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This study investigated the effect restricted sleep has on wildland firefighters’ acute cytokine levels during 3 days and 2 nights of simulated physical wildfire suppression work.


Firefighters completed multiple days of physical firefighting work separated by either an 8-h (Control condition; n = 18) or 4-h (Sleep restriction condition; n = 17) sleep opportunity each night. Blood samples were collected 4 times a day (i.e., 06:15, 11:30, 18:15, 21:30) from which plasma cytokine levels (IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-4, IL-10) were measured.


The primary findings for cytokine levels revealed a fixed effect for condition that showed higher IL-8 levels among firefighters who received an 8-h sleep each night. An interaction effect demonstrated differing increases in IL-6 over successive days of work for the SR and CON conditions. Fixed effects for time indicated that IL-6 and IL-4 levels increased, while IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-8 levels decreased. There were no significant effects for IL-10 observed.


Findings demonstrate increased IL-8 levels among firefighters who received an 8-h sleep when compared to those who had a restricted 4-h sleep. Firefighters’ IL-6 levels increased in both conditions which may indicate that a 4-h sleep restriction duration and/or period (i.e., 2 nights) was not a significant enough stressor to affect this cytokine. Considering the immunomodulatory properties of IL-6 and IL-4 that inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines, the rise in IL-6 and IL-4, independent of increases in IL-1β and TNF-α, could indicate a non-damaging response to the stress of simulated physical firefighting work. However, given the link between chronically elevated cytokine levels and several diseases, further research is needed to determine if firefighters’ IL-8 and IL-6 levels are elevated following repeated firefighting deployments across a fire season and over multiple fire seasons.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown increased sleepiness and mood changes in shiftworkers, which may be due to sleep deprivation or circadian disruption. Few studies, however, have compared responses of experienced shiftworkers and non-shiftworkers to sleep deprivation in an identical laboratory setting. The aim of this laboratory study, therefore, was to compare long-term shiftworkers and non-shiftworkers and to investigate the effects of one night of total sleep deprivation (30.5?h of continuous wakefulness) and recovery sleep on psychomotor vigilance, self-rated alertness, and mood. Eleven experienced male shiftworkers (shiftwork ≥5 yrs) were matched with 14 non-shiftworkers for age (mean?±?SD: 35.7?±?7.2 and 32.5?±?6.2 yrs, respectively) and body mass index (BMI) (28.7?±?3.8 and 26.6?±?3.4?kg/m2, respectively). After keeping a 7-d self-selected sleep/wake cycle (7.5/8?h nocturnal sleep), both groups entered a laboratory session consisting of a night of adaptation sleep and a baseline sleep (each 7.5/8?h), a sleep deprivation night, and recovery sleep (4-h nap plus 7.5/8?h nighttime sleep). Subjective alertness and mood were assessed with the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) and 9-digit rating scales, and vigilance was measured by the visual psychomotor vigilance test (PVT). A mixed-model regression analysis was carried out on data collected every hour during the sleep deprivation night and on all days (except for the adaptation day), at .25, 4.25, 5.25, 11.5, 12.5, and 13.5?h after habitual wake-up time. Despite similar circadian phase (melatonin onset), demographics, food intake, body posture, and environmental light, shiftworkers felt significantly more alert, more cheerful, more elated, and calmer than non-shiftworkers throughout the laboratory study. In addition, shiftworkers showed a faster median reaction time (RT) compared to non-shiftworkers, although four other PVT parameters did not differ between the groups. As expected, both groups showed a decrease in subjective alertness and PVT performance during and following the sleep deprivation night. Subjective sleepiness and most aspects of PVT performance returned to baseline levels after a nap and recovery sleep. The mechanisms underlying the observed differences between shiftworkers and non-shiftworkers require further study, but may be related to the absence of shiftwork the week prior to and during the laboratory study as well as selection into and out of shiftwork. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

EPEL, ELISSA A., ANNE E. MOYER, CHLOE D. MARTIN, SUSAN MACARY, NANCY CUMMINGS, JUDITH RODIN, AND MARIELLE REBUFFE-SCRIVE. Stress-induced Cortisol, mood, and fat distribution in men. Obes Res. 1999;7:9–15. Objective : A previous study in our laboratory (Moyer et al., Obes Res. 1994;2:255-62 found that, in response to uncontrollable laboratory stress, women with a high waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) had higher Cortisol reactivity, poorer coping skills, and lower anger responses than women with low WHR. We aimed to compare high WHR men's stress responses to these women. Research Methods and Procedures : The current study examined Cortisol reactivity and psychological data of 27 healthy high WHR men exposed to the same laboratory challenges as the women from our previous study. Men's data are discussed in relation to that of the high and low WHR women. Results : Men responded to the stress with increases in both Cortisol and blood pressure. In comparison with the high and low WHR women, men had significantly higher total cortisof on the stress day. However, when comparing a sub-sample of men and women matched in WHR's, differences in Cortisol secretion were greatly diminished and no longer significant. In addition, men had higher desire for control than both high and low WHR women, and lower mood reactivity than low WHR women. Despite the lower mood reactivity of high WHR groups, the high mood reactors among the high WHR women, and to a lesser extent, men, tended to have higher Cortisol reactivity. Discussion: These results suggest that the psychological differences and greater exposure to Cortisol observed amon; the high WHR men and women may have played a role ii contributing to their greater abdominal fat depots. Discussion : These results suggest that the psychological differences and greater exposure to cortisol observed among the high WHR men and women may have played a role contributing to their greater abdominal fat depots.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate how circadian adaptation to night shift work affects psychomotor performance, sleep, subjective alertness and mood, melatonin levels, and heart rate variability (HRV). Fifteen healthy police officers on patrol working rotating shifts participated to a bright light intervention study with 2 participants studied under two conditions. The participants entered the laboratory for 48 h before and after a series of 7 consecutive night shifts in the field. The nighttime and daytime sleep periods were scheduled during the first and second laboratory visit, respectively. The subjects were considered “adapted” to night shifts if their peak salivary melatonin occurred during their daytime sleep period during the second visit. The sleep duration and quality were comparable between laboratory visits in the adapted group, whereas they were reduced during visit 2 in the non-adapted group. Reaction speed was higher at the end of the waking period during the second laboratory visit in the adapted compared to the non-adapted group. Sleep onset latency (SOL) and subjective mood levels were significantly reduced and the LF∶HF ratio during daytime sleep was significantly increased in the non-adapted group compared to the adapted group. Circadian adaptation to night shift work led to better performance, alertness and mood levels, longer daytime sleep, and lower sympathetic dominance during daytime sleep. These results suggest that the degree of circadian adaptation to night shift work is associated to different health indices. Longitudinal studies are required to investigate long-term clinical implications of circadian misalignment to atypical work schedules.  相似文献   

Although rises in cortisol can benefit memory consolidation, as can sleep soon after encoding, there is currently a paucity of literature as to how these two factors may interact to influence consolidation. Here we present a protocol to examine the interactive influence of cortisol and sleep on memory consolidation, by combining three methods: eye tracking, salivary cortisol analysis, and behavioral memory testing across sleep and wake delays. To assess resting cortisol levels, participants gave a saliva sample before viewing negative and neutral objects within scenes. To measure overt attention, participants’ eye gaze was tracked during encoding. To manipulate whether sleep occurred during the consolidation window, participants either encoded scenes in the evening, slept overnight, and took a recognition test the next morning, or encoded scenes in the morning and remained awake during a comparably long retention interval. Additional control groups were tested after a 20 min delay in the morning or evening, to control for time-of-day effects. Together, results showed that there is a direct relation between resting cortisol at encoding and subsequent memory, only following a period of sleep. Through eye tracking, it was further determined that for negative stimuli, this beneficial effect of cortisol on subsequent memory may be due to cortisol strengthening the relation between where participants look during encoding and what they are later able to remember. Overall, results obtained by a combination of these methods uncovered an interactive effect of sleep and cortisol on memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Eleven healthy males were studied twice. On one occasion (control, C), they slept (night 1) and then underwent a battery of tests at 4h intervals from 06: 00 day 1 to 02: 00 day 2; then, after a normal sleep (night 2), they were tested from 10: 00 to 22: 00 on day 2. On the second occasion (sleep deprivation, SD), the subjects remained awake during night 1. Each battery of tests consisted of measurements of tympanic membrane temperature, profile of mood states (POMS), muscle strength, self-chosen work rate (SCWR), perceived exertion, and heart rate (HR) while exercising on a stationary cycle ergometer. Subjects also kept a diary of their activities during the two days and answered a questionnaire about their habitual physical activity. Results showed a significant negative effect of sleep deprivation on most mood states on day 1, but no effect on the other variables. By day 2, mood had tended to recover, though muscle strength tended to be worse in both control and sleep-deprivation experiments. There was also a more general tendency for negative effects to be present at the end of day 1 (02: 00) or at the beginning of day 2 (10: 00). There was limited support for the view that subjects who were habitually more active showed less negative effects after sleep deprivation and responded less adversely to the poor sleep achieved on the university premises (night 2). These results stress the considerable interindividual variation in the responses to sleep loss and, therefore, the difficulty associated with giving general advice to individuals about work or training capability after sleep loss.  相似文献   

Due to the mixed findings of previous studies, it is still difficult to provide guidance on how to best manage sleep inertia after waking from naps in operational settings. One of the few factors that can be manipulated is the duration of the nap opportunity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the magnitude and time course of sleep inertia after waking from short (20-, 40- or 60-min) naps during simulated night work and extended operations. In addition, the effect of sleep stage on awakening and duration of slow wave sleep (SWS) on sleep inertia was assessed. Two within-subject protocols were conducted in a controlled laboratory setting. Twenty-four healthy young men (Protocol 1: n?=?12, mean age?=?25.1 yrs; Protocol 2: n?=?12, mean age?=?23.2 yrs) were provided with nap opportunities of 20-, 40-, and 60-min (and a control condition of no nap) ending at 02:00?h after ~20?h of wakefulness (Protocol 1 [P1]: simulated night work) or ending at 12:00?h after ~30?h of wakefulness (Protocol 2 [P2]: simulated extended operations). A 6-min test battery, including the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) and the 4-min 2-Back Working Memory Task (WMT), was repeated every 15?min the first hour after waking. Nap sleep was recorded polysomnographically, and in all nap opportunities sleep onset latency was short and sleep efficiency high. Mixed-model analyses of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures were calculated and included the factors time (time post-nap), nap opportunity (duration of nap provided), order (order in which the four protocols were completed), and the interaction of these terms. Results showed no test x nap opportunity effect (i.e., no effect of sleep inertia) on KSS. However, WMT performance was impaired (slower reaction time, fewer correct responses, and increased omissions) on the first test post-nap, primarily after a 40- or 60-min nap. In P2 only, performance improvement was evident 45?min post-awakening for naps of 40?min or more. In ANOVAs where sleep stage on awakening was included, the test x nap opportunity interaction was significant, but differences were between wake and non-REM Stage 1/Stage 2 or wake and SWS. A further series of ANOVAs showed no effect of the duration of SWS on sleep inertia. The results of this study demonstrate that no more than 15?min is required for performance decrements due to sleep inertia to dissipate after nap opportunities of 60?min or less, but subjective sleepiness is not a reliable indicator of this effect. Under conditions where sleep is short, these findings also suggest that SWS, per se, does not contribute to more severe sleep inertia. When wakefulness is extended and napping occurs at midday (i.e., P2), nap opportunities of 40- and 60-min have the advantage over shorter duration sleep periods, as they result in performance benefits ~45?min after waking.  相似文献   

Lipid changes and plastid ultrastructursi changes were examinedin senescing and regreening soybean cotyledons. The labellingdata indicated that senescence commenced with increased activityof the cytoplasmic lipids while the chloroplast lipids experiencedless change. The latter stages of senescence were accompaniedby a decrease in the labelling of all the lipids. Labellingof the galactolipids indicated that mono-galactosyl cliglyceride(MGDG) activity more closely paralleled plastid structure thandid that of di-galactosyl chglyceride (DGDG). Relationshipsbetween chlorophyll data and lamellar arrangement were alsofoand. Decapita tion of the epicotyls at the critical time resultedm the recovery of chlorophyll, lipid activity, and normal plastidstructure. TJltrastructural observations revealed that plastidsin regreened soybean cotyledons originated from chromoplast-chloroplastconversions. No proplastids were observed in the regreeningtissues. It appears that the capability of soybean cotyledonsto regreen depends partly on the ability to synthesize the galactolipidsas well as on the integrity of the plastid envelope. Observationsshowed that the envelope played a dynamic role in the reconstructionof lamellar membranes.  相似文献   

Selected epacrids (92 species in 15 genera) were examined withrespect to fire response type, morphology, root anatomy andstarch storage. Seeders, 75% of the species investigated, possesseda single main stem and a small root system with lateral rootswhich in most cases did not spread beyond the shoot canopy.Resprouter species were generally multi-stemmed with large lignotuberousroot stocks. Certain seeder and resprouter species were intermediatein form and showed small root systems and basally branched mainstems. Amounts of starch in roots of seeders (1.9±0.5mgstarch gd.wt per root) were much less than in resprouters (14.1±3.3)whereas amounts in shoots were similar (1.9±0.5 and 1.6±0.6mgstarch gd.wt per shoot, respectively). Starch storage in rootswas mostly confined to rays of xylem parenchyma and inter-rayxylem parenchyma and the greater storage capacity of resprouterswas generally due to broader rays. Growth zones in root xylemranged from clear, verifiable annual rings, as in many seederspecies, to indistinct growth zones, typical of many resprouterspecies. Shoot:root dry weight ratios were higher in seedersthan resprouters. The study suggests that speciation withinthe Epacridaceae into seeder and resprouter forms involved divergentdifferentiation in terms of morphology, shoot:root dry weightratio root storage of starch. Seeder; starch storage; growth rings; growth zones; south-west Australia; resprouter; Epacridaceae  相似文献   

模拟酸雨-土壤酸化-杉木、木荷根系生长关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、引言酸雨是当今世界重大的环境问题之一,它对生态环境的影响已引起各国政府及人们的极大关注。酸性降水对林木生长的影响目前有两种观点,即“由顶而下论”和“由底而上论”。持前一观点者认为,酸性降水淋洗树木叶子中的镁,伤害了树木的光合作用器官,影响树木的生长,导致森林的衰败。以西德学者  相似文献   

SJÖSTRÖM, C DAVID, LAUREN LISSNER, LARS SJÖSTROM. Relationships between changes in body composition and changes in cardiovascular risk factors: The SOS Intervention Study. Relationships between 2-year changes in body composition (estimated from computed tomography-validated anthropometry based on sagittal trunk diameter, weight, and height), adipose tissue (AT) distribution, and cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, lipids, glucose, insulin, uric acid) were examined in 842 treated adults with severe obesity with weight changes from ?95. 5 to +30. 6 kg. Although the change (Δ) of visceral AT mass (expressed in % total AT) for a given change in body mass index (ΔBMI) was 6-fold larger in men than in women, Δwaist and Δwaist/hip were similar in both sexes. In men, risk factor changes were similarly related to Awaist, Abodyweight, and ΔBMI, whereas in women, Δbodyweight seemed to be the single independent variable with the highest explanatory power. In multivariate regressions adjusted for ΔBMI and baseline conditions, Δvisceral AT mass was more strongly associated with risk factor changes than were Δwaist and ?waist/hip. When using a three-compartment model (lean body mass, subcutaneous and visceral AT masses) plus neck and thigh girths (indicators of subcutaneous AT distribution), risk factor changes were related both to ?subcutaneous and ?visceral AT masses but not to Δlean body mass. In agreement with cross-sectional findings, Δneck was positively and Δthigh was negatively related to some risk factor changes. Thus, the use of waist as a single risk factor indicator seems less effective for epidemiological studies than the simple anthropometric measures presented here, which are able to separate the effects of visceral AT mass, subcutaneous AT mass, and subcutaneous AT distribution on metabolic parameters under both cross-sectional and longitudinal conditions.  相似文献   



Fetal stress is relevant to newborn outcomes. Corticosterone is rarely quantified in human clinical endocrinology and is found at much lower concentrations than cortisol. However, fetal corticosterone is a candidate hormone as a fetal stress signal.


Test the hypothesis that preferential fetal corticosterone synthesis occurs in response to fetal intra-partum stress.


Cross-sectional comparison of paired serum corticosteroid concentrations in umbilical artery and vein from 300 women providing consent at admission to a General Hospital Labor and Delivery unit. Pre-term and multiple births were excluded, leaving 265 healthy deliveries.

Main Outcome Measures

Corticosterone and cortisol concentrations determined by LC-MS/MS for umbilical cord venous (V) and arterial (A) samples and used to calculate fetal synthesis (A−V) and proportional fetal synthesis ([A−V]/V). Chart-derived criteria stratified samples by type of delivery, maternal regional analgesia, augmentation of contractions, and clinical rationale for emergent Caesarian delivery.


Cortisol concentrations were higher than corticosterone concentrations; however, the fetus preferentially secretes corticosterone (148% vs 49% proportional increase for cortisol) and differentially secretes corticosterone as fetal stress increases. Fetal corticosterone synthesis is elevated after passage through the birth canal relative to Caesarian deliveries. For vaginal deliveries, augmentation of contractions does not affect corticosteroid concentrations whereas maternal regional analgesia decreases venous (maternal) concentrations and increases fetal synthesis. Fetal corticosterone synthesis is also elevated after C-section indicated by cephalopelvic disproportion after labor, whereas cortisol is not.


The full-term fetus preferentially secretes corticosterone in response to fetal stress during delivery. Fetal corticosterone could serve as a biomarker of fetal stress.  相似文献   



Olprinone hydrochloride is a newly developed compound that selectively inhibits PDE type III and is characterized by several properties, including positive inotropic effects, peripheral vasodilatory effects, and a bronchodilator effect. In clinical settings, olprinone is commonly used to treat congestive cardiac failure, due to its inotropic and vasodilating effects. The mechanism of these cardiac effects is attributed to increased cellular concentrations of cAMP. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the pharmacological action of olprinone on the secondary damage in experimental spinal cord injury (SCI) in mice.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Traumatic SCI is characterized by an immediate, irreversible loss of tissue at the lesion site, as well as a secondary expansion of tissue damage over time. Although secondary injury should be preventable, no effective treatment options currently exist for patients with SCI. Spinal cord trauma was induced in mice by the application of vascular clips (force of 24 g) to the dura via a four-level T5–T8 laminectomy. SCI in mice resulted in severe trauma characterized by edema, neutrophil infiltration, and production of inflammatory mediators, tissue damage, apoptosis, and locomotor disturbance. Olprinone treatment (0.2 mg/kg, i.p.) 1 and 6 h after the SCI significantly reduced: (1) the degree of spinal cord inflammation and tissue injury (histological score), (2) neutrophil infiltration (myeloperoxidase activity), (3) nitrotyrosine formation, (4) pro-inflammatory cytokines, (5) NF-κB expression, (6) p-ERK1/2 and p38 expression and (7) apoptosis (TUNEL staining, FAS ligand, Bax and Bcl-2 expression). Moreover, olprinone significantly ameliorated the recovery of hind-limb function (evaluated by motor recovery score).


Taken together, our results clearly demonstrate that olprinone treatment reduces the development of inflammation and tissue injury associated with spinal cord trauma.  相似文献   



Dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis has frequently been reported in multiple sclerosis (MS). So far, HPA axis function in MS has predominantly been studied under pharmacological stimulation which is associated with a series of methodological caveats. Knowledge of circadian cortisol patterns and cortisol awakening response (CAR) is still limited.


A total of 77 MS patients (55 relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS)/22 secondary-progressive MS (SPMS)) as well as 34 healthy control (HC) subjects were enrolled. Diurnal cortisol release was assessed by repeated salivary cortisol sampling. Neurological disability was rated by the Kurtzke’s Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Depressive symptoms and perceived stress were assessed by self-report measures.


RRMS but not SPMS patients differed in circadian cortisol release from HC subjects. Differences in cortisol release were restricted to CAR. Treated and treatment naïve RRMS patients did not differ in CAR. In a RRMS follow-up cohort (nine months follow-up), RRMS patients with EDSS progression (≥0.5) expressed a significantly greater CAR compared to HC subjects. RRMS patients with a stable EDSS did not differ from HC subjects. Neither depressive symptoms nor perceived stress ratings were associated with CAR in RRMS patients. In a step-wise regression analysis, EDSS at baseline and CAR were predictive of EDSS at follow-up (R2 = 67%) for RRMS patients.


Circadian cortisol release, in particular CAR, shows a course specific pattern with most pronounced release in RRMS. There is also some evidence for greater CAR in RRMS patients with EDSS progression. As a consequence, CAR might be of predictive value in terms of neurological disability in RRMS patients. The possible role of neuroendocrine-immune interactions in MS pathogenesis is further discussed.  相似文献   



Weight loss is recognised as a marker of poor prognosis in patients with cancer but the aetiology of cancer cachexia remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationships between CT measured parameters of body composition and the systemic inflammatory response in patients with primary operable colorectal cancer.

Patient and Methods

174 patients with primary operable colorectal cancer who underwent resection with curative intent (2003–2010). Image analysis of CT scans was used to measure total fat index (cm2/m2), subcutaneous fat index (cm2/m2), visceral fat index (cm2/m2) and skeletal muscle index (cm2/m2). Systemic inflammatory response was measured by serum white cell count (WCC), neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and the Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS).


There were no relationships between any parameter of body composition and serum WCC or NLR. There was a significant relationship between low skeletal muscle index and an elevated systemic inflammatory response, as measured by the mGPS (p = 0.001). This was confirmed by linear relationships between skeletal muscle index and both C-reactive protein (r = −0.21, p = 0.005) and albumin (r = 0.31, p<0.001). There was no association between skeletal muscle index and tumour stage.


The present study highlights a direct relationship between low levels of skeletal muscle and the presence of a systemic inflammatory response in patients with primary operable colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Mind–body interactions are important in functional somatic syndromes (FSS). Therefore, in the assessment of the psychophysiological stress response in patients with FSS, both subjective feelings and psychophysiological activity should be simultaneously measured. In this study, Objective Tension Score (OTS) was defined as an objective parameter of tension; it consisted of surface electromyography and skin conductance level as indicators of muscle and mental tension, respectively. Subjective Tension Score (STS) was defined as a subjective parameter of tension. Changes in OTS and STS in response to the stress task were investigated in 30 FSS patients and 28 controls. Objective tension was significantly hyporeactive to the stress task and STS was significantly higher in the patient group than in the control group. There was a significant negative correlation between OTS response and STS in the patient group, but no significant correlation in the control group. Our results suggested the existence of dissociation between subjective and objective responses in FSS patients. This may indicate that FSS patients had difficulty with the awareness of bodily feelings, thus supporting the concept of alexisomia or escaped bodily feelings in FSS patients.  相似文献   

We combined in silico, in vivo, and in vitro studies to gain insights into age-dependent changes in acute inflammation in response to bacterial endotoxin (LPS). Time-course cytokine, chemokine, and NO2 −/NO3 data from “middle-aged” (6–8 months old) C57BL/6 mice were used to re-parameterize a mechanistic mathematical model of acute inflammation originally calibrated for “young” (2–3 months old) mice. These studies suggested that macrophages from middle-aged mice are more susceptible to cell death, as well as producing higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, vs. macrophages from young mice. In support of the in silico-derived hypotheses, resident peritoneal cells from endotoxemic middle-aged mice exhibited reduced viability and produced elevated levels of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10, and KC/CXCL1 as compared to cells from young mice. Our studies demonstrate the utility of a combined in silico, in vivo, and in vitro approach to the study of acute inflammation in shock states, and suggest hypotheses with regard to the changes in the cytokine milieu that accompany aging.  相似文献   

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