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Antioxidant role of alpha-lipoic acid in lead toxicity.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The assumption of oxidative stress as a mechanism in lead toxicity suggests that antioxidants might play a role in the treatment of lead poisoning. The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of lipoic acid (LA) in rebalancing the increased prooxidant/antioxidant ratio in lead-exposed Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and Fischer 344 rats. Furthermore, LA's ability to decrease lead levels in the blood and tissues of lead-treated rats was examined. LA administration resulted in a significant improvement in the thiol capacity of cells via increasing glutathione levels and reducing malondialdehyde levels in the lead-exposed cells and animals, indicating a strong antioxidant shift on lead-induced oxidative stress. Furthermore, administration of LA after lead treatment significantly decreased catalase and red blood cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. In vitro administration of LA to cultures of CHO cells significantly increased cell survival, that was inhibited by lead treatment in a concentration-dependent manner. Administration of LA was not effective in decreasing blood or tissue lead levels compared to a well-known chelator, succimer, that was able to reduce them to control levels. Hence, LA seems to be a good candidate for therapeutic intervention of lead poisoning, in combination with a chelator, rather than as a sole agent.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle protein turnover has been examined in thyroidectomized rats treated with 0, 0.3, 0.75, 2, 20 and 100 micrograms triidothyronine/day for 7 days by implanted osmotic minipump. Protein synthesis in gastrocnemius, plantaris and soleus muscle were measured in vivo by the constant infusion method and protein degradation estimated as the difference between gross and net rates of synthesis. Serum levels of triidothyronine (T3) and insulin were also measured in addition to oxygen consumption rates in some cases. Compared with untreated intact rats muscle growth rates were unchanged at 0.3, 0.75 and 2 micrograms T3/day and, judging by plasma T3 levels, 0.75 microgram T3/day was a replacement dose. Slowing of growth was evident in the untreated thyroidectomized rats mid-way through the 7 day experimental period (6-7 days after throidectomy). High doses of T3 (20 and 100 micrograms/day) promptly supressed growth but there was subsequent recovery. Protein synthesis and degradation were generally lower in the hypothyroid state and normal or elevated in the hyperthyroid state. The changes in protein synthesis were mediated by changes in both RNA concentration and RNA activity (protein synthesis per unit RNA). Gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles were most responsive in the hypothyroid range. Since protein synthesis is particularly depressed in these muscles in malnutrition, the fall in protein degradation induced by the lowered thyroid status in this condition will be an important adaptive response to conserve protein. The increased protein turnover in the hyperthyroid rats was most marked in the soleus muscle and it is argued that this is necessary to allow the changes in protein composition and metabolic character which occur in response to hyperthyroidism in this muscle.  相似文献   

The effects of amino acids on protein turnover in skeletal muscle were determined in the perfused rat hemicorpus preparation. Perfusion of preparations from fasted young rats (81±2 g) with medium containing either a complete mixture of amino acids at five times (5×) their normal plasma levels, a mixture of leucine, isoleucine, and valine at 5× or 10× levels, or leucine alone (10×) resulted in a 25–50% increase in muscle protein synthesis and a 30% decrease in protein degradation compared to fasted controls perfused in the absence of exogenously added amino acids. When the branched-chain amino acids were omitted from the complete mixture, the remaining amino acids (5×) had no effect on protein turnover. The complete mixture at 1× levels was also ineffective. Comparison of the effects of amino acids with those of glucose and palmitate indicated that amino acids were not acting by providing substrates for energy metabolism. The stimulatory effect of amino acids on protein synthesis was associated with a facilitated rate of peptide-chain initiation as evidenced by a relative decrease in the level of ribosomal subunits. This response was not as great as that produced by insulin, and the amino acids did not augment the effect of insulin. Although protein synthesis in preparations from fed young rats (130±3 g) was stimulated by the addition of a mixture of the branched-chain amino acids (5×) to about the same extent as that observed in the fasted young rats, protein degradation was not affected. Furthermore, neither synthesis nor degradation were affected in preparations from fasted older rats (203±9 g) suggesting that the age and or nitritional state of the animal may influence the response of skeletal muscle to altered amino acid levels.  相似文献   

The hexapeptide Arg-Asn-Gly-epoxyethylglycine-Ala-Val-OMe specifically inactivates membrane-bound N-glycosyltransferases. The specificity is demonstrated by the inability of peptides containing 2,3-epoxypropyl-, allyl- and vinyl-glycine in the epoxyethylglycine position to function as inhibitors. The inhibition is concentration-dependent and follows first-order kinetics, but requires disruption of the membrane vesicles by detergents to achieve accessibility to the transferase. The enzyme can be protected partially against inactivation by the addition of the acceptor peptide Arg-Asn-Gly-Thr-Ala-Val-OMe, pointing to an active-site-directed reaction. Exhaustion of the endogenous pool of glycosyl donor molecules by preincubation of the membrane vesicles with the acceptor peptide before inhibitor application is accompanied by an additional decrease in the inhibition rate. This suggests that inactivation occurs only under conditions where glycosyl transfer is catalysed. A mechanism of inactivation is proposed in which the transferase catalyses its own inactivation by a kind of 'suicide' mechanism.  相似文献   

Growth and muscle protein turnover in the chick   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The growth rates of young chicks were varied from 0 to 10% per day by manipulation of the adequacy of the amino acid and energy supply. The rates of protein synthesis in the white breast (pectoralis thoracica) muscle and the dark leg (gastrocnemius and peronaeus longus) muscles were estimated by feeding l-[U-14C]tyrosine in amino acid/agar-gel diets (`dietary infusion'). This treatment rapidly and consistently produced an isotopic equilibrium in the expired CO2 and in the free tyrosine of plasma and the muscles. Wholebody protein synthesis in 2-week-old chicks was estimated from the tyrosine flux and was 6.4g/day per 100g body wt. In 1-week-old chicks the rate of protein synthesis was more rapid in the breast muscles than in the leg muscles, but decreased until the rates were similar in 2-week-old birds. Synthesis was also more rapid in fast-growing Rock Cornish broilers than in medium-slow-growing New Hampshire×Single Comb White Leghorn chicks. No or barely significant decrease in the high rates of protein synthesis, in the protein/RNA ratio and in the activity of RNA for protein synthesis occurred in non- or slow-growing chicks fed on diets deficient in lysine, total nitrogen or energy. Thus the machinery of protein synthesis in the young chick seems to be relatively insensitive to dietary manipulation. In the leg muscles, there was a small but significant correlation between the fractional rate of growth and protein synthesis. A decrease in the fractional rate of degradation, however, appeared to account for much of the accumulation of muscle protein in rapidly growing birds. In addition, the rapid accumulation of breast-muscle protein in rapidly growing chicks appeared to be achieved almost entirely by a marked decrease in the fractional rate of degradation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated whether DL-alpha-lipoic acid (LA) supplementation could have prooxidant or antioxidant effects on oxidative protein damage parameters such as protein carbonyl (PCO), nitrotyrosine (NT), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), and protein thiol (P-SH), as well as oxidative stress parameters such as total thiol (T-SH), non-protein thiol (Np-SH), and lipid hydroperoxide (LHP) in the brain and the skeletal muscle tissue of aged rats. PCO, and NT levels were increased, AOPP and P-SH levels were not changed in the brain tissue of aged rats given LA supplementation. On the other hand, TSH, Np-SH, and LHP levels were decreased in the brain tissue of aged rats given LA supplementation. The levels of the same parameters were not significantly different in the skeletal muscle tissue of aged rats given LA supplementation. The increased levels of protein oxidation markers such as PCO, and NT in the brain tissue of LA-supplemented aged rats compared with non-supplemented aged rats may suggest that oxidative protein damage is increased in LA-supplemented aged rats. We assume that an explanation for our findings regarding LA supplementation on protein oxidation markers in the brain tissue of aged rats may be due to the prooxidant effects of LA. Depending on post-mitotic tissue type and dosage of LA, the prooxidant effects of LA supplementation, should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) confers a chondroprotective effect on articular cartilage in rats with monosodium iodoacetate (MIA)-induced osteoarthritis (OA).

Methods: Fifty male SD rats were divided into five groups, including SHAM-operated, MIA-induced OA, and three experimental groups treated with 50-, 100-, or 200-mg/kg ALA. After 14 d of ALA treatment, rats were sacrificed for joint macroscopic and histology assessments. The gene and protein expressions of markers related to chondrocyte phenotype, caspase proteins, NADPH oxidase 4 (Nox4), p22phox, activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress were measured by Western blot analyses or qRT-PCR.

Results: The results showed that MIA injection successfully induced OA by causing cartilage degeneration. Morphological and histological examinations demonstrated that ALA treatment, especially 200?mg/kg of ALA, significantly ameliorated cartilage degeneration in rats with MIA-induced OA. ALA could effectively increase the levels of the collagen type II and aggrecan genes and inhibit apoptosis-related proteins expression. ALA reduced biomakers of oxidative damage and over-expression levels of Nox4 and p22phox. ALA also suppressed ER stress and inhibited the activation of NF-κB pathway. Moreover, ALA obviously inhibited TNF-α secretion and Wnt/β-catenin signaling way.

Conclusion: These findings indicated that ALA might be a potential therapeutic agent for the protection of articular cartilage against progression of OA through inhibition of oxidative stress, ER stress, inflammatory cytokine secretion, and Wnt/β-catenin activation.  相似文献   

3-Methylhistidine excretion in vivo and in vitro was monitored in hypervitaminotic and pair-fed control rats. Feeding with excess of retinyl palmitate (40 000 i.u./day per 100 g body wt.) significantly increased urinary 3-methylhistidine and creatinine output during a 4-day treatment interval. 3-Methylhistidine release from perfused rat hindquarters was also elevated after 5 days of vitamin treatment. To determine whether the adrenals were involved in mediating the above response, a study was conducted on adrenalectomized and sham-operated rats. Excessive vitamin A intake stimulated 3-methylhistidine excretion in vivo and in vitro in both adrenalectomized and sham-operated animals, thus suggesting that the vitamin A-induced acceleration in myofibrillar protein breakdown was not mediated by the adrenals. In both groups of rats, vitamin A treatment had no effect on the rate of protein synthesis, on the basis of incorporation in vitro of [3H]phenylalanine into muscle protein. Additional studies revealed that the addition of excess retinol to the perfusion medium (10 i.u./ml) had no significant effect on the rates of 3-methylhistidine release or [3H]phenylalanine incorporation in vitro. Finally, high doses of cortisol (7 mg/day per 100g body wt.) administered to intact rats for 5 days significantly increased rates of 3-methylhistidine excretion, both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Initial experiments were conducted using an in situ rat tibialis anterior (TA) muscle preparation to assess the influence of dietary antioxidants on muscle contractile properties. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two dietary groups: 1) control diet (Con) and 2) supplemented with vitamin E (VE) and alpha-lipoic acid (alpha-LA) (Antiox). Antiox rats were fed the Con rats' diet (AIN-93M) with an additional 10,000 IU VE/kg diet and 1.65 g/kg alpha-LA. After an 8-wk feeding period, no differences existed (P > 0.05) between the two dietary groups in maximum specific tension before or after a fatigue protocol or in force production during the fatigue protocol. However, in unfatigued muscle, maximal twitch tension and tetanic force production at stimulation frequencies < or = 40 Hz were less (P < 0.05) in Antiox animals compared with Con. To investigate which antioxidant was responsible for the depressed force production, a second experiment was conducted using an in vitro rat diaphragm preparation. Varying concentrations of VE and dihydrolipoic acid, the reduced form of alpha-LA, were added either individually or in combination to baths containing diaphragm muscle strips. The results from these experiments indicate that high levels of VE depress skeletal muscle force production at low stimulation frequencies.  相似文献   

Measurement of protein turnover in rat brain   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Abstract— Degredation rates of rat brain proteins were measured by following the decay in specific radioactivity of carboxyl labelled aspartate and glutamate over a 17-day period. Initial labelling of these amino acids was achieved by a single intraperitoneal injection 0f NaH14CO3. The non-linear decay curve for total brain proteins could be approximated by assuming that the mixture contained two classes of proteins with half-lives of 3.3 and 8.7 days, respectively. Half-lives of 2.5 and 7.7 days were estimated for such protein classes in the microsomal fraction. The half-lives of soluble proteins, synaptic membranes, cell body and synaptic mitochondria were 3.1, 5.8, 5.6 and 8.4 days, respectively. Identical results were obtained if the change in specific activity of intact protein labeled by NaH14CO3 was followed. Two-fold slower decay rates were obtained when brain proteins were labeled with a pulse of [4,5-3H]leucine or [l-14C]leucine. Half-lives calculated for the two classes of proteins in whole brain were 8.4 and 16.5 days, respectively with [4,5-3H]leucine and 8.9 and 14.2 days, respectively with [1-14C]leucine. These results indicate the very significant reutilization of this amino acid in brain. Sodium [14C]bicarbonate is a more satisfactory isotopic precursor for accurate assessment of rates of protein turnover in brain.  相似文献   

Measurement of protein turnover in rat liver   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Rosiglitazone (RSG) is an insulin-sensitizing thiazolidinedione (TZD) that exerts peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma)-dependent and -independent effects. We tested the hypothesis that part of the insulin-sensitizing effect of RSG is mediated through the action of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). First, we determined the effect of acute (30-60 min) incubation of L6 myotubes with RSG on AMPK regulation and palmitate oxidation. Compared with control (DMSO), 200 microM RSG increased (P < 0.05) AMPKalpha1 activity and phosphorylation of AMPK (Thr172). In addition, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (Ser218) phosphorylation and palmitate oxidation were increased (P < 0.05) in these cells. To investigate the effects of chronic RSG treatment on AMPK regulation in skeletal muscle in vivo, obese Zucker rats were randomly allocated into two experimental groups: control and RSG. Lean Zucker rats were treated with vehicle and acted as a control group for obese Zucker rats. Rats were dosed daily for 6 wk with either vehicle (0.5% carboxymethylcellulose, 100 microl/100 g body mass), or 3 mg/kg RSG. AMPKalpha1 activity was similar in muscle from lean and obese animals and was unaffected by RSG treatment. AMPKalpha2 activity was approximately 25% lower in obese vs. lean animals (P < 0.05) but was normalized to control values after RSG treatment. ACC phosphorylation was decreased with obesity (P < 0.05) but restored to the level of lean controls with RSG treatment. Our data demonstrate that RSG restores AMPK signaling in skeletal muscle of insulin-resistant obese Zucker rats.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis and degradation, and redox state were measured in soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles of rats up to 12 days after injection of streptozotocin. Muscle growth was slower in these animals apparently due to slower protein synthesis throughout the duration of diabetes. Up to day 4 after injection of streptozotocin or withdrawal of insulin from treated, diabetic animals, the muscle ratio of lactate/pyruvate, an indicator of the cytoplasmic NAD+ redox couple, was lower and protein degradation was faster than in control muscles. Thereafter, the ratio of lactate/pyruvate was greater and protein degradation was slower than in size- or age-matched control muscles. Insulin treatment in vitro or in vivo increased lactate/pyruvate and decreased proteolysis. Therefore, in muscles of streptozotocin-diabetic rats, the initial increase and later fall in proteolysis, and the inhibition of proteolysis by insulin, may correlate with opposite changes in NADH/NAD+.  相似文献   

Diaphragm muscles of dystrophic hamsters were found to be larger than those of control animals at two of three ages studied. The additional growth of these afflicted muscles correlated with large increases in protein synthesis and concentrations of RNA. Protein breakdown was also increased in the dystrophic muscles, but to a smaller extent than synthesis.  相似文献   

Oversupply and underutilization of lipid fuels are widely recognized to be strongly associated with insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Recent attention has focused on the mechanisms underlying this effect, and defects in mitochondrial function have emerged as a potential player in this scheme. Because evidence indicates that lipid oversupply can produce abnormalities in extracellular matrix composition and matrix changes can affect the function of mitochondria, the present study was undertaken to determine whether muscle from insulin-resistant, nondiabetic obese subjects and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus had increased collagen content. Compared with lean control subjects, obese and type 2 diabetic subjects had reduced muscle glucose uptake (P<0.01) and decreased insulin stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 and its ability to associate with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (P<0.01 and P<.05). Because it was assayed by total hydroxyproline content, collagen abundance was increased in muscle from not only type 2 diabetic patients but also nondiabetic obese subjects (0.26+/-0.05, 0.57+/-0.18, and 0.67+/- 0.20 microg/mg muscle wet wt, lean controls, obese nondiabetics, and type 2 diabetics, respectively), indicating that hyperglycemia itself could not be responsible for this effect. Immunofluorescence staining of muscle biopsies indicated that there was increased abundance of types I and III collagen. We conclude that changes in the composition of the extracellular matrix are a general characteristic of insulin-resistant muscle.  相似文献   

IL-6 expression in skeletal muscle is stimulated by contractions. We sought to examine whether hyperinsulinaemia increases IL-6 mRNA in skeletal muscle and whether any increase is modified in insulin resistant muscle. We hypothesized that intramuscular IL-6 mRNA would be increased in response to insulin, but such an affect would be unaffected by insulin resistance because the primary insulin sensitive signalling protein responsible for activating IL-6 functions normally in insulin resistant muscle. Transgenic rats over-expressing the gluconeogenic regulatory enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) were studied. White gastrocnemius muscle samples were obtained under hyperinsulinaemic, euglycaemic clamp (4 mU kg(-1)min(-1) insulin, plasma glucose concentration 4-6 mmol L(-1)) and basal conditions in both PEPCK (basal n=4; insulin n=5) and wild-type (CON) (basal n=5; insulin n=4) rats, which were previously injected with a bolus of 2-[1-14C]deoxyglucose (2-DG) into the carotid artery. Muscle samples were assayed for 2-DG uptake and IL-6 mRNA. No differences in 2-DG uptake or IL-6 mRNA were observed when comparing groups under basal conditions. Under clamp conditions, 2-DG uptake was lower (P<0.05) in PEPCK compared with CON. Insulin stimulation in CON did not change IL-6 mRNA compared with basal levels. In contrast, there was an approximately 8-fold increase (P<0.05) in IL-6 mRNA in insulin-stimulated PEPCK compared with CON basal levels. Insulin stimulation increases IL-6 gene expression in insulin resistant, but not healthy, skeletal muscle, suggesting that IL-6 expression in skeletal muscle is sensitive to changes in insulin in circumstances of insulin resistance. It is likely that the differences observed when comparing healthy with insulin resistant muscle are due to the differential activation of insulin sensitive signalling proteins responsible for activating IL-6.  相似文献   

The excretion of 3-methylhistidine increased in the urine of dystrophic mice C57BL/6J. The content of 3-methylhistidine residue decreased in the muscle proteins of dystrophic mice, but not in other organs. Methylated proteins in the skeletal muscle, actin and myosin, were partially purified from the dystrophic and control muscles. The amount of 3-methylhistidine residue in unit weight of the actin and myosin preparations was normal in dystrophic muscle. These three facts indicate that the turnover rates of actin and myosin are increased in the muscle of the dystrophic mice.  相似文献   

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