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In this study, we address the problem of local quality assessment in homology models. As a prerequisite for the evaluation of methods for predicting local model quality, we first examine the problem of measuring local structural similarities between a model and the corresponding native structure. Several local geometric similarity measures are evaluated. Two methods based on structural superposition are found to best reproduce local model quality assessments by human experts. We then examine the performance of state-of-the-art statistical potentials in predicting local model quality on three qualitatively distinct data sets. The best statistical potential, DFIRE, is shown to perform on par with the best current structure-based method in the literature, ProQres. A combination of different statistical potentials and structural features using support vector machines is shown to provide somewhat improved performance over published methods.  相似文献   

Yuan Z  Burrage K  Mattick JS 《Proteins》2002,48(3):566-570
A Support Vector Machine learning system has been trained to predict protein solvent accessibility from the primary structure. Different kernel functions and sliding window sizes have been explored to find how they affect the prediction performance. Using a cut-off threshold of 15% that splits the dataset evenly (an equal number of exposed and buried residues), this method was able to achieve a prediction accuracy of 70.1% for single sequence input and 73.9% for multiple alignment sequence input, respectively. The prediction of three and more states of solvent accessibility was also studied and compared with other methods. The prediction accuracies are better than, or comparable to, those obtained by other methods such as neural networks, Bayesian classification, multiple linear regression, and information theory. In addition, our results further suggest that this system may be combined with other prediction methods to achieve more reliable results, and that the Support Vector Machine method is a very useful tool for biological sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Qiu J  Sheffler W  Baker D  Noble WS 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1175-1182
Protein structure prediction is an important problem of both intellectual and practical interest. Most protein structure prediction approaches generate multiple candidate models first, and then use a scoring function to select the best model among these candidates. In this work, we develop a scoring function using support vector regression (SVR). Both consensus-based features and features from individual structures are extracted from a training data set containing native protein structures and predicted structural models submitted to CASP5 and CASP6. The SVR learns a scoring function that is a linear combination of these features. We test this scoring function on two data sets. First, when used to rank server models submitted to CASP7, the SVR score selects predictions that are comparable to the best performing server in CASP7, Zhang-Server, and significantly better than all the other servers. Even if the SVR score is not allowed to select Zhang-Server models, the SVR score still selects predictions that are significantly better than all the other servers. In addition, the SVR is able to select significantly better models and yield significantly better Pearson correlation coefficients than the two best Quality Assessment groups in CASP7, QA556 (LEE), and QA634 (Pcons). Second, this work aims to improve the ability of the Robetta server to select best models, and hence we evaluate the performance of the SVR score on ranking the Robetta server template-based models for the CASP7 targets. The SVR selects significantly better models than the Robetta K*Sync consensus alignment score.  相似文献   

Cai CZ  Han LY  Ji ZL  Chen YZ 《Proteins》2004,55(1):66-76
One approach for facilitating protein function prediction is to classify proteins into functional families. Recent studies on the classification of G-protein coupled receptors and other proteins suggest that a statistical learning method, Support vector machines (SVM), may be potentially useful for protein classification into functional families. In this work, SVM is applied and tested on the classification of enzymes into functional families defined by the Enzyme Nomenclature Committee of IUBMB. SVM classification system for each family is trained from representative enzymes of that family and seed proteins of Pfam curated protein families. The classification accuracy for enzymes from 46 families and for non-enzymes is in the range of 50.0% to 95.7% and 79.0% to 100% respectively. The corresponding Matthews correlation coefficient is in the range of 54.1% to 96.1%. Moreover, 80.3% of the 8,291 correctly classified enzymes are uniquely classified into a specific enzyme family by using a scoring function, indicating that SVM may have certain level of unique prediction capability. Testing results also suggest that SVM in some cases is capable of classification of distantly related enzymes and homologous enzymes of different functions. Effort is being made to use a more comprehensive set of enzymes as training sets and to incorporate multi-class SVM classification systems to further enhance the unique prediction accuracy. Our results suggest the potential of SVM for enzyme family classification and for facilitating protein function prediction. Our software is accessible at http://jing.cz3.nus.edu.sg/cgi-bin/svmprot.cgi.  相似文献   

Yuan Z  Huang B 《Proteins》2004,57(3):558-564
A novel support vector regression (SVR) approach is proposed to predict protein accessible surface areas (ASAs) from their primary structures. In this work, we predict the real values of ASA in squared angstroms for residues instead of relative solvent accessibility. Based on protein residues, the mean and median absolute errors are 26.0 A(2) and 18.87 A(2), respectively. The correlation coefficient between the predicted and observed ASAs is 0.66. Cysteine is the best predicted amino acid (mean absolute error is 13.8 A(2) and median absolute error is 8.37 A(2)), while arginine is the least predicted amino acid (mean absolute error is 42.7 A(2) and median absolute error is 36.31 A(2)). Our work suggests that the SVR approach can be directly applied to the ASA prediction where data preclassification has been used.  相似文献   

Wang JY  Lee HM  Ahmad S 《Proteins》2007,68(1):82-91
A number of methods for predicting levels of solvent accessibility or accessible surface area (ASA) of amino acid residues in proteins have been developed. These methods either predict regularly spaced states of relative solvent accessibility or an analogue real value indicating relative solvent accessibility. While discrete states of exposure can be easily obtained by post prediction assignment of thresholds to the predicted or computed real values of ASA, the reverse, that is, obtaining a real value from quantized states of predicted ASA, is not straightforward as a two-state prediction in such cases would give a large real valued errors. However, prediction of ASA into larger number of ASA states and then finding a corresponding scheme for real value prediction may be helpful in integrating the two approaches of ASA prediction. We report a novel method of obtaining numerical real values of solvent accessibility, using accumulation cutoff set and support vector machine. This so-called SVM-Cabins method first predicts discrete states of ASA of amino acid residues from their evolutionary profile and then maps the predicted states onto a real valued linear space by simple algebraic methods. Resulting performance of such a rigorous approach using 13-state ASA prediction is at least comparable with the best methods of ASA prediction reported so far. The mean absolute error in this method reaches the best performance of 15.1% on the tested data set of 502 proteins with a coefficient of correlation equal to 0.66. Since, the method starts with the prediction of discrete states of ASA and leads to real value predictions, performance of prediction in binary states and real values are simultaneously optimized.  相似文献   

Sun XD  Huang RB 《Amino acids》2006,30(4):469-475
Summary. The support vector machine, a machine-learning method, is used to predict the four structural classes, i.e. mainly α, mainly β, α–β and fss, from the topology-level of CATH protein structure database. For the binary classification, any two structural classes which do not share any secondary structure such as α and β elements could be classified with as high as 90% accuracy. The accuracy, however, will decrease to less than 70% if the structural classes to be classified contain structure elements in common. Our study also shows that the dimensions of feature space 202 = 400 (for dipeptide) and 203 = 8 000 (for tripeptide) give nearly the same prediction accuracy. Among these 4 structural classes, multi-class classification gives an overall accuracy of about 52%, indicating that the multi-class classification technique in support of vector machines may still need to be further improved in future investigation.  相似文献   

Protein structure refinement aims to perform a set of operations given a predicted structure to improve model quality and accuracy with respect to the native in a blind fashion. Despite the numerous computational approaches to the protein refinement problem reported in the previous three CASPs, an overwhelming majority of methods degrade models rather than improve them. We initially developed a method tested using blind predictions during CASP10 which was officially ranked in 5th place among all methods in the refinement category. Here, we present Princeton_TIGRESS, which when benchmarked on all CASP 7,8,9, and 10 refinement targets, simultaneously increased GDT_TS 76% of the time with an average improvement of 0.83 GDT_TS points per structure. The method was additionally benchmarked on models produced by top performing three‐dimensional structure prediction servers during CASP10. The robustness of the Princeton_TIGRESS protocol was also tested for different random seeds. We make the Princeton_TIGRESS refinement protocol freely available as a web server at http://atlas.princeton.edu/refinement . Using this protocol, one can consistently refine a prediction to help bridge the gap between a predicted structure and the actual native structure. Proteins 2014; 82:794–814. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this article, we present COMSAT, a hybrid framework for residue contact prediction of transmembrane (TM) proteins, integrating a support vector machine (SVM) method and a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) method. COMSAT consists of two modules: COMSAT_SVM which is trained mainly on position–specific scoring matrix features, and COMSAT_MILP which is an ab initio method based on optimization models. Contacts predicted by the SVM model are ranked by SVM confidence scores, and a threshold is trained to improve the reliability of the predicted contacts. For TM proteins with no contacts above the threshold, COMSAT_MILP is used. The proposed hybrid contact prediction scheme was tested on two independent TM protein sets based on the contact definition of 14 Å between Cα‐Cα atoms. First, using a rigorous leave‐one‐protein‐out cross validation on the training set of 90 TM proteins, an accuracy of 66.8%, a coverage of 12.3%, a specificity of 99.3% and a Matthews' correlation coefficient (MCC) of 0.184 were obtained for residue pairs that are at least six amino acids apart. Second, when tested on a test set of 87 TM proteins, the proposed method showed a prediction accuracy of 64.5%, a coverage of 5.3%, a specificity of 99.4% and a MCC of 0.106. COMSAT shows satisfactory results when compared with 12 other state‐of‐the‐art predictors, and is more robust in terms of prediction accuracy as the length and complexity of TM protein increase. COMSAT is freely accessible at http://hpcc.siat.ac.cn/COMSAT/ . Proteins 2016; 84:332–348. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

There are approximately 109 proteins in a cell. A hotspot in bioinformatics is how to identify a protein's subcellular localization, if its sequence is known. In this paper, a method using fast Fourier transform-based support vector machine is developed to predict the subcellular localization of proteins from their physicochemical properties and structural parameters. The prediction accuracies reached 83% in prokaryotic organisms and 84% in eukaryotic organisms with the substitution model of the c-p-v matrix (c, composition; p, polarity; and v, molecular volume). The overall prediction accuracy was also evaluated using the "leave-one-out" jackknife procedure. The influence of the substitution model on prediction accuracy has also been discussed in the work. The source code of the new program is available on request from the authors.  相似文献   

Martin O  Schomburg D 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1367-1378
Biological systems and processes rely on a complex network of molecular interactions. While the association of biological macromolecules is a fundamental biochemical phenomenon crucial for the understanding of complex living systems, protein-protein docking methods aim for the computational prediction of protein complexes from individual subunits. Docking algorithms generally produce large numbers of putative protein complexes with only few of these conformations resembling the native complex structure within an acceptable degree of structural similarity. A major challenge in the field of docking is to extract near-native structure(s) out of the large pool of solutions, the so called scoring or ranking problem. A series of structural, chemical, biological and physical properties are used in this work to classify docked protein-protein complexes. These properties include specialized energy functions, evolutionary relationship, class specific residue interface propensities, gap volume, buried surface area, empiric pair potentials on residue and atom level as well as measures for the tightness of fit. Efficient comprehensive scoring functions have been developed using probabilistic Support Vector Machines in combination with this array of properties on the largest currently available protein-protein docking benchmark. The established classifiers are shown to be specific for certain types of protein-protein complexes and are able to detect near-native complex conformations from large sets of decoys with high sensitivity. Using classification probabilities the ranking of near-native structures was drastically improved, leading to a significant enrichment of near-native complex conformations within the top ranks. It could be shown that the developed schemes outperform five other previously published scoring functions.  相似文献   

As the number of complete genomes rapidly increases, accurate methods to automatically predict the subcellular location of proteins are increasingly useful to help their functional annotation. In order to improve the predictive accuracy of the many prediction methods developed to date, a novel representation of protein sequences is proposed. This representation involves local compositions of amino acids and twin amino acids, and local frequencies of distance between successive (basic, hydrophobic, and other) amino acids. For calculating the local features, each sequence is split into three parts: N-terminal, middle, and C-terminal. The N-terminal part is further divided into four regions to consider ambiguity in the length and position of signal sequences. We tested this representation with support vector machines on two data sets extracted from the SWISS-PROT database. Through fivefold cross-validation tests, overall accuracies of more than 87% and 91% were obtained for eukaryotic and prokaryotic proteins, respectively. It is concluded that considering the respective features in the N-terminal, middle, and C-terminal parts is helpful to predict the subcellular location.  相似文献   

有关蛋白质功能的研究是解析生命奥秘的基础,机器学习技术在该领域已有广泛应用。利用支持向量机(support vectormachine,SVM)方法,构建一个预测蛋白质功能位点的通用平台。该平台先提取非同源蛋白质序列,再对这些序列进行特征编码(包括序列的基本信息、物化特征、结构信息及序列保守性特征等),以编码好的样本作为训练数据,利用SVM进行训练,得到敏感性、特异性、Matthew相关系数、准确率及ROC曲线等评价指标,反复测试,得到评价指标最优的SVM模型后,便可以用来预测蛋白质序列上的功能位点。该平台除了应用在预测蛋白质功能位点之外,还可以应用于疾病相关单核苷酸多态性(SNP)预测分析、预测蛋白质结构域分析、生物分子间的相互作用等。  相似文献   

Evaluating or predicting the quality of protein models (i.e., predicted protein tertiary structures) without knowing their native structures is important for selecting and appropriately using protein models. We describe an iterative approach that improves the performances of protein Model Quality Assurance Programs (MQAPs). Given the initial quality scores of a list of models assigned by a MQAP, the method iteratively refines the scores until the ranking of the models does not change. We applied the method to the model quality assessment data generated by 30 MQAPs during the Eighth Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction. To various degrees, our method increased the average correlation between predicted and real quality scores of 25 out of 30 MQAPs and reduced the average loss (i.e., the difference between the top ranked model and the best model) for 28 MQAPs. Particularly, for MQAPs with low average correlations (<0.4), the correlation can be increased by several times. Similar experiments conducted on the CASP9 MQAPs also demonstrated the effectiveness of the method. Our method is a hybrid method that combines the original method of a MQAP and the pair-wise comparison clustering method. It can achieve a high accuracy similar to a full pair-wise clustering method, but with much less computation time when evaluating hundreds of models. Furthermore, without knowing native structures, the iterative refining method can evaluate the performance of a MQAP by analyzing its model quality predictions.  相似文献   

The accurate identification of protein structure class solely using extracted information from protein sequence is a complicated task in the current computational biology. Prediction of protein structural class for low-similarity sequences remains a challenging problem. In this study, the new computational method has been developed to predict protein structural class by fusing the sequence information and evolution information to represent a protein sample. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, jackknife cross-validation tests are performed on two widely used benchmark data-sets, 1189 and 25PDB with sequence similarity lower than 40 and 25%, respectively. Comparison of our results with other methods shows that the proposed method by us is very promising and may provide a cost-effective alternative to predict protein structural class in particular for low-similarity data-sets.  相似文献   

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