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The three-dimensional structure of the proteic complex formed by bovine trypsinogen and the porcine pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (Kazal type) has been solved by means of Patterson search techniques, using a predicted model of the trypsin-ovomucoid complex (Papamokos et al., 1982). The structure of the complex, including 162 solvent molecules, has been refined at 1.8 Å resolution (26,341 unique reflections) to a conventional crystallographic R factor of 0.195. The inhibitor molecule binds to trypsinogen via hydrogen bonds and/or apolar interactions at sites P9, P7, P6, P5, P3, P1, P1′, P2′ and P3′ of the contact area. The structure of the inhibitor itself resembles closely that of the third domain of Japanese quail ovomucoid inhibitor, recently reported by Weber et al. (1981). The trypsinogen part of the complex resembles trypsin, as is the case in the trypsinogen-basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor complex, but two segments of the activation domain adopt a different conformation. Most notably in the N-terminal region the Ile16-Gly19 loop, which is disordered in free trypsinogen and in the trypsinogen-basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor complex (Huber & Bode, 1978), assumes a regular structure and the polypeptide chain can be traced as far as residue Asp14. This new and fixed structure allows the formation of a buried salt link between the side-chains of Lys156 and Asp194. Conformations differing from those of trypsin are also found for residues 20 to 28 and residues 141 to 155. Some structural perturbation is observed in other parts of the molecule, including the calcium loop.  相似文献   

G(M1) gangliosidosis and Morquio B are autosomal recessive lysosomal storage diseases associated with a neurodegenerative disorder or dwarfism and skeletal abnormalities, respectively. These diseases are caused by deficiencies in the lysosomal enzyme β-d-galactosidase (β-Gal), which lead to accumulations of the β-Gal substrates, G(M1) ganglioside, and keratan sulfate. β-Gal is an exoglycosidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal β-linked galactose residues. This study shows the crystal structures of human β-Gal in complex with its catalytic product galactose or with its inhibitor 1-deoxygalactonojirimycin. Human β-Gal is composed of a catalytic TIM barrel domain followed by β-domain 1 and β-domain 2. To gain structural insight into the molecular defects of β-Gal in the above diseases, the disease-causing mutations were mapped onto the three-dimensional structure. Finally, the possible causes of the diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

In total, 111 revertants were isolated from the oidia of a heat-sensitive, -tubulin mutant BEN193 (benA193) of the basidiomyceteCoprinus cinereus after mutagenesis by ultraviolet. Of the 111 revertants, 48 were genetically analyzed. In 15 of the 48 revertants, reversion was due to mutations at loci unlinked tobenA, whereas in the remaining 33 revertants, reversion was due to mutations withinbenA or at loci closely linked tobenA. The 15 extragenic suppressor mutations comprised three groups in terms of genetic linkage; two of them were designated asmipA andmipB. Suppressor mutations in the third group were found to bebenC, one of the four loci we have previously identified as genes conferring benomyl resistance. Biochemical analysis revealed thatbenC + is a structural gene for a major -tubulin in vegetative hyphae.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine possible aluminum (Al) accumulation in the brain of rats and to investigate whether subchronic exposure to the metal leads to behavioral and neurophysiological changes in both treated and control groups. Each of the groups consisted of 10 animals. Aluminum chloride (AlCl3) at a low (50 mg/kg/d) or high (200 mg/kg/d) dose was applied to male Wistar rats by gavage for 8 wk. Al-free water by gavage was given to the control group throughout the experiment. Behavioral effects were evaluated by open-field (OF) motor activity and by acoustic startle response (ASR). Electrophysiological examination was done by recording spontaneous activity and sensory-evoked potentials from the visual, somatosensory, as well as auditory cortex. The Al content of each whole brain was determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Subchronic Al exposure slightly caused some changes in the evoked potentials and electrocorticograms and in the OF and ASR performance, but these results were not statistically significant. The brain Al levels of the control and the low and high dose of Al-exposed groups were measured as 0.717±0.208 μg/g (wet weight), 0.963±0.491 μg/g (wet weight) and 1.816±1.157 μg/g (wet weight), respectively.  相似文献   

Previously we identified a novel mutation (F71L) in the αA-crystallin gene associated with early onset of age-related cataract. However, it is not known how the missense substitution translates into reduced chaperone-like activity (CLA), and how the structural and functional changes lead to early onset of the disease. Herein, we show that under native conditions the F71L-mutant is not significantly different from wild-type with regard to secondary and tertiary structural organization, hydrophobicity and the apparent molecular mass of oligomer but has substantial differences in structural and functional properties following a heat treatment. Wild-type αA-crystallin demonstrated increased CLA, whereas the F71L-mutant substantially lost its CLA upon heat treatment. Further, unlike the wild-type αA-subunit, F71L-subunit did not protect the αB-subunit in hetero-oligomeric complex from heat-induced aggregation. Moreover, hetero-oligomer containing F71L and αB in 3:1 ratio had significantly lower CLA upon thermal treatment compared to its unheated control. These results indicate that α-crystallin complexes containing F71L-αA subunits are less stable and have reduced CLA. Therefore, F71L may lead to earlier onset of cataract due to interaction with several environmental factors (e.g., temperature in this case) along with the aging process.

Structured summary of protein interactions

alphaA crystallin and alphaA crystallinbind by molecular sieving (View interaction)alphaA crystallin and alphaB crystallinbind by molecular sieving(View interaction)  相似文献   

The complex formed by porcine pancreatic kallikrein A with the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (PTI) has been crystallized at pH 4 in tetragonal crystals of space group P41212 with one molecule per asymmetric unit. Its crystal structure has been solved applying Patterson search methods and using a model derived from the bovine trypsin-PTI complex (Huber et al., 1974) and the structure of porcine pancreatic kallikrein A (Bode et al., 1983). The kallikrein-PTI model has been crystallographically refined to an R-value of 0·23 including X-ray data to 2·5 Å.The root-mean-square deviation, including all main-chain atoms, is 0·45 Å and 0·65 Å for the PTI and for the kallikrein component, respectively, compared with the refined models of the free components. The largest differences are observed in external loops of the kallikrein molecule surrounding the binding site, particularly in the C-terminal part of the intermediate helix around His172. Overall, PTI binding to kallikrein is similar to that of the trypsin complex. In particular, the conformation of the groups at the active site is identical within experimental error (in spite of the different pH values of the two structures). Ser195 OG is about 2·5 Å away from the susceptible inhibitor bond Lys15 C and forms an optimal 2·5 Å hydrogen bond with His57 NE.The PTI residues Thr11 to Ile18 and Val34 to Arg39 are in direct contact with kallikrein residues and form nine intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The reactive site Lys15 protrudes into the specificity pocket of kallikrein as in the trypsin complex, but its distal ammonium group is positioned differently to accommodate the side-chain of Ser226. Ser226 OG mediates the ionic interaction between the ammonium group and the carboxylate group of Asp189. Model-building studies indicate that an arginine side-chain could be accommodated in this pocket. The PTI disulfide bridge 14–38 forces the kallikrein residue Tyr99 to swing out of its normal position. Model-building experiments show that large hydrophobic residues such as phenylalanine can be accommodated at this (S2) site in a wedge-shaped hydrophobic cavity, which is formed by the indole ring of Trp215 and by the phenolic side-chain of Tyr99, and which opens towards the bound inhibitor/substrate chain. Arg17 in PTI forms a favorable hydrogen bond and van der Waals' contacts with kallikrein residues, whereas the additional hydrogen bond formed in the trypsin-PTI complex between Tvr39 OEH and Ile19 N is not possible The kallikrein binding site offers a qualitative explanation of the unusual binding and cleavage at the N-terminal Met-Lys site of kininogen. Model-building experiments suggest that the generally restricted capacity of kallikrein to bind protein inhibitors with more extended binding segments might be explained by steric hindrance with some extruding external loops surrounding the kallikrein binding site (Bode et al., 1983).  相似文献   

Atomistic molecular dynamics simulation has been used to probe the effect of the A30P mutation on the structural dynamics of micelle-bound, helical αSynuclein when released in an aqueous environment. On the timescales simulated, the effect of the mutation on the secondary structure is restricted to local changes close to the mutation site in the N-terminal helical domain. The changes are transient, and all residues except Lys23 recover their initial structure. The local behavior due to the mutation gives rise to a global difference in the A30P mutant in the form of a permanent kink in the N-terminal helical domain.  相似文献   

Elevated homocysteine levels are resulting in N-homocysteinylation of lysyl residues in proteins and they correlate with a number of human pathologies. However, the role of homocysteinylation of lysyl residues is still poorly known. In order to study the features of homocysteinylation of intrinsically unstructured proteins (IUP) bovine caseins were used as a model. α(S1)-, β- and κ-caseins, showing different aggregations and micelle formation, were modified with homocysteine-thiolactone and their physico-chemical properties were studied. Efficiency of homocysteine incorporation was estimated to be about 1.5, 2.1 and 1.3 homocysteyl residues per one β-, α(S1)-, and κ-casein molecule, respectively. Use of intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescent markers such as Trp, thioflavin T and ANS, reveal structural changes of casein structures after homocysteinylation reflected by an increase in beta-sheet content, which in some cases may be characteristic of amyloid-like transformations. CD spectra also show an increase in beta-sheet content of homocysteinylated caseins. Casein homocysteinylation leads in all cases to aggregation. The sizes of aggregates and aggregation rates were dependent on homocysteine thiolactone concentration and temperature. DLS and microscopic studies have revealed the formation of large aggregates of about 1-3μm. Homocysteinylation of α(S1)- and β-caseins results in formation of regular spheres. Homocysteinylated κ-casein forms thin unbranched fibrils about 400-800nm long. In case of κ-casein amyloidogenic effect of homocysteinylation was confirmed by Congo red spectra. Taken together, data indicate that N-homocysteinylation provokes significant changes in properties of native caseins. A comparison of amyloidogenic transformation of 3 different casein types, belonging to the IUP protein family, shows that the efficiency of amyloidogenic transformation upon homocysteinylation depends on micellization capacity, additional disulphide bonds and other structural features.  相似文献   

A number of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) species related to heparin, dermatan sulfate (DeS) and chondroitin sulfate were tested for their ability to interfere with the physiological expression and/or pathological overexpression of the TGF-β1 gene. The influence of the molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, degree of sulfation and location of the sulfate groups was examined in an attempt to unveil fine relationships between structure and activity. The nature of the polysaccharide plays a major part, heparins proving able to inhibit both basal and stimulated TGF-β1 gene expression, DeSs being essentially inactive and chondroitin sulfates only inhibiting stimulated TGF-β1 gene expression. Within this frame, the particular physical and chemical properties of some GAGs appear to further modulate TGF-β1 gene response. Judging from our investigation, chondroitin sulfates seem the most promising for potential pharmacological applications in disorders characterized by fibrogenic TGF-β1 overexpression.  相似文献   

We report the design and synthesis of a series of BACE1 inhibitors incorporating mono- and bicyclic 6-substituted 2-oxopiperazines as novel P1′ and P2′ ligands and isophthalamide derivative as P2-P3 ligands. Among mono-substituted 2-oxopiperazines, inhibitor 5a with N-benzyl-2-oxopiperazine and isophthalamide showed potent BACE1 inhibitory activity (Ki = 2 nM). Inhibitor 5g, with N-benzyl-2-oxopiperazine and substituted indole-derived P2-ligand showed a reduction in potency. The X-ray crystal structure of 5g-bound BACE1 was determined and used to design a set of disubstituted 2-oxopiperazines and bicyclic derivatives that were subsequently investigated. Inhibitor 6j with an oxazolidinone derivative showed a BACE1 inhibitory activity of 23 nM and cellular EC50 of 80 nM.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and phylogeographical history of the alpine shrubs Sibiraea angustata (Rosaceae) and Sibiraea laevigata from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) were investigated to identify alpine plant responses to changes in the QTP and glaciations. Fifty-five populations were analyzed using four chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions and (nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer) nrITS sequence data. In all, 21 cpDNA haplotypes and 13 nrITS sequence types were detected. Analyses of the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships detected two rarely reported glacial refugia. One was the Yushu–Nangqian area, and the other consisted of the area from the Songpan Plateau to the southeastern margin of the QTP. Sibiraea species populations experienced divergent evolution and founder effects when they recolonized the QTP platform and adjacent high-altitude regions following glaciations. The divergence times of the main lineages and haplotypes were in the range of 1.60–2.58 Ma. The population size of Sibiraea species in the QTP decreased approximately 23-fold during the last 0.12 Ma, indicating that Sibiraea species were significantly affected by environmental changes in the QTP. Therefore, the rapid uplift of the QTP and subsequent glaciations likely played an important role in driving genetic divergence and population size changes of Sibiraea species in the QTP.  相似文献   

Human 20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (AKR1C1) is an important drug target due to its role in the development of lung and endometrial cancers, premature birth and neuronal disorders. We report the crystal structure of AKR1C1 complexed with the first structure-based designed inhibitor 3-chloro-5-phenylsalicylic acid (Ki = 0.86 nM) bound in the active site. The binding of 3-chloro-5-phenylsalicylic acid to AKR1C1 resulted in a conformational change in the side chain of Phe311 to accommodate the bulky phenyl ring substituent at the 5-position of the inhibitor. The contributions of the nonconserved residues Leu54, Leu306, Leu308 and Phe311 to the binding were further investigated by site-directed mutagenesis, and the effects of the mutations on the Ki value were determined. The Leu54Val and Leu306Ala mutations resulted in 6- and 81-fold increases, respectively, in Ki values compared to the wild-type enzyme, while the remaining mutations had little or no effects.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe bacterial GlgE pathway is the third known route to glycogen and is the only one present in mycobacteria. It contributes to the virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The involvement of GlgE in glycogen biosynthesis was discovered twenty years ago when the phenotype of a temperature-sensitive Mycobacterium smegmatis mutation was rescued by the glgE gene. The evidence at the time suggested glgE coded for a glucanase responsible for the hydrolysis of glycogen, in stark contrast with recent evidence showing GlgE to be a polymerase responsible for its biosynthesis.MethodsWe reconstructed and examined the temperature-sensitive mutant and characterised the mutated GlgE enzyme.ResultsThe mutant strain accumulated the substrate for GlgE, α-maltose-1-phosphate, at the non-permissive temperature. The glycogen assay used in the original study was shown to give a false positive result with α-maltose-1-phosphate. The accumulation of α-maltose-1-phosphate was due to the lowering of the kcat of GlgE as well as a loss of stability 42 °C. The reported rescue of the phenotype by GarA could potentially involve an interaction with GlgE, but none was detected.ConclusionsWe have been able to reconcile apparently contradictory observations and shed light on the basis for the phenotype of the temperature-sensitive mutation.General significanceThis study highlights how the lowering of flux through the GlgE pathway can slow the growth mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Crystal of Russell Viper venom phospholipase A(2) complexed with an isoquinoline alkaloid, berberine from a herbaceous plant Cardiospermum halicacabum, was prepared and its structure was solved by X-ray crystallography. The crystal diffracted up to 1.93? and the structure solution clearly located the position of berberine in the active site of the enzyme. Two hydrogen bonds, one direct and the other water mediated, were formed between berberine and the enzyme. Gly 30 and His 48 made these two hydrogen bonds. Additionally, the hydrophobic surface of berberine made a number of hydrophobic contacts with side chains of neighboring amino acids. Surface Plasmon Resonance studies revealed strong binding affinity between berberine and phospholipase A(2). Enzyme inhibition studies proved that berberine is a competitive inhibitor of phospholipase A(2). It was inferred that the isoquinoline alkaloid, berberine, is a potent natural inhibitor of phospholipaseA(2).  相似文献   

TheSe wA385T mutation of the FUT2 gene was found to correlate with both the erthrocyte Le(a+b+) and/or salivary ABH partial-secretor phenotypes of Polynesians. Constructs with FUT1 and FUT2 wild type genes, and the FUT2Se wA385T,se G428A andse C571T mutated alleles, were cloned into pcDNAI, and expressed in COS-7 cells. COS-7 cells transfected with theSe wA385T allele had weak, but detectable, (1,2)fucosyltransferase activity, with an acceptor substrate pattern similar to the wild type FUT2 gene. Comparative kinetic studies from cell extracts with mutatedSe wA385T and wild type FUT2 alleles gave similarK m values, but less enzyme activity was present in cells transfected withSe wA385T (V max 230 pmol h–1 mg–1), as compared to those transfected with FUT2 (V max 1030 pmol h–1 mg–1), suggesting that the mutated enzyme is more unstable. These results confirm that the molecular basis for the erythrocyte Le(a+b+) and the associated ABH salivary partial-secretor phenotype, is an amino acid change of Ile 129Phe in the secretor (1,2)fucosyltransferase.Abbreviations (1,3/1,4)fucosyltransferase GDP-L-fucose:-D-N-acetylglucosaminide 3/4--L-fucosyltransferase - (1,2)fucosyltransferase GDP-L-fucose: -D-galactoside-2--L-fucosyltransferase - bp base pairs - FUT1 H gene; FUT2,Se gene - FUT3 Lewis gene or Fuc-TIll gene - FUT4 Fuc-TIV gene - FUT5 Fuc-TV gene - FUT6 Fuc-TVI gene - MAb monoclonal antibody - PCR polymerase chain reaction - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - se G428A FUT2 nonsecretor GA mutation at nucleotide 428 - se C571T FUT2 nonsecretor CT mutation at nucleotide 571 - Se wA385T FUT2 secretor weak AT mutation at nucleotide 385 - SSP sequence specific primer  相似文献   

We reveal how a N-scan SAR strategy (systematic substitution of each CH group with a N atom) was employed for quinolinone-based S1P(1) agonist 5 to modulate physicochemical properties and optimize in vitro and in vivo activity. The diaza-analog 17 displays improved potency (hS1P(1) RI; 17: EC(50)=0.020 μM, 120% efficacy; 5: EC(50)=0.070 μM, 110% efficacy) and selectivity (hS1P(3) Ca(2+) flux; 17: EC(50) >25 μM; 5: EC(50)=1.5 μM, 92% efficacy), as well as enhanced pharmacokinetics (17: CL=0.15 L/h/kg, V(dss)=5.1L/kg, T(1/2)=24h, %F=110; 5: CL=0.93L/h/kg, V(dss)=11L/kg, T(1/2)=15 h, %F=60) and pharmacodynamics (17: 1.0mg/kg po, 24h PLC POC=-67%; 5: 3mg/kg po, 24h PLC POC=-51%) in rat.  相似文献   

Depression is a common and highly debilitating psychiatric illness. However, the pathophysiology of depression is not fully understood. In this study Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) to induce depression. A metabonomic study on plasma of CUMS-induced depressive rats was performed to research the pathologic mechanism of depression by using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS). Clear separations between depressive rats and control rats were observed by principal component analysis (PCA) based on the data obtained using both analytical techniques and 18 significantly changed metabolites were identified as potential biomarkers of depression. Depressive rats were characterized by altered levels of plasma lysophosphatidylcholines, amino acids, cholic acid, choline, lactate, glycoproteins, glucose, ketone bodies, nucleosides and gut microflora metabolites, which were related to multiple perturbed metabolic pathways and contributed to the elucidation of the complex mechanism of depression. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first plasma metabonomic study on CUMS-induced depressive rats by using two complementary analytical technologies. Our results showed that metabonomic approach offers a useful tool to identify depression-specific biomarkers and provide new insights into the pathophysiology of depression.  相似文献   

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