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Atlantic angel sharks Squatina dumeril were collected by fishery‐dependent and independent trawls from 2002 to 2008 for reproductive analysis. Female S. dumeril have only one functional ovary (left), with an average litter size of seven pups. The reproductive cycle is at least biennial, though the seasonality of vitellogenesis could not be determined. Gestation is c. 12 months, and embryo data support a seasonal trend in reproduction, with parturition occurring in the spring months (February to June). Mature male S. dumeril have spines on the outer margins of their pectoral fins, and there is an apparent peak in gonad size in the spring. The total length at which 50% of the population is mature is 85·8 and 92·9 cm for females and males, respectively.  相似文献   

The reproductive periodicity of blacknose sharks Carcharhinus acronotus in the northern Gulf of Mexico was determined by examining reproductive tissues from specimens collected monthly from 2002 to 2005. Monthly changes in shell gland mass, right ovary mass and ovarian follicle diameter were assessed for 74 mature females. Temporal changes in testes mass, testes width and proportion of mature spermatocysts were examined for 64 mature males. Trends in female reproductive tissues suggested an annual peak in reproductive activity during June and July, while trends in male variables suggested an annual reproductive peak during May and June. Although male and female reproductive activity peaked in different months, a strong synchronicity existed between the proportion of mature spermatocysts and the diameter of the largest ovarian follicle. Based on these results, the mating season of blacknose sharks lasts from mid-May to July in the Gulf of Mexico. Maximum embryo sizes were observed in May, which suggested that partition occurs during late May or early June. Results indicate that blacknose sharks have a clearly defined annual cycle in the Gulf of Mexico. This conclusion is further supported by the complete absence of gravid females without vitellogenic ovarian follicles among all mature females examined.  相似文献   

Fishery and biological data are presented for the poorly known bramble shark Echinorhinus brucus (Squaliformes: Echinorhinidae), from the deep waters of the south‐eastern Arabian Sea. A total of 5318 individuals from by‐catch landings of deep‐water bottom set longlines, gillnets and shrimp trawl fisheries operating at depths of 200–1200 m were recorded between January 2008 and December 2011 at the Kochi Fisheries Harbour (Kerala). A total of 431 individuals, from 46 to 318 cm total length (LT) and 0·8 to 132 kg total mass (MT), were examined to determine biological data for this species. The LT at which 50% were mature (LT50) for females and males was estimated at 189 and 187 cm LT. Litter size ranged from 10 to 36 and size at birth was between 42 and 46 cm LT. Dietary analysis of stomach contents revealed E. brucus feeds on a variety of prey including crustaceans (69% index of relative importance, IRI), teleosts (25·8% IRI), cephalopods (1·7% IRI) and elasmobranchs (0·7% IRI). This study provides the first detailed biological data for this species and also highlights the extent of the by‐catch fishery for this species in Indian waters.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and diet of prickly dogfish Oxynotus bruniensis, a deep‐sea elasmobranch, endemic to the outer continental and insular shelves of southern Australia and New Zealand, and caught as by‐catch in demersal fisheries, are described from specimens caught in New Zealand waters. A total of 53 specimens were obtained from research surveys and commercial fisheries, including juveniles and adults ranging in size from 33·5 to 75·6 cm total length (LT). Estimated size‐at‐maturity was 54·7 cm LT in males and 64·0 cm LT in females. Three gravid females (65·0, 67·5 and 71·2 cm LT) were observed, all with eight embryos. Size‐at‐birth was estimated to be 25–27 cm LT. Vitellogenesis was not concurrent with embryo development. Analysis of diet from stomach contents, including DNA identification of prey using the mitochondrial genes cox1 and nadh2, revealed that O. bruniensis preys exclusively on the egg capsules of holocephalans, potentially making it the only known elasmobranch with a diet reliant solely upon other chondrichthyans. Based on spatial overlap with deep‐sea fisheries, a highly specialized diet, and reproductive characteristics representative of a low productivity fish, the commercial fisheries by‐catch of O. bruniensis may put this species at relatively high risk of overfishing.  相似文献   

Shark populations tend to be highly vulnerable to overexploitation due to low fecundity and slow growth rates. Recent fishing pressure on the smooth dogfish in the northwest Atlantic has created a necessity for more information about their basic biology. Length and age at maturity, fecundity, and reproductive season were estimated. Total length at 50% maturity was 102cm for females, and 86cm for males. The majority of females were mature at age 4 or 5, and all males were mature at 2 or 3 years of age. Females had an 11–12 month gestation with parturition occurring in May, ovulation occurring between May and July likely in late May and early June, and mating occurring between May and September. Fecundity ranged between 3 and 18 pups per litter, and was positively related to length and age, with a mean of 9.53 pups per litter. Sperm was found in the terminal zone of the oviducal gland of females throughout the year.  相似文献   

Reproductive characteristics of the Pacific angel shark, Squatina californica, were evaluated from 420 specimens obtained from the artisanal fishery in La Paz Bay, Gulf of California, Mexico. Females (99 cm, 6000 g) were larger than males (95 cm, 5000 g) in terms of both total length (LT) and body mass (MT). The overall sex ratio was significantly different from the expected 1:1, suggesting sexual segregation of mature individuals in La Paz Bay. Males had developed reproductive organs and calcified claspers from 72 cm LT; the median size at maturity (LT50) was 75·6 cm. In females, only the left ovary was functional and mature ovarian follicles were present from 77 cm LT; the estimated LT50 was 77·7 cm. For the 10 gravid females sampled, uterine fecundity was between two and 10 embryos. Mature, non‐gravid females with small and large ovarian follicles appeared simultaneously with gravid females with follicles that did not exceed 1·9 cm diameter.  相似文献   

Cetorhinus maximus aggregations recorded during extensive aerial survey efforts off the north‐eastern United States between 1980 and 2013 included aggregations centring on sightings with group sizes of at least 30 individuals. These aggregations occurred in summer and autumn months and included aggregation sizes of up to 1398 individuals, the largest aggregation ever reported for this species. The aggregations were associated with sea surface temperatures of 13–24° C and chlorophyll‐a concentrations of 0·4–2·6 mg m?3 and during one aggregation, a high abundance of zooplankton prey was present. Photogrammetric tools allowed for the estimation of total body lengths ranging between 4 and 8 m. Characterization of these events provides new insight into the potential biological function of large aggregations in this species.  相似文献   

Population declines in shark species have been reported on local and global scales, with overfishing, habitat destruction and climate change posing severe threats. The lack of species‐specific baseline data on ecology and distribution of many sharks, however, makes conservation measures challenging. Here, we present a fisheries‐independent shark survey from the Fiji Islands, where scientific knowledge on locally occurring elasmobranchs is largely still lacking despite the location's role as a shark hotspot in the Pacific. Juvenile shark abundance in the fishing grounds of the Ba Estuary (north‐western Viti Levu) was assessed with a gillnet‐ and longline‐based survey from December 2015 to April 2016. A total of 103 juvenile sharks identified as blacktip Carcharhinus limbatus (n = 57), scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini (n = 35), and great hammerhead Sphyrna mokarran (n = 11) sharks were captured, tagged, and released. The condition of umbilical scars (68% open or semihealed), mean sizes of individuals (±SD) (C. limbatus: 66.5 ± 3.8 cm, S. lewini: 51.8 ± 4.8 cm, S. mokarran 77.4 ± 2.8 cm), and the presence of these species over recent years (based on fishermen interviews), suggest that the Ba Estuary area is a critical habitat for multiple species that are classified as “Near Threatened” or “Endangered.” Specifically, the area likely acts as a parturition ground over the studied period, and potentially as a subsequent nursery area. We identified subareas of high abundance and found that temperature, salinity and depth acted as small‐scale environmental drivers of shark abundance. The data suggests a tendency for species‐specific spatial use, both horizontally (i.e., between sampling areas) and vertically (i.e., across the water column). These results enhance the understanding of shark ecology in Fiji and provide a scientific basis for the implementation of local conservation strategies that contribute to the protection of these threatened species.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate reproductive and population parameters of the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias for the south‐western Atlantic Ocean. In total, 2714 specimens (1616 males and 1098 females) were collected from surveys carried out using research vessels. Males ranged from 225 to 861 mm total length (LT) and females from 235 to 925 mm LT. The size at maturity of females (651 mm) was significantly greater than that of males (565 mm). The maximum proportion of mature individuals (Pmax) of the gestation ogive was <1, which indicates that a proportion of mature females was not in gestation. This inactivity may be explained by the occurrence of resting periods between cycles or by the asynchrony of the reproductive cycle. The estimated Pmax for the maternity ogive suggested that about one third of mature females were in the maternity stage (i.e. with embryos >156 mm). The temporal and spatial co‐occurrence of non‐gravid adult females at different stages of ovarian development, as well as gravid females at all embryonic development stages would indicate that the female reproductive cycle in the south‐western Atlantic Ocean is asynchronous. The results indicate that S. acanthias is susceptible to fishing pressure on account of its length at maturity, extended reproductive cycles and low fecundity.  相似文献   

We compared life-history traits and extinction risk of chondrichthyans (sharks, rays and chimaeras), a group of high conservation concern, from the three major marine habitats (continental shelves, open ocean and deep sea), controlling for phylogenetic correlation. Deep-water chondrichthyans had a higher age at maturity and longevity, and a lower growth completion rate than shallow-water species. The average fishing mortality needed to drive a deep-water chondrichthyan species to extinction (Fextinct) was 38-58% of that estimated for oceanic and continental shelf species, respectively. Mean values of Fextinct were 0.149, 0.250 and 0.368 for deep-water, oceanic and continental shelf species, respectively. Reproductive mode was an important determinant of extinction risk, while body size had a weak effect on extinction risk. As extinction risk was highly correlated with phylogeny, the loss of species will be accompanied by a loss of phylogenetic diversity. Conservation priority should not be restricted to large species, as is usually suggested, since many small species, like those inhabiting the deep ocean, are also highly vulnerable to extinction. Fishing mortality of deep-water chondrichthyans already exploited should be minimized, and new deep-water fisheries affecting chondrichthyans should be prevented.  相似文献   

The first record in Mexican waters of albinism and synophthalmia (partial cyclopia) in the Pacific angel shark, Squatina californica is presented. Albinism is not lethal, but synophthalmia may cause the death of the individual immediately after birth.  相似文献   

Epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum in three treatments, pit organs (free neuromasts) ablated, sham-operated and normal ( n  = 8 for each treatment), showed a significant preference for facing upstream in a flume ( P  < 0·05). There were no significant differences in the mean angles or angular variances among treatments. Individuals with ablated pit organs, however, spent significantly less time moving around than controls ( P  < 0·05), suggesting that pit organs contributed to motivation for activity. Pit organs do not appear to make an important contribution to rheotaxis in H. ocellatum . It is suggested that this may be due to structural differences in the pit organs of H. ocellatum compared with other species.  相似文献   

We examined the age and growth of the blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus, in the western North Atlantic Ocean by obtaining direct age estimates using vertebral centra. We verified annual deposition of growth increments with marginal increment analysis and validated it by analyzing vertebrae marked with oxytetracycline from a female blacknose shark held in captivity. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters indicated that female blacknose sharks have a lower growth constant (k), a larger theortical maximum size (L), and are longer lived than males. We compared these growth parameters for blacknose sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean to growth parameters for blacknose sharks collected in the eastern Gulf of Mexico to test for differences between regions. Females in the western North Atlantic Ocean have a significantly lower L, lower k, and a higher theoretical longevity than females in the Gulf of Mexico. Males in the western North Atlantic Ocean have a higher L<>, lower k, and higher theoretical longevity than males in the Gulf of Mexico. The significant differences between these life history parameters for blacknose sharks suggest that, when possible, future management initiatives concerning blacknose sharks should consider managing the populations in the western North Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico as separate stocks.  相似文献   

The distribution of pit organs (free neuromasts) has previously been documented for several species of pelagic sharks, but is relatively poorly known for rays and bottom-dwelling (demersal) sharks. In the present study, the complete distribution of pit organs was mapped in the demersal sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni, Orectolobus maculatus, Hemiscyllium ocellatum, Chiloscyllium punctatum, and Asymbolus analis, and the rays Rhinobatos typus, Aptychotrema rostrata, Trygonorrhina sp. A, Raja sp. A, and Myliobatis australis. All of these species had pit organs scattered over the dorsolateral surface. The sharks also had "mandibular" pit organs (and "umbilical" pit organs in C. punctatum and A. analis) on the ventral surface, while pit organs were sparse or absent on the ventral surface of rays. All of the species examined here, except for M. australis, also had a "spiracular" group of pit organs adjacent to the eye and/or spiracle. Spiracular pit organs were also recorded for the sawshark Pristiophorus sp. A and the skate Pavoraja nitida, although the remainder of pit organs were not mapped in these species. The distribution and number of pit organs varied both within and among species. Pit organ distribution was asymmetrical in each individual examined, but no particular trend towards left or right "handedness" was observed in any species. Although rays have been thought to have fewer pit organs than sharks in general, this was not the case in the present study. All of the species examined here had few pit organs compared to the pelagic sharks previously documented, but it is not clear whether this is due to ecological or phylogenetic causes.  相似文献   

Histology of dart tag insertion sites in the epaulette shark   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples of dermal and epidermal tissues of epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum were examined histologically to assess damage caused by tagging. Tissues from around tag sites were removed at time intervals ranging from 100 min to 284 days post-tagging. These samples showed acute and chronic responses to tagging. Acute responses consisted of localized tissue breakdown and haemorrhaging, and occurred within the first few hours after tag insertion. At 10 h post-tagging, an intermediate response was apparent. This phase was characterized by further haemorrhaging and red and white blood cell movement into the wound area. The chronic response observed in the 10–284-day post-tagging samples was characterized by fibrous tissue formation to sequester the tag. This tissue presumably protects the adjacent musculature from further trauma produced by movement of the tag and provides a continuous barrier between the internal and external milieu. Tissue repair appeared to progress consistently in all specimens and no secondary infections at the tag site were seen. Tagging produced only localized tissue disruption and did not appear to be detrimental to the long term health of individual sharks. Our findings show that spaghetti style dart tagging is an acceptable method for marking individuals (40–75+ cm total length) of this species.  相似文献   

Eight embryonic thresher sharks Alopias vulpinus (53·9–124 cm total length) were collected from two females caught by commercial longline off southern Brazil in September and November 2004. Morphometric measurements are provided.  相似文献   

Throughout 1 year, from October 2003 to September 2004, 88 visits to the landing site of a small urban fishery (APREBAN) in Rio de Janeiro city were conducted and 816 specimens of Rhizoprionodon lalandii were analysed. The sample, mostly females, was composed of two cohorts: young-of-the-year were abundant in spring and summer and adults predominated in autumn and winter. Gravid females were most abundant from April to June, whereas post-partum females composed most of the catch in August to September. Adult males were present all year although were more abundant between February and July. No neonates were captured during the study and most embryos collected measured slightly below the reported total length ( L T) at time of birth ( L 0) for the species, suggesting that parturition may occur slightly outside the main fishing grounds or that neonates were not captured in commercial gillnets set at this time of the year. The mean L T at maturity ( L T50) for males was 578 mm and females matured between 620 and 660 mm, although a precise estimate of L T50 for females could not be determined. The total length ( L T) and total mass ( M T) relationship     was calculated for both sexes and showed no significant differences. The mean condition factor increased steadily from February to July followed by a steep decrease in values relative to females in August and September, suggesting a pupping season. The present study area can be classified as a coastal juvenile habitat and a probable mating ground for R. lalandii .  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the genetic structure of blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) continental nurseries in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea using mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and eight nuclear microsatellite loci scored in neonate and young-of-the-year sharks. Significant structure was detected with both markers among nine nurseries (mitochondrial PhiST = 0.350, P < 0.001; nuclear PhiST = 0.007, P < 0.001) and sharks from the northwestern Atlantic, eastern Gulf of Mexico, western Gulf of Mexico, northern Yucatan, and Belize possessed significantly different mitochondrial DNA haplotype frequencies. Microsatellite differentiation was limited to comparisons involving northern Yucatan and Belize sharks with nuclear genetic homogeneity throughout the eastern Gulf of Mexico, western Gulf of Mexico, and northwestern Atlantic. Differences in the magnitude of maternal vs. biparental genetic differentiation support female philopatry to northwestern Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea natal nursery regions with higher levels of male-mediated gene flow. Philopatry has produced multiple reproductive stocks of this commercially important shark species throughout the range of this study.  相似文献   

To effectively protect at‐risk sharks, resource managers and conservation practitioners must have a good understanding of how fisheries removals contribute to changes in abundance and how regulatory restrictions may impact a population trajectory. This means they need to know the number of animals being removed from a population and whether a given number of removals will lead to population increases or declines. For white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), theoretical quantities like the intrinsic rate of population increase or rebound potential (ability to increase in size following decline) are difficult to conceptualize in terms of real‐world abundance changes, which limits our ability to answer practical management questions. To address this shortfall, we designed a simulation model to evaluate how our understanding of longevity and life history variability of white shark affects our understanding of population trends in the Northwest Atlantic. Then, we quantified the magnitude of removals that could have caused historical population declines, compared these to biologically based reference points, and explored the removal scenarios which would result in population increase. Our results suggest that removals on the order of 100s of juveniles per year could have resulted in population‐level declines in excess of 60% during the 1970s and 1980s. Conservation actions implemented since the 1990s would have needed to be nearly 100% effective at preventing fishing mortality in order for the population to double in abundance over the last 30 years. Total removals from all fleets needed to be exceptionally small to keep them below biological reference points for white shark in the Northwest Atlantic. The population's inherent vulnerability to fishing pressure reaffirms the need for restrictive national and international conservation measures, even under a situation of abundance increase.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the mechanisms limiting connectivity and gene flow in deep‐sea ecosystems is scarce, especially for deep‐sea sharks. The Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis) is a globally distributed and near threatened deep‐sea shark. C. coelolepis population structure was studied using 11 nuclear microsatellite markers and a 497‐bp fragment from the mtDNA control region. High levels of genetic homogeneity across the Atlantic (ΦST = ?0.0091, FST = 0.0024, > 0.05) were found suggesting one large population unit at this basin. The low levels of genetic divergence between Atlantic and Australia (ΦST = 0.0744, < 0.01; FST = 0.0015, > 0.05) further suggested that this species may be able to maintain some degree of genetic connectivity even across ocean basins. In contrast, sharks from the Mediterranean Sea exhibited marked genetic differentiation from all other localities studied (ΦST = 0.3808, FST = 0.1149, < 0.001). This finding suggests that the shallow depth of the Strait of Gibraltar acts as a barrier to dispersal and that isolation and genetic drift may have had an important role shaping the Mediterranean shark population over time. Analyses of life history traits allowed the direct comparison among regions providing a complete characterization of this shark's populations. Sharks from the Mediterranean had markedly smaller adult body size and size at maturity compared to Atlantic and Pacific individuals. Together, these results suggest the existence of an isolated and unique population of C. coelolepis inhabiting the Mediterranean that most likely became separated from the Atlantic in the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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