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A major problem in the treatment of cancer is the specific targeting of anti-tumor drugs to these abnormal cells. Ideally, such a drug should act over short distances to minimize damage to healthy cells, and target subcellular compartments that have the highest sensitivity to the drug. Photosensitizers, alpha-emitting radionuclides and many other medicines could be considered as such drugs if they possessed cellular and subcellular specificity. The author describes a novel approach of using modular recombinant transporters to target photosensitizers and alpha-emitting radionuclides to the nucleus, where their action is most pronounced, of cancer cells. Photosensitizer-transporter conjugates have up to 3000 times greater efficacy than free photosensitizers and display cell specificity in contrast to free photosensitizers. Alpha-emitting radionuclides, conjugated with the modular transporters, acquired similar properties. The different modules of the transporters are interchangeable, meaning that they can be tailored for particular applications.  相似文献   

To prepare near-infrared fluorescence imaging and photodynamic therapy agents targeted at glucose transporters, pyropheophorbide 2-deoxyglucosamide (Pyro-2DG) was synthesized and evaluated in a 9L glioma rat model. Fluorescence imaging studies demonstrate that Pyro-2DG is selectively accumulated in the tumor. Upon its photoactivation, we demonstrate that this agent efficiently causes selective mitochondrial damage to the region of a tumor that was photoirradiated after administration of this agent, but does not affect tissues photoirradiated in the absence of the agent or tissues treated with the agent that are not photoirradiated. Preliminary confocal microscopy studies suggest that Pyro-2DG is delivered and trapped in tumor cells via the GLUT/hexokinase pathway and therefore is useful both as a tumor-targeted NIR fluorescence imaging probe and as a PDT agent for the destruction of cancer.  相似文献   

Although RII protein kinase A (PKA) regulatory subunits are constitutively localized to discrete cellular compartments through binding to A-kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs), RI subunits are primarily diffuse in the cytoplasm. In this paper, we report a novel AKAP-dependent localization of RIα to distinct organelles, specifically, multivesicular bodies (MVBs). This localization depends on binding to AKAP11, which binds tightly to free RIα or RIα in complex with catalytic subunit (holoenzyme). However, recruitment to MVBs occurs only with the release of PKA catalytic subunit (PKAc). This recruitment is reversed by reassociation with PKAc, and it is disrupted by the presence of AKAP peptides, mutations in the RIα AKAP-binding site, or knockdown of AKAP11. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate binding not only unleashes active PKAc but also leads to the targeting of AKAP11:RIα to MVBs. Therefore, we show that the RIα holoenzyme is part of a signaling complex with AKAP11, in which AKAP11 may direct RIα functionality after disassociation from PKAc. This model defines a new paradigm for PKA signaling.  相似文献   

An alternate targeting pathway for procathepsin L in mouse fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In transformed mouse fibroblasts, a significant proportion of the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin L remains in cells as an inactive precursor which associates with membranes by a mannose phosphate-independent interaction. When microsomes prepared from these cells were resolved on sucrose gradients, this procathepsin L was localized in dense vesicles distinct from those enriched for growth hormone, which is secreted constitutively when expressed in fibroblasts. Ultrastructural studies using antibodies directed against the propeptide to avoid detection of the mature enzyme in lysosomes revealed that the proenzyme was concentrated in dense cores within small vesicles and multivesicular endosomes which labeled with antibodies specific for CD63. Consistent with the resemblance of these cores to those of regulated secretory granules, secretion of procathepsin L from fibroblasts was modestly stimulated by phorbol, 12-myristate, 13-acetate. When protein synthesis was blocked with cycloheximide and lysosomal proteolysis inhibited with leupeptin, procathepsin L was found to gradually convert to the active single-chain protease. The data suggest that when synthesis levels are high, a portion of the procathepsin L is packaged in dense cores within multivesicular endosomes localized near the plasma membrane. Gradual activation of this proenzyme achieves targeting of the proenzyme to lysosomes by a mannose phosphate receptor-independent pathway.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulates glucose transport in rat adipose cells through the translocation of glucose transporters from an intracellular pool to the plasma membrane. A detailed characterization of the morphology, protein composition and marker enzyme content of subcellular fractions of these cells, prepared by differential ultracentrifugation, and of the distribution of glucose transporters among these fractions is now described. Glucose transporters were measured using specific D-glucose-inhibitable [3H]cytochalasin B binding. In the basal state, roughly 90% of the cells' glucose transporters are associated with a low-density microsomal, Golgi marker enzyme-enriched membrane fraction. However, the distributions of glucose transporters and Golgi marker enzyme activities over all fractions are clearly distinct. Incubation of intact cells with insulin increases the number of glucose transporters in the plasma membrane fraction 4-5 fold and correspondingly decreases the intracellular pool, without influencing any other characteristics of the subcellular fractions examined or the estimated total number of glucose transporters (3.7 X 10(6)/cell). Insulin does not influence the Kd of the glucose transporters in the plasma membrane fraction for cytochalasin B binding (98 nM), but lowers that in the intracellular pool (from 141 to 93 nM). The calculated turnover numbers of the glucose transporters in the plasma membrane vesicles from basal and insulin-stimulated cells are similar (15 X 10(3) mol of glucose/min per mol of transporters at 37 degrees C), whereas insulin appears to increase the turnover number in the plasma membrane of intact cells roughly 4-fold. These results suggest that (1) the intracellular pool of glucose transporters may comprise a specialized membrane species, (2) intracellular glucose transporters may undergo conformational changes during their cycling to the plasma membrane in response to insulin, and (3) the translocation of glucose transporters may represent only one component in the mechanism through which insulin regulates glucose transport in the intact cell.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulates glucose transport in rat adipose cells through the translocation of glucose transporters from an intracellular pool to the plasma membrane. A detailed characterization of the morphology, protein composition and marker enzyme content of subcellular fractions of these cells, prepared by differential ultracentrifugation, and of the distribution of glucose transporters among these fractions is now described. Glucose transporters were measured using specific d-glucose-inhibitable [3H]cytochalasin B binding. In the basal state, roughly 90% of the cells' glucose transporters are associated with a low-density microsomal, Golgi marker enzyme-enriched membrane fraction. However, the distributions of glucose transporters and Golgi marker enzyme activities over all fractions are clearly distinct. Incubation of intact cells with insulin increases the number of glucose transporters in the plasma membrane fraction 4–5-fold and correspondingly decreases the intracellular pool, without influencing any other characteristics of the subcellular fractions examined or the estimated total number of glucose transporters (3.7·106/cell). Insulin does not influence the Kd of the glucose transporters in the plasma membrane fraction for cytochalasin B binding (98 nM), but lowers that in the intracellular pool (from 141 to 93 nM). The calculated turnover numbers of the glucose transporters in the plasma membrane vesicles from basal and insulin-stimulated cells are similar (15·103 mol of glucose/min per mol of transporters at 37°C), whereas insulin appears to increase the turnover number in the plasma membrane of intact cells roughly 4-fold. These results suggest that (1) the intracellular pool of glucose transporters may comprise a specialized membrane species, (2) intracellular glucose transporters may undergo conformational changes during their cycling to the plasma membrane in response to insulin, and (3) the translocation of glucose transporters may represent only one component in the mechanism through which insulin regulates glucose transport in the intact cell.  相似文献   

Exposure of quiescent cultures of human gingival fibroblasts (HuGi) and porcine synovicocytes (PSF) to human recombinant interleukin 1 alpha or -beta (IL1 alpha and -beta) enhanced the rate of glycolysis as judged by increased lactate production. The cytokines also increased uptake of [3H]2-deoxyglucose (DG) in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Stimulation of DG uptake was first evident 6-8 h following addition of IL1 and was maximal by 24-30 h. IL1 alpha and -beta were equipotent. Half-maximal stimulation occurred at approximately 1 pM IL1; maximal stimulation (2.5-4.5-fold in HuGi, 3-7-fold in PSF) was obtained with approximately 80 pM IL1. The dose-response curves for lactate production and DG uptake were similar. Increased DG uptake was blocked by specific antisera to IL1 and by inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis but not by indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin production. DG uptake was enhanced by IL1 in serum-starved cells in the presence of neutralizing anti-platelet-derived growth factor serum. The effect was therefore not secondary to prostaglandin or platelet-derived growth factor production. No increase in cell cycling was detected in IL1-treated cells under the experimental conditions. Kinetic analysis revealed that the Vmax for DG uptake was increased by IL1 (from 36 to 144 pmol/min/mg of cell protein), whereas the Km was unchanged. HuGi cells were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine following exposure to IL1. Cell lysates were immunoprecipitated using a specific antiserum raised against human erythrocyte glucose transporter. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis/autoradiography of these immunoprecipitates revealed dose- and time-dependent increases in the net rate of glucose transporter synthesis which mirrored the changes in DG uptake.  相似文献   

Regulation of glucose transporters in diabetes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is now widely accepted that insulin stimulates glucose metabolism in its target tissues via recruitment of transporters from a large intracellular pool to the plasma membrane. Recent studies, however, suggest a two-step model for insulin action, of transporter translocation and transporter activation. Data confirming this hypothesis for the first time are presented. It is shown that insulin significantly enhances the intrinsic activity of glucose transporters in human and rat adipose cells, in physiological as well as in diabetic state. The functional activity of transporters is impaired in the diabetic state, but surprisingly, 'diabetic' transporters exhibit normal or even enhanced intrinsic activity. In both noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and streptozotocin-diabetic rats, insulin resistance is associated with 50% transporter depletion in the intracellular pool, thus leading to a decreased number of transporters appearing in the plasma membrane in response to insulin. It is concluded that impaired glucose transport in diabetes is secondary (1) to intracellular transporter depletion, and (2) to the presence of inhibitory factors interfering with the full expression of glucose transporters at the plasma membrane, thus contributing to postreceptor insulin resistance.  相似文献   

It has been known for 80 years that cancer cell growth in an energy-related process supported by an increased glucose metabolism. This phenomenon suggests a need for a corresponding increased uptake of glucose across the plasma membrane through an enhancement in the glucose transporter proteins, SGLT proteins as well as GLUT proteins. The results of many studies have demonstrated that the expression of glucose transporters, especially GLUT1, is increased in a variety of malignancies. GLUT1 overexpression has been found to be associated with tumor progression. It was found that GLUT1 overexpression is associated with poor overall survival in various malignant tumors.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism by which glucocorticoids inhibit glucose transport in peripheral tissues, we have used a monoclonal antibody directed against the human glucose transporter to measure the relative amounts of glucose transporter polypeptide in various cell fractions of human foreskin fibroblasts after treatment with and without dexamethasone. In cells treated for 4 h with 100 nM dexamethasone, a decrease of 48% in glucose transport was accompanied by a decrease of 40% in the amount of glucose transporter polypeptide in a plasma membrane fraction enriched 10-fold in 5'-nucleotidase activity and a 78% increase in the amount of transporter polypeptide in a fraction of putative intracellular membranes, designated P2. There was no significant change in the amount of transporter polypeptide in whole cell lysates. Insulin (200 nM) stimulated glucose transport in basal fibroblasts by only 9%. However, addition of insulin for 30 min to cells that had been treated for 4 h with dexamethasone completely reversed the dexamethasone-induced decrease in glucose transport and also reversed the dexamethasone-induced changes in glucose transporter polypeptide content of the plasma membrane and P2 fractions. From these observations we conclude that dexamethasone decreases glucose transport by causing translocation of glucose transporters from the plasma membrane to an internal location and that insulin reverses the dexamethasone effect by reversing the translocation.  相似文献   

The study of facilitative glucose transporters (GLUT) requires carefully done immunological experiments and sensitive molecular biology approaches to identify the various mechanisms which control GLUT expression at the RNA and protein levels. The cloning of species-specific GLUT cDNAs showed that GLUT4 and GLUT1 diverge less among species than other GLUT isoforms. The key role of GLUT in glucose homeostasis has been demonstrated in livestock species. In vitro studies have suggested specific roles of GLUT1 and GLUT3 in avian cells. In vivo studies have demonstrated a regulation of GLUTs (especially of GLUT4) by nutritional and hormonal factors in pigs and cattle, in lactating cows and goats and throughout the foetal life in the placenta and tissues of lambs and calves. All these results suggest that any changes in GLUT expression and activity (such as GLUT4 in muscles) could modify nutrient partitioning and tissue metabolism, and hence, the qualities of animal products (milk, meat).  相似文献   

We examined the isoform-specific regulation of monocarboxylate transporter (MCT)1 and MCT4 expression by contractile activity in red and white tibialis anterior muscles. After 1 and 3 wk of chronic muscle stimulation (24 h/day), MCT1 protein expression was increased in the red muscles (+78%, P < 0.05). In the white muscles, MCT1 was increased after 1 wk (+191%) and then was decreased after 3 wk. In the red muscle, MCT1 mRNA accumulation was increased only after 3 wk (+21%; P < 0.05). In the white muscle, MCT1 mRNA was increased after 1 wk (+30%; P < 0.05) and 3 wk (+15%; P < 0.05). MCT4 protein was not altered in either the red or white muscles after 1 or 3 wk. MCT4 mRNA was transiently lowered (approximately 15%) in both muscles in the 1st wk, but MCT4 mRNA levels were back to control levels after 3 wk. In conclusion, chronic contractile activity induces the expression of MCT1 but not MCT4. This increase in MCT1 alone was sufficient to increase lactate uptake from the circulation.  相似文献   

Gene targeting is a technique that allows the introduction of predefined alterations into chromosomal DNA. It involves a homologous recombination reaction between the targeted genomic sequence and an exogenous targeting vector. In theory, gene targeting constitutes the ideal method of gene therapy for single gene disorders. In practice, gene targeting remains extremely inefficient for at least two reasons: very low frequency of homologous recombination in mammalian cells and high proficiency of the mammalian cells to randomly integrate the targeting vector by illegitimate recombination. One known method to improve the efficiency of gene targeting is inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP). It has been shown that PARP inhibitors, such as 3-methoxybenzamide, could lower illegitimate recombination, thus increasing the ratio of gene targeting to random integration. However, the above inhibitors were reported to decrease the absolute frequency of gene targeting. Here we show that treatment of mouse Ltk cells with 1,5-isoquinolinediol, a recent generation PARP inhibitor, leads to an increase up to 8-fold in the absolute frequency of gene targeting in the correction of the mutation at the stable integrated HSV tk gene.  相似文献   

Leishmania are parasitic protozoa with two major stages in their life cycle: flagellated promastigotes that live in the gut of the insect vector and nonflagellated amastigotes that live inside the lysosomes of the vertebrate host macrophages. The Pro-1 glucose transporter of L. enriettii exists as two isoforms, iso-1 and iso-2, which are both expressed primarily in the promastigote stage of the life cycle. These two isoforms constitute modular structures: they differ exclusively and extensively in their NH2-terminal hydrophilic domains, but the remainder of each isoform sequence is identical to that of the other. We have localized these glucose transporters within promastigotes by two approaches. In the first method, we have raised a polyclonal antibody against the COOH-terminal hydrophilic domain shared by both iso-1 and iso-2, and we have used this antibody to detect the transporters by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy. The staining observed with this antibody occurs primarily on the plasma membrane and the membrane of the flagellar pocket, but there is also light staining on the flagellum. We have also localized each isoform separately by introducing an epitope tag into each protein sequence. These experiments demonstrate that iso- 1, the minor isoform, resides primarily on the flagellar membrane, while iso-2, the major isoform, is located on the plasma membrane and the flagellar pocket. Hence, each isoform is differentially sorted, and the structural information for targeting each transporter isoform to its correct membrane address resides within the NH2-terminal hydrophilic domain.  相似文献   

Adhesion between Chlamydomonas reinhardtii gametes generates a rapid rise in cAMP levels which stimulates mating responses and zygotic cell fusion (Pasquale and Goodenough, 1987). We show here that sexual adhesion in vivo results in a twofold stimulation of flagellar adenylyl cyclase activity when the enzyme is subsequently assayed in vitro, a stimulation that is specifically blocked by Cd2+. A twofold stimulation is also elicited by the in vitro presentation of soluble cross-linking reagents (antisera and concanavalin A). In contrast, the 10-30-fold stimulation of the flagellar cyclase by in vitro exposure to 40 degrees C, first described by Zhang et al. (1991), is insensitive to Cd2+ but sensitive to such drugs as trifluoperizine and dibucaine. The capacity for twofold stimulation is displayed by the vegetative and gametic enzymes but is lost when gametes fuse to form zygotes; in contrast, the 10-fold stimulation is displayed by the gametic and zygotic enzymes but not the vegetative enzyme. The signal-defective mutant imp-3 fails to generate the normal mating-triggered cAMP production and can be rescued by exogenous dibutyryl cAMP. It displays normal basal rates of flagellar cyclase activity and a normal twofold stimulation by sexual adhesion and by soluble cross-linkers, but it is defective in 40 degrees C activation. The gametic cell-body adenylyl cyclase is stimulated when wild-type flagella, but not imp-3 flagella, undergo adhesive interactions in vivo, and it can be directly stimulated in vitro by cAMP presentation. We propose that the two levels of flagellar cyclase stimulation reflect either sequential steps in the activation of a single cyclase enzyme, with imp-3 blocked in the second step, or else the sequential activation of two different flagellar enzymes, with imp-3 defective in the second enzyme. We further propose that the cell- body enzyme is activated by the cAMP that is generated when flagellar cyclase activity is fully stimulated.  相似文献   

The glucose transporter was identified and characterized by cytochalasin B binding in subcellular membrane fractions of chromaffin tissue. The binding was saturable with Kd of about 0.3 microM for each subcellular fraction. The Bmax capacity was 12-16 pmol/mg protein for enriched plasma membrane fractions, 6.3 pmol/mg protein for microsomal membrane preparations and 5.4 pmol/mg protein for chromaffin granule membranes. Irreversible photoaffinity labelling of the glucose-protectable binding sites with [3H]cytochalasin B followed by solubilization and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from enriched plasma membrane preparations demonstrated the presence of three molecular species: 97 +/- 10, 51.5 +/- 6 and 30 +/- 4 kDa. The chromaffin granule membranes showed only a molecular species of 80 +/- 10 kDa.  相似文献   

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