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Genes and proteins form complex dynamical systems or gene regulatory networks (GRN) that can reach several steady states (attractors). These may be associated with distinct cell types. In plants, the ABC combinatorial model establishes the necessary gene combinations for floral organ cell specification. We have developed dynamic gene regulatory network (GRN) models to understand how the combinatorial selection of gene activity is established during floral organ primordia specification as a result of the concerted action of ABC and non-ABC genes. Our analyses have shown that the floral organ specification GRN reaches six attractors with gene configurations observed in primordial cell types during early stages of flower development and four that correspond to regions of the inflorescence meristem. This suggests that it is the overall GRN dynamics rather than precise signals that underlie the ABC model. Furthermore, our analyses suggest that the steady states of the GRN are robust to random alterations of the logical functions that define the gene interactions. Here we have updated the GRN model and have systematically altered the outputs of all the logical functions and addressed in which cases the original attractors are recovered. We then reduced the original three-state GRN to a two-state (Boolean) GRN and performed the same systematic perturbation analysis. Interestingly, the Boolean GRN reaches the same number and type of attractors as reached by the three-state GRN, and it responds to perturbations in a qualitatively identical manner as the original GRN. These results suggest that a Boolean model is sufficient to capture the dynamical features of the floral network and provide additional support for the robustness of the floral GRN. These findings further support that the GRN model provides a dynamical explanation for the ABC model and that the floral GRN robustness could be behind the widespread conservation of the floral plan among eudicotyledoneous plants. Other aspects of evolution of flower organ arrangement and ABC gene expression patterns are discussed in the context of the approach proposed here. álvaro Chaos, Max Aldana and Elena Alvarez-Buylla contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Understanding the integrated behavior of genetic regulatory networks, in which genes regulate one another's activities via RNA and protein products, is emerging as a dominant problem in systems biology. One widely studied class of models of such networks includes genes whose expression values assume Boolean values (i.e., on or off). Design decisions in the development of Boolean network models of gene regulatory systems include the topology of the network (including the distribution of input- and output-connectivity) and the class of Boolean functions used by each gene (e.g., canalizing functions, post functions, etc.). For example, evidence from simulations suggests that biologically realistic dynamics can be produced by scale-free network topologies with canalizing Boolean functions. This work seeks further insights into the design of Boolean network models through the construction and analysis of a class of models that include more concrete biochemical mechanisms than the usual abstract model, including genes and gene products, dimerization, cis-binding sites, promoters and repressors. In this model, it is assumed that the system consists of N genes, with each gene producing one protein product. Proteins may form complexes such as dimers, trimers, etc. The model also includes cis-binding sites to which proteins may bind to form activators or repressors. Binding affinities are based on structural complementarity between proteins and binding sites, with molecular binding sites modeled by bit-strings. Biochemically plausible gene expression rules are used to derive a Boolean regulatory function for each gene in the system. The result is a network model in which both topological features and Boolean functions arise as emergent properties of the interactions of components at the biochemical level. A highly biased set of Boolean functions is observed in simulations of networks of various sizes, suggesting a new characterization of the subset of Boolean functions that are likely to appear in gene regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Complexity of gene regulatory network has been considered to be responsible for diversity of cells. Different types of cells, characterized by the expression patterns of genes, are produced in early development through the dynamics of gene activities based on the regulatory network. However, very little is known about relationship between the structure of regulatory networks and the dynamics of gene activities. In this paper, I introduce new idea of “steady-state compatibility” by which the diversity of possible gene activities can be determined from the topological structure of gene regulatory networks. The basic premise is very simple: the activity of a gene should be a function of the controlling genes. Thus, a gene should always show unique expression activity if the activities of the controlling genes are unique. Based on this, the maximum possible diversity of steady states is determined using only information regarding regulatory linkages without knowing the regulatory functions of genes. By extending this idea, some general properties were derived. For example, multiple loop structures in regulatory networks are necessary for increasing the diversity of gene activity. On the other hand, connected multiple loops sharing the same genes do not increase the diversity. The method was applied to a gene regulatory network responsible for early development in a sea urchin species. A set of important genes responsible for generating diversities of gene activities was derived based on the concept of compatibility of steady states.  相似文献   

Boolean networks have been widely used to model biological processes lacking detailed kinetic information. Despite their simplicity, Boolean network dynamics can still capture some important features of biological systems such as stable cell phenotypes represented by steady states. For small models, steady states can be determined through exhaustive enumeration of all state transitions. As the number of nodes increases, however, the state space grows exponentially thus making it difficult to find steady states. Over the last several decades, many studies have addressed how to handle such a state space explosion. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to a satisfiability solving algorithm due to its potential scalability to handle large networks. Meanwhile, there still lies a problem in the case of large models with high maximum node connectivity where the satisfiability solving algorithm is known to be computationally intractable. To address the problem, this paper presents a new partitioning-based method that breaks down a given network into smaller subnetworks. Steady states of each subnetworks are identified by independently applying the satisfiability solving algorithm. Then, they are combined to construct the steady states of the overall network. To efficiently apply the satisfiability solving algorithm to each subnetwork, it is crucial to find the best partition of the network. In this paper, we propose a method that divides each subnetwork to be smallest in size and lowest in maximum node connectivity. This minimizes the total cost of finding all steady states in entire subnetworks. The proposed algorithm is compared with others for steady states identification through a number of simulations on both published small models and randomly generated large models with differing maximum node connectivities. The simulation results show that our method can scale up to several hundreds of nodes even for Boolean networks with high maximum node connectivity. The algorithm is implemented and available at http://cps.kaist.ac.kr/∼ckhong/tools/download/PAD.tar.gz.  相似文献   

Perkins TJ  Hallett M  Glass L 《Bio Systems》2006,84(2):115-123
We study the inverse problem, or the "reverse-engineering" problem, for two abstract models of gene expression dynamics, discrete-time Boolean networks and continuous-time switching networks. Formally, the inverse problem is similar for both types of networks. For each gene, its regulators and its Boolean dynamics function must be identified. However, differences in the dynamical properties of these two types of networks affect the amount of data that is necessary for solving the inverse problem. We derive estimates for the average amounts of time series data required to solve the inverse problem for randomly generated Boolean and continuous-time switching networks. We also derive a lower bound on the amount of data needed that holds for both types of networks. We find that the amount of data required is logarithmic in the number of genes for Boolean networks, matching the general lower bound and previous theory, but are superlinear in the number of genes for continuous-time switching networks. We also find that the amount of data needed scales as 2(K), where K is the number of regulators per gene, rather than 2(2K), as previous theory suggests.  相似文献   

We generalize random Boolean networks by softening the hard binary discretization into multiple discrete states. These multistate networks are generic models of gene regulatory networks, where each gene is known to assume a finite number of functionally different expression levels. We analytically determine the critical connectivity that separates the biologically unfavorable frozen and chaotic regimes. This connectivity is inversely proportional to a parameter which measures the heterogeneity of the update rules. Interestingly, the latter does not necessarily increase with the mean number of discrete states per node. Still, allowing for multiple states decreases the critical connectivity as compared to random Boolean networks, and thus leads to biologically unrealistic situations.Therefore, we study two approaches to increase the critical connectivity. First, we demonstrate that each network can be kept in its frozen regime by sufficiently biasing the update rules. Second, we restrict the randomly chosen update rules to a subclass of biologically more meaningful functions. These functions are characterized based on a thermodynamic model of gene regulation. We analytically show that their usage indeed increases the critical connectivity. From a general point of view, our thermodynamic considerations link discrete and continuous models of gene regulatory networks.  相似文献   

To understand the design principles of the molecular interaction network associated with the irreversibility of cell apoptosis and the stability of cell surviving, we constructed a Boolean network integrating both the intrinsic and extrinsic pro-apoptotic pathways with pro-survival signal transduction pathways. We performed statistical analyses of the dependences of cell fate on initial states and on input signals. The analyses reproduced the well-known pro- and anti-apoptotic effects of key external signals and network components. We found that the external GF signal by itself did not change the apoptotic ratio from randomly chosen initial states when there is no external TNF signal, but can significantly offset apoptosis induced by the TNF signal. While a complete model produces the expected irreversibility of the apoptosis process, alternative models missing one or more of four selected inter-component connections indicate that the feedback loops directly involving the caspase 3 are essential for maintaining irreversibility of apoptosis. The feedback loops involving P53 showed compensating effects when those involving caspase 3 have been removed. The GF signal significantly increases the stability of the surviving states of the network. The apoptosis network seems to use different modules by design to control the irreversibility of the apoptosis process and the stability of the surviving states. Such a design may accommodate the needed plasticity for the network to adapt to different cellular environments: depending on the strength of external pro-surviving signals, apoptosis can be induced either easily or difficultly by pro-apoptotic signal of varying strengths, but proceed with invariable irreversibility.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A Boolean network is a simple computational model that may provide insight into the overall behavior of genetic networks and is represented by variables with two possible states (on/off), of the individual nodes/genes of the network. In this study, a Boolean network model has been used to simulate a molecular pathway between two neurotransmitter receptor, dopamine and glutamate receptor, systems in order to understand the consequence of using logic gate rules between nodes, which have two possible states (active and inactive). RESULTS: The dynamical properties of this Boolean network model of the biochemical pathway shows that, the pathway is stable and that, deletion/knockout of certain biologically important nodes cause significant perturbation to this network. The analysis clearly shows that in addition to the expected components dopamine and dopamine receptor 2 (DRD2), Ca(2+) ions play a critical role in maintaining stability of the pathway. CONCLUSION: So this method may be useful for the identification of potential genetic targets, whose loss of function in biochemical pathways may be responsible for disease onset. The molecular pathway considered in this study has been implicated with a complex disorder like schizophrenia, which has a complex multifactorial etiology.  相似文献   

The segmentation of Drosophila is a prime model to study spatial patterning during embryogenesis. The spatial expression of segment polarity genes results from a complex network of interacting proteins whose expression products are maintained after successful segmentation. This prompted us to investigate the stability and robustness of this process using a dynamical model for the segmentation network based on Boolean states. The model consists of intra-cellular as well as inter-cellular interactions between adjacent cells in one spatial dimension. We quantify the robustness of the dynamical segmentation process by a systematic analysis of mutations. Our starting point consists in a previous Boolean model for Drosophila segmentation. We define mathematically the notion of dynamical robustness and show that the proposed model exhibits limited robustness in gene expression under perturbations. We applied in silico evolution (mutation and selection) and discover two classes of modified gene networks that have a more robust spatial expression pattern. We verified that the enhanced robustness of the two new models is maintained in differential equations models. By comparing the predicted model with experiments on mutated flies, we then discuss the two types of enhanced models. Drosophila patterning can be explained by modelling the underlying network of interacting genes. Here we demonstrate that simple dynamical considerations and in silico evolution can enhance the model to robustly express the expected pattern, helping to elucidate the role of further interactions.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic regulatory network comprising genes, RNA, proteins and the network connections and dynamical control rules among them, is a major task of contemporary systems biology. I focus here on the use of the ensemble approach to find one or more well-defined ensembles of model networks whose statistical features match those of real cells and organisms. Such ensembles should help explain and predict features of real cells and organisms. More precisely, an ensemble of model networks is defined by constraints on the "wiring diagram" of regulatory interactions, and the "rules" governing the dynamical behavior of regulated components of the network. The ensemble consists of all networks consistent with those constraints. Here I discuss ensembles of random Boolean networks, scale free Boolean networks, "medusa" Boolean networks, continuous variable networks, and others. For each ensemble, M statistical features, such as the size distribution of avalanches in gene activity changes unleashed by transiently altering the activity of a single gene, the distribution in distances between gene activities on different cell types, and others, are measured. This creates an M-dimensional space, where each ensemble corresponds to a cluster of points or distributions. Using current and future experimental techniques, such as gene arrays, these M properties are to be measured for real cells and organisms, again yielding a cluster of points or distributions in the M-dimensional space. The procedure then finds ensembles close to those of real cells and organisms, and hill climbs to attempt to match the observed M features. Thus obtains one or more ensembles that should predict and explain many features of the regulatory networks in cells and organisms.  相似文献   

Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are parallel information processing systems, binding past events to future actions. Since cell types stably remain in restricted subsets of the possible states of the GRN, they are likely the dynamical attractors of the GRN. These attractors differ in which genes are active and in the amount of information propagating within the network. Using mutual information (I) as a measure of information propagation between genes in a GRN, modeled as finite-sized Random Boolean Networks (RBN), we study how the dynamical regime of the GRN affects I within attractors (I(A)). The spectra of I(A) of individual RBNs are found to be scattered and diverse, and distributions of I(A) of ensembles are non-trivial and change shape with mean connectivity. Mean and diversity of I(A) values maximize in the chaotic near-critical regime, whereas ordered near-critical networks are the best at retaining the distinctiveness of each attractor's I(A) with noise. The results suggest that selection likely favors near-critical GRNs as these both maximize mean and diversity of I(A), and are the most robust to noise. We find similar I(A) distributions in delayed stochastic models of GRNs. For a particular stochastic GRN, we show that both mean and variance of I(A) have local maxima as its connectivity and noise levels are varied, suggesting that the conclusions for the Boolean network models may be generalizable to more realistic models of GRNs.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Intervention in a gene regulatory network is used to avoid undesirable states, such as those associated with a disease. Several types of intervention have been studied in the framework of a probabilistic Boolean network (PBN), which is a collection of Boolean networks in which the gene state vector transitions according to the rules of one of the constituent networks and where network choice is governed by a selection distribution. The theory of automatic control has been applied to find optimal strategies for manipulating external control variables that affect the transition probabilities to desirably affect dynamic evolution over a finite time horizon. In this paper we treat a case in which we lack the governing probability structure for Boolean network selection, so we simply have a family of Boolean networks, but where these networks possess a common attractor structure. This corresponds to the situation in which network construction is treated as an ill-posed inverse problem in which there are many Boolean networks created from the data under the constraint that they all possess attractor structures matching the data states, which are assumed to arise from sampling the steady state of the real biological network. RESULTS: Given a family of Boolean networks possessing a common attractor structure composed of singleton attractors, a control algorithm is derived by minimizing a composite finite-horizon cost function that is a weighted average over all the individual networks, the idea being that we desire a control policy that on average suits the networks because these are viewed as equivalent relative to the data. The weighting for each network at any time point is taken to be proportional to the instantaneous estimated probability of that network being the underlying network governing the state transition. The results are applied to a family of Boolean networks derived from gene-expression data collected in a study of metastatic melanoma, the intent being to devise a control strategy that reduces the WNT5A gene's action in affecting biological regulation. AVAILABILITY: The software is available on request. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The supplementary Information is available at http://ee.tamu.edu/~edward/tree  相似文献   

We study intrinsic properties of attractor in Boolean dynamics of complex networks with scale-free topology, comparing with those of the so-called Kauffman's random Boolean networks. We numerically study both frozen and relevant nodes in each attractor in the dynamics of relatively small networks (20?N?200). We investigate numerically robustness of an attractor to a perturbation. An attractor with cycle length of ?c in a network of size N consists of ?c states in the state space of 2N states; each attractor has the arrangement of N nodes, where the cycle of attractor sweeps ?c states. We define a perturbation as a flip of the state on a single node in the attractor state at a given time step. We show that the rate between unfrozen and relevant nodes in the dynamics of a complex network with scale-free topology is larger than that in Kauffman's random Boolean network model. Furthermore, we find that in a complex scale-free network with fluctuation of the in-degree number, attractors are more sensitive to a state flip for a highly connected node (i.e. input-hub node) than to that for a less connected node. By some numerical examples, we show that the number of relevant nodes increases, when an input-hub node is coincident with and/or connected with an output-hub node (i.e. a node with large output-degree) one another.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Intervention in a gene regulatory network is used to help it avoid undesirable states, such as those associated with a disease. Several types of intervention have been studied in the framework of a probabilistic Boolean network (PBN), which is essentially a finite collection of Boolean networks in which at any discrete time point the gene state vector transitions according to the rules of one of the constituent networks. For an instantaneously random PBN, the governing Boolean network is randomly chosen at each time point. For a context-sensitive PBN, the governing Boolean network remains fixed for an interval of time until a binary random variable determines a switch. The theory of automatic control has been previously applied to find optimal strategies for manipulating external (control) variables that affect the transition probabilities of an instantaneously random PBN to desirably affect its dynamic evolution over a finite time horizon. This paper extends the methods of external control to context-sensitive PBNs. RESULTS: This paper treats intervention via external control variables in context-sensitive PBNs by extending the results for instantaneously random PBNs in several directions. First, and most importantly, whereas an instantaneously random PBN yields a Markov chain whose state space is composed of gene vectors, each state of the Markov chain corresponding to a context-sensitive PBN is composed of a pair, the current gene vector occupied by the network and the current constituent Boolean network. Second, the analysis is applied to PBNs with perturbation, meaning that random gene perturbation is permitted at each instant with some probability. Third, the (mathematical) influence of genes within the network is used to choose the particular gene with which to intervene. Lastly, PBNs are designed from data using a recently proposed inference procedure that takes steady-state considerations into account. The results are applied to a context-sensitive PBN derived from gene-expression data collected in a study of metastatic melanoma, the intent being to devise a control strategy that reduces the WNT5A gene's action in affecting biological regulation, since the available data suggest that disruption of this influence could reduce the chance of a melanoma metastasizing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Various computational models have been of interest due to their use in the modelling of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). As a logical model, probabilistic Boolean networks (PBNs) consider molecular and genetic noise, so the study of PBNs provides significant insights into the understanding of the dynamics of GRNs. This will ultimately lead to advances in developing therapeutic methods that intervene in the process of disease development and progression. The applications of PBNs, however, are hindered by the complexities involved in the computation of the state transition matrix and the steady-state distribution of a PBN. For a PBN with n genes and N Boolean networks, the complexity to compute the state transition matrix is O(nN22n) or O(nN2n) for a sparse matrix. RESULTS: This paper presents a novel implementation of PBNs based on the notions of stochastic logic and stochastic computation. This stochastic implementation of a PBN is referred to as a stochastic Boolean network (SBN). An SBN provides an accurate and efficient simulation of a PBN without and with random gene perturbation. The state transition matrix is computed in an SBN with a complexity of O(nL2n), where L is a factor related to the stochastic sequence length. Since the minimum sequence length required for obtaining an evaluation accuracy approximately increases in a polynomial order with the number of genes, n, and the number of Boolean networks, N, usually increases exponentially with n, L is typically smaller than N, especially in a network with a large number of genes. Hence, the computational complexity of an SBN is primarily limited by the number of genes, but not directly by the total possible number of Boolean networks. Furthermore, a time-frame expanded SBN enables an efficient analysis of the steady-state distribution of a PBN. These findings are supported by the simulation results of a simplified p53 network, several randomly generated networks and a network inferred from a T cell immune response dataset. An SBN can also implement the function of an asynchronous PBN and is potentially useful in a hybrid approach in combination with a continuous or single-molecule level stochastic model. CONCLUSIONS: Stochastic Boolean networks (SBNs) are proposed as an efficient approach to modelling gene regulatory networks (GRNs). The SBN approach is able to recover biologically-proven regulatory behaviours, such as the oscillatory dynamics of the p53-Mdm2 network and the dynamic attractors in a T cell immune response network. The proposed approach can further predict the network dynamics when the genes are under perturbation, thus providing biologically meaningful insights for a better understanding of the dynamics of GRNs. The algorithms and methods described in this paper have been implemented in Matlab packages, which are attached as Additional files.  相似文献   

Deterministic Boolean networks have been used as models of gene regulation and other biological networks. One key element in these models is the update schedule, which indicates the order in which states are to be updated. We study the robustness of the dynamical behavior of a Boolean network with respect to different update schedules (synchronous, block-sequential, sequential), which can provide modelers with a better understanding of the consequences of changes in this aspect of the model. For a given Boolean network, we define equivalence classes of update schedules with the same dynamical behavior, introducing a labeled graph which helps to understand the dependence of the dynamics with respect to the update, and to identify interactions whose timing may be crucial for the presence of a particular attractor of the system. Several other results on the robustness of update schedules and of dynamical cycles with respect to update schedules are presented. Finally, we prove that our equivalence classes generalize those found in sequential dynamical systems.  相似文献   

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