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Age and growth of the black seabream Acanthopagrus schlegelii (family Sparidae) from the northern South China Sea (NSCS) were studied by reading growth rings in sectioned sagittal otoliths. Ring formation frequency was determined to be annual by using marginal increment analysis. The von Bertalanffy growth function parameters were estimated as: L = 43.7 cm LS; K =0.22 year; t0 = ?1.59 years. Functional males are significantly younger than functional females, with sexually transitional individuals between the modal ages of males and females supporting protandry in this species. Males become sexually mature within 1 year and 50% age at sex change is at 2 years. The maximum age recorded for both males and females sampled was 9 years which is lower than for conspecifics elsewhere and may reflect high fishing pressure in the study area when compared with conspecifics in other areas or could reflect latitudinal effects. Otolith mass was significantly and positively related to age, providing a cheap and quick alternative method for approximating age. Acanthopagrus schlegelii is a relatively fast‐growing and rapidly maturing species attaining a similar asymptotic length to conspecifics. A need for fishery management is indicated to protect both young juveniles and older adults, especially females, to increase reproductive output and safeguard fishery production.  相似文献   

The life history of Dules auriga, a small hermaphrodite serranid species inhabiting deep waters and a frequent component of the discarded catch of bottom trawling in southern Brazil, was studied to assess the fishery effects on the stock through the estimation of the remaining spawning‐potential ratio. Sampling was conducted throughout a year and included specimens to determine sex, maturity and age. Age was validated by the edge type and marginal‐increment analysis. The oldest and the largest individuals were 9 years and 195 mm total length. Growth parameters fitted to the von Bertalanffy equation were L = 178·34 mm, k = 0·641 year?1 and t0 = ?0·341 years. Length and age at first maturity were 140·72 mm and 2 years, respectively. The reproductive season was throughout the austral spring and summer. The assessment of the effects of fishing showed that it may have resulted in a loss of 50% of the spawning potential. This loss may be higher when taking into account the uncertainty in the life‐history parameters and could be considered of concern for the population. Fast growth, moderate longevity, long spawning season, small size and age at maturity make D. auriga relatively resilient to the removal of biomass by fishing. When considering the uncertainty, however, the losses of the spawning potential have been severely reducing the population resilience in the face of ecosystem changes.  相似文献   

Using an extensive database compiled by scientific observers aboard commercial fishing operations between 1984 and 2014, we describe the maturity and size structures of white warehou Seriolella caerulea and silver warehou Seriolella punctata from by-catch of the trawling industrial fisheries operating in the austral zone off Chile. Macroscopic maturity stages and gonadosomatic (IGS) index show mature females throughout the year and a pronounced spawning period in both austral autumn and winter seasons, with an IGS peak in July for S. punctata and August for S. caerulea. Reproductive patterns in both species show an extended spawning season (July to September) across the area between 43 and 47° S. Length–mass relationships showed significant differences between sexes in both species, where females reach a larger size. Fork length at 50% maturity was 43.5 cm for S. caerulea and 37.2 cm for S. punctata. Female catch composition is dominated by adult fish (96% for S. caerulea and 86% for S. punctata). Currently, both species are exploited with no assessment and management-decision framework. Therefore, information regarding reproductive biology and demographic traits becomes an important baseline to ensure adequate fisheries management for both species.  相似文献   

This study investigates the typical East African multispecies fishery of Chwaka Bay (Zanzibar) by assessing growth, mortality, exploitation and stock size of six key target species of the fishery. Analyses are based on monthly length–frequency data collected from January to June and September to December in 2014 from the three main landing sites surrounding the bay. Estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters using the ELEFAN I routine as implemented in FiSAT II varied among species from 27.6 to 64.4 cm (L) and 0.24 to 0.8 per year (K). Current exploitation rates compared to biological reference points calculated from yield‐per‐recruit analysis for five of the six key species indicate that Siganus sutor, Lethrinus borbonicus and Lethrinus lentjan are harvested beyond maximum sustainable levels (Emax). While juvenile retention rates of these three species are >80% and current Lc‐values are lower than Lopt, fishing mortalities for Siganus sutor and Lethrinus borbonicus are highest for specimens above length at first maturity. Two management measures are discussed: (i) an increase in mesh size; and (ii) closure of the destructive dragnet fishery. The first option seems feasible only if the radius of the fishery were increased to capture larger specimens outside the shallow bay area. The second option would leave approximately 550 fishermen unemployed. Reallocating dragnet fishing effort to other gears would lead to a substantial increase in the number of boats, which might create use conflicts over the limited fishing area. The general status of the fishery in Chwaka Bay is considered as representing a ‘full exploitation to over‐exploitation scenario’, with no scope for expansion.  相似文献   

This study examined the spatio‐temporal reproductive patterns, population structure, maturity and growth of Acanthopagrus hybrid complexes, which comprise mainly black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri and the hybrids they form with yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis, in two Australian estuaries (Coila and Brou Lakes, NSW). There were no differences between pure A. butcheri and hybrids in terms of their population structure, growth and maturity, suggesting that these two breeds have similar life histories and may therefore be managed as single, naturally cohesive units. Sexual variation in size structure was only observed for the complex in Coila Lake. Although there was significant variation in age structure between estuaries, both complexes exhibited dominance of only a few year classes indicating episodic recruitment and high fishing mortality. Acanthopagrus eggs occurred in higher numbers within upstream creek habitats compared to lake habitats, thereby highlighting the need to protect these spawning habitats. Although maturity in the complexes was not influenced by gender or estuary, differences in growth were detected between the genders and estuaries.  相似文献   

Threadfin porgy Evynnis cardinalis is both a dominant fish species and an important fishing target in bottom trawl fisheries in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. It was listed as endangered (EN) in a recent International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list. Despite its economic importance and endangered status, limited research on its biological characteristics and spatial–temporal distribution has been undertaken this last decade, creating uncertainty in current conservation and management. We analyse this species' spatial distribution characteristics using data from four seasonal bottom trawl surveys in 2014–2015, and report average catch per unit effort to vary seasonally, from 49.1 to 594.5 ind h−1. Growth, mortality and sexual maturity are reported for four time periods based on data from bottom trawl fishery surveys over 1961–1962, 1998–1999, 2006, and 2014–2015. Length frequency distributions changed from bimodal to unimodal, and the female-to-male ratio increased. Mean body length and length at first maturity decreased, whereas the growth coefficient increased, indicating miniaturization, early sexual maturity and accelerated growth, respectively. We report sparid catch to have first exceeded maximum sustainable yield in 2001, and to have remained overfished from 2010 to 2015. Since the 1980s, low-trophic-level fishes such as E. cardinalis have replaced high-trophic-level fishes such as Crimson snapper Lutjanus erythropterus to become dominant species. As catches have increased substantially, these species have been faced with overfishing, driving the ecosystem into an unstable state.  相似文献   

For two protogynous hermaphrodite fish species, the performance of visual gonad analysis techniques was evaluated to determine when the use of macroscopic methods was sufficient and when microscopic techniques were necessary. Simple macroscopic gonad analysis was found to be a powerful tool for distinguishing sex and whether or not females were spawning capable or ripe for black sea bass Centropristis striata (n = 1443) and red porgy Pagrus pagrus (n = 980), often producing results that were in close agreement with more complex and expensive microscopic techniques. Estimates of key reproductive variables, such as size‐dependent sex‐change ogives, spawning season duration, spawning fraction and batch number, were also very similar or equal between methods. Apparent seasonal spawning activity was also predicted similarly by each method and the patterns were highly correlated with seasonal patterns in gonado‐somatic indices. In contrast, distinguishing between immature females and those that were mature, but inactive, proved difficult when using macroscopic methods and, in these cases, predictions often differed from those produced microscopically. In turn, maturity ogives differed significantly between methods for C. striata (maturity ogives could not be generated for P. pagrus as nearly all fish encountered were mature). Agreement rates among male phases were also very low. Macroscopic methods were able to identify signs of sex transition in very advanced specimens, but early signs were only evident microscopically. While much more detail is visible microscopically, here several population‐scale parameters important for fisheries management were estimated equally well with the unaided eye for C. striata and P. pagrus. For comprehensive, fishery‐independent surveys and long‐term research programmes in particular, determining when microscopic techniques are and are not necessary can greatly improve efficiency and reduce costs without compromising data quality.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Metapenaeus dobsoni, the most abundant species caught in coastal trawls off Sri Lanka, was studied from samples collected from two main fishing grounds during January 2009 to April 2010. This information is important for developing scientifically sound management measures, as current management is based only on artisanal knowledge. Data obtained included sex ratios, fecundity, gonadosomatic index (%GSI), and morphometric characters with respect to maturity. Size at 50% sexual maturity (L 50m) and size at 50% insemination (L 50in) were estimated for females. In males, L 50m was determined based on the presence of spermatophores in the terminal ampoule. Synchronous seasonal gametogenesis with some asynchrony among individuals was found. Impregnated females were found throughout the year. The GSI and histological examination suggested a prolonged spawning season in M. dobsoni, reaching peaks in August–January and March. Sex ratio, defined as the proportion of females to the total, increased steadily in size beyond 2.35?cm carapace length (CL) and reached 100% at sizes >3.8?cm CL. Estimated population parameters of the species will be important for the sustainable management of this resource.  相似文献   

The greyfin croaker Pennahia anea is one of the most common croakers currently on retail sale in Hong Kong, but there are no regional studies on its biology or fishery. The reproductive biology of the species, based on 464 individuals obtained from local wet markets, was studied over 16 months (January 2008–April 2009) using gonadosomatic index (GSI) and gonad histology. Sizes used in this study ranged from 8.0 to 19.0 cm in standard length (SL). Both the larger and smaller size classes were missing from samples, implying that they are infrequently caught in the fishery. Based on GSI data, the approximate minimum sizes for male and female maturation were 12 cm SL. The size at 50% maturity for females was 14.3 cm SL, while all males in the samples were mature. Both GSI and gonad histology suggest that spawning activity occurred from March–April to June, with a peak in May. Since large croakers are declining in the local and regional fisheries, small species such as P. anea are becoming important, although they are mostly taken as bycatch. In view of unmanaged fishing pressure, and given the decline in large croakers and sizes of P. anea presently caught, proper management of the species is suggested.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to estimate the age, growth, mortality and population structure of silver croaker Pennahia argentata (Houttuyn, 1782) and red bigeye Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier, 1829 and to explore the factors causing the fluctuation of the fish populations and the ecological parameters. The two species were randomly sampled, with 80~120 individuals of each species captured every month from a single trawler fishery (mesh size 250 mm), March to November 2006, in the north‐central Taiwan Strait. A total of 994 speciments of silver croaker and 851 speciments of red bigeye were collected. Compared with previous studies, the mean length and weight, mean age, the minimum size at first sexual maturity, the asymptotic length (L) and weight (W) of the two species has decreased in recent decades, indicating that the populations were younger, smaller and earlier in sexual maturity. Meanwhile, the growth coefficient (K) increased, the mortality coefficients (Z, F, M) were higher, and the exploitation rate (E) indicated overfishing. Fishing is a key driving force that can cause abundant fluctuations and changes in ecological characteristics in these two demersal fishes in this area. Accordingly, the traditional fishery management approach, such as the reduction in fishing effort, coupled with the Ecosystem‐based Fishery Management (EBFM) should be implemented to achieve sustainable demersal fisheries.  相似文献   

孙鹏  凌建忠  张辉  唐保军  姜亚洲 《生态学报》2021,41(3):1221-1228
选取象山港黑鲷个体为研究对象,以18S rDNA为靶标,利用Illumina Miseq高通量测序方法研究黑鲷饵料生物组成特征,分析不同龄组黑鲷的食性异同。通过序列比对,共在黑鲷胃含物中鉴定出41个属中的62种饵料生物,分属9个门,其中节肢动物门(Arthropoda)、绿藻门(Chlorophyta)和软体动物门(Mollusca)是黑鲷饵料生物的优势组成门类。从饵料生物相对丰度和出现频率上分析,石莼(Ulva lactuca)、熊本牡蛎(Crassostrea sikamea)、胸刺水蚤(Centropages hamatus)、日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)、毛蚶(Scapharca subcrenata)和褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)是黑鲷的优势饵料物种,所占饵料生物总相对丰度的比重达60.90%。相似性分析检验(ANOSIM)结果显示:1至4龄黑鲷个体的饵料生物组成不存在显著性差异。与传统食性分析方法相比,高通量测序法在黑鲷饵料生物检测灵敏性上显现了较为明显的优势,保障黑鲷等重要物种的种群稳定对于该海域具有重要的生态和经济意义。  相似文献   

The siganid production in the Philippines is continuously declining from 2007 up to present. In Palompon, Leyte, annual yield of siganids, particularly Siganus canaliculatus (Park, 1797) also showed a decreasing trend of total production. This is consistent that this stock is under heavy pressure, and when left unmanaged, this could lead to further overexploitation and the collapse of the stock in the long run. Regardless of this, detailed reproductive biology and potential of this species are very few in the Philippines. Therefore, this study was conducted to provide information on the reproductive biology and breeding cycle of S. canaliculatus in Palompon, Leyte where fishing pressure is high and sound management formulation is necessary. S. canaliculatus is a group‐synchronous, multiple spawners with skewed sex ratio where males predominates over females. Maturity stages based on macroscopic examinations identified four maturity stages (immature, developing, mature and spent) while six maturity stages (immature, developing, mature, spawning, spent and re‐developing) were identified through histological analysis. A single ovo‐testis was identified among the 669 specimens examined. Based on histological sections, the smallest size of mature male was 5.5 cm standard length, and the smallest mature female was 7.1 cm standard length. On the other hand, length at first maturity for mature fish were 8.1 cm standard length for males and 9.7 cm standard length for females. Two defined peaks of gonadosomatic index were identified in both sexes: a major peak from February to May and a minor protracted one from July to December. Mature and older ovaries and testes occurred throughout the year, an indication of your round breeding season of S. canaliculatus in Palompon. Implementing a fishing ban during the major and the minor breeding spawning peaks would allow the mature and older individuals to contribute first to the population; allowing the continuity of the stock.  相似文献   

Deep‐water fish in the tropical and sub‐tropical Pacific Ocean have supported important fisheries for many generations. Observations of localised depletions in some fisheries have raised concerns about the sustainability of current fishing rates. However, quantitative assessments of deep‐water stocks in the Pacific region have been limited by the lack of adequate biological and fisheries data. Estimates are provided of age‐based demographic parameters for two important deep‐water snapper species in the Pacific, Etelis carbunculus and E. coruscans. A spawner biomass‐per‐recruit (SPR) model was applied to determine fishing mortality rates for each species that would achieve specified biological targets (40% unexploited levels, SPR40) and limit (30% unexploited levels, SPR30) reference points, and examine the sensitivity of the model to variation in natural mortality and age at first capture. The maximum observed age, based on increment counts from sectioned otoliths, was 21 years for E. carbunculus and 18 years for E. coruscans. Total mortality (Z), estimated from the Hoenig regression, was 0.21 year?1 for E. carbunculus and 0.25 year?1 for E. coruscans. The best approximating growth models were the von Bertalanffy model (L = 896 mm fork length, = 0.28, t0 = 0.51) for E. carbunculus and the logistic model (L = 879 mm fork length, = 0.32 year?1, t0 = 3.42) for E. coruscans. The spawner biomass‐per‐recruit analysis demonstrated that lower rates of fishing mortality were required for E. coruscans than for E. carbunculus to maintain spawning biomass above estimated biological reference points. Estimates of spawner biomass‐per‐recruit were more sensitive to variation in natural mortality than in the age at first capture, suggesting that regulating fishing mortality rather than gear selectivity would be a more effective management measure for both species. Maintaining fishing mortality <0.1 for both species is recommended as a cautious approach to management, given the uncertainty in estimates of natural mortality and mixed fishery considerations.  相似文献   

This research investigated the reproductive biology (sex ratio, hermaphroditic pattern, size and age at maturity) of Cephalopholis argus, known locally in Hawaii by its Tahitian name roi. The results suggest that C. argus exhibits monandric protogyny (female gonad differentiation with female to male sex change) with females reaching sexual maturity at 1.2 years (95% c.i .: 0.6, 1.6) and 20.0 cm total length (LT; 95% c.i .: 19.6, 21.2). The female to male sex ratio was 3.9:1. The average age and LT at sex change was 11.5 years (95% c.i .: 11.1, 12.9) and 39.9 cm (95% c.i .: 39.5, 41.2), respectively. Current information on spawning seasonality of this species is incomplete, but based on the occurrence of spawning capable and actively spawning females, spawning probably takes place from May to October. Evidence of lunar spawning periodicity was found, with an increased proportion of spawning capable and actively spawning females, and an increased female gonado‐somatic index during first quarter and full‐moon phases. This information fills a valuable information gap in Hawaii and across the species' native range.  相似文献   

The age, growth, mortality, reproduction and resource status of Siganus canaliculatus in the southern Arabian Gulf were investigated using a combination of size frequency, biological and size‐at‐age data. Defined structural increments consisting of alternating translucent and opaque bands in transverse sections of sagittal otoliths were validated as annuli. The maximum absolute age estimate was 7.8 years. Parameter values of the von Bertalanffy growth function fit to size‐at‐age data (males and females combined) were: k = 1.0, L = 24.8 cm (LF), to = −0.1 years. Fish in spawning condition were only observed between April and July although patterns in gonadosomatic indices suggested a second but less well defined spawning event in November. The mean sizes and ages at first sexual maturity were 21.5 cm LF (1.9 years) for males and 25.7 cm LF (2.1 years) for females. Fish were fully recruited to the fishery at a size (L100 = 19.7 cm LF) that was smaller than the sizes at which sexual maturity was attained. The annual instantaneous rate of fishing mortality (F = 0.85 year−1) (0.26–1.44 year−1 95% CI) was considerably greater than the target (Fopt = 0.33 year−1) and limit (Flimit = 0.44 year−1) biological reference points, indicating that the stock is overexploited.  相似文献   

This study investigated maturation and spawning of Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in the Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HIMI) fishery on the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean based on gonads and otoliths collected between 2004 and 2015 and using histological analyses and calibration of macroscopic staging criteria. Dissostichus eleginoides at HIMI spawn throughout the austral late autumn and winter months of May–August and spawning activity is concentrated on slopes along the west and south of the plateau around HIMI at depths of 1500–1900 m. Comparison between histological analyses and macroscopic gonad staging indicated that many fish that had spawned, as indicated by the presence of post‐ovulatory follicles, returned to a resting stage which was macroscopically indistinguishable from maturing fish. Furthermore, the occurrence of females of all size classes with low gonado‐somatic index and low macroscopic gonad stage during the spawning season suggested that a proportion of mature females did not spawn every year. Age‐at‐maturity estimates, based on the assumption that fish of macroscopic stages ≥2 were mature, decreased between the 2004–2009 and 2010–2015 periods for both sexes. The magnitude of this temporal variation in age at maturity, however, varied between gear types and fishing depths and variable sampling regimes probably influenced these variations. This study highlights the importance of correct interpretation of macroscopic gonad stages and understanding the influence of fishery operations on estimations of life‐history parameters.  相似文献   

Detailed macroscopic and histological studies of the gonads of a full size and age range of Acanthopagrus latus from each season in Shark Bay, Western Australia, demonstrate that this species is a protandrous hermaphrodite in this large subtropical embayment. Although our scheme for the changes that occur in the ovotestes of A. latus during life is not consistent with some of the conclusions drawn for this species elsewhere, it is similar to that of Pollock (1985 J. Fish. Biol. 26: 301–311) for the congeneric Acanthopagrus australis. The ovotestes of males develop from gonads which contain substantial amounts of both testicular and ovarian tissue. The testicular component of the ovotestes of all males regresses markedly after spawning. During the next spawning season, the ovotestes either become gonads in which the testicular zone again predominates and contains spermatids and spermatozoa (functional males), or gonads in which the ovarian zone now predominates and contains mature oocytes (functional females). Once a fish has become a functional female, it remains a female throughout the rest of its life. In Shark Bay, A. latustypically spawns on a limited number of occasions during a short period in late winter and early spring and has determinate fecundity. The mean potential annual fecundity was ca. 2000000. The total length of 245mm, at which, during the spawning period, 50% of A. latus become identifiable as males, is very similar to the current minimum legal length (MLL) of 250mm, which corresponds to an age of ca. 2.5 years less than that at which 50% of males become females. Thus, although the spawning potential ratio suggests that the present fishing pressure is sustainable, the current MLL should be reviewed if recreational fishing pressure continues to increase.  相似文献   

The population dynamics parameters of Diplodus annularis from the eastern middle Adriatic Sea were studied. Total lengths of 1704 specimens ranging from 3.3 to 23.0 cm were obtained from commercial and fishery‐independent catches (2000–2002). The species spawns from April through the end of August, with a peak in May. Overall male to female ratio was 1.00 : 1.05. The species is a rudimentary hermaphrodite in the Adriatic Sea. Total lengths (TL) at 50% maturity were 9.0 cm for males and 10.0 cm for females. These estimated sizes were smaller than the minimum legal landing size (MLS = 15 cm) and greater than the actual minimum landing size (Lc = 7.1 cm) for the bottom trawl net. All specimens sampled were fully mature above 13 cm TL. The oldest individual was 13 years old. Length–weight relationship showed close to isometric growth (b = 3.073). Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were: L = 23.95 cm; K = 0.126 per year; t0 = −1.664 year; r2 = 0.896. The low value of total mortality (Z = 0.72) was a consequence of the relatively low rate of natural mortality (M = 0.39) and fishing mortality (F = 0.33). The exploitation ratio was E = 0.46. Estimated parameters and the relative yield‐per‐recruit analysis did not indicate any overexploitation of the species in the study area. However, the estimates include uncertainties and require further confirmation, especially of the natural mortality.  相似文献   

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