TRC40 in mammals is an ATPase that, in eukaryotes, is a central element of the GET or TRC pathway involved in the targeting of tail‐anchored proteins. Get3 has also been shown to possess chaperone holdase activity. A bioinformatic assessment was performed across all domains of life on functionally important regions of Get3 including the TRC40‐insert and the hydrophobic groove essential for tail‐anchored protein binding. We find that such a hydrophobic groove is much more common in bacterial Get3 homologs than previously appreciated based on a directed comparison of bacterial ArsA and yeast Get3. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the region containing the TRC40‐insert varies in length and methionine content to an unexpected extent within eukaryotes and also between different phylogenetic groups. In fact, since the TRC40‐insert is present in all domains of life, we suggest that its presence does not automatically predict a tail‐anchored protein targeting function. This opens up a new perspective on the function of organellar Get3 homologs in plants which feature the TRC40‐insert but have not been demonstrated to function in tail‐anchored protein targeting. Our analysis also highlights a large diversity of the ways Get3 homologs dimerize. Thus, based on the structural features of Get3 homologs, these proteins may have an unexplored functional diversity in all domains of life.   相似文献   

ERdj3/DNAJB11 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)‐targeted HSP40 co‐chaperone that performs multifaceted functions involved in coordinating ER and extracellular proteostasis. Here, we show that ERdj3 assembles into a native tetramer that is distinct from the dimeric structure observed for other HSP40 co‐chaperones. An electron microscopy structural model of full‐length ERdj3 shows that these tetramers are arranged as a dimer of dimers formed by distinct inter‐subunit interactions involving ERdj3 domain II and domain III. Targeted deletion of residues 175‐190 within domain II renders ERdj3 a stable dimer that is folded and efficiently secreted from mammalian cells. This dimeric ERdj3 shows impaired substrate binding both in the ER and extracellular environments and reduced interactions with the ER HSP70 chaperone BiP. Furthermore, we show that overexpression of dimeric ERdj3 exacerbates ER stress‐dependent reductions in the secretion of a destabilized, aggregation‐prone protein and increases its accumulation as soluble oligomers in extracellular environments. These results reveal ERdj3 tetramerization as an important structural framework for ERdj3 functions involved in coordinating ER and extracellular proteostasis in the presence and absence of ER stress.  相似文献   

Protein folding is an essential prerequisite for proteins to execute nearly all cellular functions. There is a growing demand for a simple and robust method to investigate protein folding on a large‐scale under the same conditions. We previously developed a global folding assay system, in which proteins translated using an Escherichia coli‐based cell‐free translation system are centrifuged to quantitate the supernatant fractions. Although the assay is based on the assumption that the supernatants contain the folded native states, the supernatants also include nonnative unstructured proteins. In general, proteases recognize and degrade unstructured proteins, and thus we used a protease to digest the unstructured regions to monitor the folding status. The addition of Lon protease during the translation of proteins unmasked subfractions, not only in the soluble fractions but also in the aggregation‐prone fractions. We translated ~90 E. coli proteins in the protease‐inclusion assay, in the absence and presence of chaperones. The folding assay, which sheds light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the aggregate formation and the chaperone effects, can be applied to a large‐scale analysis.  相似文献   

Chaperones and other quality control machinery guard proteins from inappropriate aggregation, which is a hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases. However, how the systems that regulate the “foldedness” of the proteome remain buffered under stress conditions and in different cellular compartments remains incompletely understood. In this study, we applied a FRET-based strategy to explore how well quality control machinery protects against the misfolding and aggregation of “bait” biosensor proteins, made from the prokaryotic ribonuclease barnase, in the nucleus and cytosol of human embryonic kidney 293T cells. We found that those barnase biosensors were prone to misfolding, were less engaged by quality control machinery, and more prone to inappropriate aggregation in the nucleus as compared with the cytosol, and that these effects could be regulated by chaperone Hsp70-related machinery. Furthermore, aggregation of mutant huntingtin exon 1 protein (Httex1) in the cytosol appeared to outcompete and thus prevented the engagement of quality control machinery with the biosensor in the cytosol. This effect correlated with reduced levels of DNAJB1 and HSPA1A chaperones in the cell outside those sequestered to the aggregates, particularly in the nucleus. Unexpectedly, we found Httex1 aggregation also increased the apparent engagement of the barnase biosensor with quality control machinery in the nucleus suggesting an independent implementation of “holdase” activity of chaperones other than DNAJB1 and HSPA1A. Collectively, these results suggest that proteostasis stress can trigger a rebalancing of chaperone abundance in different subcellular compartments through a dynamic network involving different chaperone–client interactions.  相似文献   

Uracil‐DNA glycosylases are ubiquitous enzymes, which play a key role repairing damages in DNA and in maintaining genomic integrity by catalyzing the first step in the base excision repair pathway. Within the superfamily of uracil‐DNA glycosylases family I enzymes or UNGs are specific for recognizing and removing uracil from DNA. These enzymes feature conserved structural folds, active site residues and use common motifs for DNA binding, uracil recognition and catalysis. Within this family the enzymes of poxviruses are unique and most remarkable in terms of amino acid sequences, characteristic motifs and more importantly for their novel non‐enzymatic function in DNA replication. UNG of vaccinia virus, also known as D4, is the most extensively characterized UNG of the poxvirus family. D4 forms an unusual heterodimeric processivity factor by attaching to a poxvirus‐specific protein A20, which also binds to the DNA polymerase E9 and recruits other proteins necessary for replication. D4 is thus integrated in the DNA polymerase complex, and its DNA‐binding and DNA scanning abilities couple DNA processivity and DNA base excision repair at the replication fork. The adaptations necessary for taking on the new function are reflected in the amino acid sequence and the three‐dimensional structure of D4. An overview of the current state of the knowledge on the structure‐function relationship of D4 is provided here.  相似文献   

Most known proteins have at least one local Hsp70 chaperone binding site. Does this mean that all proteins interact with Hsp70 as they fold? This study makes an initial step to address the above question by examining the interaction of the E.coli Hsp70 chaperone (known as DnaK) and its co-chaperones DnaJ and GrpE with a slow-folding E.coli substrate, RNase HD. Importantly, this protein is a nonobligatory client, and it is able to fold in vitro even in the absence of chaperones. We employ stopped-flow mixing, chromatography, and activity assays to analyze the kinetic perturbations induced by DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE (K/J/E) on the folding of RNase HD. We find that K/J/E slows down RNase HD''s apparent folding, consistent with the presence of transient chaperone-substrate interactions. However, kinetic retardation is moderate for this slow-folding client and it is expected to be even smaller for faster-folding substrates. Given that the interaction of folding-competent substrates such as RNase HD with the K/J/E chaperones is relatively short-lived, it does not significantly interfere with the timely production of folded biologically active substrate. The above mode of action is important because it preserves K/J/E bioavailability, enabling this chaperone system to act primarily by assisting the folding of other misfolded and (or) aggregation-prone cellular proteins that are unable to fold independently. When refolding is carried out in the presence of K/J and absence of the nucleotide exchange factor GrpE, some of the substrate population becomes trapped as a chaperone-bound partially unfolded state.  相似文献   

B. licheniformis exo‐small β‐lactamase (ESBL) has a complex architecture with twelve α helices and a five‐stranded beta sheet. We replaced, separately or simultaneously, three of the ESBL α helices with prototype amphiphatic helices from a catalog of secondary structure elements. Although the substitutes bear no sequence similarity to the originals and pertain to unrelated protein families, all the engineered ESBL variants were found able to fold in native like structures with in vitro and in vivo enzymic activity. The triple substituted variant resembles a primitive protein, with folding defects such as a strong tendency to oligomerization and very low stability; however it mimics a non homologous recombinant abandoning the family sequence space while preserving fold. The results test protein folding and evolution theories.  相似文献   

Cartilage acidic protein1 (CRTAC1) is an extracellular matrix protein of chondrogenic tissue in humans and its presence in bacteria indicate it is of ancient origin. Structural modeling of piscine CRTAC1 reveals it belongs to the large family of beta‐propeller proteins that in mammals have been associated with diseases, including amyloid diseases such as Alzheimer's. In order to characterize the structure/function evolution of this new member of the beta‐propeller family we exploited the unique characteristics of piscine duplicate genes Crtac1a and Crtac1b and compared their structural and biochemical modifications with human recombinant CRTAC1. We demonstrate that CRTAC1 has a beta‐propeller structure that has been conserved during evolution and easily forms high molecular weight thermo‐stable aggregates. We reveal for the first time the propensity of CRTAC1 to form amyloid‐like structures, and hypothesize that the aggregating property of CRTAC1 may be related to its disease‐association. We further contribute to the general understating of CRTAC1's and beta‐propeller family evolution and function. Proteins 2017; 85:242–255. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Human age‐onset cataracts are believed to be caused by the aggregation of partially unfolded or covalently damaged lens crystallin proteins; however, the exact molecular mechanism remains largely unknown. We have used microseconds of molecular dynamics simulations with explicit solvent to investigate the unfolding process of human lens γD‐crystallin protein and its isolated domains. A partially unfolded folding intermediate of γD‐crystallin is detected in simulations with its C‐terminal domain (C‐td) folded and N‐terminal domain (N‐td) unstructured, in excellent agreement with biochemical experiments. Our simulations strongly indicate that the stability and the folding mechanism of the N‐td are regulated by the interdomain interactions, consistent with experimental observations. A hydrophobic folding core was identified within the C‐td that is comprised of a and b strands from the Greek key motif 4, the one near the domain interface. Detailed analyses reveal a surprising non‐native surface salt‐bridge between Glu135 and Arg142 located at the end of the ab folded hairpin turn playing a critical role in stabilizing the folding core. On the other hand, an in silico single E135A substitution that disrupts this non‐native Glu135‐Arg142 salt‐bridge causes significant destabilization to the folding core of the isolated C‐td, which, in turn, induces unfolding of the N‐td interface. These findings indicate that certain highly conserved charged residues, that is, Glu135 and Arg142, of γD‐crystallin are crucial for stabilizing its hydrophobic domain interface in native conformation, and disruption of charges on the γD‐crystallin surface might lead to unfolding and subsequent aggregation.  相似文献   

Gene duplication and fusion events in protein evolution are postulated to be responsible for the common protein folds exhibiting internal rotational symmetry. Such evolutionary processes can also potentially yield regions of repetitive primary structure. Repetitive primary structure offers the potential for alternative definitions of critical regions, such as the folding nucleus (FN). In principle, more than one instance of the FN potentially enables an alternative folding pathway in the face of a subsequent deleterious mutation. We describe the targeted mutation of the carboxyl‐terminal region of the (internally located) FN of the de novo designed purely‐symmetric β‐trefoil protein Symfoil‐4P. This mutation involves wholesale replacement of a repeating trefoil‐fold motif with a “blade” motif from a β‐propeller protein, and postulated to trap that region of the Symfoil‐4P FN in a nonproductive folding intermediate. The resulting protein (termed “Bladefoil”) is shown to be cooperatively folding, but as a trimeric oligomer. The results illustrate how symmetric protein architectures have potentially diverse folding alternatives available to them, including oligomerization, when preferred pathways are perturbed.  相似文献   

Many protein architectures exhibit evidence of internal rotational symmetry postulated to be the result of gene duplication/fusion events involving a primordial polypeptide motif. A common feature of such structures is a domain‐swapped arrangement at the interface of the N‐ and C‐termini motifs and postulated to provide cooperative interactions that promote folding and stability. De novo designed symmetric protein architectures have demonstrated an ability to accommodate circular permutation of the N‐ and C‐termini in the overall architecture; however, the folding requirement of the primordial motif is poorly understood, and tolerance to circular permutation is essentially unknown. The β‐trefoil protein fold is a threefold‐symmetric architecture where the repeating ~42‐mer “trefoil‐fold” motif assembles via a domain‐swapped arrangement. The trefoil‐fold structure in isolation exposes considerable hydrophobic area that is otherwise buried in the intact β‐trefoil trimeric assembly. The trefoil‐fold sequence is not predicted to adopt the trefoil‐fold architecture in ab initio folding studies; rather, the predicted fold is closely related to a compact “blade” motif from the β‐propeller architecture. Expression of a trefoil‐fold sequence and circular permutants shows that only the wild‐type N‐terminal motif definition yields an intact β‐trefoil trimeric assembly, while permutants yield monomers. The results elucidate the folding requirements of the primordial trefoil‐fold motif, and also suggest that this motif may sample a compact conformation that limits hydrophobic residue exposure, contains key trefoil‐fold structural features, but is more structurally homologous to a β‐propeller blade motif.  相似文献   

Retention of misfolded proteins by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a quality control mechanism involving the participation of endogenous chaperones such as calnexin (CANX). CANX interacts with and restricts plasma membrane expression (PME) of the gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR), a G protein‐coupled receptor. CANX also interacts with ERP‐57 a thiol oxidoreductase chaperone present in the ER. CANX along with ERP‐57 promotes the formation of disulfide bond bridges in nascent proteins. The human GnRH receptor (hGnRHR) is stabilized by two disulfide bond bridges (C14‐C200 and C114‐C196), that, when broken, lead to a decrease in receptor expression at the plasma membrane. To determine if the presence of chaperones CANX and ERP‐57 exerts an influence over membrane routing and second messenger activation, we assessed the effect of various mutants including those with broken disulfide bridges (Cys → Ala) along with the hGnRHR. The effect of chaperones on mutants was insignificant, whereas the over expression of ERP‐57 led to an hGnRHR retention. This effect was further enhanced by cotransfection with cDNA for CANX showing receptor retention by ERP‐57 augmented by CANX, suggesting utilization of these chaperones for quality control of the GnRHR. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

β‐Cardiotoxin is a novel member of the snake venom three‐finger toxin (3FTX) family. This is the first exogenous protein to antagonize β‐adrenergic receptors and thereby causing reduction in heart rates (bradycardia) when administered into animals, unlike the conventional cardiotoxins as reported earlier. 3FTXs are stable all β‐sheet peptides with 60–80 amino acid residues. Here, we describe the three‐dimensional crystal structure of β‐cardiotoxin together with the identification of a molten globule intermediate in the unfolding pathway of this protein. In spite of the overall structural similarity of this protein with conventional cardiotoxins, there are notable differences observed at the loop region and in the charge distribution on the surface, which are known to be critical for cytolytic activity of cardiotoxins. The molten globule intermediate state present in the thermal unfolding pathway of β‐cardiotoxin was however not observed during the chemical denaturation of the protein. Interestingly, circular dichroism (CD) and NMR studies revealed the presence of α‐helical secondary structure in the molten globule intermediate. These results point to substantial conformational plasticity of β‐cardiotoxin, which might aid the protein in responding to the sometimes conflicting demands of structure, stability, and function during its biological lifetime.  相似文献   

A human cruciform binding protein (CBP) was previously shown to bind to cruciform DNA in a structure-specific manner and be a member of the 14-3-3 protein family. CBP had been found to contain the 14-3-3 isoforms beta, gamma, epsilon, and zeta. Here, we show by Western blot analysis that the CBP-cruciform DNA complex eluted from band-shift polyacrylamide gels also contains the 14-3-3sigma isoform, which is present in HeLa cell nuclear extracts. An antibody specific for the 14-3-3sigma isoform was able to interfere with the formation of the CBP-cruciform DNA complex. The effect of the same anti-14-3-3sigma antibody in the in vitro replication of p186, a plasmid containing the minimal replication origin of the monkey origin ors8, was also analyzed. Pre-incubation of total HeLa cell extracts with this antibody decreased p186 in vitro replication to approximately 30% of control levels, while non-specific antibodies had no effect. 14-3-3sigma was found to associate in vivo with the monkey origins of DNA replication ors8 and ors12 in a cell cycle-dependent manner, as assayed by a chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay that involved formaldehyde cross-linking, followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-14-3-3sigma antibody and quantitative PCR. The association of 14-3-3sigma with the replication origins was maximal at the G(1)/S phase. The results indicate that 14-3-3sigma is an origin binding protein involved in the regulation of DNA replication via cruciform DNA binding.  相似文献   

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