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This study aimed to estimate trophic discrimination factors (TDFs) and metabolic turnover rates of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes in blood and muscle of the smallnose fanskate Sympterygia bonapartii by feeding six adult individuals, maintained in captivity, with a constant diet for 365 days. TDFs were estimated as the difference between δ13C or δ15N values of the food and the tissues of S. bonapartii after they had reached equilibrium with their diet. The duration of the experiment was enough to reach the equilibrium condition in blood for both elements (estimated time to reach 95% of turnover: C t95%blood = 150 days, N t95%blood = 290 days), whilst turnover rates could not be estimated for muscle because of variation among samples. Estimates of Δ13C and Δ15N values in blood and muscle using all individuals were Δ13Cblood = 1·7‰, Δ13Cmuscle = 1·3‰, Δ15Nblood = 2·5‰ and Δ15Nmuscle = 1·5‰, but there was evidence of differences of c.0·4‰ in the Δ13C values between sexes. The present values for TDFs and turnover rates constitute the first evidence for dietary switching in batoids based on long‐term controlled feeding experiments. Overall, the results showed that S. bonapartii has relatively low turnover rates and isotopic measurements would not track seasonal movements adequately. The estimated Δ13C values in S. bonapartii blood and muscle were similar to previous estimations for elasmobranchs and to generally accepted values in bony fishes (Δ13C = 1·5‰). For Δ15N, the results were similar to published reports for blood but smaller than reports for muscle and notably smaller than the typical values used to estimate trophic position (Δ15N c. 3·4‰). Thus, trophic position estimations for elasmobranchs based on typical Δ15N values could lead to underestimates of actual trophic positions. Finally, the evidence of differences in TDFs between sexes reveals a need for more targeted research.  相似文献   

To examine trophic dynamics over different size classes, an isotopic study of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus life‐history stages was carried out. Samples were collected from eastern Taiwan and the South China Sea during April 2009 and February 2012. A total of 263 samples (111–245 cm, lower jaw fork length, LLJFL) were examined for changes in trophic structure in relation to LLJFL by using stable isotope analysis of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N). The δ15N values for I. platypterus ranged from 7·51 to 14·19‰ (mean ± s.d . = 12·06 ± 1·16‰) and the δ13C values ranged from ?22·04 to ?15·48‰ (mean ± s.d . = ?17·62 ± 1·10‰). The δ15N values were positively dependent on LLJFL (r2 = 0·377), whereas δ13C were negatively dependent on LLJFL (r2 = 0·063). There were significantly different seasonal changes in nitrogen and carbon isotopic concentration, but no significant differences in concentrations between eastern Taiwan and the South China Sea were reported. The trophic level (TL) of each LLJFL class was correlated, starting from 2·84 TL for size class I (LLJFL < 140 cm) and reaching 5·03 TL for size class VI (LLJFL > 221 cm). The mean ± s.d . TL was 4·43 ± 0·19 for all samples. The results reveal that I. platypterus occupies a wide range of trophic levels and different size classes occupy different trophic positions in the pelagic ecosystem.  相似文献   

The stable isotope values for a range of size classes of Hyporhamphus regularis ardelio from Moreton Bay, south‐east Australia were determined. There was a positive linear relationship between δ13C and standard length (LS)(δ13C = 0·034 LS ? 16·23; r2 = 0·78). δ13C ranged from ?8·48 to ?17·29‰ with the smallest size class (50 mm LS) being on average 1·04‰ enriched with respect to that of zooplankton (Temora turbinata) and 7·97‰ depleted compared to Zostera capricorni. δ13C was positively correlated with LS(P < 0·01)(more enriched with increasing LS) with those fish of the largest size class (225 mm LS) being 9·86 and 0·84‰ enriched than T. turbinata and Z. capricorni, respectively. There was no detectable trend in δ15N values with LS(P > 0·01) with δ15N, ranging from 9·18 to 11·00‰. Fish of all size classes were on average 2·32 and 7·63‰ more enriched than zooplankton and seagrass, respectively. Carbon isotope data indicate that H. r. ardelio commence life as carnivores and change to a diet in which seagrass is the primary carbon source. The dependence on animal matter, however, is always present. Due to the low percentage of nitrogen in Z. capricorni(2·5%) compared to zooplankton (9·1%) it appears that nitrogen from zooplankton is necessary throughout their life history with the carbon requirements for these fish coming chiefly from Z. capricorni.  相似文献   

Stable-isotope analysis (SIA) provides a valuable tool to address complex questions pertaining to elasmobranch ecology. Liver, a metabolically active, high turnover tissue (~166 days for 95% turnover), has the potential to reveal novel insights into recent feeding/movement behaviours of this diverse group. To date, limited work has used this tissue, but ecological application of SIA in liver requires consideration of tissue preparation techniques given the potential for high concentrations of urea and lipid that could bias δ13C and δ15N values (i.e., result in artificially lower δ13C and δ15N values). Here we investigated the effectiveness of (a) deionized water washing (WW) for urea removal from liver tissue and (b) chloroform-methanol for extraction of lipids from this lipid rich tissue. We then (a) established C:N thresholds for deriving ecologically relevant liver isotopic values given complications of removing all lipid and (b) undertook a preliminary comparison of δ13C values between tissue pairs (muscle and liver) to test if observed isotopic differences correlated with known movement behaviour. Tests were conducted on four large shark species: the dusky (DUS, Carcharhinus obscurus), sand tiger (RAG, Carcharias taurus), scalloped hammerhead (SCA, Sphyrna lewini) and white shark (GRE, Carcharodon carcharias). There was no significant difference in δ15N values between lipid-extracted (LE) liver and lipid-extracted/water washed (WW) treatments, however, WW resulted in significant increases in %N, δ13C and %C. Following lipid extraction (repeated three times), some samples were still biased by lipids. Our species-specific “C:N thresholds” provide a method to derive ecologically viable isotope data given the complexities of this lipid rich tissue (C:N thresholds of 4.0, 3.6, 4.7 and 3.9 for DUS, RAG, SCA and GRE liverLEWW tissue, respectively). The preliminary comparison of C:N threshold corrected liver and muscle δ13C values corresponded with movement/habitat behaviours for each shark; minor differences in δ13C values were observed for known regional movements of DUS and RAG (δ13CDiffs = 0.24 ± 0.99‰ and 0.57 ± 0.38‰, respectively), while SCA and GRE showed greater differences (1.24 ± 0.63‰ and 1.08 ± 0.71‰, respectively) correlated to large-scale movements between temperate/tropical and pelagic/coastal environments. These data provide an approach for the successful application of liver δ13C and δ15N values to examine elasmobranch ecology.  相似文献   

Stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopes of Atlantic sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae embryos and mothers were analysed. Embryos were generally enriched in 15N in all studied tissue relative to their mothers' tissue, with mean differences between mother and embryo δ15N (i.e. Δδ15N) being 1·4‰ for muscle, 1·7‰ for liver and 1·1‰ for cartilage. Embryo muscle and liver were enriched in 13C (both Δδ13C means = 1·5‰) and embryo cartilage was depleted (Δδ13C mean = ?1·01‰) relative to corresponding maternal tissues. While differences in δ15N and δ13C between mothers and their embryos were significant, muscle δ15N values indicated embryos to be within the range of values expected if they occupied a similar trophic position as their respective mothers. Positive linear relationships existed between embryo total length (LT) and Δδ15N for muscle and liver and embryo LT and Δδ13C for muscle, with those associations possibly resulting from physiological differences between smaller and larger embryos or differences associated with the known embryonic nutrition shift (yolk feeding to placental feeding) that occurs during the gestation of this placentatrophic species. Together these results suggest that at birth, the δ15N and δ13C values of R. terraenovae are likely higher than somewhat older neonates whose postpartum feeding habits have restructured their isotope profiles to reflect their postembryonic diet.  相似文献   

Release‐recapture experiments were conducted to examine temporal changes of the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) ratios in the muscle tissue of artificially produced Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, juveniles. About 9000 juveniles (mean ± s .d . 43·3 ± 5·2 mm in standard length and 1·07 ± 0·37 g, n = 15) were released in each of three coastal areas: Chojagasaki, Arasaki and Jogashima with different geographical conditions, along Sagami Bay, Pacific coast of central Japan. Recapture efforts were made on 4, 11, 18, 40 and 55 days after the release. The stable isotope ratios, RNA:DNA ratio, stomach content mass (per body mass Msc) and condition factor (K) of recaptured individuals were measured. The mean ± s .d . δ13C and δ15N values (n = 15) were ?18·3 ± 0·2‰ and 12·2 ± 0·2‰, respectively at the release. Wild Japanese flounder juveniles were captured only in Chojagasaki, and the δ13C and δ15N values (n = 6) were ?14·0 ± 0·4‰ and 13·2 ± 0·7‰, respectively; these values were considered to represent the wild diet. Nutritional conditions of the released and recaptured juveniles as determined by the RNA : DNA ratio, MSC and K were indicated to be the best in Chojagasaki, in which the stable isotope ratios gradually shifted towards and reached the wild values within 40 days. This result along with stomach content analyses suggested that the released juveniles had acquired a wild feeding habit. In Arasaki and Jogashima, nutritional conditions of the recaptured juveniles were poorer, with no clear changes in the stable isotope ratios. Greatly varied stable isotope ratio values were observed in the juveniles recaptured in Chojagasaki 11 days after the release, ranging from the release levels to the wild levels. The extent of changes in the stable isotope ratios had a positive correlation to the RNA : DNA ratio and K of these juveniles (r = 0·87, n = 10 and r = 0·83, n = 18, respectively). The analyses of stable isotope ratios coupled with nutritional condition were considered to be an effective tool to examine post‐release feeding adaptation of Japanese flounder juveniles.  相似文献   

This study investigated the trophic shift of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) thinlip grey mullet Liza ramada and golden grey mullet Liza aurata during their recruitment in a salt marsh located on the European Atlantic Ocean coast. Stable‐isotope signatures (δ13C and δ15N) of the fishes followed a pattern, having enrichments in 13C and 15N with increasing fork length (LF): δ13C in fishes < 30 mm ranged from ?19.5 to ?15.0‰, whereas in fishes > 30 mm δ13C ranged from ?15.8 to ?12.7‰, closer to the level in salt‐marsh food resources. Large differences between the δ15N values of mugilids and those of food sources (6·0‰ on average) showed that YOY are secondary consumers, similar to older individuals, when feeding in the salt marsh. YOY mugilids shift from browsing on pelagic prey to grazing on benthic resources from the salt marsh before reaching 30 mm LF. The results highlight the role of European salt marshes as nurseries for juvenile mugilids.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological patterns of invasive species and their habitats require an understanding of the species’ foraging ecology. Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope values provide useful information into the study of animal ecology and evolution, since the isotope ratios of consumers reflect consumer's dietary patterns. Nevertheless, the lack of species‐ and element‐specific laboratory‐derived turnover rates could limit their application. Using a laboratory‐based dual stable isotope tracer approach (Na15NO3 and NaH13CO3), we evaluated the δ15N and δ13C isotope turnover rates in full‐grown adult invasive Limnomysis benedeni from Lake Constance. We provide δ15N and δ13C turnover rates based on nonlinear least‐squares regression and posterior linear regression models. Model precisions and fit were evaluated using Akaike's information criterion. Within a couple of days, the δ15N and δ13C of mysids began to change. Nevertheless, after about 14 days, L. benedeni did not reach equilibrium with their new isotope values. Since the experiment was conducted on adult subjects, it is evident that turnover was mainly influenced by metabolism (in contrast to growth). Unlike traditional dietary shifts, our laboratory‐based dual stable isotope tracer approach does not shift the experimental organisms into a new diet and avoids dietary effects on isotope values. Results confirm the application of isotopic tracers to label mysid subpopulations and could be used to reflect assimilation and turnover from the labeled dietary sources. Field‐based stable isotope studies often use isotopic mixing models commonly assuming diet‐tissue steady state. Unfortunately, in cases where the isotopic composition of the animal is not in equilibrium with its diet, this can lead to highly misleading conclusions. Thus, our laboratory‐based isotopic incorporation rates assist interpretation of the isotopic values from the field and provide a foundation for future research into using isotopic tracers to investigate invasion ecology.  相似文献   

1. Despite the ubiquity and abundance of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in temperate streams and rivers and their potential usefulness as sentinels in contaminant studies, little is known about their feeding ecology and lipid dynamics. 2. In this study we used stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) and elemental carbon to nitrogen ratios (C/N) to assess dietary habits and lipid content, respectively, for water striders. 3. To determine diet‐tissue fractionation factors, nymphs of the most common species in New Brunswick, Canada, Aquarius remigis were reared in the laboratory for 73 days and exhibited rapid isotopic turnover in response to a switch in diet (C half‐life = 1.5 days, N half‐life = 7.8 days). Their lipid content increased towards the end of the growing season and resulted in lower δ13C values. Diet‐tissue fractionation factors were established after correction of δ13C data for the confounding effect of de novo lipid synthesis (strider δ13Cadj– diet δ13Cadj = 0.1‰, strider δ15N – diet δ15N = 2.7‰). 4. Water striders from the majority of 45 stream sites (83%) in New Brunswick had less than 50% contribution of aquatic carbon to their diets but showed a gradual increase in the contribution of this carbon source to their diet with increasing stream size. 5. These data indicate that striders exhibit a strong connection to terrestrial carbon sources, making them important users of energy subsidies to streams from the surrounding catchment. However, this dependence on terrestrial organic matter may limit their utility as indicators of contamination of aquatic systems by heavy metals and other pollutants.  相似文献   

Ecological diversity has been reported for killer whales (Orcinus orca) throughout the North Atlantic but patterns of prey specialization have remained poorly understood. We quantify interindividual dietary variations in killer whales (n = 38) sampled throughout the year in 2017–2018 in northern Norway using stable isotopic nitrogen (δ15N: 15N/14N) and carbon (δ13C: 13C/12C) ratios. A Gaussian mixture model assigned sampled individuals to three differentiated clusters, characterized by disparate nonoverlapping isotopic niches, that were consistent with predatory field observations: seal‐eaters, herring‐eaters, and lumpfish‐eaters. Seal‐eaters showed higher δ15N values (mean ± SD: 12.6 ± 0.3‰, range = 12.3–13.2‰, n = 10) compared to herring‐eaters (mean ± SD: 11.7 ± 0.2‰, range = 11.4–11.9‰, n = 19) and lumpfish‐eaters (mean ± SD: 11.6 ± 0.2‰, range = 11.3–11.9, n = 9). Elevated δ15N values for seal‐eaters, regardless of sampling season, confirmed feeding at high trophic levels throughout the year. However, a wide isotopic niche and low measured δ15N values in the seal‐eaters, compared to that of whales that would eat solely seals (δN‐measured = 12.6 vs. δN‐expected = 15.5), indicated a diverse diet that includes both fish and mammal prey. A narrow niche for killer whales sampled at herring and lumpfish seasonal grounds supported seasonal prey specialization reflective of local peaks in prey abundance for the two fish‐eating groups. Our results, thus, show differences in prey specialization within this killer whale population in Norway and that the episodic observations of killer whales feeding on prey other than fish are a consistent behavior, as reflected in different isotopic niches between seal and fish‐eating individuals.  相似文献   

A proper assessment of the foraging habits of the Guadalupe fur seal (GFS; Arctocephalus townsendi) is a priority to better understand its recovery, in which the potential for intraspecific competition for prey and space resources is expected to lead to segregation. This study aimed to determine the foraging habits of different sex and age classes. A total of 146 GFS fur samples was collected at Guadalupe Island, Mexico (2014–2020) for stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) analysis. Isotopic areas were created (SIBER package in R). Significant isotopic differences were observed between classes. Male (3.6‰2) and female (3.0‰2) juveniles had the largest isotopic areas due to a greater foraging dispersion. Adult females showed the lowest mean δ15N value (16.1‰ ± 0.5‰) due to foraging trips that are mostly performed towards high latitudes. Except for pups, adult and subadult males presented the highest mean δ15N (17.4‰ ± 0.4‰) and δ13C values (−17.0‰ ± 0.8‰) due to a possible higher trophic level and coastal foraging habits, whereas pups presented the highest mean δ15N value (17.6‰ ± 0.3‰) because of lactation, which reflects their mothers δ15N signal plus their own enrichment. Our findings suggest a segregation explained by differences in life history, energy requirements, and a possible strategy to avoid competition.  相似文献   

General linear models (GLMs) were used to determine the relative importance of interspecific, ontogenetic and spatial effects in explaining variability in stable isotope ratios of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) of the co‐occurring Cape hakes Merluccius capensis and Merluccius paradoxus off South Africa. Significant GLMs were derived for both isotopes, explaining 74 and 56% of observed variance in Merluccius spp. δ15N and δ13C, respectively. Spatial effects (west or south coast) contributed most towards explaining variability in the δ15N model, with Merluccius spp. off the west coast having higher (by c. 1·4‰) δ15N levels than Merluccius spp. off the south coast. Fish size and species were also significant in explaining variability in δ15N, with both species showing significant linear increases in δ15N with size and M. capensis having higher (by c. 0·7‰) δ15N values than M. paradoxus. Species and coast explained most and similar amounts of variability in the δ13C model, with M. capensis having higher (by c. 0·8‰) δ13C values than M. paradoxus, and values being lower (by c. 0·7‰) for fishes off the west coast compared with the south coast. These results not only corroborate the knowledge of Merluccius spp. feeding ecology gained from dietary studies, in particular the ontogenetic change in trophic level corresponding to a changing diet, but also that M. capensis feeds at a slightly higher trophic level than M. paradoxus. The spatial difference in Merluccius spp. δ15N appears due to a difference in isotopic baseline, and not as a result of Merluccius spp. feeding higher in the food web off the west than the south coast, and provides new evidence that corroborates previous observations of biogeographic differences in isotopic baselines around the South African coast. This study also provides quantitative data on the relative trophic level and trophic width of Cape hakes over a large size range that can be used in ecosystem models of the southern Benguela.  相似文献   

1. Adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) transport marine nutrients to fresh waters and disturb sediments during spawning. The relative importance of nutrient fertilisation and benthic disturbance by salmon spawners can be modulated by environmental conditions (e.g. biological, chemical and physical conditions in the catchment, including human land use). 2. To determine the importance of the environmental context in modifying the uptake and incorporation of salmon‐derived material into stream biota, we measured the nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic composition of benthic algae (i.e. epilithon) and juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in seven streams across a timber‐harvest gradient (8–69% catchment area harvested), both before and during the salmon run. Conditional bootstrap modelling simulations were used to assess variability in the response of epilithon and juvenile coho salmon to spawning salmon. 3. In response to spawning salmon, epilithon exhibited enrichment in both δ15N (mean: 1.5‰) and δ13C (2.3‰). Juvenile coho were also enriched in both δ15N (0.7‰) and δ13C (1.4‰). Conditional bootstrap models indicate decreased variation in data as spatial replication increases, suggesting that the number of study sites can influence the results of Pacific salmon isotope studies. 4. Epilithon isotopic enrichment was predicted by environmental conditions, with δ15N enrichment predicted by stream temperature and timber harvest (R2 = 0.87) and δ13C enrichment by discharge, sediment size, timber harvest and spawner density (R2 = 0.96). Furthermore, we found evidence for a legacy effect of salmon spawners, with pre‐spawner δ15N and δ13C of both epilithon and juvenile coho predicted by salmon run size in the previous year. 5. Our results show that the degree of incorporation of salmon‐derived nitrogen and carbon differs among streams. Furthermore, the environmental context, including putative legacy effects of spawning salmon, can influence background isotopic concentrations and utilisation of salmon‐derived materials in southeast Alaska salmon streams. Future studies should consider the variation in isotopic composition of stream biota when deciding on the number of study sites and samples needed to generate meaningful results.  相似文献   

Southern African forests are naturally fragmented yet hold a disproportionately high number of bird species. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes were measured in feathers from birds captured at Woodbush (n = 27 species), a large afromontane forest in the eastern escarpment of Limpopo province, South Africa. The δ13C signatures of a range of forest plants were measured to categorise the food base. Most plants sampled, including two of five grass species, had δ13C signatures typical of a C3 photosynthetic pathway (?29.5 ± 1.9‰). Three grass species had a C4 signature (?12.0 ± 0.6‰). Most bird species had δ13C values representing a predominantly C3‐based diet (?24.8‰ to ?20.7‰). δ15N values were as expected, with higher levels of enrichment associated with a greater proportion of dietary animal matter. The cohesive isotopic niche defining most species (n = 22), where the ranges for δ13C and δ15N were 2.4‰ and 3.4‰, respectively, highlight the difficulties in understanding diets of birds in a predominantly C3‐based ecosystem using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. However, variation in isotopic values between and within species provides insight into possible niche width and the use of resources by different birds within a forest environment.  相似文献   

Aim The hair of grazers provides an isotopic record of environmental and nutritional signals. Here, we assess the effect of altitude on the carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of the hair of ruminant grazers and its relation to grassland vegetation, to evaluate the use of hair isotope data for ecosystem reconstruction, animal nutritional ecology and biogeochemical studies in montane environments. Location European Alps. Methods We sampled grassland vegetation (pure C3) and the hair of ruminants along an altitudinal gradient (400–2500 m), and analysed their isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N). Results were compared with published effects of altitude on 13C in C3 plants at the species level and on 15N at the community level. The study was complemented with a comparison of diet and hair isotope composition in ruminants held in confinement. Results δ13C of hair increased (c. 1.1‰ km−1) and δ15N decreased (c. 1.1‰ km−1) with altitude. The same changes occurred in local grassland vegetation, and in regional to global grassland data sets. Offsets between hair and vegetation 13C or 15N (‘diet–hair shift’) were independent of altitude. Sheep (Ovis aries) and cattle (Bos taurus) exhibited a 13C shift near +3‰, but that of goats (Capra hircus) was larger (+4.2‰) in alpine environments and in confinement. The diet–hair shift for 15N was more variable (+2.1 to +3.6‰). Main conclusions Grazer hair provides a faithful spatially and temporally integrated record of grassland isotope composition, useful for ecosystem and environment reconstruction. The effect of altitude on hair 15N is important for studies of trophic relationships: an altitude shift of 2000 m produced the same effect in hair 15N as would a shift from an animal tissue‐based to a plant‐based diet. The similarity of altitude effects on δ13C of individual plant species, vegetation and hair indicates that the effect of altitude on species‐level ‘intrinsic water use efficiency’ scales up linearly to the community and landscape level.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of serum, red blood cells (RBC), muscle, and blubber were measured in captive and wild northeast Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) at three coastal California sites (San Francisco Bay, Tomales Bay, and Channel Islands). Trophic discrimination factors (ΔTissue‐Diet) were calculated for captive seals and then applied in wild counterparts in each habitat to estimate trophic position and feeding behavior. Trophic discrimination factors for δ15N of serum (+3.8‰), lipid‐extracted muscle (+1.6‰), and lipid‐blubber (+6.5‰) are proposed to determine trophic position. An offset between RBC and serum of +0.3‰ for δ13C and ?0.6‰ for δ15N was observed, which is consistent with previous research. Specifically, weaner seals (<1 yr) had large offsets, suggesting strong trophic position shifts during this life stage. Isotopic values indicated an average trophic position of 3.6 at both San Francisco Bay and Tomales Bay and 4.2 at Channel Islands. Isotopic means were strongly dependent on age class and also suggested that mean diet composition varies considerably between all locations. Together, these data indicate that isotopic composition of blood fractions can be an effective approach to estimate trophic position and dietary behavior in wild pinnipeds.  相似文献   

Determining how marine predators partition resources is hindered by the difficulty in obtaining information on diet and distribution. Stable isotopes (SI) of carbon (13C/12C, δ13C) and nitrogen (15N/14N, δ15N) provide a two‐dimensional estimate of the dietary space of consumers; an animal's isotopic composition is directly influenced by what they consume and where they feed. Harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded (Cystophora cristata) seals are abundant phocid species found in the North Atlantic. We measured and contrasted SI values between seals sampled at nearshore and offshore sites to test for effects of sampling location, sex, age‐class, and body size to gain insight into how these species partition space and prey resources. In addition we contrasted previously published results for gray seals (Halichoerus grypus). Isotope values differed significantly by age class and location in harp and hooded seals. We found significant differences in SI values (mean δ13C and δ15N ± SE) between all species. Hooded seals, a continental shelf‐edge, deep‐diving species, exhibited low SI values (juveniles: ?20.9‰ ± 0.03‰, 13.36‰ ± 0.05‰; adults: ?20.41‰ ± 0.03‰, 14.81‰ ± 0.04‰) characteristic of feeding on meso‐ to bathypelagic prey. Harp seals, which dive to moderate depths primarily on the shelf had intermediate SI values (juveniles: ?20.53‰ ± 0.01‰, 13.91‰ ± 0.01‰; adults: ?20.13‰ ± 0.01‰, 14.96‰ ± 0.01‰) characteristic of feeding on epipelagic prey, whereas gray seals, which feed on or near the sea floor in shallow shelf waters, had high SI values (juveniles: ?19.74‰ ± 0.04‰, 17.51‰ ± 0.05‰; adults: ?18.86‰ ± 0.01‰, 17.23‰ ± 0.02‰) characteristic of feeding on demersal prey. In all species, δ13C values increased with body size and age in the same manner, indicating that seals exploit or forage in deeper habitats as they get larger and older. We hypothesize that the consistent ontogenetic shift in foraging niche, despite large differences between species in their diving behavior, geographic range and habitat use, not only reflects increased access to different prey due to increased diving capacity, but a progressive adjustment to balance energy budgets by reducing foraging costs.  相似文献   

Abstract: While atmospheric species of bromeliads have narrow leaves, densely covered with water‐absorbing trichomes throughout their life cycles, many tank bromeliads with broad leaves, forming phytotelmata, go through an atmospheric juvenile phase. The effect of the different habits and the phase change in tank‐forming bromeliads on water and nutrient relations was investigated by analysing the relationship between plant size, C/N ratios and the natural abundance of 13C and 15N in five epiphytic bromeliad species or morphospecies of a humid montane forest in Xalapa, Mexico. The atmospheric species Tillandsia juncea and T. butzii exhibited full crassulacean acid metabolism, with δ13C values (mean ‐ 15.3 ‰ and ‐ 14.7 ‰, respectively) independent of size. In Tillandsia species with C3 photosynthesis, δ13C decreased with increasing plant size, indicating stronger drought stress in juveniles. The increase of the C/N ratio with size suggests that, at least in heteroblastic bromeliads, the availability of water is more limiting during early growth, and that limitations of nitrogen supply become more important later on, when water stored in the tank helps to bridge dry periods, reducing water shortage. δ15N values of the two atmospheric species were very negative (‐ 12.6 ‰ and ‐ 12.2 ‰, respectively) and did not change with plant size. Tank‐forming bromeliads had less negative δ15N values (c ‐ 6 ‰), and, in species with atmospheric juveniles and tank‐forming adults, δ15N values increased significantly with plant size. These differences do not appear to be an effect of the isotopic composition of N sources, but rather reflect N availability and limitation and stress‐induced changes in 15N discrimination.  相似文献   

Ecologists use stable isotopes to infer diets and trophic levels of animals in food webs, yet some assumptions underlying these inferences have not been thoroughly tested. We used laboratory‐reared colonies of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Solenopsidini) to test the effects of metamorphosis, diet, and lipid storage on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios. Effects of metamorphosis were examined in ant colonies maintained on a control diet of domestic crickets and sucrose solution. Effects of a diet shift were evaluated by adding a tuna supplement to select colonies. Effects of lipid content on stable isotopes were tested by treating worker ants with polar and non‐polar solvents. δ13C and δ15N values of larvae, pupae, and workers were measured by mass spectrometry on whole‐animal preparations. We found a significant effect of colony age on δ13C, but not δ15N; larvae, pupae, and workers collected at 75 days were slightly depleted in 13C relative to collections at 15 days (Δδ13C = ?0.27‰). Metamorphosis had a significant effect on δ15N, but not δ13C; tissues of each successive developmental stage were increasingly enriched in 15N (pupae, +0.5‰; workers, +1.4‰). Availability of tuna resulted in further shifts of about +0.6‰ in isotope ratios for all developmental stages. Removing fat with organic solvents had no effect on δ13C, but treatment with a non‐polar solvent resulted in enriched δ15N values of +0.37‰. Identifying regular patterns of isotopic enrichment as described here should improve the utility of stable isotopes in diet studies of insects. Our study suggests that researchers using 15N enrichment to assess trophic levels of an organism at different sites need to take care not to standardize with immature insect herbivores or predators at one site and mature ones at another. Similar problems may also exist when standardizing with holometabolous insects at one site and spiders or hemimetabolous insects at another site.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted to investigate dietary variation in human skeletons (n = 109) from the Gaya cemetery at Yeanri located near Gimhae City, South Korea. The cemetery contained three distinct grave types dating to 4th–7th century AD. The main purposes of this research were to reconstruct palaeodiet in the Gaya population and to explore correlations between stable isotope compositions and burial types, inferred age, and sex of these individuals. The isotopic data indicate that the people at Yeanri consumed a predominantly C3‐based terrestrial diet supplemented with freshwater and/or marine resources. The comparison of isotopic results reveals significant differences in δ13C values among three adult burial types (wood‐cist coffin: ?18.5 ± 0.5‰, stone‐cist coffin: ?18.1 ± 0.6‰, mausoleum: ?17.8 ± 0.9‰). Males in wood‐cist and stone‐cist coffins have relatively more elevated mean δ13C and δ15N values than females. The isotopic ratios from the two adult age groups (21–40 years and 40–60 years) indicate that there was no significant dietary change in individuals with age. The isotope data from the infants and children suggest the weaning was a gradual process that was completed between 3 and 4 years of age in the Gaya population. This evidence indicates that the dietary variations within the cemetery reflect social status, sex, and childhood consumption patterns. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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