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The Arctic is experiencing rapidly warming conditions, increasing predator abundance, and diminishing population cycles of keystone species such as lemmings. However, it is still not known how many Arctic animals will respond to a changing climate with altered trophic interactions. We studied clutch size, incubation duration and nest survival of 17 taxa of Arctic‐breeding shorebirds at 16 field sites over 7 years. We predicted that physiological benefits of higher temperatures and earlier snowmelt would increase reproductive effort and nest survival, and we expected increasing predator abundance and decreasing abundance of alternative prey (arvicoline rodents) to have a negative effect on reproduction. Although we observed wide ranges of conditions during our study, we found no effects of covariates on reproductive traits in 12 of 17 taxa. In the remaining taxa, most relationships agreed with our predictions. Earlier snowmelt increased the probability of laying a full clutch from 0.61 to 0.91 for Western Sandpipers, and shortened incubation by 1.42 days for arcticola Dunlin and 0.77 days for Red Phalaropes. Higher temperatures increased the probability of a full clutch from 0.60 to 0.93 for Western Sandpipers and from 0.76 to 0.97 for Red‐necked Phalaropes, and increased daily nest survival rates from 0.9634 to 0.9890 for Semipalmated Sandpipers and 0.9546 to 0.9880 for Western Sandpipers. Higher abundance of predators (foxes) reduced daily nest survival rates only in Western Sandpipers (0.9821–0.9031). In contrast to our predictions, the probability of a full clutch was lowest (0.83) for Semipalmated Sandpipers at moderate abundance of alternative prey, rather than low abundance (0.90). Our findings suggest that in the short‐term, climate warming may have neutral or positive effects on the nesting cycle of most Arctic‐breeding shorebirds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   In 2003 and 2004, we placed 41 floating nest platforms on Grassy Lake in southeastern Wisconsin (USA) to test the hypothesis that reproductive success of Black Terns ( Chlidonias niger ) is limited by the quality of suitable nesting habitat. Extreme differences in water levels between these 2 yr provided a natural experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of the nest platforms during a drought year (2003) when natural nesting substrate was abundant, and a flood year (2004) when natural substrate was limited during the peak nesting period. Terns nested on 27 of 41 (66%) of the platforms in 2003 and 26 of 41 (63%) in 2004. No difference in the occupancy rate of platforms and natural nests was evident in 2003, but the pattern of clutch initiations early in the season in 2004 indicated that platforms were preferred over natural substrates. In 2003, nest survival rates did not differ between nests placed on platforms and those placed on natural substrates, but platform nests had significantly higher hatching success and nest survival rates in 2004. Both the Kaplan-Meier and Apparent Nest Success methods of calculating nest survival provided similar estimates. In both years, eggs laid on platforms were significantly larger than those laid on natural substrates, suggesting that platforms were occupied by high-quality birds. Our study indicates that floating nest platforms can be an effective management tool to enhance nesting habitat for Black Terns and other aquatic birds that construct floating nests, primarily because platforms provide nest sites when natural sites are not available due to flooding. Nest platforms also may be useful for addressing questions concerning habitat selection and parental quality.  相似文献   

Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens in Thailand inhabit shallow water amongst dense emergent vegetation near the margin of rice paddy fields. Nesting water was low in dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity but high in free carbon dioxide and temperature. This fish aggregated with a mean population density of 1·7 fish m-2 and an equal adult sex ratio. Males were heavier, longer and wider than females. The size of their bubble nest is in proportion to their weight and length.  相似文献   

Nestboxes are known to increase clutch size, enhance breeding success and affect the social mating system of several cavity nesters. Although in recent years various cavity nesters have been studied in nestboxes in South America, the effects of boxes on the biology of the study species are unknown. We evaluated the effects of nestboxes on the breeding biology and social mating system of Southern House Wrens Troglodytes aedon bonariae by comparing birds breeding in nestboxes and tree cavities in two cattle ranches in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Southern House Wrens nesting in boxes had higher breeding success but, contrary to studies on the temperate zone, we did not find differences in clutch size between Wrens breeding in nestboxes and tree cavities. The main causes of nest failure in tree cavities were nest predation and flooding of the cavity (70 and 23% of the failures, respectively) while in nestboxes predation and desertion were the most important causes of failure (38 and 34% of the failures, respectively). The social mating system of Southern House Wrens is monogamy with biparental care, and neither was affected by the boxes. Males did not attract secondary females to additional nestboxes; however, nestboxes are safer breeding sites than tree cavities, and females seemed to prefer males with nestboxes on their territory. These results suggest that nest quality alone might be not enough for secondary females to accept polygyny.  相似文献   

Two methods of hole repair used by the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus,were examined and compared, and the hypothesis that nest repair behavior may improve with experience was tested. Similarly sized holes were repeatedly made in the sides of nests and the repair behavior of the nest residents was recorded. The distance of the hole from the cell mouth determined which repair method was used. In addition, both the amount of time for hole repair completion and the number of pulp loads used in making the repair decreased significantly with experience.  相似文献   

Declines in populations of Painted Buntings (Passerina ciris) over the past several decades have led to their recent classification as a species of conservation concern. To better assess their status, we investigated factors associated with productivity and abundance of a population in south‐central Louisiana during 2010–2011. We monitored 41 Painted Bunting nests, 14 with video cameras, to identify predators, parasitism events, and improve nest success estimates. Vegetation measurements were also collected at nest sites and non‐nest sites to quantify habitat characteristics. We used an information‐theoretic approach to evaluate support for multiple models evaluating nest success. Highly supported models indicated large negative effects of Brown‐headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) parasitism, and positive effects of increased canopy cover and distance to habitat edge on daily survival rates. Our estimate of daily survival rate was 0.94 ± 0.03 and the probability of survival was 0.25 ± 0.02. Point‐count data revealed that densities of Painted Buntings were greater in treeline habitats than in open scrub‐shrub and mature forest edge habitats. Furthermore, treelines had higher densities of large trees (>23 cm dbh) and percent canopy cover, variables positively associated with nest success, than open scrub‐shrub and forest edge habitats. In general, survival rates and causes of nest failure in southern Louisiana were similar to those determined for breeding populations of Painted Buntings at other sites. Our results suggest that treelines, despite having a high edge‐to‐area ratio, might be preferred nesting habitat for Painted Buntings in our study area.  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren的防御行为是其被认定为社会性昆虫的关键特征之一。红火蚁蚁巢受到侵扰时,工蚁会快速涌出搜寻侵扰物并展开攻击。然而,蚁巢受侵扰后工蚁的行为反应与蚁巢大小和侵扰强度之间的关系有待进一步明确。为此,本研究通过野外视频记录并结合室内统计分析的方法来明确不同大小的红火蚁蚁巢受侵扰后工蚁反侵扰行为的动态过程。结果表明,蚁巢大小和受侵扰强度对蚁巢受侵扰后工蚁的反应速度具有显著影响。同等侵扰强度下,与中、大型蚁巢相比,小型蚁巢的工蚁往往表现出更慢的行为反应。尤其在低侵扰强度时,小蚁巢工蚁的反应时间平均0.8 s,而中蚁巢和大蚁巢均仅为0.34 s。当侵扰强度相同时,蚁巢越大,受侵扰后召集工蚁的数量越多;当蚁巢大小相同时,侵扰强度越高,召集工蚁的数量越多。但无论是蚁巢大小还是侵扰强度的不同,红火蚁蚁巢受侵扰后,召集工蚁的数量到达峰值的时间均为30 s左右。研究结果为进一步了解红火蚁的防御行为,科学预防红火蚁的攻击,以及有效开展红火蚁的防治提供了重要的实验依据。  相似文献   

Passerines are especially vulnerable to predation at the pre-independence stage. Although the role of nest success in British farmland passerine declines is contentious, improvement in nest success through sympathetic management could play a role in their reversal. Because habitat is known to interact with predation, management options for mitigation will need to consider effects of nest predation. We present results from an observational study of a population of Common Blackbird Turdus merula on a farm which has experienced a range of agri-environment and game-management options, including a period with nest predator control, as a case study to address some of these issues. We used an information theoretic model comparison procedure to look for evidence of interactions between habitat and nest predation, and then asked whether habitat management and nest predator abundances could explain population trends at the site through their effects on nest success. Interactions were detected between measures of predator abundance and habitat variables, and these varied with nest stage – habitat within the vicinity of the nest appeared to be important at the egg stage, and nest-placement characteristics were important at the nestling stage. Although predator control appeared to have a positive influence on Blackbird breeding population size, the non-experimental set-up meant we could not eliminate other potential explanations. Variation in breeding population size did not appear to be influenced by variation in nest success alone. Our study demonstrates that observational data can only go so far in detection of such effects, and we discuss how it might be taken further. Agri-environment and game-management techniques are likely to influence nest predation pressure on farmland passerines, but the patterns, mechanisms and importance to population processes remain not wholly understood.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nest‐site selection and nest defense are strategies for reducing the costs of brood parasitism and nest predation, two selective forces that can influence avian nesting success and fitness. During 2001–2002, we analyzed the effect of nest‐site characteristics, nesting pattern, and parental activity on nest predation and brood parasitism by cowbirds (Molothrus spp.) in a population of Brown‐and‐yellow Marshbirds (Pseudoleistes virescens) in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. We examined the possible effects of nest detectability, nest accessibility, and nest defense on rates of parasitism and nest predation. We also compared rates of parasitism and nest predation and nest survival time of marshbird nests during the egg stage (active nests) with those of the same nests artificially baited with passerine eggs after young fledged or nests failed (experimental nests). Most nests (45 of 48, or 94%) found during the building or laying stages were parasitized, and 79% suffered at least one egg‐predation event. Cowbirds were responsible for most egg predation, with 82 of 107 (77%) egg‐predation events corresponding to eggs punctured by cowbirds. Nests built in thistles had higher rates of parasitism and egg predation than nests in other plant, probably because cowbirds were most active in the area where thistles were almost the only available nesting substrate. Parasitism rates also tended to increase as the distance to conspecific nests increased, possibly due to cooperative mobbing and parental defense by marshbirds. The proportion of nests discovered by cowbirds was higher for active (95%) than for experimental (29%) nests, suggesting that cowbirds used host parental activity to locate nests. Despite active nest defense, parental activity did not affect either predation rates or nest‐survival time. Thus, although nest defense by Brown‐and‐yellow Marshbirds appears to be based on cooperative group defense, such behavior did not reduce the impact of brood parasites and predators.  相似文献   

We evaluate some common simulation procedures as well as a recently developed likelihood method used for testing hypotheses regarding microsatellite evolution. Results from simulated data revealed that the tests for the detection of multi-step mutations in general have some power, whereas tests for the presence of constraints on the repeat number have only very limited power. The tests were applied to population data obtained from nine different baleen whale populations. High agreement was found between results obtained using the simulation-based approach and results obtained using a likelihood ratio test. In four of the nine population samples the tests rejected the one-step mutation model. In two instances the significant deviation was due to excess of heterozygosity and in two instances to a reduced level of heterozygosity relative to the expectations under the stepwise mutation model. The former significant deviation was consistent with occasional multi-step mutations, whereas the latter may indicate the presence of constraints on the number of repeats.  相似文献   

The fast-start is an ecologically relevant behavior pattern in fishes. The present article analyses the distribution of five continuous kinematic traits (latency for response initiation, time to maximum angular velocity, time to maximum displacement velocity, maximum angular velocity, and maximum displacement velocity) in eight of the eleven species described in Eaton (66:65–81, 1977). Phylogenetic generalized least square estimation of ancestor states demonstrated evolutionary changes in maximum angular velocity and maximum displacement velocity, consistent with species differences in the same variables. These changes in maximum velocity are also correlated (phylogenetically independent contrasts) with the mean body sizes of all species, pointing to the possibility that body size was an evolutionary constraint on maximum velocities. The conservation of the other traits suggest that they are mainly constrained by neural control, and a trade-off between neural and body size-constraints is proposed ex hypothesi. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Maximum sizes attained by living actinopterygians are much smaller than those reached by chondrichthyans. Several factors, including the high metabolic requirements of bony fishes, have been proposed as possible body‐size constraints but no empirical approaches exist. Remarkably, fossil evidence has rarely been considered despite some extinct actinopterygians reaching sizes comparable to those of the largest living sharks. Here, we have assessed the locomotion energetics of Leedsichthys problematicus, an extinct gigantic suspension‐feeder and the largest actinopterygian ever known, shedding light on the metabolic limits of body size in actinopterygians and the possible underlying factors that drove the gigantism in pachycormiforms. Phylogenetic generalized least squares analyses and power performance curves established in living fishes were used to infer the metabolic budget and locomotion cost of L. problematicus in a wide range of scenarios. Our approach predicts that specimens weighing up to 44.9 tonnes would have been energetically viable and suggests that similar body sizes could also be possible among living taxa, discarding metabolic factors as likely body size constraints in actinopterygians. Other aspects, such as the high degree of endoskeletal ossification, oviparity, indirect development or the establishment of other large suspension‐feeders, could have hindered the evolution of gigantism among post‐Mesozoic ray‐finned fish groups. From this perspective, the evolution of anatomical innovations that allowed the transition towards a suspension‐feeding lifestyle in medium‐sized pachycormiforms and the emergence of ecological opportunity during the Mesozoic are proposed as the most likely factors for promoting the acquisition of gigantism in this successful lineage of actinopterygians.  相似文献   

海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林林冠层树种功能多样性特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林3块1 hm2样地为研究对象,利用11个林冠功能性状结合样地地形及林冠乔木树种样地清查数据,分别基于单维性状和多维性状比较物种多度加权对群落功能离散度指数——平均成对距离(MPD)和平均最近类群距离(MNTD)的影响;同时分析林冠层功能丰富度(FRic)与物种丰富度之间的关系,最后利用零模型探讨不同生境类型下标准化效应MPD和MNTD(经过物种多度加权且剔除群落物种丰富度差异影响)的变化,进而评价林冠层群落水平功能多样性格局及其对局域生境异质性的响应.结果表明: 功能性状维度和物种多度对MPD的影响强烈,不同维度功能性状多度加权前后MPD相关性较弱(R=0.359~0.628);但对MNTD的影响相对较弱,不同维度功能性状多度加权前后MNTD相关性较强(R=0.746~0.820);未经物种多度加权的MPD和MNTD均普遍高估了林冠层的功能离散度.林冠层功能丰富度与物种丰富度基本呈指数相关关系(F=128.20;R2=0.632;AIC=97.72;P<0.001),且功能丰富度很有可能存在一定的物种丰富度阈值.基于不同维度功能性状的林冠层功能多样性格局及其生境响应存在一定的差异性.在生物竞争激烈的低沟生境中,林冠层功能多样性倾向于比预期零模型随机产生的功能多样性高,林冠树种功能性状表现出离散分布;而在其他生境类型中,林冠层功能多样性倾向于接近或低于随机产生的功能多样性,林冠树种功能性状随机或聚集分布.  相似文献   

Extremely long proboscides are rare among butterflies outside of the Hesperiidae, yet representatives of several genera of skipper butterflies possess proboscides longer than 50 mm. Although extremely elongated mouthparts can be regarded as advantageous adaptations to gain access to nectar in deep‐tubed flowers, the scarcity of long‐proboscid butterflies is a phenomenon that has not been adequately accounted for. So far, the scarceness was explained by functional costs arising from increased flower handling times caused by decelerated nectar intake rates. However, insects can compensate for the negative influence of a long proboscis through changes in the morphological configuration of the feeding apparatus. Here, we measured nectar intake rates in 34 species representing 21 Hesperiidae genera from a Costa Rican lowland rainforest area to explore the impact of proboscis length, cross‐sectional area of the food canal and body size on intake rate. Long‐proboscid skippers did not suffer from reduced intake rates due to their large body size and enlarged food canals. In addition, video analyses of the flower‐visiting behaviour revealed that suction times increased with proboscis length, suggesting that long‐proboscid skippers drink a larger amount of nectar from deep‐tubed flowers. Despite these advantages, we showed that functional costs of exaggerated mouthparts exist in terms of longer manipulation times per flower. Finally, we discuss the significance of scaling relationships on the foraging efficiency of butterflies and why some skipper taxa, in particular, have evolved extremely long proboscides.  相似文献   

In fish, brood cycling parental males sometimes eat some orall of their eggs, a behavior termed filial cannibalism. Wetested predictions of filial cannibalism models related to thecost of parental care in the male sand goby, Pomatoschistusminutus, by increasing the parental effort (fanning expenditure)through reduced levels of dissolved oxygen to 39% in an experimentalgroup, whereas a control group had fully saturated water. Malesshowed both full-clutch cannibalism and partial-clutch cannibalismin both treatments. Giving the males one to three females tospawn with, we found that small clutches were completely eatenmore often than were larger ones, whereas partial-clutch cannibalismwas not affected by clutch size. Although treatment did notaffect filial cannibalism, it did affect a male's energy statesuch that males in the low oxygen treatment lost more body fat,indicating a greater fanning effort. This shows that males inthe low oxygen treatment allocated more energy to the presentbrood, potentially at the expense of future reproductive success.Our study strongly suggests that filial cannibalism in malesand gobies represents a strategic life-history decision asan investment in future reproductive success, and is not triggeredby a proximate need for food necessary for the male's own survival.Furthermore, males in the low oxygen treatment built nests withlarger entrances, and were less likely to rebuild their nestsafter destruction. Presumably, this makes fanning easier butthe nest more vulnerable to predators, suggesting a trade-offbetween fanning and nest defense.  相似文献   

Eight mature Damascus male goats were randomly divided into two equal groups. The first group served as control and the second group was used to study the effect of exposure to longday (16L/8D) followed by melatonin treatment (2mg/(animal/day)) on semen characteristics and blood hormonal levels during breeding and non-breeding seasons. During breeding season, longday exposure followed by melatonin treatments resulted in significant increases (P<0.01) in means of sperm motility, ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, total sperm output, total functional sperm fraction and blood testosterone concentration, while means of reaction time, dead sperm, abnormal sperm and blood triiodothyronine (T(3)) concentration were significantly decreased (P<0.01). During non-breeding season, longday exposure followed by melatonin treatment exhibited improvements in some reproductive parameters by reducing (P<0.05) reaction time and percentage of dead sperm (P<0.01) and increasing (P<0.05) total functional sperm fraction. Furthermore, longday exposure followed by melatonin treatment resulted in significant increases (P<0.01) in both of blood testosterone and T(3) concentrations. It is concluded that longday exposure followed by melatonin treatment successfully improve semen characteristics of Damascus male goats during breeding and non-breeding seasons. However, the beneficial effects were more pronounced during the breeding season.  相似文献   

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