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A new species, Triplophysa huapingensis, is described from the Hongshuihe River, Guangxi, China. The new species is distinguished from other species of Triplophysa by the following combination of characters: body covered with scales, lateral line complete, eyes not degenerate, dorsal fin truncate, caudal fin forked, tip of pelvic fin not reaching anus, eight branched rays of dorsal fin, six branched rays of pelvic fin, 16 branched rays of caudal fin, grey and black diffused blotches on dorsal and lateral head and body. A key to all recorded species of Triplophysa in the Xijiang River system is provided.  相似文献   

Triplophysa ferganaensis sp. nov. is described from the Shakhimardan stream, a small tributary of the Syr Darya, which does not reach the river in Fergana Valley. It can be distinguished from other valid Triplophysa loaches based on the following combination of characters: body smooth and scaleless, lateral line complete, posterior chamber of air bladder degenerated, inner gill rakers 10–11 on the first-gill arch, outer gill rakers absent, vertebrae 4 + 35–36, 8 + 8 branched caudal-fin rays, caudal peduncle depth 2.1–2.7 times its length, two supratemporal pores, dorsal-fin origin closer to the caudal-fin base than to the snout tip, caudal fin emarginated and pelvic-fin tip reaching the anus. The new species can also be distinguished from its congeners based on the molecular analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (coI) gene sequences. The phylogenetic position of this new species indicates that it is a sister taxon of Triplophysa tenuis.  相似文献   

A new cave‐dwelling fish species Triplophysa guizhouensis is described based on specimens collected from Guizhou, China, in a subterranean system interconnected with the Hongshui River drainage. The species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters: eyes present; caudal fin with 14 branched rays; inner gill rakers of first gill arch 8–10; posterior chamber of air bladder developed; and body posterior of dorsal fin scaled. A key to species of Triplophysa in the Pearl River basin is provided.  相似文献   

A new cave‐dwelling fish Triplophysa luochengensis is described based on specimens collected from a karst cave in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, that is interconnected to the Hongshui River drainage. The species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters: eyes degenerated, anal fin with six branched rays, caudal fin with 16–17 branched rays, pectoral‐fin length 72·4–95·8% of the distance between pectoral‐fin origin and pelvic‐fin origin, lateral head length 26·2–28·2% of standard length (LS), eye diameter 7·5–8·6 of LS, body covered by sparse scales, lateral line complete and 7–8 pre‐operculo‐mandibular pores. Dark pigments irregularly present on dorsum of head, dorsum and flank.  相似文献   

Triplophysa rosa sp. nov.: a new blind loach from China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new blind loach of Triplophysa Rendahl 1933 was collected from a subterranean pool in a cave at Wulong County, Chongqing City, China, in November 2002. The new species, named Triplophysa rosa sp. nov., can be distinguished from its congeners by the following unique characters: eyes vestigial; 9 branched dorsal‐fin rays; 12 branched pectoral‐fin rays; 7 branched pelvic‐fin rays; 6 branched anal‐fin rays; 7 + 7 branched caudal‐fin rays; distal margin of dorsal‐fin concave; tip of pelvic‐fin surpasses vertical level of anus; caudal‐fin deeply forked; whole body scaleless and colourless.  相似文献   

Turcinoemacheilus ekmekciae, new species, from upper Euphrates and Tigris drainages is distinguished from other species of Turcinoemacheilus in Western Asia by having a dark stripe broader than the eye diameter along the lateral line, rarely possessing roundish blotches, 5–6 mandibular pores in mandibular canal, a comperatvely smaller head, a deeper body, and a greater pre-pelvic distance. Our specimens collected from the upper Great Zab, near the type locality of Turcinoemacheilus kosswigi, showed notable genetic divergence (a minimum K2P of 3.3%) from sequences reported as T. kosswigi in previous studies. Despite morphological similarities, this molecular difference suggests that the populations analysed in previous studies may represent a potential new species of Turcinoemacheilus, which we tentatively named as Turcinoemacheius cf. kosswigi. Molecular data also suggest that T. ekmekciae is characterized by a minimum K2P distance of 3.5% from Turcinoemacheilus minimus and T. cf. kosswigi. The three methods for species delimitation (assemble species by automatic partitioning [ASAP], Poisson tree processes [PTP], and multi-rate PTP [mPTP]) that were utilized for testing species assignments consistently identified our test group as a distinct species.  相似文献   

A new loach Oreonectes guilinensis sp. nov. is described from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. It is the second surface-dwelling fish identified in the genus Oreonectes after the type species Oreonectes platycephalus. This new species can be distinguished from other species within the genus by the combination of the following features: a round caudal fin, 13–14 branched rays, an incomplete lateral line with 4–6 pores, a short pelvic fin located some distance from the anus, a scale-covered body, a stout build (body width 14.0%–16.7% of standard length), a posterior chamber of well-developed airbladder and a yellowish-brown body with a lateral dark brown strip. The maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis based on cytb gene recovered this new species in a well-supported clade with the type species O. platycephalus, sister to the Lefua clade. Morphological comparisons as well as our phylogenetic tree support Oreonectes shuilongensis, Oreonectes daqikongensis, Oreonectes jiarongensis as species of Troglonectes. Based on our results there are 6 valid species in the genus Oreonectes.  相似文献   

A new cave-dwelling species Triplophysa tianlinensis sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected from a karst cave in Hongxing Village, Langping Town, Tianlin County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by following a combination of characters: tip of pectoral fin not reaching pelvic-fin origin; body unpigmented, smooth and scaleless; dorsal fin with 8–9 branched rays, its origin anterior to pelvic-fin origin; black pigmented, rudimentary orbital spot; lateral line complete; 0+10 gill rakers on the first gill arch. Additionally, although the new species and Triplophysa langpingensis are from the cave of Langping Town, the new species could be distinguished from T. langpingensis by the following character: lateral line completed, 3+10 infraorbital and 15 preoperculo-mandibular pores.  相似文献   

Yang J  Wu TJ  Lan JH 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):566-571
2007年4月,在广西壮族自治区环江县川山镇乐衣村附近一洞穴采集到一批盲鳅类标本。经鉴定,为高原鳅属(Triplophysa)鱼类一新种,被命名为环江高原鳅(Triplophysa huangjiangensis)。该新种以以下组合特征与高原鳅属的其他已知种类相区别:无眼;通体无鳞;尾鳍分叉;尾柄上、下叶具发达的软鳍褶;背鳍后缘平截;背鳍起点距尾鳍基的距离短于距吻端的距离;背鳍分枝鳍条数为8~9;胸鳍分枝鳍条数为10~11;腹鳍分枝鳍条数为6~7;臀鳍分枝鳍条数为6;尾鳍分枝数为13~14;胸鳍长为胸鳍起点至腹鳍起点间距的52.3%~70.7%;腹鳍起点位于背鳍起点之前下方;外侧吻须最长,为侧面头长的47.0%~73.8%;前鼻孔位于一短管中,末端延长呈须状;鳔后室发达,末端可伸达腹鳍起点。  相似文献   

澜沧江-湄公河作为一条国际河流,是全世界鱼类物种多样性最高的流域之一,其中中国境内澜沧江流域的条鳅科鱼类共记录37种,由于该类群分类鉴定较为困难,流域内仍存在未被发现、描述或准确鉴定的物种。2015至2019年,通过对云南省普洱市和西双版纳傣族自治州境内的澜沧江流域进行多次鱼类生物多样性调查,共发现3种未曾记录的条鳅科鱼类。对所采集到鱼类标本的重要性状进行测量,并与国内外相关文献进行形态特征比较,分别鉴定为长带条鳅(Nemacheilus longistriatus)、裸背南鳅(Schistura nudidorsum)和宽齿南鳅(S. latidens),均为中国物种新记录;其中,由于以前在中国记录的条鳅属鱼类均已移入南鳅属(Schistura),长带条鳅是目前中国分布的唯一条鳅属物种。本文对这3种新记录的条鳅科鱼类进行描述,对今后澜沧江条鳅科鱼类物种鉴定具有一定的指导意义,同时为澜沧江鱼类资源的调查和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Turcinoemacheilus himalaya, new species, is described from the Koshi and Gandaki River basins of Nepal. The new species is distinguished from its hypothesised congener, Turcinoemacheilus kosswigi, from the Euphrates, Tigris and Karoun basins of the Middle East, by the presence of small scales on the posterior half of its body (v. absence of all scales), its shorter caudal peduncle (caudal peduncle length 12-15% standard length, L(S) v. 16-23), its shorter snout (snout length 28-36% head length, L(H) v. 40-49) and by features of its colour pattern, including the presence of small irregularly shaped dark grey markings over the lateral body surface. Turcinoemacheilus himalaya is known to date only from Nepal.  相似文献   

A new species, Triplophysa longipectoralis, is described from Liujiang River, Guangxi, China. The new species is distinguished from other species of Triplophysa by the following combination of characters: pectoral fin highly developed, reaching beyond pelvic-fin origin; eyes present and vestigial; body covered with scales; dorsal and lateral sides of head and body mottled with blotches; dorsal fin emarginate; caudal fin forked; anus close to anal-fin origin. A key to all valid species of Triplophysa in Xijiang River water system is provided. Chen and Yang contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

广西岭鳅属鱼类一新种——罗城岭鳅(鲤形目:爬鳅科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang J  Wu TJ  Wei RF  Yang JX 《动物学研究》2011,32(2):208-211
2008年9月,在广西壮族自治区罗城县天河镇附近一洞穴采集到一批条鳅亚科鱼类标本。经鉴定,为岭鳅属(Oreonectes)一新种。新种与岭鳅属的其他已知种类在以下组合特征上有区别:背鳍条3,7;臀鳍条2,5;胸鳍条1,11~12;腹鳍条1,7;尾鳍分枝鳍条为14~16。头平扁;眼正常;下唇表面具浅皱。腹鳍起点位于背鳍起点垂线下方之前,尾柄上、下缘无明显鳍褶;尾鳍后缘平截。体侧具不明显的细小鳞片,或鳞片隐于皮下。头部无侧线感觉系统管孔。成体粉红色,无色素,各鳍透明;浸泡标本体呈乳黄色,不透明,通体无色斑。  相似文献   

黄谷  郭林  刘娜 《菌物学报》2014,33(3):567-570
报道了采自云南的刺果藤炭角菌新种Xylaria byttneriae,该种主要特点是生在掉落的粗毛刺果藤Byttneria pilosa和全缘刺果藤Byttneria integrifolia(梧桐科Sterculiaceae)果实上。子座圆柱形,顶端有不育尖,表面可见子囊壳外观突起,柄部光滑。  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - A new nemacheilid loach, Lefua tokaiensis sp. nov., is described from the small mountain streams in the Tokai region, central Honshu, Japan. Lefua tokaiensis is...  相似文献   

Schistura porocephala, a new nemacheilid species, is described from a stream that drains into the Mat River (Koladyne basin), India. It is characterized by the presence of prominent pores in the cephalic lateral line system; an incomplete lateral line; 20–23 thin dark olivaceous bars on the body, often bifurcated from the dorsolateral region; a depressed head and body anterior to the dorsal fin origin; and an elongated suborbital flap arising in front of the nostril and extending to the anterior one-third of the eye diameter in males.  相似文献   

Mustura subhashi, new species, is described from the Dikal River, a north bank tributary of the Brahmaputra drainage in Arunachal Pradesh. It is distinguished from all its congeners by having a colour pattern of 14–23 dark-greyish black to dark brown irregular bars on a greyish to pale beige body; pre-dorsal bars thin, numerous, wider than interspaces, weakly contrasted, uniting dorsally at lateral one-third or midway on flank to form thicker bars, coalescing further at lateral one-fifth and continuous on dorsum with contralateral bars; bars below dorsal fin exhibiting similar condition but slightly wider than pre-dorsal bars; post-dorsal bars thicker than anterior bars, wider than interspaces, sharply contrasted, rarely coalescing on flank; and a short bar along the caudal mid-line, rarely forming a blotch. Based on re-examination of the type specimens and additional materials, Mustura dikrongensis is confirmed as a species belonging to Mustura, and M. harkishorei is not sufficiently diagnosed from 'Nemacheilus' corica.  相似文献   

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