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Scarlet Macaw diet was determined during the breeding season of February–June 1998. Macaws were primarily granivorous, exhibiting a narrow diet during the dry season, with low variety of food items in adult and nestling diets. Seeds of Cnidoscolus spp. and Schizolobium parahybum, tree species characteristic of floodplain forest, were predominant in nestling diets, and may provide protein‐rich food resources. River floodplains provided important nest sites and food resources for Scarlet Macaws during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Reproductive ecology, population structure, and diets of three common livebearing poeciliid fishes (Alfaro cultratus, Phallichthys amates, Poecilia gilli) from rainforest streams in Costa Rica were investigated over ten continuous months. The region experiences little annual temperature variation, and although monthly rainfall is continuous each year, two brief dry seasons typically occur. Monthly changes in indices of ovarian condition, percentages of females with developing embryos, and population size structure revealed that reproductive output by females of all three species varied seasonally. Based on testicular condition, males were reproductively active year-round, however the mean gonadal index for males of two algivorous species showed low levels of seasonal cycling that largely coincided with female variation in reproductive effort. All three species had seasonal differences in the female size-brood size relationship, whereby larger females tended to carry more embryos during the wet season. Several important adult and neonate food resources are more available in the flooded forest during the wet season, which is also the period when conspecifics and predators are at their lowest per-area densities. Three hypotheses are discussed: (1) brood size in relation to conspecific density-mating frequency, (2) reproductive allocation in response to variation in adult food resources, and (3) selection for greater reproductive effort during conditions optimal for juvenile growth and survival. Data for Alfaro were consistent with the latter two hypotheses. In Phallichthys and Poecilia, diets were poorer during wet seasons, indicating that reproductive effort does not coincide with availability of adult food resources, and that selection probably favors greater reproductive effort during periods optimal for juvenile growth and survival.  相似文献   

The diet and food resource partitioning of three sympatric hornbills (Great Hornbill Buceros bicornis, Wreathed Hornbill Aceros undulatus, and Oriental Pied Hornbill Anthracoceros albirostris) during the nonbreeding season were studied relative to fruit availability in a foothill semievergreen forest of Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India. Hornbills fed on fruits of 49 plant species that comprised over 95 percent of their diet. Hornbill species partitioned food resources by varying the relative contribution of figs and non‐fig fruits in the diet. Similarity in non‐fig fruit diet was low. Ten species contributed to over 90 percent of the non‐fig diet. The availability of non‐fig fruits was much lower in the nonbreeding season than in the breeding season; however, despite lower fruit availability during the nonbreeding season, hornbills had a wide diet breadth and indirect evidence suggests that Wreathed Hornbills foraged widely in this season for fruit. Great Hornbills relied more on figs that were available year‐round. The diverse diet breadth that included rare and patchy fruit resources underscores the importance of conserving large forest tracts for hornbills.  相似文献   

A. Prejs  K. Prejs 《Oecologia》1987,71(3):397-404
Summary Food resources in the environment and in the diets of small fish inhabiting two water bodies in a tropical savanna were studied during both wet and dry seasons. During the wet season (high water, abundant food) most fish species in both habitats fed predominantly on vegetation-dwelling invertebrates. Most fish species switched to alternative foods (algae and detritus) following the drastic decline in invertebrate food available towards the end of the dry season. In one habitat, this change in diet was accompanied by an increase in the volume of food intake. In the second habitat, only two larger species foraged intensively, while smaller species showed low food intake or almost ceased feeding. These differences may be explained by the high risk of predation for small fish in the second habitat. Dietary overlaps among fish species were high at the end of the dry season and moderate in the wet season. However, critical analysis of such factors as food abundance, the size and number of shared prey, and diet breadth showed that all significant overlaps were ecologically unimportant i.e. there was only weak competition for food.  相似文献   

Foraging theory predicts that generalist foragers should switch resources more readily, while specialist foragers should remain constant to preferred food resources. Plant‐pollinator interactions provide a convenient system to test such predictions because floral resources are often temporally patchy, thus requiring long‐lived pollinators to switch resources seasonally. Furthermore, flowering phenologies range from ‘steady‐state’ (low‐rewarding but highly reliable) to ‘big‐bang’ (high‐rewarding but ephemeral) plant species. We assessed how nectarivorous Old World bats respond to this temporally variable floral environment by examining their diets throughout the year. Over 15 months of fieldwork in southern Thailand, we simultaneously: (1) recorded the flowering phenologies of six bat‐pollinated plant taxa; and (2) assessed the diets of seven common flower‐visiting bat species. As predicted, the generalist nectarivore (Eonycteris spelaea) frequently switched diets and utilized both big‐bang and steady‐state resources, while the specialist nectarivores (Macroglossus minimus and M. sobrinus) foraged on one or two steady‐state plant species year‐round. Our results suggest that larger and faster bat species are able to fly longer distances in search of big‐bang resources, while smaller bat species rely on highly predictable food resources. This study supports the theory that generalist foragers have flexible diets, while specialist species restrict foraging to preferred floral resources even when other floral resources are more abundant. Moreover, these findings demonstrate how plant flowering phenology and pollinator diet breadth can shape the frequency and constancy of pollinator visits; we further discuss how such interactions can influence the potential extent of gene flow within a patchy floral environment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Resource partitioning and the seasonal patterns of food intake of four characids (Astyanax fasciatus, A. bimaculatus, A. schubarti and Cheirodon stenodon) were studied during 1988 in a floodplain lake of Mogi-Guaçú River, Sao Paulo State. For interspecific comparisons, data of the previously studied Moenkhausia intermedia have also been used. A. fasciatus and A. bimaculatus can be considered omnivorous species, while A. schubarti and C. stenodon are predominantly herbivorous. The river flood cycle (following the wet season October-March and dry season April-September) seems to influence both seasonal food intake and food overlap between species. February-March and September-October are probably the months of highest food availability, and the months preceding these periods have the lowest resource amount. Our study shows that both omnivorous and herbivorous species modified the intensity of their interactions according to this cycle. Omnivorous species maintained fairly segregated diets when resources were presumably limited, and showed a rapid change from distinct food niches in the dry season to widely overlapping ones when resources were presumably more abundant. Conversely, the herbivorous species showed higher overlap during the dry season. Acute cyclic changes in the environment, as observed in this study, suggest the necessity of small interval sampling in food partitioning studies in tropical freshwater floodplains, in order to understand how species interact and cope with changes in food availability.  相似文献   

The diets of slender snipefish Macroramphosus gracilis, longspine snipefish Macroramphosus scolopax and boarfish Capros aper, three very abundant species on the Portuguese coast, were studied from samples collected between July 2002 and April 2003. Variations in the diet with fish size, season and area, as well as diet overlap and diversity, are explored in this study. The diets of slender snipefish and boarfish were mainly composed of copepods, with the main prey being Temora spp. and Calanus spp., respectively. Mysid shrimps were the most important food item in the diet of longspine snipefish. During the summer season, when the availability of different prey items was highest, the two species of snipefish and the boarfish fed on different prey. Temora spp. were the most important prey in the stomachs of slender snipefish in the summer on the south‐west coast, while Calanus spp. started appearing in the stomachs of boarfish in the spring in the north, increasing their abundance in the summer on the south and south‐west coasts. The abundance of mysids appeared to increase in the autumn on the south‐west coast, being at that time an important food item for both longspine snipefish and boarfish. For slender snipefish and boarfish, the differences in stomach species diversity were explained firstly by the season and then by the area and fish size. For longspine snipefish, the area did not explain the species diversity variability, season being the first variable determining the differences. Of all three species, slender snipefish was the one with highest diversity of stomach contents, particularly in spring and summer on the north and south‐west coasts. Diet overlap between species was very low. No predation on eggs and larval stages of fishes was found for any of these fish species. This work is the first to address the diets of snipefish species and boarfish in the south‐east North Atlantic, in a large spatio‐temporal coverage. These species are important prey for many commercial species on the Portuguese coast and, given their abundance, may have a great impact on zooplankton communities, thus assuming a pivotal position in marine food webs.  相似文献   

The rock fowl is an endangered species and its food and feeding ecology was studied in the forest zone of Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria. The methods used were direct observation, and fragmentation analysis of faecal and crop content of samples collected during both the wet and dry seasons. The results showed that rock fowl feed on a wide range of species of insects, fruits and flower buds. In the wet season, animal resources represented 54 and 62% of the adult and chick diet, respectively, whereas in the dry season, animal food resources represented about 60% of both adult and the chick diets. There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in the food composition of the birds between the dry and wet seasons. There was also a significant (P < 0.05) difference in food preference between adults and chicks. Food sharing was not common, although it was observed between rock fowl cockerels and hens. Food search and selection indices were directly related to season and food availability. It was concluded that food scarcity may not be a serious contributory factor in the threat to the rock fowl.  相似文献   

East Dongting Lake is a Ramsar site and a particularly important wintering ground for herbivorous geese along the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway. The operation of the Three Gorges Dam has changed the water regime and has a significant impact on wetland ecosystems downstream. We studied the responses of two sympatric herbivorous goose species, the Lesser white‐fronted goose Anser erythropus and Bean goose Anser fabalis, to habitat change by investigating their food conditions, habitat selection, and diet composition in the wintering periods of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, which had early and late water recession, respectively. It was expected that the contrasting water regimes would result in different food conditions and geese responses. The results showed that the food quality and quantity differed significantly between winters. As responses to the high‐quantity/low‐quality food during 2016/2017, more geese switched to feeding on mudflat and exploited plants such as dicotyledons and moss. The tall swards of Carex spp. (dominant plants in the meadow) that developed during the first growing season decreased the food accessibility during the second growing season and hindered the exploitation of newly generated shoots by the geese, which was further confirmed by our clipping control experiment. Nearly all the geese chose to feed on meadow, and Carex spp. made up the majority of their diet in 2017/2018 when there was more low‐quantity/high‐quality food. Compared with the globally vulnerable Lesser white‐fronted geese, the larger‐sized Bean geese seemed to be less susceptible to winter food shortages and exhibited more stable responses. We concluded that the food quality–quantity condition was the external factor influencing the geese responses, while morphological and physiological traits could be the internal factors causing different responses between the two species. This study enhanced the understanding of the influence that habitat change exerts on herbivorous geese in their wintering site in the context of the Three Gorges Dam operation. We suggested that regulating hydrological regime was important in terms of wetland management and species conservation.  相似文献   

We identified species‐ and community‐level dietary characteristics for a species‐rich Amazonian parrot assemblage to determine relationships among dietary metrics and use of geophagy sites. Previous studies suggest that soil is consumed at geophagy sites in this region mainly to supplement dietary sodium. We accumulated 1400 feeding records for 16 parrot species over 2 yr and found that seeds, flowers, and fruit pulp featured prominently in diets, while bark, insects, and lichen were consumed in small quantities. Food availability across 1819 trees was measured, and we found that flower availability was highest in the dry season and fruit production peaked in the wet season, but that phenology patterns of the 20 most commonly foraged plant species suggest no serious food bottlenecks. Partitioning of available food resources among the 13 most commonly encountered parrots is suggested by an ordination analysis (DCA), which placed the large macaws (Ara) with the Amazona parrots at the ‘primary forest’ end of a dietary resource axis and four smaller species at the ‘successional forest’ end of the axis. Parrot species associated with successional forest also consumed less plant species overall. Furthermore, these parrot species consuming successional forest resources had higher claylick visitation rates than those consuming primary forest resources suggesting they derive the greatest benefits from soil consumption.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The diet of Acorn Woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) in central coastal California consists of a mixture of high‐quality (insects) and low‐quality (stored acorns) food during the spring breeding season. We used stable isotope ratios obtained from blood samples to estimate possible differences in the proportion of these items being fed to nestlings and being consumed by breeding adults, as well as the extent to which the diet of nestlings shifts between insects and acorns during the nestling period. Based on both feeding observations and items recovered from nestlings, older nestlings were fed 28% acorns. Using this value as a baseline for the isotope analyses, the diet of breeding adults was estimated to consist of 90% acorns. Based on repeated samples from the same nestlings over time, the estimated proportion of acorns in their diet increased from 19% in 9‐ to 12‐d‐old nestlings to 42% in 23‐ to 26‐d‐old nestlings. There was a significant correlation between the isotope values of adults and the nestlings they fed, indicating that different groups of Acorn Woodpeckers have significantly different diets. Although important for successful reproduction in this species, stored acorns are not the primary food resource used to feed young. Instead, the availability of stored acorns allows adult Acorn Woodpeckers to provide nestlings with more protein‐rich insects while maintaining themselves on relatively protein‐poor, low‐quality acorns. Differences in the diets of adults and their nestlings are likely widespread among species that feed, at least in part, on low‐quality foods, such as fruit and seeds, during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Identifying the mechanisms that structure niche breadth and overlap between species is important for determining how species interact and assessing their functional role in an ecosystem. Without manipulative experiments, assessing the role of foraging ecology and interspecific competition in structuring diet is challenging. Systems with regular pulses of resources act as a natural experiment to investigate the factors that influence the dietary niches of consumers. We used natural pulses of mast‐fruiting of American beech (Fagus grandifolia) to test whether optimal foraging or competition structure the dietary niche breadth and overlap between two congener rodent species (Peromyscus leucopus and P. maniculatus), both of which are generalist consumers. We reconstructed diets seasonally over a 2‐year period using stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N) of hair and of potential dietary items and measured niche dynamics using standard ellipse area calculated within a Bayesian framework. Changes in niche breadth were generally consistent with predictions of optimal foraging theory, with both species consuming more beechnuts (a high‐quality food resource) and having a narrower niche breadth during masting seasons compared to nonmasting seasons when dietary niches expanded and more fungi (a low‐quality food source) were consumed. In contrast, changes in dietary niche overlap were consistent with competition theory, with higher diet overlap during masting seasons than during nonmasting seasons. Overall, dietary niche dynamics were closely tied to beech masting, underscoring that food availability influences competition. Diet plasticity and niche partitioning between the two Peromyscus species may reflect differences in foraging strategies, thereby reducing competition when food availability is low. Such dietary shifts may have important implications for changes in ecosystem function, including the dispersal of fungal spores.  相似文献   

Forest loss and fragmentation threaten many primates globally, and often leads to a reduction in food resources. During a 22 ‐ mo period, the foraging ecology of the critically endangered kipunji Rungwecebus kipunji was studied in the heterogeneous Rungwe–Livingstone forests, southwest Tanzania, to identify periods of possible ecological stress, fallback foods used by the species, and the impact of forest disturbance on feeding resources. The studied group had a wide diet and was predominantly frugivorous. Fruit consumption was driven by fruit availability which peaked during the wet season, and dipped during the driest months. During this period, two fallback foods: mature leaves and pith were widely consumed, with Macaranga capensis an essential fallback species. α diversity and evenness of diet was remarkably similar across months, but there was high β diversity in diets at the cusp of wet and dry seasons, and during periods of low fruit availability. This suggests considerable dietary adaptability to fluctuating resources, which may act to buffer against further forest disturbance. Tree species associated with relatively undisturbed forest were significantly more important in the diet, especially in the dry season, than those of disturbed forests. Regeneration of key trees (determined through counting of seedlings and saplings in plots) appeared healthy except in two important Ficus species. Conservation management, while focusing on promoting old growth forest, should also consider populations of some important pioneer tree species such as Macaranga capensis both inside the forest and in any reforestation schemes outside the species’ current area of occupancy.  相似文献   

The fish assemblages of an arid zone floodplain river, Cooper Creek, Queensland, Australia, were sampled during two dry periods in isolated waterholes and on the inundated floodplain during the early and late phase of a major flood event. Diets were described for nine native species and compared within and between dry and flood periods. In the dry season, when fishes were restricted to waterholes, diets were characteristically simple with narrow diet breadths. Movement onto the floodplain during flooding clearly increased feeding opportunities, with greater diet breadths evident in all species. Despite obvious potential for terrestrial inputs, diets tended to be dominated by aquatic resources in both the waterholes and on the floodplain. Stomach fullness, however, varied little between dry season waterhole and floodplain samples. Fishes appeared to feed on potentially lower value resources such as detritus and calanoid copepods during the dry season, when waterholes were isolated and food resources were limited. They were then able to capitalize on the 'boom' of aquatic production and more diverse food resources associated with episodic flood events.  相似文献   

This study assessed the width of the trophic niche of four characid species (Bryconops giacopinii, Bryconops inpai, Hyphessobrycon aff. melazonatus and Iguanodectes geisleri) found under different co‐occurrence circumstances in Amazonian upland streams. The study was conducted during the rainy season of 2011 at eight sites of two micro‐basins of the Ducke Reserve, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The four species were studied in the following circumstances: only one of the species occurring in the stream; two species co‐occurring; three species co‐occurring. The relative volume of the food items in the fish stomachs was used to calculate Hurlbert's trophic‐niche breadth for the individuals of each species in the different co‐occurrence circumstances. Hyphessobrycon aff. melazonatus changed their diet when occurring in syntopy with other characid species of similar feeding habits, as shown by a significant narrowing of its trophic niche. The opportunistic habits and great feeding flexibility of these characid species make the partitioning of food resources possible and act as an important ecological mechanism that facilitates the coexistence of different species, possibly by attenuating the effects of direct competition for food. In addition, the low carrying capacity of these upland forest streams may be an important environmental factor influencing the results of this study.  相似文献   

This study has tested the hypotheses that the dietary compositions of the six large and abundant fish species in the 46 km2 basin of a seasonally open estuary (Wilson Inlet) will differ significantly, change with increasing body size and vary with water depth and season. These species comprise four marine species, the sea mullet Mugil cephalus, yellow‐eye mullet Aldrichetta forsteri, King George whiting Sillaginodes punctata and Australian herring Arripis georgiana, and populations of two species that are confined to the estuary, the cobbler Cnidoglanis macrocephalus and the southern blue‐spotted flathead Platycephalus speculator. Non‐metric multidimensional ordination and associated tests showed that, overall, the dietary composition was influenced to a far greater extent by the species of fish than by either water depth or season. At even a relatively broad level of taxonomic discrimination, the dietary compositions of each pair of species were significantly different, except for those of A. georgiana v. P. speculator, and even in that case those of their larger individuals differed. Differences among the diets of the six species, which represented five families, are related to differences in feeding morphology and location within the water column. Mugil cephalus ingested almost exclusively sediment and fine organic material. Although A. forsteri and S. punctata both consumed substantial amounts of polychaetes (including nereids, capitellids and orbiniids), the former ingested relatively larger volumes of small crustaceans (copepods) and relatively lower volumes of large crustaceans (the carid Palaemonetes australis), nemertines and bivalve siphons. The diets of A. georgiana and P. speculator were both typified by the consistent and high contributions of large crustaceans and fishes. Among fish prey, however, A. georgiana focused to a far greater extent on the small clupeid Engraulis australis, whereas P. speculator consumed a wider range of teleosts, which included species of atherinid and goby. Although the diets of A. forsteri and C. macrocephalus both contained substantial amounts of coarse organic material, the latter differed markedly from those of all other species by the frequent presence of mytilids (mainly Xenostrobus spp.) and other bivalves (especially Tellina deltoidalis and Irus crenata). The diets of each species except M. cephalus changed with increasing body size and, for comparable size classes, did not differ between shallow and deeper waters. The partitioning of food resources within and among the six large and abundant fish species found in Wilson Inlet would reduce the potential for competition for these resources and help account for the large numbers of those species in this seasonally open estuary.  相似文献   

Interspecific differences in diet of the two sympatric fish species of the subfamily Aphyocharacinae were investigated. Both were sampled monthly (March 2000 to February 2001) during the rainy and dry season in North region of the Pantanal. Aphyocharax anisitsi was an invertivorous/insectivorous species, feeding mainly on aquatic insects during the rainy season and terrestrial insects in the dry season. Aphyocharax dentatus remained a piscivorous regardless of the hydrological season. Low feeding-overlap values, 0.079 in the dry season and no overlap in the rainy season were observed. The diet-breadth values for each species were low (less than 0.1) except for A. anisitsi in the lake during the dry season (0.4). A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) summarized the diet similarity patterns: in DCA 1, it was observed that fish prey grouped A. dentatus in the lower scores, and insect prey grouped A. anisitsi in the higher scores. A two-way ANOVA showed that the diets differed significantly between the species. Our results show a clear trophic segregation between these species, supporting the niche concept that presumes that differences between sympatric species must exist, to allow their coexistence. Besides extreme segregation, it was clear that A. dentatus is a piscivorous fish, despite its low size (until 72 mm). This finding counteracts the current view about food web structure that poses a direct and positive relationship between body size and trophic position.  相似文献   

1. Diet composition of two syntopic species of Messor seed‐harvester ants (M. wasmanni Krausse and M. minor André) was evaluated during different periods over the year (May, July, October), by analysing food type (plant parts and species) and food size (weight, length, width). Morphological traits of foragers (head width and femur length) considered important features promoting diet partitioning were measured. 2. We used two robust randomisation algorithms (RA2 and RA3), adopted in niche overlap studies, to check for random vs non random utilisation of resources at intra‐ and interspecific level for the different periods. 3. Analyses showed high levels of overlap in the diet of the two species and no evidence of interspecific competition during most of the activity season. In particular, there was an aggregated use of resources in summer, whilst niche partitioning and evidence of competition when resources decreased in autumn. Intraspecifically, no evidence of competition was found. 4. Results suggest two different mechanisms for minimising competition: when food resources are abundant (summer), ants collected the same plant species but selected different sizes; when food resource is scarce (autumn), ants foraged on different plants. 5. The importance of different factors (morphological, behavioural, ecological) possibly affecting competition and coexistence are discussed.  相似文献   

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