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Despite the taxonomic value of pollen morphology within the tribe Vernonieae, a detailed study of the pollen of the subtribe Elephantopinae is still lacking. The pollen morphology of ten species, representing three of the four genera of the subtribe, Elephantopus, Pseudoelephantopus and Orthopappus, was studied with LM, SEM, and TEM. The pollen of all the species studied was found to be echinolophate, although the differences in aperture features and both sculpture and exine structure allowed recognizing two pollen types. The species of Elephantopus (except for E. elongatus) and Pseudoelephantopus share the regular or more or less regular ridges pattern, the colporate condition but with the ectoapertures little developed, and the acaveate exine structure. From the sculpture and the apertures, the pollen of Caatinganthus harleyi was found to be similar to that of Elephantopus and Pseudoelephantopus. The pollen morphology of the monotypic Orthopappus, which is shared with that of E. elongatus, was further investigated for the first time. We found that it differs from that of the other species in having an irregular pattern of ridges, colporate condition but with a well-developed ectoapertures, and caveate exine. Additional studies of the exine structure and apertures features, coupled with molecular phylogeny, are needed to understand the evolution of pollen characters and re-evaluate the intergeneric relationships within the tribe.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is a key process in plant evolution, with the asexual formation of embryos representing a way through which polyploids can escape sterility. The association between polyploidy and polyembryony is known to occur in Bignoniaceae. In this study, we investigate polyembryony in four polyploid species of Anemopaegma: A. acutifolium, A. arvense, A. glaucum and A. scabriusculum as well as in one diploid species, A. album. Polyembryony was observed only in polyploid species. We used seed dissection and germination tests to compare the number of polyembryonic seeds. We tested how the pollen source influences the number of polyembryonic seeds and the number of embryos per seed and tested the correlation between the number of viable seeds per fruit and mean number of embryos per seed. The number of polyembryonic seeds observed by seed dissection was higher than the number of polyembryonic seeds determined by the germination test, with the number of embryos produced per seed being higher than the number of seedlings. The dissection of seeds of A. glaucum indicated that a higher number of polyembryonic seeds and a higher number of embryos were present in seeds from cross-pollination than in seeds from self-pollination. On the other hand, germination tests indicated that a higher number of polyembryonic seeds were present in fruits from self-pollination than from cross-pollination. The mean number of embryos per seed was not influenced by the number of viable seeds per fruit in fruits from open pollination. These results indicate a positive relationship between polyembryony and polyploidy in Anemopaegma.  相似文献   

Little information on evolutionary relationships of Neotropical organisms or on the factors that have shaped the diversity currently encountered in this region is available. However, it is clear that biotic interactions and abiotic aspects have played important roles for species diversification in the region. This study focuses on Dolichandra (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), a clade of Neotropical lianas that is distributed broadly across different habitats and with diverse pollination and dispersal systems. We used sequences from two plastid DNA markers (ndhF and rpl32‐trnL) and one nuclear gene (PepC) to infer phylogenetic relationships in Dolichandra using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. We then used this phylogenetic framework as basis to study the biogeographic history, reconstruct the evolution of morphological characters and test the impact of morphology and environment on the diversification of the genus. More specifically, we: (1) time‐calibrate the phylogenetic tree of Dolichandra; (2) estimate the ancestral areas of the various lineages; (3) estimate the ancestral states of discrete and continuous morphological traits; (4) test for phylogenetic signal in environmental and phenotypic data; and (5) test whether morphological characters and/or niche evolution are correlated with cladogenesis. All Dolichandra spp. are monophyletic in the combined molecular phylogeny; relationships among species are generally well resolved, although poorly supported in some instances. The genus is inferred to have originated 36.43–26.23 Mya, possibly in eastern South America. Ancestral state reconstructions of continuous and discrete floral characters inferred a mixed morphology as the ancestral condition for the group. Phylogenetic signal differed between perianth and sexual whorls and gradual evolution was recovered for all traits except style length and anther length. Environmental variables showed no phylogenetic signal and a pattern of variation that was not correlated with branch length, suggesting that environmental transitions were concomitant with speciation. Dispersal is inferred to be the main driver of the differential distribution observed among species. In addition, climatic preferences and floral characters seem to have been important reproductive barriers in Dolichandra. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 403–420.  相似文献   

The tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) is a large and morphologically diverse clade of neotropical lianas. Despite being a conspicuous component of the neotropical flora, the systematics of the tribe has remained uncertain due to confusing patterns of morphological variation within the group. Chloroplast (ndhF) and nuclear (PepC) DNA sequences were used here to reconstruct the phylogeny of Bignonieae. Individual analyses of ndhF and PepC were highly similar to one another, yet localized differences in the placement of six species suggests some conflict between data sets. Combined analyses result in trees that are consistent with those from the individual analyses and provide greater support for the suggested relationships. This phylogeny provides important new insights into the systematics of the tribe. It identifies 21 strongly supported species groups, eight of which broadly correspond to currently recognized genera. In addition, each of these 21 species groups is supported by morphological synapomorphies. The consistency between morphological and molecular data suggests that the current phylogeny provides a solid framework for a formal revision of the generic-level classification and for addressing other aspects of the biology of Bignonieae.  相似文献   

The radiation of angiosperms is associated with shifts among pollination modes that are thought to have driven the diversification of floral forms. However, the exact sequence of evolutionary events that led to such great diversity in floral traits is unknown for most plant groups. Here, we characterize the patterns of evolution of individual floral traits and overall floral morphologies in the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae). We identified 12 discrete traits that are associated with seven floral types previously described for the group and used a penalized likelihood tree of the tribe to reconstruct the ancestral states of those traits at all nodes of the phylogeny of Bignonieae. In addition, evolutionary correlations among traits were conducted using a maximum likelihood approach to test whether the evolution of individual floral traits followed the correlated patterns of evolution expected under the "pollination syndrome" concept. The ancestral Bignonieae flower presented an Anemopaegma-type morphology, which was followed by several parallel shifts in floral morphologies. Those shifts occurred through intermediate stages resulting in mixed floral morphologies as well as directly from the Anemopaegma-type morphology to other floral types. Positive and negative evolutionary correlations among traits fit patterns expected under the pollination syndrome perspective, suggesting that interactions between Bignonieae flowers and pollinators likely played important roles in the diversification of the group as a whole.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Cambial variants represent a form of secondary growth that creates great stem anatomical diversity in lianas. Despite the importance of cambial variants, nothing is known about the developmental mechanisms that may have led to the current diversity seen in these stems. Here, a thorough anatomical analysis of all genera along the phylogeny of Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) was carried out in order to detect when in their ontogeny and phylogeny there were shifts leading to different stem anatomical patterns. We found that all species depart from a common developmental basis, with a continuous, regularly growing cambium. Initial development is then followed by the modification of four equidistant portions of the cambium that reduce the production of xylem and increase the production of phloem, the former with much larger sieve tubes and an extended lifespan. In most species, the formerly continuous cambium becomes disjunct, with cambial portions within phloem wedges and cambial portions between them. Other anatomical modifications such as the formation of multiples of four phloem wedges, multiple-dissected phloem wedges, and included phloem wedges take place thereafter. The fact that each novel trait raised on the ontogenetic trajectory appeared in subsequently more recent ancestors on the phylogeny suggests a recapitulatory history. This recapitulation is, however, caused by the terminal addition of evolutionary novelties rather than a truly heterochronic process. Truly heterochronic processes were only found in shrubby species, which resemble juveniles of their ancestors, as a result of a decelerated phloem formation by the variant cambia. In addition, the modular evolution of phloem and xylem in Bignonieae seems to indicate that stem anatomical modifications in this group occurred at the level of cambial initials.  相似文献   

Sixteen crude extracts from six Panamanian plants of the family Bignoniaceae were submitted to rapid TLC tests against DPPH and acetylcholinesterase. Pithecoctenium crucigerum (L.) A.H. Gentry, which showed interesting activity against DPPH, has been studied. The chemical investigation of the methanol extract from the stems afforded the iridoid glycoside theviridoside and three derivatives (6'-O-cyclopropanoyltheviridoside, 10-O-hydroxybenzoyltheviridoside and 10-O-vanilloyltheviridoside), along with five known phenylethanoid glycosides (verbascoside, isoverbascoside, forsythoside B, jionoside D and leucosceptoside B). These last compounds were all active against DPPH. The structures were determined by means of spectrometric and chemical methods, including 1D and 2D NMR experiments and MS analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Using optical and scanning electron microscopy, we carried out a palynological study of some plant species with a systematic position that has been controversial. One of the taxa belongs to the genus Artemisia (Asteraceae, Anthemideae), but has been described in another genus (Artemisia incana/Tanacetum incanum). The remaining taxa have been named or combined in Artemisia but are now considered members of small genera mostly segregated from Artemisia (Ajania, Hippolytia, Kaschgaria, Lepidolopsis, Mausolea, Turaniphytum), or belong to very close genera (Brachanthemum, Sphaeromeria). We confirm the existence of two pollen morphological patterns - concerning ornamentation - in the tribe Anthemideae: one with long spines ( Anthemis type) and the other with short spinules ( Artemisia type). Artemisia and its related genera can also be divided into two groups according to this feature, which is a good taxonomic marker, well correlated with other morphological and molecular characters.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - Identifying knowledge gaps and the potential biases and limitations of biological databases is essential for biogeographical research, to efficiently plan...  相似文献   

Studies on niche evolution allow us to establish how species niches have changed over time and to identify how long‐term evolutionary processes have led to present‐day species distributions. Here, we investigate the patterns of climatic niche evolution in Tynanthus (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), a genus of narrowly distributed species. We test the hypothesis that niche conservatism has played an important role in the history of this group of Neotropical lianas. We perform univariate and multivariate comparisons between climatic niches of species and associated environmental data with information on phylogenetic relationships. We encountered considerable divergence in niches among species, indicating that niche conservatism in climatic variables does not seem to have played a key role in the history of the genus. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 95–109.  相似文献   

This study provides new pollen data of 52 representative species belonging to all 12 genera in the currently classification of the subtribe Nepetinae, and considers the possible presence of orbicules for the first time. Pollen morphology and ultrastructure were investigated with light, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. Nepetinae pollen is small to large (P = 16–65 µm, E = 17–53 µm), oblate to prolate (P/E = 0.7–1.6) in shape and mostly hexacolpate (sometimes octocolpate). The exine stratification in all taxa studied is similar and characterized by unbranched columellae and a continuous, granular endexine. Sexine ornamentation in the Nepetinae is bireticulate, microreticulate or perforate. In perforate and microreticulate pattern a tendency towards a bireticulum could be recognized due to trace of secondary tectal connections. The bireticulate pattern is most common with variations of primary muri and secondary reticulum. In Hymenocrater and Schizonepeta the observed variation of sexine ornamentation is particularly valuable at the generic level. Pollen data support Lophanthus and Nepeta as very closely allied and Lallemantia is clearly distinct from Dracocephalum. The formerly suggested infrageneric relationships within Dracocephalum and Nepeta are only partly corroborated by palynological characters. Orbicules are absent in the Nepetinae.  相似文献   

  • Li X-Y.1992.Studies on germplasm of Glycyrrhiza by using different taxonomic methods.Advances in Plant Taxonomy in Northwest China 1:7-24.
  • Li X-Y.1993.A study of the system and new taxa of genus Glycyrrhiza L.Bulletin of Botanical Research 13(1):14-43.
  • Turrill WB.1937.Glycyrrhizopsis syriaca Turrill.Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information 2:79.
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    Abstract The pollen morphology of 11 species of the genus Glycyrrhiza L. with one from each of the genera Glycyrrhizopsis Boiss. & Bal. and Meristotropis Fisch. & C. A. Mey. was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. In pollen morphology, the main differences between Glycyrrhizopsis and Glycyrrhiza are: Glycyrrhizopsis—pollen grains 36.63 × 40.42 μm in size, oblate spheroidal in shape; and Glycyrrhiza—pollen grains 24.47–33.18 × 23.82–31.83 μm in size, prolate spheroidal in shape. Glycyrrhizopsis and Glycyrrhiza should be recognized as two distinct genera based on palynological and morphological characters. Meristotropis and Glycyrrhiza are similar in many important palynological and morphological characters, suggesting that the two should be merged. In Glycyrrhiza, two types of pollen grains, 3‐lobed‐circular or subtriangular in polar view, are found in different species, in accordance with morphological differences in the two groups, shedding light on the classification and evolution of the genus.  相似文献   

    Anemopaegma is a monophyletic lineage included in the tribe Bignonieae. The genus is taxonomically problematic, especially in the Anemopaegma arvense species complex, a group whose taxa have been delimited on the basis of leaf external morphology. Here we study the leaf anatomy of all three species and nine varieties currently included in this species complex (A. acutifolium DC., A. arvense (Vell.) Stellf. ex de Souza and A. glaucum Mart. ex DC.) in search for additional characters that may help circumscribe taxa within this group. For comparison, this study also investigated the leaf anatomy of two species that are morphologically similar to representatives of the species complex but currently placed outside it (A. album Mart. ex DC. and A. scabriusculum Mart. ex DC.). All taxa were analyzed using standard anatomical procedures and light microscopy. In addition, leaves of A. acutifolium and Anemopaegma album were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Overall, stomata position, composition of the vascular system of the petiole, midrib, lateral veins and margin constitution represented the most important anatomical features for the recognition of the species and varieties. The study also demonstrated that A. scabriusculum presents leaf anatomical traits that differ from those encountered in species of the Anemopaegma arvense complex, corroborating earlier anatomical and molecular phylogenetic results and indicating that A. scabriusculum is indeed best placed outside the A. arvense species complex. Leaf anatomical data also support the synonymization of some varieties of A. mirandum with A. arvense, as well as varieties of A. glaucum into this species.  相似文献   

    The neotropical subtribe Cuspariinae (Rutaceae) comprises as many as 26 genera and over 125 species. Pollen grains from 111 collections representing 71 species and 24 genera were examined by LM, SEM, and TEM. The pollen morphology of this subtribe is very diverse. Grains are mostly 3–6-aperturate and colporate, rarely porate (Spiranthera) or pantocolporate (Almeidea). Exine sculpturing is most commonly reticulate, sometimes perforate, foveolate-perforate, foveolate, foveolate-reticulate, reticulate, striate-reticulate, echinate, clavate, or baculate. The exine structure is columellate and tectate-perforate, columellate and semitectate, or intectate and is stratified into ektexine and endexine. The exine ofLeptothyrsa is distinctive in that the ektexine of the mesocolpium is longitudinally deeply ridged. The pollen ofHortia, characterized by a psilate exine with rare perforations, a very thick foot-layer, and reduced columellae, is unlike that of any member of the Cuspariinae and offers no support for the transfer of this genus from the Toddalioideae. The pollen data correlate with macromorphological characters and are taxonomically useful.  相似文献   

    角蒿属(紫葳科)的花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    对角蒿属(Incarvillea Juss.)14个种(4变种,2居群)的花粉进行了扫描电镜观察。角蒿属花粉形态较为相似,为单粒花粉,花粉粒扁球形至近球形,外壁表面同时具有近刺状和穴状两种纹饰。大小在28~51μm之间,萌发孔为多沟型,6~10沟,沟长度不等,沿赤道分布,一些种类中沟多少弯曲使萌发孔成螺旋状,沟末端在极面上多少连接形成合沟。角蒿属内种间花粉形态上的相似性说明了角蒿属应为一单系类群,而对于角蒿属下单元划分及种间的系统有着有限的意义,波罗花亚属花粉明显大于其它两个属,花粉形态特征也显示了它与角蒿亚属关系较近。同时,研究结果不支持将角蒿属放在硬骨凌霄族(Tecomeae)。  相似文献   

    Due to their distinct characteristics and possible uses in a variety of disciplines, nanoparticles have attracted a lot of attention recently. One area of interest is the synthesis of nanoparticles using natural sources such as bee pollen. The research aims to evaluate the usability of bee pollen extract-based magnesium nanoparticles (MgNPs). First, a palynological study was used to determine the plant source of bee pollen. The nanoparticle was characterized using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results revealed cubic-shaped MgNPs with an average size range of 36–40 nm. Afterward, nanoparticles were evaluated for their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and neurotoxic properties. It was determined that the total antioxidant capacity, phenolic (TPC), flavonoid (TFC) content, DPPH radical scavenging, and antimicrobial activity of the nanoparticles were lower than pollen extract. At the same time, nanoparticles have less toxicity than bee pollen.  相似文献   

    The Duvensee originated before the Alleroed in the Late Glacial, and had its largest areal coverage during the Preboreal. After the lake retreat, which began in early Boreal times, the marginal shore areas and nearshore islands were repeatedly inhabited by man in the early Mesolithicum. Archaeological excavations of human settlements and pollen analyses of sediment cores show evidence of lake level fluctuations in the ensuing period. The results disclose that shallow water sediments such as lake marls, algal muds and coarse detrital gyttjas predominate in the sequence. In keeping with the shallow water conditions, strong lateral facies changes were observed in the cores. The early Holocene deposits have almost the same thickness irrespective of their position in the shallow or deep parts of the lake basin. The subaerial exposure of the nearshore and island areas sometimes resulted in fern and reed peats. The last remnants of the lake, which was drained in 1850, lay in the marginal areas over shallow water sediments.  相似文献   


    A melissopalynological study was carried out on 46 samples of Ziziphus lotus honey from Laghouat and Djelfa region (central Algeria). The number of pollen types identified per honey sample ranges between nine and 39 with a mean of 24. These correspond to 52 botanical families with 79 different pollen types in the whole samples. Asteraceae and Fabaceae families were present in all the samples where as Apiaceae, Brassicaceae and Nitrariaceae (Peganum harmala) were identified in more than 90%. Other plant families as Boraginaceae, Cistaceae, Myrtaceae, Oleaceae, Salicaceae or Urticaceae were identified in more than 50% of the samples but frequently as minor pollen. Ziziphus lotus pollen had a mean content of 68.9% (with a range of 45.3% to 93.4%). The secondary pollen types were Ononis natrix, Peganum harmala, Brassica napus, Echium and Olea europaea. Regarding the important pollen it is highlighted the presence Lotus t., Eucalyptus, Pimpinella anisum t., Trifolium t., Eryngium campestre t., Centaurea t., Galega officinalis t., Citrus or Scrophularia t. The sedra honeys of the studied region are characterised by their high content in pollen grains with a mean content of 188 403 grains/10 g. The presence of some pollen types in the pollen spectra of honeys such as Peganum harmala, Thapsia garganica, Launaea, Muscari comosum, Carthamus or Limonium bonduellei together several Asteraceae as Centaurea, Taraxacum, Carduus, Artemisia and Matricaria was proposed as geographical markers of this honey type.  相似文献   

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