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ADP-ribosylation is involved in a variety of biological processes, many of which are chromatin-dependent and linked to important functions during the cell cycle. However, any study on ADP-ribosylation and the cell cycle faces the problem that synchronization with chemical agents or by serum starvation and subsequent growth factor addition already activates ADP-ribosylation by itself. Here, we investigated the functional contribution of ARTD1 in cell cycle re-entry and G1/S cell cycle progression using T24 urinary bladder carcinoma cells, which synchronously re-enter the cell cycle after splitting without any additional stimuli. In synchronized cells, ARTD1 knockdown, but not inhibition of its enzymatic activity, caused specific down-regulation of cyclin E during cell cycle re-entry and G1/S progression through alterations of the chromatin composition and histone acetylation, but not of other E2F-1 target genes. Although Cdk2 formed a functional complex with the residual cyclin E, p27Kip1 Murray AH, Hunt T. The cell cycle: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. [Google Scholar] protein levels increased in G1 upon ARTD1 knockdown most likely due to inappropriate cyclin E-Cdk2-induced phosphorylation-dependent degradation, leading to decelerated G1/S progression. These results provide evidence that ARTD1 regulates cell cycle re-entry and G1/S progression via cyclin E expression and p27Kip1 Murray AH, Hunt T. The cell cycle: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. [Google Scholar] stability independently of its enzymatic activity, uncovering a novel cell cycle regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

NAD+ is a cellular redox cofactor involved in many essential processes. The regulation of NAD+ metabolism and the signaling networks reciprocally interacting with NAD+-producing metabolic pathways are not yet fully understood. The NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase (HDAC) Hst1 has been shown to inhibit de novo NAD+ synthesis by repressing biosynthesis of nicotinic acid (BNA) gene expression. Here, we alternatively identify HDAC Rpd3 as a positive regulator of de novo NAD+ metabolism in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We reveal that deletion of RPD3 causes marked decreases in the production of de novo pathway metabolites, in direct contrast to deletion of HST1. We determined the BNA expression profiles of rpd3Δ and hst1Δ cells to be similarly opposed, suggesting the two HDACs may regulate the BNA genes in an antagonistic fashion. Our chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that Rpd3 and Hst1 mutually influence each other’s binding distribution at the BNA2 promoter. We demonstrate Hst1 to be the main deacetylase active at the BNA2 promoter, with hst1Δ cells displaying increased acetylation of the N-terminal tail lysine residues of histone H4, H4K5, and H4K12. Conversely, we show that deletion of RPD3 reduces the acetylation of these residues in an Hst1-dependent manner. This suggests that Rpd3 may function to oppose spreading of Hst1-dependent heterochromatin and represents a unique form of antagonism between HDACs in regulating gene expression. Moreover, we found that Rpd3 and Hst1 also coregulate additional targets involved in other branches of NAD+ metabolism. These findings help elucidate the complex interconnections involved in effecting the regulation of NAD+ metabolism.  相似文献   

An affinity-purified antibody (anti-Cdc2C) raised against the carboxy terminal sequence LDNQIKKM of p34cdc2 uncovered in NIH 3T3 cells a protein subpopulation, the location and the level of accumulation of which evolve during progression through the cell cycle: it first emerges inside the nucleus in late G1/early S phase and continues to build up principally in this location throughout S phase; a cytoplasmic expression then becomes apparent near the end of S phase, develops during G2 and sometimes prevails over the nuclear expression; it finally relocates to the nucleus in early prophase. We propose that a major part of this subpopulation would represent p34cdc2 molecules existing inside a complex with cyclin B1. NIH 3T3 cells arrested in early S phase with aphidicolin do not commit prematurely to mitosis which indicates that the regulatory pathway involved in preserving the temporal order of S and M phases is functioning in these conditions. Conjugated Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence microscopy showed that cyclin A, cyclin B1 and tyrosine-phosphorylated p34cdc2 continue to build up predominantly in the nucleus of the arrested cells. After release from the block, the cells rapidly reenter S and G2 phases and, concomitantly, cyclin B1 and tyrosine-phosphorylated p34cdc2 relocate to the cytoplasm before redistributing again in the nucleus in early prophase. These data would suggest that delaying the onset of M phase in NIH 3T3 cells in which the rate of DNA replication is reduced, is first ensured by a mechanism that prevents the cytoplasmic relocation of inactive p34cdc2/cyclin B1 complexes continually forming in the nucleus once the G1 period of mitotic cyclin instability is over.  相似文献   

Shugoshin is an evolutionarily conserved protein, which is involved in tension sensing on mitotic chromosomes, kinetochore biorientation, and protection of centromeric (CEN) cohesin for faithful chromosome segregation. Interaction of the C-terminus of Sgo1 with phosphorylated histone H2A regulates its association with CEN and pericentromeric (peri-CEN) chromatin, whereas mutations in histone H3 selectively compromise the association of Sgo1 with peri-CEN but not CEN chromatin. Given that histone H3 is absent from CEN and is replaced by a histone H3 variant CENP-ACse4, we investigated if CENP-ACse4 interacts with Sgo1 and promotes its association with the CEN chromatin. In this study, we found that Sgo1 interacts with CENP-ACse4 in vivo and in vitro. The N-terminus coiled-coil domain of Sgo1 without the C-terminus (sgo1-NT) is sufficient for its interaction with CENP-ACse4, association with CEN but not the peri-CEN, and this CEN association is cell cycle dependent with maximum enrichment in mitosis. In agreement with the role of CENP-ACse4 in CEN maintenance of Sgo1, depletion of CENP-ACse4 results in the loss of Sgo1 and sgo1-NT from the CEN chromatin. The N-terminus of Sgo1 is required for genome stability as a mutant lacking the N-terminus (sgo1-CT) exhibits increased chromosome missegregation when compared to a sgo1-NT mutant. In summary, our results define a novel role for the N-terminus of Sgo1 in CENP-ACse4 mediated recruitment of Sgo1 to CEN chromatin for faithful chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The ICK/KRP cyclin‐dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors are important plant cell cycle factors sharing only limited similarity with the metazoan CIP/KIP family of CDK inhibitors. Little is known about the specific functions of different ICK/KRP genes in planta. In this study, we created double and multiple mutants from five single Arabidopsis ICK/KRP T‐DNA mutants, and used a set of 20 lines for the functional investigation of the important gene family. There were gradual increases in CDK activity from single to multiple mutants, indicating that ICK/KRPs act as CDK inhibitors under normal physiological conditions in plants. Whereas lower‐order mutants showed no morphological phenotypes, the ick1 ick2 ick6 ick7 and ick1 ick2 ick5 ick6 ick7 mutants had a slightly altered leaf shape. The quintuple mutant had larger cotyledons, leaves, petals and seeds than the wild‐type control. At the cellular level, the ICK/KRP mutants had more but smaller cells in all the organs examined. These phenotypic effects became more apparent as more ICK/KRPs were downregulated, suggesting that to a large extent ICK/KRPs function in plants redundantly in a dosage‐dependent manner. Analyses also revealed increased expression of E2F‐dependent genes, and elevated RBR1 as well as an increased level of phospho‐RBB1 protein in the quintuple mutant. Thus, downregulation of multiple ICK/KRP genes increases CDK activity, upregulates the E2F pathway and stimulates cell proliferation, resulting in increased cell numbers, and larger organs and seeds.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Vif assembles the Cul5-EloB/C E3 ubiquitin ligase to induce proteasomal degradation of the cellular antiviral APOBEC3 proteins. Detailed structural studies have confirmed critical functional domains in Vif that we have previously identified as important for the interaction of EloB/C, Cul5, and CBFβ. However, the mechanism by which Vif recognizes substrates remains poorly understood. Specific regions of Vif have been identified as being responsible for binding and depleting APOBEC3G and APOBEC3F. Interestingly, we have now identified distinct yet overlapping domains that are required for HIV-1 Vif-mediated G2/M-phase cell cycle arrest and APOBEC3H degradation, but not for the inactivation of APOBEC3G or APOBEC3F. Surprisingly, Vif molecules from primary HIV-1 variants that caused G2/M arrest were unable to inactivate APOBEC3H; on the other hand, HIV-1 Vif variants that could inactivate APOBEC3H were unable to induce G2/M arrest. All of these Vif variants still maintained the ability to inactivate APOBEC3G/F. Thus, primary HIV-1 variants have evolved to possess distinct functional activities that allow them to suppress APOBEC3H or cause G2 cell cycle arrest, using mutually exclusive interface domains. APOBEC3H depletion and G2 arrest are apparently evolutionary selected features that cannot co-exist on a single Vif molecule. The existence and persistence of both types of HIV-1 Vif variant suggests the importance of APOBEC3H suppression and cell cycle regulation for HIV-1''s survival in vivo.  相似文献   

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