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Gene expression, like many biological processes, is subject to noise. This noise has been measured on a global scale, but its general importance to the fitness of an organism is unclear. Here, I show that noise in gene expression in yeast has evolved to prevent harmful stochastic variation in the levels of genes that reduce fitness when their expression levels change. Therefore, there has probably been widespread selection to minimise noise in gene expression. Selection to minimise noise, because it results in gene expression that is stable to stochastic variation in cellular components, may also constrain the ability of gene expression to respond to non‐stochastic variation. I present evidence that this has indeed been the case in yeast. I therefore conclude that gene expression noise is an important biological trait, and one that probably limits the evolvability of complex living systems.  相似文献   

The identification of the candidate genes that play key role in phenotypic variation in livestock populations can provide new information about evolution and positive selection. IL‐33 (71954) (Interleukin) gene is associated with the increased nematode resistance in small ruminants; however, the role of IL‐33 for the genetic control of different diseases in Chinese goat breeds is poorly described in scientific literature. Therefore, the current investigation was performed for the better understanding of the molecular evolution and the positive selection of single‐nucleotide polymorphism in IL‐33 gene. Fixation Index (FST)‐based method was used for the outlier loci determination and found that IL‐33 was present in outlier area with the provisional combined allocation of mean heterozygosity and FST. Positively selected IL‐33 gene was significantly, that is, p(Simul FST < sample FST = 0.98*) present in corresponding positive selection area. Hence, our study provided novel information about the nucleotide variations in IL‐33 gene and found to be nonsynonymous which may helpful for the genetic control of diseases by enhancing the immune system in local Chinese goat breeds as well as in other analyzed vertebrate species.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that forms of antagonistic coevolution have forged strong links between positive selection at the molecular level and increased cancer risk. By this hypothesis, evolutionary conflict between males and females, mothers and foetuses, hosts and parasites, and other parties with divergent fitness interests has led to rapid evolution of genetic systems involved in control over fertilization and cellular resources. The genes involved in such systems promote cancer risk as a secondary effect of their roles in antagonistic coevolution, which generates evolutionary disequilibrium and maladaptation. Evidence from two sources: (1) studies on specific genes, including SPANX cancer/testis antigen genes, several Y-linked genes, the pem homebox gene, centromeric histone genes, the breast cancer gene BRCA1, the angiogenesis gene ANG, cadherin genes, cytochrome P450 genes, and viral oncogenes; and (2) large-scale database studies of selection on different functional categories of genes, supports our hypothesis. These results have important implications for understanding the evolutionary underpinnings of cancer and the dynamics of antagonistically-coevolving molecular systems.  相似文献   

Prevailing evolutionary forces are typically deduced from the pattern of differences in synonymous and non-synonymous mutations, under the assumption of neutrality in the absence of amino acid change. We determined the complete sequence of ten vesicular stomatitis virus populations evolving under positive selection. A significant number of the mutations occurred independently in two or more strains, a process known as parallel evolution, and a substantial fraction of the parallel mutations were silent. Parallel evolution was also identified in non-coding regions. These results indicate that silent mutations can significantly contribute to adaptation in RNA viruses, and relative frequencies of synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions may not be useful to resolve their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Lignin and flavonoids play a vital role in the adaption of plants to a terrestrial environment. 4‐Coumarate: coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is a key enzyme of general phenylpropanoid metabolism which provides the precursors for both lignin and flavonoids biosynthesis. However, very little is known about how such essential enzymatic functions evolve and diversify. Here, we analyze 4CL sequence variation patterns in a phylogenetic framework to further identify the evolutionary forces that lead to functional divergence. The results reveal that lignin‐biosynthetic 4CLs are under positive selection. The majority of the positively selected sites are located in the substrate‐binding pocket and the catalytic center, indicating that nonsynonymous substitutions might contribute to the functional evolution of 4CLs for lignin biosynthesis. The evolution of 4CLs involved in flavonoid biosynthesis is constrained by purifying selection and maintains the ancestral role of the protein in response to biotic and abiotic factors. Overall, our results demonstrate that protein sequence evolution via positive selection is an important evolutionary force driving adaptive diversification in 4CL proteins in angiosperms. This diversification is associated with adaption to a terrestrial environment.  相似文献   

Hsp70s are a ubiquitous family of highly conserved proteins. Hsp70s are chaperones and have important roles in both protein folding and thermotolerance. It has been widely assumed that Hsp70 sequence evolution is governed by the strong functional constraints imposed by its crucial cellular functions. In this study of cytosolic heat-inducible Hsp70s from three spider families, we have found clear evidence of positive natural selection altering Hsp70s in desert-dwelling and heat-loving Diguetidae spiders. These spiders are a small family restricted to deserts. They display heat-tolerant behaviours not seen in their closest relatives, the Pholcidae and Plectreuridae.  相似文献   

We used a combined evolutionary and experimental approach tobetter understand enzyme functional divergence within the SABATHgene family of methyltransferases (MTs). These enzymes catalyzethe formation of a variety of secondary metabolites in plants,many of which are volatiles that contribute to floral scentand plant defense such as methyl salicylate and methyl jasmonate.A phylogenetic analysis of functionally characterized membersof this family showed that salicylic acid methyltransferase(SAMT) forms a monophyletic lineage of sequences found in severalflowering plants. Most members of this lineage preferentiallymethylate salicylic acid (SA) as compared with the structurallysimilar substrate benzoic acid (BA). To investigate if positiveselection promoted functional divergence of this lineage ofenzymes, we performed a branch-sites test. This test showedstatistically significant support (P < 0.05) for positiveselection in this lineage of MTs (dN/dS = 10.8). A high posteriorprobability (pp = 0.99) identified an active site methionineas the only site under positive selection in this lineage. Toinvestigate the potential catalytic effect of this positivelyselected codon, site-directed mutagenesis was used to replaceMet with the alternative amino acid (His) in a Datura wrightiifloral–expressed SAMT sequence. Heterologous expressionof wild-type and mutant D. wrightii SAMT in Escherichia colishowed that both enzymes could convert SA to methyl salicylateand BA to methyl benzoate. However, competitive feeding withequimolar amounts of SA and BA showed that the presence of Metin the active site of wild-type SAMT resulted in a >10-foldhigher amount of methyl salicylate produced relative to methylbenzoate. The Met156His-mutant exhibited little differentialpreference for the 2 substrates because nearly equal amountsof methyl salicylate and methyl benzoate were produced. Evolutionof the ability to discriminate between the 2 substrates by SAMTmay be advantageous for efficient production of methyl salicylate,which is important for pollinator attraction as well as pathogenand herbivore defense. Because BA is a likely precursor forthe biosynthesis of SA, SAMT might increase methyl salicylatelevels directly by preferential methylation and indirectly byleaving more BA to be converted into SA.  相似文献   

Natural selection in avian protein-coding genes expressed in brain   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The evolution of birds from theropod dinosaurs took place approximately 150 million years ago, and was associated with a number of specific adaptations that are still evident among extant birds, including feathers, song and extravagant secondary sexual characteristics. Knowledge about the molecular evolutionary background to such adaptations is lacking. Here, we analyse the evolution of > 5000 protein-coding gene sequences expressed in zebra finch brain by comparison to orthologous sequences in chicken. Mean d N/ d S is 0.085 and genes with their maximal expression in the eye and central nervous system have the lowest mean d N/ d S value, while those expressed in digestive and reproductive tissues exhibit the highest. We find that fast-evolving genes (those which have higher than expected rate of nonsynonymous substitution, indicative of adaptive evolution) are enriched for biological functions such as fertilization, muscle contraction, defence response, response to stress, wounding and endogenous stimulus, and cell death. After alignment to mammalian orthologues, we identify a catalogue of 228 genes that show a significantly higher rate of protein evolution in the two bird lineages than in mammals. These accelerated bird genes, representing candidates for avian-specific adaptations, include genes implicated in vocal learning and other cognitive processes. Moreover, colouration genes evolve faster in birds than in mammals, which may have been driven by sexual selection for extravagant plumage characteristics.  相似文献   

The enlargement of cetacean brain size represents an enigmatic event in mammalian evolution, yet its genetic basis remains poorly explored. One candidate gene associated with brain size evolution is the abnormal spindle-like microcephaly associated (ASPM), as mutations in this gene cause severe reductions in the cortical size of humans. Here, we investigated the ASPM gene in representative cetacean lineages and previously published sequences from other mammals to test whether the expansion of the cetacean brain matched adaptive ASPM evolution patterns. Our analyses yielded significant evidence of positive selection on the ASPM gene during cetacean evolution, especially for the Odontoceti and Delphinoidea lineages. These molecular patterns were associated with two major events of relative brain size enlargement in odontocetes and delphinoids. It is of particular interest to find that positive selection was restricted to cetaceans and primates, two distant lineages both characterized by a massive expansion of brain size. This result is suggestive of convergent molecular evolution, although no site-specific convergence at the amino acid level was found.  相似文献   

To reach a functional and energetically stable conformation, many proteins need molecular helpers called chaperonins. Among the group II chaperonins, CCT proteins provide crucial machinery for the stabilization and proper folding of several proteins in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells through interactions that are subunit-specific and geometry-dependent. CCT proteins are made up of eight different subunits, all with similar sequences, positioned in a precise arrangement. Each subunit has been proposed to have a specialized function during the binding and folding of the CCT protein substrate. Here, we demonstrate that functional divergence occurred after several CCT duplication events due to the fixation of amino acid substitutions by positive selection. Sites critical for ATP binding and substrate binding were found to have undergone positive selection and functional divergence predominantly in subunits that bind tubulin but not actin. Furthermore, we show clear functional divergence between CCT subunits that bind the C-terminal domains of actin and tubulin and those that bind the N-terminal domains. Phylogenetic analyses could not resolve the deep relationships between most subunits, except for the groups alpha/beta/eta and delta/epsilon, suggesting several almost simultaneous ancient duplication events. Together, the results support the idea that, in contrast to homo-oligomeric chaperonins such as GroEL, the high divergence level between CCT subunits is the result of positive selection after each duplication event to provide a specialized role for each CCT subunit in the different steps of protein folding.  相似文献   

甲醇营养型酵母表达系统的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲醇营养型酵母越来越被人们用作外源基因的表达系统。本文综述其在表达质粒构建,表达株的筛选,表达产物的糖链加工以及它分拣外源蛋白进入过氧化物酶体等的特点,不仅具有广泛的商业用途,而且在理论研究特别是膜蛋白结构与功能方面也有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

Sexual selection and the adaptive evolution of mammalian ejaculate proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An elevated rate of substitution characterizes the molecular evolution of reproductive proteins from a wide range of taxa. Although the selective pressures explaining this rapid evolution are yet to be resolved, recent evidence implicates sexual selection as a potentially important explanatory factor. To investigate this hypothesis, we sought evidence of a high rate of adaptive gene evolution linked to postcopulatory sexual selection in muroid rodents, a model vertebrate group displaying a broad range of mating systems. Specifically, we sequenced 7 genes from diverse rodents that are expressed in the testes, prostate, or seminal vesicles, products of which have the potential to act in sperm competition. We inferred positive Darwinian selection in these genes by estimation of the ratio of nonsynonymous (d(N), amino acid changing) to synonymous (d(S), amino acid retaining) substitution rates (omega = d(N)/d(S)). Next, we tested whether variation in this ratio among lineages could be attributed to interspecific variation in mating systems, as inferred from the variation in these rodents' relative testis sizes (RTS). Four of the 7 genes examined (Prm1, Sva, Acrv1, and Svs2, but not Svp2, Msmb, or Spink3) exhibit unambiguous evidence of positive selection. One of these, the seminal vesicle-derived protein Svs2, also shows some evidence for a concentration of positive selection in those lineages in which sperm competition is common. However, this was not a general trend among all the rodent genes we examined. Using the same methods, we then reanalyzed previously published data on 2 primate genes, SEMG1 and SEMG2. Although SEMG2 also shows evidence of positive selection concentrated in lineages subject to high levels of sperm competition, no such trend was found for SEMG1. Overall, despite a high rate of positive selection being a feature of many ejaculate proteins, these results indicate that the action of sexual selection potentially responsible for elevated evolutionary rates may be difficult to detect on a gene-by-gene basis. Although the extreme diversity of reproductive phenotypes exhibited in nature attests to the power of sexual selection, the extent to which this force predominates in driving the rapid molecular evolution of reproductive genes therefore remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The digestive enzyme chitinase degrades chitin, and is found in a wide range of organisms, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. Although mammals cannot synthesize or assimilate chitin, several proteins of the glycoside hydrolase (GH) chitinase family GH18, including some with enzymatic activity, have recently been identified from mammalian genomes. Consequently, there is growing interest in molecular evolution of this family of proteins. Here we report on the use of maximum likelihood methods to test for evidence of positive selection in three genes of the chitinase family GH18, all of which are found in mammals. These focal genes are CHIA, CHIT1 and CHI3L1, which encode the chitinase proteins acidic mammalian chitinase, chitotriosidase and cartilage protein 39, respectively. The results of our analyses indicate that each of these genes has undergone independent selective pressure in their evolution. Additionally, we have found evidence of a signature of positive natural selection, with most sites identified as being subject to adaptive evolution located in the catalytic domain. Our results suggest that positive selection on these genes stems from their function in digestion and/or immunity.  相似文献   

酵母由于其本身的一些优良特性和容易操作性,可以高水平表达重组蛋白,近年来已经有多个酵母表达的蛋白质多肽类药物上市。作为宿主的酵母最常用的是毕赤氏酵母和酿酒酵母。本文对酵母的一般特性、酵母表达操作、密码子、载体和表达策略、两种不同酵母表达系统的特点等进行了论述,供研究者进行酵母高效表达体系的选择与操作参考。  相似文献   

Many genes with a role in reproduction, including those implicated in fertilization and spermatogenesis, have been shown to evolve at a faster rate relative to genes associated with other functions and tissues. These survey studies usually group a wide variety of genes with different characteristics and evolutionary histories as reproductive genes based on their site of expression or function. We have examined the molecular evolution of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) gene family, a structurally and functionally diverse group of genes expressed in reproductive and somatic tissue to test whether a variety of protein characteristics such as phylogenetic clusters, tissue of expression, and proteolytic and adhesive function can group fast evolving ADAM genes. We found that all genes were evolving under purifying selection (d(N)/d(S) < 1), although reproductive ADAMs, including those implicated in fertilization and spermatogenesis, evolved at the fastest rate. Genes with a role in binding to cell receptors in endogenous tissue appear to be evolving under purifying selection, regardless of the tissue of expression. In contrast, positive selection of codon sites in the disintegrin/cysteine-rich adhesion domains was detected exclusively in ADAMs 2 and 32, two genes expressed in the testis with a potential role in sperm-egg adhesion. Positive selection was detected in the transmembrane/cytosolic tail region of ADAM genes expressed in a variety of tissues.  相似文献   

Isoeugenol-O-methyltransferase (IEMT) is an enzyme involved in the production of the floral volatile compounds methyl eugenol and methyl isoeugenol in Clarkia breweri (Onagraceae). IEMT likely evolved by gene duplication from caffeic acid-O-methyltransferase followed by amino acid divergence, leading to the acquisition of its novel function. To investigate the selective context under which IEMT evolved, maximum likelihood methods that estimate variable d(N)/d(S) ratios among lineages, among sites, and among a combination of both lineages and sites were utilized. Statistically significant support was obtained for a hypothesis of positive selection driving the evolution of IEMT since its origin. Subsequent Bayesian analyses identified several sites in IEMT that have experienced positive selection. Most of these positions are in the active site of IEMT and have been shown by site-directed mutagenesis to have large effects on substrate specificity. Although the selective agent is unknown, the adaptive evolution of this gene may have resulted in increased effectiveness of pollinator attraction or herbivore repellence.  相似文献   

We have developed a microencapsulation selection method which allows the rapid and quantitative screening of >10(6) yeast cells for enhanced secretion of Aspergillus awamori glucoamylase. The method provides a 400-fold single-pass enrichment for high-secreting mutants, and can be straightforwardly adapted for application to growth-based selection schemes with other microorganisms and enzymes. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

It is well established that many genes on the male-specific Y chromosome of organisms such as mammals are involved in male reproduction and may evolve rapidly because of positive selection on male reproductive traits. In contrast, very little is known about the function and evolution of W-linked genes restricted to the female genome of organisms with female heterogamety. For birds (males ZZ, females ZW), only one W-linked gene (HINTW) is sufficiently different from its Z-linked homolog to indicate a female-specific function. Here, we report that HINTW shows evidence of adaptive molecular evolution, implying strong positive selection for new functional properties in female birds. Moreover, because HINTW is expressed in the gonads of female birds just before sexual differentiation and is thus a candidate for sex determination, it suggests adaptive evolution related to female development. This provides the first example of Darwinian evolution of a gene restricted to the female genome of any organism. Given that HINTW exists in multiple copies on W, similar to some testis-specific genes amplified on mammalian Y, avian HINTW may thus potentially represent a female parallel to the organization and evolution of Y chromosome genes involved in male reproduction and development.  相似文献   

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