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The specification of metazoan centromeres does not depend strictly on centromeric DNA sequences, but also requires epigenetic factors. The mechanistic basis for establishing a centromeric "state" on the DNA remains unclear. In this work, we have directly examined replication timing of the prekinetochore domain of human chromosomes. Kinetochores were labeled by expression of epitope-tagged CENP-A, which stably marks prekinetochore domains in human cells. By immunoprecipitating CENP-A mononucleosomes from synchronized cells pulsed with [(3)H]thymidine we demonstrate that CENP-A-associated DNA is replicated in mid-to-late S phase. Cytological analysis of DNA replication further demonstrated that centromeres replicate asynchronously in parallel with numerous other genomic regions. In contrast, quantitative Western blot analysis demonstrates that CENP-A protein synthesis occurs later, in G2. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy and transient transfection in the presence of aphidicolin, an inhibitor of DNA replication, show that CENP-A can assemble into centromeres in the absence of DNA replication. Thus, unlike most genomic chromatin, histone synthesis and assembly are uncoupled from DNA replication at the kinetochore. Uncoupling DNA replication from CENP-A synthesis suggests that regulated chromatin assembly or remodeling could play a role in epigenetic centromere propagation.  相似文献   

Conformational changes of in chromatin structure play a key role in the regulation of intranuclear processes and, therefore, are under advanced study. In the paper presented, the fine structure of chromatin in DNA replication sites was examined in cells fixed in situ and in cells permeabilized in low ionic strength solutions in the presence of divalent cations. The method provides the visualization of higher-level chromatin structures, globular chromomeres, and chromonema fibres. Nascent DNA was detected on the surface of ultrathin sections immunochemically using anti-BrdU antibodies. It was shown that newly replicated DNA preferentially localizes within the zones filled with globular and fibrillar elements 30 nm in diameter. DNA-completed replication became embedded in 60–100-nm-thick chromonema elements. The results are discussed in the context of the hierarchical folding of chromatin fibers.  相似文献   

The presence of histones H1 and H4 at the sites of actual DNA synthesis has been studied with Ehrlich ascites tumour cells, pulse labeled for different times with 3H-thymidine and then treated with formaldehyde to crosslink histones to DNA. The fixed chromatin fragments were sonicated to reduce the size of DNA, purified in a CsCl gradient and immunoprecipitated with antibodies to histones H1 and H4. Determination of specific radioactivity in precipitated probes showed that both histones have been associated with nascent DNA even upon 1 min pulse with 3H-thymidine, thus indicating their presence near the replication fork.  相似文献   

Chromatin structure and dynamics: functional implications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Replication forks frequently are challenged by lesions on the DNA template, replication-impeding DNA secondary structures, tightly bound proteins or nucleotide pool imbalance. Studies in bacteria have suggested that under these circumstances the fork may leave behind single-strand DNA gaps that are subsequently filled by homologous recombination, translesion DNA synthesis or template-switching repair synthesis. This review focuses on the template-switching pathways and how the mechanisms of these processes have been deduced from biochemical and genetic studies. I discuss how template-switching can contribute significantly to genetic instability, including mutational hotspots and frequent genetic rearrangements, and how template-switching may be elicited by replication fork damage.  相似文献   

SMARCAL1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily A-Like 1), also known as HARP, is an ATP-dependent annealing helicase that stabilizes replication forks during DNA damage. Mutations in this gene are the cause of Schimke immune-osseous dysplasia (SIOD), an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by T-cell immunodeficiency and growth dysfunctions. In this review, we summarize the main roles of SMARCAL1 in DNA repair, telomere maintenance and replication fork stability in response to DNA replication stress.  相似文献   

Single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA) regions form as an intermediate in many DNA‐associated transactions. Multiple cellular proteins interact with ssDNA via the oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide‐binding (OB) fold domain. The heterotrimeric, multi‐OB fold domain‐containing Replication Protein A (RPA) complex has an essential genome maintenance role, protecting ssDNA regions from nucleolytic degradation and providing a recruitment platform for proteins involved in responses to replication stress and DNA damage. Here, we identify the uncharacterized protein RADX (CXorf57) as an ssDNA‐binding factor in human cells. RADX binds ssDNA via an N‐terminal OB fold cluster, which mediates its recruitment to sites of replication stress. Deregulation of RADX expression and ssDNA binding leads to enhanced replication fork stalling and degradation, and we provide evidence that a balanced interplay between RADX and RPA ssDNA‐binding activities is critical for avoiding these defects. Our findings establish RADX as an important component of cellular pathways that promote DNA replication integrity under basal and stressful conditions by means of multiple ssDNA‐binding proteins.  相似文献   

刘阳  孙静亚  孔道春 《生命科学》2014,(11):1108-1119
DNA复制是细胞最基本的生命活动之一,是生物体生存和繁殖的基础。从原核生物到真核生物,DNA复制过程基本保守,分为复制起始和延伸两个阶段。复制叉是DNA复制的基本结构,它容易遭受多种内源或外源的DNA复制压力影响而停顿,导致基因组不稳定,引起细胞凋亡、癌变或细胞死亡等严重后果。为了维持复制叉的稳定,细胞进化出了一系列机制,其中最重要机制之一便是S期细胞周期检验点。就影响DNA复制叉稳定的内外因素、S期细胞周期检验点与复制叉稳定性的关系以及复制叉稳定性与相关疾病的发生、治疗等问题进行简要综述。  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is essential for genome integrity. Recombination proteins participate in tolerating DNA lesions that interfere with DNA replication, but can also generate toxic recombination intermediates and genetic instability when they are not properly regulated. Here, we have studied the role of the recombination proteins Rad51 and Rad52 at replication forks and replicative DNA lesions. We show that Rad52 loads Rad51 onto unperturbed replication forks, where they facilitate replication of alkylated DNA by non‐repair functions. The recruitment of Rad52 and Rad51 to chromatin during DNA replication is a prerequisite for the repair of the non‐DSB DNA lesions, presumably single‐stranded DNA gaps, which are generated during the replication of alkylated DNA. We also show that the repair of these lesions requires CDK1 and is not coupled to the fork but rather restricted to G2/M by the replicative checkpoint. We propose a new scenario for HR where Rad52 and Rad51 are recruited to the fork to promote DNA damage tolerance by distinct and cell cycle‐regulated replicative and repair functions.  相似文献   

During S-phase, the genome is extremely vulnerable and the progression of replication forks is often threatened by exogenous and endogenous challenges. When replication fork progression is halted, the intra S-phase checkpoint is activated to promote structural stability of stalled forks, preventing the dissociation of replisome components. This ensures the rapid resumption of replication following DNA repair. Failure in protecting and/or restarting the stalled forks contributes to alterations of the genome. Several human genetic diseases coupled to an increased cancer predisposition are caused by mutations in genes involved in safeguarding genome integrity during DNA replication. Both the ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein) kinase and the Replication pausing complex (RPC) components Tipin, Tim1 and Claspin play key roles in activating the intra S-phase checkpoint and in stabilizing the stalled replication forks. Here, we discuss the specific contribution of these factors in preserving fork structure and ensuring accurate completion of DNA replication.  相似文献   

During S phase, following activation of the S phase CDKs and the DBF4-dependent kinases (DDK), double hexamers of Mcm2-7 at licensed replication origins are activated to form the core replicative helicase. Mcm10 is one of several proteins that have been implicated from work in yeasts to play a role in forming a mature replisome during the initiation process. Mcm10 has also been proposed to play a role in promoting replisome stability after initiation has taken place. The role of Mcm10 is particularly unclear in metazoans, where conflicting data has been presented. Here, we investigate the role and regulation of Mcm10 in Xenopus egg extracts. We show that Xenopus Mcm10 is recruited to chromatin late in the process of replication initiation and this requires prior action of DDKs and CDKs. We also provide evidence that Mcm10 is a CDK substrate but does not need to be phosphorylated in order to associate with chromatin. We show that in extracts depleted of more than 99% of Mcm10, the bulk of DNA replication still occurs, suggesting that Mcm10 is not required for the process of replication initiation. However, in extracts depleted of Mcm10, the replication fork elongation rate is reduced. Furthermore, the absence of Mcm10 or its phosphorylation by CDK results in instability of replisome proteins on DNA, which is particularly important under conditions of replication stress.  相似文献   

Proteins essential for homologous recombination play a pivotal role in the repair of DNA double strand breaks, DNA inter-strand crosslinks and replication fork stability. Defects in homologous recombination also play a critical role in the development of cancer and the sensitivity of these cancers to chemotherapy. RAD51, an essential factor for homologous recombination and replication fork protection, accumulates and forms immunocytochemically detectable nuclear foci at sites of DNA damage. To identify kinases that may regulate RAD51 localization to sites of DNA damage, we performed a human kinome siRNA library screen, using DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci formation as readout. We found that NEK8, a NIMA family kinase member, is required for efficient DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci formation. Interestingly, knockout of Nek8 in murine embryonic fibroblasts led to cellular sensitivity to the replication inhibitor, hydroxyurea, and inhibition of the ATR kinase. Furthermore, NEK8 was required for proper replication fork protection following replication stall with hydroxyurea. Loading of RAD51 to chromatin was decreased in NEK8-depleted cells and Nek8-knockout cells. Single-molecule DNA fiber analyses revealed that nascent DNA tracts were degraded in the absence of NEK8 following treatment with hydroxyurea. Consistent with this, Nek8-knockout cells showed increased chromosome breaks following treatment with hydroxyurea. Thus, NEK8 plays a critical role in replication fork stability through its regulation of the DNA repair and replication fork protection protein RAD51.  相似文献   

Replication of DNA is a fundamental biological process that ensures precise duplication of the genome and thus safeguards inheritance. Any errors occurring during this process must be repaired before the cell divides, by activating the DNA damage response (DDR) machinery that detects and corrects the DNA lesions. Consistent with its significance, DNA replication is under stringent control, both spatial and temporal. Defined regions of the genome are replicated at specific times during S phase and the speed of replication fork progression is adjusted to fully replicate DNA in pace with the cell cycle. Insults that impair DNA replication cause replication stress (RS), which can lead to genomic instability and, potentially, to cell transformation. In this perspective, we review the current concept of replication stress, including the recent findings on the effects of accelerated fork speed and their impact on genomic (in)stability. We discuss in detail the Fork Speed Regulatory Network (FSRN), an integrated molecular machinery that regulates the velocity of DNA replication forks. Finally, we explore the potential for targeting FSRN components as an avenue to treat cancer.  相似文献   

Replication fork reversal occurs via a two-step process that entails reversal initiation and reversal extension. DNA topoisomerase IIalpha (TOP2A) facilitates extensive fork reversal, on one hand through resolving the topological stress generated by the initial reversal, on the other hand via its role in recruiting the SUMO-targeted DNA translocase PICH to stalled forks in a manner that is dependent on its SUMOylation by the SUMO E3 ligase ZATT. However, how TOP2A activities at stalled forks are precisely regulated remains poorly understood. Here we show that, upon replication stress, the SUMO-targeted ubiquitin E3 ligase RNF4 accumulates at stalled forks and targets SUMOylated TOP2A for ubiquitination and degradation. Downregulation of RNF4 resulted in aberrant activation of the ZATT–TOP2A–PICH complex at stalled forks, which in turn led to excessive reversal and elevated frequencies of fork collapse. These results uncover a previously unidentified regulatory mechanism that regulates TOP2A activities at stalled forks and thus the extent of fork reversal.  相似文献   

Chromatin replication,reconstitution and assembly   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Many previously held concepts about the replication of chromatin have recently been revised, or seriously challenged. For instance, within the last two years, evidence has accumulated to indicate that newly synthesized DNA is not the sole site of deposition of newly synthesized histones, and that histones are not only made, but are assembled into chromatin in the absence of DNA synthesis. Furthermore, segregation of parental histones to daughter DNA duplexes may be bidirectional, rather than the previously accepted unidirectional mechanism. The storage of histones prior to assembly apparently involves histone pairs rather than octamers, and similarly, histones associate with DNA in (apparent) pairs, rather than as pre-assembled octameric units. It is currently questioned whether or not nucleoplasmin is involved in either histone storage or nucleosome assembly. The onset of histone synthesis has recently been found to occur in late G1 rather than in S, and thus is independent of DNA synthesis; however, the cessation of histone synthesis is linked to that of DNA. Thus, there emerges from this newly accumulated data the conclusion that chromatin biosynthesis is not as straightforward as was believed just a few years ago. As we review the evidence on each of these subjects, we attempt to point out directions for future experimentation.  相似文献   

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