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The presence of a gill‐derived gland is herein reported for the first time in males of species of Astyanax and related genera; they are described through histological cuts and SEM. The gill‐derived glands described for the Characidae, when fully developed, present a similar structure in different species. The main external feature of gill‐derived glands is the fusion of anteriormost gill filaments on the ventral branch of first gill arch. This fusion is caused by squamous stratified epithelial tissue that covers adjacent filaments, forming a series of chambers. In the region where the gill‐derived gland develops, the secondary lamellae of the gill filaments are much reduced or completely atrophied being characterized by the presence of glandular cells forming nests.  相似文献   

Molecular species delimitation is increasingly being used to discover and illuminate species level diversity, and a number of methods have been developed. Here, we compare the ability of two molecular species delimitation methods to recover song‐delimited species in the Cicadetta montana cryptic species complex throughout Europe. Recent bioacoustics studies of male calling songs (premating reproductive barriers) have revealed cryptic species diversity in this complex. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were used to analyse the mitochondrial genes COI and COII and the nuclear genes EF1α and period for thirteen European Cicadetta species as well as the closely related monotypic genus Euboeana. Two molecular species delimitation methods, general mixed Yule‐coalescent (GMYC) and Bayesian phylogenetics and phylogeography, identified the majority of song‐delimited species and were largely congruent with each other. None of the molecular delimitation methods were able to fully recover a recent radiation of four Greek species.  相似文献   

Taxonomic studies of the genus Astyanax from the Iguaçu River (Brazil) indicate that they may be differentiated into 11 distinct species, some of which have not been formally described and named so for. This study focuses on three of these species, Astyanax sp. B, Astyanax sp. C and Astyanax sp. D from the Upper Iguaçu River Basin. Comparative cytogenetic analyses of C‐banding, Ag‐NORs (silver nitrate stained nucleolar organizer region) and 18S and 5S rDNA corroborate that they are distinct species. A diploid number of 50 chromosomes and similar karyotypic formulae were observed in the three taxa, with the exception of Astyanax sp. D that differs in the number of submetacentric and subtelocentric chromosomes. However, the NOR silver‐staining pattern, the heterochromatic bands (C‐bands) and the mapping of the 18S and 5S rDNA sites in the chromosomes showed divergences between all three species under study, supporting the occurrence of distinct evolutionary units.  相似文献   

The Drosophila serrata species complex from Australia and New Guinea has been widely used in evolutionary studies of speciation and climatic adaptation. It is believed to consist of D. serrata, D. birchii and D. dominicana, although knowledge of the latter is limited. Here we present evidence for a previously undescribed cryptic member of the D. serrata species complex. This new cryptic species is widespread in far north Queensland, Australia and is likely to have been previously mistaken for D. serrata. It shows complete reproductive isolation when crossed with both D. serrata and D. birchii. The cryptic species can be easily distinguished from D. serrata and D. birchii using either microsatellite loci or visual techniques. Although it occurs sympatrically with both D. serrata and D. birchii, it differs from these species in development time, viability, wing size and wing morphology. Its discovery explains patterns of recently described mitochondrial DNA divergence within D. serrata, and may also help to clarify some ambiguities evident in early evolutionary literature on reproductive incompatibility within the D. serrata species complex.  相似文献   

We developed novel microsatellite markers for D alechampia scandens L. (Euphorbiaceae). The target plants belong to a distinct, but undescribed, species in the D . scandens species complex, characterized by small resin‐producing glands. In total, 110 alleles over 36 novel markers were identified across 39 individuals from three populations. The number of alleles varied from one to seven, with an average of 3.06 ± 0.26 alleles per locus. The developed markers, along with previously developed ones for a large‐glanded D . scandens species, were tested for amplification in 11 additional species of the genus D alechampia. Four markers did not produce any detectable allele in 37 individuals from two populations of the large‐glanded species. Average expected heterozygosity across all small‐ and large‐glanded specific loci was 0.36 and 0.15, for the small and large glanded populations, respectively. Cross‐species amplification showed that 89% of all markers were successfully amplified in at least one of the 11 other D alechampia species. These microsatellite markers may be useful for detecting undescribed species in the D . scandens species complex, and can be used for comparative analyses of genetic structure, mating system and phylogeography of other D alechampia species.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Xantusia of southwestern North America has received recent attention in relation to delimiting species. Using more than 500 lizards from 156 localities, we further test hypothesized species boundaries and clarify phylogeographical patterns, particularly in regions of potential secondary contact. We sequenced the entire mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for every lizard in the study, plus a second mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) region and two nuclear introns for subsets of the total sample. Phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA recover a well-resolved, novel hypothesis for species in the Xantusia vigilis complex. The nuclear DNA (nDNA) data provide independent support for the recognition of X. arizonae, X. bezyi and X. wigginsi. Differences between the respective mtDNA and nDNA topologies result from either the effects of lineage sorting or ancient introgression. Nuclear data confirm the inference that some populations of X. vigilis in northwestern Arizona converged on rock-crevice-dwelling morphology and are not X. arizonae with an introgressed X. vigilis mtDNA genome. The historical independence of ancient cryptic lineages of Xantusia in southern California is also corroborated, though limited introgression is detected. Our proposed biogeographical scenario indicates that diversification of this group was driven by vicariance beginning in the late Miocene. Additionally, Pleistocene climatical changes influenced Xantusia distribution, and the now inhospitable Colorado Desert previously supported night lizard presence. The current taxonomy of the group likely underestimates species diversity within the group, and our results collectively show that while convergence on the rock-crevice-dwelling morphology is one hallmark of Xantusia evolution, morphological stasis is paradoxically another.  相似文献   

Species delimitation is a key foundation for exploring biodiversity. However, the existence of continuous phenotypic variation in widespread species challenges accurate species delimitation based on classical taxonomy. In this study, we investigated the cryptic diversity of a widespread herb (Roscoea tibetica Batalin) in a biodiversity hotspot (the Hengduan Mountains, China) using genotyping by sequencing, examining morphological traits, developing species distribution models, and simulating demographic history. Phylogenomic reconstruction, principal component analysis, and genetic structure inferences indicated that previously reported R. tibetica comprised two monophyletic lineages with a deep divergence. Several morphological diagnostic characteristics were discovered from field and common garden that corresponded to these independent evolutionary lineages. Species distribution models illustrated significant ecological divergence between both lineages. All evidence strongly supported that R. tibetica, as described in previous taxonomy, actually comprises two distinct species. Model test of gene flow and effective population size changes in fastsimcoal2, and a negative Tajima's D-value suggested that recent contact likely occurred between the two lineages. Our results proposed that cryptic diversity in previously reported R. tibetica was possibly associated with phenotypic plasticity in heterogeneous environments and morphological convergence in similar habitats. This study suggests that caution should be exercised when attempting to gain biological insight into species with large-scale morphological variation, and species delimitation should be done in advance.  相似文献   

Intensification of inland fisheries and aquatic landscape conversion led to a drastic decline of fish populations in the Yangtze River (YR) during the last decades. This situation urges for the development of a large‐scale molecular assessment of YR ichthyofauna to further develop standardized methods of molecular identification for conservation and fisheries management purposes. We present here the results of a large‐scale campaign to DNA barcode YR freshwater fishes that succeeded in producing 1,424 new DNA barcodes for 123 species. Together with 1,406 sequences mined from BOLD and GenBank, a reference library including 2,830 DNA barcodes for 238 species was compiled. By using four DNA‐based species delimitation methods, RESL, ABGD, mPTP and mGMYC, 230 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified and 195 species displayed OTUs that tightly match species boundaries. No barcoding gap was observed; however, and conflicting cases of species and OTU delimitation were identified. A total of 23 species with maximum intraspecific distances above 2% were detected and null genetic distances to the nearest phylogenetic relatives were detected in 11 species. Among those 23 species, 16 were represented by multiple OTUs amounting to 40 OTUs delineated. Several cases of multiple OTUs confined to species boundaries were detected suggesting the presence of overlooked species. A total of 18 OTUs, however, were shared by several species and particularly so for the Qinghai‐Tibet plateau endemic species. These results are discussed with reference to previous large‐scale DNA barcoding campaign and compared to previous phylogeographic studies in the YR.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding utilizes short standardized DNA sequences to identify species and is increasingly used in biodiversity assessments. The technique has unveiled an unforeseeably high number of morphologically cryptic species. However, if speciation has occurred relatively recently and rapidly, the use of single gene markers, and especially the exclusive use of mitochondrial markers, will presumably fail in delimitating species. Therefore, the true number of biological species might be even higher. One mechanism that can result in rapid speciation is hybridization of different species in combination with polyploidization, that is, allopolyploid speciation. In this study, we analyzed the population genetic structure of the polyploid freshwater snail Ancylus fluviatilis, for which allopolyploidization was postulated as a speciation mechanism. DNA barcoding has already revealed four cryptic species within A. fluviatilis (i.e., A. fluviatilis s. str., Ancylus sp. A–C), but early allozyme data even hint at the presence of additional cryptic lineages in Central Europe. We combined COI sequencing with high‐resolution genome‐wide SNP data (ddRAD data) to analyze the genetic structure of A. fluviatilis populations in a Central German low mountain range (Sauerland). The ddRAD data results indicate the presence of three cryptic species within A. fluviatilis s. str. occurring in sympatry and even syntopy, whereas mitochondrial sequence data only support the existence of one species, with shared haplotypes between species. Our study hence points to the limitations of DNA barcoding when dealing with organismal groups where speciation is assumed to have occurred rapidly, for example, through the process of allopolyploidization. We therefore emphasize that single marker DNA barcoding can underestimate the true species diversity and argue in strong favor of using genome‐wide data for species delimitation in such groups.  相似文献   

The genus Schizothorax (Cyprinidae), one of the most diverse genera of ichthyofauna of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau (QTP), is a good candidate for investigating patterns of genetic variation and evolutionary mechanisms. In this study, sequences from the mitochondrial control region, the cytochrome b gene, and two nuclear genes were used to re‐examine the genetic diversity and investigate the evolutionary history of the Schizothorax species complex inhabiting the Lancang River. Three maternal clades were detected in the Schizothorax species complex, but frequent nuclear allele sharing also occurred among the three maternal clades. A discrepancy between topologies of mitochondrial and nuclear loci might result from introgression or/and incomplete lineage sorting. The divergence of the clades of the Schizothorax species complex was closely related to the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene orogenesis of the QTP and Southwest Mountains of China. Demographic analyses indicated that the species complex subsequently persisted in situ with stable populations during Pleistocene glacial cycling, which suggested that Pleistocene climate changes did not exert a remarkable influence on the species complex. Our study provides a comprehensive analysis of the genetic diversity and evolutionary history of the Schizothorax species complex in the Lancang River.  相似文献   

We report on two new lineages of the Eumida sanguinea complex from Great Britain and describe one of them as a new species using a multilocus approach, including the mitochondrial DNA COI-5P and the nuclear markers ITS (ITS1, 5.8S rRNA and ITS2) and 28S rRNA. The molecular analysis placed Eumida mackiei sp. nov. in a monophyletic clade with 19.1% (COI), 10.1% (ITS) and 1.7% (28S) mean distance to its nearest neighbour. Molecular diagnoses were also applied to nine lineages within the E. sanguinea complex. This was complemented with morphometric data employing multivariate statistical analysis and the incorporation of statistical dissimilarities against three other described species from the complex. Eumida mackiei sp. nov. can be distinguished from E. notata and E. maia by the larger distance between the eyes and differences in morphometric proportions mainly in the dorsal and ventral cirri as well as in the prostomial appendages. E. sanguinea sensu stricto failed to produce a cluster of its own in the morphometric analysis, probably due to juvenile bias. Integrative taxonomy provided strong evidence to formally describe a new cryptic species that can now be used in biomonitoring or other relevant ecological research.  相似文献   

Xiang XL  Xi YL  Wen XL  Zhang G  Wang JX  Hu K 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(14):3027-3044
Spatio-temporal patterns and processes of genetic differentiation in passively dispersing zooplankton are drawing much attention from both ecologists and evolutionary biologists. Two opposite phylogeographical scenarios have already been demonstrated in rotifers, which consist of high levels of genetic differentiation among populations even on small geographical scales on the one hand and the traditionally known cosmopolitanism that is associated with high levels of gene flow and long-distance dispersal via diapausing stages on the other hand. Here, we analysed the population genetic structure and the phylogeography of the Brachionus calyciflorus species complex in eastern China. By screening a total of 318 individuals from ten locations along a 2320-km gradient and analysing samples from two growing seasons, we aimed at focusing on both small- and large-scale patterns. We identified eight cryptic species and verified species status of two of these by sexual reproduction tests. Samples in summer and winter yielded different cryptic species. The distribution patterns of these genetically distinct cryptic species were diverse across eastern China, from full cosmopolitanism to local endemism. The two most abundant cryptic species BcWIII and BcSW showed a pattern of strong genetic differentiation among populations and no significant isolation by distance. Long-distance colonization, secondary contact and recent range expansion are probably responsible for the indistinct pattern of isolation by distance. Our results suggest that geographical distance is more important than temporal segregation across seasons in explaining population differentiation and the occurrence of cryptic species. We explain the current phylogeographical structure in the B. calyciflorus species complex by a combination of recent population expansion, restricted gene flow, priority effects and long-distance colonization.  相似文献   

The importance and abundance of cryptic species among invertebrate taxa is well documented. Nowadays, taxonomic, phylogenetic and conservation biological studies frequently use molecular markers to delineate cryptic taxa. Such studies, however, often face the problem of the differential resolution of the molecular markers and techniques involved. This issue is explored in the present study of cryptic taxa within the terrestrial slug complex Arion subfuscus/fuscus in continental north-west Europe. To this end, morphological, allozyme and mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequence data have been jointly evaluated. Using allozyme data and gonad type, two distinct groups were consistently delineated, even under sympatric conditions. The 16S rDNA data strongly supported both those groups and even suggested the presence of three distinct taxa within one of them. However, in view of: (1) the allopatric distribution of three OTUs, (2) the lack of allozyme or morphological differentiation, and (3) the extremely high degree of intraspecific mtDNA variation reported in pulmonate gastropods, they are, for the time being, not regarded as valid species under the biological species concept. By means of 16S rDNA and allozyme data, the position of type and topotype material of A. subfuscus s.s. and A. fuscus relative to the newly defined OTUs was determined, thus clarifying the nomenclature of this species complex. Additionally, gonad type proved to be a useful character for distinguishing the two species in north-west Europe.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 23–38.  相似文献   

Genetic markers are often used to trace the geographical origin of migrating birds. Such an approach has been used to attribute individuals of a given species to a given population, but it could also be applied to cryptic species, which are not fully diagnosable on the basis of their morphological appearance alone, despite often being genetically distinct. We sampled migrants of the Sylvia cantillans complex, which include cryptic taxa not readily identified on the basis of their appearance, at spring stopover sites in the central Mediterranean. We identified these individuals taxonomically using mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Molecular analyses enabled us to establish that four different taxa/clades of the Sylvia cantillans complex (two S. c. cantillans clades, S. c. albistriata and S. subalpina) migrate through the central‐western Mediterranean from Africa.  相似文献   

Taxonomy has traditionally relied on morphological and ecological traits to interpret and classify biological diversity. Over the last decade, technological advances and conceptual developments in the field of molecular ecology and systematics have eased the generation of genomic data and changed the paradigm of biodiversity analysis. Here we illustrate how traditional taxonomy has led to species designations that are supported neither by high throughput sequencing data nor by the quantitative integration of genomic information with other sources of evidence. Specifically, we focus on Omocestus antigai and Omocestus navasi, two montane grasshoppers from the Pyrenean region that were originally described based on quantitative phenotypic differences and distinct habitat associations (alpine vs. Mediterranean‐montane habitats). To validate current taxonomic designations, test species boundaries, and understand the factors that have contributed to genetic divergence, we obtained phenotypic (geometric morphometrics) and genome‐wide SNP data (ddRADSeq) from populations covering the entire known distribution of the two taxa. Coalescent‐based phylogenetic reconstructions, integrative Bayesian model‐based species delimitation, and landscape genetic analyses revealed that populations assigned to the two taxa show a spatial distribution of genetic variation that do not match with current taxonomic designations and is incompatible with ecological/environmental speciation. Our results support little phenotypic variation among populations and a marked genetic structure that is mostly explained by geographic distances and limited population connectivity across the abrupt landscapes characterizing the study region. Overall, this study highlights the importance of integrative approaches to identify taxonomic units and elucidate the evolutionary history of species.  相似文献   

Zhou WW  Wen Y  Fu J  Xu YB  Jin JQ  Ding L  Min MS  Che J  Zhang YP 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(4):960-973
Speciation remains a fundamental issue in biology. Herein, we report an investigation into speciation in the Rana chensinensis species complex using DNA sequence data from one mitochondrial and five nuclear genes. A phylogenetic analysis of the data revealed four major clades in the complex, and each of them was found to likely represent a species, including one cryptic species. Ecological niche models were generated from 19 climatic variables for three of the four major clades, which were represented by widespread sampling, including R. chensinensis, Rana kukunoris and the potential cryptic species. Each clade is associated with a unique ecological unit, and this indicates that ecological divergence probably drove speciation. Ecological divergence is likely related to the late Cenozoic orogenesis of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. In addition, gene flow between species was detected but only in peripheral portions of the ranges of the four major clades, thus likely had little influence on the speciation processes. Discordances between mitochondrial and nuclear genes were also found; the nominal species, R. chensinensis, contains multiple maternal clades, suggesting potential mitochondrial introgression between R. chensinensis and R. kukunoris.  相似文献   

Mathews LM 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(13):4049-4063
Recent investigations suggest that marine biodiversity may be much higher than earlier estimates, and an important hidden source of diversity in marine systems is the phenomenon of cryptic species complexes. Such complexes are informative models for research into the evolutionary processes that govern species compositions of marine fauna. The snapping shrimp genera Alpheus and Synalpheus are known to harbour large numbers of cryptic species; here, I characterize the genetic structure of the Alpheus armillatus species complex in the northern Caribbean, west Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Over this geographical region, the complex harbours at least three lineages that are probable reproductively isolated species; all major lineages diverged subsequent to the close of the Isthmus of Panama. Only one lineage was present in the Gulf of Mexico, whereas outside the Gulf of Mexico there was no clear tendency for lineage dominance by geographical region, as most sites were populated by shrimp from at least two lineages. However, within each lineage, there was strong evidence of population genetic differentiation between geographical regions. All lineages showed strong signals of demographic expansion, and one lineage showed sharply reduced genetic diversity, suggestive of past population bottlenecks or recently founded populations with low gene flow from other sites. These results show that evolutionary processes leading to divergence and speciation have been common and recent in the snapping shrimp, and suggest that connectivity among shrimp populations may be limited.  相似文献   

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