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Army ants and their arthropod symbionts represent one of the most species‐rich animal associations on Earth, and constitute a fascinating example of diverse host–symbiont interaction networks. However, despite decades of research, our knowledge of army ant symbionts remains fragmentary due to taxonomic ambiguity and the inability to study army ants in the laboratory. Here, we present an integrative approach that allows us to reliably determine species boundaries, assess biodiversity, match different developmental stages and sexes, and to study the life cycles of army ant symbionts. This approach is based on a combination of community sampling, DNA barcoding, morphology and physiology. As a test case, we applied this approach to the staphylinid beetle genus Vatesus and its different Eciton army ant host species at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. DNA barcoding led to the discovery of cryptic biodiversity and, in combination with extensive community sampling, revealed strict host partitioning with no overlap in host range. Using DNA barcoding, we were also able to match the larval stages of all focal Vatesus species. In combination with studies of female reproductive physiology, this allowed us to reconstruct almost the complete life cycles of the different beetle species. We show that Vatesus beetles are highly adapted to the symbiosis with army ants, in that their reproduction and larval development are synchronized with the stereotypical reproductive and behavioural cycles of their host colonies. Our approach can now be used to study army ant‐symbiont communities more broadly, and to obtain novel insights into co‐evolutionary and ecological dynamics in species‐rich host–symbiont systems.  相似文献   

The aeolid Pteraeolidia ianthina (Angas, 1864) is a strikingly‐coloured aeolid nudibranch, informally known as the ‘Blue Dragon’. It is recognised as an unusually widespread Indo‐Pacific species, with variation in colouration and morphology, and biogeographic differences in zooxanthellae (dinoflagellate symbionts of the genus Symbiodinium). This variation hints at possible cryptic species, which was tested here using phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA data (COI, 16S). Our results showed multiple well‐supported clades with slight but consistent differences in radular morphology and colouration, and thus we clarify one of the three available names. A temperate NSW clade showed a more elongate and pointed central radular tooth and lacked white body colouration, in comparison to a more variable tropical clade, which had a shorter and more blunt central tooth. The type locality of Pteraeolidia ianthina is Sydney Harbour, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, and according to our study, does not occur outside NSW. Pteraeolidia semperi (Bergh, 1870) and P. scolopendrella (Risbec, 1928) are removed from synonymy with P. ianthina. Wider phylogeographic sampling is required before resolving the availability of the two remaining names, and subclades within the tropical clade, but there is evidence to suggest multiple cryptic species exist. The biogeographic differences in symbionts, and the importance of their role in life history, suggests that changes in symbiosis may have helped drive divergence via local adaptation in the host nudibranchs. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

While much work has investigated the genetic diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium Freudenthal in cnidarians, investigations into such diversity over temporal scales (seasonal and/or annual) remain scarce. Here, we have sequenced the internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS‐rDNA) of Symbiodinium from samples of designated Zoanthus sansibaricus Carlgren (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) colonies collected for 12 months (August 2004–July 2005) at a high latitude non‐reefal coral community at Sakurajima, Kagoshima Bay, Japan (31°35′N, 130°35′E). Our results show that despite large ocean temperature changes (15.0–29.0°C) throughout the one‐year experimental period, Z. sansibaricus colonies contained only clade C Symbiodinium from many different subclade C1/C3‐related novel types not previously reported. While no temporal changes in clade‐level associations were seen, there were consistent and extremely large amounts (145 unique sequences out of 153 total obtained sequences) of genotypic microvariation observed in our obtained sequences. Despite Z. sansibaricus acquiring Symbiodinium horizontally and the presence of various other Symbiodinium clades (A, G) and subclades (e.g. C15 and derived subclades) in the immediate environment, Z. sansibaricus at Sakurajima specifically associates with subclade C1/C3‐related Symbiodinium. While subclades C1/C3 have been found in a variety of different environments and are believed to be ancestral, ‘generalist’ types of Symbiodinium, C1/C3‐related clades such as seen here may be more adapted to specialized niches. We theorize that specific and year‐round association with many different types of subclade C1/C3‐related Symbiodinium helps Z. sansibaricus to survive in the fluctuating Sakurajima environment.  相似文献   

The Synura petersenii species complex represents a common, cosmopolitan and highly diverse taxon of autotrophic freshwater flagellates. In this paper, we describe and characterize four new species (S. borealis, S. heteropora, S. hibernica and S. laticarina) that have been identified during our extensive sampling of freshwater habitats in 15 European countries. Morphometric analyses of siliceous scales led to the significant phenotypic differentiation of all four newly described species, and their separation from other related species of the S. petersenii complex. Two of these newly described species (S. hibernica and S. borealis) can be clearly distinguished by characteristic large colonies consisting of elongated, lanceolate-shaped cells. Development of strongly elongated, narrow cells in S. hibernica could be explained by the adaptation of this species to oligotrophic conditions. Though morphologically distinct, S. borealis possesses an exceptionally high degree of genetic diversity, possibly indicating recent speciation and evolutionary diversification within this taxon. Three of the four newly described species exhibit restricted biogeographic distribution. The evolutionarily related S. borealis and S. laticarina occur only in Northern Europe, and seem to be adapted to colder areas. The most remarkable distribution pattern was observed for S. hibernica, which has a geographic distribution that is restricted to western Ireland.  相似文献   

Pallenopsis patagonica (Hoek, 1881) is one of the most taxonomically problematic and variable pycnogonid species, and is distributed around the southern South American coast, and the Subantarctic and Antarctic areas. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences of 47 Pallenopsis specimens, including 39 morphologically identified as P. patagonica, five Pallenopsis pilosa (Hoek, 1881), one Pallenopsis macneilli Clark, 1963, one Pallenopsis buphtalmus Pushkin, 1993, and one Pallenopsis latefrontalis Pushkin, 1993. Furthermore, we studied morphological differences between the different COI lineages using light and scanning electron microscopy, including also material from Loman's and Hedgpeth's classical collections, as well as Hoek's type material of P. patagonica from 1881. The molecular results unambiguously reveal that P. patagonica is a complex of several divergent clades, which also includes P. macneilli, P. buphtalmus, and P. latefrontalis. Based on the material available, two major clades could be identified, namely a ‘Falkland’ clade, to which we assign the nominal P. patagonica, and a ‘Chilean’ clade, which is distinct from the ‘Falkland’ clade. We describe the ‘Chilean’ clade as new species, P allenopsis yepayekae sp. nov. Weis, 2013. All molecular results are confirmed by specific morphological characteristics that are discussed in detail and compared with Pallenopsis species closely related to the P. patagonica complex. Our results reveal that P. patagonica is a species‐rich complex that is in need for a thorough taxonomic revision, using both morphological and genetic approaches. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The leaf beetle genus Calligrapha is one of the few examples of animals with several obligate unisexual, female‐only species. Previous work showed that each one arose independently from interspecific hybridization events involving different species. However, all of them clustered in a single mtDNA clade together with some individuals of the parental bisexual species, which appeared as deeply polyphyletic in the mtDNA genealogy of the genus. The dating of these splits using a molecular clock placed them in the Quaternary and it was hypothesized that climatic change during this period may have favored range expansions and secondary contacts required for hybridization. In this work, we test this hypothesis and the origins of unisexuality in Calligrapha examining the diversity of mitochondrial (cox1) and nuclear (wingless, Wg) genes and the Bayesian continuous mtDNA phylogeography of a sample of more than 500 specimens of two bisexual species of Calligrapha at a continental scale and two unisexual species derived from them. Besides a major topological difference, whereby each bisexual species is monophyletic for Wg but paraphyletic for cox1, both gene datasets are consistent with a minimum of seven evolutionary lineages, coherent with geography and consistent with an ordered expansion to occupy their current ranges. The results also imply their survival in well‐established glacial refuges during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Thus, for bisexual C. multipunctata there are two main, southern and northern lineages. The southern lineage expanded its range in two evolutionary branches, to the Rocky Mountains and to the northern Mississippi and Ohio River basins, respectively. The northern lineage has one branch in the Upper Mississippi and one that expanded west to the Pacific Northwest and east to the northeastern North Atlantic, finding refuge in both areas. These major lineages are parapatric in the Northern Great Plains, an area consistent with them having found refuge in the so‐called Driftless region during the LGM. For bisexual C. philadelphica, one northern lineage expanded west from the northern Appalachians and one east and southwest along the axis of the Appalachians, and the timing of events is consistent with their persistence in glacial refugia at both sides of the main Great Lakes lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. There is evidence that the northeastern North Atlantic lineages of both species hybridized at the edge of their ranges after the LGM. The additional, divergent mtDNA lineage of these species shows evidence of range expansions of two lineages, one for each species, in an area south of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, and giving origin to the unisexual species by way of hybridization with other species in the Alleghanian region after the LGM. Interestingly, the individuals of supposedly bisexual species in this clade are all females. This suggests that unisexuality actually predates the origin of unisexual taxa in this system and that some bisexual species in Calligrapha may be species complexes instead, with cryptic species differing in their reproductive mode.  相似文献   

Symbiosis plays a fundamental role in nature. Lichens are among the best known, globally distributed symbiotic systems whose ecology is shaped by the requirements of all symbionts forming the holobiont. The widespread lichen‐forming fungal genus Stereocaulon provides a suitable model to study the ecology of microscopic green algal symbionts (i.e., phycobionts) within the lichen symbiosis. We analysed 282 Stereocaulon specimens, collected in diverse habitats worldwide, using the algal ITS rDNA and actin gene sequences and fungal ITS rDNA sequences. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a great diversity among the predominant phycobionts. The algal genus Asterochloris (Trebouxiophyceae) was recovered in most sampled thalli, but two additional genera, Vulcanochloris and Chloroidium, were also found. We used variation‐partitioning analyses to investigate the effects of climatic conditions, substrate/habitat characteristic, spatial distribution and mycobionts on phycobiont distribution. Based on an analogy, we examined the effects of climate, substrate/habitat, spatial distribution and phycobionts on mycobiont distribution. According to our analyses, the distribution of phycobionts is primarily driven by mycobionts and vice versa. Specificity and selectivity of both partners, as well as their ecological requirements and the width of their niches, vary significantly among the species‐level lineages. We demonstrated that species‐level lineages, which accept more symbiotic partners, have wider climatic niches, overlapping with the niches of their partners. Furthermore, the survival of lichens on substrates with high concentrations of heavy metals appears to be supported by their association with toxicity‐tolerant phycobionts. In general, low specificity towards phycobionts allows the host to associate with ecologically diversified algae, thereby broadening its ecological amplitude.  相似文献   

The genus Marphysa is widely collected for bait by recreational fishermen in Australia, and yet the number of species remains unresolved. A new species is described together with additional information on a previously described species. This study reveals that while species of Marphysa superficially resemble one another, detailed studies on the distribution of different types of chaetae along the body, together with molecular studies, uncover species which may co‐occur. Correct identification is critical for management of these largely intertidal species. This study also highlights the increasing awareness of the presence of pseudo‐cryptic species in polychaetes.  相似文献   

Mesalina are small lacertid lizards occurring in the Saharo‐Sindian deserts from North Africa to the east of the Iranian plateau. Earlier phylogenetic studies indicated that there are several species complexes within the genus and that thorough taxonomic revisions are needed. In this study, we aim at resolving the phylogeny and taxonomy of the M. brevirostris species complex distributed from the Middle East to the Arabian/Persian Gulf region and Pakistan. We sequenced three mitochondrial and three nuclear gene fragments, and in combination with species delimitation and species‐tree estimation, we infer a time‐calibrated phylogeny of the complex. The results of the genetic analyses support the presence of four clearly delimited species in the complex that diverged approximately between the middle Pliocene and the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary. Species distribution models of the four species show that the areas of suitable habitat are geographically well delineated and nearly allopatric, and that most of the species have rather divergent environmental niches. Morphological characters also confirm the differences between the species, although sometimes minute. As a result of all these lines of evidence, we revise the taxonomy of the Mesalina brevirostris species complex. We designate a lectotype for Mesalina brevirostris Blanford, 1874; resurrect the available name Eremias bernoullii Schenkel, 1901 from the synonymy of M. brevirostris; elevate M. brevirostris microlepis (Angel, 1936) to species status; and describe Mesalina saudiarabica, a new species from Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Endophytic filamentous brown algae are known to invade stipes and fronds of kelps with potentially negative effects for the hosts. They have simple filamentous thalli and are difficult to identify based on morphology. We investigated the molecular diversity of 56 endophytes isolated from seven different kelp species from Europe, Chile, Korea and New Zealand by sequencing two unlinked molecular markers (5’COI and ITS1). A majority of 49 of the isolated endophytes (88%) belonged to the genera Laminarionema and Laminariocolax. The endophyte Laminarionema elsbetiae was isolated from Saccharina latissima and S. japonica tissues in Europe and Korea, respectively, and showed highly similar sequences in both regions. Three different species of the genus Laminariocolax were identified, the most common of which was L. aecidioides, an endophyte with a worldwide distribution and a broad host range. The other two species, L. tomentosoides and a species described here as Laminariocolax atlanticus sp. nov., were associated with different kelp species in the northern hemisphere and the North Atlantic, respectively. Our results suggest that specific host-endophyte patterns could exist locally, as found in kelps in Brittany where all endophytes isolated from S. latissima were L. elsbetiae, all endophytes isolated from Laminaria digitata were Laminariocolax tomentosoides, and those isolated from Laminaria hyperborea were Laminariocolax atlanticus and L. aecidioides. However, this pattern was not consistent with the results from other places, such as Western Scotland and Helgoland where the same kelp species are present.  相似文献   

Abstract The genus Eois comprises an important part of megadiverse assemblages of geometrid moths in mountain rainforests of southern Ecuador. In this study we report: (i) on the construction of a DNA barcode library of Eois for identification purposes; and (ii) the exploration of species diversity through species delimitation by pair‐wise distance thresholds. COI barcode sequences were generated from 408 individuals (at least 105 species) collected on a narrow geographic scale (~40 km2) in the Reserva Biológica San Francisco. Analyses of barcode sequence divergence showed that species delimitations based solely on external morphology result in broad overlap of intra‐ and interspecific distances. Species delimitation at a 2% pair‐wise distance threshold reveals a clear barcoding gap. Fifty‐two previously unrecognized species were identified, 31 of which could only be distinguished by an integrative taxonomy approach. Twelve additional putative species could only be recognized by threshold‐based delimitation. Most splits resulted in two or three newly perceived cryptic taxa. The present study increased the number of Eois species recorded from that small area of Andean mountain forest from 102 to 154 (morphology‐ plus integrative taxonomy‐based) or even 166 (sequence‐based), leaving the species accumulation curve still far from reaching an asymptote. Notably, in no case did two or more previously distinguished morphospecies have to be lumped. This barcode inventory can be used to match larvae to known adult samples without rearing, and will therefore be of vital help to extend the currently limited knowledge about food plant relationships and host specialization.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomy is a recently developed approach that uses multiple lines of evidence such as molecular, morphological, ecological and geographical data to test species limits, and it stands as one of the most promising approaches to species delimitation in taxonomically difficult groups. The Pnigalio soemius complex (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) represents an interesting taxonomical and ecological study case, as it is characterized by a lack of informative morphological characters, deep mitochondrial divergence, and is susceptible to infection by parthenogenesis‐inducing Rickettsia. We tested the effectiveness of an integrative taxonomy approach in delimiting species within the P. soemius complex. We analysed two molecular markers (COI and ITS2) using different methods, performed multivariate analysis on morphometric data and exploited ecological data such as host–plant system associations, geographical separation, and the prevalence, type and effects of endosymbiont infection. The challenge of resolving different levels of resolution in the data was met by setting up a formal procedure of data integration within and between conflicting independent lines of evidence. An iterative corroboration process of multiple sources of data eventually indicated the existence of several cryptic species that can be treated as stable taxonomic hypotheses. Furthermore, the integrative approach confirmed a trend towards host specificity within the presumed polyphagous P. soemius and suggested that Rickettsia could have played a major role in the reproductive isolation and genetic diversification of at least two species.  相似文献   

We describe three new species of the genus Gromia from bathyal and abyssal depths in the Weddell Sea. The new species are characterized by a combination of morphological and molecular criteria. All three species possess a distinct oral capsule and a layer of ‘honeycomb membranes’, which form the inner part of the organic test wall. Both these features are typical of gromiids. Their identification as gromiids is confirmed by analyses of partial small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) gene sequences. Gromia marmorea sp. nov. is a rounded species with a prominent oral capsule and a characteristically mottled appearance. In Gromia melinus sp. nov. , the test surface exhibits a polygonal pattern of ridges, with a layer of clay particles coating the surface between the ridges. Gromia winnetoui sp. nov. represents an elongate morphotype in which the organic test is enclosed within an agglutinated case, a feature previously unknown in gromiids. Phylogenetic analysis using the maximum‐likelihood method revealed that all three species form distinct clades, reflecting the morphological differences among Weddell Sea species, as well as between deep‐water Southern Ocean Gromia and previously described gromiids. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 157 , 451–469.  相似文献   

Aim Although bats of the Caribbean have been studied extensively, previous work is largely restricted to zoogeography, phylogeography or the effects of island characteristics on species richness. Variation among islands in species composition that is related to geographical or environmental variation remains poorly understood for much of the Caribbean. Location Caribbean islands, including the Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. Methods Using presence–absence data, we assessed the extent to which island area, maximum island elevation, inter‐island distance and hurricane‐induced disturbance affected patterns of composition and nestedness for bats in the Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. Analyses were conducted for all species, as well as for two broadly defined guilds: carnivores and herbivores. Results For the Bahamas, only inter‐island distance accounted for variation in species composition between islands. For the Greater and Lesser Antilles, differences in island area and inter‐island distance accounted for differences in species composition between islands. Variation in species composition was not related significantly to differences in elevation or hurricane‐related disturbance. In general, results of analyses restricted to a particular broad guild (i.e. carnivores or herbivores) mirrored those for all bats. Bat species composition was nested significantly in each island group. Nestedness was stronger in the Greater Antilles and in the Lesser Antilles than in the Bahamas. Carnivore assemblages were nested significantly in the Greater and in the Lesser Antilles, but not in the Bahamas. In contrast, herbivore assemblages were nested significantly in each island group. Main conclusions Inter‐island distance had a greater effect on compositional similarity of Caribbean bat assemblages than did island area, elevation or disturbance related to hurricanes. Differential immigration and hierarchical habitat distributions associated with elevational relief are likely to be primary causes for nestedness of Caribbean bat assemblages.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic studies have shown that the characters of the reduced shell of the false limpets of the genus Siphonaria Sowerby I, 1823 are highly variable and often insufficient for species delimitation. The taxonomy and distribution of Siphonaria in the Indian Ocean are poorly known. We sampled Siphonaria in the Seychelles Bank to check the occurrence of recorded species using DNA sequences and to study the paths through which Siphonaria species have colonised the Seychelles Bank by reconstructing their phylogenetic relationships. Analyses of a dataset comprising 16 S rRNA gene sequences of 33 specimens from the Seychelles Bank and 300 additional Siphonaria sequences from other regions from GenBank with various methods for species delimitation resulted in 19–102 primary species hypotheses. Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning provided a conservative estimate of the species number (42) in which several indisputable species were lumped. The results of Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery depended strongly on the assumed prior maximum intraspecific divergence, whereas the tree-based methods Generalised Mixed Yule Coalescent and Poisson Tree Processes resulted in high overestimates. The specimens from the Seychelles Bank represent three clades, belonging to the Siphonaria ‘atra’ group, the Siphonaria ‘normalis’ group and a possibly undescribed species recorded previously only from Hainan. At least two of the three species recorded from the Seychelles Bank came from the east, i.e., from the Coral Triangle in the Indo-Australian Archipelago, the region with the highest marine biodiversity worldwide. A major transport mechanism across the Indian Ocean was probably the South Equatorial Current.  相似文献   

Scyllaeidae represents a small clade of dendronotoid nudibranchs. Notobryon wardi Odhner, 1936, has been reported to occur in tropical oceans from the Indo‐Pacific and eastern Pacific to temperate South Africa. The systematics of Notobryon has not been reviewed using modern systematic tools. Here, specimens of Notobryon were examined from the eastern Pacific, the Indo‐Pacific, and from temperate South Africa. Additionally, representatives of Scyllaea and Crosslandia were studied. Scyllaeidae was found to be monophyletic. Notobryon was also found to be monophyletic and is the sister group to Crosslandia plus Scyllaea. The molecular data also clearly indicate that within Notobryon, at least three distinct species are present, two of which are here described. Genetic distance data indicate that eastern Pacific and South African exemplars are 10–23% divergent from Indo‐Pacific exemplars of Notobryon wardi. Scyllaea pelagica has been regarded as a single, circumtropical species. Our molecular studies clearly indicate that the Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific populations are distinct and we resurrect Scyllaea fulva Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 for the Indo‐Pacific species. Our morphological studies clearly corroborate our molecular findings and differences in morphology distinguish closely related species. Different species clearly have distinct penial morphology. These studies clearly reinforce the view that eastern Pacific, Indo‐Pacific, and temperate biotas consist largely of distinct faunas, with only a minor degree of faunal overlap. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 311–336.  相似文献   

Shaw AJ 《Molecular ecology》2000,9(5):595-608
Nucleotide sequence variation in the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) from 70 populations of Mielichhoferia elongata and M. mielichhoferiana, plus two outgroup species, was analysed using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. High levels of nucleotide substitution and numerous insertion-deletion events were detected within and between the two species. M. elongata is monophyletic with regard to nrDNA variation, but M. mielichhoferiana is paraphyletic. (M. elongata is nested within it.) A clade within M. mielichhoferiana provides evidence of vicariance, with North American and Scandinavian sister groups of populations. Two major clades are resolved in M. elongata by sequence data that are completely congruent with previous isozyme work. One clade includes populations from both North America and Europe whereas the other is strictly North American. These two clades, resolved by multiple independent loci, clearly represent cryptic species within the morphologically uniform M. elongata. Certain geographical areas, most notably southwestern Colorado in Ouray and San Juan Counties, harbour diverse populations of M. elongata with distinct phylogenetic and phylogeographical histories. Morphologically indistinguishable but phylogenetically distant populations were detected a few metres apart at one site. In contrast, all populations collected over hundreds of kilometres in California belong to a single clade. Arctic North American populations belong to a clade that includes disjunct populations in Alaska, northern Ellesmere Island, and the northeastern USA, but not subarctic Swedish populations, which are more closely related to plants from the Rocky Mountains. Morphological uniformity belies complex infraspecific phylogenetic patterns within M. elongata and M. mielichhoferiana.  相似文献   

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