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The Tyr35-->Gly replacement in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) has previously been shown to dramatically enhance the flexibility of the trypsin-binding region of the free inhibitor and to destabilize the interaction with the protease by about 3 kcal/mol. The effects of this replacement on the enzyme-inhibitor interaction were further studied here by X-ray crystallography and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The co-crystal structure of Y35G BPTI bound to trypsin was determined using 1.65 A resolution X-ray diffraction data collected from cryopreserved crystals, and a new structure of the complex with wild-type BPTI under the same conditions was determined using 1.62 A data. These structures reveal that, in contrast to the free protein, Y35G BPTI adopts a conformation nearly identical with that of the wild-type protein, with a water-filled cavity in place of the missing Tyr side-chain. The crystallographic temperature factors for the two complexes indicate that the mutant inhibitor is nearly as rigid as the wild-type protein when bound to trypsin. Calorimetric measurements show that the change in enthalpy upon dissociation of the complex is 2.5 kcal/mol less favorable for the complex containing Y35G BPTI than for the complex with the wild-type inhibitor. Thus, the destabilization of the complex resulting from the Y35G replacement is due to a more favorable change in entropy upon dissociation. The heat capacity changes for dissociation of the mutant and wild-type complexes were very similar, suggesting that the entropic effects probably do not arise from solvation effects, but are more likely due to an increase in protein conformational entropy upon dissociation of the mutant inhibitor. These results define the biophysical role of a highly conserved core residue located outside of a protein-binding interface, demonstrating that Tyr35 has little impact on the trypsin-bound BPTI structure and acts primarily to define the structure of the free protein so as to maximize binding affinity.  相似文献   

Stuart G. Baker 《Biometrics》2011,67(1):319-323
Summary Recently, Cheng (2009 , Biometrics 65, 96–103) proposed a model for the causal effect of receiving treatment when there is all‐or‐none compliance in one randomization group, with maximum likelihood estimation based on convex programming. We discuss an alternative approach that involves a model for all‐or‐none compliance in two randomization groups and estimation via a perfect fit or an expectation–maximization algorithm for count data. We believe this approach is easier to implement, which would facilitate the reproduction of calculations.  相似文献   

Learning flexible sensori-motor mappings in a complex network   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Given the complex structure of the brain, how can synaptic plasticity explain the learning and forgetting of associations when these are continuously changing? We address this question by studying different reinforcement learning rules in a multilayer network in order to reproduce monkey behavior in a visuomotor association task. Our model can only reproduce the learning performance of the monkey if the synaptic modifications depend on the pre- and postsynaptic activity, and if the intrinsic level of stochasticity is low. This favored learning rule is based on reward modulated Hebbian synaptic plasticity and shows the interesting feature that the learning performance does not substantially degrade when adding layers to the network, even for a complex problem.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the all or none cell response of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels to added Ca in human red cells depleted of ATP by incubation with iodoacetate and inosine. A procedure was used which allows separation and differential analysis of responding and nonresponding cells. Responding (H for heavy) cells incubated in medium containing 5mM K lose KCl and water and increase their density to the point of sinking on diethylphthalate (specific gravity=1.12) on centrifugation. Nonresponding (L for light) cells do not lose KCl at all. There is no intermediate behavior. Increasing the Ca concentration in the medium increases the fraction of cells which become H. No differences in the sensitivity to Ca2+ of the individual K+ channels were detected in inside-out vesicles prepared either from H or from L cells. The Ca content of H cells was higher than that of L cells. Cells depleted of ATP by incubation with iodoacetate and inosine sustain pump-leak Ca fluxes of about 15 mol/liter cells per hour. ATP seems to be resynthesized in these cells at the expense of cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate stores at a rate of about 150 mol/liter cells per hour. Inhibition of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate phosphatase by tetrathionate increased 6–8 times the measured rate of uptake of external45Ca. This was accompanied by an increase in the fraction of H cells. All or none cell responses of Ca2+-dependent K channels have also been evidenced in intact human red cells on addition of Pb. They have the same characteristics as those in responding and nonresponding cells. The detailed study of the kinetics of Pb-induced shrinkage of red cells suspended in medium containing 5mM K showed that changes of Pb concentration changed not only the fraction of H cells but also the rate of shrinkage of responding cells. H cells generated by Pb treatment contained significantly more lead than L cells. The above results suggest that the two all or none cell responses studied here can be explained by heterogeneity of agonist distribution among cells. Since pump-leak fluxes exist in both cases, differences of agonist distribution could be generated by heterogeneity of pumping among cells. This interpretation turns interest from K channels to Ca pumps to explain the heterogeneous behavior of red cells in response to a uniform stimulus.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies are simultaneously investigating species diversity (SD) and genetic diversity (GD) in the same systems, looking for ‘species– genetic diversity correlations’ (SGDCs). From negative to positive SGDCs have been reported, but studies have generally not quantified the processes underlying these correlations. They were also mostly conducted at large biogeographical scales or in recently degraded habitats. Such correlations have not been looked for in natural networks of connected habitat fragments (metacommunities), and the underlying processes remain elusive in most systems. We investigated these issues by studying freshwater snails in a pond network in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles). We recorded SD and habitat characteristics in 232 ponds and assessed GD in 75 populations of two species. Strongly significant and positive SGDCs were detected in both species. Based on a decomposition of SGDC as a function of variance–covariance of habitat characteristics, we showed that connectivity (opportunity of water flow between a site and the nearest watershed during the rainy season) has the strongest contribution on SGDCs. More connective sites received both more alleles and more species through immigration resulting in both higher GD and higher SD. Other habitat characteristics did not contribute, or contributed negatively, to SGDCs. This is true of the desiccation frequency of ponds during the dry season, presumably because species markedly differ in their ability to tolerate desiccation. Our study shows that variation in environmental characteristics of habitat patches can promote SGDCs at metacommunity scale when the studied species respond homogeneously to these environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

Retinoid X receptors and retinoid response in neuroblastoma cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Retinoic acid (RA) modulates differentiation and apoptosis of neural cells via RA receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs). Neuroblastoma cells are potentially useful models for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of RA in neural cells, and responses to different isomers of RA have been interpreted in terms of differential homo- and heterodimerization of RXRs. The aim of this study was to identify the RXR types expressed in neuroblast and substrate-adherent neuroblastoma cells, and to study the participation of these RXRs in RAR heterodimers. RXRbeta was the predominant RXR type in N-type SH SY 5Y cells and S-type SH EP cells. Gel shift and supershift assays demonstrated that RARbeta and RARgamma predominantly heterodimerize with RXRbeta. In SH SY 5Y cells, RARgamma/RXRbeta was the predominant heterodimer binding to the DR5 RARE in the absence of 9-cis RA (9C), whereas the balance shifted in favor of RARbeta/RXRbeta in the presence of ligand. There was a marked difference between the N- and S-type neuroblastoma cells in retinoid receptor-DNA interactions, and this may underlie the differential effects of retinoids in these neuroblastoma cell types. There was no evidence to indicate that 9C functions via RXR homodimers in either SH SY 5Y or SH EP neuroblastoma cells. The results of this study suggest that interactions between retinoid receptors and other nuclear proteins may be critical determinants of retinoid responses in neural cells.  相似文献   

Absence epilepsy (AE) is a complex, heritable disease characterized by a brief disruption of normal behavior and accompanying spike‐wave discharges (SWD) on the electroencephalogram. Only a handful of genes has been definitively associated with AE in humans and rodent models. Most studies suggest that genetic interactions play a large role in the etiology and severity of AE, but mapping and understanding their architecture remains a challenge, requiring new computational approaches. Here we use combined analysis of pleiotropy and epistasis (CAPE) to detect and interpret genetic interactions in a meta‐population derived from three C3H × B6J strain crosses, each of which is fixed for a different SWD‐causing mutation. Although each mutation causes SWD through a different molecular mechanism, the phenotypes caused by each mutation are exacerbated on the C3H genetic background compared with B6J, suggesting common modifiers. By combining information across two phenotypic measures – SWD duration and frequency – CAPE showed a large, directed genetic network consisting of suppressive and enhancing interactions between loci on 10 chromosomes. These results illustrate the power of CAPE in identifying novel modifier loci and interactions in a complex neurological disease, toward a more comprehensive view of its underlying genetic architecture.  相似文献   

With the accumulation of a large number and variety of molecules in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) comes the need on occasion to review and improve their representation. The Worldwide PDB (wwPDB) partners have periodically updated various aspects of structural data representation to improve the integrity and consistency of the archive. The remediation effort described here was focused on improving the representation of peptide‐like inhibitor and antibiotic molecules so that they can be easily identified and analyzed. Peptide‐like inhibitors or antibiotics were identified in over 1000 PDB entries, systematically reviewed and represented either as peptides with polymer sequence or as single components. For the majority of the single‐component molecules, their peptide‐like composition was captured in a new representation, called the subcomponent sequence. A novel concept called “group” was developed for representing complex peptide‐like antibiotics and inhibitors that are composed of multiple polymer and nonpolymer components. In addition, a reference dictionary was developed with detailed information about these peptide‐like molecules to aid in their annotation, identification and analysis. Based on the experience gained in this remediation, guidelines, procedures, and tools were developed to annotate new depositions containing peptide‐like inhibitors and antibiotics accurately and consistently. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 659–668, 2014.  相似文献   

拟南芥在盐胁迫环境下SOS转录调控网络的构建及分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢崇波  金谷雷  徐海明  朱军 《遗传》2010,32(6):639-646
研究拟南芥在高浓度盐处理环境下的基因调控网络, 有助于了解其在盐胁迫环境下保持正常生长的防御机制。针对目前广泛研究的SOS (Salt Overly Sensitive)耐盐机制, 文章整合公共数据库中盐胁迫相关的拟南芥基因组表达谱芯片, 通过反向工程方法构建了拟南芥在盐胁迫状态下的SOS转录调控网络。所获得的调控网络包含70个盐胁迫相关且高度互作的互作基因, 其中27个转录因子为主要调控节点。进而根据SOS核心基因的表达特性, 所得调控网络内的不同表达模式得到了鉴别。  相似文献   

Flexible docking between a protein (lysozyme) and an inhibitor (tri-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, tri-NAG) was carried out by an enhanced conformational sampling method, multicanonical molecular dynamics simulation. We used a flexible all-atom model to express lysozyme, tri-NAG, and water molecules surrounding the two bio-molecules. The advantages of this sampling method are as follows: the conformation of system is widely sampled without trapping at energy minima, a thermally equilibrated conformational ensemble at an arbitrary temperature can be reconstructed from the simulation trajectory, and the thermodynamic weight can be assigned to each sampled conformation. During the simulation, exchanges between the binding and free (i.e., unbinding) states of the protein and the inhibitor were repeatedly observed. The conformational ensemble reconstructed at 300 K involved various conformational clusters. The main outcome of the current study is that the most populated conformational cluster (i.e., the cluster of the lowest free energy) was assigned to the native complex structure (i.e., the X-ray complex structure). The simulation also produced non-native complex structures, where the protein and the inhibitor bound with different modes from that of the native complex structure, as well as the unbinding structures. A free-energy barrier (i.e., activation free energy) was clearly detected between the native complex structures and the other structures. The thermal fluctuations of tri-NAG in the lowest free-energy complex correlated well with the X-ray B-factors of tri-NAG in the X-ray complex structure. The existence of the free-energy barrier ensures that the lowest free-energy structure can be discriminated naturally from the other structures. In other words, the multicanonical molecular dynamics simulation can predict the native complex structure without any empirical objective function. The current study also manifested that the flexible all-atom model and the physico-chemically defined atomic-level force field can reproduce the native complex structure. A drawback of the current method is that it requires a time consuming computation due to the exhaustive conformational sampling. We discussed a possibility for combining the current method with conventional docking methods.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cells have been identified as important structures in the organization of the circadian system responsible for the generation and expression of the electroretinogram (ERG) circadian rhythm. They are the structures where the circadian periodicity is expressed (effectors) and which transform information from external light signals to be conducted to the pacemaker in order to induce adjustments of the rhythm (synchronizers). After isolation, eyestalks perfused in a pigment dispersing hormone (PDH) solution, show significant changes in receptor potential (RP) amplitude and duration. Exogenous PDH injected into intact crayfish induces a migration of retinal shielding pigments to a light-adapted state. A single dose of PDH produces advances or delays in the circadian rhythm of response to light of visual photoreceptors. All these effects depend on the circadian phase of PDH application. Consequently, the determination of the action of exogenous PDH on photoreceptor cells proved to be very helpful in understanding some mechanisms underlying the circadian organization of crayfish.  相似文献   

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