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The present study describes the age and growth of the leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber, a common Australasian monacanthid and valued by‐catch of the inshore bottom trawl fishery in New Zealand. Age was determined from the sagittal otoliths of 651 individuals collected between July 2014 and March 2016 in the Hauraki Gulf of New Zealand. Otolith sections revealed alternating opaque and translucent zones and edge‐type analysis demonstrated that these are deposited annually. Meuschenia scaber displayed rapid initial growth, with both males and females reaching maturity in 1–2 years and 50% of both sexes matured at 1·5 years. Maximum age differed substantially between the sexes, at 9·8 years for males and 17·1 years for females. Growth rate was similar between sexes, although males reached greater mass at age than females in the early part of the lifespan. The length–mass relationship differed significantly between the sexes, with males displaying negative allometric growth and females isometric growth. Female condition was highest in July, declined in August with the onset of spawning and showed a slight peak in January and February, immediately following the spawning season. This study substantially extends the maximum longevity recorded for monacanthids, although males had much shorter lifespans and higher mortality, than females.  相似文献   

The age and growth parameters of Dipturus chilensis were estimated by counting growth rings from thin sections of vertebral centra from 400 fish (246 females and 154 males), ranging from 23 to 124 cm total length (LT), and backcalculating fish lengths at previous ages. Marginal increment analysis lent support to the hypothesis of annual deposition of band‐pairs, which formed during the winter months. The oldest female D. chilensis aged in this study was 21 years and 117 cm LT, whereas the oldest male was 18 years and 93 cm LT. A 4·7% index of average per cent error (IAPE) suggested that this is a precise method for calculating the age of D. chilensis. Observed LT were lower than backcalculated LT, which implies the influence of Lee's phenomenon. The von Bertalanffy growth equations, based on mean length‐at‐age data, were estimated as Lt = 128·3 (1 ? e?0·112 (t + 0·514)) for females and Lt = 107·8 (1 ? e?0·134 (t + 0·862)) for males where t is age (years). Growth was significantly different between sexes: females reached a larger adult size. Ages and lengths at 50% maturity were estimated at 14 years of age and 106 cm LT for females and 11 years of age and 86 cm LT for males. At c. 14 years, there was a decline in growth rates in females. The factor most likely responsible for this was sexual maturity, which caused a discontinuity in growth of female fish. These results show that this species is slow‐growing, long‐lived, relatively large and of delayed maturity, characteristics that make it vulnerable to exploitation.  相似文献   

A total of 255 longnosed skate Dipturus oxyrinchus caught in Sardinian waters (central‐western Mediterranean Sea), was analysed with respect to fish total length (LT), season and depth, in order to provide information on diet and feeding behaviour. Specimens ranging from 93 to 1153 mm LT, were collected at depths between 121 and 671 m, during experimental trawl surveys carried out from 2005 to 2010. The diet comprised crustaceans [prey specific index of relative importance (%IPSRI) = 72·69], teleosts (%IPSRI = 10·28) and molluscs (%IPSRI = 10·94). Levins' index (Bi) showed a narrow niche breadth (Bi = 0·35). The mean ± s.e. trophic level (TL) was 3·63 ± 0·50. The analysis showed major ontogenetic changes in the feeding behaviour. Early life stages were characterized by a benthic diet, which changed to benthopelagic during growth. Mysids, particularly Lophogaster typicus (%IPSRI = 34·51), were the main prey items of immature individuals, replaced by euphausiids, mainly Meganyctiphanes norvegica (%IPSRI = 13·19), in maturing fish. Crustaceans became less important in mature specimens, being replaced by molluscs (%IPSRI = 28·99) and teleosts (%IPSRI = 24·56). A concomitant increase of the TL was recorded (mean ± s.e. = 3·41 ± 0·44, 3·75 ± 0·54 and 4·28 ± 0·61 for immature, maturing and mature individuals). These feeding patterns ensured low levels of intraspecific competition. This study provides new information about the role that the D. oxyrinchus plays in the marine food chain and data now essential to formulate new and effective management plans for this species.  相似文献   

The life‐history tactics of the stone loach Barbatula barbatula were studied in a Mediterranean‐type climate stream (Matarranya River) located in the Ebro River basin (north‐east Spain). Maximum observed ages were 2+ years in both sexes (1% of individuals), although only 0+ and 1+ year age groups were well represented. It is the lowest longevity reported for this species in its entire distribution. The seasonal growth period started in June and continued until November, but the pattern observed was different to northern populations. Barbatula barbatula in the Matarranya River was a multiple spawner, releasing small batches of oocytes between April and June. The fecundity of females was higher and the size of oocytes smaller in 1984 than in 1985. The relative fecundity (number of ripening and ripe oocytes g?1 of fish) was lower than in northern European populations. The role of the particular environmental conditions of a Mediterranean stream was discussed in relation to the life‐history tactics of B. barbatula.  相似文献   

In 1997, the Montreal Biodome obtained five barndoor skates (Dipturus laevis) from the waters off Boston, Massachusetts. Six years later, those specimens began reproducing, and the first egg case was collected in November 2003. Since then, 73 hatchlings have been born and raised. Egg cases were observed year round, and annual fecundity was measured for the first time: one female laid 69 eggs in 2005, 85 in 2006 and 115 in 2007. Egg incubation was longer than believed previously, ranging from 342 to 494 days. Hatching occurred throughout the year. Hatchlings averaged 193 mm total length and 128 mm disk width and weighed 32 g. They were fed krill and diced fish. All but one survived the first month. A photo identification system was useful in recognizing two groups of 10 specimens during their first year, and transponders could be inserted in the wing muscles of 1‐year‐old skates. Total lengths at birth and at age 2 were similar to the data reported from the wild, suggesting a similar growth pattern in captivity. The reproduction characteristics of the barndoor skate were compared with those of two other skate species currently bred at the Montreal Biodome, the winter skate (Leucoraja ocellata) and the thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata). Zoo Biol 27:145–153, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Epinephelus adscensionis sampled from Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean, exhibits distinct life‐history traits, including larger maximum size and size at sexual maturity than previous studies have demonstrated for this species in other locations. Otolith analysis yielded a maximum estimated age of 25 years, with calculated von Bertalanffy growth parameters of: L = 55·14, K = 0·19, t0 = ?0·88. Monthly gonad staging and analysis of gonad‐somatic index (IG) provide evidence for spawning from July to November with an IG peak in August (austral winter), during which time somatic growth is also suppressed. Observed patterns of sexual development were supportive of protogyny, although further work is needed to confirm this. Mean size at sexual maturity for females was 28·9 cm total length (LT; 95% C.I. 27·1–30·7 cm) and no females were found >12 years and 48·0 cm LT, whereas all confirmed males sampled were mature, >35·1 cm LT with an age range from 3 to 18 years. The modelled size at which 50% of individuals were male was 41·8 cm (95% C.I. 40·4–43·2 cm). As far as is known, this study represents the first comprehensive investigation into the growth and reproduction of E. adscensionis at its type locality of Ascension Island and suggests that the population may be affected less by fisheries than elsewhere in its range. Nevertheless, improved regulation of the recreational fishery and sustained monitoring of abundance, length frequencies and life‐history parameters are needed to inform long‐term management measures, which could include the creation of marine reserves, size or temporal catch limits and stricter export controls.  相似文献   

We studied the morphology and histology of the oviducal gland (OG) in the brown ray (Raja miraletus) and the long‐nosed skate (Dipturus oxyrinchus) to understand its functional role in the reproductive strategy of these species. The external morphology of the gland was similar in both species, with lateral extensions like those found in other members of the Rajidae. Microscopic analysis showed a similar internal organization in both species. Immature and developing glands did not react to histochemical techniques. On reaching maturity, the OG had the largest width due to an increase in the production of secretory materials. In both species, the club zone of the gland showed a strong reaction to Periodic acid‐Schiff (PAS) and alcian blue (AB) stains, indicating production of neutral and sulfated acid mucins. The secretory material produced by the papillary zone varied greatly between the two species. Both displayed tubular glands similar to those observed in the club zone, but in D. oxyrinchus the region near the lumen was intensely PAS+, whereas the last row of tubules of the brown ray stained intensely for a mixture of neutral and sulfated mucins. The baffle zone was the most conspicuous and extensive segment of all OGs, and it did not react to PAS/AB. The terminal zone, which is responsible for production of hair filaments, differed between the two species in terms of composition and organization of serous and mucous glands. This difference probably is related to the different substrates in which they release the egg capsules. Individual sperm detected in the brown ray baffle lamellae could be the result of a recent mating, whereas their presence in the deep recesses of the baffle and in the terminal zone of the long‐nosed skate might indicate sperm storage. J. Morphol. 276:1392–1403, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two Australian endemic elasmobranchs, the Argus skate Dipturus polyommata and the eastern spotted gummy shark Mustelus walkeri, were collected from the by‐catch of a prawn Melicertus plebejus trawl fishery off Queensland. Age and growth parameters were estimated from growth band counts in vertebral sections of 220 D. polyommata and 44 M. walkeri. Dipturus polyommata males and females had an observed maximum age of 10 years and reached maximum sizes of 369 and 371 mm total length (LT), respectively. Mustelus walkeri lived longer, with the oldest female aged 16 years and measuring 1050 mm stretched total length (LST), and oldest male aged 9 years and 805 mm LST. Dipturus polyommata grew relatively fast with a von Bertalanffy growth completion parameter of k = 0·208 year?1 with males reaching maturity at 4·0 years (c. 278 mm LT) and females at 5·1 years (c. 305 mm LT). Mustelus walkeri grew more slowly with k = 0·033 year?1 with males estimated to mature at 7–9 years (670–805 mm LST) and females at 10–14 years (833–1012 mm LST). Length at birth inferred from neonate D. polyommata was 89–111 mm LT while for M. walkeri it was estimated to be 273 LST based on the value of L0 from the von Bertalanffy growth model. Both species appeared to have continuous reproductive cycles and low fecundity with an average ovarian fecundity of eight follicles for D. polyommata and a litter size of five to seven pups for M. walkeri. Based on these life‐history traits, D. polyommata is more resilient to fishing pressure than M. walkeri.  相似文献   

This study investigated demographic structure and reproductive characteristics of the Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus, in relation to landing trends in the northern‐central Adriatic Sea. Results highlighted the occurrence of only small‐sized and young‐age individuals, and a marked decline from the 1990s to the present in maximum age (from 8 to 3 years) and total length (LT; from 420 to 360 mm). Fecundity ranged between 40 000 and 190 000 eggs, and was related to female LT. High levels of atresia implied lower values of actual fecundity. Sexual maturity was attained by 72·8% of individuals in their first year of life at 200 mm. The reduction in maximum LT resulted in a marked decline in the population egg production, while the reduction in maximum age implied that females participated in fewer spawning events.  相似文献   

Abstract. An international group of scientists is building a ‘trait base’, an open internet database of life‐history traits of the Northwest European flora (LEDA) that can be used as a tool in planning, in nature conservation and restoration, and in other applied research. The species‐trait matrix will comprise referenced information under control of an editorial board, for species of the Northwest European flora, combining existing information and additional measurements. The focus will be on 26 plant traits that describe three key features of plant dynamics: persistence, regeneration, and dispersability. Currently 35% of the species‐trait matrix has been filled; however, as the LEDA trait base consortium aims to deliver a database as complete as possible, all input from the scientific community is welcome.  相似文献   

The main life‐history traits of the dorado Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii, a large Amazonian catfish undertaking the largest migration known for a freshwater fish species (from the nursery area in the estuary of the Amazon to the breeding zones in the head waters of the western Amazon basin close to the Andes), were determined from a 5 year sampling of >15 000 specimens in the Peruvian Amazon. The breeding season occurred during the falling and low‐water periods, which is hypothesized to be an adaptation to maximize the chances of young stages to reach the estuary. The size at first sexual maturity was slightly larger for females than males, c. 91 and 83 cm standard length (LS), respectively. Both males and females reproduce for the first time at >3 years old. The fecundity per spawning event ranged from 481 734 to 1 045 284 oocytes for females weighing 25 and 34 kg, respectively. Seasonal variations of body condition were similar among sexes, but differed between immature specimens that had a higher condition during the low‐water period and lower condition during rising waters, and mature individuals that showed the opposite pattern. The growth characteristics were estimated by LS frequency analysis. For females, the best fitting models gave a mean birth date in August, during the height of the breeding cycle, with the following von Bertalanffy growth function parameters: LS∞ = 153·3, K = 0·29 and t0 =– 0·37 years. For males, the best fitting model gave a mean birth date in July, also during the height of the breeding period, with LS∞ = 142, K = 0·30 and t0 =– 0·36 years. At a given age, females were systematically larger than males and the size difference increased with age. The largest females sampled (148 cm LS) was 11 years old and the largest male (134 cm LS) was 9 years old. The mortality estimates were higher for males total (Z) = 1·34, natural (M) = 0·52 and fishing (F) = 0·82 than for females (Z = 0·98, M = 0·50, F = 0·48). The life‐history patterns of B. rousseauxii are discussed in light of the available knowledge about this species and the understanding of its complex life cycle.  相似文献   

This study provides information on the reproduction of spotback skate Atlantoraja castelnaui. A total of 232 individuals (119 females and 113 males) were obtained from surveys carried out between 2003 and 2006, from the south-west Atlantic Ocean, between 34 and 42° S and <50 m deep; another 514 specimens (241 females and 273 males) were obtained between 2005 and 2007 from commercial fishery operations carried out in the same area and landings in the port of Mar del Plata, Argentina. Males ranged from 185 to 1250 mm total length (L(T) ) and females from 243 to 1368 mm L(T) . Length at maturity was estimated to be 980 mm for males and 1089 mm L(T) for females. Lack of variation of testis mass together with the continuous production of mature spermatocyst and spermatozoa in deferent ducts suggested that males can reproduce throughout the year. Females reproduced year-round with peaks of reproductive activity an integral part of a continuous cycle. This conclusion is corroborated by the seasonal variation of ovaries, oviducal gland and the occurrence of females with eggs in the uterus throughout the year. Results from this study indicate that A. castelnaui is very susceptible to fishery pressure.  相似文献   

The sun coral Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 (Dendrophylliidae) is a widely distributed shallow‐water scleractinian that has extended its range to non‐native habitats in recent decades. With its rapid spread, this coral is now one of the main invasive species in Brazil. Its high invasive capability is related to opportunistic characteristics, including several reproductive strategies that have allowed it to disperse rapidly and widely. To better understand the reproductive biology of T. coccinea and aid in developing management strategies for invaded areas, we investigated aspects of its reproductive performance and life cycle, including the effects of colony size, seawater temperature and salinity, and lunar periodicity on offspring production and larval metamorphosis competence. A total of 18,139 offspring were released in different developmental stages, mainly from the larger colonies, which also produced larvae with longer competence periods. The main reproductive peak occurred during the First Quarter and New Moon phases and was highest in water temperatures around 26°C. Together, these results help to explain the rapid expansion of T. coccinea into non‐native habitats such as the Caribbean and southwestern Atlantic, and will inform actions of the recent Brazilian National Plan for the prevention, eradication, control, and monitoring of sun corals.  相似文献   

Cattle sucking lice, Linognathus vituli (L.) (Phthiraptera: Linognathidae), were obtained from naturally infected cattle and maintained within ‘arenas’ affixed to the backs of cattle confined in controlled environment chambers maintained at a constant temperature of 15 °C. Temperatures measured within the arenas at an ambient temperature of 15 °C were constant at about 34 °C and only slightly above the temperature on nearby skin. The effect of temperature on egg development was determined using a gradient of temperatures between 25 °C and 41 °C. Eggs did not develop at temperatures of < 26 °C or > 39 °C. Survival of eggs was highest at temperatures of 30 °C and 35 °C. The earliest hatch was observed at 5 days post‐oviposition (at 33–35 °C). Development was extended to as long as 13 days at the lower temperatures. Kaplan–Meier survival probabilities were compared for lice kept at two densities in the arenas and showed there to be no effect of density on louse survival. Similarly, the mean number of eggs/louse/day over an 8‐day period was not influenced by louse density.  相似文献   

Life history traits and migratory status of the Sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus were investigated in a brackish lagoon of the Rhône river Delta (Mediterranean Sea, south of France).  相似文献   

Synopsis We determined age and growth, size at maturity, and fecundity for cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonasus, collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Vertebral age estimates ranged from 0+ to 18+ years for females and 0+ to 16+ years for males. Annual deposition of growth increments was verified with marginal increment analysis. Likelihood ratio tests indicated that the growth of the cownose ray was best described by a combined sexes Gompertz model. Median size at 50% maturity was determined to be 642 mm DW for males and 653 mm DW for females, or 4–5 years of age. Median pup size-at-birth was estimated to be 350 mm DW, with a gestation period of 11–12 months. In all cases, gravid females contained only one pup. Statistically significant differences were detected between growth curves for the Gulf of Mexico and the western Atlantic Ocean. Cownose rays in the Gulf of Mexico had lower estimates of DW and K, and a higher theoretical longevity than their conspecifics in the western Atlantic Ocean. Cownose rays in the Gulf of Mexico also attain maturity at a smaller size and earlier age than their counterparts in the western Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Flatfishes are poorly represented in published literature regarding life‐history strategies, as opposed to some other taxonomic groups of teleost fish. The present work constitutes an integrated approach to life‐history traits of the Order Pleuronectiformes occurring in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Data was exhaustively collected for several species of the families Scophthalmidae, Pleuronectidae, Bothidae and Soleidae, namely life‐history parameters from the von Bertalanffy growth model (L and k), absolute fecundity and size at maturity (Lm), as well as ecological and environmental data, with regard to the species and their area of occurrence. An inter‐specific ordination analysis based on life‐history parameters and environmental factors revealed distinct patterns of life‐history strategies, not necessarily grouped by phylogenetic affinities. Species with a more northern range of distribution were distinguishable from those with southern affinities by showing larger sizes, lower growth rates, earlier spawning, shorter spawning periods and higher fecundity. Possible environmental causes for these traits are discussed. Intra‐specific analyses were also performed and were generally in agreement with other authors, yet some disagreement was found for the inter‐specific analysis.  相似文献   

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